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The Setesdal valley in South Norway runs north to south for 200 km, from alpine vegetation at 1200 m, passing the tree-line at around 1000 m, through Boreal forests, to Nemoral forest at sea level. The Holocene vegetation history and its altitudinal differentiation were reconstructed using pollen percentages and influx and plant macrofossil concentration records from four lakes along an altitudinal transect. During the early Holocene (c. 10500–8000 cal b.p.) Betula pubescens, Pinus sylvestris, Alnus, and Corylus expanded in the lowlands. Only Pinus and B. pubescens reached 1000 m asl (Lille Kjelavatn). Only B. pubescens reached Holebudalen (1144 m asl) at about the same time as it arrived in the lowlands. Between c. 8000–3000 cal b.p. mixed deciduous forest developed around Dalane (40 m asl) and to a lesser extent around Grostjørna (180 m asl), birch woodland with pine surrounded Lille Kjelavatn and birch woodland occurred at Holebudalen. From c. 3000 cal b.p. to present, the vegetation at Dalane hardly changed except for slight human impact and the immigration of Picea abies. At Grostjørna Pinus expanded. At Lille Kjelavatn Pinus disappeared and Betula became sparse as at the tree-line today. Betula retreated from Holebudalen thus leaving it above the tree-line in low-alpine vegetation. The strengths and weaknesses of pollen and plant macrofossil data were assessed for forest reconstructions. Where local pollen production is low, as near the tree-line, percentages of long-distance tree pollen can be misleadingly high. Pollen influxes of Betula and Pinus were much smaller near their altitudinal limits than at lower altitudes, although their macrofossils were equally abundant. The limited dispersal capacity of macrofossils documents the local presence of species and the character of the local vegetation, although macrofossils of some tree taxa are rarely found. Pollen and plant macrofossil evidence complement each other to provide a more complete reconstruction of Holocene tree-limits and tree-lines and hence climate changes, than either form of evidence alone.  相似文献   

Key questions for understanding the resilience and variability of Mexican Neotropical cloud forest assemblages in current and future climate change include: How have human disturbances and climate change affected the dynamics of the cloud forest assemblage? What are the predominant processes responsible for its present day composition and distribution? Are the current conservation strategies for the cloud forest in accordance with preserving its natural variability through time? In this study, the temporal dynamics of the cloud forest in west‐central Mexico over the last ~1300 years were reconstructed using palaeoecological techniques. These included analyses of fossil pollen, microfossil charcoal, and sediment geochemistry. Results indicated that a cloud forest assemblage has been the predominant vegetation type in this region over the last ~1300 years. During this time, however, there have been changes in the vegetation with an apparent expansion of cloud forest from ~832 to 620 cal years bp and a decline from 1200 to 832 cal years bp . Climate change (intervals of aridity) and human disturbances through anthropogenic burning appear to have been the main factors influencing the dynamics of this cloud forest. The spatial heterogeneity reported for high‐altitude forests in this region, in concert with high beta diversity, appears to be a manifestation of the high temporal variability in species composition for these forests. Greater turnover in cloud forest taxa occurred during intervals of increased humidity and is probably representative of a higher temporal competition for resources among the cloud forest taxa. The present results support the current protection scheme for cloud forests in west‐central Mexico where areas are kept in exclusion zones to avoid timber extraction, grazing, and agriculture; this will maintain diversity within these forests, even if there are only a few individuals per species, and enable the forests to retain some resilience to current and future climate change.  相似文献   

The pollen accumulation rates of four lakes in different regions of Estonia were estimated in order to study the relationship between pollen influx and the character and intensity of disturbances in the pollen catchment area. The pollen influx data obtained are in accordance with model calculations on the size of the pollen source areas. The influx of arboreal pollen and that of the dominant taxa (mainly Pinus) in the lakes investigated shows that, in the case of small lakes (area 3-6ha) in a forested landscapes, the bulk of the pollen originates from an area within 100-200m around the lake. The distribution patterns of influx from two lakes situated close to each other but at different distances from forest fires show that past disturbances can be reliably detected when the disturbance occurred in the immediate vicinity of the lake and at least 25% of the local pollen source area was involved. In the case of a large lake (137ha) only fires embracing thousands of hectares can be detected in the pollen diagrams.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the long‐term changes in aquatic vegetation in a lowland, shallow lake, and to assess the relationship between aquatic vegetation and natural and anthropogenic catchment changes. Location Gundsømagle Sø, Zealand, Denmark: a shallow (mean depth 1.2 m), hypereutrophic lake (mean annual total phosphorus (TP) c. 700 μg TP L?1) located in a predominantly agricultural catchment (88% cultivated land). The lake is presently devoid of macrophytes. Methods One hundred and forty‐seven contiguous samples from a sediment core (taken in 2000) were analysed for macrofossil remains together with loss‐on‐ignition and dry weight. From an earlier sediment core (taken in 1992), 67 samples were analysed for pollen and the two cores were correlated using the ignition residue profiles. Core chronology was determined by 210Pb and 137Cs dating of the recent lake sediments, while older sediments were dated by pollen‐stratigraphical correlation, as 14C dating proved problematical. Aquatic macrofossil abundance was used to reconstruct past changes in the lake's plant community and water‐level. The contemporary catchment land‐use change was inferred from sedimentary pollen data, and soil erosion to the lake was deduced from the minerogenic content of the lake sediments. Results The macrofossil record covers the last 7000 years, but aquatic plant remains were scarce prior to c. 1300 bc . After this date the abundance of submerged and emergent macrophyte remains increased dramatically, paralleled by an increase in sediment minerogenic matter and non‐arboreal pollen (NAP). Aquatic plant remains were abundant for more than 3000 years until the mid 1900s. Macrofossils of Linum usitatissimum (L.) (flax) and high pollen percentages of ‘Cannabis type’ (hemp) were recorded in periods between c. 1150 bc and 1800 ad . Main conclusions Our study suggests that, between c. 5000 bc and 1300 bc , the submerged plant community was confined to the littoral zone. From 1300 bc onwards, the submerged macrophyte vegetation expanded rapidly across the lake bed, presumably as a response to lake shallowing caused by a combination of climatic‐induced water‐level lowering and enhanced erosional infilling of the lake basin due to intensified anthropogenic activities in the catchment. The lake was meso‐eutrophic and had an extensive and diverse aquatic flora for more than 3000 years, until the middle of the twentieth century. In periods between c. 1150 bc and 1800 ad , the lake experienced direct anthropogenic impact from retting of fibre plants (Linum and Cannabis). Over the last 200 years, erosional infilling of the lake basin increased drastically, probably as a result of agricultural intensification. In the twentieth century, the lake was strongly affected by nutrient enrichment from both point sources (sewage from built‐up areas) and diffuse agricultural run‐off which led to hypertrophic conditions and the collapse of the submerged vegetation c. 1950–60. The concept of ‘naturalness’ and the implications for lake conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

子午岭林区北部近50年植被的变化发展   总被引:78,自引:12,他引:78  
子午岭林区的北部,地貌上具有黄土陵沟壑的特点。该区植被的演替序列为;从弃耕地先锋群落开始,经草本,灌木群落时期到早期森林群落山杨IPopulus davidiana)林或白桦(Betula platyphylla)林、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林等。进而到后期森林群落辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林或油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林。的50年来,油松林和侧柏林已经或正完成向辽东栎林方向的发展,山杨林、白桦林和侧柏林为该区演替系列中的过渡时期,气候性的演替顶极为辽东栎林,油松林为亚顶极,同时该区还表现出整体向前发展的趋势,这明显体现在原来林区大部分为山杨林,而现在辽东栎林已取代山杨林成为主要林分,只有阳坡下部基岩露出的陡壁上的侧柏林仍无向前发展的征象,为该区的一种局部土壤性演替顶极,阴坡,半阴坡从草本群落到顶极的演替全过程需要约150a,阳坡,半阳坡从草本群落演替到顶极但不包含油松林阶段(目前尚缺少这一阶段)需要150a左右,梁顶部位的演替速度与阴坡,半阴坡大致相近,从植被的类型,分布和演替来看,该区在植被区划上应属于暖温带北部落叶栎林亚地带。  相似文献   

Pollen and plant macrofossil data from northern Eurasia were used to reconstruct the vegetation of the last glacial maximum (LGM: 18,000 ± 2000 14C yr bp ) using an objective quantitative method for interpreting pollen data in terms of the biomes they represent ( Prentice et al., 1996 ). The results confirm previous qualitative vegetation reconstructions at the LGM but provide a more comprehensive analysis of the data. Tundra dominated a large area of northern Eurasia (north of 57°N) to the west, south and east of the Scandinavian ice sheet at the LGM. Steppe‐like vegetation was reconstructed in the latitudinal band from western Ukraine, where temperate deciduous forests grow today, to western Siberia, where taiga and cold deciduous forests grow today. The reconstruction shows that steppe graded into tundra in Siberia, which is not the case today. Taiga grew on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, about 1500 km south of its present limit in European Russia. In contrast, taiga was reconstructed only slightly south of its southern limit today in south‐western Siberia. Broadleaved trees were confined to small refuges, e.g. on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, where cool mixed forest was reconstructed from the LGM data. Cool conifer forests in western Georgia were reconstructed as growing more than 1000 m lower than they grow today. The few scattered sites with LGM data from the Tien‐Shan Mountains and from northern Mongolia yielded biome reconstructions of steppe and taiga, which are the biomes growing there today.  相似文献   

生态足迹模型的争论与发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈成忠  林振山 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6252-6263
生态足迹模型自William Rees1992年提出、Mathis Wackemagel 1996年推广应用以来,在众多研究者的质疑和争论中不断发展、完善。目前,国内已有许多综述文章详细介绍了其理论假设、基本概念、计算方法、实证应用、一些缺陷改进等。在这些综述成果基础上,结合近2~3年的研究新进展,概括了10a来对其理论假设、均衡因子、产量因子、计算方法、过于静态性、缺乏预测性、结论单一性等方面存在的主要争论,聚焦了在概念发展、计算方法、均衡因子、产量因子、应用领域、时间序列、非线性科学研究方法、与其他社会经济指标相结合等方面进行的改进及发展,并指出今后生态足迹模型研究将要在计算方法改进、加强实践操作及市场化运作、与可持续发展政策的有机联系、与非线性科学研究方法相结合、长时间序列动态评估、单项指标等方面取得重要进展。这些争论、改进的综述及发展方向的提出,目的在于引发国内对生态足迹模型研究的新思考,推动生态足迹模型理论的进一步完善和发展。  相似文献   

A pollen record from the Taishizhuang site (40°21.5′N, 115°49.5′E) located in the transitional forest-steppe zone near the present-day limit of the summer monsoon is used to reconstruct vegetation and climate. Quantitative biome reconstruction suggests that between ca. 5700 and 4400 cal. years B.P. temperate deciduous forest dominated the vegetation cover around the Taishizhuang site. After that time the landscape became more open and the scores of the steppe biome were always higher than those of the temperate deciduous forest except for two oscillations dated to ca. 4000 cal. years B.P. and ca. 3500 cal. years B.P. However, ca. 3400-2100 cal. years B.P. the common vegetation became steppe and the landscape was more open in comparison with the previous time interval. The results of the pollen-based precipitation reconstruction suggest that annual precipitation was ca. 550-750 mm (ca. 100-300 mm higher than present) during the mid-Holocene ‘forest phase’, and ca. 450-650 mm during the following ‘forest-steppe phase’. From ca. 3400 cal. years B.P. during the ‘steppe phase’ annual precipitation was similar to modern values (ca. 300-500 mm). Archaeological records from 100 sites prove the habitation of northeastern China during the prehistoric and early historic periods from ca. 8200 cal. years B.P., but do not provide evidence of the use of wood resources intensive enough to influence the regional vegetation development and to leave traces in the pollen assemblages. Both archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data support the conclusion that changes in pollen composition in northeastern China between 5700 and 2100 cal. years B.P. reflect natural variations in precipitation and not major deforestation caused by humans.  相似文献   

We present a reconstruction of forest history and climatic change based on 11 pollen records from eight sites, all located in the lower montane forest belt of the northern Andes in Colombia. We compared records from the Popayán area in southern Colobia, Timbio (1750 m), Genagra (1750 m) and Pitalito (1300 m) and the new Piagua (1700 m) record with the records from Lusitania (1500 m), Libano (1820 m), Pedro Palo (2000 m) and Ubaqué (2000 m) from Central Colombia. The changes of the altitudinal position of the lower/upper montane (= subandean/Andean, S/At) forest belt transition were used to estimate temperature change for the last 50 kyr. We infer a Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) temperature drop of 6°–7°C at 1700 m, and a steeper LGM lapse rate of 0.76°C/100 m compared to today (ca. 0.6°C/100 m). Around 50 uncal. kyr B.P. the temperature at 1700 m was ca. 3°C lower than today. Until 20 uncal. kyr B.P. the temperature oscillated and gradually decreased. During the LGM, temperature was down to ca. 6°–7°C lower than today. After the LGM, temperature increased and ca. 14 uncal. kyr B.P. it was 2°–3°C lower than today (S/At at ca. 1800 m, 500 m below present elevation; Susacá interstadial). An unquantified cooling (Ciega stadial) followed. During ca. 12.3–11.7 uncal. kyr B.P. the S/At shifted upslope to 2100 m indicating a temperature of 1°–2°C cooler than today (Guantiva interstadial). From 11.7–10.9 uncal. kyr B.P. the S/At was at 1800 m indicating that the temperature was ca. 3°C lower than today and wet conditions prevailed (partly coinciding with the El Abra stadial). The period 10.9–9 uncal. kyr B.P. was also cool, but drier. During 9–7.5 uncal. kyr B.P. temperature was ca. 1°C warmer relative to today (mid Holocene hypsithermal). During the last 5 kyr the presence of cultivated plants demonstates human colonization of the lower montane zone in Colombia. Received June 14, 2000 / Accepted December 19, 2000  相似文献   

Fossil pollen data supplemented by tree macrofossil records were used to reconstruct the vegetation of the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia at 6000 years. Pollen spectra were assigned to biomes using the plant-functional-type method developed by Prentice et al . (1996). Surface pollen data and a modern vegetation map provided a test of the method. This is the first time such a broad-scale vegetation reconstruction for the greater part of northern Eurasia has been attempted with objective techniques. The new results confirm previous regional palaeoenvironmental studies of the mid-Holocene while providing a comprehensive synopsis and firmer conclusions. West of the Ural Mountains temperate deciduous forest extended both northward and southward from its modern range. The northern limits of cool mixed and cool conifer forests were also further north than present. Taiga was reduced in European Russia, but was extended into Yakutia where now there is cold deciduous forest. The northern limit of taiga was extended (as shown by increased Picea pollen percentages, and by tree macrofossil records north of the present-day forest limit) but tundra was still present in north-eastern Siberia. The boundary between forest and steppe in the continental interior did not shift substantially, and dry conditions similar to present existed in western Mongolia and north of the Aral Sea.  相似文献   

Tide gauges in rising and subsiding areas show a major change in the shore-level displacement at about A.D. 1840, caused by the onset of a rapid eustatic rise. Comparisons between information from Amsterdam, Stockholm and Warnemünde provide material for the reconstruction of the eustatic changes during the last 290 years. Relative uplift data from the Swedish west coast, corrected according to the eustatic curve established here, give the same location of the isostatic zero isobase as does the geological material for the last 7,000 years. The eustatic changes closely follow climatic changes. A rapid eustatic rise started about 1840, slowed down about 1930 and ended about 1950. Knowing the eustatic factor, the isostatic (or tectonic) factor is calculated for different areas of importance in the discussion of Holocene eustatic sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Long environmental proxy records are very scarce in semi-dry continental areas and often those available present conflicting interpretations. However, more in-depth investigation of apparent contradictions, can address these problems. For example, comparison of the upper parts of pollen and sediment sequences from the Tswaing Crater and Wonderkrater spring (South Africa) and isotopes in a speleothem at Lobatse Cave (Botswana) from the Savanna Biome establishes a basis for understanding of long-term regional environmental processes in central Southern Africa over the last 60 ka. The different proxies for the vegetation can hypothetically be reconciled on condition that the chronologies on which they are based and environmental controls are firm. We discuss the ratio of woody elements, under-storey herb-cover and the vegetation's general C4/C3 status in the central savanna region, in relation to seasonal rainfall and temperature variations and long-term climate forcing.  相似文献   

A network of seven high-elevation white spruce tree-ring chronologies from the southwest Yukon is used to reconstruct June–July maximum temperatures (Tmax) back to 1684 AD, explaining 46.6% of the climatic variation over the 1946–1995 calibration period. The chronologies are characterised by low interannual ring-width variability and display similar patterns of ring-width variation across the sample area over the last 300 years. The driving force of this common signal appears to be a tree growth response to summer temperatures across the region. The reconstruction compares well with regional records of temperature variability derived from annual ring-width and maximum density data. Periods of cooler temperatures correspond with solar minima and glacier advances, particularly during the early 18th and the early 19th centuries. The maximum reconstructed temperatures are in the 1940s with 20th century values averaging 0.46 °C higher than the 1684–1899 period. In contrast to several regional studies, there does not appear to be a reduction in the sensitivity of tree growth to temperature at these sites during the late 20th century. Instead, a slight increase in the strength of the temperature–tree growth relationship is observed during recent decades. A possible explanation for this difference is the absence of significant summer season warming in the southwest Yukon region in comparison to other areas that have demonstrated this response change. This research is part of an ongoing project aimed at assessing the spatial and temporal potential of dendroclimatic reconstructions from the Yukon Territory.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data from three forest stands for the past 2000 yr show how the shade-intolerant species Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens maintain significant populations in the Swedish boreal landscape. Age structure data from a northern stand close to the range limits of Picea abies and Pinus complement a local pollen diagram, and reveal cyclic population fluctuations which can be related to periods of climatic stress and fire. Pollen data from two southern stands show that high fire frequencies in the past prevented the expansion of Picea populations. Reduction of the fire frequency during the last 200 yr has favoured Picea. A long time perspective reveals the population dynamics of long-lived species and indicates the controlling factors. Such knowledge permits assessment of the current status and likely future of forest stands.  相似文献   

Pollen and spores from a deep-sea core located west of the Niger Delta record an uninterrupted area of lowland rain forest in West Africa from Guinea to Cameroon during the last Interglacial and the early Holocene. During other periods of the last 150 ka, a savanna corridor between the western — Guinean — and the eastern — Congolian — part of the African lowland rain forest existed. This so-called Dahomey Gap had its largest extension during Glacial Stages 6, 4, 3, and 2. Reduced surface salinity in the eastern Gulf of Guinea as recorded by dinoflagellate cysts indicates sufficient precipitation for extensive forest growth during Stages 5 and 1. The large modern extension of dry forest and savanna in West Africa cannot be solely explained by climatic factors. Mangrove expansion in and west of the Niger Delta was largest during the phases of sea-level rise of Stages 5 and 1. During Stages 6, 4, 3, and 2, shelf areas were exposed and the area of the mangrove swamps was minimal.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forest expansion and savanna woody vegetation thickening appear to be a global trend, but there remains uncertainty about whether there is a common set of global drivers. Using geographic information techniques, we analyzed aerial photography of five areas in the humid tropics of northeastern Queensland, Australia, taken in the 1950s and 2008, to determine if changes in rain forest extent match those reported for the Australian monsoon tropics using similar techniques. Mapping of the 1950s aerial photography showed that of the combined study area (64,430 ha), 63% was classified as eucalypt forests/woodland and 37% as rain forest. Our mapping revealed that although most boundaries remained stable, there was a net increase of 732 ha of the original rain forest area over the study period, and negligible conversion of rain forest to eucalypt forest/woodland. Statistical modeling, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, indicated distance from preexisting rain forest as the strongest determinant of rain forest expansion. Margin extension had a mean rate across the five sites of 0.6 m per decade. Expansion was greater in tall open forest types but also occurred in shorter, more flammable woodland vegetation types. No correlations were detected with other local variables (aspect, elevation, geology, topography, drainage). Using a geographically weighted mean rate of rain forest margin extension across the whole region, we predict that over 25% of tall open forest (a forest type of high conservation significance) would still remain after 2000 years of rain forest expansion. This slow replacement is due to the convoluted nature of the rain forest boundary and the irregular shape of the tall open forest patches. Our analyses point to the increased concentration of atmospheric CO(2) as the most likely global driver of indiscriminate rain forest expansion occurring in northeastern Australia, by increasing tree growth and thereby overriding the effects of fire disturbance.  相似文献   

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