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利用扫描电镜研究了茄科 (Solanaceae)天仙子族 (Hyoscyameae)中国特有属马尿泡属 (PrzewalskiaMaxim .)马尿泡 (PrzewalskiatanguticaMaxim .)和天仙子属 (HyoscyamusL .)天仙子 (HyoscyamusnigerL .)的花器官发生和发育 ,研究结果表明 :马尿泡和天仙子花器官的发生和发育具有以下 3个共同特征 :1)符合Hofmeister规律 ,即新器官的发生首先出现在花顶已经存在的器官之间 ;2 )花冠的发育模式符合茄科植物所具有的“后合瓣”(“latesympetaly”)现象 ,即花瓣单独发生但后来又通过它们基部分生组织的融合而连合起来 ;3)花被五基数且花器官原基发生顺序为向心发育。但是它们的花萼原基具有不同的发生方式。天仙子花萼裂片原基的发生方式为环状发生 ;马尿泡花萼裂片原基的发生方式为螺旋状发生 ,但 5个花萼裂片原基在都出现后就连成了一个环。马尿泡是介于天仙子属和山莨菪属之间的类群 ,它比天仙子属原始但较山莨菪属进化。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜研究了茄科(Solanaceae)天仙子族(Hyoscyameae)中国特有属马尿泡属( Przewalskia Maxim.)马尿泡( Przewalskia tangutica Maxim.)和天仙子属( Hyoscyamus L.)天仙子( Hyoscyamus niger L.)的花器官发生和发育,研究结果表明:马尿泡和天仙子花器官的发生和发育具有以下3个共同特征:1)符合Hofmeister规律, 即新器官的发生首先出现在花顶已经存在的器官之间;2)花冠的发育模式符合茄科植物所具有的"后合瓣"("late sympetaly")现象,即花瓣单独发生但后来又通过它们基部分生组织的融合而连合起来;3)花被五基数且花器官原基发生顺序为向心发育.但是它们的花萼原基具有不同的发生方式.天仙子花萼裂片原基的发生方式为环状发生;马尿泡花萼裂片原基的发生方式为螺旋状发生,但5个花萼裂片原基在都出现后就连成了一个环.马尿泡是介于天仙子属和山莨菪属之间的类群,它比天仙子属原始但较山莨菪属进化.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic investigation of a monophyletic lineage of spurge plants, tribe Euphorbieae, was conducted to elucidate evolutionary relationships, to clarify biogeographic patterns, and to reexamine the previous classification of Euphorbieae. Cladistic analyses of the 52 morphological characters of 61 species resulted in 2922 equally most parsimonious trees of 193 steps with a consistency index of 0.34. The strict consensus tree indicates genus Anthostema of subtribe Anthosteminae as a likely sister group to all other members of tribe Euphorbieae. The morphological data support a monophyletic origin of subtribe Euphorbiinae, but the subtribes Anthosteminae and Neoquillauminiinae did not form monophyletic groups. Although the previous taxonomic treatments within tribe Euphorbieae have supported the generic status of Pedilanthus, Monadenium, Synadenium, Chamaesyce, and Elaeophorbia, the results of this analysis do not support generic placement of them based on cladistic principles. Recognition of these groups as genera results in Euphorbia becoming a paraphyletic group. One solution to this problem in Euphorbieae is to divide the largest genus Euphorbia into several monophyletic genera and to keep the generic ranks for previously recognized genera. The distribution of basal endemic genera in Euphorbieae showed African and east Gondwanan affinities and strongly indicated that the ancestor of Euphorbieae originated prior to the breakup of Gondwanaland from an old group in Euphorbiaceae. However, some recent African taxa of Euphorbia should be interpreted by transoceanic dispersal from the New World ancestors.  相似文献   

以青藏高原特有药用植物——喜马红景天(Rhodiola himalensis)为试验材料,利用高通量测序技术对喜马红景天进行叶绿体基因组测序、组装和注释,获得完整的叶绿体基因组。结果显示:喜马红景天叶绿体基因组全长为151 074 bp,GC含量为37.8%,具有1个长单拷贝区、1个短单拷贝区和1对反向重复区的典型四分体结构,其序列长度分别为82 309、17 017、25 874 bp;叶绿体基因组共编码130个基因,其中编码蛋白的基因86个、编码tRNA的基因37个、编码rRNA的基因7个;叶绿体基因组共检测出25 513个密码子,其中编码亮氨酸(Leu)的密码子占比最大;喜马红景天IRa和IRb区的rps19ycf1基因缺失,长单拷贝区的trnH基因收缩;喜马红景天与圣地红景天(R. sacra)亲缘关系最近;短单拷贝区域的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)变异频率最高。本研究报道了喜马红景天的叶绿体基因组,并对其进行了组装、注释和序列分析,为今后开展喜马红景天的遗传多样性研究和合理开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

nifH-gfp 表达载体的构建及其在Enterobacter gergoviae 57-7中的表达  相似文献   

茄科天仙子族的叶表皮特征及其系统学意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,观察了茄科天仙子族7属21种及其邻近类群2属3种共24种植物的叶表皮特征。结果表明:气孔器在各种植物的上、下表皮均有分布,多为无规则型,也有不等细胞型;叶表皮细胞形状有不同规则形、十字形、近长圆形和不规则多边形,垂周壁较平直、浅波状、波状或深波状。在扫描电镜下可见:叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘近平滑、浅波状或波状;角质膜多为具条纹,也有同时具条纹和颗粒或鳞片,偶尔仅具颗粒和鳞片  相似文献   

以茜草科(Rubiaceae)植物茜草(Rubia cordifolia L.)为研究对象,采用Illumination高通量测序技术对其叶绿体全基因组进行测序,并运用MAGA11等生信学工具进行全基因组解析及系统发育分析。结果表明,(1)茜草叶绿体基因组呈典型的四分环状结构,总GC含量37.2%,长153 959 bp,其中包含大单拷贝(LSC)区83 844 bp、小单拷贝(SSC)区17 083 bp和2个反向重复(IR)区26 516 bp;共注释得到124个基因,包括79个蛋白质编码基因、37个tRNA和8个rRNA。(2)序列共鉴定到169个SSR位点,以A、T组成为主,包括129个单核苷酸、18个双核苷酸、11个三核苷酸、9个四核苷酸和2个五核苷酸,六核苷酸SSR未检测到;边界分析显示,茜草叶绿体基因组LSC区差异性最大,变异程度最高,而IRa区则差异性最小,最为保守。(3)最大似然法(ML)构建系统发育树显示,样品茜草与同属植物Rubia horrida以100%支持率聚为一类,茜草亚科、仙丹花亚科与金鸡纳亚科聚为姐妹类群,证明茜草科植物在进化过程中保守发育。  相似文献   

木犀科11属19个种叶绿体基因组的一般特征和变异特征的比较分析显示, 结果表明, 该科叶绿体基因组大小为154-165 kb, 其差异主要是大单拷贝(LSC)长度的差异所致。Jasminum属3个物种的叶绿体基因组长度与其余物种有较大差异, 该属clpP基因内含子和accD基因丢失。共线性分析表明, Jasminum属3个物种多个基因出现基因重排现象, 倒位可能是重排的主要原因。Jasminum属在IRb/SSC和SSC/IRa边界的基因均与其它物种不同; 重复序列与SSR数量检测结果表明, Jasminum属与其余物种在数量及重复长度上差异较大。基于CDS数据构建的系统发育树表明, Abeliophyllum distichumForsythia suspensa为木犀科中较早分化的类群。  相似文献   

木犀科11属19个种叶绿体基因组的一般特征和变异特征的比较分析显示, 结果表明, 该科叶绿体基因组大小为154-165 kb, 其差异主要是大单拷贝(LSC)长度的差异所致。Jasminum属3个物种的叶绿体基因组长度与其余物种有较大差异, 该属clpP基因内含子和accD基因丢失。共线性分析表明, Jasminum属3个物种多个基因出现基因重排现象, 倒位可能是重排的主要原因。Jasminum属在IRb/SSC和SSC/IRa边界的基因均与其它物种不同; 重复序列与SSR数量检测结果表明, Jasminum属与其余物种在数量及重复长度上差异较大。基于CDS数据构建的系统发育树表明, Abeliophyllum distichumForsythia suspensa为木犀科中较早分化的类群。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下研究了茄科天仙子族7属及颠茄属、茄参属和枸杞属3属共10属23种植物的花粉形态学特征。结果表明:天仙子族的花粉粒形状为球形、近球形、扁球形和长球形;萌发孔类型有无萌发孔、不规则的拟孔、3沟、4沟、3~4沟、散沟和3孔沟;外壁纹饰为小刺状、瘤状、各式条纹状、条纹-穴状、条纹-网状、皱波状、细网状和网状。沟膜近光滑、具小颗粒、具小刺状突起或具瘤状突起。各属植物的花粉形态在萌发孔的有无、萌发孔的类型和外壁纹饰等方面有较大的差异,可以作为探讨属间分类和系统关系的重要依据。天仙子族植物花粉萌发孔的演化趋势为:无萌发孔→3、4沟→3孔沟。无萌发孔的山莨菪属是原始类群,三孔沟的马尿泡和天仙子等属是进化类群。还讨论了与前人研究结果不同之处和可能的原因。  相似文献   

以姜科(Zingiberaceae)豆蔻属(Amomum Roxb.)阳春砂(Amomum villosum)为试材,利用Illumina Hiseq 4000测序平台对阳春砂叶绿体基因组进行测序,通过生物信息学分析方法进行序列组装、注释和特征分析,以揭示阳春砂与其他姜科植物的进化关系及其在系统发育中的地位,为豆蔻属植物的物种鉴定提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)阳春砂叶绿体基因组全长164 069 bp,GC含量为36.1%,包括1对29 959 bp的反向重复区(IR)、一个大单拷贝区(LSC;88 798 bp)和一个小单拷贝区(SSC;15 353 bp);共注释得到133个基因,包括8个rRNA基因、38个tRNA基因和87个蛋白编码基因。(2)在阳春砂基因组中共检测到157个SSR位点,大部分SSR均由A和T组成;豆蔻属物种在基因组大小、IR边界区高度保守,核酸变异主要发生在LSC和SSC区。(3)最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood, ML)聚类分析显示,阳春砂与同属的爪哇白豆蔻(Amomum compactum)和白豆蔻(Amomum kravanh)亲缘关系最近,并且与山姜属(Alpinia Roxb.)也有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Mungbean is an economically important crop which is grown principally for its protein-rich dry seeds. However, genomic research of mungbean has lagged behind other species in the Fabaceae family. Here, we reported the complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequence of mungbean obtained by the 454 pyrosequencing technology. The mungbean cp genome is 151 271 bp in length which includes a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26 474 bp separated by a small single-copy region of 17 427 bp and a large single-copy region of 80 896 bp. The genome contains 108 unique genes and 19 of these genes are duplicated in the IR. Of these, 75 are predicted protein-coding genes, 4 ribosomal RNA genes and 29 tRNA genes. Relative to other plant cp genomes, we observed two distinct rearrangements: a 50-kb inversion between accD/rps16 and rbcL/trnK-UUU, and a 78-kb rearrangement between trnH/rpl14 and rps19/rps8. We detected sequence length polymorphism in the cp homopolymeric regions at the intra- and inter-specific levels in the Vigna species. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a close relationship between Vigna and Phaseolus in the phaseolinae subtribe and provided a strong support for a monophyletic group of the eurosid I.  相似文献   

Representatives from 11 Petunia Jussieu species in south and southeast Brazil were compared with two Calibrachoa La Llave & Lex., one Bouchetia Dunal, and two Nierembergia Ruiz & Pav. taxa in relation to DNA molecular variability. A total of 4532 base pairs related to one nuclear, five plastidial and one mitochondrial systems was investigated. Petunia and Calibrachoa, although separated among themselves, clearly differentiate from the two other genera. Despite the fact that the Petunia species do not show marked molecular differences, they can be separated in two complexes, in good agreement with altitude data. Petunia + Calibrachoa should have diverged from other clades at about 25 million years before present.  相似文献   

沙冬青属植物叶绿体基因组对比和系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段义忠  张凯 《西北植物学报》2020,40(8):1323-1332
该研究以沙冬青和矮沙冬青叶绿体基因组为研究对象,比较分析其基因组结构和系统发育关系。结果显示: (1)沙冬青和矮沙冬青的叶绿体基因组具有典型的四段式结构,全长为153 935 bp和154 140 bp,其中大单拷贝区(LSC)分别为83 891 bp和84 126 bp,小单拷贝区(SSC)分别为18 022 bp和18 014 bp,以及长度各自为26 011 bp和26 000 bp的成对反向重复区(IRs);沙冬青和矮沙冬青均注释130个基因,包括85个蛋白编码基因(PCGs),37个转运RNA(tRNA)以及8个核糖体RNA(rRNA)。(2)沙冬青和矮沙冬青的叶绿体基因组中分别检测出26和15个回文重复序列,39和50个串联重复序列,23和34个散在重复序列。同时都鉴定出96个SSRs位点,包括74和73个单核苷酸重复,5和6个二核苷酸重复,以及各有17个复合SSR位点;边界分析显示两者IR区相似,但仍有一定差异。(3)通过近邻结合法(NJ)对沙冬青和矮沙冬青在内的17种蝶形花亚科以及2种云实亚科植物的叶绿体基因组构建的系统发育树显示,沙冬青和矮沙冬青以较高的支持率聚为一个独立分枝。该研究结果为沙冬青属的种间鉴别、SSR分子标记开发、保育工作、种群动态以及进一步研究坡塔里族的演化过程奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Many temperate green macroalgae contain secondary meatbolites that provide protection from grazing by some herbivores. These include the production of dopamine hydrochloride by the ulvoid green alga Ulvaria obscura and the production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by many species of Ulvales and Caulerpales. The dopamine hydrochloride defense was isolated using bioassay-guided fractionation and is effective against sea urchins ( Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis ) and littorinid snails ( Littorina sitkana ). The DMSP activated defense system involves enzymatic cleavage of DMSP into dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylic acid. It is found in many of the Ulvales and several species of Codium in the northeastern Pacific and Australasian regions. Many green algae such as Ulva fenestrata and Enteromorpha linza are avoided by urchins, which are deterred by DMS and acrylic acid in laboratory assays. However, these algae are often preferred foods of snails, which are deterred by DMS and acrylic acid. Snails may preferentially consume ulvoid green algae, despite being deterred by DMS and acrylic acid, because these algae contain relatively high nitrogen concentrations.  相似文献   

以臭柏为研究材料,利用高通量测序技术对臭柏的叶绿体基因组进行测序,分析了臭柏叶绿体基因组结构特征及系统进化关系。结果表明:(1)臭柏叶绿体基因组由大单拷贝区、小单拷贝区和2个反向重复区构成,但反向重复区只有261bp;基因组全长157 739bp,包含119个基因,即82个蛋白编码基因、4个rRNA基因和33个tRNA基因,其中trnI-CAU和trnQ-UUG基因有2个拷贝,其他基因均为单拷贝,且多拷贝基因中仅trnQ-UUG位于反向重复区。(2)生物信息学分析表明,臭柏叶绿体基因组共有42 579个密码子,其中编码亮氨酸Leu的数量最多,相对同义密码子使用度最高的为AGA/UUA;在臭柏叶绿体基因组中共预测到47个SSR位点,单核苷酸、二核苷酸和三核苷酸数目分别为38、1和3个;臭柏与其他刺柏属植物相比较,其基因组大小、基因组成及GC含量相近。(3)采用RAxML软件最大似然法对杨柳科、松科、蔷薇科和柏科等共31种植物构建的系统进化树表明,臭柏与刺柏属内Juniperus bermudiana亲缘关系相对较近,整个刺柏属植物分支为单系类群。该研究丰富了臭柏的遗传信息,为臭柏种质资源评价和保育、分子育种、SSR分子标记的开发、遗传多样性和群体谱系地理研究等奠定了理论基础,同时也为构建柏科植物的系统进化提供了支持。  相似文献   

利用生物信息学方法对烟草叶绿体和线粒体基因组数据中的SSR信息进行了分析.结果表明,在叶绿体和线粒体基因组中分别获得186和578个SSR位点,SSR间的平均距离分别为838 bp和745 bp.在SSR的分布区域上,绝大多数SSR位点分布在UTR(尤其是5’UTR)区域;在SSR重复碱基类型上,主要集中在二、三碱基重复,二者占总SSR位点的90%以上,其中三碱基重复类型丰度最高.利用全部657对SSR引物在供试的10份烟草材料中进行扩增,发现所有引物均能获得目的片段,但在普通烟草内品种间并未检测到多态性,而在烟草种间有26对叶绿体基因组SSR引物和178对线粒体基因组SSR引物扩增出多态性条带,表明来源于烟草叶绿体基因组和线粒体基因组的SSR标记适合用于烟草种间进化、分类、遗传多样性等方面研究.  相似文献   

杜家潇  秦宗燕  徐思  景翔  包颖 《植物学报》2016,51(2):175-183
基于9个叶绿体基因片段(atpA、atpB、matK、petA、psaA、psbA、psbB、psbC和rbcL), 深入探讨了稻属(Oryza)3个BBCC基因组异源四倍体和5个与之相关的BB或CC基因组二倍体物种间的谱系关系。进一步的系统发育分析表明: 3个具有相同BBCC基因组的四倍体物种并非同一次物种形成事件的产物, 而是在不同的分布区经历了至少3次分别的物种起源。其中, 四倍体Oryza punctata的母本可能来自同样分布在非洲并具有CC基因组的二倍体物种O. eichingeri; 而四倍体O. malampuzhaensis和O. minuta的母本则可能来自亚洲已经灭绝的具有BB基因组的不同二倍体。研究结果不但为追溯稻属异源四倍体的复杂网状进化提供了重要的分子证据, 而且拓展了我们对有花植物复杂物种形成的深入理解。  相似文献   

Comparative chloroplast genome analyses are mostly carried out at lower taxonomic levels, such as the family and genus levels. At higher taxonomic levels, chloroplast genomes are generally used to reconstruct phylogenies. However, little attention has been paid to chloroplast genome evolution within orders. Here, we present the chloroplast genome of Sedum sarmentosum and take advantage of several available (or elucidated) chloroplast genomes to examine the evolution of chloroplast genomes in Saxifragales. The chloroplast genome of S. sarmentosum is 150,448 bp long and includes 82,212 bp of a large single-copy (LSC) region, 16.670 bp of a small single-copy (SSC) region, and a pair of 25,783 bp sequences of inverted repeats (IRs).The genome contains 131 unique genes, 18 of which are duplicated within the IRs. Based on a comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes from four representative Saxifragales families, we observed two gene losses and two pseudogenes in Paeonia obovata, and the loss of an intron was detected in the rps16 gene of Penthorum chinense. Comparisons among the 72 common protein-coding genes confirmed that the chloroplast genomes of S. sarmentosum and Paeonia obovata exhibit accelerated sequence evolution. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed between the rates of genome evolution and genome size. The detected genome size variations are predominantly caused by the length of intergenic spacers, rather than losses of genes and introns, gene pseudogenization or IR expansion or contraction. The genome sizes of these species are negatively correlated with nucleotide substitution rates. Species with shorter duration of the life cycle tend to exhibit shorter chloroplast genomes than those with longer life cycles.  相似文献   

Cytological studies were carried out on eight species of five genera ( Anisodus , Atropanthe , Hyoscyamus , Mandragora and Przewalskia ) in the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae). First chromosome counts were reported in six species: Anisodus luridus , A. acutangulus , A. tanguticus , A. carniolicoides , Atropanthe sinensis and Mandragora caulescens , all with 2 n  = 8 x  = 48. Two records, for Hyoscyamus niger (2 n  = 2 x  = 34) and Przewalskia tangutica (2 n  = 4 x  = 44), were also confirmed. All species studied showed the proximal type of mitotic prophase chromosome condensation pattern. Three types of interphase nuclei were recognized: the round prochromosome type for Anisodus , Atropanthe and Mandragora , the rod prochromosome type for Przewalskia and the complex chromocentre type for Hyoscyamus . The cytological data supported the close relationship of all four species of Anisodus . Evidence from the interphase nuclei and chromosome base numbers supported the traditional classification of Hyoscyameae into two groups, i.e. Physochlaina praealta + Hyoscyamus (complex interphase type and x  = 7, 14, 17) and Przewalskia + Atropanthe + Anisodus + Scopolia + Atropa + Mandragora (prochromosome type and x  = 6, 11). Polyploidy is found in most species of the tribe in the Himalayan–Hengduan Mountains, as well as in the Mediterranean region, west–central Asia and eastern Asia. It seems that it probably occurred very early in Hyoscyameae evolution, before the uplift of the Himalayan–Hengduan Mountains. The Himalayan orogeny might have played a minor role in the polyploid evolution of plants in this tribe.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 457–468.  相似文献   

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