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Summary The smooth muscle cells studied contain a central core of thick and thin myofilaments surrounded by a peripheral layer of myofilament-free cytoplasm. Numerous vesicles, tubules, microfilaments, mitochondria and fine granules are present in the peripheral cytoplasm. Glycogen particles are distributed in large or small groups in both the peripheral cytoplasm and among the myofilaments. In contracted muscle cells the peripheral cytoplasm bulges out at regular intervals into the intercellular connective tissue. Numerous close contacts between single, usually naked, axons and these cytoplasmic protrusions occur. The axons at these contacts contain numerous small (500 Å in diameter) and large vesicles (800–1000 Å in diameter). Sometimes a number of axons simultaneously form close contacts with a muscle cell. These close contacts are considered to be the sites at which transmitter is released and acts on the muscle cell membrane.I wish to thank Professor G. Burnstock for making laboratory facilities available. This work has been supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Summary— An ultrastructural and immunocytological study was carried out on the collar cells of the optic tentacle of Helix aspersa. These cells are supposed to be the source of a reproduction controlling hormone. The immunocytological study was performed using an anti-methionine enkephalin antibody obtained from rabbits in our laboratory. The collar cells are characterized by an enlarged rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria and Golgi bodies surrounded by secretory vesicles, suggesting an intense synthesizing activity. Their principal feature consists of numerous various-sized granules where methionine enkephalin immunoreactivity is localized. No classical neurosecretory granules are observed while synapse-like structures are often encountered. The cells should not be regarded as neurosecretory cells but rather as glandular cells which could ensure different functions, one in relation to reproduction, and another in relation to perception processes, particularly as they contain methionine enkephalin-like material.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the tentacles of the articulate brachiopod Terebratalia transversa has been studied by light and electron microscopy. The epidermis consists of a simple epithelium that is ciliated in frontal and paired latero-frontal or latero-abfrontal longitudinal tracts. Bundles of unsheathed nerve fibers extend longitudinally between the bases of the frontal epidermal cells and appear to end on the connective tissue cylinder; no myoneural junctions were found. The acellular connective tissue cylinder in each tentacle is composed of orthogonal arrays of collagen fibrils embedded in an amorphous matrix. Baffles of parallel crimped collagen fibrils traverse the connective tissue cylinder in regions where it buckles during flexion of the tentacle.The tentacular peritoneum consists of four cell types: 1) common peritoneal cells that line the lateral walls of the coelomic canal, 2) striated and 3) smooth myoepithelial cells that extend along the frontal and abfrontal sides of the coelomic canal, and 4) squamous smooth myoepithelial cells that comprise the tentacular blood channel.Experimental manipulations of a tentacle indicate that its movements are effected by the interaction of the tentacular contractile apparatus and the resilience of the supportive connective tissue cylinder. The frontal contractile bundle is composed of a central group of striated fibers and two lateral groups of smooth fibers which function to flex the tentacle and to hold it down, respectively. The small abfrontal group of smooth myoepithelial cells effects the re-extension of the tentacle, in conjunction with the passive resiliency of the connective tissue cylinder and the concomitant relaxation of the frontal contractile bundle.The authors wish to express their appreciation to Professor Robert L. Fernald for his advice and encouragement throughout the course of this study. Some of the work was conducted at the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the University of Washington. The authors are indebted to the Director, Professor A.O.D. Willows, for use of the facilities. Part of this study was supported by NIH Developmental Biology Training Grant No. 5-T01-HD00266 and NSF grant BMS 7507689  相似文献   

An ultrastructural and immunocytological study was carried out on the collar cells of the optic tentacle of Helix aspersa. These cells are supposed to be the source of a reproduction controlling hormone. The immunocytological study was performed using an anti-methionine enkephalin antibody obtained from rabbits in our laboratory. The collar cells are characterized by an enlarged rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria and Golgi bodies surrounded by secretory vesicles, suggesting an intense synthesizing activity. Their principal feature consists of numerous various-sized granules where methionine enkephalin immunoreactivity is localized. No classical neurosecretory granules are observed while synapse-like structures are often encountered. The cells should not be regarded as neurosecretory cells but rather as glandular cells which could ensure different functions, one in relation to reproduction, and another in relation to perception processes, particularly as they contain methionine enkephalin-like material.  相似文献   

Summary Morphologically the surface specializations of the epithelium covering the dorsal head and ventral foot regions in Helix aspersa consists either of cilia or microvilli respectively. The epithelium at the tip of the optic tentacle is a simple one. Each epithelial cell has a number of cilia-like projections from their free surfaces. These projections usually branch at their tips into two or three slender, microvilli-like structures. From the bases of the cilia-like projections arise numerous, tubular processes which form a thick, spongy layer interspersed between these projections. The microvilli-like structures are immersed in a fine, fibrous mat; unlike the fibrous mats on the dorsal head and ventral foot epithelia this material does not autofluoresce. It is suggested that it arises from the collar cells and not from typical mucocytes. The functional relationship between these surface specializations of the optic tentacle epithelium and the abundance of sensory axons in this region is discussed. These epithelial cell projections on the tentacle probably function not only as a protective covering but also to create a fluid trap for odours in the ambient air. The various contacts between epithelial cells serve to maintain the integrity of the epithelium while allowing for stretching due to protrusion of the tentacle.This work has been supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Muscular-hydrostats, muscular organs which lack typical systems of skeletal support, include the tongues of mammals and lizards, the arms and tentacles of cephalopod molluscs and the trunks of elephants. In this paper the means by which such organs produce elongation, shortening, bending and torsion are discussed. The most important biomechanical feature of muscular-hydrostats is that their volume is constant, so that any decrease in one dimension will cause a compensatory increase in at least one other dimension. Elongation of a muscular-hydrostat is produced by contraction of transverse, circular or radial muscles which decrease the cross-section. Shortening is produced by contraction of longitudinal muscles. The relation between length and width of a constant volume structure allows amplification of muscle force or displacement in muscular-hydrostats and other hydrostatic systems. Bending requires simultaneous contraction of longitudinal and antagonistic circular, transverse or radial muscles. In bending, one muscle mass acts as an effector of movement while the alternate muscle mass provides support for that movement. Torsion is produced by contraction of muscles which wrap the muscular-hydrostat in a helical fashion.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the tentacles was studied in the sipunculid worm Thysanocardia nigra. Flexible digitate tentacles are arranged into the dorsal and ventral tentacular crowns at the anterior end of the introvert of Th. nigra. The tentacle bears oral, lateral, and aboral rows of cilia; on the oral side, there is a longitudinal groove. Each tentacle contains two oral tentacular canals and an aboral tentacular canal. The oral side of the tentacle is covered by a simple columnar epithelium, which contains large glandular cells that secrete their products onto the apical surface of the epithelium. The lateral and aboral epithelia are composed of cuboidal and flattened cells. The tentacular canals are lined with a flattened coelomic epithelium that consists of podocytes with their processes and multiciliated cells. The tentacular canals are continuous with the radial coelomic canals of the head and constitute the terminal parts of the tentacular coelom, which shows a highly complex morphology. Five tentacular nerves and circular and longitudinal muscle bands lie in the connective tissue of the tentacle wall. Similarities and differences in the tentacle morphology between Th. nigra and other sipunculan species are discussed.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Maiorova, Adrianov.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry reveals the presence of methionine-enkephalin-like substance(s) in the collar cells of the two kinds of tentacles and in the foot of the snail Helix aspersa. The density of the immunoreactive material is higher in young animals than in adults. The greater part of the substance(s) is released at the surface of the epidermis and probably mixed with the mucus. A possible neuroendocrine and/or neuromodulatory function can be considered especially for the collar cells connected with the tentacular ganglia.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented indicating that the mesocerebrum of the terrestrial snail, Helix aspersa, has a major role in the control of sexual behavior. Morphological and physiological results demonstrate a right-sided bias in the mesocerebrum that is consistent with the fact that sexual behavior is executed almost entirely on the animal's right side. Thus, the right lobe has 23% more neurons than the left lobe, and they are 24% larger. Excitatory synaptic inputs derive predominately from neurons on the right side. The axons of right-side mesocerebral neurons go to the right pedal ganglion almost without exception, and even the axons of left-side neurons travel mostly in right-side connective nerves. Direct evidence for a role of the mesocerebrum in commanding sexual behavior comes from experiments with electrical stimulation. Extracellular stimulation of the right mesocerebrum, but not the left mesocerebrum, resulted in movements of the "love dart" sac and the penis. Intracellular stimulation of neurons in the right mesocerebrum evoked measurable movements of either the dart sac or the penis, or both, in 17% of the cells tested. The latencies ranged between 5 and 50 s. In an intact animal, these movements would cause a release of the dart and an eversion of the penis. The motor effects were mediated through the right cerebropedal connective and the pedal nerve NCPD, with the motorneurons probably situated in the right pedal ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary The distal half of the posterior tentacle of adult Helix aspersa and Cryptomphallus aspersa was removed and the proximal half was studied with light and electron microscopy after different intervals. The tentacle itself does not regenerate, but the receptor organs at the distal end of the normal tentacle differentiate at the level of the section. The newly formed eye is smaller than the control; however, its components and subcellular characteristics resemble those of the normal eye.Work supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina, and from National Institutes of Health (2 RO1 NS 06953-07 NEUA) USA.We are greatly indebted to Miss Margarita López for her skilful technical assistance and to Mr. Alberto Saénz for the electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Two complete composite photographs of the optic nerve of Limulus, made by electron microscopy, reveal the presence of neurosecretory granules in the large axons of the rudimentary eye neurons. The number of intermediate sized, (3–7 μ), of eccentric cells corresponds with the number of ommatidia as expected, but only their sheath of Schwann cells show an intimate interfolding. Based on the number of fine axons within the nerve each ommatidium has an average of 12–13 retinular cells. The diameter of their fibers is between 0.2 and 3 μ although the majority are between 1 and 1.5 μ. They are aggregated into bundles of six to seven fibers by the sheath cells although some bundles contain only two, others as many as 181 fibers. There is no indication in these studies that retinular cell axons within a bundle are associated with the same, adjacent, or other pattern of ommatidia. The photographs suggest that physiological activity in retinular cell axons might be detected most easily in the smallest bundles because they contain the fewest, but the larger retinular cell axons.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of vascular channels and amebocytes associated with the sheath of the infraesophageal ganglion of Helix aspersa, is described. The extracellular stroma of the sheath, together with the hemocoel and blood vessels, forms an interconnected system of pathways which appears to be involved in the transport of metabolites, amebocytes, hemocyanin and experimentally introduced opaque tracers. The hemocoel, blood capillaries and precapillaries are lined by a discontinuous layer of single muscle cells whose luminal aspect is covered by a lamina of extracellular material named the vascular coat. This coat consists of a ground substance that forms a basement membrane and filamentous elements some of which are collagenous. Gaps in the blood vessel wall seem to provide the main routes for the movement of cells and large molecules to the hemocoel. Tracer experiments have given support to the idea that a diffusion barrier may be absent at the sheath-ganglion junction. Amebocytes have phagocytic properties; they appear associated in groups or scattered singly within the extracellular space of the sheath and the lumen of blood vessels. Single amebocytes have features of mobile cells and may function in the transport of hemocyanin as well as other proteins.This work has been supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and grants NB 06662 (from the U.S. Public Health Service) and N-105 (from Conicyt, Santiago, Chile). The continuous advice and encouragement of Drs. R. W. Guillery and D. B. Slautterback are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Phosphatase acid (PhA) activity in the digestive gland (hepatopancreas) of the common garden snail Helix aspersa has been investigated using cytochemical methods.
  • 2.2. All the cells composing this gland show PhA activity, the distribution pattern differing according to the cell type.
  • 3.3. The digestive cells show the most widely distributed reaction product (brush border, phagolysosomes, multivesicular bodies and autophagic vacuoles).
  • 4.4. In the excretory cells this activity appears in large sacs, while in the calcium cells the reaction product is abundant in the calcium granules.
  • 5.5. Cellular digestion processes performed by each of these cell types is discussed together with their role in the detoxification of heavy elements derived from the environment.

Summary The smooth muscle cells in the foot of Helix aspersa are arranged in bundles which interweave to form a complex mesh. In the peripheral cytoplasm of the muscle cells there is a system of interconnected obliquely and longitudinally orientated tubules. The full extent of this system has not been determined; its possible function in relation to Ca++ storage and excitation-contraction coupling is discussed. Longitudinal tubules are present among the myofilaments and in association with mitochondria. Distributed throughout the myofilaments are elliptically shaped dense bodies, the fine structure of which resembles an accumulation of thin filaments. Located on the plasma membrane of the muscle cells are dense areas; the fine structure and relationships of these cellular elements resemble desmosomes. They may serve as attachment points for thin, cytoplasmic filaments (not necessarily myofilaments). The muscle cells are innervated by axons which diverge from a coarse, neural plexus (the sole plexus). The axons initially come into close contact with the muscle cells and then pass over their surfaces for up to 35 before being gradually enveloped by flange-like protrusions of the muscle cells. These axons contain either, (i) agranular vesicles (600 Å in diameter), (ii) agranular and very dense granular vesicles (1000 Å in diameter) or (iii) agranular and less dense, granular vesicles (1000 Å in diameter). The possible role of these inclusions as sites of excitatory and inhibitory transmitters is discussed.I wish to thank Professor G. Burnstock for making laboratory facilities available. This work has been supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.  相似文献   

In the adult teleost brain, proliferating cells are observed in a broad area, while these cells have a restricted distribution in adult mammalian brains. In the adult teleost optic tectum, most of the proliferating cells are distributed in the caudal margin of the periventricular gray zone (PGZ). We found that the PGZ is largely divided into 3 regions: 1 mitotic region and 2 post-mitotic regions—the superficial and deep layers. These regions are distinguished by the differential expression of several marker genes: pcna, sox2, msi1, elavl3, gfap, fabp7a, and s100β. Using transgenic zebrafish Tg (gfap:GFP), we found that the deep layer cells specifically express gfap:GFP and have a radial glial morphology. We noted that bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cells in the mitotic region did not exhibit glial properties, but maintained neuroepithelial characteristics. Pulse chase experiments with BrdU-positive cells revealed the presence of self-renewing stem cells within the mitotic region. BrdU-positive cells differentiate into glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons and oligodendrocytes in the superficial layer and into radial glial cells in the deep layer. These results demonstrate that the proliferating cells in the PGZ contribute to neuronal and glial lineages to maintain the structure of the optic tectum in adult zebrafish.  相似文献   

Summary The epineural connective tissue sheath investing the subesophageal ganglion of Helix aspersa consists of a superficial region and a deeper region. The superficial region contains masses of globular cells intermingled with smooth muscle cells and nerve fibers all embedded in a connective tissue matrix. The histochemical and fine structural features of the globular cells show seasonal changes. During autumn to winter glycogen accumulates in their cytoplasm; this accumulation is accompanied by the appearance of dense, cytoplasmic globules which fuse together and ultimately form large pools of granular material. All the organelles and cytoplasm are displaced towards the cell periphery. Various cell-membrane invaginations containing dense material are prominent but there is no direct evidence to link these structures with the uptake of metabolites for glycogenesis. In winter there is a concentration of homogeneous, membrane-bound inclusions in the vicinity of the Golgi bodies. It is suggested that these inclusions constitute a lipid store. They decrease in number during summer. The globular cells do not bear any intimate relation to neurons and there is no reason to include these cells in the neuroglia. The muscle cells often weave around the globular cells but there is no direct contact. Nerve fibers innervate at least some of the muscle cells. The connective tissue consists of large and small diameter fibers suggesting that maturation of the fibrous components of the intercellular matrix is taking place in the superficial regions of the epineural sheath.This work has been supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural study of the buccal tentacles of Holothuria forskali revealed that each tentacle bears numerous apical papillae. Each papilla consists of several differentiated sensory buds.The epidermis of the buds is composed of three cell types, i.e. mucus cells, ciliated cells, and glandular vesicular cells (GV cells). The GV cells have apical microvilli; they contain bundles of cross striated fibrillae associated with microtubules. Ciliated cells have a short non-motile cilium. Bud epidermal cells intimately contact an epineural nervous plate which is located slightly above the basement membrane of the epidermis. The epineural plate of each bud connects with the hyponeural nerve plexus of the tentacle. This nerve plexus consists of an axonic meshwork surrounded in places by sheath cells. The buccal tentacles have well-developed mesothelial muscles. Direct innervation of these muscles by the hyponeural nerve plexus was not seen.It is suggested that the buccal tentacles of H. forskali are sensory organs. They would recognize the organically richest areas of the sediment surface through the chemosensitive abilities of their apical buds. Tentacles presumably trap particles by wedging them between their buds and papillae.  相似文献   

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