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An important pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the deposition of amyloid‐beta (Aβ) peptides in the brain parenchyma, leading to neuronal death and impaired learning and memory. The protease γ‐secretase is responsible for the intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid‐β precursor protein (APP), which leads to the production of the toxic Aβ peptides. Thus, an attractive therapeutic strategy to treat AD is the modulation of the γ‐secretase activity, to reduce Aβ42 production. Because phosphorylation of proteins is a post‐translational modification known to modulate the activity of many different enzymes, we used electrospray (LC‐MS/MS) mass spectrometry to identify new phosphosites on highly purified human γ‐secretase. We identified 11 new single or double phosphosites in two well‐defined domains of Presenilin‐1 (PS1), the catalytic subunit of the γ‐secretase complex. Next, mutagenesis and biochemical approaches were used to investigate the role of each phosphosite in the maturation and activity of γ‐secretase. Together, our results suggest that the newly identified phosphorylation sites in PS1 do not modulate γ‐secretase activity and the production of the Alzheimer's Aβ peptides. Individual PS1 phosphosites shall probably not be considered therapeutic targets for reducing cerebral Aβ plaque formation in AD.


The molecular mechanisms governing γ‐secretase cleavage specificity are not fully understood. Herein, we demonstrate that extending the transmembrane domain of the amyloid precursor protein‐derived C99 substrate in proximity to the cytosolic face strongly influences γ–secretase cleavage specificity. Sequential insertion of leucines or replacement of membrane‐anchoring lysines by leucines elevated the production of Aβ42, whilst lowering production of Aβ40. A single insertion or replacement was sufficient to produce this phenotype, suggesting that the helical length distal to the ε–site is a critical determinant of γ‐secretase cleavage specificity. Replacing the lysine at the luminal membrane border (K28) with glutamic acid (K28E) increased Aβ37 and reduced Aβ42 production. Maintaining a positive charge with an arginine replacement, however, did not alter cleavage specificity. Using two potent and structurally distinct γ–secretase modulators (GSMs), we elucidated the contribution of K28 to the modulatory mechanism. Surprisingly, whilst lowering the potency of the non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug‐type GSM, the K28E mutation converted a heteroaryl‐type GSM to an inverse GSM. This result implies the proximal lysine is critical for the GSM mechanism and pharmacology. This region is likely a major determinant for substrate binding and we speculate that modulation of substrate binding is the fundamental mechanism by which GSMs exert their action.  相似文献   

Autosomal‐dominant Alzheimer's disease (ADAD) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) or Presenilin (PSEN) genes. Studying the mechanisms underlying these mutations can provide insight into the pathways that lead to AD pathology. The majority of biochemical studies on APP mutations to‐date have focused on comparing mechanisms between mutations at different codons. It has been assumed that amino acid position is a major determinant of protein dysfunction and clinical phenotype. However, the differential effect of mutations at the same codon has not been sufficiently addressed. In the present study we compared the effects of the aggressive ADAD‐associated APP I716F mutation with I716V and I716T on APP processing in human neuroglioma and CHO‐K1 cells. All APP I716 mutations increased the ratio of Aβ42/40 and changed the product line preference of γ‐secretase towards Aβ38 production. In addition, the APP I716F mutation impaired the ε‐cleavage and the fourth cleavage of γ‐secretase and led to abnormal APP β‐CTF accumulation at the plasma membrane. Taken together, these data indicate that APP mutations at the same codon can induce diverse abnormalities in APP processing, some resembling PSEN1 mutations. These differential effects could explain the clinical differences observed among ADAD patients bearing different APP mutations at the same position.


The four‐subunit protease complex γ‐secretase cleaves many single‐pass transmembrane (TM) substrates, including Notch and β‐amyloid precursor protein to generate amyloid‐β (Aβ), central to Alzheimer's disease. Two of the subunits anterior pharynx‐defective 1 (APH‐1) and presenilin (PS) exist in two homologous forms APH1‐A and APH1‐B, and PS1 and PS2. The consequences of these variations are poorly understood and could affect Aβ production and γ‐secretase medicine. Here, we developed the first complete structural model of the APH‐1B subunit using the published cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM) structures of APH1‐A (Protein Data Bank: 5FN2, 5A63, and 6IYC). We then performed all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations at 303 K in a realistic bilayer system to understand both APH‐1B alone and in γ‐secretase without and with substrate C83‐bound. We show that APH‐1B adopts a 7TM topology with a water channel topology similar to APH‐1A. We demonstrate direct transport of water through this channel, mainly via Glu84, Arg87, His170, and His196. The apo and holo states closely resemble the experimental cryo‐EM structures with APH‐1A, however with subtle differences: The substrate‐bound APH‐1B γ‐secretase was quite stable, but some TM helices of PS1 and APH‐1B rearranged in the membrane consistent with the disorder seen in the cryo‐EM data. This produces different accessibility of water molecules for the catalytic aspartates of PS1, critical for Aβ production. In particular, we find that the typical distance between the catalytic aspartates of PS1 and the C83 cleavage sites are shorter in APH‐1B, that is, it represents a more closed state, due to interactions with the C‐terminal fragment of PS1. Our structural‐dynamic model of APH‐1B alone and in γ‐secretase suggests generally similar topology but some notable differences in water accessibility which may be relevant to the protein's existence in two forms and their specific function and location.  相似文献   

The 19‐transmembrane, multisubunit γ‐secretase complex generates the amyloid β‐peptide (Aβ) of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by an unusual intramembrane proteolysis of the β‐amyloid precursor protein. The complex, which similarly processes many other type 1 transmembrane substrates, is composed of presenilin, Aph1, nicastrin, and presenilin enhancer (Pen‐2), all of which are necessary for proper complex maturation and enzymatic activity. Obtaining a high‐resolution atomic structure of the intact complex would greatly aid the rational design of compounds to modulate activity but is a very difficult task. A complementary method is to generate structures for each individual subunit to allow one to build a model of the entire complex. Here, we describe a method by which recombinant human Pen‐2 can be purified from bacteria to > 95% purity at milligram quantities per liter, utilizing a maltose binding protein tag to both increase solubility and facilitate purification. Expressing the same construct in mammalian cells, we show that the large N‐terminal maltose binding protein tag on Pen‐2 still permits incorporation into the complex and subsequent presenilin‐1 endoproteolysis, nicastrin glycosylation and proteolytic activity. These new methods provide valuable tools to study the structure and function of Pen‐2 and the γ‐secretase complex.


Understanding the underlying mechanisms by which a normal cell avoids the oncogenic potential of MUC1 signaling requires further definition of the pathways by which the MUC1 cytoplasmic tail is processed in both normal and tumor‐derived cells. In the present study we describe the processing pathway initiated by TACE/ADAM17 cleavage of MUC1. Utilizing the human uterine epithelial cell line, HES, derived from normal endometrium, we show that endogenous full length MUC1 undergoes regulated intramembranous proteolysis mediated by presenillin‐dependent γ‐secretase. Cytokine‐stimulated HES cells exposed to γ‐secretase inhibitors accumulated a membrane‐associated 15 kDa fragment of the MUC1 C‐terminal subunit (CTF15). Inhibitors of TACE/ADAM17‐mediated shedding inhibited accumulation of MUC1‐CTF15 and MUC1 ectodomain release to a similar extent consistent with MUC1‐CTF15 being a product of TACE/ADAM17 action. Reduction of catalytically active γ‐secretase complex by nicastrin siRNA treatment also resulted in CTF15 accumulation. Furthermore, mature nicastrin, the substrate receptor for γ‐secretase, co‐immunoprecipitated with CTF15 in the presence of γ‐secretase inhibitors indicating the formation of CTF15: nicastrin complexes. MUC1‐CTF15 accumulation in response to γ‐secretase inhibition was demonstrated in both normal and tumor‐derived cells from humans and mice indicating that this processing pathway exists in many cell contexts. We did not detect products of MUC1 cleavage by γ‐secretase in the presence of various proteasomal inhibitors indicating that subsequent degradation is either non‐proteasomal or extremely efficient. We suggest that this efficient pathway attenuates potential signaling mediated by cytoplasmic tail fragments. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 802–815, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease is the accumulation of toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in extracellular plaques. The direct precursor of Aβ is the carboxyl-terminal fragment β (or C99) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). C99 is detected at elevated levels in Alzheimer’s disease brains, and its intracellular accumulation has been linked to early neurotoxicity independently of Aβ. Despite this, the causes of increased C99 levels are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that APP interacts with the clathrin vesicle adaptor AP-1 (adaptor protein 1), and we map the interaction sites on both proteins. Using quantitative kinetic trafficking assays, established cell lines and primary neurons, we also show that this interaction is required for the transport of APP from the trans-Golgi network to endosomes. In addition, disrupting AP-1-mediated transport of APP alters APP processing and degradation, ultimately leading to increased C99 production and Aβ release. Our results indicate that AP-1 regulates the subcellular distribution of APP, altering its processing into neurotoxic fragments.  相似文献   

Some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease are caused by protein misfolding. In AD, amyloid β‐peptide (Aβ) is thought to be a toxic agent by self‐assembling into a variety of aggregates involving soluble oligomeric intermediates and amyloid fibrils. Here, we have designed several green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants that contain pseudo‐Aβ β‐sheet surfaces and evaluated their abilities to bind to Aβ and inhibit Aβ oligomerization. Two GFP variants P13H and AP93Q bound tightly to Aβ, Kd = 260 nM and Kd = 420 nM, respectively. Moreover, P13H and AP93Q were capable of efficiently suppressing the generation of toxic Aβ oligomers as shown by a cell viability assay. By combining the P13H and AP93Q mutations, a super variant SFAB4 comprising four strands of Aβ‐derived sequences was designed and bound more tightly to Aβ (Kd = 100 nM) than those having only two pseudo‐Aβ strands. The SFAB4 protein preferentially recognized the soluble oligomeric intermediates of Aβ more than both unstructured monomer and mature amyloid fibrils. Thus, the design strategy for embedding pseudo‐Aβ β‐sheet structures onto a protein surface arranged in the β‐barrel structure is useful to construct molecules capable of binding tightly to Aβ and inhibiting its aggregation. This strategy may provide implication for the diagnostic and therapeutic development in the treatment of AD. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aph‐1 is a multipass transmembrane protein and an essential component of the Presenilin (Psn)‐mediated γ‐secretase complex. During protease assembly, Aph‐1 stabilizes the newly synthesized Psn holoprotein to facilitate generation of the active form of Psn, which is a Psn‐NTF/Psn‐CTF heterodimer produced through a Presenilinase‐initiated endoproteolytic cleavage of the Psn holoprotein. Although it is clear that loss of Aph‐1 activity leads to failure of Psn heterodimer formation, little is understood about whether Aph‐1 plays a role in regulating γ‐secretase activity in addition to assisting Psn maturation. Using various modified Psn forms that do not require endoproteolysis or have a large deletion of the cytosolic loop, we show that in Drosophila Aph‐1 is still required for γ‐secretase activity independent of its role in promoting Psn endoproteolysis. In addition, our results indicate that Aph‐1 is required to promote cell survival in the wing imaginal disc; aph‐1 mutant cells are lost either through cell death or because of a defect in cell proliferation. This function of Aph‐1 is independent of its role in regulating γ‐secretase activity, but possibly involves downregulating the activity of uncleaved Psn holoprotein. genesis 47:169–174, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Astrogliosis is a hallmark of Alzheimer′s disease (AD) and may constitute a primary pathogenic component of that disorder. Elucidation of signaling cascades inducing astrogliosis should help characterizing the function of astrocytes and identifying novel molecular targets to modulate AD progression. Here, we describe a novel mechanism by which soluble amyloid‐β modulates β1‐integrin activity and triggers NADPH oxidase (NOX)‐dependent astrogliosis in vitro and in vivo. Amyloid‐β oligomers activate a PI3K/classical PKC/Rac1/NOX pathway which is initiated by β1‐integrin in cultured astrocytes. This mechanism promotes β1‐integrin maturation, upregulation of NOX2 and of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in astrocytes in vitro and in hippocampal astrocytes in vivo. Notably, immunochemical analysis of the hippocampi of a triple‐transgenic AD mouse model shows increased levels of GFAP, NOX2, and β1‐integrin in reactive astrocytes which correlates with the amyloid β‐oligomer load. Finally, analysis of these proteins in postmortem frontal cortex from different stages of AD (II to V/VI) and matched controls confirmed elevated expression of NOX2 and β1‐integrin in that cortical region and specifically in reactive astrocytes, which was most prominent at advanced AD stages. Importantly, protein levels of NOX2 and β1‐integrin were significantly associated with increased amyloid‐β load in human samples. These data strongly suggest that astrogliosis in AD is caused by direct interaction of amyloid β oligomers with β1‐integrin which in turn leads to enhancing β1‐integrin and NOX2 activity via NOX‐dependent mechanisms. These observations may be relevant to AD pathophysiology.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that a ~19‐kDa polypeptide, rPK‐4, is a protein kinase Cs inhibitor that is 89% homologous to the 1171–1323 amino acid region of the 228‐kDa human pericentriolar material‐1 (PCM‐1) protein (Chakravarthy et al. 2012). We have now discovered that rPK‐4 binds oligomeric amyloid‐β peptide (Aβ)1‐42 with high affinity. Most importantly, a PCM‐1‐selective antibody co‐precipitated Aβ and amyloid β precursor protein (AβPP) from cerebral cortices and hippocampi from AD (Alzheimer's disease) transgenic mice that produce human AβPP and Aβ1‐42, suggesting that PCM‐1 may interact with amyloid precursor protein/Aβ in vivo. We have identified rPK‐4′s Aβ‐binding domain using a set of overlapping synthetic peptides. We have found with ELISA, dot‐blot, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis techniques that a ~ 5 kDa synthetic peptide, amyloid binding peptide (ABP)‐p4‐5 binds Aβ1‐42 at nM levels. Most importantly, ABP‐p4‐5, like rPK‐4, appears to preferentially bind Aβ1‐42 oligomers, believed to be the toxic AD‐drivers. As expected from these observations, ABP‐p4‐5 prevented Aβ1‐42 from killing human SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cells via apoptosis. These findings indicate that ABP‐p4‐5 is a possible candidate therapeutic for AD.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) has been recently identified to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Yet, the role of an important COX‐2 metabolic product, prostaglandin (PG) I2, in the pathogenesis of AD remains unknown. Using human‐ and mouse‐derived neuronal cells as well as amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1 (APP/PS1) transgenic mice as model systems, we elucidated the mechanism of anterior pharynx‐defective (APH)‐1α and pharynx‐defective‐1β induction. In particular, we found that PGI2 production increased during the course of AD development. Then, PGI2 accumulation in neuronal cells activates PKA/CREB and JNK/c‐Jun signaling pathways by phosphorylation, which results in APH‐1α/1β expression. As PGI2 is an important metabolic by‐product of COX‐2, its suppression by NS398 treatment decreases the expression of APH‐1α/1β in neuronal cells and APP/PS1 mice. More importantly, β‐amyloid protein (Aβ) oligomers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of APP/PS1 mice are critical for stimulating the expression of APH‐1α/1β, which was blocked by NS398 incubation. Finally, the induction of APH‐1α/1β was confirmed in the brains of patients with AD. Thus, these findings not only provide novel insights into the mechanism of PGI2‐induced AD progression but also are instrumental for improving clinical therapies to combat AD.  相似文献   

The biological underpinnings linking stress to Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk are poorly understood. We investigated how corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), a critical stress response mediator, influences amyloid‐β (Aβ) production. In cells, CRF treatment increases Aβ production and triggers CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1) and γ‐secretase internalization. Co‐immunoprecipitation studies establish that γ‐secretase associates with CRFR1; this is mediated by β‐arrestin binding motifs. Additionally, CRFR1 and γ‐secretase co‐localize in lipid raft fractions, with increased γ‐secretase accumulation upon CRF treatment. CRF treatment also increases γ‐secretase activity in vitro, revealing a second, receptor‐independent mechanism of action. CRF is the first endogenous neuropeptide that can be shown to directly modulate γ‐secretase activity. Unexpectedly, CRFR1 antagonists also increased Aβ. These data collectively link CRF to increased Aβ through γ‐secretase and provide mechanistic insight into how stress may increase AD risk. They also suggest that direct targeting of CRF might be necessary to effectively modulate this pathway for therapeutic benefit in AD, as CRFR1 antagonists increase Aβ and in some cases preferentially increase Aβ42 via complex effects on γ‐secretase.  相似文献   

γ‐Secretase plays a central role in the generation of the Alzheimer disease‐causing amyloid β‐peptide (Aβ) from the β‐amyloid precursor protein (APP) and is thus a major Alzheimer′s disease drug target. As several other γ‐secretase substrates including Notch1 and CD44 have crucial signaling functions, an understanding of the mechanism of substrate recognition and cleavage is key for the development of APP selective γ‐secretase‐targeting drugs. The γ‐secretase active site domain in its catalytic subunit presenilin (PS) 1 has been implicated in substrate recognition/docking and cleavage. Highly critical in this process is its GxGD active site motif, whose invariant glycine residues cannot be replaced without causing severe functional losses in substrate selection and/or cleavage efficiency. Here, we have investigated the contribution of the less well characterized residue x of the motif (L383 in PS1) to this function. Extensive mutational analysis showed that processing of APP was overall well‐tolerated over a wide range of hydrophobic and hydrophilic mutations. Interestingly, however, most L383 mutants gave rise to reduced levels of Aβ37–39 species, and several increased the pathogenic Aβ42/43 species. Several of the Aβ42/43‐increasing mutants severely impaired the cleavages of Notch1 and CD44 substrates, which were not affected by any other L383 mutation. Our data thus establish an important, but compared with the glycine residues of the motif, overall less critical functional role for L383. We suggest that L383 and the flanking glycine residues form a spatial arrangement in PS1 that is critical for docking and/or cleavage of different γ‐secretase substrates.  相似文献   

The primary constituent of the amyloid plaque, β‐amyloid (Aβ), is thought to be the causal “toxic moiety” of Alzheimer's disease. However, despite much work focused on both Aβ and its parent protein, amyloid precursor protein (APP), the functional roles of APP and its cleavage products remain to be fully elucidated. Protein–protein interaction networks can provide insight into protein function, however, high‐throughput data often report false positives and are in frequent disagreement with low‐throughput experiments. Moreover, the complexity of the CNS is likely to be under represented in such databases. Therefore, we curated the published work characterizing both APP and Aβ to create a protein interaction network of APP and its proteolytic cleavage products, with annotation, where possible, to the level of APP binding domain and isoform. This is the first time that an interactome has been refined to domain level, essential for the interpretation of APP due to the presence of multiple isoforms and processed fragments. Gene ontology and network analysis were used to identify potentially novel functional relationships among interacting proteins.  相似文献   

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