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An attempt is made to explain the tendency to excessive wiltingin scabrous diminutive, a pepper mutant. For this, mutant andnormal plants were compared with respect to leaf anatomy, transpirationof whole plants and detached drying leaves, density and openingof stomata, staining of potassium in epidermal cells and rootpressure. A much greater proportion of intracellular space was found inthe mutant leaf which contains fewer and smaller mesophyll cellsthan the normal plant. The anticlinal walls of the epidermisof the mutant leaf were almost straight whereas those of thenormal were wavy. Transpiration per unit leaf area of wholeplants, percentage of stomata open both day and night, and waterloss from detached drying leaves were all higher in the mutant.Potassium staining in guard cells was similar in both planttypes, slightly less in darkness and marginally higher in light.The subsidiary cells of normal leaves did not stain at all,but those of the mutant leaves stained heavily in both lightand darkness. Root pressure was lower in the mutant. Possible explanations for the tendency of the pepper mutantto wilt are discussed.  相似文献   

Root tips of the wilty pepper mutant scarbrous diminutive accumulateless rubidium than those of the normal genotype. This phenomenonwas evident in root tips excised from plants maintained for2 d in CaSO4 solution (low salt plants), especially in the lowerexternal concentration range (0.1– 1.0 mM) of RbCl. Theefflux rate of Rb+ from mutant root tips was twice as high asin normal root tips. These results indicate that the ability of the mutant rootsto absorb and accumulate Rb+ and K+ is impaired. This defectcould be a consequence of either an impaired Na+/K+ carriersystem, or increased leakiness of mutant membranes, or both. The fact that the normal roots can accumulate Rb+ much fasterthan mutant roots supports the first alternative, i.e. thatthe high affinity carrier system was impaired in the mutantroots. However, the higher efflux rate of Rb+ from the mutantroots suggests that membrane leakiness was also affected.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to explain the abnormal behaviour of stomatain Capsicum scabrous diminutive, a wilty pepper mutant. Stomatalmovement in the pepper plant was found to be associated withchanges in the ion content of the guard cells. These changeswere smaller in the mutant than in the normal plants. In addition,total ion content was higher in the mutant under both controland NaCl treatments. Na+ substituted K+ in its function in stomatalmovement under high salinity. This phenomenon was more pronouncedin the mutant plants. Analysis of whole root systems and leavesof plants grown on solutions of high NaCl or KCl concentrationconfirmed that the regulation of K+ and Na+ uptake mechanismswas not functioning properly in the mutant. Evidence was presentedthat the difference in K+ staining between mutant and normalepidermal cells is an artefact resulting from the differencein leaf anatomy.  相似文献   

Tal M  Imber D  Itai C 《Plant physiology》1970,46(3):367-372
The wilty tomato mutant, flacca, and the normal variety, Rheinlands Ruhm, were compared for kinetin-like activity in ontogeny. The mutant wilts easily because its stomata resist closure. This stomatal resistance decreases with age. The occurrence of a root factor which induces stomatal opening was inferred from grafting experiments. It was hypothesized that the excessive stomatal openings in the mutant may result from excess of kinetin-like activity in the leaf of that plant. In addition, it was suggested that the closure of stomata in the aging mutant is due to a decrease of kinetin-like activity with age. Kinetin-like activity in the leaf was determined by incorporation of labeled leucine. The concentration of cytokinins in root exudate and leaf extract was determined by the soybean callus assay. Evidence was presented of higher kinetin-like activity in the leaves of the mutant and higher cytokinin concentration in its root exudate. Cytokinin concentration in the shoot was found to be only slightly higher in the mutant than in the normal plants. Kinetin-like activity in the leaf and cytokinin concentration of root exudate decreased with age in both mutant and normal plants. Kinetin-like activity in the leaves of mutant plants, which phenocopy the normal variety as a result of continuous application of abscisic acid, was lower than in control mutant plants. The significance of these findings per se and in connection with stomatal behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of individual and total contents of capsaicinoids present in Peter peppers (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) at different ripening stages has been studied. Plants were grown in a glasshouse and the new peppers were marked in a temporal space of ten days. The extraction of capsaicinoids was performed by ultrasound‐assisted extraction with MeOH. The capsaicinoids nordihydrocapsaicin (n‐DHC), capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, and homodihydrocapsaicin were analyzed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)‐fluorescence and identified by UHPLC‐Q‐ToF‐MS. The results indicate that the total capsaicinoids increase in a linear manner from the first point of harvest at ten days (0.283 mg/g FW) up to 90 days, at which point they reach a concentration of 1.301 mg/g FW. The evolution as a percentage of the individual capsaicinoids showed the initial predominance of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and n‐DHC. Dihydrocapsaicin was the major capsaicinoid up to day 50 of maturation. After 50 days, capsaicin became the major capsaicinoid as the concentration of dihydrocapsaicin fell slightly. The time of harvest of Peter pepper based on the total capsaicinoids content should be performed as late as possible. In any case, harvesting should be performed before overripening of the fruit is observed.  相似文献   

Pepper crops in Morocco formerly thought to be free from attack by Verticillium were found to be susceptible to this pathogen. Verticillium wilt of pepper was observed in plots where the crop was cultivated in rotation with tomatoes. Strains of Verticillium isolated from pepper possessed different morphological and pathogenic characteristics.  相似文献   

辣椒果实性状的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以6个辣椒品种并按(1/2)n(n-1)双列杂交法配制的15个杂交组合为材料,根据Hayman分析法估算了辣椒果实5个性状的遗传模型和遗传参数。结果显示,果长、果肉厚和结果数的遗传符合“加性-显性”模型,果宽和单果质量不符合“加性-显性”模型,还存在显著上位性效应。遗传参数估算表明,5个果实性状遗传是以加性效应为主,但不同果实性状显性效应有较大的差异,果肉厚的显性效应最大,其次是果长和结果数,果宽和单果质量最小。  相似文献   

Tal M  Imber D 《Plant physiology》1970,46(3):373-376
The wilty tomato mutant, flacca, and the control variety, Rheinlands Ruhm, were compared with regard to the endogenous activity and concentration of auxin- and abscisic acid-like substances during ontogeny. The mutant wilts fast under water deficit because of inability to close its stomata. Symptoms characteristic of excessive auxin are evident in the developing mutant. Among these symptoms are branch and leaf epinasty, excessive rooting along the stem, and increased apical dominance. By using a leucine-incorporation assay, spray of whole plants with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and wheat coleoptile bioassay, indications were found of an excess of activity and concentration of auxin-like substances in shoots of young and mature mutant plants. The wheat coleoptile bioassay also revealed a much lower amount of substances with abscisic acid-like activity in the mutant compared with the normal plant. In contrast to the appearance during ontogeny of morphological symptoms characteristic of auxin excess in the mutant, the absolute amount of auxin-like substances and their activity in incorporation of leucine decreased with age. A parallel decrease of the concentration and activity of auxin-like compounds was also found in the normal plant. The concentration of abscisic acid-like substances increased with age in both genotypes. The disagreement between the increasing morphological symptoms and the decrease of auxin-like activity and concentration is discussed, together with the possibility of a causal relationship between auxin-and abscisic acid-like activity and stomatal behavior.  相似文献   

Viruses occurring in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Ethiopia during 1984–1986 were identified and their symptomatology, host range, serology, morphology and transmission described. Potyviruses were found to cause severe infections of pepper wherever the crop was observed. Disease incidence and yield loss in most surveyed areas were estimated at 40–100 % and 15–50 %, respectively. Besides potato Y and pepper veinal mottle viruses, a new potyvirus with distinctive properties was found widely distributed in Shewa and Welega Provinces. The virus, tentatively designated Ethiopian pepper mottle virus (EPMV), was shown to have an unusually narrow experimental host range and filamentous particles about 700–750 nm in length, and to be nonpersis-tently transmitted by aphids but not transmissible through pepper seeds. Cucumber mosaic virus was detected in some locations, but appeared to be of minor significance.  相似文献   

辣椒株高遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
以辣椒矮秆自交系B9431(P1)和高秆自交系‘吉林长椒’(P2)为双亲,构建P1、F1、P1、B1、B2和F2 6个家系世代群体,应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型对该6个世代群体株高进行多世代联合分析,结果显示:株高遗传符合1对主基因+多基因遗传模型,高秆对矮秆表现为不完全显性,F1代株高的势能比值为0.39,显性程度为0.91。B1、B2和F2群体主基因遗传率分别为20.35%、17.20%和35.29%,多基因遗传率分别为5.08%、19.75%和0;主基因效应表现为负向加性效应,其值为-6.43,显性效应为0;多基因加性效应值和显性效应值分别为-8.89和9.77。研究还表明,主基因与多基因间的基因效应存在一定差异,主基因加性效应值相当于多基因加性效应值的72.33%,主基因无显性效应,显性效应是由多基因控制遗传。  相似文献   

Two new phenolic amides, grossamide (7) and N-cis-feruloyl tyramine (2), have been isolated from the roots of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) together with p-aminobenzaldehyde (1), N-trans-feruloyl tyramine (3), N-trans-p-coumaroyl tyramine (4), N-trans-feruloyl octopamine (5), and N-trans-p-coumaroyl octopamine (6).  相似文献   

不同辣椒材料离体再生及其影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8个辣椒(Capsicum annuumL.)纯系为材料,对不同材料、外植体种类和激素组合等因素对辣椒植株离体再生的影响进行了研究。结果表明,较高的6-BA/IAA值有利于辣椒外植体的分化再生,而6-BA/IAA值较低则适合于再生芽的伸长;不同辣椒材料的再生能力差别较大;辣椒带柄子叶再生能力比下胚轴强,是较好的外植体材料;12~16 d苗龄的外植体分化频率较高;在供试的8个辣椒材料中‘2096’、‘B4’和‘B7’的再生能力较强。高频率的不定芽分化培养基为MB(MS无机成分 B5有机成分) 0.8 mg/L IAA 5.0 mg/L 6-BA 4.0 mg/L Ag-NO3;不定芽伸长的培养基为MB 0.8 mg/L IAA 2.0 mg/L 6-BA 2.0 mg/L GA3 4.0 mg/L AgNO3;高效生根诱导培养基为MB 0.2 mg/L IAA 0.1 mg/L NAA。  相似文献   

Carbon Partitioning and Export in Mature Leaves of Pepper (Capsicum annuum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The partitioning of recently fixed carbon by mature pepper leaveshas been examined over a 10 h photoperiod using a constant specificradioactivity 14CO2 labelling technique. Changes in the ratesof carbon partitioning into export, starch, sucrose and hexoseswere examined following changes in irradiance during the photoperiod.Leaves grown under 80 W m–2 PAR were exposed to this irradiancefor the first 4 h of the photoperiod then the iiradiance wasdecreased. Leaves accumulated sufficient reserves in the first4 h to maintain export at the initial rate (approximately 20µg carbon cm–2 leaf h–1) over the following6 h of the photoperiod when the net photosynthesis rate (Pn)was decreased to 10% of the initial rate by the decreased irradiance.Export was initially maintained by the depletion of sucroseand hexose and then by carbon from the degradation of starchin the light. If leaves were exposed to low irradiance at the beginning ofthe photoperiod, then the export rate was linearly related tothe Pn during that period. When Pn exceeded that required tomaintain an export rate of approximately 20 µg carboncm–2 h–1, then more carbon was partitioned intostarch. At low initial irradiance, a greater proportion of photosynthatewas partitioned into export rather than starch and at high initialirradiancc the reverse occurred. There was a linear relationship between starch accumulationrate and Pn for all leaves but the relationship between Pn andexport rate was only significant for leaves with low levelsof reserve carbon. The results show that mature pepper leaves subjected to differentirradiances maintain constant export rates through alterationsof carbon partitioning. Export at low Pn is maintained at theexpense of sugar and starch reserves, with partitioning in highirradiance being predominantly to starch. Key words: Carbon partitioning, Starch, Export, Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)  相似文献   

用辣椒(Capsicam annuum L.)6个亲本,按(1/2)n(n-1)双列杂交法配制15个杂交组合,用Hayman双列杂交分析法估算了5个植株性状的遗传参数。Wr对Wr的回归分析结果表明,侧枝数、株高、株幅、主茎高和首花节位的遗传都符合加性-显性模型。Wr+Vr与Yr间相关分析表明,侧枝数、株高、株幅、主茎高呈负相关,说明含有更多显性基因的亲本具有较小的Wr+Vr值;首花节位呈正相关,且达到极显著水平,说明含有更多显性基因的亲本具有较大的Wr+Vr值。遗传参数估算表明侧枝数、株幅、主茎高和首花节位性状的遗传以加性效应为主,加性效应比显性效应更加重要。株高的遗传中加性效应和显性效应都很重要。  相似文献   

Dihydrocapsaicin, one of pungent principles in Capsicum fruits, was formed and accumulated in sweet pepper fruits after 6 days’ post-harvest ripening under continuous light in a medium containing vanillylamine and isocapric acid. No capsaicinoids were formed in sweet pepper fruits ripened in the dark even in the presence of both vanillylamine and isocapric acid. The capsaicinoid newly formed during the ripening was almost exclusively dihydrocapsaicin, as much as 92.8% of the total capsaicinoids. Dihydrocapsaicin was also formed by cell-free extracts prepared from the sweet pepper fruits in a reaction mixture containing vanillylamine and isocapric acid. Dihydrocapsaicin formed was quantified by TLC, GLC, GC-MS and MF.  相似文献   

辣椒雄性不育材料小孢子发生的细胞形态学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下观察了辣椒雄性不育材料1A及其保持系1B的小孢子发育过程和各时期的形态特征.结果表明,雄性不育材料1A的小孢子败育发生在四分体至单核花粉粒时期,此时绒毡层细胞异常肥大,四分体受到挤压后破裂并降解,无法形成正常的单核花粉粒.扫描电镜观察结果表明,保持系1B的花粉粒结构完整,表面有3个明显的萌发沟;而雄性不育材料1A的成熟花粉粒形状不规则,空瘪,有部分花粉粒解体,败育比较彻底,说明该雄性不育材料在辣椒育种工作中有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

Green pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Bell Boy) plants were exposedin chambers to low (2%) oxygen and controlled carbon dioxideconcentrations. Vegetative and fruiting plants showed short-termincreases in net photosynthesis in low oxygen or elevated carbondioxide (up to 900 µl CO2 l–1). Photosynthesis ofyoung vegetative plants increased in low oxygen in the short-termbut there was no long-term benefit. Low oxygen enhancement ofphotosynthesis declined with time and after 10 d, leaf areaand root dry weight were less than in plants grown in normalair. Labelled assimilates were translocated from leaves to otherregions at similar rates in low oxygen and normal air. Low oxygenreduced respiratory losses from leaves and reduced the proportionof soluble carbohydrate converted to polysaccharide in all plantparts. Thus, low-oxygen environments decrease the utilisationof assimilates which then may lead to inhibition of photosynthesis. Capsicum annuum, photosynthesis, photorespiration, translocation, utilization of assimilates  相似文献   

In sweet pepper, the portion of tapetum toward the interior of the anther comprising large cells is derived from cells of connective of anther whereas the remaining tapetum on the outside of the anther comprising comparatively small cells is derived from the parietal layer. Those ceils of the former prosessing large vacuoles and large nuclei are stained weaker than the cells of the latter by methyl green-pyronin and mercuric-bromophenol blue staining. Large spherical grains which contain acid phosphatase appear in the vacuoles in both kinds of tapetum at sporogenesis stage. During meiosis of pollen mother cells, DNA, RNA and protein sysntheses increase in tapetum. The tapetum derived from connective accumulates more DNA than that derived from parietal layer. The activity of acid phosphatase becomes higher in tapetum when it degenerates. The degeneration of two kinds of tapetum is similar. There are no starch grains in tapetum through its whole course of development.  相似文献   

Lu  Bo-Ya  Cheng  Guo-Xin  Zhang  Zhen  Sun  Jian-Tian  Ali  Muhammad  Jia  Qing-Li  Luo  De-Xu  Gong  Zhen-Hui  Li  Da-Wei 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2019,38(2):574-585
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Anthocyanins are secondary metabolites derived from the general phenylpropanoid pathway and are widespread throughout the plant kingdom. Anthocyanin...  相似文献   

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