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白头叶猴栖息环境与栖息地选择的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过样方法和焦点动物法分别对白头叶猴栖息环境进行了观察,并对栖息环境的植物多样性进行了统计分析。结果表明,白头叶猴栖息地可分为山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地4部分,各部分优势种植物不同,白头叶猴栖息地的Shannon Venner多样性指数为6.152,均匀度为0.8439,白头叶猴对石山山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地的利用率分布为66.45 5.65%,21.15±5.49%,12.78±6.8%。在山脚主要是休息和觅食,在山腰主要是移动,在山顶主要是冬季晒太阳。因此,保护白头叶猴的栖息地对保护白头叶猴有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

白头叶猴食谱与觅食时间分配的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白头叶猴生活在喀斯特石山环境 ,以树叶为食。对其进行跟踪观察表明白头叶猴有食物 42种 ,其中乔木占 42 .8% ,灌木占 2 6.1 % ,藤本占 2 1 .5% ,草本占 9.6% ,食物组成中树叶占63%— 95% ,果实占 5%— 35% ,花占 0— 6%。白头叶猴有两种觅食方式 ,每天猴群有觅食高峰 2次。白头叶猴觅食的持续时间占日活动时间分配的比例在一年中有季节性变化 ,表现为夏天低冬天高 ,分别为 1 0 .0 3% (6月份 )— 2 3.2 1 % (1 2月份 ) ,这与食物的丰盛状况有关。  相似文献   

非人灵长类动物的母婴关系是婴猴第一次重要的社会体验,对婴猴的生长发育、正常社会行为以及心理健康都具有重要意义。因此,母婴关系研究一直是灵长类学研究的热点之一。为深入了解白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)母婴关系的发展和影响因素,2009年9月至2010年8月,我们以广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区岜盆片区的一群野生白头叶猴为研究对象,记录其母婴行为的发生持续时长和发生频次,结合婴猴月龄和性别,探究婴猴月龄和性别对白头叶猴母婴关系的影响。结果表明:婴猴月龄显著影响白头叶猴的母婴关系。随着婴猴月龄的不断增长,母猴对婴猴的保护也随之逐渐减少,表明婴猴的发育是从依赖母猴到逐步独立融入社群的过程。婴猴性别对母婴行为的持续时间无显著影响,但在发生频次上母猴对雌性婴猴的照顾明显多于雄性婴猴。婴猴性别对母婴间的理毛行为、含乳行为均无显著影响,但对怀抱行为具有显著影响。白头叶猴母猴对不同性别的婴猴采取不同的照顾方式,这可能与雄性婴猴和雌性婴猴未来所承担的社会角色不同有关。  相似文献   

广西扶绥白头叶猴的欺骗信号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兆元 《动物学报》2005,51(2):335-337
1997年9月至1998年9月,我们在广西扶绥珍贵动物保护区对白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)进行保护生物学研究。在本研究中,我们试图评价生境质量的下降对白头叶猴生存造成的负面影响。我们用系统的方法采集行为数据,用典型的野外记录技术(ad libitum)记录稀少行为事件。观察结果表明,生活在高质量生境中的猴群极力地保卫其家域;相反地,生活在低质量生境中的猴群不尽力保卫其家域。群体中的繁殖雄性在雄性替代过程中一旦被逐出群外,就会变成孤猴,并失去家域。这时,由于生境质量低劣,孤猴将面临食物短缺。我们的观察显示,这些猴子通过欺骗信号保持群间距离,使其得以呆在有食物资源的生境中。依据Zahavi的理论,在通讯行为中,信号接受者总是在检查信号发出者,防止其发出欺骗信号。因此,可以预测欺骗信号无法得以演化。然而,我们的观察结果不支持这种预测。  相似文献   

在中国,有些自然保护区,你即使走到了它的鼻子底下,也感觉不到进入了保护区,那里到处是农田和村庄。广西崇左县白头叶猴自然保护区就给我这样的印象。 不过,你的视线越过老乡家低矮的屋脊,不用望远镜就能看见山那边有一群活蹦乱跳的猴。这群猴长相很奇特,头上有一束白毛,超过身长约三分之一的长尾巴是一半黑一半白。告诉你一绝招,可以根据白头叶猴尾巴上的白毛的多寡确定它的年纪有多大,白毛越多说明它的年龄越大。 白头叶猴是中国特有的珍稀濒危物种,在《中国濒危动物红皮书》上赫赫有名,它们生活在广西崇左、弄岗等自然保  相似文献   

RAPD分析与白头叶猴分类地位探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为确定白头叶猴的分类地位,分析了菲氏叶猴、紫面叶猴、长尾叶猴、黑叶猴、白头叶猴、共13个个体的随机扩增DNA多态。用于检测的30个随机引物中有22个产生清晰的条带。根据遗传距离建立的系统树显示,黑叶猴与白头叶猴亲缘关系最近,且两者都不是单系群。白头叶猴3与黑叶猴6的亲缘关系比与白头叶猴1、2的更近。根据系统树中的关系对群体进行了t检验,结果显示:在5%水平上,白头叶猴与黑叶猴有显著差异;然而,在同  相似文献   

广西龙虎山猕猴种群生态特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王骏  冯敏 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):264-271
1988~1995年,采用定点观察法和绝对计数与相对计数结合法对龙虎山猕猴种群生态作了调查研究。1990年核心区有猕猴14群,500只左右,猴群密度1.6群/km2,种群密度55.6只/km2.猴群大小平均33.8±23.1(n=6)只。一般每隔4~5年分群一次,猴群群体年均增长率14.8%,种群年均增长率为9.7%。猴群中成年猴性比为7.6±6.5(n=12),1~3岁组的性比为0.74±0.61(n=4),群内未成年猴比例为67.7±3.1%(n=12)。发情交配期最早11月12日,最晚次年1月20日,高峰期12月上旬,持续3个月.产仔期最早4月1日,最晚8月14日,高峰期5月上旬,持续时间4个半月.繁殖率45.5%~100%,平均75.4±13.2%(n=21)。新生猴死亡率较低,新生猴性比(雌:雄)平均0.74±0.34(n=5)。  相似文献   

开展近缘物种觅食行为比较对理解动物的行为可塑性及适应性具有重要意义。白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)和黑叶猴(T.francoisi)是近缘物种,体形大小相近,社会结构和栖息环境相似,是广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区喀斯特季节性雨林中邻域分布的灵长类。为了探索两个物种在喀斯特生境中是否有相似的觅食策略,我们于2012年1—12月采用瞬时扫描取样法对两种叶猴的觅食行为进行研究。结果表明,白头叶猴与黑叶猴在不同时段均为叶食性,树叶是两种叶猴各个时段主要食物,其中白头叶猴日均取食树叶77.0%±4.4%,黑叶猴日均取食68.9%±8.3%,两者对树叶的采食比例均没有显著的日时段差异(白头叶猴:χ2=6.602,df=11,P=0.830;黑叶猴:χ2=11.393,df=11,P=0.411)。两种叶猴的觅食行为都在猴群清晨离开夜宿石洞后和进入过夜山洞前的时段中频繁发生。白头叶猴在09:00—10:59和16:00—17:59出现觅食高峰,时间占比分别为41.7%和46.3%;黑叶猴同样在09:00—10:59...  相似文献   

2006年5~7月和2008年10~11月,采用访问和小区蹲点绝对数量统计法对弄岗自然保护区黑叶猴种群数量进行调查.结果 表明,弄岗黑叶猴分布区约为26 km2,2008年有黑叶猴13群76只,平均群大小5.85只/群,群密度0.5群/km2,种群密度为2.92只/km2.与2006年相比,2008年猴群增加3个两性群,个体数量增加10只,即增加15.15%,种群密度增加14.96%,平均群大小增加6.36%.弄岗黑叶猴种群数量呈现出增长趋势,这可能与保护区加强管护和宣传有关.  相似文献   

黑叶猴是分布于我国广西、贵州、重庆南部和越南北部喀斯特石山特有的灵长类,全世界不足2000只,其中四分之三以上分布在我国。黑叶猴隶属于哺乳纲灵长目猴科疣猴亚科乌叶猴属,该属是疣猴亚科种类最多的一个属,共有20个种。根据系统演化,这个属可以分为戴帽叶猴种组、郁乌叶猴种组、银叶猴种组和黑叶猴种组,其中黑叶猴种组包括了我国的黑叶猴、白头叶猴、越南的金头叶猴、德氏叶猴、越南乌叶猴、印支乌叶猴和老挝乌叶猴,这7个种只生活在喀斯特石山环境,所以它们又被称为石山叶猴,其中黑叶猴扩散能力最强,是分布范围最广和分布纬度最高的种类。  相似文献   

The distribution of golden langurs (Trachypithecus geei) is limited to a small area of western Assam in northeast India and Bhutan between the rivers Manas in the east, Sankosh in the west, and Brahmaputra in the south. It is one of the most seriously endangered primate species of India. A comparative analysis based on satellite images taken in 1988 and 1998 showed a 50% loss of original golden langur habitat. Data on population dynamics collected using line transect and total count methods are presented here. An average group size of 8.2 (range 4.0-22.0) individuals was recorded. A total of 1,064 individuals were counted living in 130 groups. The sex ratio was 1.9-2.5 adult females for each adult male. A low percentage of juveniles and infants suggests that the population is unstable. Most of the groups had only one adult male. Small group sizes, isolated distribution, proportionately few infants and juveniles, and degrading habitat are all causes of concern. Demographic trends indicate a decline in the golden langur population.  相似文献   

We describe the activity patterns and time budgets of white-headed langurs that were confined to about 4 km2 of Longlin habitat in Fusui County, Guangxi Province, China. Between February and December 1996, we observed 6 langur groups monthly via group focal sampling and continuously recording the behavior of a focal group. Our results indicate that the langur groups selected stone caves on cliffs as sleeping sites. The daily activity pattern outside caves had 8 stages: (1) leaving the cave in the early morning; (2) moving and resting; (3) morning feeding; (4) moving a long distance; (5) resting at noon; (6) afternoon feeding; (7) moving back to the cave, and (8) entering the cave. Over the year, langurs spent a daily average of about 11.5 h outside caves and about 12.5 h inside caves. Moving accounted for 7% (spring), 7% (summer-autumn) and 13% (winter) of the time budget, and langurs spent 9% (summer-autumn) and 14% (spring) to 20% (winter) of their time feeding. Resting accounted for 79% of the time budget in spring, 84% in summer-autumn, and 57% in winter. Sunbathing only occurred in winter and accounted for about 10% of the time budget. One-way ANOVA and multiple range tests demonstrated that time budgets differed significantly among seasons. Langurs spent significantly more time feeding and moving in winter than in spring and summer-autumn, but significantly less time resting in winter than in spring and summer-autumn.  相似文献   

Limestone hill habitats pose unique challenges to langurs. One of the characteristics of this habitat is its cliffs, which account for about 10–20% of the total area. We have never observed langurs falling from the cliffs during our 10-year field study. Five patterns of locomotion were exhibited by the white-headed langur: (1) arboreal ascent and descent, (2) arboreal quadupedalism, (3) terrestrial quadrupadelism, (4) moving on cliffs and (5) leaping on cliffs. Locomotor patterns varied according to the substrate, but terrestrial quadrupedalism accounted for more than 50% of locomotion time. Moving on cliffs and leaping on cliffs may be modes of locomotion unique to the white-headed langur, at least in terms of frequency. White-headed langurs have an intermembral index of 76 and, compared to langurs with a similar intermembral index, are more terrestrial. Further analysis indicates that greater terrestrialism may be the result of adaptation to their limestone habitat. Interestingly, white-headed langurs select caves on the cliff as their sleeping sites, and they exhibit special behaviors for exiting and entering the cave very early in the morning and late in the evening.  相似文献   

The critically endangered white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) is confined to fragmented karst forests of southwest Guangxi Province, China. A lack of information on the influence of habitat fragmentation on langur behavior has prevented a comprehensive understanding of their ranging behavior and the development of effective langur conservation strategies. We collected comparative data on time budgets, daily path lengths, home range and diets of four langur groups inhabiting the lightly fragmented Fusui forest (G1, G2) and the more heavily fragmented Chongzuo forest (G3, G4). The aim was to explore the effect of this fragmentation on langur ranging behavior. Our results showed that the Fusui groups spent more time on moving and less time on feeding and playing than the Chongzuo groups. Daily path lengths were 472.4–536.1 m for the Fusui groups and 449.6–480.7 m for the Chongzuo groups, indicating no marked inter-site variation. The Fusui groups occupied much larger home ranges (23.8–33.8 ha) than the Chongzuo groups (14.5–15.8 ha). However, all groups had similar monthly home ranges. Diets significantly differed among langur groups. The Fusui groups consumed more young leaves and had much lower diet diversity compared with the Chongzuo groups. Our findings indicate that habitat fragmentation is one of the crucial determinants of white-headed langur ranging behavior because fragmentation reduces and restricts the home range. Langurs in fragmented habitat adopt an energy conservation strategy characterized by devoting more time to feeding and less time to moving, with a smaller home range and consumption of more plant species. We argue that linking fragmented forests with corridors should be considered a priority in a wider and comprehensive longer term langur population conservation and habitat management strategy.  相似文献   

The number of males per group is the most variable aspect of primate social organization and is often related to the monopolizability of females, which is mainly determined by the number of females per group and their reproductive synchrony. Colobines show both inter‐specific and intra‐specific variations in the number of males per group. Compared with other colobine species, little is known about the social organization of white‐headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), despite its endangered status and unusual limestone habitat. As a part of a long‐term study of the white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China, we quantitatively investigated their social organization by analyzing census data from 1998 to 2003. The population censuses revealed that the predominant social organization of bisexual groups was the one‐male group, similar to a previous report on this species and many other Asian colobines. In such groups, one adult male associated with 5.1 adult females, 0.1 sub‐adult males, 2.6 juveniles and 2.9 infants on average, with a mean group size of 11.7 individuals. In addition, three multi‐male groups were recorded, consisting of 2–3 adult males, 1–5 adult females, 0–2 sub‐adult males, 0–7 juveniles and 0–2 infants. They did not contain more adult females than the one‐male groups and were unstable in group membership. The langurs outside bisexual groups were organized into small nonreproductive groups or lived as solitaries. The nonreproductive groups averaged 1.3 adult males, 1.3 sub‐adult males and 2.6 juveniles. Juvenile females were present in such groups on 52.4% of all occasions. As predicted by the monopolization model, the prevalence of the one‐male pattern in this species may mainly be attributed to the small number of females in the group. The possible reasons for the occurrence of multi‐male groups and the presence of juvenile females in nonreproductive groups are also discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 71:206–213, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The socioecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) was studied in Fusui Precious Animal Reserve, Guangxi, China, in 1997/1998. Habitat quality was classified according to the level of human disturbance. Plant species diversity increased with habitat quality. Important foods for the langurs occurred more in high-quality habitat. Home range size varied from 28 to 48 ha, and the home range area per individual decreased as habitat quality increased. Small polygynous langur groups had poorly defended ranges, but large groups defended their ranges intensively. Only harem males were involved in group defence, apparently competing for females by defending their habitat. High-quality habitat was more attractive to females; accordingly, group size increased significantly with habitat quality.  相似文献   

黑叶猴是栖息于喀斯特石山地区的珍稀濒危灵长类动物,由于非法捕杀和栖息地丧失,种群数量急剧减少。2017年10-12月,我们采用样方法调查恩城国家级自然保护区及其周边地区黑叶猴的种群分布、数量及保护现状,分析其致危因素,为制定有效管理行动计划提供理论依据。本次调查共记录到黑叶猴夜宿地89处,其中有43处夜宿地下方有新鲜排泄物。结合本次调查和访问,确定黑叶猴的种群数量为18群100~105只,包括1只全白化黑叶猴成年雌性个体;其中11群分布在保护区内,7群分布在保护区外。猴群由3~12只个体组成。栖息地破碎化和退化是威胁恩城保护区黑叶猴种群生存的主要因素。  相似文献   

Francois’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) is an endangered primate and endemic to the limestone forests of the tropical and subtropical zone of northern Vietnam and South-west China with a population of about 2,000 individuals. Conservation efforts are hampered by limited knowledge of habitat preference in its main distribution area. We surveyed the distribution of Francois’ langur and modeled the relationship between the probability of use and habitat features in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China. The main objectives of this study were to provide quantitative information on habitat preference, estimating the availability of suitable habitat, and providing management guidelines for the effective conservation of this species. By comparing 92 used locations with habitat available in the reserve, we found that Francois’ langur was mainly distributed along valleys and proportionally, used bamboo forests and mixed conifer-broadleaf forests more than their availability, whereas they tended to avoid shrubby areas and coniferous forests. The langur tended to occur at sites with lower elevation, steeper slope, higher tree canopy density, and a close distance to roads and water. The habitat occupancy probability was best modeled by vegetation type, vegetation coverage, elevation, slope degree, distances to nearest water, paved road, and farmland edge. The suitable habitat in this reserve concentrated in valleys and accounted for about 25% of the total reserve area. Our results showed that Francois’ langur was not only restricted at the landscapes level at the regions with karst topography, limestone cliffs, and caves, but it also showed habitat preference at the local scale. Therefore, the protection and restoration of the langur preferred habitats such as mixed conifer-broadleaf forests are important and urgent for the conservation of this declining species.  相似文献   

本文通过整理相关文献与政府报告数据并结合我们在贵州的最新调查与监测数据,总结过去20年间黑叶猴在贵州的分布、种群变动及其所面临的主要威胁,并在此基础上提出相关的保护管理建议。贵州黑叶猴野生种群在过去20年间增长了约10%~20%:从20世纪90年代的约109群1000只增加到现在的约132~137群1160~1200只。但同期黑叶猴已从5个原有的分布点绝迹,现仅存于大沙河、柏箐、麻阳河、宽阔水和野钟等5个保护区,总面积约912km2。现有的5个隔离分布点保存有全球黑叶猴野生种群(1800~2000)的约62%,是黑叶猴物种保存的最关键地区,并应该给于保护管理的优先考虑。偷猎压力在贵州相对较小:在过去的20年间仅有3次偷猎的官方记录。黑叶猴在贵州所面临的主要威胁是栖息地的丧失与退化。其主要表现形式有:以农作物和烟草种植为目的的耕地扩大,以做饭、取暖以及烟叶烘烤为目的的薪材需求,以及家畜(主要是山羊)的过度放牧。  相似文献   

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