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The hydrophilous seagrass Posidonia australis has a wide range of multilocus outcrossing rates (t), which vary from 0 to 0.89, with "apparent' outcrossing rates varying from 0 to 0.42 among the seven populations sampled. This pattern of outcrossing rate indicates that water pollination (hydrophily) is less uniform than wind pollination and more similar to animal pollination in its variability. Variation in levels of outcrossing between populations may be due to differences in water movement; for example, open bays have greater pollen dispersal and higher outcrossing rates. Considerable pollen movement within meadows was inferred from a high frequency of nonmaternal alleles in the pollen pool. The distribution of genetic diversity among populations (GST = 0.229) suggests moderate gene flow on the local scale. These results demonstrate that successful submarine cross-pollination occurs in the hydrophile P. australis, which has a diverse mating system with populations that range from predominantly inbred to predominantly outcrossed.  相似文献   

The population outcrossing rate (t) and adult inbreeding coefficient (F) are key parameters in mating system evolution. The magnitude of inbreeding depression as expressed in the field can be estimated given t and F via the method of Ritland (1990). For a given total sample size, the optimal design for the joint estimation of t and F requires sampling large numbers of families (100–400) with fewer offspring (1–4) per family. Unfortunately, the standard inference procedure (MLTR) yields significantly biased estimates for t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotypes are unknown (a common occurrence when sampling natural populations). Here, we present a Bayesian method implemented in the program BORICE (Bayesian Outcrossing Rate and Inbreeding Coefficient Estimation) that effectively estimates t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotype information is lacking. BORICE should enable wider use of the Ritland approach for field-based estimates of inbreeding depression. As proof of concept, we estimate t and F in a natural population of Mimulus guttatus. In addition, we describe how individual maternal inbreeding histories inferred by BORICE may prove useful in studies of inbreeding and its consequences.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The dwarf eelgrass, Zostera noltii, is a predominant inhabitant of soft-bottom intertidal regions along the coasts of northern Europe. It is a monoecious, protogynous angiosperm in which the potential for self-fertilization and inbreeding are high, especially if clone sizes exceed pollen dispersal distances. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between mating system and clonal structure, examine the relative roles of geitonogamous selfing and biparental inbreeding, measure pollen availability (multiple paternities) and estimate pollen dispersal.


A 100-m2 plot was established in a large, intertidal Z. noltii meadow on the island of Sylt in the German Wadden Sea. A total of 256 adult shoots was sampled: one from the centre of 100 fixed 1-m2 quadrats (large scale resolution) and an additional 156 from within eight randomly selected 1-m2 sub-quadrats (small-scale resolution). DNA was extracted from seeds and leaf tissue of all samples and genotyped with nine microsatellite loci.

Key Results

Mating system analysis revealed high multilocus and single locus outcrossing rates. Average pollen dispersal distance was nearly the same as the average genet (clone) size. Multiple paternity was common and 20–30 % of mature seeds originated from matings within the plot. Among inbred seeds, most resulted from geitonogamy rather than biparental inbreeding.


Moderate disturbances intrinsic to the intertidal habitat appear to facilitate seed recruitment by gap formation. Pollen dispersal distances are sufficient to maintain outcrossing and high clonal diversity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Clonal growth is a common feature in flowering plants. As clone size increases, the selfing rate in self-compatible species is likely to increase due to more frequent geitono-pollination events (i.e. pollination among flowers within the same genet). This study investigated the breeding system of the marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) and assessed spatial distribution of clones, clone size and architecture, and their effects on realized outcrossing rates. In addition, pollen dispersal was investigated in two patchy populations.


The species'' breeding system was investigated under controlled conditions through hand pollinations (self- vs. cross-pollination). Using microsatellite markers, an assessment was made of the realized outcrossing rates and the genetic diversity in four natural populations, the clonal structure in two populations within five 15 × 15 m sampling plots following 0·5 × 0·5 m grids, and the pollen dispersal through paternity assignment tests in those two populations.

Key Results Comarum palustre

is a self-compatible species but only presents a low rate of spontaneous self-pollination. The occurrence of inbreeding depression was not detected at the seed set stage (δSS = 0·04). Clones were spatially clumped (AC = 0·60–0·80), with intermediate to no intermingling of the ramets (DC = 0·40–1·00). Genet size ranged from one to 171 ramets. Patchy populations had low outcrossing rates (tm = 0·33–0·46). Large clones showed lower outcrossing rates than small clones. Pollen dispersal mainly occurred within patches as only 1–7 % of the pollination events occurred between patches of >25 m separation. Seedling recruitment events were detected.


Genet size together with distances between patches, through increasing geitono-pollination events, appeared to be important factors influencing realized outcrossing rates. The study also revealed seed flow allowing seedling recruitment, which may contribute to increasing the number of new patches, and potentially further enhance gene flow within populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Stamen movements directly determine pollen fates and mating patterns by altering positions of female and male organs. However, the implications of such movements in terms of pollination are not well understood. Recently, complex patterns of stamen movements have been identified in Loasaceae, Parnassiaceae, Rutaceae and Tropaeolaceae. In this study the stamen movements in Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) and their impact on pollination are determined.


Pollination effects of stamen movements were studied in Ruta graveolens, in which one-by-one uplifting and falling back is followed by simultaneous movement of all stamens in some flowers. Using 30 flowers, one stamen was manipulated either to be immobilized or to be allowed to move freely towards the centre of the flower but be prevented from falling back. Pollen loads on stigmas and ovule fertilization in flowers with or without simultaneous stamen movement were determined.


Pollen removal decreased dramatically (P < 0·001) when the stamen was stopped from uplifting because its anther was seldom contacted by pollinators. When a stamen stayed at the flower''s centre, pollen removal of the next freely moved anther decreased significantly (P < 0·005) because of fewer touches by pollinators and quick leaving of pollinators that were discouraged by the empty anther. Simultaneous stamen movement occurred only in flowers with low pollen load on the stigma and the remaining pollen in anthers dropped onto stigma surfaces after stamens moved to the flower''s centre.


In R. graveolens pollen removal is promoted through one-by-one movement of the stamen, which presents pollen in doses to pollinators by successive uplifting of the stamen and avoids interference of two consecutively dehisced anthers by falling back of the former stamen before the next one moves into the flower''s centre. Simultaneous stamen movement at the end of anthesis probably reflects an adaptation for late-acting self-pollination.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Understanding patterns of pollen dispersal and variation in mating systems provides insights into the evolutionary potential of plant species and how historically rare species with small disjunct populations persist over long time frames. This study aims to quantify the role of pollen dispersal and the mating system in maintaining contemporary levels of connectivity and facilitating persistence of small populations of the historically rare Acacia woodmaniorum.


Progeny arrays of A. woodmaniorum were genotyped with nine polymorphic microsatellite markers. A low number of fathers contributed to seed within single pods; therefore, sampling to remove bias of correlated paternity was implemented for further analysis. Pollen immigration and mating system parameters were then assessed in eight populations of varying size and degree of isolation.

Key Results

Pollen immigration into small disjunct populations was extensive (mean minimum estimate 40 % and mean maximum estimate 57 % of progeny) and dispersal occurred over large distances (≤1870m). Pollen immigration resulted in large effective population sizes and was sufficient to ensure adaptive and inbreeding connectivity in small disjunct populations. High outcrossing (mean tm = 0·975) and a lack of apparent inbreeding suggested that a self-incompatibility mechanism is operating. Population parameters, including size and degree of geographic disjunction, were not useful predictors of pollen dispersal or components of the mating system.


Extensive long-distance pollen dispersal and a highly outcrossed mating system are likely to play a key role in maintaining genetic diversity and limiting negative genetic effects of inbreeding and drift in small disjunct populations of A. woodmaniorum. It is proposed that maintenance of genetic connectivity through habitat and pollinator conservation will be a key factor in the persistence of this and other historically rare species with similar extensive long-distance pollen dispersal and highly outcrossed mating systems.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

How and why plants evolve to become selfing is a long-standing evolutionary puzzle. The transition from outcrossing to highly selfing is less well understood in self-compatible (SC) mixed-mating (MM) species where potentially subtle interactions between floral phenotypes and the environment are at play. We examined floral morphological and developmental traits across an entire SC MM genus, Collinsia, to determine which, if any, predict potential autonomous selfing ability when pollinators are absent (AS) and actual selfing rates in the wild, sm, and to best define the selfing syndrome for this clade.


Using polymorphic microsatellite markers, we obtained 30 population-level estimates of sm across 19 Collinsia taxa. Species grand means for the timing of herkogamy (stigma–anther contact) and dichogamy (stigmatic receptivity, SR), AS, floral size, longevity and their genetic correlations were quantified for 22 taxa.

Key Results

Species fell into discrete selfing and outcrossing groups based on floral traits. Loss of dichogamy defines Collinsia''s selfing syndrome. Floral size, longevity and herkogamy also differ significantly between these groups. Most taxa have high AS rates (>80 %), but AS is uncorrelated with any measured trait. In contrast, sm is significantly correlated only with SR. High variance in sm was observed in the two groups.


Collinsia species exhibit clear morphological and developmental traits diagnostic of ‘selfing’ or ‘outcrossing’ groups. However, many species in both the ‘selfing’ and the ‘outcrossing’ groups were MM, pointing to the critical influence of the pollination environment, the timing of AS and outcross pollen prepotency on sm. Flower size is a poor predictor of Collinsia species'' field selfing rates and this result may apply to many SC species. Assessment of the variation in the pollination environment, which can increase selfing rates in more ‘outcrossing’ species but can also decrease selfing rates in more ‘selfing’ species, is critical to understanding mating system evolution of SC MM taxa.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow is important in counteracting the divergence of populations but also in spreading genes among populations. However, contemporary gene flow is not well understood across alpine landscapes. The aim of this study was to estimate contemporary gene flow through pollen and to examine the realized mating system in the alpine perennial plant, Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae).


An entire sub-alpine to alpine landscape of 2 km2 was exhaustively sampled in the Swiss Alps. Eighteen nuclear microsatellite loci were used to genotype 595 individuals and 499 offspring from 49 maternal plants. Contemporary gene flow by pollen was estimated from paternity analysis, matching the genotypes of maternal plants and offspring to the pool of likely father plants. Realized mating patterns and genetic structure were also estimated.

Key Results

Paternity analysis revealed several long-distance gene flow events (≤1 km). However, most outcrossing pollen was dispersed close to the mother plants, and 84 % of all offspring were selfed. Individuals that were spatially close were more related than by chance and were also more likely to be connected by pollen dispersal.


In the alpine landscape studied, genetic structure occurred on small spatial scales as expected for alpine plants. However, gene flow also covered large distances. This makes it plausible for alpine plants to spread beneficial alleles at least via pollen across landscapes at a short time scale. Thus, gene flow potentially facilitates rapid adaptation in A. alpina likely to be required under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The combination of clonality and a mating system promoting outcrossing is considered advantageous because outcrossing avoids the fitness costs of selfing within clones (geitonogamy) while clonality assures local persistence and increases floral display. The spatial spread of genetically identical plants (ramets) may, however, also decrease paternal diversity (the number of sires fertilizing a given dam) and fertility, particularly towards the centre of large clumped clones. This study aimed to quantify the impact of extensive clonal growth on fine-scale paternity patterns in a population of the allogamous Convallaria majalis.


A full analysis of paternity was performed by genotyping all flowering individuals and all viable seeds produced during a single season using AFLP. Mating patterns were examined and the spatial position of ramets was related to the extent of multiple paternity, fruiting success and seed production.

Key Results

The overall outcrossing rate was high (91 %) and pollen flow into the population was considerable (27 %). Despite extensive clonal growth, multiple paternity was relatively common (the fraction of siblings sharing the same father was 0·53 within ramets). The diversity of offspring collected from reproductive ramets surrounded by genetically identical inflorescences was as high as among offspring collected from ramets surrounded by distinct genets. There was no significant relationship between the similarity of the pollen load received by two ramets and the distance between them. Neither the distance of ramets with respect to distinct genets nor the distance to the genet centre significantly affected fruiting success or seed production.


Random mating and considerable pollen inflow most probably implied that pollen dispersal distances were sufficiently high to mitigate local mate scarcity despite extensive clonal spread. The data provide no evidence for the intrusion of clonal growth on fine-scale plant mating patterns.  相似文献   

Addition of nutrients to sediments has been proposed as a means of enhancing transplantation success in seagrasses. The effects of nutrient and iron additions to natural sediments on the growth and morphology of Posidonia australis transplants were evaluated in underwater plots in two contrasting environments: a coastal embayment (Princess Royal Harbour) with sandy sediments and little riverine input, and an estuary (Oyster Harbour) with organic-rich sediments and subject to seasonal river flow from a large rural catchment. Sixty six planting units spaced 1 m apart were transplanted in situ in each location. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were added in a randomized factorial design using slow release fertilizer granules at the start of the experiment and repeated every 4-5 months for 2 years. In a concurrent experiment, chelated iron Fe EDTA was added to modify the sediment sulphur cycle.In Oyster Harbour, the addition of N significantly increased leaf N concentrations but reduced total biomass and biomass of leaves. Addition of P significantly increased leaf P concentrations and number of living leaves per transplant, leaf area, leaf length, length of longest rhizome axis and total rhizome length. Combined N + P addition resulted in a significant increase in leaf P concentrations and leaf area per plant only. In Princess Royal Harbour, addition of N produced significant increases in leaf variables (total and leaf biomass, number of shoots and living leaves, leaf area, and leaf length) but there were no significant differences observed in below ground plant parts (rhizomes). Addition of P had no significant effects on any growth measurements. Addition of N + P combined increased number of living leaves and leaf area significantly. δ15N in mature leaf tissue were significantly more negative for N and N + P treatments at both locations.Our results indicated that N limitation was occurring in the coastal embayment, Princess Royal Harbour whereas in the more estuarine Oyster Harbour, P was limiting plant growth. Addition of FeEDTA produced equivocal results at both sites and we suggest these results are confounded by the addition of N and C in the EDTA. We caution the use of nutrient addition to transplants of slow growing seagrasses such as P. australis without a thorough understanding of the nutrient status of the system, estuarine or coastal embayment, in which they are to be transplanted.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Wild carrot is the ancestor of cultivated carrot and is the most important gene pool for carrot breeding. Transgenic carrot may be released into the environment in the future. The aim of the present study was to determine how far a gene can disperse in wild carrot populations, facilitating risk assessment and management of transgene introgression from cultivated to wild carrots and helping to design sampling strategies for germplasm collections.


Wild carrots were sampled from Meijendel and Alkmaar in The Netherlands and genotyped with 12 microsatellite markers. Spatial autocorrelation analyses were used to detect spatial genetic structures (SGSs). Historical gene dispersal estimates were based on an isolation by distance model. Mating system and contemporary pollen dispersal were estimated using 437 offspring of 20 mothers with different spatial distances and a correlated paternity analysis in the Meijendel population.

Key Results

Significant SGSs are found in both populations and they are not significantly different from each other. Combined SGS analysis indicated significant positive genetic correlations up to 27 m. Historical gene dispersal σg and neighbourhood size Nb were estimated to be 4–12 m [95 % confidence interval (CI): 3–25] and 42–73 plants (95 % CI: 28–322) in Meijendel and 10–31 m (95 % CI: 7–∞) and 57–198 plants (95 % CI: 28–∞) in Alkmaar with longer gene dispersal in lower density populations. Contemporary pollen dispersal follows a fat-tailed exponential-power distribution, implying pollen of wild carrots could be dispersed by insects over long distance. The estimated outcrossing rate was 96 %.


SGSs in wild carrots may be the result of high outcrossing, restricted seed dispersal and long-distance pollen dispersal. High outcrossing and long-distance pollen dispersal suggest high frequency of transgene flow might occur from cultivated to wild carrots and that they could easily spread within and between populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The time at which plants are transferred to floral inductive conditions affects the onset of flowering and plant morphology, due to juvenility. Plants of Brunonia australis and Calandrinia sp. were used to investigate whether Australian native ephemeral species show a distinct juvenile phase that can be extended to increase vegetative growth and flowering.


The juvenile phase was quantified by transferring seedlings from less inductive (short day and 30/20°C) to inductive (vernalization or long day) conditions at six different plant ages ranging from 4 to 35 d after seed germination. An increase in days to first visible floral bud and leaf number were used to signify the end of juvenility.

Key Results

Brunonia australis was receptive to floral inductive long day conditions about 18–22 d after seed germination, whereas plants aged 4–35 d appeared vernalization sensitive. Overall, transferring plants of B. australis from short to long day conditions reduced the time to anthesis compared with vernalization or constant short day conditions. Calandrinia sp. showed a facultative requirement for vernalization and an insensitive phase was not detected. Floral bud and branch production increased favourably as plant age at time of transfer to inductive conditions increased. Younger plants showed the shortest crop production time.


Both species can perceive the vernalization floral stimulus from a very young age, whereas the photoperiodic stimulus is perceived by B. australis after a period of vegetative growth. However, extending the juvenile phase can promote foliage development and enhance flower production of both species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow by seed and pollen largely shapes the genetic structure within and among plant populations. Seed dispersal is often strongly spatially restricted, making gene flow primarily dependent on pollen dispersal within and into populations. To understand distance-dependent pollination success, pollen dispersal and gene flow were studied within and into a population of the alpine monocarpic perennial Campanula thyrsoides.


A paternity analysis was performed on sampled seed families using microsatellites, genotyping 22 flowering adults and 331 germinated offspring to estimate gene flow, and pollen analogues were used to estimate pollen dispersal. The focal population was situated among 23 genetically differentiated populations on a subalpine mountain plateau (<10 km2) in central Switzerland.

Key Results

Paternity analysis assigned 110 offspring (33·2 %) to a specific pollen donor (i.e. ‘father’) in the focal population. Mean pollination distance was 17·4 m for these offspring, and the pollen dispersal curve based on positive LOD scores of all 331 offspring was strongly decreasing with distance. The paternal contribution from 20–35 offspring (6·0–10·5 %) originated outside the population, probably from nearby populations on the plateau. Multiple potential fathers were assigned to each of 186 offspring (56·2 %). The pollination distance to ‘mother’ plants was negatively affected by the mothers'' degree of spatial isolation in the population. Variability in male mating success was not related to the degree of isolation of father plants.


Pollen dispersal patterns within the C. thyrsoides population are affected by spatial positioning of flowering individuals and pollen dispersal may therefore contribute to the course of evolution of populations of this species. Pollen dispersal into the population was high but apparently not strong enough to prevent the previously described substantial among-population differentiation on the plateau, which may be due to the monocarpic perenniality of this species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The frequency at which males can be maintained with hermaphrodites in androdioecious populations is predicted to depend on the selfing rate, because self-fertilization by hermaphrodites reduces prospective siring opportunities for males. In particular, high selfing rates by hermaphrodites are expected to exclude males from a population. Here, the first estimates are provided of the mating system from two wild hexaploid populations of the androdioecious European wind-pollinated plant M. annua with contrasting male frequencies.


Four diploid microsatellite loci were used to genotype 19–20 progeny arrays from two populations of M. annua, one with males and one without. Mating-system parameters were estimated using the program MLTR.

Key Results

Both populations had similar, intermediate outcrossing rates (tm = 0·64 and 0·52 for the population with and without males, respectively). The population without males showed a lower level of correlated paternity and biparental inbreeding and higher allelic richness and gene diversity than the population with males.


The results demonstrate the utility of new diploid microsatellite loci for mating system analysis in a hexaploid plant. It would appear that androdioecious M. annua has a mixed-mating system in the wild, an uncommon finding for wind-pollinated species. This study sets a foundation for future research to assess the relative importance of the sexual system, plant-density variation and stochastic processes for the regulation of male frequencies in M. annua over space and time.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites.Methods Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites.Key Results Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54 %; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29 %, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50 %.Conclusions The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Between 1981 and 1993 a methane pipeline was deployed between Sicily (Italy) and Tunisia. This involved the construction of a pipeline trench, which damaged the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow at Capo Feto (SW Sicily, Italy) and disturbed the surrounding meadow. Seagrass growth and population dynamics were examined at different depth ranges and at increasing distances from the construction site outer limit (5, 15, 30, 50 m). Results showed significant differences between the shallow (10±3.3 m) and the deep (20±4.6 m) meadow as well as differences among distances. The age structure of P. oceanica varied along the distance gradient and with depth. The mortality rate decreased with distance from the trench at all depth ranges, showing that the plants close to the excavation suffered a higher level of disturbance. Turnover and annual gross shoot recruitment rate (Rgross) were higher in the shallow portion of the meadow than in the deep range. Forecast of future meadow development (Rnet) close to the trench indicates that, if present conditions are maintained, shoot density will be reduced by 50% over the next 6 to 17 yrs.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Sexual reproduction is one of the most important moments in a life cycle, determining the genetic composition of individual offspring. Controlled pollination experiments often show high variation in the mating system at the individual level, suggesting a persistence of individual variation in natural populations. Individual variation in mating patterns may have significant adaptive implications for a population and for the entire species. Nevertheless, field data rarely address individual differences in mating patterns, focusing rather on averages. This study aimed to quantify individual variation in the different components of mating patterns.


Microsatellite data were used from 421 adult trees and 1911 seeds, structured in 72 half-sib families collected in a single mixed stand of Quercus robur and Q. petraea in northern Poland. Using a Bayesian approach, mating patterns were investigated, taking into account pollen dispersal, male fecundity, possible hybridization and heterogeneity in immigrant pollen pools.

Key Results

Pollen dispersal followed a heavy-tailed distribution (283 m on average). In spite of high pollen mobility, immigrant pollen pools showed strong genetic structuring among mothers. At the individual level, immigrant pollen pools showed highly variable divergence rates, revealing that sources of immigrant pollen can vary greatly among particular trees. Within the stand, the distribution of male fecundity appeared highly skewed, with a small number of dominant males, resulting in a ratio of census to effective density of pollen donors of 5·3. Male fecundity was not correlated with tree diameter but showed strong cline-like spatial variation. This pattern can be attributed to environmental variation. Quercus petraea revealed a greater preference (74 %) towards intraspecific mating than Q. robur (36 %), although mating preferences varied among trees.


Mating patterns can reveal great variation among individuals, even within a single even-age stand. The results show that trees can mate assortatively, with little respect for spatial proximity. Such selective mating may be a result of variable combining compatibility among trees due to genetic and/or environmental factors.  相似文献   

The vertical migration of infective juveniles of Neoaplectana glaseri applied to the soil surface or introduced 16 cm below the soil surface was studied in pure silica sand, coarse sandy loam, silty clay loam, and clay. The number of juveniles that migrated and infected wax moth pupae placed in the soil decreased as the proportion of clay and silt increased. The majority of nematodes moved downwards 2-6 cm from the surface, but some penetrated to a depth of 14 cm in pure silica sand and coarse sandy loam. In pure silica sand and coarse sandy loam, nematodes introduced 16 cm below the soil surface were able to infect wax moth pupae located at depths of 0-4 cm and 28-32 cm. Nematodes showed a greater tendency to disperse downwards from the point of application. Movement of the nematode was least in clay soil and limited in silty clay loam soil. The number of migrating nematodes was greatest when wax moth pupae were present.  相似文献   

A new dance fly (Empididae: Empidinae) with hugely modified male fore tarsus, either on the right, left, both or neither sides, is described from Japan. Such massive polymorphic asymmetry occurring with so high an incidence in a population is previously unreported. In view of the courtship behaviour of other Empidinae, we hypothesize that the oversized tarsus is a secondary sexual character employed by males for attracting females. Alternative hypotheses are also discussed. We suggest that this extraordinary new species is a potential model for the study of mating biology in Empidinae and the evolution of mating systems in general.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the biology of the trichinelloid subfamily Trichosomoidinae is poor. Trichosomoides nasalis is a common parasite of Arvicanthis niloticus (Muridae) in Senegal, and a procedure for experimental infections has been established. It has been demonstrated that larvae develop in striated muscle fibres, similar to Trichinella spp., but they are not arrested in the first stage, and they reach the adult stage within three weeks. In the present histological study it is shown that T. nasalis females and dwarf males migrate from the abdomen and thorax to the host’s muzzle, moving through connective tissues and between muscles. A few migrating specimens were also found in the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa. While sexes were still separated in the lamina propria of the mucosa, females recovered from the epithelium contained intra-uterine males. Worms were found between the incisors in the mucosa of the anterior and median conchae which are rich in mucous cells. Only the pseudostratified epithelium was parasitized. Under natural conditions, the inflammation of the nasal mucosa that is induced by the parasites might reduce the competitiveness of infected rodents when foraging or looking for potential mates.  相似文献   

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