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Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 was isolated from soil and analyzed for the ability to grow on o-xylene as the sole carbon and energy source. Although DK17 cannot grow on m- and p-xylene, it is capable of growth on benzene, phenol, toluene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, and other alkylbenzene isomers. One UV-generated mutant strain, DK176, simultaneously lost the ability to grow on o-xylene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, toluene, and benzene, although it could still grow on phenol. The mutant strain was also unable to oxidize indole to indigo following growth in the presence of o-xylene. This observation suggests the loss of an oxygenase that is involved in the initial oxidation of the (alkyl)benzenes tested. Another mutant strain, DK180, isolated for the inability to grow on o-xylene, retained the ability to grow on benzene but was unable to grow on alkylbenzenes due to loss of a meta-cleavage dioxygenase needed for metabolism of methyl-substituted catechols. Further experiments showed that DK180 as well as the wild-type strain DK17 have an ortho-cleavage pathway which is specifically induced by benzene but not by o-xylene. These results indicate that DK17 possesses two different ring-cleavage pathways for the degradation of aromatic compounds, although the initial oxidation reactions may be catalyzed by a common oxygenase. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and 300-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry clearly show that DK180 accumulates 3,4-dimethylcatechol from o-xylene and both 3- and 4-methylcatechol from toluene. This means that there are two initial routes of oxidation of toluene by the strain. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated the presence of two large megaplasmids in the wild-type strain DK17, one of which (pDK2) was lost in the mutant strain DK176. Since several other independently derived mutant strains unable to grow on alkylbenzenes are also missing pDK2, the genes encoding the initial steps in alkylbenzene metabolism (but not phenol metabolism) appear to be present on this approximately 330-kb plasmid.  相似文献   

We report here the characterization of the catalytic component (ISP(NAR)) of a new naphthalene dioxygenase from Rhodococcus sp. strain NCIMB12038. The genes encoding the two subunits of ISP(NAR) are not homologous to their previously characterized counterparts in Pseudomonas. The deduced amino acid sequences have only 33 and 29% identity with the corresponding subunits in Pseudomonas putida NCIB 9816-4, for which the tertiary structure has been reported.  相似文献   

Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation by Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 was isolated from soil and analyzed for the ability to grow on o-xylene as the sole carbon and energy source. Although DK17 cannot grow on m- and p-xylene, it is capable of growth on benzene, phenol, toluene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, and other alkylbenzene isomers. One UV-generated mutant strain, DK176, simultaneously lost the ability to grow on o-xylene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, toluene, and benzene, although it could still grow on phenol. The mutant strain was also unable to oxidize indole to indigo following growth in the presence of o-xylene. This observation suggests the loss of an oxygenase that is involved in the initial oxidation of the (alkyl)benzenes tested. Another mutant strain, DK180, isolated for the inability to grow on o-xylene, retained the ability to grow on benzene but was unable to grow on alkylbenzenes due to loss of a meta-cleavage dioxygenase needed for metabolism of methyl-substituted catechols. Further experiments showed that DK180 as well as the wild-type strain DK17 have an ortho-cleavage pathway which is specifically induced by benzene but not by o-xylene. These results indicate that DK17 possesses two different ring-cleavage pathways for the degradation of aromatic compounds, although the initial oxidation reactions may be catalyzed by a common oxygenase. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and 300-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry clearly show that DK180 accumulates 3,4-dimethylcatechol from o-xylene and both 3- and 4-methylcatechol from toluene. This means that there are two initial routes of oxidation of toluene by the strain. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated the presence of two large megaplasmids in the wild-type strain DK17, one of which (pDK2) was lost in the mutant strain DK176. Since several other independently derived mutant strains unable to grow on alkylbenzenes are also missing pDK2, the genes encoding the initial steps in alkylbenzene metabolism (but not phenol metabolism) appear to be present on this approximately 330-kb plasmid.  相似文献   

Putative genes for a two-component signal transduction system (akbS and akbT) were detected near the alkylbenzene-degrading operon of Rhodococcus sp. DK17. Sequence analysis indicates that AkbS possesses potential ATP-binding and histidine autophosphorylation sites in the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively, and that AkbT has a typical response regulator domain. Mutant analysis combined with RT-PCR experiments further shows that AkbS is required to induce the expression of o-xylene dioxygenase in DK17.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 is able to utilize a variety of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzene, phenol, toluene, and o-xylene, as growth substrates. Although DK17 is unable to grow on m- and p-xylene, this strain could transform these two xylene isomers to some extent after induction by o-xylene. The major accumulating compounds formed during the degradation of m- and p-xylene by DK17 were isolated by high-pressure liquid chromatography and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric and (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectral techniques. Both xylene isomers were transformed to dihydroxylated compounds by what must be two successive hydroxylation events: m-xylene was converted to 2,4-dimethylresorcinol and p-xylene was converted to 2,5-dimethylhydroquinone. The rigorous structural identification of 2,4-dimethylresorcinol and 2,5-dimethylhydroquinone demonstrates that DK17 can perform distinct regioselective hydroxylations depending on the position of the substituent groups on the aromatic ring.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 is able to grow on o-xylene, benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene. DK17 harbors at least two megaplasmids, and the genes encoding the initial steps in alkylbenzene metabolism are present on the 330-kb pDK2. The genes encoding alkylbenzene degradation were cloned in a cosmid clone and sequenced completely to reveal 35 open reading frames (ORFs). Among the ORFs, we identified two nearly exact copies (one base difference) of genes encoding large and small subunits of an iron sulfur protein terminal oxygenase that are 6 kb apart from each other. Immediately downstream of one copy of the dioxygenase genes (akbA1a and akbA2a) is a gene encoding a dioxygenase ferredoxin component (akbA3), and downstream of the other copy (akbA1b and akbA2b) are genes putatively encoding a meta-cleavage pathway. RT-PCR experiments show that the two copies of the dioxygenase genes are operonic with the downstream putative catabolic genes and that both operons are induced by o-xylene. When expressed in Escherichia coli, AkbA1a-AkbA2a-AkbA3 transformed o-xylene into 2,3- and 3,4-dimethylphenol. These were apparently derived from an unstable o-xylene cis-3,4-dihydrodiol, which readily dehydrates. This indicates a single point of attack of the dioxygenase on the aromatic ring. In contrast, attack of AkbA1a-AkbA2a-AkbA3 on ethylbenzene resulted in the formation of two different cis-dihydrodiols resulting from an oxidation at the 2,3 and the 3,4 positions on the aromatic ring, respectively.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 is capable of utilizing various derivatives of benzene and bicyclics containing both aromatic and alicyclic moieties as sole carbon and energy sources. Here, we present the 9,107,362-bp draft genome sequence of DK17 and its genomic analysis in comparison with other members of the genus Rhodococcus.  相似文献   

The gram-positive bacterium Rhodococcus sp. strain IGTS8 is able to remove sulfur from certain aromatic compounds without breaking carbon-carbon bonds. In particular, sulfur is removed from dibenzothiophene (DBT) to give the final product, 2-hydroxybiphenyl. A genomic library of IGTS8 was constructed in the cosmid vector pLAFR5, but no desulfurization phenotype was imparted to Escherichia coli. Therefore, IGTS8 was mutagenized, and a new strain (UV1) was selected that had lost the ability to desulfurize DBT. The genomic library was transferred into UV1, and several colonies that had regained the desulfurization phenotype were isolated, though free plasmid could not be isolated. Instead, vector DNA had integrated into either the chromosome or a large resident plasmid. DNA on either side of the inserted vector sequences was cloned and used to probe the original genomic library in E. coli. This procedure identified individual cosmid clones that, when electroporated into strain UV1, restored desulfurization. When the origin of replication from a Rhodococcus plasmid was inserted, the efficiency with which these clones transformed UV1 increased 20- to 50-fold and they could be retrieved as free plasmids. Restriction mapping and subcloning indicated that the desulfurization genes reside on a 4.0-kb DNA fragment. Finally, the phenotype was transferred to Rhodococcus fascians D188-5, a species normally incapable of desulfurizing DBT. The mutant strain, UV1, and R. fascians produced 2-hydroxybiphenyl from DBT when they contained appropriate clones, indicating that the genes for the entire pathway have been isolated.  相似文献   

The degradation of toluene by Pseudomonas putida F1 and of chlorobenzenes by Burkholderia sp. strain PS12 is initiated by incorporation of dioxygen into the aromatic nucleus to form cis-dihydrodihydroxybenzenes. Toluene-grown cells of P. putida F1 and 3-chlorobenzoate-grown cells of Burkholderia sp. strain PS12 were found to monooxygenate the side chain of 2- and 3-chlorotoluene to the corresponding chlorobenzyl alcohols. Further metabolism of these products was slow, and the corresponding chlorobenzoates were usually observed as end products, whereas the 3-chlorobenzoate produced from 3-chlorotoluene in Burkholderia sp. strain PS12 was metabolized further. Escherichia coli cells containing the toluene dioxygenase genes from P. putida F1 oxidized 2- and 3-chlorotoluene to the corresponding chlorobenzyl alcohols as major products, demonstrating that this enzyme is responsible for the observed side chain monooxygenation. Two methyl- and chloro-substituted 1,2-dihydroxycyclohexadienes were formed as minor products from 2- and 3-chlorotoluene, whereas a chloro- and methyl-substituted cyclohexadiene was the only product formed from 4-chlorotoluene. The toluene dioxygenase of P. putida F1 and chlorobenzene dioxygenase from Burkholderia sp. strain PS12 are the first enzymes described that efficiently catalyze the oxidation of 2-chlorotoluene.  相似文献   

The bopXYZ genes from the gram-positive bacterium Rhodococcus sp. strain 19070 encode a broad-substrate-specific benzoate dioxygenase. Expression of the BopXY terminal oxygenase enabled Escherichia coli to convert benzoate or anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate) to a nonaromatic cis-diol or catechol, respectively. This expression system also rapidly transformed m-toluate (3-methylbenzoate) to an unidentified product. In contrast, 2-chlorobenzoate was not a good substrate. The BopXYZ dioxygenase was homologous to the chromosomally encoded benzoate dioxygenase (BenABC) and the plasmid-encoded toluate dioxygenase (XylXYZ) of gram-negative acinetobacters and pseudomonads. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis failed to identify any plasmid in Rhodococcus sp. strain 19070. Catechol 1,2- and 2,3-dioxygenase activity indicated that strain 19070 possesses both meta- and ortho-cleavage degradative pathways, which are associated in pseudomonads with the xyl and ben genes, respectively. Open reading frames downstream of bopXYZ, designated bopL and bopK, resembled genes encoding cis-diol dehydrogenases and benzoate transporters, respectively. The bop genes were in the same order as the chromosomal ben genes of P. putida PRS2000. The deduced sequences of BopXY were 50 to 60% identical to the corresponding proteins of benzoate and toluate dioxygenases. The reductase components of these latter dioxygenases, BenC and XylZ, are 201 residues shorter than the deduced BopZ sequence. As predicted from the sequence, expression of BopZ in E. coli yielded an approximately 60-kDa protein whose presence corresponded to increased cytochrome c reductase activity. While the N-terminal region of BopZ was approximately 50% identical in sequence to the entire BenC or XylZ reductases, the C terminus was unlike other known protein sequences.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells expressing Rhodococcus DK17 o-xylene dioxygenase genes were used for bioconversion of m-xylene. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of the oxidation products detected 3-methylbenzylalcohol and 2,4-dimethylphenol in the ratio 9:1. Molecular modeling suggests that o-xylene dioxygenase can hold xylene isomers at a kink region between α6 and α7 helices of the active site and α9 helix covers the substrates. m-Xylene is unlikely to locate at the active site with a methyl group facing the kink region because this configuration would not fit within the substrate-binding pocket. The m-xylene molecule can flip horizontally to expose the meta-position methyl group to the catalytic motif. In this configuration, 3-methylbenzylalcohol could be formed, presumably due to the meta effect. Alternatively, the m-xylene molecule can rotate counterclockwise, allowing the catalytic motif to hydroxylate at C-4 yielding 2,4-dimethylphenol. Site-directed mutagenesis combined with structural and functional analyses suggests that the alanine-218 and the aspartic acid-262 in the α7 and the α9 helices play an important role in positioning m-xylene, respectively.  相似文献   

The metabolically versatile Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 is able to grow on tetralin and indan but cannot use their respective desaturated counterparts, 1,2-dihydronaphthalene and indene, as sole carbon and energy sources. Metabolite analyses by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry clearly show that (i) the meta-cleavage dioxygenase mutant strain DK180 accumulates 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2-naphthalene diol, 1,2-indene diol, and 3,4-dihydro-naphthalene-1,2-diol from tetralin, indene, and 1,2-dihydronaphthalene, respectively, and (ii) when expressed in Escherichia coli, the DK17 o-xylene dioxygenase transforms tetralin, indene, and 1,2-dihydronaphthalene into tetralin cis-dihydrodiol, indan-1,2-diol, and cis-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, respectively. Tetralin, which is activated by aromatic hydroxylation, is degraded successfully via the ring cleavage pathway to support growth of DK17. Indene and 1,2-dihydronaphthalene do not serve as growth substrates because DK17 hydroxylates them on the alicyclic ring and further metabolism results in a dead-end metabolite. This study reveals that aromatic hydroxylation is a prerequisite for proper degradation of bicyclics with aromatic and alicyclic rings by DK17 and confirms the unique ability of the DK17 o-xylene dioxygenase to perform distinct regioselective hydroxylations.  相似文献   

The operons encoding the transformation of phthalate to protocatechuate are duplicated and present on two different megaplasmids [pDK2 (330 kb) and pDK3 (750 kb)] in Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17. RT-PCR experiments using gene-specific primers showed that both the pDK2- and the pDK3-encoded dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase genes are simultaneously expressed during growth on phthalate. The doubling time of the pDK2-cured mutant strain DK176 in minimal liquid medium with 5mM phthalate is 52.5% of that of the wild-type strain DK17. The data indicate that both copies of the phthalate operon are equally functional in DK17, and gene dosage is the main reason for slower growth of DK176 on phthalate.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter sp. strain DSM 17874 is capable of utilizing n-alkanes with chain lengths ranging from that of decane (C10H22) to that of tetracontane (C40H82) as a sole carbon source. Two genes encoding AlkB-type alkane hydroxylase homologues, designated alkMa and alkMb, have been shown to be involved in the degradation of n-alkanes with chain lengths of from 10 to 20 C atoms in this strain. Here, we describe a novel high-throughput screening method and the screening of a transposon mutant library to identify genes involved in the degradation of n-alkanes with C chain lengths longer than 20, which are solid at 30°C, the optimal growth temperature for Acinetobacter sp. strain DSM 17874. A library consisting of approximately 6,800 Acinetobacter sp. strain DSM 17874 transposon mutants was constructed and screened for mutants unable to grow on dotriacontane (C32H66) while simultaneously showing wild-type growth characteristics on shorter-chain n-alkanes. For 23 such mutants isolated, the genes inactivated by transposon insertion were identified. Targeted inactivation and complementation studies of one of these genes, designated almA and encoding a putative flavin-binding monooxygenase, confirmed its involvement in the strain's metabolism of long-chain n-alkanes. To our knowledge, almA represents the first cloned gene shown to be involved in the bacterial degradation of long-chain n-alkanes of 32 C's and longer. Genes encoding AlmA homologues were also identified in other long-chain n-alkane-degrading Acinetobacter strains.  相似文献   

2-chloro-4-nitroaniline (2-C-4-NA) is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyes, pharmaceuticals, corrosion inhibitor and also used in the synthesis of niclosamide, a molluscicide. It is marked as a black-listed substance due to its poor biodegradability. We report biodegradation of 2-C-4-NA and its pathway characterization by Rhodococcus sp. strain MB-P1 under aerobic conditions. The strain MB-P1 utilizes 2-C-4-NA as the sole carbon, nitrogen, and energy source. In the growth medium, the degradation of 2-C-4-NA occurs with the release of nitrite ions, chloride ions, and ammonia. During the resting cell studies, the 2-C-4-NA-induced cells of strain MB-P1 transformed 2-C-4-NA stoichiometrically to 4-amino-3-chlorophenol (4-A-3-CP), which subsequently gets transformed to 6-chlorohydroxyquinol (6-CHQ) metabolite. Enzyme assays by cell-free lysates prepared from 2-C-4-NA-induced MB-P1 cells, demonstrated that the first enzyme in the 2-C-4-NA degradation pathway is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase that catalyzes the stoichiometric removal of nitro group and production of 4-A-3-CP. Oxygen uptake studies on 4-A-3-CP and related anilines by 2-C-4-NA-induced MB-P1 cells demonstrated the involvement of aniline dioxygenase in the second step of 2-C-4-NA degradation. This is the first report showing 2-C-4-NA degradation and elucidation of corresponding metabolic pathway by an aerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

Monoaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) are widespread contaminants in groundwater. We examined the anaerobic degradation of BTEX compounds with amorphous ferric oxide as electron acceptor. Successful enrichment cultures were obtained for all BTEX substrates both in the presence and absence of AQDS (9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). The electron balances showed a complete anaerobic oxidation of the aromatic compounds to CO2. This is the first report on the anaerobic degradation of o-xylene and ethylbenzene in sediment-free iron-reducing enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

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