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A two-phase sequential dynamic change in the secondary structure of hen egg lysozyme (Lys) adsorbed on solid substrates was observed. The first phase involved fast conversion of alpha-helix to random/turns (within the first minute or at very low coverage or high substrate wettability) with no perceptible change in beta-sheet content. The second phase (1-1200 min), however, involved a relatively slow conversion from alpha-helix to beta-sheet without a noticeable change in random/turns. An important finding of this work is that the concentration of lysozyme in the adsorbed state has a substantial effect on the fractional content of secondary structures. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR/FTIR) spectroscopy, along with a newly-developed optimization algorithm for predicting the content of secondary structure motifs, was used to correlate the secondary structure and the amount of adsorbed lysozyme with the surface wettability of six different flat nanoporous substrates. Although three independent variables, surface wettability, solution concentration and time for adsorption, were used to follow the fractional structural changes of lysozyme, the results were all normalized onto a single plot with the amount adsorbed as the universal independent variable. Consequently, lateral interactions among proteins likely drive the transition process. Direct intermolecular force adhesion measurements between lysozyme and different functionalized self-assembled alkanethiol monolayers confirm that hydrophobic surfaces interact strongly with proteins. The lysozyme-unfolding pathway during early adsorption appears to be similar to that predicted by published molecular modeling results.  相似文献   

(S)-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is a critical element of melatonin synthesis as the methyl donor in the last step of the pathway, the O-methylation of N-acetyl 5-hydroxytryptamine by hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase. The activity of the enzyme that synthesizes SAM, methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT), increases 2.5-fold at night in the pineal gland. In this study, we found that pineal MAT2A mRNA and the protein it encodes, MAT II, also increase at night, suggesting that the increase in MAT activity is caused by an increase in MAT II gene products. The night levels of MAT2A mRNA in the pineal gland were severalfold higher than in other neural and non-neural tissues examined, consistent with the requirement for SAM in melatonin synthesis. Related studies indicate that the nocturnal increase in MAT2A mRNA is caused by activation of a well described neural pathway that mediates photoneural-circadian regulation of the pineal gland. MAT2A mRNA and MAT II protein were increased in organ culture by treatment with norepinephrine (NE), the sympathetic neurotransmitter that stimulates the pineal gland at night. NE is known to markedly elevate pineal cAMP, and here it was found that cAMP agonists elevate MAT2A mRNA levels by increasing MAT2A mRNA synthesis and that drugs that block cAMP activation of cAMP dependent protein kinase block effects of NE. Therefore, the NE-cAMP dependent increase in pineal MAT activity seems to reflect an increase in MAT II protein, which occurs in response to cAMP-->protein kinase-dependent increased MAT2A expression. The existence of this MAT regulatory system underscores the importance that MAT plays in melatonin biogenesis. These studies also point to the possibility that SAM production in other tissues might be regulated through cAMP.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of polylysine chains with opposite chiral senses is an intriguing phenomenon, suggesting that subtle hydrational effects may be a driving force of protein aggregation. We have used FT-IR spectroscopy to characterize the alpha-helix-to-beta-sheet conformational transition that accompanies the aggregation of single and mixed enantiomers of polylysine. The preferential racemic self-assembly not only takes place at a lower temperature, but is also less prone to repulsive electrostatic interactions between lysine charged side chains, caused by decreasing pH (pD). While the process is generally irreversible, it yet appears to proceed in a stepwise manner through a sequence of thermodynamically, rather than kinetically controlled events involving gradual destabilization of alpha-helices. Interestingly, although the alpha/beta-transition is in either case (single or mixed enantiomers) an endothermic process, it may also be induced by freezing of water, which leads to markedly more complete (and irreversible) aggregation of the mixed enantiomers. Relevance of these findings has been discussed in the context of protein aggregation studies.  相似文献   

Lin SY  Wei YS  Hsieh TF  Li MJ 《Biopolymers》2004,75(5):393-402
We used Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy to investigate pressure-induced conformational changes in secondary structure of fibrinogen (FBG). Solid state FBG was compressed on a KBr pellet (1KBr method) or between two KBr pellets (2KBr method). The peak positions of the original and second-derivative ir spectra of compressed FBG samples prepared by the 1KBr method were similar to FBG sample without pressure. When FBG was prepared by the 2KBr method and pressure was increased up to 400 kg/cm(2), peaks at 1625 (intermolecular beta-sheet) and 1611 (beta-sheet aggregates structure and/or the side-chain absorption of the tyrosine residues) cm(-1) were enhanced. The peaks near 1661 (beta-sheet) and 1652 (alpha-helix) cm(-1) also exhibited a marked change with pressure. A linear correlation was found between the peak intensity ratio of 1611/1652 cm(-1) (r = 0.9879) or 1625/1652 cm(-1) (r = 0.9752) and applied pressure. The curve-fitted compositional changes in secondary structure of FBG also indicate that the composition of the alpha-helix structure (1657-1659 cm(-1)) was gradually reduced with the increase in compression pressure, but the composition of the beta-sheet structure (1681, 1629, and 1609 cm(-1)) gradually increased. This indicates that pressure-induced conformational changes in FBG include not only transformations from alpha-helix to beta-sheet structure, but also unfolding and denaturation of FBG and the formation of aggregates.  相似文献   

Human alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein (AGP), which is comprised of 183 amino acid residues and 5 carbohydrate chains, is a major plasma protein that binds to basic and neutral drugs as well as to steroid hormones. It has a beta-sheet-rich structure in aqueous solution. Our previous findings suggest that AGP forms an alpha-helix structure through an interaction with biomembranes. We report herein on a study of the mechanism of alpha-helix formation in AGP using various modified AGPs. The disulfide reduced AGP (R-AGP) was extensively unfolded, whereas asialylated AGP (A-AGP) maintained the native structure. Intriguingly, reduced and asialylated AGP (RA-AGP) increased the alpha-helix content as observed in the presence of biomembrane models, and showed a significant decrease in ligand binding capacity. This suggests that AGP has an innate tendency to form an alpha-helix structure, and disulfide bonds are a key factor in the conformational transition between the beta-sheet and alpha-helix structures. However, RA-AGP with all histidine residues chemically modified (HRA-AGP) was found to lose the intrinsic ability to form an alpha-helix structure. Furthermore, disulfide reduction of the H172A mutant expressed in Pichia pastoris also caused a similar loss of folding ability. The present results indicate that disulfide bonds and the C-terminal region, including H172 of AGP, play important roles in alpha-helix formation in the interaction of the protein with biomembranes.  相似文献   

The relative stability of alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure in the solid state was investigated using poly(L-alanine) (PLA) as a model system. Protein folding and stability has been well studied in solution, but little is known about solid-state environments, such as the core of a folded protein, where peptide packing interactions are the dominant factor in determining structural stability. (13)C cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the backbone conformation of solid powder samples of 15-kDa and 21.4-kDa PLA before and after various sample treatments. Reprecipitation from helix-inducing solvents traps the alpha-helical conformation of PLA, although the method of reprecipitation also affects the conformational distribution. Grinding converts the secondary structure of PLA to a final steady-state mixture of 55% beta-sheet and 45% alpha-helix at room temperature regardless of the initial secondary structure. Grinding PLA at liquid nitrogen temperatures leads to a similar steady-state mixture with 60% beta-sheet and 40% alpha-helix, indicating that mechanical shear force is sufficient to induce secondary structure interconversion. Cooling the sample in liquid nitrogen or subjecting it to high pressure has no effect on secondary structure. Heating the sample without grinding results in equilibration of secondary structure to 50% alpha-helix/50% beta-sheet at 100 degrees C when starting from a mostly alpha-helical state. No change was observed upon heating a beta-sheet sample, perhaps due to kinetic effects and the different heating rate used in the experiments. These results are consistent with beta-sheet approximately 260 J/mol more stable than alpha-helix in solid-state PLA.  相似文献   

Irbäck A  Sjunnesson F 《Proteins》2004,56(1):110-116
We study the folding thermodynamics of a beta-hairpin and two three-stranded beta-sheet peptides using a simplified sequence-based all-atom model, in which folding is driven mainly by backbone hydrogen bonding and effective hydrophobic attraction. The native populations obtained for these three sequences are in good agreement with experimental data. We also show that the apparent native population depends on which observable is studied; the hydrophobicity energy and the number of native hydrogen bonds give different results. The magnitude of this dependence matches well with the results obtained in two different experiments on the beta-hairpin.  相似文献   

The homotetramer of transthyretin (TTR) dissociates into a monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate that self-assembles into amyloid fibrils at low pH. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of monomeric TTR at neutral and low pH at physiological (310 K) and very elevated temperature (498 K). In the low-pH simulations at both temperatures, one of the two beta-sheets (strands CBEF) becomes disrupted, and alpha-sheet structure forms in the other sheet (strands DAGH). alpha-sheet is formed by alternating alphaL and alphaR residues, and it was first proposed by Pauling and Corey. Overall, the simulations are in agreement with the available experimental observations, including solid-state NMR results for a TTR-peptide amyloid. In addition, they provide a unique explanation for the results of hydrogen exchange experiments of the amyloidogenic intermediate-results that are difficult to explain with beta-structure. We propose that alpha-sheet may represent a key pathological conformation during amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effect of inorganic mercury (Hg) on bacterial community and diversity in different soils. Three soils—neutral, alkaline and acidic—were spiked with six different concentrations of Hg ranging from 0 to 200 mg kg−1 and aged for 90 days. At the end of the ageing period, 18 samples from three different soils were investigated for bacterial community structure and soil physicochemical properties. Illumina MiSeq-based 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicon sequencing revealed the alteration in the bacterial community between un-spiked control soils and Hg-spiked soils. Among the bacterial groups, Actinobacteria (22.65%) were the most abundant phyla in all samples followed by Proteobacteria (21.95%), Bacteroidetes (4.15%), Firmicutes (2.9%) and Acidobacteria (2.04%). However, the largest group showing increased abundance with higher Hg doses was the unclassified group (45.86%), followed by Proteobacteria. Mercury had a considerable negative impact on key soil functional bacteria such as ammonium oxidizers and nitrifiers. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that among the measured soil properties, Hg had a major influence on bacterial community structure. Furthermore, nonlinear regression analysis confirmed that Hg significantly decreased soil bacterial alpha diversity in lower organic carbon containing neutral and alkaline soils, whereas in acidic soil with higher organic carbon there was no significant correlation. EC20 values obtained by a nonlinear regression analysis indicated that Hg significantly decreased soil bacterial diversity in concentrations lower than several guideline values.


In this work, we have analyzed the relative importance of secondary versus tertiary interactions in stabilizing and guiding protein folding. For this purpose, we have designed four different mutants to replace the alpha-helix of the GB1 domain by a sequence with strong beta-hairpin propensity in isolation. In particular, we have chosen the sequence of the second beta-hairpin of the GB1 domain, which populates the native conformation in aqueous solution to a significant extent. The resulting protein has roughly 30 % of its sequence duplicated and maintains the 3D-structure of the wild-type protein, but with lower stability (up to -5 kcal/mol). The loss of intrinsic helix stability accounts for about 80 % of the decrease in free energy, illustrating the importance of local interactions in protein stability. Interestingly enough, all the mutant proteins, included the one with the duplicated beta-hairpin sequence, fold with similar rates as the GB1 domain. Essentially, it is the nature of the rate-limiting step in the folding reaction that determines whether a particular interaction will speed up, or not, the folding rates. While local contacts are important in determining protein stability, residues involved in tertiary contacts in combination with the topology of the native fold, seem to be responsible for the specificity of protein structures. Proteins with non-native secondary structure tendencies can adopt stable folds and be as efficient in folding as those proteins with native-like propensities.  相似文献   

Distal radius (Colles') fractures are a common fall-related injury in older adults and frequently result in long-term pain and reduced ability to perform activities of daily living. Because the occurrence of a fracture during a fall depends on both the strength of the bone and upon the kinematics and kinetics of the impact itself, we sought to understand how changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and loading direction affect the fracture strength and fracture initiation location in the distal radius. A three-dimensional finite element model of the radius, scaphoid, and lunate was used to examine changes of +/-2% and +/-4% BMD, and both axial and physiologically relevant off-axis loads on the radius. Changes in BMD resulted in similar percent changes in fracture strength. However, modifying the applied load to include dorsal and lateral components (assuming a dorsal view of the wrist, rather than an anatomic view) resulted in a 47% decrease in fracture strength (axial failure load: 2752N, off-axis: 1448N). Loading direction also influenced the fracture initiation site. Axially loaded radii failed on the medial surface immediately proximal to the styloid process. In contrast, off-axis loads, containing dorsal and lateral components, caused failure on the dorsal-lateral surface. Because the radius appears to be very sensitive to loading direction, the results suggest that much of the variability in fracture strength seen in cadaver studies may be attributed to varying boundary conditions. The results further suggest that interventions focused on reducing the incidence of Colles' fractures when falls onto the upper extremities are unavoidable may benefit from increasing the extent to which the radius is loaded along its axis.  相似文献   

Sterilization of ginseng using a high pressure CO2 at moderate temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using high pressure CO2 for sterilization of Ginseng powder, as an alternative method to conventional techniques such as gamma-irradiation and ethylene oxide. The Ginseng sample used in this study was originally contaminated with fungi and 5 x 10(7) bacteria/g that was not suitable for oral use. This is the first time that high pressure CO2 has been used for the sterilization of herbal medicine to decrease the total aerobic microbial count (TAMC) and fungi. The effect of the process duration, operating pressure, temperature, and amount of additives on the sterilization efficiency of high pressure CO2 were investigated. The process duration was varied over 15 h; the pressure between 100 and 200 bar and the temperature between 25 and 75 degrees C. A 2.67-log reduction of bacteria in the Ginseng sample was achieved after long treatment time of 15 h at 60 degrees C and 100 bar, when using neat carbon dioxide. However, the addition of a small quantity of water/ethanol/H2O2 mixture, as low as 0.02 mL of each additive/g Ginseng powder, was sufficient for complete inactivation of fungi within 6 h at 60 degrees C and 100 bar. At these conditions the bacterial count was decreased from 5 x 10(7) to 2.0 x 10(3) TAMC/g complying with the TGA standard for orally ingested products. A 4.3 log reduction in bacteria was achieved at 150 bar and 30 degrees C, decreasing the TAMC in Ginseng sample to 2,000, below the allowable limit. However, fungi still remained in the sample. The complete inactivation of both bacteria and fungi was achieved within 2 h at 30 degrees C and 170 bar using 0.1 mL of each additive/g Ginseng. Microbial inactivation at this low temperature opens an avenue for the sterilization of many thermally labile pharmaceutical and food products that may involve sensitive compounds to gamma-radiation and chemically reactive antiseptic agents.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibril formation is widely accepted as a critical step in all types of amyloidosis. Amyloid fibrils derived from different amyloidogenic proteins share structural elements including beta-sheet secondary structure and similar tertiary structure. While some amyloidogenic proteins are rich in beta-sheet in their soluble form, others, like Alzheimer beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) or serum amyloid A, must undergo significant structural transition to acquire a high beta-sheet content. We postulate that Abeta and other amyloidogenic proteins undergo a transition to beta-sheet as a result of aging-related chemical modifications of aspartyl residues to the form of succinimide or isoaspartyl methyl ester. We hypothesize that spontaneous cyclization of aspartate residues in amyloidogenic proteins can serve as a nucleation event in amyloidogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we synthesized a series of designed peptides having the sequence VTVKVXAVKVTV, where X represents aspartic acid or its derivatives. Studies using circular dichroism showed that neutralization of the aspartate residue through the formation of a methyl ester or an amide, or replacement of aspartate with glutamate led to an increased beta-sheet content at neutral and basic pH. A higher content of beta-sheet structure correlated with increased propensity for fibril formation and decreased solubility at neutral pH.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the enhancement of optical absorption of solutions upon freezing is presented. The enhancement factor, the ratio of absorbance of the frozen solution under given conditions to that of the solution at room temperature, is shown to increase with the optical pathlength of the sample, lower temperatures, and decreasing optical density of the solution. The enhancement factor is only weakly dependent upon wavelength under the defined conditions. This study makes possible a clearer understanding of the factors involved in low-temperature spectroscopy. Also presented are measurements of the relative contributions of the two hemes of cytochrome oxidase to the optical spectrum at ?140°C, as an example of quantitative studies at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic and hydrophobic peptides play a key role in many biological processes. We have developed a reference system for evaluating the insertion of such peptides bearing Trp fluorescent reporter groups into membrane mimetic systems. This system involves a set of six 25-amino acid synthetic peptides that are models of transmembrane alpha-helices. They are Lys-flanked polyLeu sequences, each containing a single Trp residue at a different position (P i, with i=3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13). These peptides were inserted into micelles of a non-ionic detergent, dodecylmaltoside (DM). We analyzed this system by use of circular dichroism and steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence in combination with Trp quenching with two brominated DM analogs. We found significant variations in the Trp emission maximum according to its position in each peptide (from 327 to 313 nm). This is consistent with the radial insertion of the peptides within DM micelles. We observed characteristic patterns of fluorescence quenching of these peptides in mixed micelles of DM, with either 7,8-dibromododecylmaltoside (BrDM) or 10,11-dibromoundecanoylmaltoside (BrUM), that reflect differences in the accessibility of the Trp residue to the bromine atoms located on the detergent acyl chain. In the isotropic reference solvent, methanol, the alpha-helix content was high and identical (approximately 76%) for all peptides. In DM micelles, the alpha-helix content for P9 to P13 was similar to that in methanol, but slightly lower for P3 to P7. The fluorescence intensity decays were heterogeneous and depended upon the position of the Trp. The Trp dynamics of each peptide are described by sub-nanosecond and nanosecond rotational motions that were significantly lower than those observed in methanol. These results, which precisely describe structural, dynamic and microenvironment parameters of peptide Trp in micelles according to its depth, should be useful for describing the interactions of peptides of biological interest with micelles.  相似文献   

The HIV gp41 protein mediates fusion with target host cells. The region primarily involved in directing fusion, the fusion peptide (FP), is poorly understood at the level of structure and function due to its toxic effect in expression systems. To overcome this, we used a synthetic approach to generate the N70 construct, whereby the FP is stabilized in context of the adjacent auto oligomerization domain. The amide I profile of unlabeled N70 in membranes reveals prominent alpha-helical contribution, along with significant beta-structure. By truncating the N terminus (FP region) of N70, beta-structure is eliminated, suggesting that the FP adopts a beta-structure in membranes. To assess this directly, (13)C Fourier-transformed infra-red analysis was carried out to map secondary structure of the 16 N-terminal hydrophobic residues of the fusion peptide (FP16). The (13)C isotope shifted absorbance of the FP was filtered from the global secondary structure of the 70 residue construct (N70). On the basis of the peak shift induced by the (13)C-labeled residues of FP16, we directly assign beta-sheet structure in ordered membranes. A differential labeling scheme in FP16 allows us to distinguish the type of beta-sheet structure as parallel. Dilution of each FP16-labeled N70 peptide, by mixing with unlabeled N70, shows directly that the FP16 beta-strand region self-assembles. We discuss our structural findings in the context of the prevailing gp41 fusion paradigm. Specifically, we address the role of the FP region in organizing supramolecular gp41 assembly, and we also discuss the mechanism by which exogenous, free FP constructs inhibit gp41-induced fusion.  相似文献   

The pressure-induced structural changes of a de novo designed four-helix bundle protein, (alpha-l-alpha)(2), in aqueous solution have been investigated by FTIR spectroscopy. Changes in the amide I' band intensity show that pressure induces disruption of tertiary interactions and stabilizes the solvated alpha-helical form. This may suggest that the exposure of the hydrophobic core to the solvent by pressure is not a sufficient condition for pressure-induced unfolding of the alpha-helices of proteins.  相似文献   

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