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The surface of the juice vesicles of some citrus fruits wasstudied with the aid of the transmission and scanning electronmicroscopes. The epidermis of the vesicles is covered with athin cuticle on top of which are found wax secretions of variousstructural patterns. It is assumed that the secreted epicuticularwax serves as an adhesive which holds the juice vesicles ineach fruit segment together.  相似文献   

We report eight new mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana possessing altered leaf morphology and epicuticular wax. These were isolated from a T-DNA-mutagenized population using a visual screen for altered leaf reflectance, i.e. increased glaucousness or glossiness. The mutants were placed into three distinct classes based on alterations in overall plant morphology: knobhead (knb), bicentifolia (bcf), and wax. The four knb mutants formed callus-like growths in the axillary region of the rosette leaves and apical meristem, the two bcf mutants produced hundreds of narrow leaves, and the two wax mutants had leaves and stems that were more glossy than wild type and organs that fused during early development. Leaves of knb and bcf were more glaucous and abnormally shaped than wild type. Epicuticular wax crystals over knb and bcf leaf surfaces (where none were present on wild type) likely contributed to their more glaucous appearance. In contrast, the glossy appearance of the wax mutants was associated with a reduced epicuticular wax load on both leaves and stems. One representative from each phenotypic class was selected for detailed analyses of epicuticular wax chemistry. All three lines, knb1, bcf1, and wax1, had dramatic alterations in the total amounts and relative proportions of their leaf epicuticular wax constituents.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted with a non-irrigated waterstress treatment and an irrigated control using four sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars. We investigated the effectsof water deficits on leaf water relations, osmotic adjustment,stomatal conductance, cuticular conductance, cell membrane stability(CMS) measured by the polyethylene glycol (PEG) test, epicuticularwax load (EWL), cytoplasmic lipid content, solute concentrationin cell sap, and growth. Osmotic adjustment was observed under water deficit conditions.Lower osmotic potential enabled plants to maintain turgor anddecreased the sensitivity of turgor-dependent processes. Sugarand K were identified as the major solutes contributing to osmoticpotential in sorghum. Sugar and K concentrations in cell sapincreased by 37·4% and 27%, respectively, under waterdeficit conditions in favour of decreasing osmotic potential.Stomatal conductance and cuticular conductance were lower inthe non-irrigated plants. A wide range in CMS among four cultivarswas observed. CMS increased with increasing water deficits.EWL increased on leaves of water deficient plants and was positivelycorrelated with cuticular conductance and CMS. Membrane phospholipidcontent increased in water-stressed plants. CMS as measured by the PEG test, was influenced by EWL, cuticularthickness, and osmotic concentration of leaf tissues. The cultivarswhich maintained higher CMS, higher EWL, lower cuticular conductance,higher turgor and higher osmotic adjustment under water deficitconditions were identified as drought tolerant. Key words: Sorghum bicolor, cell membrane stability, leaf water relationsosmotic adjustment, water stress  相似文献   

本试验选用6个抗病性不同的甘蓝型油莱品种,研究其叶表皮蜡质组成及结构与菌核病抗性的关系。结果表明,抗病品种在去除叶表皮蜡质后病情指数显著增加;感病品种无显著变化。不同抗性品种(系)间除酯类组分含量无显著差异外,其余蜡质组分含量差异显著。相关分析表明,蜡质组分中酯类含量与病情指数呈显著负相关关系,醇类、酮类含量与病情指数呈显著正相关,其余组分和蜡质总量与病情指数无显著相关关系。抗性品种叶表皮蜡质中烷类及酯类所占比重较高,而易感品种酮类比重较高。扫描电镜结果显示,抗病品种(系)的蜡质晶体主要为颗粒状、杆状、丝状;而感病品种(系)的蜡质晶体中不规则片状晶体所占比例较大。这些结果说明油菜叶表皮蜡质的组分及结构可能是抗病品种抵抗和延迟病原菌侵入的机制之一。  相似文献   

High concentrations (1000 parts 10–6) of trichloroacetate(TCA) inhibit germination of Pinus radiata seed. Seedlings growingin the presence of lower concentrations (100 parts 10–6)take up TCA where it becomes concentrated in cotyledons anddeveloping primary needles. TCA inhibits biosynthesis of nonacosan-10-oland long chain diol constituents of the primary needle epicuticularwax concomitant with a reduction in appearance of tubular waxexcept around stomatal pores. Epicuticular wax from TCA-treatedplants consists mainly of alkyl esters, and is amorphous. Itis suggested that P. radiata stomatal subsidiary cells possesstubular epicuticular wax chemically distinct from that of epidermalcells.  相似文献   

SUTTER  ELLEN G. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(3):321-329
The morphological and physical characteristics of epicuticularwax of Maranta, Dieffenbachia, Chrysanthemum, Spathiphyllum,and Gerbera grown in a greenhouse, growth chamber, or in vitro,were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gravimetricanalysis. Morphological characteristics varied among the differentspecies ranging from ridges in Dieffenbachia to smooth surfacesin Chrysanthemum and Gerbera. There was no consistent appearanceof wax of plants grown in vitro. Gravimetric analysis was necessaryto determine the amounts of wax accurately. Thin-layer chromatographyand gas-liquid chromatography revealed chemical differencesin the wax from different treatments within each species. Therewas no correlation between survival in the greenhouse or amountof leaf damage and the amounts of epicuticular wax present onplants at time of transfer. A comparison of results from gravimetricanalysis and SEM indicated that SEM alone cannot be used withconfidence in determining either the presence or the relativeamounts of epicuticular wax present. In addition, morphologicaldifferences in epicuticular wax of greenhouse, growth chamber,and cultured plants cannot be predicted from the growth environmentof plants and must be determined individually for each speciesunder study. Dieffenbachia maculata, Maranta leuconeura, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Gerbera jamesonii, Spathiphyllum wallissii, micropropagation, epicuticular wax  相似文献   

Conidia of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides germinated on green and ripe tomato fruit with intact epicuticular wax, and formed penetration pegs below melanized appressoria. If the delicate layer of epicuticular wax was distupted by abrasion or removed by solvents before inoculation, apparent increased diffusion of fruit substances into the inoculum stimulated fungal growth, hyphal anastomosis and the production of penetration pegs from hyaline appressoria. This was followed by cutlcle erosion centred on the penetration pegs in green fruit allowing sec-ondary growth of infection hyphae. Due to the development of cutinase resistance when the cuticle became yellow at ripening, no cuticle erosion occurred at penetrations on ripe fruit Since cuticle erosion followed penetration of the cutinase-susceptible cuticle and since penetration peg formation was not hindered by the cutinase cuticle, the process of primary penetration is regarded as mechanical.  相似文献   

Six varieties of oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Stormogul II, Risto, Sol II, Selma, Sang and Pendek, arranged according to decreasing drought resistance) were cultivated under controlled conditions and exposed to water stress on 4 consecutive days. Seven-day-old seedlings were stressed by cooling the roots for 3 h to 1.0°C. During this treatment the leaf water potential decreased from -7 to -12 bars. Cuticular transpiration rate, total amount of epicuticular wax and amounts of some wax components (primary alcohols, alkanes, fatty acids) were determined. Unstressed seedlings of the most drought resistant variety (Stormogul II) showed the highest cuticular transpiration rate. After stress treatment the cuticular transpiration rate was most strongly reduced in this variety and at the same time it showed the largest increase in amount of epicuticular wax of the tested varieties. In Pendek and Sang, showing the least increase in epicuticular wax, the cuticular transpiration rate was only 5% lower after stress treatment. In all varieties the primary alcohol content of the epicuticular wax was slightly higher in stressed seedlings than in controls. Further, in Stormogul and Risto the content of the predominant alkanes was much lower in stressed seedlings than in controls. On the contrary, in Pendek the stressed seedlings showed a higher alkane content. In Stormogul II, Risto and Sol II the total amount of fatty acids was higher in stressed seedlings than in controls while the opposite was true in Sang. The relation between the epicuticular wax (amount and composition) and the cuticular transpiration rate is discussed as well as the possibility of using the tested parameters in a screening test for drought resistance.  相似文献   

Cuticles of several plant species are covered by tubular wax aggregates that are known to consist mainly of (S)-nonacosan-10-ol. The present work addresses the question whether minor wax components may additionally contribute to these tubules. Thin layer chromatography was used to prepare secondary alkanediol fractions from leaf cuticular waxes of Nelumbo nucifera and Thalictrum flavum, containing nonacosane-3,10-diol, nonacosane-4,10-diol, nonacosane-5,10-diol, nonacosane-7,10-diol, nonacosane-9,10-diol and nonacosane-10,13-diol. From organic solutions all these compounds crystallized in tubular shapes. Possible crystal structures of relevant alkanediol isomers are proposed, in analogy to the lattice geometries of comparable aliphatic compounds. The resulting structural model shows that nonacosan-10-ol and various secondary alkanediols may join in metastable mixed crystals. According to the structural model proposed the admixture of alkanediols to nonacosan-10-ol aggregates should enhance the stability of their tubular habit.  相似文献   

奉节脐橙果皮褐变差减文库的构建及初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以奉节脐橙果实为材料,采用抑制差减杂交技术,分别以褐变与未褐变柑橘果皮作为检测方和驱动方,成功构建了果皮褐变的差减cDNA文库,对部分克隆进行了序列测定并与GenBank进行了同源性比较。选择其中的4个基因:钙结合蛋白同源基因、半胱氨酸蛋白酶同源基因、NAC蛋白质家族同源基因和膨胀素同源基因进行半定量RT-PCR分析,结果表明它们在褐变果皮中的表达量均高于未褐变果皮,说明这些基因的增强表达可能与脐橙果皮褐变有密切关系。  相似文献   

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolate KG13 caused necrotic, sunken anthracnose symptoms on unwounded, wax-removed, and wounded green pepper fruits and on wounded red fruits 7 days after inoculation. Hypersensitive reactions with small brownish discolorations, on some occasions, were found on unwounded red fruits. The isolate produced whitish symptoms with brown margins, but not the typical anthracnose on red fruits wax-removed by chloroform treatment. Generally, wax-removed red fruits, but not green ones, produced larger lesions and more conidia than untreated controls. Wounded pepper fruits had larger lesions than those with other treatments. More germinated conidia, appressoria, and infection hyphae were found on wax-removed fruits than on controls; however, differences between green and red fruits were not found. Cuticular wax layers of fruits were dissolved partially by chloroform and the outer epidermal cells were disrupted slightly. Anthracnose development was negatively related with fruit developmental stage. Well-developed fruits had more cuticular wax than less developed fruits. These results suggest that the cuticular wax layers of pepper fruits may play a significant role in fruit infection by C. gloeosporioides isolate KG13, and mainly determine the incompatibility of red fruits to the isolate. Biochemical differences may also play a role.  相似文献   

CD151, a member of the tetraspanin family of membrane proteins, is crucially involved in the formation of the glomerular filtration barrier in humans and mice. However, the role of CD151 in podocytes has not been investigated so far. In the present study, we utilized a conditionally immortalized mouse podocyte cell line to characterize CD151 in podocytes and to examine the consequences of manipulating CD151 expression levels. Mouse podocytes endogenously express CD151 as determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting. GFP-CD151 fusion protein localized to the cell membrane, to cell protrusions and cell-cell contacts, colocalizing with actin, β(1)-integrin, zonula occludens-1, and CD9. The expression of GFP-CD151 in cultured podocytes resulted in a marked increase in the presence of thin arborized protrusions (TAPs). TAPs are distinct from filopodia by increased length, protein composition, branched morphology, and slower dynamics. Furthermore, the migration rate of pEGFP-CD151-transfected podocytes was reduced in a wound assay. Fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching measurements revealed a half-time of 3 s for GFP-CD151 consistent with a high mobility of CD151 in the membrane and cytosol. CD151 knockdown in podocytes reduced β(1)-integrin expression and podocyte cell area, indicating diminished adherence and/or spreading. Our results indicate that CD151 importantly modulates podocyte function.  相似文献   

Isoprenaline, a beta adrenergic agonist, strongly increases both transepithelial fluxes across the urinary bladder of Bufo bufo; this effect is dose dependent, 10(-6)M being necessary for the maximal action. This effect is less selective than that of vasopressin: the ratio J urea/J thiourea is 3.8 under isoprenaline and 30.4 under vasopressin treatment. Both hormones differently affect the permeability of a mainly liposoluble molecule, i.e. antipyrine: vasopressin increases antipyrine permeability, while isoprenaline decreases it. Moreover diethylpyrocarbonate treatment of the luminal membrane strongly inhibits vasopressin effect on urea permeability leaving unmodified that of isoprenaline. However, the actions of both hormones are not additive. These results allows to assume that the tissue has a feedback mechanism which inhibits other hormonal action while the bladder is stimulated by a particular hormone.  相似文献   

Ethylene production and respiratory rate were examined in acid citrus fruits such as yuzu, seedless yuzu and daidai, and wase satsuma mandarin. A large amount of ethylene was produced from four varieties of citrus fruits harvested from May to July but not after September. A rise in ethylene production did not always coincide with a rise in respiratory rate. Excised tissues of fruits contained the ability of ethylene production throughout the developmental stages. The endogenous ethylene level at the ripening stage, reached the maximum when the color changed from green to yellow.  相似文献   

植物角质层生物学特性及水分渗透性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物角质层作为植物体与外界环境的第一道保护屏障, 其最主要的功能是防止植物体过度失水。揭示植物角质层的生物学功能及其原理将为现代农业的发展以及仿生材料的开发应用提供科学指导。该文综述了植物角质层的生物学特性及其与水分渗透性关系的研究进展, 并展望了角质层水分渗透研究的应用前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, the hypothesis is tested that, in clonal grasses producing stolons and/or rhizomes, stolons always show a higher morphological plasticity than rhizomes in response to variation in light availability.Agrostis stolonifera (a stoloniferous grass),Holcus mollis (a rhizomatous grass) andCynodon dactylon (a grass forming both stolons and rhizomes), were grown in pots and subjected to three levels of light intensities. Both stolons and rhizomes branched more intensively under higher light levels. Irrespective of species, stolons consisted of longer internodes under lower light levels, while rhizome morphology did not respond significantly. Biomass partitioning to rhizomes was lower under lower light intensities while partitioning to stolons was not affected. Rhizomes usually had more dormant buds than did stolons. Our results suggest that stolons serve primarily as foraging organs for light, whereas the main function of rhizomes is storage of meristem and carbohydrates, irrespective of whether the grass species involved produces both rhizomes and stolons or only one type of spacer.  相似文献   

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