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One of the fundamental properties of biological membranes is the high lateral integrity provided by the lipid bilayer, the structural core and the foundation of their barrier function. This tensile strength is due to the intrinsic properties of amphiphilic lipid molecules, which spontaneously self-assemble into a stable bilayer structure due to the hydrophobic effect. In the highly dynamic life of cellular membranes systems, however, this integrity has to be regularly compromised. One of the emerging puzzles is the mechanism of localized rupture of lipid monolayer, the formation of tiny hydrophobic patches and flipping of lipid tails between closely apposed monolayers. The energy cost of such processes is prohibitively high, unless cooperative deformations in a small membrane patch are carefully organized. Here we review the latest experimental and theoretical data on how such deformations can be conducted, specifically describing how elastic stresses yield tilting of lipids leading to cooperative restructuring of lipid monolayers. Proteins specializing in membrane remodeling assemble into closely packed circular complexes to arrange these deformations in time and space.  相似文献   

Internalization and traffic to acidic endosomes of anthrax lethal factor (LF) and protective antigen (PA), bound to the anthrax toxin receptor (ATR), is required for LF translocation into the cytosol, where it can elicit its toxic effects. Dynamin is required for clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and long-term disruption of dynamin function blocks internalization of PA. We have used LFn-DTA, a surrogate of LF consisting of the N-terminal domain of LF fused to the catalytic subunit of diphtheria toxin, to differentiate the effects of acute and long-term block of dynamin function on LFn-DTA toxicity. Both forms of interference reduce LFn-DTA toxicity only partially, consistent with alternative routes for LFn-DTA endocytosis. In contrast, a long-term block of dynamin activity results in a further interference with LFn-DTA toxicity that is consistent with an altered endosomal environment, probably an increase in endosomal pH.  相似文献   

Depolarization of nerve terminals stimulates rapid dephosphorylation of two isoforms of dynamin I (dynI), mediated by the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). Dephosphorylation at the major phosphorylation sites Ser-774/778 promotes a dynI-syndapin I interaction for a specific mode of synaptic vesicle endocytosis called activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). DynI has two main splice variants at its extreme C terminus, long or short (dynIxa and dynIxb) varying only by 20 (xa) or 7 (xb) residues. Recombinant GST fusion proteins of dynIxa and dynIxb proline-rich domains (PRDs) were used to pull down interacting proteins from rat brain nerve terminals. Both bound equally to syndapin, but dynIxb PRD exclusively bound to the catalytic subunit of CaNA, which recruited CaNB. Binding of CaN was increased in the presence of calcium and was accompanied by further recruitment of calmodulin. Point mutations showed that the entire C terminus of dynIxb is a CaN docking site related to a conserved CaN docking motif (PXIXI(T/S)). This sequence is unique to dynIxb among all other dynamin variants or genes. Peptide mimetics of the dynIxb tail blocked CaN binding in vitro and selectively inhibited depolarization-evoked dynI dephosphorylation in nerve terminals but not of other dephosphins. Therefore, docking to dynIxb is required for the regulation of both dynI splice variants, yet it does not regulate the phosphorylation cycle of other dephosphins. The peptide blocked ADBE, but not clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. Our results indicate that Ca(2+) influx regulates assembly of a fully active CaN-calmodulin complex selectively on the tail of dynIxb and that the complex is recruited to sites of ADBE in nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the Ras superfamily, which include Ras-, Rho-, Rab-, Arf-, and Ran-family isoforms, are generally known to function as a nucleotide-dependent molecular switch in eukaryotic cells. In the GTP-loaded forms, they selectively recruit their cognate interacting proteins or protein complexes, termed “effectors,” to the cytoplasmic face of subcellular membrane compartments, thereby switching on the downstream effector functions, which are vital for fundamental cellular events, such as cell proliferation, cytoskeletal organization, and intracellular membrane trafficking. Nevertheless, in addition to acting as the classic nucleotide-dependent switches for the effectors, recent studies have uncovered that small GTPases themselves can be self-assembled specifically into homo-dimers or higher-order oligomers on membranes, and these assembly processes are likely responsible for their physiological functions. This Review focuses particularly on the self-assembly processes of Rab- and Arf-family isoforms during membrane tethering, the most critical step to ensure the fidelity of membrane trafficking. A summary of the current experimental evidence for self-assemblies of Rab and Arf small GTPases on lipid bilayers in chemically defined reconstitution system is provided  相似文献   

The magnitude and duration of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signals are regulated through desensitization mechanisms. In leukocytes, ligand binding to chemokine receptors leads to Ca2+ mobilization and ERK activation through pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins, as well as to phosphorylation of the GPCR. After interaction with the endocytic machinery (clathrin, adaptin), the adaptor β-arrestin recognizes the phosphorylated GPCR tail and quenches signaling to receptors. The molecular mechanisms that lead to receptor endocytosis are not universal amongst the GPCR, however, and the precise spatial and temporal events in the internalization of the CCR2 chemokine receptor remain unknown. Here we show that after ligand binding, CCR2 internalizes rapidly and reaches early endosomes, and later, lysosomes. Knockdown of clathrin by RNA interference impairs CCR2 internalization, as does treatment with the dynamin inhibitor, dynasore. Our results show that CCR2 internalization uses a combination of clathrin-dependent and -independent pathways, as observed for other chemokine receptors. Moreover, the use of dynasore allowed us to confirm the existence of a dynamin-sensitive element that regulates ERK1/2 activation. Our results indicate additional complexity in the link between receptor internalization and cell signaling.  相似文献   

The large GTPase dynamin is the first protein shown to catalyze membrane fission. Dynamin and its related proteins are essential to many cell functions, from endocytosis to organelle division and fusion, and it plays a critical role in many physiological functions such as synaptic transmission and muscle contraction. Research of the past three decades has focused on understanding how dynamin works. In this review, we present the basis for an emerging consensus on how dynamin functions. Three properties of dynamin are strongly supported by experimental data: first, dynamin oligomerizes into a helical polymer; second, dynamin oligomer constricts in the presence of GTP; and third, dynamin catalyzes membrane fission upon GTP hydrolysis. We present the two current models for fission, essentially diverging in how GTP energy is spent. We further discuss how future research might solve the remaining open questions presently under discussion.  相似文献   

Mutations in the dynamin 2 gene have been identified in patients with autosomal dominant forms of centronuclear myopathy (CNM). Dynamin 2 is a ubiquitously expressed ∼100-kDa GTPase that assembles around the necks of vesiculating membranes and promotes their constriction and scission. It has also been implicated in regulation of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. At present, the cellular functions of dynamin 2 that are affected by CNM-linked mutations are not well defined, and the effects of these mutations on the physical and enzymatic properties of dynamin have been not examined. Here, we report the expression, purification, and characterization of four CNM-associated dynamin mutants. All four mutants display higher than wild-type GTPase activities, and more importantly, the mutants form high order oligomers that are significantly more resistant than wild-type dynamin 2 to disassembly by guanine nucleotides or high ionic strength. These observations suggest that the corresponding wild-type residues serve to prevent excessive or prolonged dynamin assembly on cellular membranes or inappropriate self-assembly in the cytoplasm. To our knowledge, this report contains the first identification of point mutations that enhance the stability of dynamin polymers without impairing their ability to bind and/or hydrolyze GTP. We envision that the formation of abnormally large and stable complexes of these dynamin mutants in vivo contributes to their role in CNM pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is inhibited by overexpression of either dynamin-1 or dynamin-2 mutants because both isoforms form heterotetramers with endogenous dynamin-2 and interfere with its function. By contrast, other phenotypes, which are specifically triggered by overexpression of dynamin-2, but not dynamin-1 are likely to reflect endocytosis-independent, dynamin-2-specific functions and/or interactions. Using Dyn2/Dyn1 chimeras, we explored the structural requirements for a readily quantifiable, isoform-specific function of dynamin-2, the activation of caspase-3 to trigger apoptosis. Strikingly, swapping the highly homologous GTPase domain of dynamin-2 into dynamin-1 was sufficient to confer caspase-3 activation. Moreover, assembly-defective mutations in GED, dynamin's GAP/assembly domain, that inhibit endocytosis enhance caspase-3 activation. Thus, this dynamin-2-specific function is mechanistically distinct from and independent of its role in endocytosis. These findings have important implications for interpreting dynamin-2 dependent phenotypes in overexpression studies.  相似文献   

This communication addresses the state of aggregation of lipid-detergent mixed dispersions. Analysis of recently published data suggest that for any given detergent-lipid mixture the most important factor in determining the type of aggregates (mixed vesicles or mixed micelles) and the size of the aggregate is the detergent to lipid molar ratio in these aggregates, herein denoted the effective ratio, Re. For mixed bilayers this effective ratio has been previously shown to be a function of the lipid and detergent concentrations and of an equilibrium partition coefficient, K, which describes the distribution of the detergent between the bilayers and the aqueous phase. We show that, similar to mixed bilayers, the size of mixed micelles is also a function of the effective ratio, but for these dispersions the distribution of detergent between the mixed micelles and the aqueous medium obeys a much higher partition coefficient. In practical terms, the detergent concentration in the mixed micelles is equal to the difference between the total detergent concentration and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). Thus, the effective ratio is equal to this difference divided by the lipid concentration. Transformation of mixed bilayers to mixed micelles, commonly denoted solubilization, occurs when the surfactant to lipid effective ratio reaches a critical value. Experimental evaluation of this critical ratio can be based on the linear dependence of detergent concentration, required for solubilization, on the lipid concentration. According to the ‘equilibrium partition model’, the dependence of the ‘solubilizing detergent concentration’ on the lipid concentration intersects with the lipid axis at −1/K, while the slope of this dependence is the critical effective ratio. On the other hand, assuming that when solubilization occurs the detergent concentration in the aqueous phase is approximately equal to the critical micelle concentration, implies that the above dependence intersects with the detergent axis at the critical micelle concentration, while its slope, again, is equal to the critical effective ratio. Analysis of existing data suggests that within experimental error both these distinctively different approaches are valid, indicating that the critical effective ratio at which solubilization occurs is approximately equal to the product of the critical micelle concentration and the distribution coefficient K. Since the nature of detergent affects K and the critical micelle concentration in opposite directions, the critical (‘solubilizing’) effective ratio depends upon the nature of detergent less than any of these two factors.  相似文献   

Dynasore, a specific dynamin GTPase inhibitor, suppresses lamellipodia formation and cancer cell invasion by destabilizing actin filaments. In search for novel dynamin inhibitors that suppress actin dynamics more efficiently, dynasore analogues were screened. N′-[4-(dipropylamino)benzylidene]-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (DBHA) markedly reduced in vitro actin polymerization, and dose-dependently inhibited phosphatidylserine-stimulated dynamin GTPase activity. DBHA significantly suppressed both the recruitment of dynamin 2 to the leading edge in U2OS cells and ruffle formation in H1299 cells. Furthermore, DBHA suppressed both the migration and invasion of H1299 cells by approximately 70%. Furthermore, intratumoral DBHA delivery significantly repressed tumor growth. DBHA was much less cytotoxic than dynasore. These results strongly suggest that DBHA inhibits dynamin-dependent actin polymerization by altering the interactions between dynamin and lipid membranes. DBHA and its derivative may be potential candidates for potent anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin 1 (syt1) functions as the Ca(2+) sensor in neuronal exocytosis, and it has been proposed to act by modulating lipid bilayer curvature. Here we examine the effect of the two C2 domains (C2A and C2B) of syt1 on membrane lipid order and lateral organization. In mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (PS), attenuated total internal reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicates that a fragment containing both domains (C2AB) or C2B alone disorders the lipid acyl chains, whereas the C2A domain has little effect upon chain order. Two observations suggest that these changes reflect a demixing of PS. First, the changes in acyl chain order are reversed at higher protein concentration; second, selective lipid deuteration demonstrates that the changes in lipid order are associated only with the PS component of the bilayer. Independent evidence for lipid demixing is obtained from fluorescence self-quenching of labeled lipid and from natural abundance (13)C NMR, where heteronuclear single quantum correlation spectra reveal Ca(2+)-dependent chemical shift changes for PS, but not for phosphatidylcholine, in the presence of the syt1 C2 domains. The ability of syt1 to demix PS is observed in a range of lipid mixtures that includes cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, and varied PS content. These data suggest that syt1 might facilitate SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors)-mediated membrane fusion by phase separating PS, a process that is expected to locally buckle bilayers and disorder lipids due to the curvature tendencies of PS.  相似文献   

Neurons in the central nervous system establish, via their axons and dendrites, an extended network that allows synaptic transmission. During developmental maturation and process outgrowth, membrane turnover is necessary for the enlargement and subsequent growth of axons and dendrites from the perikarya to the target cell (constitutive exocytosis/endocytosis). After targeting and synapse formation, small synaptic vesicles are needed for the quantal release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic terminal with subsequent recycling by regulated exocytosis/endocytosis. An investigation of the onset of the appearance of mRNA and protein in dissociated cultures of neurons from mouse hippocampus or from chick retina has shown an early abundance of proteins involved in exocytosis, such as syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and synaptotagmin 1, whereas dynamin 1, a protein necessary for clathrin-mediated endocytosis, can be detected only after neurons have established contacts with neighboring cells. The results reveal that constitutive membrane incorporation and regulated synaptic transmitter release is mediated by the same neuronal proteins. Moreover, the data exclude that dynamin 1 takes part in constitutive recycling before synapse formation, but dynamin 2 is present at this stage. Thus, dynamin 2 may be the constitutive counterpart of dynamin 1 in growing neurons. Synapse establishment is linked to an upregulation of dynamin 1 and thereby represents the beginning of the regulated recycling of membranes back into the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

Membrane budding and fission are the key stages of ubiquitous processes of formation of intracellular transport vesicles. We present a theoretical consideration of one of the most important types of fission machinery, which is mediated by GTPase dynamin and controlled by lipid composition of the membrane. We suggest a mechanism for collapse of a membrane neck driven by interplay between the dynamin collar and the bending elastic energy of the neck membrane. The collar plays a role of a rigid external skeleton, which imposes mechanical constraints on the neck. We show that in certain conditions the membrane of the neck loses its stability and collapses. Collapse can result from: (i) shifting of the spontaneous curvature of the neck membrane towards negative values, (ii) stretching of the dynamin collar, (iii) tightening of the dynamin collar. The three factors can act separately or concertedly. The suggested model accounts for the major experimental knowledge on membrane fission mediated by dynamin. It includes the elements of all previous models of dynamin action based on different sets of experimental results [Sever et al., Traffic 2000; 1: 385-392]. It reconciles, at least partially, the apparent contradictions between the existing alternative views on biomembrane fission machinery.  相似文献   

Dynamin-2 (Dyn2) is ubiquitously expressed and catalyzes membrane fission during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in nonneuronal cells. We have previously shown that Dyn2 inefficiently generates membrane curvature and only mediates fission of highly curved membranes. This led to the hypothesis that other endocytic accessory proteins (EAPs) generate curvature needed to sculpt a sufficiently narrow neck to trigger Dyn2 assembly and fission. Candidates for this activity are EAPs that bind to the dynamin proline/arginine-rich domain (PRD) through their SH3 (src homology-3) domains and also encode curvature-generating BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domains. We show that at low concentrations, amphiphysin and endophilin, but not SNX9 or the curvature-generating epsin N-terminal homology (ENTH) domain, are able to generate tubules from planar membrane templates and to synergize with Dyn2ΔPRD to catalyze vesicle release. Unexpectedly, SH3-PRD interactions were inhibitory and reciprocally regulate scaffold assembly. Of the three proteins studied, only full-length amphiphysin functions synergistically with full-length Dyn2 to catalyze vesicle release. The differential activity of these proteins correlates with the relative potency of their positive, curvature-generating activity, and the negative regulatory effects mediated by SH3 domain interactions. Our findings reveal opportunities for the spatio-temporal coordination of membrane curvature generation, dynamin assembly, and fission during clathrin-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Amphiphysin is a major dynamin-binding partner at the synapse; however, its function in fission is unclear. Incubation of large unilamellar liposomes with mice brain cytosol led to massive formation of small vesicles, whereas cytosol of amphiphysin 1 knockout mice was much less efficient in this reaction. Vesicle formation from large liposomes by purified dynamin was also strongly enhanced by amphiphysin. In the presence of liposomes, amphiphysin strongly affected dynamin GTPase activity and the recruitment of dynamin to the liposomes, but this activity was highly dependent on liposome size. Deletion from amphiphysin of its central proline-rich stretch dramatically potentiated its effect on dynamin, possibly by relieving an inhibitory intramolecular interaction. These results suggest a model in which maturation of endocytic pits correlates with the oligomerization of dynamin with either amphiphysin or other proteins with similar domain structure. Formation of these complexes is coupled to the activation of dynamin GTPase activity, thus explaining how deep invagination of the pit leads to fission.  相似文献   

The GTPase effector domain (GED) of dynamin, a multi-domain protein involved in endocytosis, forms a megadalton-sized self-assembly (even at micromolar concentrations) in native conditions in vitro. While such large assemblies have remained inaccessible to detailed NMR structural characterization, till date, a significant recent achievement has been the elucidation of the GED association pathway starting from a Gdn-HCl denatured monomer. Since, the nature of the denaturant has a strong influence on the conformational preferences in the denatured states, and hence on the association pathways, or even on the final assembly, we report here the NMR resonance assignment of 9.7 M urea-denatured GED from Homo sapiens. This will form the basis for the characterization of the association pathways and the final assembly driven by urea dilution. Jeetender Chugh and Shilpy Sharma have contributed equally.  相似文献   

Undifferentiated odontogenic epithelium and dental papilla cells differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts, respectively, both of which are essential for tooth development. These differentiation processes involve dramatic functional and morphological changes of the cells. For these changes to occur, activation of mitochondrial functions, including ATP production, is extremely important. In addition, these changes are closely related to mitochondrial fission and fusion, known as mitochondrial dynamics. However, few studies have focused on the role of mitochondrial dynamics in tooth development. The purpose of this study was to clarify this role. We used mouse tooth germ organ cultures and a mouse dental papilla cell line with the ability to differentiate into odontoblasts, in combination with knockdown of the mitochondrial fission factor, dynamin related protein (DRP)1. In organ cultures of the mouse first molar, tooth germ developed to the early bell stage. The amount of dentin formed under DRP1 inhibition was significantly larger than that of the control. In experiments using a mouse dental papilla cell line, differentiation into odontoblasts was enhanced by inhibiting DRP1. This was associated with increased mitochondrial elongation and ATP production compared to the control. These results suggest that DRP1 inhibition accelerates dentin formation through mitochondrial elongation and activation. This raises the possibility that DRP1 might be a therapeutic target for developmental disorders of teeth.  相似文献   

The fusion of two black lipid membranes results in the formation of peculiar bilayer lipid tubes (‘cylindrical’) membranes (Neher, E. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 373, 328–336 and Melikyan, G.B., Abidor, L.G., Chernomordik, L.V. and Chailakhyan, L.M. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 730, 395–398). The mechanical stability of such tubes has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. With increasing hydrostatic pressure on the outside of the tube the radius of its middle part decreases. After this radius has reached a critical value, which constitutes 0.55 of the radius of the tube base, there occurs a collapse of the tube and its disintegration into two planar bilayers (fission). Expressions are obtained which relate the transmembrane difference of the hydrostatic pressure, causing the collapse, to the geometrical characteristics of the tube (its length and the radius of its base) and to the tension of the lipid bilayer. A method for measuring the membrane tension is proposed on the basis of the phenomenon considered.  相似文献   

Inspired by natural cell–cell junctions, where membrane-residing proteins control the separation between two or more membranes without interfering with their integrity, we report a new self-assembly route for formation of multiple highly fluid tethered lipid bilayers with the inter-membrane volume geometrically confined by membrane-anchored DNA duplexes. The formation of multiple planar membrane–membrane junctions were accomplished using disk shaped bicelles, composed of a mixture of the long-chained dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and the short-chained dihexanoyl PC further stabilized with the positively charged detergent hexadecyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide (CTAB). Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) monitoring and fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) were used to monitor the formation and to characterize the integrity of the self-assembled lipid–DNA architecture.  相似文献   

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