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Latest FAO figures indicate that an estimated 925 million people are undernourished in 2010, representing almost 16% of the population in developing countries. Looking to the future, there are also major challenges ahead from the rapidly changing socio-economic environment (increasing world population and urbanisation, and dietary changes) and climate change.Promoting agriculture in developing countries is the key to achieving food security, and it is essential to act in four ways: to increase investment in agriculture, broaden access to food, improve governance of global trade, and increase productivity while conserving natural resources. To enable the fourth action, the suite of technological options for farmers should be as broad as possible, including agricultural biotechnologies. Agricultural biotechnologies represent a broad range of technologies used in food and agriculture for the genetic improvement of plant varieties and animal populations, characterisation and conservation of genetic resources, diagnosis of plant or animal diseases and other purposes. Discussions about agricultural biotechnology have been dominated by the continuing controversy surrounding genetic modification and its resulting products, genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The polarised debate has led to non-GMO biotechnologies being overshadowed, often hindering their development and application.Extensive documentation from the FAO international technical conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries (ABDC-10), that took place in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 1–4 March 2010, gave a very good overview of the many ways that different agricultural biotechnologies are being used to increase productivity and conserve natural resources in the crop, livestock, fishery, forestry and agro-industry sectors in developing countries. The conference brought together about 300 policy-makers, scientists and representatives of intergovernmental and international non-governmental organisations, including delegations from 42 FAO Member States. At the end of ABDC-10, the Member States reached a number of key conclusions, agreeing, inter alia, that FAO and other relevant international organisations and donors should significantly increase their efforts to support the strengthening of national capacities in the development and appropriate use of pro-poor agricultural biotechnologies.  相似文献   

This article analyses 25 years of data about international movements of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), facilitated by the gene banks hosted by seven centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. It identifies trends in the movements of PGRFA for use in research and development, and describes the diversity of those resources transferred over time. The paper also presents data on the number of countries involved in the global exchanges, analyses their development status and describes their role as providers and/or recipients, providing a picture of the breadth of these global exchanges. We highlight that it is primarily developing and transition economies that have participated in the flows, and that the transferred germplasm has been largely used within their public agricultural research and development programmes. We conclude that, when provided the opportunity of facilitated access, countries will use a wide diversity of germplasm from many other countries, sub-regions and continents as inputs into their agricultural research and development programmes. We highlight the importance of enabling the continuation of the non-monetary benefits from international access to germplasm. We discuss the implications for the process of development and reform of the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing under International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.  相似文献   

农业生产是将自然资源不断转化为农产品的过程。简单的说就是将阳光、空气、水和土壤等无机资源转化为可以供人类消费的有机产物。农业生态系统必须对全球气候变化、市场竞争、自然环境的恶化、经济等政策法规和人民的需求等因素做出灵活的应对策略,同时还要保证自然生态系统的稳定性。在发展中国家,有超过20亿的人口每天收入低于2美元,他们收入中绝大部分都用于解决温饱。这些人大部分生活在干旱、半干旱地区,并以农业生产作为生活的主要来源。由于这些地区水资源匮乏、土壤贫瘠,粮食安全问题一直是该地区人类生存的关键。中澳两国都把干旱、半干旱地区的农牧业发展作为研究的重点。两国的专家都致力于恢复和维护干旱半干旱地区脆弱的农业生态系统。气候变化正在使农业生态系统可持续发展面临严峻挑战。因此,迫切需要农学,生态学,环境学,社会经济学等多学科的共同发展和融合解决这一问题。2010年7月20—25日在兰州大学举办了以“气候变化和旱区农业生态系统管理”为主题的“第二届生态系统评估与管理(EAM)国际会议”。国内外众多知名专家参与了此次会议,并共同讨论在全球气候变化背景下如何提高干旱半干旱地区脆弱农业生态系统生产力与可持续性。本次会议的议题是:(1)半干旱地区旱作雨养农业生态系统评估与管理,(2)干旱地区绿洲农业生态系统评估与管理。此次会议由兰州大学和澳大利亚西澳大学联合主办,中国科学院生态环境研究中心协办,由国家教育部和国家外专局联合支持、兰州大学干旱与草地生态教育部重点实验室承担的“旱寒生态学”学科创新引智基地和西澳大学农业研究院、FAO属下的叙利亚国际旱地农业研究中心(ICARDA)联合提供资金支持。会议期间,25位专家就干旱、半干旱地区植物土壤互作关系作了报告。另外还有18位在干旱半干旱地区科研一线工作的青年学者汇报了研究进展,并与专家进行了广泛交流。报告会之后,大会组织专家分别对典型旱区农业进行了考察,分别是兰州大学黄土高原旱地农业生态实验站(榆中)和甘肃武威市民勤绿洲农业生态系统。此次大会遴选出35篇学术论文,以专刊的形式发表于《生态学报》第31卷第9期。会议遴选出的其它英文文章将于2011年在《Plant and Soil》和《Crop and Pasture Science》上发表,敬请期待。我们相信,本专刊的出版将会对气候变化背景下旱区农业生态系统的研究和发展产生重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

Sustainability would never be achieved farewell as agricultural practices continue beyond the carrying capacity of the ecosystem through the exaggerated abuse of agricultural chemicals. The rapid growth of agricultural productivity in chemical farming systems is shrinking off. Moreover, environmental torrent from agricultural activities jeopardizes agricultural growth in several countries. Problems associated with the wealthy agricultural production in the developed world and underproduction in developing countries necessitate a widely accepted assessment of the present status of agriculture. It is time to install new farming systems committed to following environmental and sustainable approaches, and producing healthy food free from agrochemical residues. Ecologically oriented farming routines are being developed within the frame of the recent achievements in environmental biotechnology, the most important of which is the clean farming system which is increasingly acknowledged as a potential solution to copious problems overlaying present world agriculture. It is a farming system, which aims at evading the routine use of agricultural chemicals and reducing their rates of application. Clean farming systems directly give rise to four environmental biotechnologies, i.e., recycling of composted organic waste, fortifying the rhizosphere soil with biofertilizers, encouraging the use of biopesticides in agricultural practices and bioremediation of polluted agro‐ecosystems.  相似文献   

Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concerns about sustainability in agricultural systems centre on the need to develop technologies and practices that do not have adverse effects on environmental goods and services, are accessible to and effective for farmers, and lead to improvements in food productivity. Despite great progress in agricultural productivity in the past half-century, with crop and livestock productivity strongly driven by increased use of fertilizers, irrigation water, agricultural machinery, pesticides and land, it would be over-optimistic to assume that these relationships will remain linear in the future. New approaches are needed that will integrate biological and ecological processes into food production, minimize the use of those non-renewable inputs that cause harm to the environment or to the health of farmers and consumers, make productive use of the knowledge and skills of farmers, so substituting human capital for costly external inputs, and make productive use of people's collective capacities to work together to solve common agricultural and natural resource problems, such as for pest, watershed, irrigation, forest and credit management. These principles help to build important capital assets for agricultural systems: natural; social; human; physical; and financial capital. Improving natural capital is a central aim, and dividends can come from making the best use of the genotypes of crops and animals and the ecological conditions under which they are grown or raised. Agricultural sustainability suggests a focus on both genotype improvements through the full range of modern biological approaches and improved understanding of the benefits of ecological and agronomic management, manipulation and redesign. The ecological management of agroecosystems that addresses energy flows, nutrient cycling, population-regulating mechanisms and system resilience can lead to the redesign of agriculture at a landscape scale. Sustainable agriculture outcomes can be positive for food productivity, reduced pesticide use and carbon balances. Significant challenges, however, remain to develop national and international policies to support the wider emergence of more sustainable forms of agricultural production across both industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   

One of humanity’s major challenges of the 21st century will be meeting future food demands on an increasingly resource constrained-planet. Global food production will have to rise by 70 percent between 2000 and 2050 to meet effective demand which poses major challenges to food production systems. Doing so without compromising environmental integrity is an even greater challenge. This study looks at the interdependencies between land and water resources, agricultural production and environmental outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), an area of growing importance in international agricultural markets. Special emphasis is given to the role of LAC’s agriculture for (a) global food security and (b) environmental sustainability. We use the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT)—a global dynamic partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector—to run different future production scenarios, and agricultural trade regimes out to 2050, and assess changes in related environmental indicators. Results indicate that further trade liberalization is crucial for improving food security globally, but that it would also lead to more environmental pressures in some regions across Latin America. Contrasting land expansion versus more intensified agriculture shows that productivity improvements are generally superior to agricultural land expansion, from an economic and environmental point of view. Finally, our analysis shows that there are trade-offs between environmental and food security goals for all agricultural development paths.  相似文献   

Agricultural production, food systems and population health are intimately linked. While there is a strong evidence base to inform our knowledge of what constitutes a healthy human diet, we know little about actual food production or consumption in many populations and how developments in the food and agricultural system will affect dietary intake patterns and health. The paucity of information on food production and consumption is arguably most acute in low- and middle-income countries, where it is most urgently needed to monitor levels of under-nutrition, the health impacts of rapid dietary transition and the increasing ‘double burden’ of nutrition-related disease. Food availability statistics based on food commodity production data are currently widely used as a proxy measure of national-level food consumption, but using data from the UK and Mexico we highlight the potential pitfalls of this approach. Despite limited resources for data collection, better systems of measurement are possible. Important drivers to improve collection systems may include efforts to meet international development goals and partnership with the private sector. A clearer understanding of the links between the agriculture and food system and population health will ensure that health becomes a critical driver of agricultural change.  相似文献   

Future agricultural and rural development is, to a large extent, influenced by the projected food needs of 2.5 billion people expected to swell the world population by 2020. This increase will require more food in general and, in view of recent experience in East Asia, more animal products. To achieve this increase will require judicious use of resources, and trade, especially in those countries where natural resources are insufficient to support food production. Achieving food sufficiency in a sustainable manner is a major challenge for farmers, agro-industries, researchers and governments. The latter play an important role as many of the farmers' choices are, to a large extent, directed by government or supra-government, often through macro- and micro-economic policy. In many countries the economic, environmental, trade and agricultural policies have not been conducive to an agricultural development that is risk-free with respect to the environment, animal welfare or public health. The recent decline of government support in agriculture forced farmers in Western countries to think about more risk adverse agricultural practices and more efficient production systems. On the other hand, many countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as other developing countries, are still going through a painful process of adjustment to new market conditions. International banks and development agencies have a mandate to help developing countries, but are somewhat restricted both by needing to work directly with governments and by their perceived dogmatic approach to development. Changing policies do, now and in the future, also affect the development of animal disease control programmes, including the control of parasitic diseases. On the one hand there is an increasing interest in risk-free control practices, and on the other hand a demand for greater regulatory control over the production process. As parasitic diseases of animals are closely linked to the environment (i.e. grazing and waste management) and public health (i.e. parasitic zoonoses), the new interest in sustainable agriculture provides a challenge for those concerned with the control and prevention of animal parasitism.  相似文献   

Human existence requires that agriculture provide at least 50 nutrients (e.g., vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, essential fatty acids) in amounts needed to meet metabolic demands during all seasons. If national food systems do not meet these demands, mortality and morbidity rates increase, worker productivity declines, livelihoods are diminished and societies suffer. Today, many food systems within the developing world cannot meet the nutritional needs of the societies they support mostly due to farming systems that cannot produce enough micronutrients to meet human needs throughout the year. Nutrition transitions are also occurring in many rapidly developing countries that are causing chronic disease (e.g., cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis) rates to increase substantially. These global developments point to the need to explicitly link agricultural technologies to human health. This paper reviews some ways in which agriculture can contribute significantly to reducing micronutrient malnutrition globally. It concludes that it is imperative that close linkages be forged between the agriculture, nutrition and health arenas in order to find sustainable solutions to micronutrient malnutrition with agriculture becoming the primary intervention tool to use in this fight.  相似文献   

The relationships between basic and applied agricultural R&D, developed and developing country R&D and between R&D, extension, technology and productivity growth are outlined. The declining growth rates of public R&D expenditures are related to output growth and crop yields, where growth rates have also fallen, especially in the developed countries. However, growth in output value per hectare has not declined in the developing countries and labour productivity growth has increased except in the EU. Total factor productivity has generally increased, however it is measured. The public sector share of R&D expenditures has fallen and there has been rapid concentration in the private sector, where six multinationals now dominate. These companies are accumulating intellectual property to an extent that the public and international institutions are disadvantaged. This represents a threat to the global commons in agricultural technology on which the green revolution has depended. Estimates of the increased R&D expenditures needed to feed 9 billion people by 2050 and how these should be targeted, especially by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), show that the amounts are feasible and that targeting sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and South Asia can best increase output growth and reduce poverty. Lack of income growth in SSA is seen as the most insoluble problem.  相似文献   

In this article we show that technological development in agriculture exhibits general trends when assessed on a large scale. These trends are generated by changes in the larger socioeconomic context in which the farming system operates. We characterize agricultural performance by land and farm labor productivity and the pattern of use of technological inputs. By means of a cross-sectional analysis of agricultural performance of 20 countries (at the national level), we show that increases in demographic pressure and socioeconomic pressure (increases in average income and labor productivity) in society are the main driving forces of technological development in agriculture. Further, it is shown that the ecological impact of farming (environmental loading) is linked to the particular combination of land productivity and labor productivity at which the agricultural sector operates (through the particular mix and the level of inputs used in agricultural production). Briefly we discuss the role of international trade in agricultural policies and performance. Special attention is given to the situation of Chinese agriculture.  相似文献   

Modern agricultural technology and the introduction of new high-yielding varieties are largely eliminating the wide range of crop genetic diversity that has evolved during the five to ten thousand years since food plants were first domesticated. Related wild species are also on the decline because of new land use policies. These gene pools (or what is left of them) are generally spoken of as genetic resources, and are vitally needed in the creation of new crop varieties by plant breeders. Wild species and land races often furnish genes conferring resistance to diseases and pests and adaptation to environmental stresses which cannot be found in the modern crop varieties.
The study of genetic diversity of crops, its storage in gene banks or in natural reserves, its evaluation and enhancement, are briefly described. The genetic resources work of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and other international agencies such as the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) is outlined.  相似文献   

Since two decades ago, when the first GM crops were introduced, there have increasingly been hot debates on the applications of gene manipulation. Currently, the development of GM crop varieties has raised a wide range of new legal, ethical and economic questions in agriculture. There is a growing body of literature reflecting the socio-economic and environmental impacts of GM crops which aims to criticize their value for farming systems. While organic crops are promoted as environmentally-friendly products in developed countries, they have provoked great controversy in developing countries facing food security and a low agricultural productivity. Discussion has been especially vigorous when organic farming was introduced as an alternative method. There are in fact, a few tradeoffs in developing countries. On the one hand, farmers are encouraged to accept and implement GM crops because of their higher productivity, while on the other hand, organic farming is encouraged because of socio-economic and environmental considerations. A crucial question facing such countries is therefore, whether GM crops can co-exist with organic farming. This paper aims to review the main considerations and tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Microbiology is the basis of sustainable agriculture: an opinion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agricultural microbiology is presented as a synthetic research field responsible for knowledge transfer from general microbiology and microbial ecology to the agricultural biotechnologies. The major goal of agricultural microbiology is a comprehensive analysis of symbiotic micro‐organisms (bacteria, fungi) interacting with agriculturally important plants and animals: here we have focussed on plants. In plants, interactions with micro‐organisms are diverse, ranging from two‐partite symbioses (e.g. legume–rhizobia N2‐fixing nodular symbioses or arbuscular mycorrhiza) to multipartite endophytic and epiphytic (root‐associated, phyllosphere) communities. Two‐partite symbioses provide the clearest models for addressing genetic cooperation between partners, resulting in the formation of super‐organism genetic systems, which are responsible for host productivity. Analysis of these systems has now been extended considerably by using the approaches of metagenomics, which allow the dissection of taxonomic/population structures and the metabolic/ecological functions of microbial communities, which have resulted from the adaptation of free‐living, soil microflora in the endosymbiotic niches. Both beneficial (nutritional, defensive, regulatory) and antagonistic (biocontrol) functions expressed by symbiotic microbes towards their hosts are the potential subjects of effective agronomic use. A fundamental knowledge of the genetics, molecular biology, ecology and evolution of symbiotic interactions could enable the development of microbe‐based sustainable agriculture. This could achieve: (a) an improvement of major adaptive functions and productivity in crop plants by manipulating their microbial cohabitants; (b) partial or even full substitution of ecologically hazardous agrochemicals (mineral fertilizers, pesticides) by microbial preparations; (c) a decrease in the cost and an improvement of the quality of agricultural products.  相似文献   

This review is based on a study commissioned by the European Commission on the evaluation of scientific, technical and institutional challenges, priorities and bottlenecks for biotechnologies and regional harmonisation of biosafety in Africa. Biotechnology was considered within four domains: agricultural biotechnologies (‘Green’), industrial biotechnologies and biotechnologies for environmental remediation (‘White’), biotechnologies in aquaculture (‘Blue’) and biotechnologies for healthcare (‘Red’). An important consideration was the decline in partnerships between the EU and developing countries because of the original public antipathy to some green biotechnologies, particularly genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and food from GM crops in Europe. The study focus reported here was West Africa (Ghana, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso).The overall conclusion was that whereas high-quality research was proceeding in the countries visited, funding is not sustained and there is little evidence of practical application of biotechnology and benefit to farmers and the wider community. Research and development that was being carried out on genetically modified crop varieties was concentrating on improving food security and therefore unlikely to have significant impact on EU markets and consumers. However, there is much non-controversial green biotechnology such as molecular diagnostics for plant and animal disease and marker-assisted selection for breeding that has great potential application. Regarding white biotechnology, it is currently occupying only a very small industrial niche in West Africa, basically in the sole sector of the production of liquid biofuels (i.e., bio-ethanol) from indigenous and locally planted biomass (very often non-food crops). The presence of diffused small-scale fish production is the basis to develop and apply new (Blue) aquaculture technologies and, where the research conditions and the production sector can permit, to increase this type of production and the economy of this depressed areas. However, the problems bound to environmental protection must not be forgotten; priority should be given to monitor the risks of introduction of foreign species. Red biotechnologies potentially bring a vast domain of powerful tools and processes to achieve better human health, most notably improved diagnostics by molecular techniques, better targeting of pathogens and a better knowledge of their sensitivities to drugs to permit better treatment.Biosafety regulatory frameworks had been initiated in several countries, starting with primary biosafety law. However, disparate attitudes to the purpose of biosafety regulation (e.g., fostering informed decision-making versus ‘giving the green-light for a flood of GMOs’) currently prevent a needed consensus for sub-regional harmonisation. To date, most R&D funding has come from North America with some commercial interests from Asia, but African biotechnology workers expressed strong desire for (re-)engagement with interested parties from the European Union. Although in some of the visited countries there are very well qualified personnel in molecular biology and biosafety/regulation, the main message received is that human resources and capacity building in-house are still needed. This could be achieved through home-based courses and capacity-building including funds for post-degree research to motivate and retain trained staff.  相似文献   

We assembled information on the contribution and value of forests to world food security. An assessment was made of the role of forests and non-timber products in the food system of developing countries. We estimated that upwards of 300 million people annually earn part or all of their livelihood and food from forests. A total of about $90 billion in non-timber products are harvested each year. Forests also help to protect land, water, and biological resources, and they play an important role in maintaining the productivity of agricultural and environmental systems.  相似文献   

A fundamental shift has taken place in agricultural research and world food production. In the past, the principal driving force was to increase the yield potential of food crops and to maximize productivity. Today, the drive for productivity is increasingly combined with a desire for sustainability. For farming systems to remain productive, and to be sustainable in the long-term, it will be necessary to replenish the reserves of nutrients which are removed or lost from the soil. In the case of nitrogen (N), inputs into agricultural systems may be in the form of N-fertilizer, or be derived from atmospheric N2 via biological N2 fixation (BNF).Although BNF has long been a component of many farming systems throughout the world, its importance as a primary source of N for agriculture has diminished in recent decades as increasing amounts of fertilizer-N are used for the production of food and cash crops. However, international emphasis on environmentally sustainable development with the use of renewable resources is likely to focus attention on the potential role of BNF in supplying N for agriculture. This paper documents inputs of N via symbiotic N2 fixation measured in experimental plots and in farmers' fields in tropical and temperate regions. It considers contributions of fixed N from legumes (crop, pasture, green manures and trees), Casuarina, and Azolla, and compares the relative utilization of N derived from these sources with fertilizer N.  相似文献   

Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from agriculture is related to increasing and protecting soil organic matter (SOM) concentration. Agricultural soils can be a significant sink for atmospheric carbon (C) through increase of the SOM concentration. The natural ecosystems such as forests or prairies, where C gains are in equilibrium with losses, lose a large fraction of the antecedent C pool upon conversion to agricultural ecosystems. Adoption of recommended management practices (RMPs) can enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to fill the large C sink capacity on the world's agricultural soils. This article collates, reviews, and synthesizes the available information on SOC sequestration by RMPs, with specific references to crop rotations and tillage practices, cover crops, ley farming and agroforestry, use of manure and biosolids, N fertilization, and precision farming and irrigation. There is a strong interaction among RMPs with regards to their effect on SOC concentration and soil quality. The new equilibrium SOC level may be achieved over 25 to 50 years. While RMPs are being adapted in developed economies, there is an urgent need to encourage their adoption in developing countries. In addition to enhancing SOC concentration, adoption of RMPs also increases agronomic yield. Thus, key to enhancing soil quality and achieving food security lies in managing agricultural ecosystems using ecological principles which lead to enhancement of SOC pool and sustainable management of soil and water resources.  相似文献   

Agricultural research is increasingly a global effort. No country can remain isolated in agricultural research without damaging its capacity to respond to challenges to agricultural productivity. In this paper, we explore the role of botany in the international effort to raise and stabilize farm yields. Given the importance of wild species in crop breeding and the increasing use of wild species to upgrade crops, the value of systematics is underlined. The contribution of plant physiology is also discussed, particularly with reference to mechanisms of resistance to pests and diseases and tolerance to adverse soils and climates. The crucial role of ecological studies based on field work is also underscored, particularly as it applies to wild plants and natural genepools, as well as crop protection. The necessity for continued support of botanical studies and gardens is emphasized in the light of the global effort to conserve and utilize crop genetic diversity. Finally, we examine some developments in mycology and biotechnology that have implications for agriculture and pinpoint opportunities for increased collaboration between botanists and agricultural scientists.  相似文献   

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