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Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles, and mitochondrial fission is a crucial step of apoptosis. Although Oma1 is believed to be responsible for long form Opa1 (L-Opa1) processing during mitochondrial fragmentation, whether and how Oma1 is involved in L-Opa1 processing and participates in the regulation of chemoresistance is unknown. Chemosensitive and chemoresistant ovarian (OVCA) and cervical (CECA) cancer cells were treated with cisplatin (CDDP). Mitochondrial dynamics and protein contents were assessed by immunofluorescence and Western blot, respectively. The requirements of Oma1 and p53 for CDDP-induced L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis were examined by siRNA or cDNA. CDDP induces L-Opa1 processing and mitochondrial fragmentation in chemosensitive but not in chemoresistant cells. CDDP induced Oma1 40-kDa form increases in OV2008 cells, not in C13* cells. Oma1 knockdown inhibited L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis. Silencing p53 expression attenuated the effects of CDDP in Oma1 (40 kDa) increase, L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis in chemosensitive OVCA cells, whereas reconstitution of p53 in p53 mutant or null chemoresistant OVCA cells induced Oma1 (40 kDa) increase, L-Opa1 processing, mitochondrial fragmentation, and apoptosis irrespective of the presence of CDDP. Prohibitin 1 (Phb1) dissociates from Opa1-Phb1 complex and binds phosphorylated p53 (serine 15) in response to CDDP in chemosensitive but not chemoresistant CECA cells. These findings demonstrate that (a) p53 and Oma1 mediate L-Opa1 processing, (b) mitochondrial fragmentation is involved in CDDP-induced apoptosis in OVCA and CECA cells, and (c) dysregulated mitochondrial dynamics may in part be involved in the pathophysiology of CDDP resistance.  相似文献   

Mgm101 is a Rad52-type recombination protein of bacteriophage origin required for the repair and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It forms large oligomeric rings of ∼14-fold symmetry that catalyze the annealing of single-stranded DNAs in vitro. In this study, we investigated the structural elements that contribute to this distinctive higher order structural organization and examined its functional implications. A pair of vicinal cysteines, Cys-216 and Cys-217, was found to be essential for mtDNA maintenance. Mutations to the polar serine, the negatively charged aspartic and glutamic acids, and the hydrophobic amino acid alanine all destabilize mtDNA in vivo. The alanine mutants have an increased propensity of forming macroscopic filaments. In contrast, mutations to aspartic acid drastically destabilize the protein and result in unstructured aggregates with severely reduced DNA binding activity. Interestingly, the serine mutants partially disassemble the Mgm101 rings into smaller oligomers. In the case of the C216S mutant, a moderate increase in DNA binding activity was observed. By using small angle x-ray scattering analysis, we found that Mgm101 forms rings of ∼200 Å diameter in solution, consistent with the structure previously established by transmission electron microscopy. We also found that the C216A/C217A double mutant tends to form broken rings, which likely provide free ends for seeding the growth of the super-stable but functionally defective filaments. Taken together, our data underscore the importance of a delicately maintained ring structure critical for Mgm101 activity. We discuss a potential role of Cys-216 and Cys-217 in regulating Mgm101 function and the repair of damaged mtDNA under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Purified F-ATP synthase dimers of yeast mitochondria display Ca2+-dependent channel activity with properties resembling those of the permeability transition pore (PTP) of mammals. After treatment with the Ca2+ ionophore ETH129, which allows electrophoretic Ca2+ uptake, isolated yeast mitochondria undergo inner membrane permeabilization due to PTP opening. Yeast mutant strains ΔTIM11 and ΔATP20 (lacking the e and g F-ATP synthase subunits, respectively, which are necessary for dimer formation) display a striking resistance to PTP opening. These results show that the yeast PTP originates from F-ATP synthase and indicate that dimerization is required for pore formation in situ.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial oxidative stress significantly contributes to the underlying pathology of several devastating neurodegenerative disorders. Mitochondria are highly sensitive to the damaging effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; therefore, these organelles are equipped with a number of free radical scavenging systems. In particular, the mitochondrial glutathione (GSH) pool is a critical antioxidant reserve that is derived entirely from the larger cytosolic pool via facilitated transport. The mechanism of mitochondrial GSH transport has not been extensively studied in the brain. However, the dicarboxylate (DIC) and 2-oxoglutarate (OGC) carriers localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane have been established as GSH transporters in liver and kidney. Here, we investigated the role of these carriers in protecting neurons from oxidative and nitrosative stress. Immunoblot analysis of DIC and OGC in primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) and cerebellar astrocytes showed differential expression of these carriers, with CGNs expressing only DIC and astrocytes expressing both DIC and OGC. Consistent with these findings, butylmalonate specifically reduced mitochondrial GSH in CGNs, whereas both butylmalonate and phenylsuccinate diminished mitochondrial GSH in astrocytes. Moreover, preincubation with butylmalonate but not phenylsuccinate significantly enhanced susceptibility of CGNs to oxidative and nitrosative stressors. This increased vulnerability was largely prevented by incubation with cell-permeable GSH monoethylester but not malate. Finally, knockdown of DIC with adenoviral siRNA also rendered CGNs more susceptible to oxidative stress. These findings demonstrate that maintenance of the mitochondrial GSH pool via sustained mitochondrial GSH transport is essential to protect neurons from oxidative and nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

Zinc is essential for function of mitochondria as a cofactor for several matrix zinc metalloproteins. We demonstrate that a labile cationic zinc component of low molecular mass exists in the yeast mitochondrial matrix. This zinc pool is homeostatically regulated in response to the cellular zinc status. This pool of zinc is functionally important because matrix targeting of a cytosolic zinc-binding protein reduces the level of labile zinc and interferes with mitochondrial respiratory function. We identified a series of proteins that modulate the matrix zinc pool, one of which is a novel conserved mitochondrial protein designated Mzm1. Mutant mzm1Δ cells have reduced total and labile mitochondrial zinc, and these cells are hypersensitive to perturbations of the labile pool. In addition, mzm1Δ cells have a destabilized cytochrome c reductase (Complex III) without any effects on Complexes IV or V. Thus, we have established that a link exists between Complex III integrity and the labile mitochondrial zinc pool.  相似文献   

Caspase 1 activation can be induced by oxidative stress, which leads to the release of the proinflammatory cytokines IL1β and IL18 in myeloid cells and a potentially damaging inflammatory response. However, little is known about the role of caspase 1 in non-immune cells, such as hepatocytes, that express and activate the inflammasome but do not produce a significant amount of IL1β/IL18. Here we demonstrate that caspase 1 activation protects against cell death after redox stress induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation in hepatocytes. Mechanistically, we show that caspase 1 reduces mitochondrial respiration and reactive oxygen species by increasing mitochondrial autophagy and subsequent clearance of mitochondria in hepatocytes after hypoxia/reoxygenation. Caspase 1 increases autophagic flux through up-regulating autophagy initiator beclin 1 during redox stress and is an important cell survival factor in hepatocytes. We find that during hemorrhagic shock with resuscitation, an in vivo mouse model associated with severe hepatic redox stress, caspase 1 activation is also protective against liver injury and excessive oxidative stress through the up-regulation of beclin 1. Our findings suggest an alternative role for caspase 1 activation in promoting adaptive responses to oxidative stress and, more specifically, in limiting reactive oxygen species production and damage in cells and tissues where IL1β/IL18 are not highly expressed.  相似文献   

The inner mitochondrial membrane plays a crucial role in cellular lipid homeostasis through biosynthesis of the non-bilayer-forming lipids phosphatidylethanolamine and cardiolipin. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the majority of cellular phosphatidylethanolamine is synthesized by the mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 (Psd1). The biogenesis of Psd1 involves several processing steps. It was speculated that the Psd1 precursor is sorted into the inner membrane and is subsequently released into the intermembrane space by proteolytic removal of a hydrophobic sorting signal. However, components involved in the maturation of the Psd1 precursor have not been identified. We show that processing of Psd1 involves the action of the mitochondrial processing peptidase and Oct1 and an autocatalytic cleavage at a highly conserved LGST motif yielding the α- and β-subunit of the enzyme. The Psd1 β-subunit (Psd1β) forms the membrane anchor, which binds the intermembrane space-localized α-subunit (Psd1α). Deletion of a transmembrane segment in the β-subunit results in mislocalization of Psd1 and reduced enzymatic activity. Surprisingly, autocatalytic cleavage does not depend on proper localization to the inner mitochondrial membrane. In summary, membrane integration of Psd1 is crucial for its functionality and for maintenance of mitochondrial lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human mitochondrial polymerase (polymerase-γ (Pol-γ)) are associated with various mitochondrial disorders, including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome, Alpers syndrome, and progressive external opthamalplegia. To correlate biochemically quantifiable defects resulting from point mutations in Pol-γ with their physiological consequences, we created “humanized” yeast, replacing the yeast mtDNA polymerase (MIP1) with human Pol-γ. Despite differences in the replication and repair mechanism, we show that the human polymerase efficiently complements the yeast mip1 knockouts, suggesting common fundamental mechanisms of replication and conserved interactions between the human polymerase and other components of the replisome. We also examined the effects of four disease-related point mutations (S305R, H932Y, Y951N, and Y955C) and an exonuclease-deficient mutant (D198A/E200A). In haploid cells, each mutant results in rapid mtDNA depletion, increased mutation frequency, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mutation frequencies measured in vivo equal those measured with purified enzyme in vitro. In heterozygous diploid cells, wild-type Pol-γ suppresses mutation-associated growth defects, but continuous growth eventually leads to aerobic respiration defects, reduced mtDNA content, and depolarized mitochondrial membranes. The severity of the Pol-γ mutant phenotype in heterozygous diploid humanized yeast correlates with the approximate age of disease onset and the severity of symptoms observed in humans.  相似文献   

Variation in the topology of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in eukaryotes evokes the question if differently structured DNAs are replicated by a common mechanism. RNA-primed DNA synthesis has been established as a mechanism for replicating the circular animal/mammalian mtDNA. In yeasts, circular mtDNA molecules were assumed to be templates for rolling circle DNA-replication. We recently showed that in Candida albicans, which has circular mapping mtDNA, recombination driven replication is a major mechanism for replicating a complex branched mtDNA network. Careful analyses of C. albicans-mtDNA did not reveal detectable amounts of circular DNA molecules. In the present study we addressed the question of how the unit sized linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis terminating at both ends with arrays of tandem repeats (mitochondrial telomeres) is replicated. Originally, we expected to find replication intermediates diagnostic of canonical bi-directional replication initiation at the centrally located bi-directional promoter region. However, we found that the linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis also employs recombination for replication initiation. The most striking findings were that the mitochondrial telomeres appear to be hot spots for recombination driven replication, and that stable RNA:DNA hybrids, with a potential role in mtDNA replication, are also present in the mtDNA preparations.  相似文献   

In humans the mitochondrial inner membrane protein Oxa1L is involved in the biogenesis of membrane proteins and facilitates the insertion of both mitochondrial- and nuclear-encoded proteins from the mitochondrial matrix into the inner membrane. The C-terminal ∼100-amino acid tail of Oxa1L (Oxa1L-CTT) binds to mitochondrial ribosomes and plays a role in the co-translational insertion of mitochondria-synthesized proteins into the inner membrane. Contrary to suggestions made for yeast Oxa1p, our results indicate that the C-terminal tail of human Oxa1L does not form a coiled-coil helical structure in solution. The Oxa1L-CTT exists primarily as a monomer in solution but forms dimers and tetramers at high salt concentrations. The binding of Oxa1L-CTT to mitochondrial ribosomes is an enthalpy-driven process with a Kd of 0.3–0.8 μm and a stoichiometry of 2. Oxa1L-CTT cross-links to mammalian mitochondrial homologs of the bacterial ribosomal proteins L13, L20, and L28 and to mammalian mitochondrial specific ribosomal proteins MRPL48, MRPL49, and MRPL51. Oxa1L-CTT does not cross-link to proteins decorating the conventional exit tunnel of the bacterial large ribosomal subunit (L22, L23, L24, and L29).  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking Mne1 are deficient in intron splicing in the gene encoding the Cox1 subunit of cytochrome oxidase but contain wild-type levels of the bc(1) complex. Thus, Mne1 has no role in splicing of COB introns or expression of the COB gene. Northern experiments suggest that splicing of the COX1 aI5β intron is dependent on Mne1 in addition to the previously known Mrs1, Mss116, Pet54, and Suv3 factors. Processing of the aI5β intron is similarly impaired in mne1Δ and mrs1Δ cells and overexpression of Mrs1 partially restores the respiratory function of mne1Δ cells. Mrs1 is known to function in the initial transesterification reaction of splicing. Mne1 is a mitochondrial matrix protein loosely associated with the inner membrane and is found in a high mass ribonucleoprotein complex specifically associated with the COX1 mRNA even within an intronless strain. Mne1 does not appear to have a secondary function in COX1 processing or translation, because disruption of MNE1 in cells containing intronless mtDNA does not lead to a respiratory growth defect. Thus, the primary defect in mne1Δ cells is splicing of the aI5β intron in COX1.  相似文献   

Iron storage in yeast requires the activity of the vacuolar iron transporter Ccc1. Yeast with an intact CCC1 are resistant to iron toxicity, but deletion of CCC1 renders yeast susceptible to iron toxicity. We used genetic and biochemical analysis to identify suppressors of high iron toxicity in Δccc1 cells to probe the mechanism of high iron toxicity. All genes identified as suppressors of high iron toxicity in aerobically grown Δccc1 cells encode organelle iron transporters including mitochondrial iron transporters MRS3, MRS4, and RIM2. Overexpression of MRS3 suppressed high iron toxicity by decreasing cytosolic iron through mitochondrial iron accumulation. Under anaerobic conditions, Δccc1 cells were still sensitive to high iron toxicity, but overexpression of MRS3 did not suppress iron toxicity and did not result in mitochondrial iron accumulation. We conclude that Mrs3/Mrs4 can sequester iron within mitochondria under aerobic conditions but not anaerobic conditions. We show that iron toxicity in Δccc1 cells occurred under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Microarray analysis showed no evidence of oxidative damage under anaerobic conditions, suggesting that iron toxicity may not be solely due to oxidative damage. Deletion of TSA1, which encodes a peroxiredoxin, exacerbated iron toxicity in Δccc1 cells under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, suggesting a unique role for Tsa1 in iron toxicity.  相似文献   

Mitochondria-targeted human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (mt-hOgg1) and aconitase-2 (Aco-2) each reduce oxidant-induced alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) apoptosis, but it is unclear whether protection occurs by preventing AEC mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage. Using quantitative PCR-based measurements of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage, mtDNA damage was preferentially noted in AEC after exposure to oxidative stress (e.g. amosite asbestos (5–25 μg/cm2) or H2O2 (100–250 μm)) for 24 h. Overexpression of wild-type mt-hOgg1 or mt-long α/β 317–323 hOgg1 mutant incapable of DNA repair (mt-hOgg1-Mut) each blocked A549 cell oxidant-induced mtDNA damage, mitochondrial p53 translocation, and intrinsic apoptosis as assessed by DNA fragmentation and cleaved caspase-9. In contrast, compared with controls, knockdown of Ogg1 (using Ogg1 shRNA in A549 cells or primary alveolar type 2 cells from ogg1−/− mice) augmented mtDNA lesions and intrinsic apoptosis at base line, and these effects were increased further after exposure to oxidative stress. Notably, overexpression of Aco-2 reduced oxidant-induced mtDNA lesions, mitochondrial p53 translocation, and apoptosis, whereas siRNA for Aco-2 (siAco-2) enhanced mtDNA damage, mitochondrial p53 translocation, and apoptosis. Finally, siAco-2 attenuated the protective effects of mt-hOgg1-Mut but not wild-type mt-hOgg1 against oxidant-induced mtDNA damage and apoptosis. Collectively, these data demonstrate a novel role for mt-hOgg1 and Aco-2 in preserving AEC mtDNA integrity, thereby preventing oxidant-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, p53 mitochondrial translocation, and intrinsic apoptosis. Furthermore, mt-hOgg1 chaperoning of Aco-2 in preventing oxidant-mediated mtDNA damage and apoptosis may afford an innovative target for the molecular events underlying oxidant-induced toxicity.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction plays important roles in many diseases, but there is no satisfactory method to assess mitochondrial health in vivo. Here, we engineered a MitoTimer reporter gene from the existing Timer reporter gene. MitoTimer encodes a mitochondria-targeted green fluorescent protein when newly synthesized, which shifts irreversibly to red fluorescence when oxidized. Confocal microscopy confirmed targeting of the MitoTimer protein to mitochondria in cultured cells, Caenorhabditis elegans touch receptor neurons, Drosophila melanogaster heart and indirect flight muscle, and mouse skeletal muscle. A ratiometric algorithm revealed that conditions that cause mitochondrial stress led to a significant shift toward red fluorescence as well as accumulation of pure red fluorescent puncta of damaged mitochondria targeted for mitophagy. Long term voluntary exercise resulted in a significant fluorescence shift toward green, in mice and D. melanogaster, as well as significantly improved structure and increased content in mouse FDB muscle. In contrast, high-fat feeding in mice resulted in a significant shift toward red fluorescence and accumulation of pure red puncta in skeletal muscle, which were completely ameliorated by voluntary wheel running. Hence, MitoTimer allows for robust analysis of multiple parameters of mitochondrial health under both physiological and pathological conditions and will be highly useful for future research of mitochondrial health in multiple disciplines in vivo.  相似文献   

PRELID1, the only late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) domain-containing protein in humans, exerts cytoprotective effects through its LEA domain within the mitochondria. Although PRELID1 homologs in vertebrates contain the LEA domain, homologs in lower eukaryotes are thought to lack this domain. In this study, we identify a novel LEA-like domain in a yeast PRELID1 homolog, Ups2p, which contains sequence conservation with the LEA domain of human PRELID1. PRELID1 homologs, including Ups2p, are known to contain the PRELI/MSF1 domain. Our study reveals that the MSF1 domain of Ups2p maintains proper mitochondrial electron transport chain function, respiratory competency, and mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine metabolism. The Ups2p MSF1 domain mediates cardiolipin depletion in the absence of Ups1p. However, the Ups2p LEA-like domain is responsible for cardiolipin depletion resulting from UPS2 overexpression. The regulation of phosphatidylethanolamine levels by the MSF1 domain is antagonized by the Ups2p LEA-like domain. We demonstrate that the yeast LEA-like domain protects cells from oxidative stress and can be functionally replaced by the human LEA domain. Together our studies suggest distinct roles of MSF1 and LEA-like domains in mitochondrial function and resistance to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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