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Study of the apron in 9 species of the genus Dermacentor from the fauna of the USSR has revealed differencies in its structure. The subgenus Dermacentor (s. str.) differs from two other subgenera both in the shape of the apron itself and in the shape of the postgenital sclerite and setae of perigenital area. Close species within each of two other subgenera differ in apron proportion, shape and size of denticles along its hind edge, and sometimes in their number. Inspite of the statistically reliable interspecific differences in apron structure a wide range of individual variability of some details and geographical specificity of samples from various places of the area were observed in species with a vast area.  相似文献   

The key for identification of species of the genus Rhipicephalus (the fauna of the USSR) on the larval phase is based on the material reared under laboratory conditions. The structure of scutum, organs of gnathosoma and coxae, chaetotaxy of idiosoma and gnathosoma were used for differential diagnosis. In addition morphometric characteristics of the above structures and their proportions were used. A special attention has been given to coexistence of species in sympatric zones, which was revealed or confirmed as a result of identification of species of the genus on larva in the ranges of the fauna of the USSR.  相似文献   

Experiments on laboratory cultures of Hyalomma asiaticum and H. anatolicum have shown that at the nymphal phase sexual dimorphism manifests itself in statistically reliable differences between general sizes and mass of the body of male and female individuals. Larger nymphs moult mostly into females, small ones mostly into males. Reliable differences have been noted in the sizes of scutum, gnathosoma and its appendages in male and female nymphs of both species. At the larval phase sexual dimorphism does not manifest itself in the sizes of individuals.  相似文献   

A Berdyev 《Parazitologiia》1989,23(2):166-172
The mutually checking parasitological and zoogeographic criteria for the issue in question made it possible to express the viewpoint and present supporting data on the origin and spread of Dermacentor ticks. Their origin was dated back to Oligocene (38 mln years ago). Having appeared in Angar Mainland, the ticks spread by land in Europe, North America (Miocene, 25 mln years ago) and Africa (Pliocene, 5 mln years ago). The list of species according to zoogeographic regions is given.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Dermacentor laothaiensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae) is described based on adults ex wild boar and vegetation from Laos and Thailand. Adults of D. laothaiensis n. sp. are...  相似文献   

Four new species of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are described. Helodon rezidentsii Yankovsky, sp. n., Khabarovsk Territory, differs from all known species of the genus with morphology of eyes consisting only of microommatidii in male; from related species H. kamtshaticus (Rubzov, 1940) with large triangular posteromedial lobes of branches of genital fork in female; with number of rays of primary fan of premandibles (20-22, when in H. kamtshaticus 30-32) in larva. Helodon submulticaulis Yankovsky, sp. n., Transbaikalia, differs from related species H. multicaulis (Popov, 1968) with number of rays of primary fan of mandibles (36-40, when in H. multicaulis 26-28), narrow anterior branches of anal sclerite, number of rows of hooks in posterior attachment organ (88-92, when in H. multicaulis 78-80) in larva; with morphology of respiratory organ, consisting of 5-8 lobes bearing 40-60 tune filaments (in H. multicaulis 3-4 lobes bearing more than 150 filaments) in pupa. Sch. samarkandica Yankovsky, sp. n., Uzbekistan, differs from related species Sch. pseudopusilla Rubzov, 1956 with 3 (not 2 as in Sch. pseudopusilla) hooks in parameres, bifurcated lateral branches of X sternite, long projection of gonostyles in male. Schoenbaueria ivdelensis Yankovsky, sp. n., Middle Ural, differs from related species Sch. rangiferina (Rubzov, 1956) with prolonged gonostyles bearing narrow projection in male; with number of rays of secondary fan of premandibles (20-28, when in Sch. rangiferina 44-48), deep ventral groove of cephalic capsule, number of rows of hooks in posterior attachment organ (80-82, when in Sch. rangiferina 70-72) in larva; with morphology of respiratory organ (very long stems of 2 and 3 pairs of filaments) in pupa.  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Simuliidae Stegopterna byrrangii Yankovsky, sp. n. and Cnephia chaurensis Yankovsky sp. n., from Taimyr peninsula, Metacnephia olyutorii Yankovsky sp. n. from Kamchatka, Metacnephia karakechensis Yankovsky sp. n. and Montisimulium sonkulense Yankovsky sp. n. from Kirghizia, are described. Stegopterna byrrangii differs from related species: in male--from all known species of the genus by peculiar form of apical end of gonostyles, when apical spine is approximately parallel to inner surface of gonostyle; in female--from all known species of the genus by very long genital lobes (their length twice more than width), from S. longicoxa Rubzov, 1971 and S. duodecimata (Rubzov, 1940) by long stem of genital fork, absence of anterolateral sclerotized projections of branches of genital fork; in pupa--from all known species of the genus by number of filaments of respiratory organ (14-16, when in other species no more than 12). Cnephia chaurensis differs from related species: in male--from C. intermedia Rubzov, 1956 and C. toptchievi Yankovsky, 1996 by absence of medial projection or ridge of gonosternum, from C. intermedia by widened body of gonosternum, from C. toptchievi by ridge on gonocoxites and wide triangular projections near base of arms of gonosternum; in female--from C. intermedia by sclerotized finger-like anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, subdivision of branches into two lobes, wide flat apical end of stem of genital fork. Metacnephia karakechensis differs from related species: in male--from M. subalpina (Rubzov, 1956) by form of gonostyles, absence of triangular medial projection of gonosternum, short widened gonofurca and more number of spines in parameres, from M. kirjanovae (Rubzov, 1956) and M. slepjani (Rubzov, 1967) by triangular body of gonosternum, widened gonostyles, more number of spines in parameres; in larva--from M. subalpina by more number of rays of primary fan of premandibles, less number of ridges of hooks in posterior attachment organ, from M. kirjanovae by short thick antennae; in pupa--from M. subalpina by character of divergence of upper thick filaments of respiratory organ, from M. kirjanovae by presence of thick filaments of the organ. Metacnephia olyutorii differs from related species: in female--from M. larunae Worobez, 1984 and M. aldanica Worobez, 1987 by thick sclerotized anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, from M. taimyrica Patrusheva, 1976 by 1-ended (not 3-ended) anterolateral projections of branches of genital fork, large (not shortened) anal lobes, from M. crassifistula (Rubzov, 1956) by very long stem of genital fork. Montisimulium sonkulense differs from related species: in male--from M. brachystylum (Rubzov, 1976) by more prolonged gonostyles, less number of spines of parameres, from M. ocreastylum (Rubzov, 1956) by form of gonostyles, from M. odontostylum (Rubzov, 1947) by more number of spines of parameres; in female--from M. brachystylum and M. odontostylum by stricktly developed posteromedial projections of branches of genital fork, from species having posteromedical projections of branches of genital fork--from M. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

Host-parasite relationships of Hyalomma species of the world fauna are analyzed. The majority of species infests predominately various mammals. Birds and reptiles are used as preferred hosts by several Hyalomma species, and only on certain stage: adults of H. aegyptium parasitize tortoises; immature stages of H. marginatum parasitize birds. It is hypothesized that relationships of H. aegyptium adults (subgenus Hyalomma s. str.) with reptiles are secondarily in origin. Immature stages of H. aegyptium retain the primary wide diapason of hosts, which are various small mammals, birds and reptiles. The life cycle of this species is the three-host type that is considered as a primary type in ixodid ticks. A typical scheme of relationships with their hosts in all well-examined Hyalommina species has following features: the adult stage parasitize large and medium sized mammals, immature stages parasitize small mammals, three-host life cycle. A variety of preferred hosts and types of life cycle is observed in the subgenus Euhyalomma. All species of this subgenus can be arranged into two groups. In the first group, the immature stages infest only small mammals and birds, and the adults parasitize large mammals; this type of host preferences is probably primary host-parasite relationships of Hyalomma. This group includes: H. albiparmatum, H. asiaticum, H. excavatum, H. franchinii, H. impeltatum, H. impressum, H. lusitanicum, H. marginatum, H. nitidum, H. schulzei, and H. truncatum. Hyalomma marginatum and H. schulzei are two-host species; H. excavatum is two- or three-host tick. All the remaining species (except H. albiparmatum, which life cycle is unknown) are three-host ticks. In the second group, the immature stages as well as the adult stage parasitize large mammals. This group includes: H. dromedarii, H. anatolicum, and H. scupense. These species are two- or one-host ticks.  相似文献   

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