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牛筋草离孺孢生物学特性及代谢产物活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对牛筋草离孺孢属(Bipolaris sorokiniana)NJ-08菌株的生物学特性及代谢产物除草活性测定结果表明:此菌株的菌丝体生长速度慢, 但产孢量大, 致病性强。菌丝体生长最适温度25°C, 致死温度是55°C/10 min, 最适pH值为8, 碳源以葡萄糖最佳, 供试氮源则不利于菌丝体生长。产生分生孢子最适温度25°C, 最适pH值为8, 碳源以葡萄糖最好, 氮源以硝酸钠产孢量最高。分生孢子萌发温度在20°C~35°C之间没有差异, 适宜pH值为5~7, 碳源以D-木糖的孢子萌发率最高, 氮源以蛋白胨的孢子萌发率最高, 不同处理间存在明显差异。NJ-08菌株产生的代谢产物作用于牛筋草, 可使叶片黄化或枯死, 代谢产物对指示植物及杂草如柱花草、地桃花、猪屎豆和辣椒的胚根胚芽生长都有明显的抑制作用, 抑制率均超过了90%, 显示出很好的除草活性。  相似文献   

The relationship between root and leaf infection in 11 cultivars of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) by different isolates of Bipolaris sorokiniana was investigated in young plants. Roots of 10-day-old seedlings, grown in filterpaper rolls, and the third leaf of 17-day-old seedlings were inoculated with the different isolates and a Disease Development Index (DDI) was calculated.
The rate of lesion development in leaves was higher than in roots, indicated by generally higher DDI after leaf inoculation than after root inoculation. Significant differences in resistance were found among the barley cultivars. Inoculation with different isolates of B. sorokiniana caused significant differences in DDI for both roots and leaves. In the leaves, but not in the roots, a significant cultivar–isolate interaction was found. No significant correlations, neither in isolate aggressiveness nor in cultivar reaction between root and leaf, were observed.  相似文献   

The resistance of wheat lines and cultivars from the Institute of Crop Breeding (Harbin, China) and synthetic, hexaploid wheat lines derived from T. durum and T. tauschii (CIMMYT) were screened for resistance to spot blotch Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem. using field and laboratory tests. The highly and moderately resistant wheat samples were determined. The satisfactory coincidence of data obtained from evaluation of type reaction of seedlings and disease severity in adult plant stage was demonstrated. The genetics of resistance in Chinese lines Long 98-4554, Long 98-4546, Long mai 24, Long mai 23 and Canadian line 181-5 was studied using hybridological analysis. The resistance in these lines was inherited as quantitative traits and was conditioned by a few (one or two) genes. The absence of susceptible plants in F2 in crosses of resistant lines Long 98-4554, Long 98-4546, Long mai 24 and 181-5 can testify to the presence of a common gene of resistance. Our data reveals the poor genetic diversity for spot blotch resistance in studying wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

Glasshouse and field trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of a talc-based powder formulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf1 in controlling groundnut leaf spot ( Cercosporidium personatum ) and rust ( Puccinia arachidis ). Seed treatment with the talc-based powder formulation of the bacterium alone effectively reduced the severity of leaf spot and rust. When the treated seeds were sown in soil, the antagonist moved to the rhizosphere and multiplied well in it. Foliar application with the powder formulation effectively controlled the groundnut leaf spot and rust. P. fluorescens multiplied well in the phyllosphere after foliar application of powder formulation. Combined application of the P. fluorescens formulation to seed and foliage effectively controlled leaf spot and rust, and increased the pod yield in greenhouse and field tests.  相似文献   

Cowpea seeds treated with three Trichoderma spp. at four inoculum doses, and at four exposure times in three different formulations were planted in soils amended with Macrophomina phaseolin a, and assessed for stand establishment and post-emergence damping off. The highest percentage plant stands at 21 days after planting were 66% for T. koningii and T. harzianum , and 51% for Trichoderma sp., at 6.8 ×10 7 , 2.0 ×10 10 , and 1.0 ×10 7 colony forming units (CFUs) ml -1 , respectively. Across sampling dates and irrespective of time of exposure to the formulations, the T. harzianum and T. koningii formulations resulted in significantly greater percentage plant stands than the seeds treated with a Trichoderma sp. and the controls. Seed treatment formulations with Trichoderma spp. were derived from propagule suspensions at the most effective inoculum dose in Tween 80, in suspension with cooked cassava starch as an adhesive, or in a slurry with uncooked cassava starch. At 21 days, the suspensions with Tween 80 and cooked starch resulted in significantly higher percentage plant stands than the control, while stands from seeds treated in a slurry formulation and starch solutions were not different. Seed exposure to the different formulations for 10, 20, 30, or 40 min, provided mixed results. Seeds treated with benomyl at 0.5 g a.i/50 g resulted in 95 and 100% stands for the two sets of experiments, respectively.  相似文献   

We tested the in vivo activity of leustroducsin B (LSN B), a new colony-stimulating factor (CSF) inducer isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces platensis, with mice infected with Escherichia coli. Treatment with LSN B augmented the host resistance to lethal infection of E. coli at doses between 0.1 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg. Serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were found to increase after this treatment, and superoxide anion generation of neutrophils was enhanced in vivo, suggesting that LSN B augmented the host resistance at least in part by inducing IL-6, which subsequently enhanced the bactericidal activity of the neutrophils.  相似文献   

The effect of sugar beet seed inoculation with the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and treatment with the fungicides Thiram 42‐S and Dithane S‐60 with and without seed inoculation aiming to control the root decay agents Pythium ultimum and Pythium debarianum was studied during a 2‐year trial on two soil types (Mollic Gleysols and Eutric Cambisols). The influence of the treatments on parameters of sugar beet yield and quality such as root yield, sugar content, sugar in molasses, sugar yield as well as percentage of the infected and decayed plants as a consequence of parasitic oomycete infestation will be described.  相似文献   

The proteasome is a large and complex protease formed by 66 polypeptides. The assembly of the proteasome is assisted by at least nine chaperones. One of these chaperones, Nas2/p27, binds to the C-terminal region of the AAA-ATPase Rpt5. We report here that the tail of Rpt5 provides two functions. First, it facilitates the previously reported interaction with the proteasome core particle (CP). Second, it is essential for the interaction with Nas2. Deletion of the C-terminal amino acid of Rpt5 disrupts the CP interaction, but not the binding to Nas2. The latter is surprising considering Nas2 contains a PDZ domain, which is often involved in binding to C termini. Interestingly, deletion of the last three amino acids interferes with both functions. The disruption of the Rpt5-CP interactions gave distinct phenotypes different from disruption of the Nas2-Rpt5 interaction. Additionally, proteasomes purified from a Saccharomyces cerevisiae rpt5-Δ3 strain show a strong enrichment of Ecm29. The function of Ecm29, a proteasome-associated protein, is not well understood. Our data show that Ecm29 can inhibit proteasomes, because our Ecm29-containing proteasomes have reduced suc-LLVY-AMC hydrolytic activity. Consistent with this apparent role as negative regulator, the deletion of ECM29 rescues the phenotypes of rpt5-Δ3 and nas2Δ in an hsm3Δ background. In sum, the interactions facilitated by the tail of Rpt5 act synergistically to minimize the formation of faulty proteasomes, thereby preventing recognition and inhibition by Ecm29.  相似文献   

Chronological events associated with the degradation of Botrytis cinerea by a strain of Trichoderma harzianum selected for superior biocontrol ability were studied using ultrastructure and cytochemical investigations in an attempt to define the relative roles of antibiosis and parasitism in the antagonistic process. The first ultrastructural changes were observed 12 h before contact between the organisms, and were characterized by punctuated invaginations of the Botrytis plasmalemma. These reactions were followed by a gradual retraction of the plasmalemma, disorganization of the cytoplasm, loss of turgor pressure and cell death within 48 h of contact between hyphae of the interacting fungi. The first evidence of penetration of B. cinerea by T. harzianum was recorded 72 h after contact. This penetration was apparently mediated by either mechanical pressure or localized wall digestion at points of entry, as there was no clear evidence of chitinolytic degradation of the B. cinerea cell wall, as determined by cytochemical labelling of chitin with a lectin-gold conjugate. However, after 10 days there was clear indication of chitin degradation, based on the random and reduced presence of gold particles over the cell wall of B. cinerea. These results suggest that the strain of T. harzianum antagonized first and foremost by antibiosis, leading to cell death, followed by degradation of the cell by means of chitinolytic enzymes. The production of antibiotics may, therefore, be more important than that of chitinolytic enzymes in conferring superior biocontrol properties to T. harzianum.  相似文献   

Alginate prills were formulated with the biomass of isolates of Gliocladium virens and Trichoderma spp. and various food bases (wheat bran, corn cobs, peanut hulls, soy fiber, castor pomace, cocoa hulls and chitin). Alginate prills with G. virens (Gl-21) biomass and all food bases except cocoa hull meal significantly reduced the damping-off of zinnia in a soil-less mix caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum. The prills with bran, soy fiber, castor pomace or chitin resulted in stands similar to those in the non-infested control. In soil, prills with all the food bases and Thrichoderma hamatum (TRI-4) biomass controlled the damping-off of cotton caused by R. solani and gave stands comparable to, or better than, those in the non-infested control soil. Prills with all the food bases resulted in a proliferation of Gl-21 in a soil-less mix and of Gl-21 and TRI-4 in soil. Prills with food bases and TRI-4 biomass reduced the survival of R. solani in infested beet seed to less than 30%, with bran and chitin being the most effective food bases; prills with Gl-21 biomass and all food bases also reduced the survival of R. solani in beet seed, but not as much as did prills with TRI-4 biomass. In prills containing wheat bran, soy fiber or chitin, the biocontrol isolate Th-58 (T. harzianum) was almost as effective as TRI-4, but isolate Gl-3 (G. virens) was less effective. There was no significant interaction between the biocontrol fungus and the food base. The results suggest that the intrinsic properties of a selected fungus isolate are more important than some formulation variables in biocontrol.  相似文献   

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