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Thrombin cleavage of bovine brain microtubule-associated protein (MAP-2) yields two stable limit polypeptide fragments (28,000 and 240,000 Mr). The smaller cleavage product contains the microtubule-binding domain and is derived from the carboxyl terminus of MAP-2 while the 240,000 Mr fragment is derived from the amino terminus. The amino terminal sequence of the smaller cleavage product is homologous with the microtubule-binding fragment of tau in sequence and in a similar location relative to three imperfect octadecapeptide repeats implicated in microtubule binding. Peptides corresponding to the cleavage site and the three repeats of MAP-2 were synthesized. Only the second octadecapeptide repeat (VTSKCGSLKNIRHRPGGG) was capable of stimulating microtubule nucleation and elongation. Microtubules formed in the presence of this peptide displayed normal morphology and retained the inhibition properties of calcium ion, podophyllotoxin, and colchicine. Our result indicates that a region comprising only approximately 1% of the MAP-2 sequence can promote microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) is a good substrate for the purified protein kinase C [Tsuyama, S., Bramblett, G. T., Huang, K.-P. & Flavin, M. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4110-4116; Akiyama, T., Nishida, E., Ishida, J., Saji, N., Ogawara, H., Hoshi, M., Miyata, Y. & Sakai, H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 15648-15651]. We have shown here that phosphorylation of MAP2, catalyzed by protein kinase C, reduces the ability to induce tubulin polymerization. MAP2 is divided into two domains by digestion with alpha-chymotrypsin; the microtubule-binding and the non-binding (projection) domains. The limited chymotryptic digestion following phosphorylation of MAP2 by protein kinase C has shown that both the domains of MAP2 were phosphorylated by protein kinase C, 50-60% of the incorporated phosphates being detected in the microtubule-binding domain. Polypeptide fragments, containing the microtubule-binding domain of MAP2, were purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography after chymotryptic digestion of MAP2. The purified microtubule-binding fragments were competent to polymerize tubulin, and served as good substrates for protein kinase C. The phosphorylation of the microtubule-binding fragments by protein kinase C reduced their ability to induce tubulin polymerization. These results suggest that the ability of MAP2 to induce tubulin polymerization is inhibited by phosphorylation of the microtubule-binding domain catalyzed by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The calmodulin-binding domain on microtubule-associated protein 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) binds calmodulin with a stoichiometry approaching 1-1.5 mol of calmodulin/mol of MAP2 in the presence of calcium ion. The calmodulin-binding domain(s) of MAP2 were probed by cross-linking 125I-calmodulin with partially digested MAP2, by limited digestion of the preformed 125I-calmodulin-MAP2 adduct, and by cross-linking 125I-calmodulin with the projection- and assembly-promoting portions of MAP2. Cross-linking 125I-calmodulin with partially digested MAP2 resulted in radioactive adducts of approximately 300, approximately 235, approximately 205, approximately 58, and approximately 40 kDa. The radioactive adducts with smaller molecular mass became prominent with increasing time of digestion concomitant with loss of those with higher molecular size. Limited chymotryptic digestion of preformed 125I-calmodulin-MAP2 adducts also produced a approximately 58-kDa radioactive band followed later by a approximately 40-kDa band. Brief chymotryptic digestion and subsequent centrifugation of microtubules preformed with pure tubulin and MAP2 permitted separation of microtubule-bound MAP2 fragments (molecular mass = approximately 215, approximately 180, and approximately 36 kDa) from unbound fragments (molecular mass = approximately 240, approximately 180, and approximately 140 kDa). 125I-Calmodulin cross-linked only with the microtubule-bound MAP2 fragments (forming mainly the approximately 58-kDa adduct) and not with unbound MAP2 fragments. Since the apparent molecular size of calmodulin is approximately 21 kDa on these sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, the results indicate that partial digestion of MAP2 by chymotrypsin produces a approximately 37-kDa fragment which can be further degraded to a approximately 20-kDa fragment. The approximately 37-kDa fragment that is labeled corresponds to the previously identified assembly-promoting fragment that attaches to the microtubule.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the 3'-->5' exonucleolytic proofreading (epsilon) subunit of DNA polymerase III (Pol III). Genetic analysis of dnaQ mutants has suggested that epsilon might consist of two domains, an N-terminal domain containing the exonuclease and a C-terminal domain essential for binding the polymerase (alpha) subunit. We have created truncated forms of dnaQ resulting in epsilon subunits that contain either the N-terminal or the C-terminal domain. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we analyzed the interactions of the single-domain epsilon subunits with the alpha and theta subunits of the Pol III core. The DnaQ991 protein, consisting of the N-terminal 186 amino acids, was defective in binding to the alpha subunit while retaining normal binding to the theta subunit. In contrast, the NDelta186 protein, consisting of the C-terminal 57 amino acids, exhibited normal binding to the alpha subunit but was defective in binding to the theta subunit. A strain carrying the dnaQ991 allele exhibited a strong, recessive mutator phenotype, as expected from a defective alpha binding mutant. The data are consistent with the existence of two functional domains in epsilon, with the C-terminal domain responsible for polymerase binding.  相似文献   

Analysis of the microtubule-binding domain of MAP-2   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1782-1789
We examined the microtubule-binding domain of the microtubule- associated protein (MAP), MAP-2, using rabbit antibodies that specifically bind to the microtubule-binding region ("stub") and the projection portion ("arm") of MAP-2. We found that (a) microtubules decorated with arm antibody look similar to those labeled with whole unfractionated MAP antibody, though microtubules are not labeled with stub antibody; (b) incubation of depolymerized microtubule protein with stub antibody prior to assembly partially inhibits the rate of microtubule elongation, presumably because MAPs that are complexed with antibody cannot bind to microtubules and stabilize elongating polymers; (c) the rate of appearance and amounts of 36- and 40-kD microtubule- binding peptides produced by digestion with chymotrypsin are distinct for MAPs associated with microtubules vs. MAPs free in solution. The enhanced stability of the 40-kD peptide when associated with microtubules suggests that this domain of the protein is closely associated with, or partially buried in, the microtubule surface; (d) MAP-2 is a slender, elongate molecule as determined by unidirectional platinum shadowing (90 +/- 30 nm), which is in approximate agreement with previous observations. Stub antibody labels MAP-2 in the terminal one-quarter of the extended protein, indicating an intrinsic asymmetry in the molecule.  相似文献   

A synthetic, 28-residue peptide derived from the calmodulin-binding sequence of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (C28W) inhibits the ATPase activity of a calpain-produced, truncated fragment of the enzyme. The fragment, which has lost the calmodulin-binding domain, has a molecular mass of 124 kDa and is fully active in the absence of calmodulin. Replacement of Trp-8 in the peptide by an Ala decreases the overall inhibitory activity, while replacement with a Tyr increases it. However, at very low peptide concentrations the effect of Tyr replacement disappears. The synthetic peptide has been made photoactivatable by replacing Phe in position 9 with a synthetic phenylalanine analogue containing a diazirine group and was radioactively labeled by coupling a [3H]acetyl function to its N terminus. After cross-linking with the derivatized peptide, the 124-kDa fragment has been proteolyzed with either Lys-C, Asp-N, or V8 proteases, and the fragment(s) have been separated. Partial sequencing of the cross-linked, radioactive peptides has identified a site of the pump located C terminally to the phosphoenzyme-forming aspartic acid, spanning residues 537-544 of the hPMCA4 isoform of the enzyme. It is concluded that this sequence is part of a site which binds the calmodulin-binding domain of the pump.  相似文献   

Ben-Nissan G  Cui W  Kim DJ  Yang Y  Yoo BC  Lee JY 《Plant physiology》2008,148(4):1897-1907
Members of the casein kinase 1 (CK1) family are evolutionarily conserved eukaryotic protein kinases that are involved in various cellular, physiological, and developmental processes in yeast and metazoans, but the biological roles of CK1 members in plants are not well understood. Here, we report that an Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CK1 member named casein kinase 1-like 6 (CKL6) associates with cortical microtubules in vivo and phosphorylates tubulins in vitro. The unique C-terminal domain of CKL6 was shown to contain the signal that allows localization of CKL6 to the cortical microtubules. This domain on its own was sufficient to associate with microtubules in vivo and to bind tubulins in vitro. CKL6 was able to phosphorylate soluble tubulins as well as microtubule polymers, and its endogenous activity was found to associate with a tubulin-enriched subcellular fraction. Two major in vitro phosphorylation sites were mapped to serine-413 and serine-420 of tubulin beta. Ectopic expression of wild-type CKL6 or a kinase-inactive mutant form induced alterations in cortical microtubule organization and anisotropic cell expansion. Collectively, these results demonstrate that CKL6 is a protein kinase containing a novel tubulin-binding domain and plays a role in anisotropic cell growth and shape formation in Arabidopsis through the regulation of microtubule organization, possibly through the phosphorylation of tubulins.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3367-3376
We report the complete sequence of the microtubule-associated protein MAP1B, deduced from a series of overlapping genomic and cDNA clones. The encoded protein has a predicted molecular mass of 255,534 D and contains two unusual sequences. The first is a highly basic region that includes multiple copies of a short motif of the form KKEE or KKEVI that are repeated, but not at exact intervals. The second is a set of 12 imperfect repeats, each of 15 amino acids and each spaced by two amino acids. Subcloned fragments spanning these two distinctive regions were expressed as labeled polypeptides by translation in a cell-free system in vitro. These polypeptides were tested for their ability to copurify with unlabeled brain microtubules through successive cycles of polymerization and depolymerization. The peptide corresponding to the region containing the KKEE and KKEVI motifs cycled with brain microtubules, whereas the peptide corresponding to the set of 12 imperfect repeats did not. To define the microtubule binding domain in vivo, full-length and deletion constructs encoding MAP1B were assembled and introduced into cultured cells by transfection. The expression of transfected polypeptides was monitored by indirect immunofluorescence using anti-MAP1B-specific antisera. These experiments showed that the basic region containing the KKEE and KKEVI motifs is responsible for the interaction between MAP1B and microtubules in vivo. This region bears no sequence relationship to the microtubule binding domains of kinesin, MAP2, or tau.  相似文献   

Bovine microtubule-associated protein-4 (MAP-4), which was previously named MAP-U, consists of an amino-terminal projection domain (N-domain) and a carboxyl-terminal microtubule-binding domain (C-domain) (Aizawa, H., Emori, Y., Murofushi, H., Kawasaki, H., Sakai, H., and Suzuki, K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13849-13855). The C-domain contains a region rich in proline (Pro-rich region) and a region containing four assembly-promoting sequences (AP sequence region) which is shared by MAP-2 and tau. We purified a series of truncated fragments of MAP-4 expressed in Escherichia coli. An N-domain fragment did not bind to microtubules, while a C-domain fragment promoted microtubule assembly. Both of the fragments corresponding to the Pro-rich region (P fragment) and the AP sequence region (A4 fragment) promoted tubulin polymerization, although the A4 fragment had lower activity than intact MAP-4 and P fragment. A4 fragment produced morphologically normal microtubules whereas P fragment produced abnormal microtubules such as duplex microtubules and tight bundles of microtubules with diverse diameters. We concluded that both Pro-rich and AP sequence regions take part in the promotion of tubulin polymerization, and that the former is important for the MAP to bind to microtubules with high efficiency and the latter is essential for the formation of microtubules with normal morphology.  相似文献   

We have previously found that treatment of quiescent mammalian fibroblast cells with several mitogenic factors activates in common a Ca2+-sensitive serine/threonine-specific protein kinase activity toward microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) [Hoshi, M., Nishida, E. and Sakai, H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 5396-5401]. Here, we characterized the mitogen-activated MAP2 kinase activity in rat 3Y1 cells. The activated kinase activity was detected in the cytosolic fraction but not in the membrane fraction. The inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on the kinase activity was reversible. Kinetic analyses revealed that the apparent Km values of the kinase activity for MAP2 and ATP were 1.6 microM and 30 microM, respectively. Free Ca2+ at 4 microM decreased apparent Vmax values for MAP2 and ATP without changing the apparent Km values. The MAP2 kinase had an apparent molecular mass of about 40 kDa as determined by gel filtration and by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Myelin basic protein as well as MAP2 could serve as good substrates for this kinase, but 40S ribosomal protein S6, casein, histone, phosphorylase b, protamine, tubulin, actin and tau could not. These properties of the enzyme indicate that the Ca2+-sensitive MAP2 kinase may be a previously unidentified enzyme. Down-regulation of protein kinase C by prolonged phorbol ester treatment abolished the MAP2 kinase activation by phorbol ester, but did not prevent the MAP2 kinase activation by epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fresh serum. This suggests that the Ca2+-sensitive MAP2 kinase could be activated through protein-kinase-C-dependent and -independent pathways. Activation of the MAP2 kinase occurred shortly after the addition of EGF or phorbol ester even in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide, puromycin and emetin). Moreover, treatment of the EGF- or phorbol-ester-activated MAP2 kinase with acid phosphatase inactivated the kinase activity. Thus, the MAP2 kinase may be activated through phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Radiation injury to cells enhances C-terminal phosphorylation of p53 at both Ser315 and Ser392 in vivo, suggesting the existence of two cooperating DNA damage-responsive pathways that play a role in stimulating p53-dependent gene expression. Our previous data has shown that cyclin A-cdk2 is the major enzyme responsible for modifying p53 at Ser315 in vivo after irradiation damage and in this report we dissect the mechanism of cyclinA-cdk2 binding to and phosphorylation of p53. Although cyclin B(1)-dependent protein kinases can phosphorylate small peptides containing the Ser315 site, cyclin A-cdk2 does not phosphorylate such small peptides suggesting that additional determinants are required for cyclin A-cdk2 interaction with p53. Peptide competition studies have localized a cyclin A interaction site to a Lys381Lys382Leu383Met384Phe385 sequence within C-terminal negative regulatory domain of human p53. An alanine mutation at any one of four key positions abrogates the efficacy of a synthetic peptide containing this motif as an inhibitor of cyclin A-cdk2 phosphorylation of p53 protein. Single amino acid mutations of full-length p53 protein at Lys382, Leu383, or Phe385 decreases cyclin A-cdk2 dependent phosphorylation at Ser315. Cyclin B(1)-cdk2 complexes are not inhibited by KKLMF motif-containing peptides nor is p53 phosphorylation by cyclin B-cdk2 reduced by mutation of the cyclin A interaction site. These data identifying a KKLMF cyclin A docking site on p53 protein highlight a common cyclin A interaction motif that is shared between the tumour suppressor proteins pRb and p53.  相似文献   

The human discoidin domain receptors (DDRs), DDR1 and DDR2, are expressed widely and, uniquely among receptor tyrosine kinases, activated by the extracellular matrix protein collagen. This activation is due to a direct interaction of collagen with the DDR discoidin domain. Here, we localised a specific DDR2 binding site on the triple-helical region of collagen II. Collagen II was found to be a much better ligand for DDR2 than for DDR1. As expected, DDR2 binding to collagen II was dependent on triple-helical collagen and was mediated by the DDR2 discoidin domain. Collagen II served as a potent stimulator of DDR2 autophosphorylation, the first step in transmembrane signalling. To map the DDR2 binding site(s) on collagen II, we used recombinant collagen II variants with specific deletions of one of the four repeating D periods. We found that the D2 period of collagen II was essential for DDR2 binding and receptor autophosphorylation, whereas the D3 and D4 periods were dispensable. The DDR2 binding site on collagen II was further defined by recombinant collagen II-like proteins consisting predominantly of tandem repeats of the D2 or D4 period. The D2 construct, but not the D4 construct, mediated DDR2 binding and receptor autophosphorylation, demonstrating that the D2 period of collagen II harbours a specific DDR2 recognition site. The discovery of a site-specific interaction of DDR2 with collagen II gives novel insight into the nature of the interaction of collagen II with matrix receptors.  相似文献   

Brain microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) is known to cross-link muscle F-actin in vitro into a gel or discrete bundles of actin filaments. Previous reports indicate that this cross-linking reverses in the presence of millimolar ATP, while MAP2 molecules remain attached along single filaments of F-actin. Therefore, it is likely that the actin filament has two sets of surface areas with ATP-sensitive and insensitive affinities for MAP2. Using purified preparations of brain MAP2 and skeletal muscle F-actin and tropomyosin, we have studied the effects of tropomyosin on the MAP2-actin interaction by dark-field light microscopy, electron microscopy, sedimentation assay, and low shear viscometry. The results show that cross-linking of F-actin with MAP2 reverses upon addition of a stoichiometric amount of tropomyosin, although MAP2 remains bound to F-actin complex with tropomyosin. The ternary complex does not dissociate noticeably when exposed to a millimolar concentration of ATP. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that ATP-insensitive MAP2-binding of F-actin is not sterically blocked by tropomyosin, while the ATP-sensitive binding is blocked by it.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) domains, containing conserved carboxylate residues, are responsible for the high-affinity calcium binding exhibited by a number of vitamin K-dependent plasma proteins involved in the control of the blood coagulation cascade. These include the procoagulant factors IX and X, and the anticoagulants protein C and protein S. To test this hypothesis we have expressed the first EGF-like domain from human factor IX (residues 46-84) using a yeast secretion system, and examined calcium binding to the domain. Using 1H-NMR to measure a calcium-dependent shift assigned to Tyr69 we have detected a high-affinity calcium binding site (Kd = 200-300 microM). We suggest that other EGF-like domains of this type may have similar calcium binding properties. In addition, we have completely assigned the aromatic region of the NMR spectrum by NOESY and COSY analysis, and have used these data to discuss the effect of calcium and pH on the conformation of the domain with reference to a model based on the structure of human EGF.  相似文献   

The fibronectin-binding proteins FnBPA and FnBPB are multifunctional adhesins than can also bind to fibrinogen and elastin. In this study, the N2N3 subdomains of region A of FnBPB were shown to bind fibrinogen with a similar affinity to those of FnBPA (2 μM). The binding site for FnBPB in fibrinogen was localized to the C-terminus of the γ-chain. Like clumping factor A, region A of FnBPB bound to the γ-chain of fibrinogen in a Ca(2+)-inhibitable manner. The deletion of 17 residues from the C-terminus of domain N3 and the substitution of two residues in equivalent positions for crucial residues for fibrinogen binding in clumping factor A and FnBPA eliminated fibrinogen binding by FnBPB. This indicates that FnBPB binds fibrinogen by the dock-lock-latch mechanism. In contrast, the A domain of FnBPB bound fibronectin with K(D) = 2.5 μM despite lacking any of the known fibronectin-binding tandem repeats. A truncate lacking the C-terminal 17 residues (latching peptide) bound fibronectin with the same affinity, suggesting that the FnBPB A domain binds fibronectin by a novel mechanism. The substitution of the two residues required for fibrinogen binding also resulted in a loss of fibronectin binding. This, combined with the observation that purified subdomain N3 bound fibronectin with a measurable, but reduced, K(D) of 20 μM, indicates that the type I modules of fibronectin bind to both the N2 and N3 subdomains. The fibronectin-binding ability of the FnBPB A domain was also functional when the protein was expressed on and anchored to the surface of staphylococcal cells, showing that it is not an artifact of recombinant protein expression.  相似文献   

A brain phosphatase with specificity for microtubule-associated protein-2   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A protein phosphatase has been isolated from brain using, as assay substrate throughout the purification, microtubule-associated protein-2 which had been phospho-labeled by its associated kinase. In contrast to other protein phosphatases, this phosphatase can effectively release phosphate from both the microtubule-binding and projection domains of microtubule-associated-protein-2. This enzyme appears to be a distinct, specific phosphatase that does not readily fit into previous classification schemes and is possibly the enzyme responsible for dephosphorylating microtubule-associated protein-2 in vivo.  相似文献   

We examined regions of human lamins A and C involved in binding to surfaces of mitotic chromosomes. An Escherichia coli expression system was used to produce full-length lamin A and lamin C, and truncated lamins retaining the central alpha-helical rod domain (residues 34-388) but lacking various amounts of the amino-terminal 'head' and carboxy-terminal 'tail' domains. We found that lamin A, lamin C and lamin fragments lacking the head domain and tail sequences distal to residue 431 efficiently assembled into paracrystals and strongly associated with mitotic chromosomes. Furthermore, the lamin rod domain also associated with chromosomes, although efficient chromosome coating required the pH 5-6 conditions needed to assemble the rod into higher order structures. Biochemical assays showed that chromosomes substantially reduced the critical concentration for assembly of lamin polypeptides into pelletable structures. Association of the lamin rod with chromosomes was abolished by pretrypsinization of chromosomes, and was not seen for vimentin (which possesses a similar rod domain). These data demonstrate that the alpha-helical rod of lamins A and C contains a specific chromosome binding site. Hence, the central rod domain of intermediate filament proteins can be involved in interactions with other cellular structures as well as in filament assembly.  相似文献   

C Livingstone  G Patel    N Jones 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(8):1785-1797

Thrombospondin-related anonymous protein, TRAP, has a critical role in the hepatocyte invasion step of Plasmodium sporozoites, the transmissible form of the parasite causing malaria. The extracellular domains of this sporozoite surface protein interact with hepatocyte surface receptors whereas its intracellular domain acts as a link to the sporozoite actomyosin motor system. Liver heparan sulfate proteoglycans have been identified as potential ligands for TRAP. Proteoglycan binding has been associated with the A- and TSR domains of TRAP. We present the solution NMR structure of the TSR domain of TRAP and a chemical shift mapping study of its heparin binding epitope. The domain has an elongated structure stabilized by an array of tryptophan and arginine residues as well as disulfide bonds. The fold is very similar to those of thrombospondin type-1 (TSP-1) and F-spondin TSRs. The heparin binding site of TRAP-TSR is located in the N-terminal half of the structure, the layered side chains forming an integral part of the site. The smallest heparin fragment capable of binding to TRAP-TSR is a tetrasaccharide.  相似文献   

Removal of cholesterol-containing particles from the circulation is mediated by the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Upon ligand binding, the receptor-ligand complex is endocytosed, and the ligand is released. The important biological role of the LDL receptor (LDLR) has been highlighted by the identification of more than 400 LDLR mutations that are associated with familial hypercholesterolemia. The extracellular region of the LDLR is modular in nature and principally comprises multiple copies of ligand binding, epidermal growth factor-like (EGF), and YWTD-type domains. This report describes characterization of the calcium binding properties of the tandem pair of EGF domains. While only the C-terminal EGF module contains the consensus sequence associated with calcium binding, a noncanonical calcium binding site in the N-terminal domain has been revealed using solution NMR spectroscopy. The calcium dissociation constants for the N- and C-terminal sites have been measured under physiologically relevant pH and ionic strength conditions using a combination of solution NMR, intrinsic protein fluorescence, and chromophoric chelator methods to be approximately 50 microM and approximately 10-20 microM, respectively. Identification of the novel calcium binding motif in LDLR sequences from other species suggests that it may confer specificity within the LDLR gene family. Comparison of the K(d) for the C-terminal site with the calcium concentration in late vesicles indicates that the binding properties of this module may be tuned to titrate upon endocytosis of the LDL receptor-ligand complex, and thus calcium binding may play a role in the ligand dissociation process.  相似文献   

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