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Two-dimensional 1H NMR studies of cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A J Wand  S W Englander 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5290-5294
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to assign the NH, C alpha H, and C beta H protons of over 60 of the 104 amino acid residues in the 1H NMR spectrum of horse ferrocytochrome c. The majority of these amino acids were completely assigned. Assignments were based on the analysis of two-dimensional J-correlated (COSY), nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY), and relayed COSY spectra and on comparisons of the J-correlated spectra of various cytochrome c species. Spin diffusion is not a problem with monomeric proteins the size of cytochrome c. Here these advances are illustrated with data that lead to the assignment of the heme-associated residues cysteine-14 and tryptophan-59, the axial ligands methionine-80 and histidine-18, the entire N-terminal helix, and several other amino acid spin systems. With these approaches, structure, structure change, the internal dynamics of cytochrome c, and the interaction of these with function are being studied, especially by observation of the hydrogen exchange behavior of essentially all the H-bonded amides and some side chain protons in both the reduced and oxidized proteins.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) represents a spectroscopic method to study membrane protein structure and dynamics in lipid bilayers. We present two-dimensional correlation experiments conducted on a fully [13C,15N] labeled version of a chimeric potassium (KcsA-Kv1.3) channel. Data obtained by using two different ion concentrations suggest a structural conservation of the selectivity filter region. SsNMR experiments conducted at two different temperatures point to differential molecular dynamics of the channel.  相似文献   

Zinc cytochrome c forms tight 1:1 complexes with a variety of derivatives of cytochrome c oxidase. On complex-formation the fluorescence of zinc cytochrome c is diminished. Titrations of zinc cytochrome c with cytochrome c oxidase, followed through the fluorescence emission of the former, have yielded both binding constants (K approximately 7 x 10(6) M-1 for the fully oxidized and 2 x 10(7) M-1 for the fully reduced enzyme) and distance information. Comparison of steady-state measurements obtained by absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy in the presence and in the absence of cyanide show that it is the reduction of cytochrome a and/or CuA that triggers a conformational change: this increases the zinc cytochrome c to acceptor (most probably cytochrome a itself) distance by some 0.5 nm. Ligand binding to the fully oxidized or fully reduced enzyme leaves the extent of fluorescence quenching unchanged, whereas binding of cyanide to the half-reduced enzyme (a2+CuA+CuB2+-CN(-)-a3(3+)) enhances fluorescence emission relative to that for the fully reduced enzyme, implying further relative movement of donor and acceptor.  相似文献   

J J Rux  J H Dawson 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):49-51
Horse heart cytochrome c with either histidine or cysteine replacing the endogenous axial methionine ligand at position 80 has been characterized with magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy in the UV-visible region. Comparison of the MCD spectra of the mutant proteins in the ferric state to those of authentic bis-imidazole- and imidazole/thiolate-ligated ferric heme proteins clearly shows that the histidine-imidazole and cysteine-thiolate groups of the replacement amino acids at position 80 are coordinated to the heme iron in the mutant proteins. This study demonstrates the power of MCD spectroscopy in identifying axial ligands in mutant heme proteins. Accurate axial ligand assignment is essential for proper interpretation of the altered properties of such novel proteins.  相似文献   

B L Trumpower  A Katki 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3635-3642
When purified bovine cytochrome c1 is digested with trypsin under controlled conditions, the heme polypeptide is preferentially converted from a species of molecular weight 30,600 to a heme polypeptide of molecular weight 29,000. The trypsin sensitive peptide bond is located in the N-terminal region of the cytochrome. Both the reduced and oxidized cytochrome are susceptible to hydrolysis by trypsin at the same locus, but the reduced cytochrome is cleaved at an initial rate approximately twofold greater than the oxidized cytochrome. Membranous cytochrome c1, as occurring in cytochrome b-c1 complex or succinate-cytochrome c reductase complex, is not susceptible to trypsin proteolysis under similar conditions, nor after more extensive treatment of the membranes with trypsin, in spite of the fact that cytochrome c1 presumably comes into contact with cytochrome c at the membrane surface during electron transport. These findings are consistent with a model for the structure of cytochrome c1 in situ in which the cytochrome is an integral membrane protein, located primarily in the membrane continuum, while still having the heme-containing portion of the protein available at the membrane surface for electron transfer to cytochrome c.  相似文献   

The interaction of cytochrome c with micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate was studied by proton NMR spectroscopy. The protein/micelles ratio was found to be crucial in controlling the extent of the conformational changes in the heme crevice. Over a range of ratios between 1:30 and 1:60, the NMR spectra of the ferric form display no paramagnetic signals due to a moderately fast exchange between intermediate species on the NMR time scale. This is consistent with an interconversion of bis-histidine derivatives (His18-Fe-His26 and His18-Fe-His33). Further addition of micelles induces a high-spin species that is proposed to involve pentacoordinated iron. The resulting free binding site, also encountered in the ferrous form, is used to complex exogenous ligands such as cyanide or carbon monoxide. Attribution of the heme methyls was performed by means of exchange spectroscopy through ligand exchange or electron transfer. The heme methyl shift pattern of the micellar cyanocytochrome in the ferric low spin form is different from the pattern of both the native and the cyanide cytochrome c adduct, in the absence of micelles, reflecting a complete change of the heme electronic structure. Analysis of the electron self-exchange reaction between the two redox states of the micellar cyanocytochrome c yields a rate constant of 2.4 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) at 298 K, which is surprisingly close to the value observed in the native protein.  相似文献   

A J Wand  S W Englander 《Biochemistry》1986,25(5):1100-1106
The 1H resonances of 11 sequential amino acids in the N-terminal helix of horse ferrocytochrome c were studied by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. All the main-chain protons from Lys-5 through Ala-15 and many of the side-chain protons were assigned. J-Correlated spectroscopy (COSY) was used to distinguish protons on neighboring bonds and to recognize amino acid types. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) was used to define spatially contiguous protons and to determine amino acid sequence neighbors. The relayed coherence experiment (relay COSY) was used to resolve many ambiguities in intraresidue J-coupled connectivities and interresidue NOE connectivities. This required no explicit knowledge of the solution structure. The pattern of NOEs found is consistent with a regular alpha helix between glycine-6 and lysine-13; H bonding continues at least through alanine-15 [see Wand, A.J., Roder, H., & Englander, S. W. (1986) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)]. Chain disorder occurs at the N-terminus. There is no indication of significant spin diffusion among the backbone amide and alpha-protons of this 12.4-kilodalton protein even at the longest NOE mixing time used (140 ms).  相似文献   

A J Wand  H Roder  S W Englander 《Biochemistry》1986,25(5):1107-1114
The hydrogen exchange behavior of the N-terminal helical segment in horse heart cytochrome c was studied in both the reduced and the oxidized forms by use of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance methods. The amide protons of the first six residues are not H bonded and exchange rapidly with solvent protons. The most N-terminal H-bonded groups--the amide NH of Lys-7 to Phe-10--exhibit a sharp gradient in exchange rate indicative of dynamic fraying behavior, consistent with statistical-mechanical principles. This occurs identically in both reduced and oxidized cytochrome c. In the oxidized form, residues 11-14, which form the last helical turn, all exchange with a similar rate, about one million times slower than the rate characteristic of freely exposed peptide NH, even though some are on the aqueous face of the helix and others are fully buried. These and similar observations in several other proteins appear to document local cooperative unfolding reactions as determinants of protein H exchange reactions. The N-terminal segment of cytochrome c is insensitive to the heme redox state, as in the crystallographic model, except for residues closest to the heme (Cys-14 and Ala-15), which exchange about 15-fold more slowly in the reduced form. The cytochrome c H exchange results can be further considered in terms of the conformation of the native and the transiently unfolded forms and their free energy relationships in both the reduced and the oxidized states.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b562 is a periplasmic Escherichia coli protein; previous work has shown that heme can be attached covalently in vivo as a consequence of introduction of one or two cysteines into the heme-binding pocket. A heterogeneous mixture of products was obtained, and it was not established whether the covalent bond formation was catalyzed or spontaneous. Here, we show that coexpression from plasmids of a variant of cytochrome b562 containing a CXXCH heme-binding motif with the E. coli cytochrome c maturation (Ccm) proteins results in an essentially homogeneous product that is a correctly matured c-type cytochrome. Formation of the holocytochrome was accompanied by substantial production of its apo form, in which, for the protein as isolated, there is a disulfide bond between the two cysteines in the CXXCH motif. Following addition of heme to reduced CXXCH apoprotein, spontaneous covalent addition of heme to polypeptide occurred in vitro. Strikingly, the spectral properties were very similar to those of the material obtained from cells in which presumed uncatalyzed addition of heme (i.e. in the absence of Ccm) had been observed. The major product from uncatalyzed heme attachment was an incorrectly matured cytochrome with the heme rotated by 180 degrees relative to its normal orientation. The contrast between Ccm-dependent and Ccm-independent covalent attachment of heme indicates that the Ccm apparatus presents heme to the protein only in the orientation that results in formation of the correct product and also that heme does not become covalently attached to the apocytochrome b562 CXXCH variant without being handled by the Ccm system in the periplasm. The CXXCH variant of cytochrome b562 was also expressed in E. coli strains deficient in the periplasmic reductant DsbD or oxidant DsbA. In the DsbA- strain under aerobic conditions, c-type cytochromes were made abundantly and correctly when the Ccm proteins were expressed. This contrasts with previous reports indicating that DsbA is essential for cytochrome c biogenesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

Here we present a solution NMR study of the complex between yeast cytochrome c (Cc) and cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP), a paradigm for understanding the biological electron transfer. Performed for the first time, the CcP-observed heteronuclear NMR experiments were used to probe the Cc binding in solution. Combining the Cc- and CcP-detected experiments, the binding interface on both proteins was mapped out, confirming that the X-ray structure of the complex is maintained in solution. Using NMR titrations and chemical shift perturbation analysis, we show that the interaction is independent of the CcP spin-state and is only weakly affected by the Cc redox state. Based on these findings, we argue that the complex of the ferrous Cc and the cyanide-bound CcP is a good mimic of the catalytically-active Cc–CcP compound I species. Finally, no chemical shift perturbations due to the Cc binding at the low-affinity CcP site were observed at low ionic strength. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of the effects and outline future research directions.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy was used to study the effect of guanidinium chloride on the unfolding of horse heart and yeast iso-1 cytochrome c under mild alkaline conditions. The structural changes on the horse heart protein were detected through NOESY (Nuclear Overhauser Effect SpectroscopY) experiments whereas (15)N-(1)H heteronuclear NMR was used to monitor the behavior of the yeast protein. The latter represents the first characterization through (15)N-(1)H heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy of the guanidinium chloride induced unfolding of mitochondrial cytochrome c. The presence of denaturants decreases the temperature at which the native Met80 axial ligand is displaced from the iron center under the present mild alkaline conditions. The process can be described in terms of protein fragments behaving as unfolding units of different stability. The comparison between the two proteins indicates that the loop+helix connecting the proximal and distal sites, as well as the long Met80-containing loop immediately after a short helix, are structural characteristics of mitochondrial cytochrome c that appear to be responsible for the Met80-iron(III) bond fragility.  相似文献   

Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has developed into one of the most informative and direct experimental approaches to the characterization of the molecular structures of amyloid fibrils, including those associated with Alzheimer's disease. In this article, essential aspects of solid state NMR methods are described briefly and results obtained to date regarding the supramolecular organization of amyloid fibrils and the conformations of peptides within amyloid fibrils are reviewed.  相似文献   

A Filosa  Y Wang  A A Ismail  A M English 《Biochemistry》2001,40(28):8256-8263
The sequential unfolding events of horse, cow, and tuna ferricytochromes c (cyt c) as a function of increasing temperature over the range 25-81 degrees C were investigated by resolution-enhanced two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) correlation spectroscopy. The 2D IR analysis revealed that in the thermal denaturation of the two mammalian cyts, the overall sequence of unfolding is similar, with denaturation of extended-chain and turn structures occurring prior to unfolding of alpha-helices, followed by denaturation of residual stable extended-chain structures. In tuna cyt c, denaturation of all extended-chain structures precedes the unfolding of alpha-helices. Moreover, in cow cyt c, unfolding of all helical components occurs as one cooperative unit, but in horse and tuna cyts c, the helical components behave as subdomains that unfold separately, as proposed recently by Englander and co-workers for horse cyt c [Bai et al. (1995) Science 269, 192-197; Milne et al. (1999) J. Mol. Biol. 290, 811-822]. At higher temperatures, following the loss of secondary structure, protein aggregation occurs in the three cyts c. The data presented here establish that variations in the thermal unfolding of cyts c can be associated with specific sites in the protein that influence local flexibility yet have little affect on global stability. This study demonstrates the power of resolution-enhanced 2D IR correlation spectroscopy in probing unfolding events in homologous proteins.  相似文献   

An ensemble of structural models of the adduct between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans has been calculated based on the experimental data from site-directed mutagenesis and NMR experiments that have accumulated over the last years of research on this system. The residues from each protein that are at the protein–protein interface have been identified by the above experimental work, and this information has been converted in a series of restraints explicitly used in calculations. It is found that a single static structural model cannot satisfy all experimental data simultaneously. Therefore, it is proposed that the adduct exists as a dynamic ensemble of different orientations in equilibrium, and may be represented by a combination or average of the various limiting conformations calculated here. The equilibrium involves both conformations that are competent for electron transfer and conformations that are not. Long-range recognition of the partners is driven by non-specific electrostatic interactions, while at shorter distances hydrophobic contacts tune the reciprocal orientation. Electron transfer from cytochrome bc 1 to cytochrome c oxidase is mediated through cytochrome c experiencing multiple encounters with both of its partners, only part of which are productive. The number of encounters, and thus the electron transfer rate, may be increased by the formation of a cytochrome bc 1–cytochrome c oxidase supercomplex and/or (in human) by increasing the concentration of the two enzymes in the membrane space. Protein Data Bank Accession numbers The coordinates of the five best structural models for each of the four clusters have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID 1ZYY).  相似文献   

A high molecular-weight c-type cytochrome was purified from Alcaligenes faecalis ATCC 8750. Its weight was 40,000 daltons by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. Heme content was determined to be one heme per 40,000 daltons. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance-NMR-spectroscopy determined that the ferrous form is low spin. The detection of a methyl resonance at -3 ppm in the ferrous form indicated that methionine is a heme ligand in this state. The NMR spectrum of the ferric form at pH 7.2 revealed hyperfine shifted methyl resonances at 67.79, 63.17, 57.71, and 50.46 ppm. The large downfield shifts observed are indicative of high spin character. The ferric spectrum was pH-sensitive, indicating two pH-linked structural transitions with estimated pKs at 6.0 and 10.5. The first is interpreted as due to the ionization of a heme propionate. The second is interpreted as the acquisition of a strong field ligand and the subsequent conversion to a low spin ferric form. The ferricytochrome did not form complexes with cyanide, azide, or fluoride at pH 5.2 or 7.9.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance methodology continues to advance such that phosphorus-31 NMR experiments can be profitably applied to elucidate some aspects of proteins which are covalently phosphorylated. This review introduces NMR spectral parameters pertinent to using phosphorus-31 NMR for investigation of structure and dynamics. The techniques of two-dimensional NMR, solid state NMR, and isotopic substitution are also introduced. Characteristics of phosphorylated amino acids and peptides, as revealed by phosphorus-31 NMR, are described. Studies of phosphorylated containing phosphomonoesters, phosphoramidates, acyl phosphates, and disubstituted phosphorus bridges are discussed. Among these phosphoproteins are several examples where phosphorus residues evidently play a role as polyelectrolytes, in enzyme catalysis, and in regulation of protein function.  相似文献   

The reaction between cytochrome c (Cc) and Rhodobacter sphaeroides cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) was studied using a cytochrome c derivative labeled with ruthenium trisbipyridine at lysine 55 (Ru-55-Cc). Flash photolysis of a 1:1 complex between Ru-55-Cc and CcO at low ionic strength results in electron transfer from photoreduced heme c to Cu(A) with an intracomplex rate constant of k(a) = 4 x 10(4) s(-1), followed by electron transfer from Cu(A) to heme a with a rate constant of k(b) = 9 x 10(4) s(-1). The effects of CcO surface mutations on the kinetics follow the order D214N > E157Q > E148Q > D195N > D151N/E152Q approximately D188N/E189Q approximately wild type, indicating that the acidic residues Asp(214), Glu(157), Glu(148), and Asp(195) on subunit II interact electrostatically with the lysines surrounding the heme crevice of Cc. Mutating the highly conserved tryptophan residue, Trp(143), to Phe or Ala decreased the intracomplex electron transfer rate constant k(a) by 450- and 1200-fold, respectively, without affecting the dissociation constant K(D). It therefore appears that the indole ring of Trp(143) mediates electron transfer from the heme group of Cc to Cu(A). These results are consistent with steady-state kinetic results (Zhen, Y., Hoganson, C. W., Babcock, G. T., and Ferguson-Miller, S. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 38032-38041) and a computational docking analysis (Roberts, V. A., and Pique, M. E. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 38051-38060).  相似文献   

Deletion of the cytochrome c2 gene in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides renders it incapable of phototrophic growth (strain cycA65). However, suppressor mutants which restore the ability to grow phototrophically are obtained at relatively high frequency (1-10 in 10(7)). We examined two such suppressors (strains cycA65R5 and cycA65R7) and found the expected complement of electron transfer proteins minus cytochrome c2: SHP, c', c551.5, and c554. Instead of cytochrome c2 which elutes from DEAE-cellulose between SHP and cytochrome c', at about 50 mM ionic strength in wild-type extracts, we found a new high redox potential cytochrome c in the mutants which elutes with cytochrome c551.5 at about 150 mM ionic strength. The new cytochrome is more acidic than cytochrome c2, but is about the same size or slightly smaller (13,500 Da). The redox potential of the new cytochrome from strain cycA65R7 (294 mV) is about 70 mV lower than that of cytochrome c2. The 280 nm absorbance of the new cytochrome is smaller than that of cytochrome c2, which suggests that there is less tryptophan (the latter has two residues). In vitro kinetics of reduction by lumiflavin and FMN semiquinones show that the reactivity of the new cytochrome is similar to that of cytochrome c2, and that there is a relatively large positive charge (+2.6) at the site of reduction, despite the overall negative charge of the protein. This behavior is characteristic of cytochromes c2 and unlike the majority of bacterial cytochromes examined. Fourteen out of twenty-four of the N-terminal amino acids of the new cytochrome are identical to the sequence of cytochrome c2. The N-termini of the cycA65R5 and cycA65R7 cytochromes were the same. The kinetics and sequence data indicate that the new protein may be a cytochrome c2 isozyme, which is not detectable in wild-type cells under photosynthetic growth conditions. We propose the name iso-2 cytochrome c2 for the new cytochrome produced in the suppressor strains.  相似文献   

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