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Male sterility conferred by ogu cytoplasm of Raphanus sativus has been transferred to Brassica juncea cv RLM 198 from male-sterile B. napus through repeated backcrossing and selection. The male-sterile B. juncea is, however, highly chlorotic and late. It has low female (seed) fertility and small contorted pods. To rectify these defects, protoplasts of the male sterile were fused with normal RLM 198 (green, self fertile). Four dark green, completely male-sterile plants were obtained and identified as putative cybrids. All the plants were backcrossed three times with RLM 198. Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA analysis of backcross progeny confirmed hybridity of the cytoplasm. The restriction pattern of the chloroplast DNA of progeny plants of three cybrids (Og 1, Og 2, Og 3) was similar to that of the green self-fertile RLM 198 and indicated that the correction of chlorosis resulted from chloroplast substitution. The chloroplast DNA of the lone progeny plant of the fourth cybrid (Og 10) could not be analyzed because the plant was stunted and had only a few leaves. When total cellular DNA was probed with mitochondrial probes coxI and atpA it was found that the cybrids had recombinant mitochondria. The chlorosis-corrected plants were early flowering and had vastly improved seed fertility.  相似文献   

Summary Among the fertile sugar beet lines with nuclear sterility maintenance genes, rf, in a homozygous recessive state, sublines capable of reverting spontaneously at a high rate to sterility were identified. Of 24 related fertile sublines studied, 6 were found to spontaneously revert to sterility with a frequency of about 19%. Genetic analysis confirmed the cytoplasmic nature of spontaneously arising sterility. Reversion to sterility in these sublines was accompanied by alterations in the mitochondrial genome structure: loss of the autonomously replicating minicircle c (1.3 kb) and changes in the restriction patterns of high-molecular-weight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Southern hybridixation analysis with cloned minicircle c as a probe revealed no integration of this DNA molecule into the main mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of the revertants. Comparative BamHI and EcoRI restriction analysis of the mtDNA from the sterile revertants and fertile parental subline showed that the spontaneous reversion is accompanied by extensive genomic rearrangement. Southern blot analysis with cloned -subunit of F1-ATPase (atpA) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COX II) genes as probes indicated that the changes in mtDNA accompanying spontaneous reversion to sterility involved these regions. The mitochondrial genomes of the spontaneous revertants and the sterile analogue were shown to be identical.  相似文献   

Summary A circular supercoiled mitochondrial DNA plasmid P1 (1.45 kb) is shown in both normal fertile plants of Helianthus annuus, and some cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS A and CMS P). In contrast, no plasmid is found in some other types of CMS C, I, B and K. A circular supercoiled DNA (P2) of higher molecular weight (1.8 kb) is observed in CMS F. The mitochondrial plasmid P1 was cloned, nick-translated and hybridized with native mitochondrial DNA from different lines of male fertile, CMS or wild Helianthus. No sequence homology has been detected between plasmid DNA P1 and high molecular weight mitochondrial DNA in any line examined. A slight hybridization occurs between plasmids P1 and P2. Thus, there is no apparent relationship between mitochondrial plasmid DNA and CMS or Helianthus species. On the contrary, each Helianthus CMS and male fertile strain can be characterized by digestion fragment patterns (Sal I and Bgl I). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from wild Helianthus strains indicated a relation between some CMS and the strain from which they were maternally derived, as for example CMS I and H. annuus ssp lenticularis and CMS F and H. petiolaris fallax. On the basis of restriction endonuclease patterns, a CMS phylogenic tree is proposed which illustrates a molecular polymorphism in the mitochondrial genome of Helianthus.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA of a new type of rye cytoplasm (Gülzow, G) that induces cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was analyzed and compared with rye mtDNAs of different origins MtDNA of the G type was easily distinguishable from mtDNA of another CMS source, Pampa (P) type, and from mtDNA of fertile lines with respect to restriction fragment patterns and hybridization with mitochondrial genes. The results of the molecular analyses indicate a close, but not identical relationship between the mtDNA of the G type cytoplasm and that of cv Pluto.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction patterns of chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in Brassica napus rapeseed reveal the alloplasmic nature of cytoplasmic male sterility in this crop. Both the Shiga and Bronowski systems probably exploit cytoplasmic diversity in B. napus cultivars arising from introgression of cytoplasm from the other rapeseed species, B. campestris. Nuclear genes specific to these systems do not cause sterility in maintainers (Bronowski and Isuzu-natane) because they have a campestris cytoplasm, but give rise to sterility in napus cytoplasms. In the course of hybridization to napus cultivars a line with the triazine resistant cytoplasm (a campestris cytoplasm) has undergone an alteration in the mt genome rendering its restriction pattern more similar than previously to that of napus. The alteration may be an inversion between 7.2 and 3.4 kb in length.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to identify the probable mitochondrial factor associated with cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) by comparative analysis of cms and its isogenic maintainer lines in stem mustards. Dramatic variations in the morphology of floral organs were observed in cms stem mustard. Mitochondrial atpA gene was shown to be altered in cms compared with that in its maintainer line, of which mitochondrial atpA gene from its maintainer line was sequenced to encode 507 amino acids. It was indicative of high homology with mitochondrial atpA genes from other species, even as high as 94% in similarity with Oryza sativa in terms of amino acid constituents. However, only 429 amino acids were deduced in cms showing 83% similarity with atpA gene from its maintainer line. Two copies were observed in its maintainer line, but only one was found in cms. Such numerous differences of mitochondrial atpA gene between cms and its maintainer lines may not be the results of evolutionary divergence but the rearrangements of mitochondria. Expression of mitochondrial atpA gene was shown to be down-regulated in cms by using Northern blot. Consequently, mitochondrial ATP synthesis was severely decreased more than one fold in cms stem mustard indicating deficiency in mitochondrial ATP synthesis in this type of cms. Therefore, we deduced that mitochondrial atpA gene altered in cms could be associated with male-sterility in this type of cms. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Jing-Hua Yang and Yan Huai contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary Co-segregation studies of isozyme markers and male fertility restoration showed that a restorer gene from radish was introduced into rapeseed along with an isozyme marker (Pgi-2). The radish chromosome segment carrying these genes was introgressed into rapeseed through homoeologous recombination, substituting for some of the rapeseed alleles. By crossing heterozygous restored plants to male-sterile lines and to maintainers, tight linkage was found between the restorer gene and the marker. The recombination fraction was estimated at 0.25 ± 0.02%. Although few restored plants lacked the radish isozyme marker, it was still possible to distinguish male-fertile from male-sterile plants by their PGI-2 patterns. Furthermore, homozygous and heterozygous restored plants could be separated by specific PGI-2 phenotypes. Thus, the Pgi-2 marker is now currently used in restorer breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Techniques have been developed for the production of cybrids in Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). Gamma-irradiated protoplasts of a cytoplasmically male-sterile breeding line of perennial ryegrass (B200) were fused with iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts of a fertile breeding line (Jon 401). After fusion 25 putative cybrid calli were characterized to determine mitochondrion type and composition of the nuclear genome. Analysis of phosphoglucoisomerase isozyme profiles and determination of the ploidy level by flow cytometry indicated that all of the calli tested essentially contained the nuclear DNA of the fertile line. However, the presence of parts of the nuclear DNA from the sterile line could not be excluded. Southern blotting of total DNA isolated from the parental lines and putative cybrids combined with hybridizations using the mitochondrial probes cox1 and atp6 revealed that the mitochondria of the calli originated from the fertile line (5 calli), the sterile line (5 calli) or from both parental lines (15 calli). The hybridization patterns of the mtDNA from the cybrid calli showed extensive quantitative and qualitative variation, suggesting that fusion-induced inter- or intramolecular mitochondrial recombination had taken place.  相似文献   

The mitochondria of chive plants with normal N or male-sterile S cytoplasms have been examined by restriction fragment analysis and Southern hybridizations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and in organello protein biosynthesis. Restriction fragment patterns of the mtDNA differed extensively between N-and S-cytoplasms. The percentage of fragments with different mobility varied between 44–48% depending on the restriction enzyme used. In contrast to mtDNA, the restriction fragment patterns of the chloropolast DNA from N- and S-cytoplasms were identical. The organization of the analyzed mitochondrial genes coxII, coxIII, nad1 and nad3 was different in N- and S-cytoplasms. Comparison of mitochondrial proteins analyzed by in organello translation revealed an 18-kDa protein present only in S-cytoplasm. The restorer gene X suppressed the synthesis of that protein in S-cytoplasm. Thus, the 18-kDa protein seems to be associated with the cytoplasmic male-sterile phenotype.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Spontaneous male sterility is an advantageous trait for both constructing efficient pollination control systems and for understanding the developmental process of the male reproductive unit in many crops. A triallelic genetic male-sterile locus (BnMs5) has been identified in Brassica napus; however, its complicated genome structure has greatly hampered the isolation of this locus. The aim of this study was to physically map BnMs5 through an integrated map-based cloning strategy and analyse the local chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.


A large F2 population was used to integrate the existing genetic maps around BnMs5. A map-based cloning strategy in combination with comparative mapping among B. napus, Arabidopsis, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea was employed to facilitate the identification of a target bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone covering the BnMs5 locus. The genomic sequences from the Brassica species were analysed to reveal the regional chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.

Key Results

BnMs5 was finally delimited to a 0·3-cM genetic fragment from an integrated local genetic map, and was anchored on the B. napus A8 chromosome. Screening of a B. napus BAC clone library and identification of the positive clones validated that JBnB034L06 was the target BAC clone. The closest flanking markers restrict BnMs5 to a 21-kb region on JBnB034L06 containing six predicted functional genes. Good collinearity relationship around BnMs5 between several Brassica species was observed, while violent chromosomal evolutionary events including insertions/deletions, duplications and single nucleotide mutations were also found to have extensively occurred during their divergence.


This work represents major progress towards the molecular cloning of BnMs5, as well as presenting a powerful, integrative method to mapping loci in plants with complex genomic architecture, such as the amphidiploid B. napus.  相似文献   

Previous results have shown that cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in lines from Phaseolus coccineus and Phaseolus vulgaris contain the same CMS-specific sequence, raising the question of whether this sequence rearrangement arose before divergence of the two species or afterward with subsequent transfer by introgression. Hybridization patterns of total DNA from eight P. vulgaris lines with cytoplasm from P. coccineus and three P. vulgaris lines were examined in order to analyze the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity within each species and to determine differences between CMS lines derived from the two species. Three restriction enzymes and 17 heterologous mtDNA sequences were used. The analysis of the different hybridization patterns revealed a considerable diversity in mtDNA organization particularly within P. coccineus. We obtained distinctive hybridization patterns for the five CMS lines tested. The resulting classification showed that mitochondrial genomes from P. coccineus CMS lines group with those of fertile P. coccineus but not with CMS lines from P. vulgaris. The groupings concur with the taxonomic classification of these lines. The results support the hypothesis of a single ancient origin of the CMS determinant and exclude the transfer of cytoplasm by introgression from P. vulgaris to P. coccineus and P. coccineus ssp polyanthus.  相似文献   

Summary Fusion of leaf protoplasts from an inbred line of Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, n=9) carrying the Ogura (R1) male sterile cytoplasm with hypocotyl protoplasts of B. campestris ssp. oleifera (cv Candle, n=10) carrying an atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm resulted in the production of synthetic B. napus (n=19). Thirty-four somatic hybrids were produced; they were characterized for morphology, phosphoglucose isomerase isoenzymes, ribosomal DNA hybridization patterns, chromosome numbers, and organelle composition. All somatic hybrids carried atrazine-resistant chloroplasts derived from B. campestris. The mitochondrial genomes in 19 hybrids were examined by restriction endonuclease and Southern blot analyses. Twelve of the 19 hybrids contained mitochondria showing novel DNA restriction patterns; of these 12 hybrids, 5 were male sterile and 7 were male fertile. The remaining hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA that was identical to that of the ATR parent and all were male fertile.  相似文献   

The alloplasmic ‘Tournefortii’ CMS system fromB. napus was chosen for a comprehensive investigation of the protein content of the mitochondrial compartment in male sterile and fertile near isogenic lines. As proteins involved in the male sterile phenotype may be expressed in a tissue-specific manner, mitochondrial preparations were made from different tissues and checked for the purity of the organelles with a new and highly sensitive method (BN-PAGE). InBrassica, only mitochondrial preparations from 4-5-day-old seedlings and from flower buds were found to be sufficiently pure. High resolution, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of total protein from anthers and from mitochondrial protein of male sterile and fertile seedlings of near isogenic lines revealed distinct differences in the protein patterns. Several explanations for the occurrence of these differences, which may be the starting point for a detailed molecular analysis and a better understanding of the CMS syndrome, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Synthetic alloploid Brassica oxyrrhina (2n = 18, OO) x B. campestris (2n = 20, AA) was repeatedly backcrossed with B. campestris to place B. campestris nucleus in the cytoplasm of B. oxyrrhina. Alloplasmic plants, obtained in BC5 generation, were stably male sterile but mildly chlorotic during initial development. Synthetic alloploid B. oxyrrhina-campestris was also hybridized with B. juncea to transfer B. oxyrrhina cytoplasm. Segregation for green and chlorotic plants was observed in BC1 and BC2 generations. By selection, however, normal green male sterile B. juncea was obtained in BC3. Pollen abortion in both B. campestris and B. juncea is post-meiotic.  相似文献   

Analysis of reciprocal crosses between nonrestoring fertile genotypes and restored male-sterile genotypes of Lolium perenne confirmed the cytoplasmic nature of the sterility trait. This prompted a search for a molecular probe that could be used to distinguish between fertile and cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) cytoplasms. We describe the identification and cloning of a 4.5-kb BamHI-HindIII restriction fragment from the mtDNA of the CMS line. The cloned fragment (pCMS45) failed to hybridise to sequences in the mtDNA of fertile lines and was thus capable of unambiguously distinguishing between fertile and CMS cytoplasms. The use of pCMS45 as a diagnostic probe provided a simple test for positive identification of young non-flowering plants carrying the CMS cytoplasm and also permitted confirmation at the molecular level of the maternal transmission of the CMS trait suggested by the genetic data.  相似文献   

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