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Melittin (ME), a non-cell-selective antimicrobial peptide, contains the leucine zipper motif, wherein every seventh amino acid is leucine or isolucine. Here, we attempted to generate novel cell-selective peptides by substituting amino acids in the leucine zipper sequence of ME with peptoid residues. We generated a series of ME analogues by replacing Leu-6, Lue-13 and Ile-20 with Nala, Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys, and we examined their secondary structure, self-association activity, cell selectivity and mode of action. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the substitutions disrupt the alpha-helical structure of ME in micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and on negatively charged and zwitterionic phospholipid vesicles. Substitution by Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys but not Nala disturbed the self-association in an aqueous environment, interaction with zwitterionic membranes, and toxicity to mammalian cells of ME but did not affect the interaction with negatively charged membranes or antibacterial activity. Notably, peptides with Nphe or Nlys substitution had the highest therapeutic indices, consistent with their lipid selectivity. In addition, all of peptoid residue-containing ME analogues had little or no ability to induce membrane disruption, membrane depolarization and lipid flip-flop. Taken together, our studies indicate that substitution of the leucine zipper motif in ME with peptoid residues increases its selectivity against bacterial cells by impairing self-association activity and changes its mode of antibacterial action from membrane-targeting mechanism to possible intracellular targeting mechanism. Furthermore, our ME analogues especially those with Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys substitutions, may be therapeutically useful antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Melittin (ME), a non-cell-selective antimicrobial peptide, contains the leucine zipper motif, wherein every seventh amino acid is leucine or isolucine. Here, we attempted to generate novel cell-selective peptides by substituting amino acids in the leucine zipper sequence of ME with peptoid residues. We generated a series of ME analogues by replacing Leu-6, Lue-13 and Ile-20 with Nala, Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys, and we examined their secondary structure, self-association activity, cell selectivity and mode of action. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the substitutions disrupt the α-helical structure of ME in micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and on negatively charged and zwitterionic phospholipid vesicles. Substitution by Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys but not Nala disturbed the self-association in an aqueous environment, interaction with zwitterionic membranes, and toxicity to mammalian cells of ME but did not affect the interaction with negatively charged membranes or antibacterial activity. Notably, peptides with Nphe or Nlys substitution had the highest therapeutic indices, consistent with their lipid selectivity. In addition, all of peptoid residue-containing ME analogues had little or no ability to induce membrane disruption, membrane depolarization and lipid flip-flop. Taken together, our studies indicate that substitution of the leucine zipper motif in ME with peptoid residues increases its selectivity against bacterial cells by impairing self-association activity and changes its mode of antibacterial action from membrane-targeting mechanism to possible intracellular targeting mechanism. Furthermore, our ME analogues especially those with Nleu, Nphe, or Nlys substitutions, may be therapeutically useful antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Design of antimicrobial peptides with selective activity towards microorganisms is an important step towards the development of new antimicrobial agents. Leucine zipper sequence has been implicated in cytotoxic activity of naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides; moreover, this motif has been utilized for the design of novel antimicrobial peptides with modulated cytotoxicity. To understand further the impact of substitution of amino acids at ‘a’ and/or ‘d’ position of a leucine zipper sequence of an antimicrobial peptides on its antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties four short peptides (14-residue) were designed on the basis of a leucine zipper sequence without or with replacement of leucine residues in its ‘a’ and ‘d’ positions with d-leucine or alanine or proline residue. The original short leucine zipper peptide (SLZP) and its d-leucine substituted analog, DLSA showed comparable activity against the tested Gram-positive and negative bacteria and the fungal strains. The alanine substituted analog (ASA) though showed appreciable activity against the tested bacteria, it showed to some extent lower activity against the tested fungi. However, the proline substituted analog (PSA) showed lower activity against the tested bacterial or fungal strains. Interestingly, DLSA, ASA and PSA showed significantly lower cytotoxicity than SLZP against both human red blood cells (hRBCs) and murine 3T3 cells. Cytotoxic and bactericidal properties of these peptides matched with peptide-induced damage/permeabilization of mammalian cells and bacteria or their mimetic lipid vesicles suggesting cell membrane could be the target of these peptides. As evidenced by tryptophan fluorescence and acrylamide quenching studies the peptides showed similarities either in interaction or in their localization within the bacterial membrane mimetic negatively charged lipid vesicles. Only SLZP showed localization inside the mammalian membrane mimetic zwitterionic lipid vesicles. The results show significant scope for designing antimicrobial agents with selectivity towards microorganisms by substituting leucine residues at ‘a’ and/or ‘d’ positions of a leucine zipper sequence of an antimicrobial peptide with different amino acids.  相似文献   

The bee venom antimicrobial peptide, melittin, besides showing versatile activity against microorganisms also neutralizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced proinflammatory responses in macrophage cells. However, how the amino acid sequence of melittin contributes in its anti-inflammatory properties is mostly unknown. To determine the importance of the leucine zipper sequence of melittin in its neutralization of LPS-induced inflammatory responses in macrophages and interaction with LPS, anti-inflammatory properties of melittin and its three analogues and their interactions with LPS were studied in detail. Two of these analogues, namely melittin Mut-1 (MM-1) and melittin Mut-2 (MM-2), possess leucine to alanine substitutions in the single and double heptadic leucine residue(s) of melittin, respectively, whereas the third analogue is a scrambled peptide (Mel-SCR) that contains the amino acid composition of melittin with minor rearrangement in its leucine zipper sequence. Although MM-1 partly inhibited the production of proinflammatory cytokines in RAW 264.7 and rat primary macrophage cells in the presence of LPS, MM-2 and Mel-SCR were negligibly active. A progressive decrease in interaction of melittin with LPS, aggregation in LPS, and dissociation of LPS aggregates with alteration in the leucine zipper sequence of melittin was observed. Furthermore, with alteration in the leucine zipper sequence of melittin, these analogues failed to exhibit cellular responses associated with neutralization of LPS-induced inflammatory responses in macrophage cells by melittin. The data indicated a probable important role of the leucine zipper sequence of melittin in neutralizing LPS-induced proinflammatory responses in macrophage cells as well as in its interaction with LPS.  相似文献   

Structure of the leucine zipper.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In the basic-region leucine-zipper domain, flexible DNA-binding arms are juxtaposed by a two-stranded, parallel coiled-coil motif called the leucine zipper. Genetic, physical and structural studies of the leucine zipper identify interactions that help determine the stability and specificity of dimerization and DNA binding.  相似文献   

E M Goodman  P S Kim 《Biochemistry》1991,30(50):11615-11620
The two-stranded coiled-coil motif, which includes leucine zippers, is a simple protein structure that is well suited for studies of helix-helix interactions. The interaction between helices in a coiled coil involves packing of "knobs" into "holes", as predicted by Crick in 1953 and confirmed recently by X-ray crystallography for the GCN4 leucine zipper [O'Shea, E.K., Klemm, J.D., Kim, P.S., & Alber, T. (1991) Science 254, 539]. A striking periodicity, extending over six helical turns, is observed in the rates of hydrogen-deuterium exchange for amide protons in a peptide corresponding to the leucine zipper of GCN4. Protons at the hydrophobic interface show the most protection from exchange. The NMR chemical shifts of amide protons in the helices also show a pronounced periodicity which predicts a short H-bond followed by a long H-bond every seven residues. This variation was anticipated in 1953 by Pauling and is sufficient to give rise to a local left-handed superhelical twist characteristic of coiled coils. The amide protons that lie at the base of the "hole" in the "knobs-into-holes" packing show slow amide proton exchange rates and are predicted to have short H-bond lengths. These results suggest that tertiary interactions can lead to highly localized, but substantial, differences in stability and dynamics within a secondary structure element and emphasize the dominant nature of packing interactions in determining protein structure.  相似文献   

The post-translational modification of an L- to a D-amino acid has been documented in relatively few gene products, mostly in small peptides under 10 amino acids in length. In this report, we demonstrate that a 46-amino acid polypeptide toxin has one D-phenylalanine at position 44, and that the epimerization from an L-Phe to a D-Phe has a dramatic effect on the excitatory effects of the peptide. In one electrophysiological assay carried out, the D-Phe-containing peptide was extremely potent, whereas the unmodified polypeptide had no biological activity, demonstrating that the chirality of the post-translationally modified amino acid is functionally significant. The peptide toxin analyzed, r11a, belongs to the I-gene superfamily of conotoxins that has four disulfide cross-links. The D-Phe in r11a is at the third amino acid from the C terminus, the same relative position from the C-terminal end as the d-amino acid in omega-agatoxin TK from a spider, an unrelated peptide. Thus, although post-translational amino acid isomerization appears to have no strong specificity for the chemical nature of the amino acid side chain, the few peptides where this modification has been established suggest that there may be favored positions near the N or C terminus that are preferential sites for isomerization to a D-amino acid.  相似文献   

The pediocin-like antimicrobial peptide leucocin C produced by a strain of Leuconostoc mesenteroides has been purified using a recently developed rapid two-step procedure. The complete and corrected amino acid sequence of the peptide has been determined by Edman degradation of the intact peptide and a C-terminal fragment generated by cleavage with Asp-N endoprotease. Leucocin C contained 43 residues with the following sequence: KNYGNGVHCTKKGCSVDWGYAWTNIANNSVMNGLTGGNAGWHN. The molecular weight of leucocin C as determined by mass spectrometry was 4595, which is consistent with the theoretical molecular weight of 4596 calculated from the sequence. Moreover, the molecular weights of the two fragments generated by cleavage with Asp-N were also consistent with the determined sequence.  相似文献   

In order to screen for new microbial D-amino acid oxidase activities a selective and sensitive peroxidase/o-dianisidine assay, detecting the formation of hydrogen peroxide was developed. Catalase, which coexists with oxidases in the peroxisomes or the microsomes and, which competes with peroxidase for hydrogen peroxide, was completely inhibited by o-dianisidine up to a catalase activity of 500 nkat ml(-)(1). Thus, using the peroxidase/o-dianisidine assay and employing crude extracts of microorganisms in a microplate reader, a detection sensitivity for oxidase activity of 0.6 nkat ml(-)(1) was obtained.Wild type colonies which were grown on a selective medium containing D-alanine as carbon, energy and nitrogen source were examined for D-amino acid oxidase activity by the peroxidase/o-dianisidine assay. The oxidase positive colonies possessing an apparent oxidase activity > 2 nkat g dry biomass(-)(1) were isolated. Among them three new D-amino acid oxidase-producers were found and identified as Fusarium oxysporum, Verticilium lutealbum and Candida parapsilosis. The best new D-amino oxidase producer was the fungus F. oxysporum with a D-amino acid oxidase activity of about 900 nkat g dry biomass(-)(1) or 21 nkat mg protein(-)(1). With regard to the use as a biocatalytic tool in biotechnology the substrate specificities of the three new D-amino acid oxidases were compared with those of the known D-amino acid oxidases from Trigonopsis variabilis, Rhodotorula gracilis and pig kidney under the same conditions. All six D-amino acid oxidases accepted the D-enantiomers of alanine, valine, leucine, proline, phenylalanine, serine and glutamine as substrates and, except for the D-amino acid oxidase from V. luteoalbum, D-tryptophane, D-tyrosine, D-arginine and D-histidine were accepted as well. The relative highest activities (>95%) were measured versus D-alanine (C. parapsilosis, F. oxysporum, T. variabilis), D-methionine (V. luteoalbum, R. gracilis), D-valine (T. variabilis, R. gracilis) and D-proline (pig kidney). The D-amino oxidases from F. oxysporum and V. luteoalbum were able to react with the industrially important substrate cephalosporin C although the D-amino acid oxidase from T. variabilis was at least about 20-fold more active with this substrate.As the results of our studies, a reliable oxidase assay was developed, allowing high throughput screening in a microplate reader. Furthermore, three new microbial D-amino acid oxidase-producers with interesting broad substrate specificities were introduced in the field of biotechnology.  相似文献   

RIWVIWRR-NH2 (Bac8c) is a natural antimicrobial peptide (AMP) exhibiting great antibacterial activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In this work, lipoic acid was used as a fatty acid hydrophobic ligand to modify Bac8c (LA-Bac8c) to further improve its antimicrobial properties. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) assays showed that LA-Bac8c exhibited lower MIC (MBC) values against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) than Bac8c. Similar results were reflected in the antibiofilm activity towards S. aureus and MRSA, and LA-Bac8c showed better activity to the biofilm which has been formed or is being formed. In addition to this, the obvious interaction between bacteria/biofilm and LA-Bac8c was observed by microscopy. LA-Bac8c displayed strong membrane depolarization and outer membrane permeabilizing ability, and the cell membrane treated with LA-Bac8c was destroyed to the leakage of bacteria cellular components. All these data indicated LA-Bac8c could be used as a useful antimicrobial peptide with wide application prospect.  相似文献   

A 15-residue peptide dimer G15 derived from the cell lytic protein granulysin has been shown to exert potent activity against microbes, including E. coli, but not against human Jurkat cells [Z. Wang, E. Choice, A. Kaspar, D. Hanson, S. Okada, S.C. Lyu, A.M. Krensky, C. Clayberger, Bactericidal and tumoricidal activities of synthetic peptides derived from granulysin. J. Immunol. 165 (2000) 1486-1490]. We investigated the target membrane selectivity of G15 using fluorescence, circular dichroism and 31P NMR methods. The ANS uptake assay shows that the extent of E. coli outer membrane disruption depends on G15 concentration. 31P NMR spectra obtained from E. coli total lipid bilayers incorporated with G15 show disruption of lipid bilayers. Fluorescence binding studies on the interaction of G15 with synthetic liposomes formed of E. coli lipids suggest a tight binding of the peptide at the membrane interface. The peptide also binds to negatively charged POPC/POPG (3:1) lipid vesicles but fails to insert deep into the membrane interior. These results are supported by the peptide-induced changes in the measured isotropic chemical shift and T1 values of POPG in 3:1 POPC:POPG multilamellar vesicles while neither a non-lamellar phase nor a fragmentation of bilayers was observed from NMR studies. The circular dichroism studies reveal that the peptide exists as a random coil in solution but folds into a less ordered conformation upon binding to POPC/POPG (3:1) vesicles. However, G15 does not bind to lipid vesicles made of POPC/POPG/Chl (9:1:1) mixture, mimicking tumor cell membrane. These results explain the susceptibility of E. coli and the resistance of human Jurkat cells to G15, and may have implications in designing membrane-selective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The leucine zipper is a dimeric coiled-coil structural motif consisting of four to six heptad repeats, designated (abcdefg)(n). In the GCN4 leucine zipper, a position 16 in the third heptad is occupied by an Asn residue whereas the other a positions are Val residues. Recently, we have constructed variants of the GCN4 leucine zipper in which the a position Val residues were replaced by Ile. The folding and unfolding of the wild-type GCN4 leucine zipper and the Val to Ile variant both adhere to a simple two-state mechanism. In this study, another variant of the GCN4 leucine zipper was constructed by moving the single Asn residue from a position 16 to a position 9. This switch causes the thermal unfolding of the GCN4 leucine zipper to become three state. The unfolding pathway of this variant was determined by thermal denaturation, limited proteinase K digestion, and sedimentation equilibrium analysis. Our data are consistent with a model in which the variant first unfolds from its N terminus and changes the oligomerization specificity from a native dimer to a partially unfolded intermediate containing a mixture of dimers and trimers and then completely unfolds to unstructured monomers.  相似文献   

A 15-residue peptide dimer G15 derived from the cell lytic protein granulysin has been shown to exert potent activity against microbes, including E. coli, but not against human Jurkat cells [Z. Wang, E. Choice, A. Kaspar, D. Hanson, S. Okada, S.C. Lyu, A.M. Krensky, C. Clayberger, Bactericidal and tumoricidal activities of synthetic peptides derived from granulysin. J. Immunol. 165 (2000) 1486-1490]. We investigated the target membrane selectivity of G15 using fluorescence, circular dichroism and 31P NMR methods. The ANS uptake assay shows that the extent of E. coli outer membrane disruption depends on G15 concentration. 31P NMR spectra obtained from E. coli total lipid bilayers incorporated with G15 show disruption of lipid bilayers. Fluorescence binding studies on the interaction of G15 with synthetic liposomes formed of E. coli lipids suggest a tight binding of the peptide at the membrane interface. The peptide also binds to negatively charged POPC/POPG (3:1) lipid vesicles but fails to insert deep into the membrane interior. These results are supported by the peptide-induced changes in the measured isotropic chemical shift and T1 values of POPG in 3:1 POPC:POPG multilamellar vesicles while neither a non-lamellar phase nor a fragmentation of bilayers was observed from NMR studies. The circular dichroism studies reveal that the peptide exists as a random coil in solution but folds into a less ordered conformation upon binding to POPC/POPG (3:1) vesicles. However, G15 does not bind to lipid vesicles made of POPC/POPG/Chl (9:1:1) mixture, mimicking tumor cell membrane. These results explain the susceptibility of E. coli and the resistance of human Jurkat cells to G15, and may have implications in designing membrane-selective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The in vivo action of the antimicrobial peptide melittin, expressed from a recombinant plasmid vector, on chickens experimentally infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum was studied. The plasmid vector pBI/mel2/rtTA includes the melittin gene under the control of an inducible tetracycline-dependent human cytomegalovirus promoter and the gene coding for the trans-activation protein rtTA. Aerosol administration of the vector, followed by infecting the chickens with M. gallisepticum 1226, is shown to inhibit development of infection. The inhibitory action was confirmed by a complex of clinical, pathomorphological, histological and serological studies, and also by comparing the M. gallisepticum reisolation frequency from the respiratory tract and internal organs. The data suggest that plasmid vectors expressing genes of antimicrobial peptides can be considered as potential agents for the prevention and treatment of mycoplasma infections in poultry farming.  相似文献   

The toxicity of naturally occurring or designed antimicrobial peptides is a major barrier for converting them into drugs. To synthesize antimicrobial peptides with reduced toxicity, several amphipathic peptides were designed based on the leucine zipper sequence. The first one was a leucine zipper peptide (LZP); in others, leucine residues at the a- and/or d-position were substituted with single or double alanine residues. The results showed that LZP and its analogs exhibited appreciable and similar antibacterial activity against the tested gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. However, the substitution of alanine progressively lowered the toxicity of LZP against human red blood cells (hRBCs). The substitution of leucine with alanine impaired the binding and localization of LZP to hRBCs, but had little effect on the peptide-induced damage of Escherichia coli cells. Although LZP and its analogs exhibited similar permeability, secondary structures, and localization in negatively charged membranes, significant differences were observed among these peptides in zwitterionic membranes. The results suggest a novel approach for designing antibacterial peptides with modulation of toxicity against hRBCs by employing the leucine zipper sequence. Also, to the best of our knowledge, the results demonstrate that this sequence could be utilized to design novel cell-selective molecules for the first time.  相似文献   

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