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Precursors of two secreted periplasmic proteins in Escherichia coli, arabinose-binding protein and maltose-binding protein, were synthesized in vitro on membrane-bound polysomes. Addition of Triton X-100 to the system resulted in processing of the precursors to mature forms.  相似文献   

the mutation that causes ribonuclease III (RNase III) deficiency in strain AB301-105 of Kindler et al. (1973) has been mapped by use of F' merodiploids, Hfr matings, and P1 transduction. This mutation, rnc-105, lies close to nadB, near 49 min on the genetic map of Escherichia coli. The rnc-105 mutation has been transferred from its original genetic background by transduction and conjugation, and these new strains have the same defects in ribonucleic acid processing reported previously for AB301-105. Strains that carry rnc-105 grow more slowly than parental rnc+ strains, but the difference in growth rate seems to depend on the genetic background of each strain. Bacteriophage T7 grows about equally well in RNase III+ and III- female strains of E. coli, even though the specific cuts that RNase III makes in T7 ribonucleic acid are not made in the RNase III- strains. A low-phosphate defined medium in which most E. coli strains seem to grow well was developed. This medium is equally useful for labeling ribonucleic acids with 32PO4 and as a selective medium for genetic manipulations. It was used to determine the growth requirements of strain AB301-105, which are biotin and succinate in addition to the methionine and histidine requirements of the parental strain. The biotin mutation lies near the position expected from known mutations of E. coli, but the succinate mutation apparently does not. The possibility that the succinate requirement could be due to the RNase III deficiency is discussed. A uraP mutation was isolated for use in transferring rnc-105 between strains by conjugation. It lies near 47 min, somewhat removed from the commonly accepted position for uraP.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌周质蛋白提取工艺的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种简捷高效的大肠杆菌周质蛋白提取工艺,即用含一定浓度溶菌酶的细胞裂解缓冲液一步提取周质蛋白,与传统的高渗和低渗两步提取法相比,不仅操作简单快捷,并且显著的提高了大肠杆菌周质蛋白的提取率.  相似文献   

We have isolated three mutants of Escherichia coli which have elevated levels of the phospholipid synthetic enzyme phosphatidylserine synthase. One of these strains carries a mutation, designated pssR1, which maps near minute 84 of the chromosome, distinct from the synthase structural gene (pss) at minute 56. The pssR1 mutation causes selective overproduction of phosphatidylserine synthase, since the levels of six other lipid synthetic enzymes are unaltered. The specific activity of the synthase in crude cell extracts of mutants harboring pssR1 is about five times greater than wild type. The synthase can also be overproduced 10-fold in wild type strains with hybrid ColE1 plasmids carrying the synthase structural gene (pss). A pssR1 mutant harboring such a pss plasmid overproduces the synthase about 50-fold. This multiplicative interaction of pssR1 and cloned pss demonstrates that pssR1 is trans-acting. The synthase has been purified in parallel from pssR1 and pssR+ strains. The pssR1 mutant yields more total synthase protein than pssR+, but the pure enzyme has the same specific activity in both cases. Therefore, pssR1 acts by increasing the amount of the normal protein, not by activating the enzyme. The discovery of pssR shows that there are regulatory loci which control the production of enzymes involved in membrane lipid synthesis.  相似文献   

Silver toxicity is a problem that microorganisms face in medical and environmental settings. Through exposure to silver compounds, some bacteria have adapted to growth in high concentrations of silver ions. Such adapted microbes may be dangerous as pathogens but, alternatively, could be potentially useful in nanomaterial-manufacturing applications. While naturally adapted isolates typically utilize efflux pumps to achieve metal resistance, we have engineered a silver-tolerant Escherichia coli strain by the use of a simple silver-binding peptide motif. A silver-binding peptide, AgBP2, was identified from a combinatorial display library and fused to the C terminus of the E. coli maltose-binding protein (MBP) to yield a silver-binding protein exhibiting nanomolar affinity for the metal. Growth experiments performed in the presence of silver nitrate showed that cells secreting MBP-AgBP2 into the periplasm exhibited silver tolerance in a batch culture, while those expressing a cytoplasmic version of the fusion protein or MBP alone did not. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of silver-tolerant cells revealed the presence of electron-dense silver nanoparticles. This is the first report of a specifically engineered metal-binding peptide exhibiting a strong in vivo phenotype, pointing toward a novel ability to manipulate bacterial interactions with heavy metals by the use of short and simple peptide motifs. Engineered metal-ion-tolerant microorganisms such as this E. coli strain could potentially be used in applications ranging from remediation to interrogation of biomolecule-metal interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro of the arginine-ornithine and the lysine-arginine-ornithine (LAO) periplasmic transport proteins of Escherichia coli K-12 was previously reported (Celis, R. T. F. (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 145, 403-411). The phosphorylative reaction required ATP (as a direct energy donor), Mg2+, and a kinase that can be released by osmotic shock treatment of the cells. The enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme exhibited an ATPase activity and a kinase activity. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate gave an apparent molecular weight of 43,000 for the enzyme. The native protein showed the same molecular weight, suggesting that the protein is a monomer. The protein showed an apparent isoelectric point of 4.8 on isoelectric focusing. The two enzymatic reactions required a divalent cation and the apparent Km value for Mg2+ for the kinase activity was 0.5 mM. Mn2+ and Co2+ served as well as Mg2+, whereas Zn2+ and Ca2+ did not support activity. The ATPase activity of the enzyme yielded an apparent Km value for ATP of 50 microM. A similar value, Km of 100 microM, was calculated for the kinase activity with different concentrations of ATP. The enzyme showed a pH optimum of 7.3.  相似文献   

We have described a mutant of E.coli (2S142) which shows a specific inhibition of stable RNA synthesis at 42°. The temperature sensitive lesion differs from the stringent response to amino acid starvation in that the shut off of rRNA synthesis is not associated with an inhibition of protein synthesis. The decay of ppGpp is slow at 42° with little or no pppGpp detectable. This slow decay rate is not observed in the parental strain, D10, or in 2S142 at 30°. Neither 2S142 or D10 are spoT, nor does the temperature sensitive lesion map near the spoT locus. Thus, the effect of the temperature sensitive lesion on ppGpp metabolism and rRNA synthesis seems to resemble a carbon source downshift (diauxie lag) rather than a stringent response to amino acid starvation.  相似文献   

A novel mutation which caused a structural change in a lipoprotein in the outer-membrane has been found in Escherichia coli K-12. The lipoprotein of the wild-type strain is known to have a peculiar amino terminal structure: glycerylcysteine with two fatty acids attached by ester linkages and one fatty acid by an amide linkage. In contrast to the wild-type lipoprotein, the mutant lipoproteins is isolated from the E. coli envelope as a dimer of molecular weight of about 15,000. The dimer can be reduced by mercaptoethanol to the lipoprotein monomer of molecular weight of about 7,500. The monomer has a free thiol group which is susceptible to monoiodacetie mutant lipoprotein is extremely low in comparison with that into the wild-type lipoprotein. These results suggest that the mutant is defective in transferring a glycerol group to the thiol group of the amino terminal cysteine residue of the lipoprotein. The gene responsible for this modification reaction has been located at 36.5 min on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli grows over a wide range of pHs (pH 4.4 to 9.2), and its own metabolism shifts the external pH toward either extreme, depending on available nutrients and electron acceptors. Responses to pH values across the growth range were examined through two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-D gels) of the proteome and through lac gene fusions. Strain W3110 was grown to early log phase in complex broth buffered at pH 4.9, 6.0, 8.0, or 9.1. 2-D gel analysis revealed the pH dependence of 19 proteins not previously known to be pH dependent. At low pH, several acetate-induced proteins were elevated (LuxS, Tpx, and YfiD), whereas acetate-repressed proteins were lowered (Pta, TnaA, DksA, AroK, and MalE). These responses could be mediated by the reuptake of acetate driven by changes in pH. The amplified proton gradient could also be responsible for the acid induction of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) enzymes SucB and SucC. In addition to the autoinducer LuxS, low pH induced another potential autoinducer component, the LuxH homolog RibB. pH modulated the expression of several periplasmic and outer membrane proteins: acid induced YcdO and YdiY; base induced OmpA, MalE, and YceI; and either acid or base induced OmpX relative to pH 7. Two pH-dependent periplasmic proteins were redox modulators: Tpx (acid-induced) and DsbA (base-induced). The locus alx, induced in extreme base, was identified as ygjT, whose product is a putative membrane-bound redox modulator. The cytoplasmic superoxide stress protein SodB was induced by acid, possibly in response to increased iron solubility. High pH induced amino acid metabolic enzymes (TnaA and CysK) as well as lac fusions to the genes encoding AstD and GabT. These enzymes participate in arginine and glutamate catabolic pathways that channel carbon into acids instead of producing alkaline amines. Overall, these data are consistent with a model in which E. coli modulates multiple transporters and pathways of amino acid consumption so as to minimize the shift of its external pH toward either acidic or alkaline extreme.  相似文献   

K Shiba  K Ito    T Yura 《Journal of bacteriology》1984,160(2):696-701
A cold-sensitive mutant was isolated among temperature-resistant revertants of the secY24 mutant defective in secretion of envelope proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane at 42 degrees C. A single mutation, designated ssyA3, is responsible both for the extragenic suppression of secY and for the cold-sensitive growth. In contrast to the parental secY24 mutant, the suppressed cells do not accumulate precursors of envelope proteins at any temperatures. The cells containing the ssyA3 mutation, whether in combination with secY24 or not, show an optimal growth at 42 degrees C and a very poor growth at 30 degrees C. At the low temperature, protein synthesis is generally slowed down, probably at the step of chain elongation. The gene ssyA was mapped at a new locus between hisS and glyA on the chromosome. It is possible that the product of this gene interacts both with the protein secretion system and the protein synthesizing system.  相似文献   

The interactions between the plasmid-borne copper resistance determinant, pco, and the main copper export system in Escherichia coli have been investigated and no direct interaction has been found. The PcoE and PcoC proteins are periplasmic and PcoC binds one Cu ion per protein molecule. PcoA is also periplasmic and can substitute for the chromosomally encoded CueO protein. The pco determinant is proposed to exert its effect through periplasmic handling of excess copper ions and to increase the level of resistance to copper ions above that conferred by copA alone.  相似文献   

Five fusion proteins between Z domains derived from Staphylococcal Protein A and Green Fluorescent Protein or Human Proinsulin were produced on the periplasm of Escherichia coli. The effects of the molecular weight and amino acid composition of the translocated peptide, culture medium composition, and growth phase of the bacterial culture were analyzed regarding the expression and periplasmic secretion of the recombinant proteins. It was found that secretion was not affected by the size of the translocated peptide (17-42 kDa) and that the highest periplasmic production values were obtained on the exponential phase of growth. Moreover, the highest periplasmic values were obtained in minimal medium, showing the relevance of the culture medium composition on secretion. In silico prediction analysis suggested that with respect to the five proteins used in this study, those that are prone to form alpha-helix structures are more translocated to the periplasm.  相似文献   

Recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli usually leads to accumulation of the product inside the cells. To capture the product, cells are harvested, resuspended, and lysed. However, in cases where the product is transported to the periplasm, selective disruption of the outer membrane leads to much purer crude extracts compared to complete cell lysis, as only 4–8% of the native E. coli host cell proteins are located in the periplasmic space. A variety of different strategies to enable selective release of the product from the periplasm is available. However, in most of these studies cells are harvested before they are resuspended in permeabilization agent and no differentiation between leakiness and lysis is made. Here, we tested and compared different strategies to trigger leakiness. In contrast to other studies, we performed these experiments during cultivation and quantified both leakiness and lysis. In summary, we recommend incubation with 350 mM TRIS at constant pH for several hours followed by a mild heat treatment up to 38°C to trigger leakiness with only minimal lysis. This study represents a comparative summary of different strategies to trigger E. coli leakiness and describes a solid basis for further experiments in this field.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli that host a plasmid that codes for the heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin showed 160 times more extracellular enterotoxin than intracellular activity. However, when washed bacteria were sonicated and incubated at between 50 and 85 degrees C, an activity similar to that of the ST enterotoxin was detected. No such effect was present in strains lacking the plasmid, in a plasmid ST- mutant, or in chromosomal mutants that lack a cyclic AMP-linked positive regulatory system which previously were shown to yield an ST- phenotype. The thermoactivation was inhibited by iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide; chloramphenicol did not affect the phenomenon. The heat-activated ST-like enterotoxin was localized in the periplasmic space. The results are discussed in relation to the export of the toxin from the periplasm to the outside of the cell.  相似文献   

The ATP-ADP exchange activity previously described in a membrane farction of Escherichia coli appeared after a cold osmotic shock according to Neu and Heppel ((1965) J. Biol. Chem. 240, 3685--3692) in the shock fluid. Membranes derived from shocked cells had no activity. The enzyme responsible for this activity has been purified 125-fold and catalyzed the transfer of a phosphoryl radical from ribonucleosidetriphosphates (NTPs) to ribonucleosidediphosphates (NDPs); this is, therefore, a non-specific nucleosidediphosphate kinase (ATP:nucleosidediphosphate phosphotransferase, EC The activity required the presence of a divalent cation, Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+ at a unity mol/mol ratio of nucleotide for maximal activation. The enzyme exhibited simple saturation kinetics with respect to the phosphate donor but inhibition by excess substrate was observed upon increasing phosphate acceptor. The kinetics of the reaction indicated an ordered bi-molecular ping-pong reaction mechanism. Differential heat sensitivity of the enzyme whether it is heated alone with ATP, ADP or Mg2+ opens possibilities to study different enzyme-substrate complexes.  相似文献   

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