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The proteasome is the central machinery for targeted protein degradation in archaea, Actinobacteria, and eukaryotes. In its basic form, it consists of a regulatory ATPase complex and a proteolytic core particle. The interaction between the two is governed by an HbYX motif (where Hb is a hydrophobic residue, Y is tyrosine, and X is any amino acid) at the C terminus of the ATPase subunits, which stimulates gate opening of the proteasomal α-subunits. In archaea, the proteasome-interacting motif is not only found in canonical proteasome-activating nucleotidases of the PAN/ARC/Rpt group, which are absent in major archaeal lineages, but also in proteins of the CDC48/p97/VAT and AMA groups, suggesting a regulatory network of proteasomal ATPases. Indeed, Thermoplasma acidophilum, which lacks PAN, encodes one CDC48 protein that interacts with the 20S proteasome and activates the degradation of model substrates. In contrast, Methanosarcina mazei contains seven AAA proteins, five of which, both PAN proteins, two out of three CDC48 proteins, and the AMA protein, function as proteasomal gatekeepers. The prevalent presence of multiple, distinct proteasomal ATPases in archaea thus results in a network of regulatory ATPases that may widen the substrate spectrum of proteasomal protein degradation.  相似文献   

PA700, the 19 S regulatory subcomplex of the 26 S proteasome, contains a heterohexameric ring of AAA subunits (Rpt1 to -6) that forms the binding interface with a heteroheptameric ring of α subunits (α1 to -7) of the 20 S proteasome. Binding of these subcomplexes is mediated by interactions of C termini of certain Rpt subunits with cognate binding sites on the 20 S proteasome. Binding of two Rpt subunits (Rpt2 and Rpt5) depends on their last three residues, which share an HbYX motif (where Hb is a hydrophobic amino acid) and open substrate access gates in the center of the α ring. The relative roles of other Rpt subunits for proteasome binding and activation remain poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the C-terminal HbYX motif of Rpt3 binds to the 20 S proteasome but does not promote proteasome gating. Binding requires the last three residues and occurs at a dedicated site on the proteasome. A C-terminal peptide of Rpt3 blocked ATP-dependent in vitro assembly of 26 S proteasome from PA700 and 20 S proteasome. In HEK293 cells, wild-type Rpt3, but not Rpt3 lacking the HbYX motif was incorporated into 26 S proteasome. These results indicate that the C terminus of Rpt3 was required for cellular assembly of this subunit into 26 S proteasome. Mutant Rpt3 was assembled into intact PA700. This result indicates that intact PA700 can be assembled independently of association with 20 S proteasome and thus may be a direct precursor for 26 S proteasome assembly under normal conditions. These results provide new insights to the non-equivalent roles of Rpt subunits in 26 S proteasome function and identify specific roles for Rpt3.  相似文献   

Several proteasome-associated proteins regulate degradation by the 26 S proteasome using the ubiquitin chains that mark most substrates for degradation. The proteasome-associated protein Ecm29, however, has no ubiquitin-binding or modifying activity, and its direct effect on substrate degradation is unclear. Here, we show that Ecm29 acts as a proteasome inhibitor. Besides inhibiting the proteolytic cleavage of peptide substrates in vitro, it inhibits the degradation of ubiquitin-dependent and -independent substrates in vivo. Binding of Ecm29 to the proteasome induces a closed conformation of the substrate entry channel of the core particle. Furthermore, Ecm29 inhibits proteasomal ATPase activity, suggesting that the mechanism of inhibition and gate regulation by Ecm29 is through regulation of the proteasomal ATPases. Consistent with this, we identified through chemical cross-linking that Ecm29 binds to, or in close proximity to, the proteasomal ATPase subunit Rpt5. Additionally, we show that Ecm29 preferentially associates with both mutant and nucleotide depleted proteasomes. We propose that the inhibitory ability of Ecm29 is important for its function as a proteasome quality control factor by ensuring that aberrant proteasomes recognized by Ecm29 are inactive.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome comprises two multisubunit subcomplexes as follows: 20 S proteasome and PA700/19 S regulatory particle. The cellular mechanisms by which these subcomplexes assemble into 26 S proteasome and the molecular determinants that govern the assembly process are poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate the nonequivalent roles of the C termini of six AAA subunits (Rpt1-Rpt6) of PA700 in 26 S proteasome assembly in mammalian cells. The C-terminal HbYX motif (where Hb is a hydrophobic residue, Y is tyrosine, and X is any amino acid) of each of two subunits, Rpt3 and Rpt5, but not that of a third subunit Rpt2, was essential for assembly of 26 S proteasome. The C termini of none of the three non-HbYX motif Rpt subunits were essential for cellular 26 S proteasome assembly, although deletion of the last three residues of Rpt6 destabilized the 20 S-PA700 interaction. Rpt subunits defective for assembly into 26 S proteasome due to C-terminal truncations were incorporated into intact PA700. Moreover, intact PA700 accumulated as an isolated subcomplex when cellular 20 S proteasome content was reduced by RNAi. These results indicate that 20 S proteasome is not an obligatory template for assembly of PA700. Collectively, these results identify specific structural elements of two Rpt subunits required for 26 S proteasome assembly, demonstrate that PA700 can be assembled independently of the 20 S proteasome, and suggest that intact PA700 is a direct intermediate in the cellular pathway of 26 S proteasome assembly.  相似文献   

The degradation of ubiquitinated proteins by 26 S proteasomes requires ATP hydrolysis. To investigate if the six proteasomal ATPases function independently or in a cyclic manner, as proposed recently, we used yeast mutants that prevent ATP binding to Rpt3, Rpt5, or Rpt6. Although proteasomes contain six ATPase subunits, each of these single mutations caused a 66% reduction in basal ATP hydrolysis, and each blocked completely the 2–3-fold stimulation of ATPase activity induced by ubiquitinated substrates. Therefore, the ATPase subunits must function in a ordered manner, in which each is required for the stimulation of ATPase activity by substrates. Although ATP is essential for multiple steps in proteasome function, when the rate of ATP hydrolysis was reduced incrementally, the degradation of Ub5-DHFR (where Ub is ubiquitin and DHFR is dihydrofolate reductase) decreased exactly in parallel. This direct proportionality implies that a specific number of ATPs is consumed in degrading a ubiquitinated protein. When the ubiquitinated DHFR was more tightly folded (upon addition of the ligand folate), the rate of ATP hydrolysis was unchanged, but the time to degrade a Ub5-DHFR molecule (∼13 s) and the energy expenditure (50–80 ATPs/Ub5-DHFR) both increased by 2-fold. With a mutation in the ATPase C terminus that reduced gate opening into the 20 S proteasome, the energy costs and time required for conjugate degradation also increased. Thus, different ubiquitin conjugates activate similarly the ATPase subunit cycle that drives proteolysis, but polypeptide structure determines the time required for degradation and thus the energy cost.  相似文献   

Degradation of ubiquitinated proteins by 26 S proteasomes requires ATP hydrolysis, but it is unclear how the proteasomal ATPases are regulated and how proteolysis, substrate deubiquitination, degradation, and ATP hydrolysis are coordinated. Polyubiquitinated proteins were shown to stimulate ATP hydrolysis by purified proteasomes, but only if the proteins contain a loosely folded domain. If they were not ubiquitinated, such proteins did not increase ATPase activity. However, they did so upon addition of ubiquitin aldehyde, which mimics the ubiquitin chain and binds to 26 S-associated deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs): in yeast to Ubp6, which is essential for the ATPase activation, and in mammalian 26 S to the Ubp6 homolog, Usp14, and Uch37. Occupancy of either DUB by a ubiquitin conjugate leads to ATPase stimulation, thereby coupling deubiquitination and ATP hydrolysis. Thus, ubiquitinated loosely folded proteins, after becoming bound to the 26 S, interact with Ubp6/Usp14 or Uch37 to activate ATP hydrolysis and enhance their own destruction.  相似文献   

Degradation by proteasomes involves coupled translocation and unfolding of its protein substrates. Six distinct but paralogous proteasome ATPase proteins, Rpt1 to -6, form a heterohexameric ring that acts on substrates. An axially positioned loop (Ar-Φ loop) moves in concert with ATP hydrolysis, engages substrate, and propels it into a proteolytic chamber. The aromatic (Ar) residue of the Ar-Φ loop in all six Rpts of S. cerevisiae is tyrosine; this amino acid is thought to have important functional contacts with substrate. Six yeast strains were constructed and characterized in which Tyr was individually mutated to Ala. The mutant cells were viable and had distinct phenotypes. rpt3, rpt4, and rpt5 Tyr/Ala mutants, which cluster on one side of the ATPase hexamer, were substantially impaired in their capacity to degrade substrates. In contrast, rpt1, rpt2, and rpt6 mutants equaled or exceeded wild type in degradation activity. However, rpt1 and rpt6 mutants had defects that limited cell growth or viability under conditions that stressed the ubiquitin proteasome system. In contrast, the rpt3 mutant grew faster than wild type and to a smaller size, a defect that has previously been associated with misregulation of G1 cyclins. This rpt3 phenotype probably results from altered degradation of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Finally, mutation of five of the Rpt subunits increased proteasome ATPase activity, implying bidirectional coupling between the Ar-Φ loop and the ATP hydrolysis site. The present observations assign specific functions to individual Rpt proteins and provide insights into the diverse roles of the axial loops of individual proteasome ATPases.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome, composed of the 20 S core and 19 S regulatory particle, plays a central role in ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. Disruption of this process contributes to the pathogenesis of the various diseases; however, the mechanisms underlying the regulation of 26 S proteasome activity remain elusive. Here, cell culture experiments and in vitro assays demonstrated that apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), a member of the MAPK kinase kinase family, negatively regulated 26 S proteasome activity. Immunoprecipitation/Western blot analyses revealed that ASK1 did not interact with 20 S catalytic core but did interact with ATPases making up the 19 S particle, which is responsible for recognizing polyubiquitinated proteins, unfolding them, and translocating them into the 20 S catalytic core in an ATP-dependent process. Importantly, ASK1 phosphorylated Rpt5, an AAA ATPase of the 19 S proteasome, and inhibited its ATPase activity, an effect that may underlie the ability of ASK1 to inhibit 26 S proteasome activity. The current findings point to a novel role for ASK1 in the regulation of 26 S proteasome and offer new strategies for treating human diseases caused by proteasome malfunction.  相似文献   

Most bacterial genomes contain different types of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. The ω-ϵ-ζ proteinaceous type II TA cassette from the streptococcal pSM19035 plasmid is a member of the ϵ/ζ family, which is commonly found in multiresistance plasmids and chromosomes of various human pathogens. Regulation of type II TA systems relies on the proteolysis of antitoxin proteins. Under normal conditions, the Epsilon antidote neutralizes the Zeta toxin through the formation of a tight complex. In this study, we show, using both in vivo and in vitro analyses, that the ClpXP protease is responsible for Epsilon antitoxin degradation. Using in vivo studies, we examined the stability of the plasmids with active or inactive ω-ϵ-ζ TA cassettes in B. subtilis mutants that were defective for different proteases. Using in vitro assays, the degradation of purified His6-Epsilon by the His6-LonBs, ClpPBs, and ClpXBs proteases from B. subtilis was analyzed. Additionally, we showed that purified Zeta toxin protects the Epsilon protein from rapid ClpXP-catalyzed degradation.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome is a large multi-subunit protein complex that degrades ubiquitinated proteins in eukaryotic cells. Proteasome assembly is a complex process that involves formation of six- and seven-membered ring structures from homologous subunits. Here we report that the assembly of hexameric Rpt ring of the 19 S regulatory particle (RP) requires nucleotide binding but not ATP hydrolysis. Disruption of nucleotide binding to an Rpt subunit by mutation in the Walker A motif inhibits the assembly of the Rpt ring without affecting heterodimer formation with its partner Rpt subunit. Coexpression of the base assembly chaperones S5b and PAAF1 with mutant Rpt1 and Rpt6, respectively, relieves assembly inhibition of mutant Rpts by facilitating their interaction with adjacent Rpt dimers. The mutation in the Walker B motif which impairs ATP hydrolysis does not affect Rpt ring formation. Incorporation of a Walker B mutant Rpt subunit abrogates the ATPase activity of the 19 S RP, suggesting that failure of the mutant Rpt to undergo the conformational transition from an ATP-bound to an ADP-bound state impairs conformational changes in the other five wild-type Rpts in the Rpt ring. In addition, we demonstrate that the C-terminal tails of Rpt subunits possessing core particle (CP)-binding affinities facilitate the cellular assembly of the 19 S RP, implying that the 20 S CP may function as a template for base assembly in human cells. Taken together, these results suggest that the ATP-bound conformational state of an Rpt subunit with the exposed C-terminal tail is competent for cellular proteasome assembly.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome possesses two distinct deubiquitinating activities. The ubiquitin (Ub) chain amputation activity removes the entire polyUb chain from the substrates. The Ub chain trimming activity progressively cleaves a polyUb chain from the distal end. The Ub chain amputation activity mediates degradation-coupled deubiquitination. The Ub chain trimming activity can play a supportive or an inhibitory role in degradation, likely depending on features of the substrates. How Ub chain trimming assists degradation is not clear. We find that inhibition of the chain trimming activity of the 26 S proteasome with Ub aldehyde significantly inhibits degradation of Ub4 (Lys-48)-UbcH10 and causes accumulation of free Ub4 (generated from chain amputation) that can be retained on the proteasome. Also, a non-trimmable Lys-48-mimic Ub4 efficiently targets UbcH10 to the 26 S proteasome, but it cannot support efficient degradation of UbcH10 compared with regular Lys-48 Ub4. These results indicate that polyUb chain trimming promotes proteasomal degradation of Lys-48-linked substrates. Mechanistically, we propose that Ub chain trimming cleaves the proteasome-bound Lys-48-linked polyUb chains, which vacates the Ub binding sites of the 26 S proteasome, thus allowing continuous substrate loading.  相似文献   

Pupylation is a bacterial post-translational modification of target proteins on lysine residues with prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein Pup. Pup-tagged substrates are recognized by a proteasome-interacting ATPase termed Mpa in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mpa unfolds pupylated substrates and threads them into the proteasome core particle for degradation. Interestingly, Mpa itself is also a pupylation target. Here, we show that the Pup ligase PafA predominantly produces monopupylated Mpa modified homogeneously on a single lysine residue within its C-terminal region. We demonstrate that this modification renders Mpa functionally inactive. Pupylated Mpa can no longer support Pup-mediated proteasomal degradation due to its inability to associate with the proteasome core. Mpa is further inactivated by rapid Pup- and ATPase-driven deoligomerization of the hexameric Mpa ring. We show that pupylation of Mpa is chemically and functionally reversible. Mpa regains its enzymatic activity upon depupylation by the depupylase Dop, affording a rapid and reversible activity control over Mpa function.  相似文献   

Protein degradation by eukaryotic proteasomes is a multi-step process involving substrate recognition, ATP-dependent unfolding, translocation into the proteolytic core particle, and finally proteolysis. To date, most investigations of proteasome function have focused on the first and the last steps in this process. Here we examine the relationship between the stability of a folded protein domain and its degradation rate. Test proteins were targeted to the proteasome independently of ubiquitination by directly tethering them to the protease. Degradation kinetics were compared for test protein pairs whose stability was altered by either point mutation or ligand binding, but were otherwise identical. In both intact cells and in reactions using purified proteasomes and substrates, increased substrate stability led to an increase in substrate turnover time. The steady-state time for degradation ranged from ~5 min (dihydrofolate reductase) to 40 min (I27 domain of titin). ATP turnover was 110/min./proteasome, and was not markedly changed by substrate. Proteasomes engage tightly folded substrates in multiple iterative rounds of ATP hydrolysis, a process that can be rate-limiting for degradation.  相似文献   

Proteasomes degrade most proteins in mammalian cells and are established targets of anti-cancer drugs. The majority of proteasome inhibitors are composed of short peptides with an electrophilic functionality (pharmacophore) at the C terminus. All eukaryotic proteasomes have three types of active sites as follows: chymotrypsin-like, trypsin-like, and caspase-like. It is widely believed that active site specificity of inhibitors is determined primarily by the peptide sequence and not the pharmacophore. Here, we report that active site specificity of inhibitors can also be tuned by the chemical nature of the pharmacophore. Specifically, replacement of the epoxyketone by vinyl sulfone moieties further improves the selectivity of β5-specific inhibitors NC-005, YU-101, and PR-171 (carfilzomib). This increase in specificity is likely the basis of the decreased cytotoxicity of vinyl sulfone-based inhibitors to HeLa cells as compared with that of epoxyketone-based inhibitors.  相似文献   

The conserved Blm10/PA200 activators bind to the proteasome core particle gate and facilitate turnover of peptides and unfolded proteins in vitro. We report here that Blm10 is required for the maintenance of functional mitochondria. BLM10 expression is induced 25-fold upon a switch from fermentation to oxidative metabolism. In the absence of BLM10, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells exhibit a temperature-sensitive growth defect under oxidative growth conditions and produce colonies with dysfunctional mitochondria at high frequency. Loss of BLM10 leads to reduced respiratory capacity, increased mitochondrial oxidative damage, and reduced viability in the presence of oxidative stress or death stimuli. In the absence of BLM10, increased fragmentation of the mitochondrial network under oxidative stress is observed indicative of elevated activity of the mitochondrial fission machinery. The degradation of Dnm1, the main factor mediating mitochondrial fission, is impaired in the absence of BLM10 in vitro and in vivo. These data suggest that the mitochondrial functional and morphological changes observed are related to elevated Dnm1 levels. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that cells that constitutively overexpress DNM1 display the same mitochondrial defects as blm10Δ cells. The data are consistent with a model in which Blm10 proteasome-mediated turnover of Dnm1 is required for the maintenance of mitochondrial function and provides cytoprotection under conditions that induce increased mitochondrial damage and programmed cell death.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent proteases are responsible for most energy-dependent protein degradation across all species. Proteases initially bind an unstructured region on a substrate and then translocate along the polypeptide chain, unfolding and degrading protein domains as they are encountered. Although this process is normally processive, resulting in the complete degradation of substrate proteins to small peptides, some substrates are released prematurely. Regions of low sequence complexity within the substrate such as the glycine-rich region (GRR) from p105 or glycine-alanine repeats (GAr) from the EBNA1 (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1) protein, can trigger partial degradation and fragment release. Loss of processivity could be due to inability to hold on to the substrate (faster release) or inability to unfold and degrade a substrate domain (slower unfolding). I previously showed that the GRR slows domain unfolding by the proteasome (Kraut, D. A., Israeli, E., Schrader, E. K., Patil, A., Nakai, K., Nanavati, D., Inobe, T., and Matouschek, A. (2012) ACS Chem. Biol. 7, 1444–1453). In contrast, a recently published study concluded that GArs increase the rate of substrate release from ClpXP, a bacterial ATP-dependent protease (Too, P. H., Erales, J., Simen, J. D., Marjanovic, A., and Coffino, P. (2013) J. Biol. Chem. 288, 13243–13257). Here, I show that these apparently contradictory results can be reconciled through a reanalysis of the ClpXP GAr data. This reanalysis shows that, as with the proteasome, low complexity sequences in substrates slow their unfolding and degradation by ClpXP, with little effect on release rates. Thus, despite their evolutionary distance and limited sequence identity, both ClpXP and the proteasome share a common mechanism by which substrate sequences regulate the processivity of degradation.  相似文献   

We have generated a set of dual-reporter human cell lines and devised a chase protocol to quantify proteasomal degradation of a ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD) substrate, a ubiquitin ligase CRL2(VHL) substrate, and a ubiquitin-independent substrate. Well characterized inhibitors that target different aspects of the ubiquitin-proteasome system can be distinguished by their distinctive patterns of substrate stabilization, enabling assignment of test compounds as inhibitors of the proteasome, ubiquitin chain formation or perception, CRL activity, or the UFD-p97 pathway. We confirmed that degradation of the UFD but not the CRL2(VHL) or ubiquitin-independent substrates depends on p97 activity. We optimized our suite of assays to establish conditions suitable for high-throughput screening and then validated their performance by screening against 160 cell-permeable protein kinase inhibitors. This screen identified Syk inhibitor III as an irreversible p97/vasolin containing protein inhibitor (IC(50) = 1.7 μM) that acts through Cys-522 within the D2 ATPase domain. Our work establishes a high-throughput screening-compatible pipeline for identification and classification of small molecules, cDNAs, or siRNAs that target components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system.  相似文献   

In many bacteria, heat shock locus V (HslV) functions as a protease, which is activated by heat shock locus U (HslU). The primary sequence and structure of HslV are well conserved with those of the β-subunit of the 20 S proteasome core particle in eukaryotes. To date, the HslVU complex has only been characterized in the prokaryotic system. Recently, however, the coexistence of a 20 S proteasome with HslV protease in the same living organism has been reported. In Trypanosoma brucei, a protozoan parasite that causes human sleeping sickness in Africa, HslV is localized in the mitochondria, where it has a novel function in regulating mitochondrial DNA replication. Although the prokaryotic HslVU system has been studied extensively, little is known regarding its eukaryotic counterpart. Here, we report the biochemical characteristics of an HslVU complex from T. brucei. In contrast to the prokaryotic system, T. brucei possesses two potential HslU molecules, and we found that only one of them activates HslV. A key activating residue, Tyr494, was identified in HslU2 by biochemical and mutational studies. Furthermore, to our knowledge, this study is the first to report the crystal structure of a eukaryotic HslV, determined at 2.4 Å resolution. Drawing on our comparison of the biochemical and structural data, we discuss herein the differences and similarities between eukaryotic and prokaryotic HslVs.  相似文献   

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