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Glutamate acting on NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is known to influence cerebellar granule cell migration. Subunit composition of NMDARs in granule cells changes characteristically during development: NR2B subunit containing receptors are abundant during migration towards the internal granule cell layer but are gradually replaced by NR2A and/or NR2C subunits once the final position is reached. Cerebellar granule cell migration was investigated using mutant mouse lines either with a deletion of the NR2C gene (NR2C−/− mice) or expressing NR2B instead of the NR2C subunit (NR2C-2B mice). BrdU-labeling revealed that over-expression of NR2B increased granule cell translocation in vivo , while the lack of NR2C subunit did not have any detectable effects on cell migration. Cellular composition of wild-type and mutant dissociated cerebellar granule cell cultures isolated from 10-day-old cerebella were similar, but NR2C-2B cultures had elevated level of NR2B subunits and intracellular Ca2+ imaging revealed higher sensitivity towards the addition of NR2B-selective antagonist in vitro . Time-lapse videomicroscopic observations revealed that average migratory velocity and the proportion of translocating cell bodies were significantly higher in NR2C-2B than in wild-type cultures. Our results provide evidence that NR2B-containing NMDARs can have specialized roles during granule cell migration and can increase migratory speed.  相似文献   

Cultured cerebellar granule cells were co-loaded with Ca2+-sensitive dye fura-2FF and rhodamine-123 sensitive to changes in the mitochondrial potential (????m). A 60-min incubation of cells in glucose-free solution containing 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DG) induced a slow developing mitochondrial depolarization (sMD) without appreciable changes in basal [Ca2+]i. This sMD was insensitive to a removal of external Ca2+ or to the NMDA channels blocker memantine but could be readily suppressed by oligomycin due to inhibition of the inward proton current through the Fo channel of mitochondrial ATP synthase. In resting cells glucose deprivation caused a progressive decrease in mitochondrial NADH content ([NADH]), which strikingly enhanced the ability of glutamate to induce a delayed Ca2+ deregulation (DCD) associated with a profound mitochondrial depolarization. In glucose-containing medium this DCD appeared in young cells (usually 6?C8 days in vitro) after a prolonged latent period (lag phase). Substitution of glucose by DG led to a dramatic shortening of this lag phase, associated with a critical decrease in [NADH] in most neurons. Addition of pyruvate or lactate to DG-containing solution prevented the sMD and [NADH] decrease in resting cells and greatly diminished the number of cells exhibiting glutamate-induced DCD in glucose-free medium. Measurement of intracellular ATP level ([ATP]) in experiments on sister cells showed that glucose deprivation decreased [ATP] in resting cells and considerably deepened the fall of [ATP] caused by glutamate. This decrease in [ATP] was only slightly attenuated by pyruvate and lactate, despite their ability to prevent the shortening of lag phase preceding the DCD appearance under these conditions. Simultaneous monitoring of cytosolic ATP concentration ([ATP]c) and ????m changes in individual CGC expressing fluorescent ATP sensor (AT1.03) revealed that inhibition of either mitochondrial respiration or glycolysis caused a relatively small decrease in [ATP]c and ????m. Complete blockade of ATP synthesis in resting CGC with oligomycin in glucose-free DG-containing buffer caused fast ATP depletion and mitochondrial repolarization, indicating that mitochondrial respiratory chain still possess a reserve fuel to support ????m despite inhibition of glycolysis. The data obtained suggest that the extraordinary enhancement of glutamate-induced deterioration in Ca2+ homeostasis caused by glucose deprivation in brain neurons is mainly determined by NADH depletion.  相似文献   

Cerebellar cortical throughput involved in motor control comprises granule cells (GCs) and Purkinje cells (PCs), both of which receive inhibitory GABAergic input from interneurons. The GABAergic input to PCs is essential for learning and consolidation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, but the role of GC excitability remains unclear. We now disrupted the Kcc2 K-Cl cotransporter specifically in either cell type to manipulate their excitability and inhibition by GABA(A)-receptor Cl(-) channels. Although Kcc2 may have a morphogenic role in synapse development, Kcc2 disruption neither changed synapse density nor spine morphology. In both GCs and PCs, disruption of Kcc2, but not Kcc3, increased [Cl(-)](i) roughly two-fold. The reduced Cl(-) gradient nearly abolished GABA-induced hyperpolarization in PCs, but in GCs it merely affected excitability by membrane depolarization. Ablation of Kcc2 from GCs impaired consolidation of long-term phase learning of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, whereas baseline performance, short-term gain-decrease learning and gain consolidation remained intact. These functions, however, were affected by disruption of Kcc2 in PCs. GC excitability plays a previously unknown, but specific role in consolidation of phase learning.  相似文献   

Around half of the neurons of a human brain are granule cells (approximately 10(11)granule neurons) [Kandel, E.R., Schwartz, J.H., Jessell, T.M., 2000. Principles of Neural Science. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, New York]. In order to study in detail the functional role of the intrinsic features of this cell we have developed a pre-compiled behavioural model based on the simplified granule-cell model of Bezzi et al. [Bezzi, M., Nieus, T., Arleo, A., D'Angelo, E., Coenen, O.J.-M.D., 2004. Information transfer at the mossy fiber-granule cell synapse of the cerebellum. 34th Annual Meeting. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA]. We can use an efficient event-driven simulation scheme based on lookup tables (EDLUT) [Ros, E., Carrillo, R.R., Ortigosa, E.M., Barbour, B., Ags, R., 2006. Event-driven simulation scheme for spiking neural networks using lookup tables to characterize neuronal dynamics. Neural Computation 18 (12), 2959-2993]. For this purpose it is necessary to compile into tables the data obtained through a massive numerical calculation of the simplified cell model. This allows network simulations requiring minimal numerical calculation. There are three major features that are considered functionally relevant in the simplified granule cell model: bursting, subthreshold oscillations and resonance. In this work we describe how the cell model is compiled into tables keeping these key properties of the neuron model.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) are important transducers of external signals in sensory processes. These channels are ubiquitously expressed in a variety of neurons, and are necessary to transduce signals for growth cone guidance and plasticity. Here, we demonstrate that the CNGC subunits (CNGA1 and CNGB1, presumably the 1b isoform) are expressed in rat cerebellar granule cells and that they combine to form functional channels. The expression of the mRNAs that encode these proteins is maximal after 7 days in cell culture, when the channels are expressed at synapses and co-localize with the synaptic marker synapsin I. These ligand-gated channels are functional and can be blocked by Mg(2+) or L-cis-diltiazem. Moreover, channel opening in response to increases in intracellular cGMP results in Ca(2+) entry into the cell. Chronic blockade (96 h) of these channels with L-cis-diltiazem significantly decreases the number of functional boutons, as determined by their capacity to load and unload the styryl dye FM1-43 when stimulated. Moreover, the unloading kinetics is modified from a biphasic to a monophasic profile in a subset of synaptic boutons. These channels are also expressed in early developmental stages, both in the soma and in emerging processes, and CNGA1 can be detected in growth cones. Pharmacological blockade of these channels with L-cis-diltiazem causes an overall change in growth cone morphology, impairing the formation of lamellipodia between filopodia and increasing the number of filopodia. J  相似文献   

Pharmacologically distinct glutamate receptors on cerebellar granule cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
J Drejer  T Honoré  E Meier  A Schousboe 《Life sciences》1986,38(23):2077-2085
Cultured cerebellar granule cells were found to exhibit calcium-dependent release of 3H-D-aspartate when stimulated with excitatory amino acids. L-glutamate and L-aspartate were found to be potent stimulators of 3H-D-aspartate release, D-aspartate was weaker and only minor effects were seen with D-glutamate, quisqualate, kainate, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and L-alpha-aminoadipate (L-alpha AA). It was also found that only L-glutamate and L-aspartate showed high affinity for the 3H-L-glutamate binding sites on granule cell membranes. Stimulation by L-glutamate of 3H-D-aspartate release could be blocked by various excitatory amino acid antagonists. From the relative potencies of agonists and antagonists on D-aspartate release it is suggested that cerebellar granule cells express functionally active glutamate receptors with pharmacological characteristics different from all known excitatory amino acid receptors.  相似文献   

BDNF stimulates migration of cerebellar granule cells   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
During development of the nervous system, neural progenitors arise in proliferative zones, then exit the cell cycle and migrate away from these zones. Here we show that migration of cerebellar granule cells out of their proliferative zone, the external granule cell layer (EGL), is impaired in Bdnf(-/-) mice. The reason for impaired migration is that BDNF directly and acutely stimulates granule cell migration. Purified Bdnf(-/-) granule cells show defects in initiation of migration along glial fibers and in Boyden chamber assays. This phenotype can be rescued by exogenous BDNF. Using time-lapse video microscopy we find that BDNF is acutely motogenic as it stimulates migration of individual granule cells immediately after addition. The stimulation of migration reflects both a chemokinetic and chemotactic effect of BDNF. Collectively, these data demonstrate that BDNF is directly motogenic for granule cells and provides a directional cue promoting migration from the EGL to the internal granule cell layer (IGL).  相似文献   

NAcht Leucine-rich-repeat Protein 1 (NALP1) contains a putative nucleotide binding site, a region of leucine-rich repeats, and death domain folds at both termini providing protein/protein association functions such as caspase recruitment. We report here that NALP1 gene expression was induced in primary cerebellar granule neurons (CGN) upon injury. Up-regulation of NALP1 was also observed in a model of transient focal ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion. We investigated the biological consequence of over-expression of NALP1 in both HeLa cells and in CGN. Expression of recombinant NALP1 stimulated cell death in both HeLa cells and CGN by an apoptotic mechanism, demonstrated by the induction of apoptotic nuclear morphology and activation of the apoptotic enzyme caspase-3. Also described here are studies on the mechanism of action studies including deletion analyses and investigations of nucleotide binding, which begin to elucidate a regulatory function for NALP1 in neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

Pycnogenol (PYC), a patented combination of bioflavonoids extracted from the bark of French maritime pine (Pinus maritima), inhibits apoptosis and necrosis of developing neurons exposed acutely to ethanol (EtOH). The present study shows that the protective mechanisms of PYC in EtOH-exposed postnatal day 9 cerebellar granule cells (P9 CGCs) include (1) reduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production; (2) counteraction of suppressed copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) and glutathione peroxidase/reductase (GSH-Px/GSSG-R) system activities; (3) upregulation of Cu/Zn SOD protein expression; (4) mitigation of the EtOH-mediated exacerbation of catalase (CAT) activity; and, (5) specific binding and inhibition of active caspase-3. These results indicate that the mechanisms by which PYC antagonizes EtOH-induced oxidative stress include oxidant scavenging and modulation of endogenous, cellular proteins. Using findings from the present and previous studies, a model delineating the mechanisms of EtOH effects on the system of antioxidant enzymes in developing CGCs is presented.  相似文献   

The level of electrotonic coupling in the inferior olive is extremely high, but its functional role in cerebellar motor control remains elusive. Here, we subjected mice that lack olivary coupling to paradigms that require learning-dependent timing. Cx36-deficient mice showed impaired timing of both locomotion and eye-blink responses that were conditioned to a tone. The latencies of their olivary spike activities in response to the unconditioned stimulus were significantly more variable than those in wild-types. Whole-cell recordings of olivary neurons in vivo showed that these differences in spike timing result at least in part from altered interactions with their subthreshold oscillations. These results, combined with analyses of olivary activities in computer simulations at both the cellular and systems level, suggest that electrotonic coupling among olivary neurons by gap junctions is essential for proper timing of their action potentials and thereby for learning-dependent timing in cerebellar motor control.  相似文献   

Long-term depression at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses (PF-PC LTD) has been proposed to be required for cerebellar motor learning. To date, tests of this hypothesis have sought to interfere with receptors (mGluR1) and enzymes (PKC, PKG, or αCamKII) necessary for induction of PF-PC LTD and thereby determine if cerebellar motor learning is impaired. Here, we tested three mutant mice that target the expression of PF-PC LTD by blocking internalization of AMPA receptors. Using three different cerebellar coordination tasks (adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, eyeblink conditioning, and locomotion learning on the Erasmus Ladder), we show that there is no motor learning impairment in these mutant mice that lack PF-PC LTD. These findings demonstrate that PF-PC LTD is not essential for cerebellar motor learning.  相似文献   

Na-K-ATPase in rat cerebellar granule cells is redox sensitive   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Redox-induced regulation of the Na-K-ATPase was studied in dispersed rat cerebellar granule cells. Intracellular thiol redox state was modulated using glutathione (GSH)-conjugating agents and membrane-permeable ethyl ester of GSH (et-GSH) and Na-K-ATPase transport and hydrolytic activity monitored as a function of intracellular reduced thiol concentration. Depletion of cytosolic and mitochondrial GSH pools caused an increase in free radical production in mitochondria and rapid ATP deprivation with a subsequent decrease in transport but not hydrolytic activity of the Na-K-ATPase. Selective conjugation of cytosolic GSH did not affect free radical production and Na-K-ATPase function. Unexpectedly, overloading of cerebellar granule cells with GSH triggered global free radical burst originating most probably from GSH autooxidation. The latter was not followed by ATP depletion but resulted in suppression of active K(+) influx and a modest increase in mortality. Suppression of transport activity of the Na-K-ATPase was observed in granule cells exposed to both permeable et-GSH and impermeable GSH, with inhibitory effects of external and cytosolic GSH being additive. The obtained data indicate that redox state is a potent regulator of the Na-K-ATPase function. Shifts from an "optimal redox potential range" to higher or lower levels cause suppression of the Na-K pump activity.  相似文献   

Gambierol is a marine polyether ladder toxin derived from the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus. To date, gambierol has been reported to act either as a partial agonist or as an antagonist of sodium channels or as a blocker of voltage‐dependent potassium channels. In this work, we examined the cellular effect of gambierol on cytosolic calcium concentration, membrane potential and sodium and potassium membrane currents in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. We found that at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 30 µM, gambierol‐evoked [Ca2+]c oscillations that were dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium, irreversible and highly synchronous. Gambierol‐evoked [Ca2+]c oscillations were completely eliminated by the NMDA receptor antagonist APV and by riluzole and delayed by CNQX. In addition, the K+ channel blocker 4‐aminopyridine (4‐AP)‐evoked cytosolic calcium oscillations in this neuronal system that were blocked by APV and delayed in the presence of CNQX. Electrophysiological recordings indicated that gambierol caused membrane potential oscillations, decreased inward sodium current amplitude and decreased also outward IA and IK current amplitude. The results presented here point to a common mechanism of action for gambierol and 4‐AP and indicate that gambierol‐induced oscillations in cerebellar neurons are most likely secondary to a blocking action of the toxin on voltage‐dependent potassium channels and hyperpolarization of sodium current activation. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 497–508, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurotoxicity induced by beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) involves glutamate toxicity, resulting from overactivation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and elevation of intracellular calcium. However, the heterogeneity of the NMDA receptors, frequently composed of NR1 and NR2A-D subunits, has been less studied. Thus, we determined the contribution of NMDA receptor subtypes on Abeta(1-40) toxicity in HEK293 cells transiently expressing NR1/NR2A or NR1/NR2B subunits. Analysis of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and trypan blue exclusion revealed an increase in Abeta(1-40) toxicity upon NR1/NR2A expression, compared to NR1/NR2B, indicating loss of plasma membrane integrity. Furthermore, Abeta(1-40) decreased intracellular ATP in cells expressing NR1/NR2A. MK-801 ((+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate), a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, partially prevented the decrease in cell viability and the energy impairment. These differences were not accounted for by the activation of caspases 2, 3, 8 and 9 or calpains or by DNA fragmentation, excluding the hypothesis of apoptosis. Functional NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B receptor subtypes were further evidenced by single-cell calcium imaging. Stimulation of NR1/NR2A receptors with NMDA/glycine revealed an increase in intracellular calcium in cells pre-exposed to Abeta(1-40). Opposite effects were observed upon activation of NR1/NR2B receptors. These results suggest that NR1/NR2A-composed NMDA receptors mediate necrotic cell death in HEK293 cells exposed to Abeta(1-40) through changes in calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

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