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Many strains of E. coli K12 restrict DNA containing cytosine methylation such as that present in plant and animal genomes. Such restriction can severely inhibit the efficiency of cloning genomic DNAs. We have quantitatively evaluated a total of 39 E. coli strains for their tolerance to cytosine methylation in phage and plasmid cloning systems. Quantitative estimations of relative tolerance to methylation for these strains are presented, together with the evaluation of the most promising strains in practical recombinant cloning situations. Host strains are recommended for different recombinant cloning requirements. These data also provide a rational basis for future construction of 'ideal' hosts combining optimal methylation tolerance with additional advantageous mutations.  相似文献   

Temperate coliphage HK022 requires integration host factor (IHF) for lytic growth. The determinant responsible for this requirement was identified as a new gene (roi) located between genes P and Q. This gene encodes a DNA-binding protein (Roi) containing a helix-turn-helix motif. We have shown that Roi binds a site within its own gene that is closely linked to an IHF binding site. By gel retardation experiments, we have found that IHF binding stabilizes the interaction of Roi with its gene. We have isolated three independent phage mutants that are able to grow on an IHF- host. They carry different mutations scattered in the roi gene and specifying single amino-acid changes. The interactions of all three Roi mutant proteins with the Roi binding site differed from that of the wild type. Roi displays strong similarities, in its C-terminal half, to two putative DNA-binding proteins of bacteriophage P1: Ant1 and KilA. The mode of action of the Roi protein and the possibility that IHF is modulating the expression and/or the action of Roi are discussed.  相似文献   

Lambdoid phage 21 requires the Escherichia coli integrative host factor (IHF) for growth. lambda-21 hybrids that have 21 DNA packaging specificity also require IHF. IHF-independent (her) mutants have been isolated. her mutations map in the amino-terminal half of the 21 1 gene. The 1 gene encodes the small subunit of the 21 terminase, and the amino-terminal half of the 1 polypeptide is a functional domain for specifically binding 21 DNA. Hence changes in the DNA-binding domain of terminase, her mutations, render 21 terminase able to function in the absence of IHF. Three of four her mutations studied are trans-dominant. An in vitro system was used to show that packaging of 21 DNA is IHF-dependent. IHF is directly required during the early, terminase-dependent steps of assembly. It is concluded that IHF is a host factor required for function of the 21 terminase. It is proposed, in analogy to the role of IHF in lambda integration, that IHF facilitates proper binding of 21 terminase to phage DNA. Consistent with this proposal, possible IHF-binding sites are present in the 21 cohesive end site.  相似文献   

Inversion of the G-segment of Escherichia coli phage Mu was studied in vitro. The reaction requires the Gin recombination protein, which was purified to near homogeneity from overproducing cells. Upon purification the protein lost activity, which was restored by addition of an extract from uninfected E. coli cells. The stimulatory host factor is a small heat-stable protein and was purified from E. coli cells. Full recombination required both proteins, but Gin alone promoted some recombination by itself, particularly at high concentrations. Relaxation of negative supercoils and recombination of a substrate with two recombination sites in an inverted orientation both have the same specificity for Gin and the host factor. The Gin-associated topoisomerase activity appears tightly coupled to its recombination activity.  相似文献   

【目的】噬菌体是工业发酵侵染底盘细胞的专一性病毒,由于其广泛存在以及难以根除,极大影响了发酵生产,从基因水平进行抗噬菌体基因的挖掘以及功能验证可以显著增强底盘细胞的抗噬菌体的能力,从而达到从源头上抵御噬菌体污染的目的。为了选育具有噬菌体抗性的工程菌株,本研究旨在分析选取抗噬菌体的基因以及构建抗噬菌体的工程菌株。【方法】采用共进化筛选、重测序手段、重组菌株构建以及噬菌体侵染的敏感验证实验等方法,获得具有抗噬菌体属性的工程菌株。【结果】实验通过共进化共筛选得到7株抗噬菌体驯化菌株,基因组重测序以及Annovar软件分析,发现了12个基因发生位点突变,选取位点突变频率较高的dnaE (DNA聚合酶III亚基α)、yhjH (环状二GMP磷酸二酯酶)及rzoD (假定的噬菌体裂解脂蛋白) 3个基因分析对噬菌体的抗性,突变基因过表达菌株对噬菌体BL21 Virus 01、BL21 Virus 02、BL21 Virus 06、T1和T7具有明显的抗性;吸附率测定结果表明,基因dnaEyhjH影响噬菌体复制,而基因rzoD突变影响噬菌体吸附过程。使用定量PCR进一步分析突变基因dnaEyhjH对噬菌体的抗性作用,结果表明基因dnaEyhjH突变影响噬菌体基因组BL21 Virus 01的复制过程,而rzoD突变影响噬菌体BL21 Virus 01的吸附过程。【结论】基因dnaEyhjHrzoD的位点突变能够有效抵御噬菌体的侵染,同时含有3个位点突变的工程菌株BC11具有较广范围内的噬菌体抗性,是潜在的抗噬菌体底盘细胞。本研究为抗噬菌体基因挖掘与初步解析以及开发抗噬菌体工程菌株提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The emergence of phage-resistant cells is the most serious problem for realizing phage therapy and is observed frequently if only one phage strain is used against a particular bacterium. By contrast, using multiple phages (phage cocktail) can delay or control the appearance of phage-resistant cells. Anaerobic continuous culturing of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and a cocktail of EP16, PP17, and SP22 phages were conducted. Comparison of the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern of each phage genome showed a pattern different from wild type. Furthermore, the RFLP pattern of mutant phages consisted of fragments of PP17 and SP22 genome, suggesting both phages had infected the same host simultaneously (superinfection) and exchanged genomic DNA. Through observation of the binding of SYBR Gold-stained mutant phage to individual phage-resistant cells (RC), we found that clonal RC cultures were heterogeneous in their ability to bind mutant phage. The ratio of susceptibility was a few percent, which suggested that a minority of the RC population was susceptible to phage, and this heterogeneity contributes to the stable coexistence of RC and chimeric phages. The ratio of susceptible cells did not change appreciably from bacterial generation to generation.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages, the viruses infecting bacteria, hold great potential for the treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections and other applications due to their unparalleled diversity and recent breakthroughs in their genetic engineering. However, fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying phage–host interactions is mostly confined to a few traditional model systems and did not keep pace with the recent massive expansion of the field. The true potential of molecular biology encoded by these viruses has therefore remained largely untapped, and phages for therapy or other applications are often still selected empirically. We therefore sought to promote a systematic exploration of phage–host interactions by composing a well-assorted library of 68 newly isolated phages infecting the model organism Escherichia coli that we share with the community as the BASEL (BActeriophage SElection for your Laboratory) collection. This collection is largely representative of natural E. coli phage diversity and was intensively characterized phenotypically and genomically alongside 10 well-studied traditional model phages. We experimentally determined essential host receptors of all phages, quantified their sensitivity to 11 defense systems across different layers of bacterial immunity, and matched these results to the phages’ host range across a panel of pathogenic enterobacterial strains. Clear patterns in the distribution of phage phenotypes and genomic features highlighted systematic differences in the potency of different immunity systems and suggested the molecular basis of receptor specificity in several phage groups. Our results also indicate strong trade-offs between fitness traits like broad host recognition and resistance to bacterial immunity that might drive the divergent adaptation of different phage groups to specific ecological niches. We envision that the BASEL collection will inspire future work exploring the biology of bacteriophages and their hosts by facilitating the discovery of underlying molecular mechanisms as the basis for an effective translation into biotechnology or therapeutic applications.

This study presents the BASEL collection of phages that infect the model bacterium Escherichia coli; this resource for the community is representative of natural E. coli phage diversity and has been extensively characterized phenotypically and genomically.  相似文献   

The host factor (HF-I) for phage Q beta RNA replication is a small protein of 102 amino acid residues encoded by the hfq gene at 94.8 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome. The synthesis rate of HF-I at the exponential-growth phase is higher than at the stationary phase, and it increases concomitantly with the increase in cell growth rate. The intracellular level of HF-I is about 30,000 to 60,000 molecules per cell, the majority being associated with ribosomes as one of the salt wash proteins. Taken together, we suggest that HF-I is one of the growth-related proteins.  相似文献   

CloDF13 copy mutants that have their resolution site (crl) deleted accumulate as multimeric plasmid molecules in their host cells and are lost from severalEscherichia coli stains within 60 generations. Here we demonstrate that CloDF13cop3crl mutants are stably maintained in theE.coli strain G668, although the plasmid copy number is not affected. Furthermore, we show that the stable maintenance of those plasmids is achieved even in the presence of multimeric molecules. Therefore, we conclude that a complete monomerization of multimeric molecules appears not to be a prerequisite for accurate partition of the plasmid molecules over daughter cells. The G668 strain may be applied as host for the stabilization of resolution-negative, unstable CloDF13 or related replicons.  相似文献   

Phage display relies on an iterative cycle of selection and amplification of random combinatorial libraries to enrich the initial population of those peptides that satisfy a priori chosen criteria. The effectiveness of any phage display protocol depends directly on library amino acid sequence diversity and the strength of the selection procedure. In this study we monitored the dynamics of the selective pressure exerted by the host organism on a random peptide library in the absence of any additional selection pressure. The results indicate that sequence censorship exerted by Escherichia coli dramatically reduces library diversity and can significantly impair phage display effectiveness.  相似文献   

N G Koretskaia  E S Piruzian 《Genetika》1980,16(8):1362-1371
The interaction of temperate bacteriophages Mu and lambda is studied during their simultaneous induction in specially constructed heterolysogenic strains of Escherichia coli bearing trimeric Mu--lambda--Mu structures. These strains were obtained by the MU-mediated integration of phage lambda circular genomes. Heterolysogenic strains of E. coli were used for studying phage lambda eliminating effect on Mu development with a simultaneous induction of prophages in the same cell. The results of the study allow the localization of the region of phage lambda genome incorporating gene (genes) lambda, which produces an eliminating effect on Mu development.  相似文献   

Non-targeted mutagenesis of lambda phage by ultraviolet light is the increase over background mutagenesis when non-irradiated phage are grown in irradiated Escherichia coli host cells. Such mutagenesis is caused by different processes from targeted mutagenesis, in which mutations in irradiated phage are correlated with photoproducts in the phage DNA. Non-irradiated phage grown in heavily irradiated uvr+ host cells showed non-targeted mutations, which were 3/4 frameshifts, whereas targeted mutations were 2/3 transitions. For non-targeted mutagenesis in heavily irradiated host cells, there were one to two mutant phage per mutant burst. From this and the pathways of lambda DNA synthesis, it can be argued that non-targeted mutagenesis involves a loss of fidelity in semiconservative DNA replication. A series of experiments with various mutant host cells showed a major pathway of non-targeted mutagenesis by ultraviolet light, which acts in addition to "SOS induction" (where cleavage of the LexA repressor by RecA protease leads to din gene induction): (1) the induction of mutants has the same dependence on irradiation for wild-type and for umuC host cells; (2) a strain in which the SOS pathway is constitutively induced requires irradiation to the same level as wild-type cells in order to fully activate non-targeted mutagenesis; (3) non-targeted mutagenesis occurs to some extent in irradiated recA recB cells. In cells with very low levels of PolI, the induction of non-targeted mutagenesis by ultraviolet light is enhanced. We propose that the major pathway for non-targeted mutagenesis in irradiated host cells involves binding of the enzyme DNA polymerase I to damaged genomic DNA, and that the low polymerase activity leads to frameshift mutations during semiconservative DNA replication. The data suggest that this process will play a much smaller role in ultraviolet mutagenesis of the bacterial genome than it does in the mutagenesis of lambda phage.  相似文献   

We compared the known DNA nucleotide and encoded amino acid sequences of the Escherichia coli and bacteriophage T4 dam (DNA-adenine methyltransferase) genes. Despite the absence of any DNA sequence homology, there were four regions (11 to 33 residues long) of amino acid sequence homology containing 45 to 64% identity. These results suggest that the genes for these two enzymes have a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli were transformed with different plasmids bearing the gene clusters bioXWF and bioDAYB isolated from the Gram positive bacterium Bacillus sphaericus. These genes encode for the enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway which synthesizes biotin from the precursor pimelic acid. Transformed E. coli strains were grown in bioreactors to reach a biomass of 18 g l-1 cell dry weight in 1 litre batch culture with substrate feeding and approximately 50 g l-1 in 10 l fed batch culture. Improved yields of total vitamers and biotin formed in these processes were achieved after a comparative analysis of different culture conditions, medium compositions, host strains and expression systems. Production of 27 mg l-1 of biotin and 200 mg l-1 of vitamers was achieved in 1 litre batch culture. Using a 10-1 fed batch process, biotin and vitamer concentrations reached maximum values of 45 mg l-1 and 350 mg l-1, respectively.  相似文献   

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