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Y Shiro  I Morishima 《Biochemistry》1984,23(21):4879-4884
Met, deoxy, and CO forms of myoglobin (Mb) react with a stoichiometric amount of cyanogen bromide (BrCN) to cause substantial changes in the 1H NMR, optical absorption, and infrared spectra. These spectral changes were interpreted as arising from the substantial alterations in the heme environments, most probably due to the modification of the histidine residue at the heme distal side. It is also revealed that the modified Mb does not combine with some exogenous ligands such as CN-, CH3NH2, and O2, although it does with N-3 or CO. These unique ligand binding properties are also discussed with relevance to a role of the distal histidine in stabilizing the coordinated ligand through a hydrogen bond and to a steric constraint.  相似文献   

I Morishima  Y Shiro  S Adachi  Y Yano  Y Orii 《Biochemistry》1989,28(19):7582-7586
The kinetics of carbon monoxide (CO) binding to myoglobin (Mb) modified at the distal histidine (His) by cyanogen bromide (BrCN) has been studied. The CO association and dissociation rates of BrCN-modified Mb were obtained as 1.8 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 and 0.13 s-1, respectively (20 degrees C and pH 7.0). Thermodynamic parameters were obtained as well. These values are notable, compared with those for other hemoproteins, the slowest association and the fastest dissociation rates among various hemoproteins examined so far. On the basis of the available structural data obtained from the absorption, 1H NMR, and IR spectral measurements, these unique kinetic and thermodynamic properties were reasonably explained in terms of the steric restriction at the modified distal side.  相似文献   

Dynamics of ligand binding to myoglobin.   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
Myoglobin rebinding of carbon monoxide and dioxygen after photodissociation has been observed in the temperature range between 40 and 350 K. A system was constructed that records the change in optical absorption at 436 nm smoothly and without break between 2 musec and 1 ksec. Four different rebinding processes have been found. Between 40 and 160 K, a single process is observed. It is not exponential in time, but approximately given by N(t) = (1 + t/to)-n, where to and n are temperature-dependent, ligand-concentration independent, parameters. At about 170 K, a second and at 200 K, a third concentration-independent process emerge. At 210 K, a concentration-dependent process sets in. If myoglobin is embedded in a solid, only the first three can be seen, and they are all nonexponential. In a liquid glycerol-water solvent, rebinding is exponential. To interpret the data, a model is proposed in which the ligand molecule, on its way from the solvent to the binding site at the ferrous heme iron, encounters four barriers in succession. The barriers are tentatively identified with known features of myoglobin. By computer-solving the differential equation for the motion of a ligand molecule over four barriers, the rates for all important steps are obtained. The temperature dependences of the rates yield enthalpy, entropy, and free-energy changes at all barriers. The free-energy barriers at 310 K indicate how myoglobin achieves specificity and order. For carbon monoxide, the heights of these barriers increase toward the inside; carbon monoxide consequently is partially rejected at each of the four barriers. Dioxygen, in contrast, sees barriers of about equal height and moves smoothly toward the binding site. The entropy increases over the first two barriers, indicating a rupturing of bonds or displacement of residues, and then smoothly decreases, reaching a minimum at the binding site. The magnitude of the decrease over the innermost barrier implies participation of heme and/or protein. The nonexponential rebinding observed at low temperatures and in solid samples implies that the innermost barrier has a spectrum of activation energies. The shape of the spectrum has been determined; its existence can be explained by assuming the presence of many conformational states for myoglobin. In a liquid at temperatures above about 230 K, relaxation among conformational states occurs and rebinding becomes exponential.  相似文献   

Stable azide complex of cyanogen bromide-modified met-myoglobin (metMb) was prepared and crystallized. The principal values and eigen vectors of g-tensor were determined by single-crystal EPR spectroscopy at 77 K: gxx = 1.50, gyy = 2.32, and gzz = 2.91. These g values were similar to those of tetrazole derivative rather than azide derivative of native metMbs, suggesting that tetrazole derivative might be formed from N-cyanoimidazole of distal histidyl residue via nucleophilic attack of azide ion by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. The orientation of the maximal g value (gzz) of the novel product was found to deviate about 13 degrees from the heme normal of native aquometMb. Thus, the orientation of the heme plane might be altered in passing from native metMb to cyanogen bromide-mediated metmyoglobin. The present EPR results demonstrated that the modification of the histidyl residue at the heme distal side causes the changes in the stereochemical and electronic natures of the ligand binding to the heme.  相似文献   

Recombinant human myoglobin mutants with the distal His residue (E7, His64) replaced by Leu, Val, or Gln residues were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis and expression in Escherichia coli. Electronic and coordination structures of the ferric heme iron in the recombinant myoglobin proteins were examined by optical absorption, EPR, 1H NMR, magnetic circular dichroism, and x-ray spectroscopy. Mutations, His-->Val and His-->Leu, remove the heme-bound water molecule resulting in a five-coordinate heme iron at neutral pH, while the heme-bound water molecule appears to be retained in the engineered myoglobin with His-->Gln substitution as in the wild-type protein. The distal Val and distal Leu ferric myoglobin mutants at neutral pH exhibited EPR spectra with g perpendicular values smaller than 6, which could be interpreted as an admixture of intermediate (S = 3/2) and high (S = 5/2) spin states. At alkaline pH, the distal Gln mutant is in the same so-called "hydroxy low spin" form as the wild-type protein, while the distal Leu and distal Val mutants are in high spin states. The ligand binding properties of these recombinant myoglobin proteins were studied by measurements of azide equilibrium and cyanide binding. The distal Leu and distal Val mutants exhibited diminished azide affinity and extremely slow cyanide binding, while the distal Gln mutant showed azide affinity and cyanide association rate constants similar to those of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Effects of substitution of vinyl groups of hemin with formyl groups on the optical and ligand binding properties of horse heart ferric myoglobin were investigated. The peak positions as well as the line shapes of the absorption spectra of the ferric derivatives of three kinds of formylmyoglobin, 2-vinyl-4-formyl-, 2-formyl-4-vinyl-, and 2,4-diformylmyoglobins depend on the number and the position of the formyl groups. Absorption maxima in the Soret region of the acid forms of these ferric formylmyoglobins in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, at 20 degrees were 415.2, 422, and 429 nm, respectively. The acid forms of these formylmyoglobins exhibit absorption spectra of the mixture of high- and low spin states at ambient temperature. Since proto-, deutero- and mesomyoglobins have a high spin state under the same condition, the increase of the low spin iron in these formylmyoglobins may be due to the strong electron withdrawal by the formyl groups toward the periphery of the porphyrin ring. The affinities of these ferric formylmyoglobins and protomyoglobin for N3-, F-, OCN-, and SCN- increased in the order of proto-, monoformyl-monovinyl-, 2,4-diformyl-myoglobin, which corresponds to the increasing order of electron-withdrawing power of the porphyrin side chains. The pKa values of the acid-alkaline transition decreased in the same order. Although the ferric forms of the two isomeric monoformyl-monovinylmyoglobins exhibited different optical spectra, the dissociation constants of the complexes of these isomers for various ligands were similar to each other. The pKa values of the acid-alkaline transition were also similar. These results indicate that affinities of ferric myoglobin for ligands, in contrast to those of the ferrous form for oxygen and carbon monoxide (Sono, M., and Asakura, T. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 5527-5232 and Sono, M., Smith, P.D., McCray, J.A., and Asakura, T. (1976) J. Biol. Chem 251, 1418-1426), are not affected by the position of modifications at the two vinyl groups, but are determinedby the number of the formyl groups and that two vinyl groups at position 2 and 4 are equivalent in the binding of various ligands by ferric myoglobin. The electron density of the ferric iron appears to be similar for the two isomeric monoformyl-monovinylmyoglobins.  相似文献   

Phenomena occurring in the heme pocket after photolysis of carbonmonoxymyoglobin (MbCO) below about 100 K are investigated using temperature-derivative spectroscopy of the infrared absorption bands of CO. MbCO exists in three conformations (A substrates) that are distinguished by the stretch bands of the bound CO. We establish connections among the A substates and the substates of the photoproduct (B substates) using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy together with kinetic experiments on MbCO solution samples at different pH and on orthorhombic crystals. There is no one-to-one mapping between the A and B substates; in some cases, more than one B substate corresponds to a particular A substate. Rebinding is not simply a reversal of dissociation; transitions between B substates occur before rebinding. We measure the nonequilibrium populations of the B substates after photolysis below 25 K and determine the kinetics of B substate transitions leading to equilibrium. Transitions between B substates occur even at 4 K, whereas those between A substates have only been observed above about 160 K. The transitions between the B substates are nonexponential in time, providing evidence for a distribution of substates. The temperature dependence of the B substate transitions implies that they occur mainly by quantum-mechanical tunneling below 10 K. Taken together, the observations suggest that the transitions between the B substates within the same A substate reflect motions of the CO in the heme pocket and not conformational changes. Geminate rebinding of CO to Mb, monitored in the Soret band, depends on pH. Observation of geminate rebinding to the A substates in the infrared indicates that the pH dependence results from a population shift among the substates and not from a change of the rebinding to an individual A substate.  相似文献   

The association reaction of CO and O2 with heme is expected to reflect the differences in the electronic structures of the two ligands. CO binding should be controlled by a high spin/low spin transition while oxygen binding is spin-allowed. Dioxygen should thus bind substantially faster than CO. The experimental association rates of the two ligands are, however, almost identical. We propose that the reaction is triggered in both cases by a fast structural intermediate which allows the CO molecule to bind adiabatically. A suitable structural transition has been identified recently by inelastic neutron scattering.  相似文献   

We use laser flash photolysis and time-resolved Raman spectroscopy of CO-bound heme complexes to study proximal and distal influences on ligand rebinding kinetics. We report kinetics of CO rebinding to microperoxidase (MP) and 2-methylimidazole ligated Fe protoporphyrin IX in the 10 ns to 10 ms time window. We also report CO rebinding kinetics of MP in the 150 fs to 140 ps time window. For dilute, micelle-encapsulated (monodisperse) samples of MP, we do not observe the large amplitude geminate decay at approximately 100 ps previously reported in time-resolved IR measurements on highly concentrated samples [Lim, M., Jackson, T. A., and Anfinrud, P. A. (1997) J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2, 531-536]. However, for high concentration aggregated samples, we do observe the large amplitude picosecond CO geminate rebinding and find that it is correlated with the absence of the iron-histidine vibrational mode in the time-resolved Raman spectrum. On the basis of these results, the energetic significance of a putative distal pocket CO docking site proposed by Lim et al. may need to be reconsidered. Finally, when high concentration samples of native myoglobin (Mb) were studied as a control, an analogous increase in the geminate rebinding kinetics was not observed. This verifies that studies of Mb under dilute conditions are applicable to the more concentrated regime found in the cellular milieu.  相似文献   

The assigned exchangeable proton signals in the proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of sperm whale deoxy and Met-cyano myoglobin in H2O solution were found to exhibit pH-dependent saturation transfer from the bulk water, which allowed determination of the kinetics and mechanism of the labile proton exchange with solvent. The exchange rates are base catalyzed for both protein forms, with the rate eight times faster in Met-cyano than in deoxy myoglobin. The exchange rate is taken as a measure of the magnitude of the fluctuation in the protein conformation near the heme cavity. On the basis of tritium exchange methods, the greater stability of the unligated relative to the ligated state in myoglobin has also been reported for hemoglobin. The present study, however, localizes the differential kinetic stability on the F helix whose flexibility has been implicated in the mechanism of cooperativity. The observation that filling the hydrophobic vacancy on the proximal side of the heme near the proximal histidine in Met-cyano myoglobin wih cyclopropane increases the proton lability argues against the role for this hole in facilitating the flexibility of the F helix in the native protein.  相似文献   

Amino acid residues in the ligand binding pocket of human neuroglobin have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis and their properties investigated by resonance Raman and flash photolysis methods. Wild-type neuroglobin has been shown to have six-coordinate heme in both ferric and ferrous states. Substitution of His96 by alanine leads to complete loss of heme, indicating that His96 is the proximal ligand. The resonance Raman spectra of M69L and K67T mutants were similar to those of wild-type (WT) neuroglobin in both ferric and ferrous states. By contrast, H64V was six-coordinate high-spin and five-coordinate high-spin in the ferric and ferrous states, respectively, at acidic pH. The spectra were pH-dependent and six-coordinate with the low-spin component dominating at alkaline pH. In a double mutant H64V/K67T, the high-spin component alone was detected in the both ferric and the ferrous states. This implies that His64 is the endogenous ligand and that Lys67 is situated nearby in the distal pocket. In the ferrous H64V and H64V/K67T mutants, the nu(Fe-His) stretching frequency appears at 221 cm(-1), which is similar to that of deoxymyoglobin. In the ferrous CO-bound state, the nu(Fe-CO) stretching frequency was detected at 521 and 494 cm(-1) in WT, M69L, and K67T, while only the 494 cm(-1) component was detected in the H64V and H64V/K67T mutants. Thus, the 521 cm(-1) component is attributed to the presence of polar His64. The CO binding kinetics were biphasic for WT, H64V, and K67T and monophasic for H64V/K67T. Thus, His64 and Lys67 comprise a unique distal heme pocket in neuroglobin.  相似文献   

Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy has been utilized to characterize the change in coordination structure in native ferric sperm whale myoglobin upon cyanogen bromide-modification. Comparison of the MCD properties of the ferric high-spin state of cyanogen bromide-modified myoglobin (BrCN-Mb) with those of native ferric horseradish peroxidase and Aplysia myoglobin suggests that ferric BrCN-Mb is a potential MCD model for the pentacoordinate state of ferric high-spin histidine-ligated heme proteins. These five-coordinate heme proteins afford a relatively weak and unsymmetric signal in the Soret region of the MCD spectrum. In contrast, native ferric myoglobin and the benzohydroxamic acid adduct of ferric horseradish peroxidase show a strong and symmetric derivative-shaped Soret MCD signal which is indicative of hexacoordination with water and histidine axial ligands. Therefore it seems that MCD spectroscopy could be used to probe the presence of water ligated to the distal side of ferric high-spin heme proteins. The MCD spectra of the ferric-azide, ferrous-deoxy and ferrous-CO forms of BrCN-Mb have also been measured and compared to those of analogous native myoglobin complexes. The present MCD study has been extended to include new ligands, NO, thiocyanate and cyanate, which bind to ferric BrCN-Mb. With exogenous ligands such as CO, NO and thiocyanate, the coordination structures of the BrCN-Mb complexes are similar to those of the respective native myoglobin adducts. In the case of ferrous-deoxy and ferric-cyanate BrCN-Mb, however, the altered MCD spectra (and EPR for the latter) reveal changes in electronic structure which likely correlate with alterations of the coordination environment of these BrCN-Mb derivatives. Data are also presented which support the proposed tetrazole-bound structure for azide-treated BrCN-Mb (Hori, H., Fujii, M., Shiro, Y., Iizuka, T., Adachi, S. and Morishima, I. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5715-5719) and the inability of the distal histidine of BrCN-Mb to stabilize the ferric ligand-bound state.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the reactive short-lived species that occur in chemical or binding reactions can be determined using X-ray crystallography via time-resolved or kinetic trapping approaches. Recently, various kinetic trapping methods have been used to determine the structure of intermediates in ligand binding to myoglobin.  相似文献   

The rate constants and delta H degrees for the non-cooperative dimeric Busycon myoglobin are: oxygen, k' = 4.75 X 10(7) M-1 sec-1, k = 71 sec-1, and CO, l'= 3.46 X 10(5) M-1 sec-1, l = 0.0052 sec-1 at 20 degrees C, pH 7, delta H degrees = -3 kcal/mol for O2 and CO.2. Log-log plots of k vs K for oxygen and of l' vs L for CO binding for numerous non-cooperative hemoglobins and myoglobins point to a large steric influence of the protein on heme ligation reactions. Many of the proteins behave as "R" state for one ligand, but "T" for the other.  相似文献   

Band III is a near-infrared electronic transition at ~13,000 cm(-1) in heme proteins that has been studied extensively as a marker of protein conformational relaxation after photodissociation of the heme-bound ligand. To examine the influence of the heme pocket structure and ligand dynamics on band III, we have studied carbon monoxide recombination in a variety of myoglobin mutants after photolysis at 3 K using Fourier transform infrared temperature-derivative spectroscopy with monitoring in three spectral ranges, (1) band III, the mid-infrared region of (2) the heme-bound CO, and (3) the photodissociated CO. Here we present data on mutant myoglobins V68F and L29W, which both exhibit pronounced ligand movements at low temperature. From spectral and kinetic analyses in the mid-infrared, a small number of photoproduct populations can be distinguished, differing in their distal heme pocket conformations and/or CO locations. We have decomposed band III into its individual photoproduct contributions. Each photoproduct state exhibits a different "kinetic hole-burning" (KHB) effect, a coupling of the activation enthalpy for rebinding to the position of band III. The analysis reveals that the heme pocket structure and the photodissociated CO markedly affect the band III transition. A strong kinetic hole-burning effect results only when the CO ligand resides in the docking site on top of the heme group. Migration of CO away from the heme group leads to an overall blue shift of band III. Consequently, band III can be used as a sensitive tool to study ligand dynamics after photodissociation in heme proteins.  相似文献   

The hyperfine shifted proton NMR spectrum of isoenzyme c of horseradish peroxidase indicated that one calcium ion is essential to the enzyme in maintaining the protein structure in the heme vicinity.  相似文献   

Agmon N 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):1537-1543
Protein relaxation, ligand binding, and ligand migration into a hydrophobic cavity in myoglobin are unified by a bounded diffusion model which produces an accurate fit to complex ligand rebinding data over eight decades in time and a 160 K temperature range, in qualitative agreement with time-resolved x-ray crystallography. Protein relaxation operates in a cyclic manner to move the ligand away from the binding site.  相似文献   

A C Anusiem  M Kelleher 《Biopolymers》1978,17(9):2047-2055
The binding of azide ion to horse-heart myoglobins has been studied at pH 6.98 and at various temperatures. The results show that the azide complex is not completely loe spin and that the spin population is strongly dependent on temperature. We have shown that with some assumption it is possible to calculate the approximate fraction of high and low spin present at any temperature from the absorbance measurements. Corrections to the spin contribution at pH 6.98 to these values has been calculated.  相似文献   

In our previous work, we demonstrated that the replacement of the "heme binding module," a segment from F1 to G5 site, in myoglobin with that of hemoglobin alpha-subunit converted the heme proximal structure of myoglobin into the alpha-subunit type (Inaba, K., Ishimori, K. and Morishima, I. (1998) J. Mol. Biol. 283, 311-327). To further examine the structural regulation by the heme binding module in hemoglobin, we synthesized the betaalpha(HBM)-subunit, in which the heme binding module (HBM) of hemoglobin beta-subunit was replaced by that of hemoglobin alpha-subunit. Based on the gel chromatography, the betaalpha(HBM)-subunit was preferentially associated with the alpha-subunit to form a heterotetramer, alpha(2)[betaalpha(HBM)(2)], just as is native beta-subunit. Deoxy-alpha(2)[betaalpha(HBM)(2)] tetramer exhibited the hyperfine-shifted NMR resonance from the proximal histidyl N(delta)H proton and the resonance Raman band from the Fe-His vibrational mode at the same positions as native hemoglobin. Also, NMR spectra of carbonmonoxy and cyanomet alpha(2)[betaalpha(HBM)(2)] tetramer were quite similar to those of native hemoglobin. Consequently, the heme environmental structure of the betaalpha(HBM)-subunit in tetrameric alpha(2)[betaalpha(HBM)(2)] was similar to that of the beta-subunit in native tetrameric Hb A, and the structural conversion by the module substitution was not clear in the hemoglobin subunits. The contrastive structural effects of the module substitution on myoglobin and hemoglobin subunits strongly suggest different regulation mechanisms of the heme proximal structure between these two globins. Whereas the heme proximal structure of monomeric myoglobin is simply determined by the amino acid sequence of the heme binding module, that of tetrameric hemoglobin appears to be closely coupled to the subunit interactions.  相似文献   

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