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Chromosome number and morphology in 14 taxa belonging to 19 populations of Tripleurospermum Sch. Bip. were studied using karyological and numerical taxonomical techniques. Data on chromosome measurements were analysed using cluster analysis. Chromosome numbers of these taxa are 2 n  = 2 x  = 18, 4 x  = 36 and 5 x  = 42–48. Seven records are new, two are not consistent with previous counts, and the remainder confirm the very limited previous data (one to three records). A new ploidy level (pentaploidy) is reported for the first time for the genus. Some correlations between ploidy levels and morphological characters are noted and several systematic and evolutionary aspects of the genus are discussed in the light of karyological data.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 146 , 427–438.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and morphology in 22 populations belonging to 11 taxa of Aconitum subgenus Lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae) from China were studied. Some taxa were diploid, with 2 n  = 16, but four species and two varieties were found to be tetraploid, with 2 n  = 32. They are concentrated in the Hengduan Mountains region in south-west China, indicating that polyploidy could have played an important role in the speciation of the subgenus in this region, one of the areas of the world with a high concentration of endemic species. The relationships of some of the species are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 343–353.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers and morphology in 92 populations belonging to 49 species and three varieties in the genus Delphinium L. (Ranunculaceae), mostly from the Hengduan Mountains region of south‐west China, were studied. Forty seven species and three varieties were diploid, with 2n = 16, one species was tetraploid, with 2n = 32, and one species had diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. Three species had B chromosomes, representing the first time the occurrence of B chromosomes has been reported in the genus. The karyotypes of all the diploid species were quite uniform, commonly bimodal, and usually consisted of one pair of large median‐centromeric (m), one pair of large submedian‐centromeric (sm), five pairs of medium‐sized subterminal‐centromeric (st), and one pair of smaller sm (rarely st) chromosomes. The low incidence of polyploids in Delphinium from the Hengduan Mountains region indicates that polyploidy has played a minor role in the speciation of this highly diversified genus in the region. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 172–188.  相似文献   

MEJÍAS, J. A. & VALDÉS, B., 1988. Karyologiepl studies in Sonchus section Madtimi (Asteraceae) from the Iberian Peninmula. Karyological data support the distinction of S. aquatilis Pourret and S. maritimus L. at the specific level. Karyological data and hybridization experiments support the idea that S. × novocaslcllanus Cirujano has been produced by the hybridization of S. crassifolius Pourret ex Willd. and S. maritimus L.  相似文献   

Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2 n = 58 whereas C. humile had 2 n = 60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x = 30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x = 30 and x = 29 in Cremanthodium , correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium .  相似文献   


The Cestrum genus is karyotypically exceptional in Solanaceae. It is characterised by a basic number x?=?8, a large chromosomal and genomic size, complex heterochromatin patterns, B-chromosomes (Bs) with particular heterochromatin and distribution of 18–5.8–26S and 5S rDNA. Cestrum nocturnum L. has a diploid number of 2n?=?16 plus a variable number of B-chromosomes. The aims of work was to analyse their numerical variation, structure and behaviour of C. nocturnum B-chromosomes by classical and molecular cytogenetics. The individuals analysed had 2n?=?16?+?0?13 B-chromosomes. All B-chromosomes were metacentric and smaller than A-chromosomes. The number of B-chromosomes showed a great variability between and within individuals, thereby denoting the occurrence of events that promote mitotic and meiotic instability. Cytogenetic techniques made it possible to observe that B-chromosomes are rich in heterochromatin, probably with AT- and GC-rich regions. In addition, molecular techniques allowed to detect homologous sequences of transposable element conserved domains of Ty1-Copia and Ty3-Gypsy superfamilies. These sequences were located by FISH in all B-chromosomes and some A-chromosomes. Our results showed that repetitive DNA could play an important role in chromosomal evolution as well as in the stability of B-chromosomes in C. nocturnum.  相似文献   

We describe the banding patterns of the chromosomes of Cercopithecus pogonias(2n = 72) and Cercopithecus nictitans nictitans(2n = 70), the two species which exhibit the highest diploid numbers among the Cercopithecidae, using G-banding, C-banding, and nucleolar organizing region (NOR)-staining techniques. The karyotypes of these two species show a large number of morphological homologies, but several chromosome pairs cannot be matched. It is suggested that translocations and insertions may have been important in the chromosomal evolution of this group.  相似文献   

The Coscoroba (Coscoroba coscoroba), endemic to southern South America, is traditionally considered as an early branch from the common ancestor leading to true geese and swans. Recently, an interesting association between the Coscoroba and Cape Barren goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae) as sister groups has been proposed. We present here the characterization of the karyotype of C. coscoroba using whole chromosome probes derived from Gallus gallus macrochromosomes. Our data showed that C. coscoroba has the highest diploid number among Anseriformes (2n = 98), and the conservation of macrochromosome pairs 1–10 indicates that the increase in diploid number has occurred by fission events involving only the microchromosomes. Moreover, the similarity between the diploid numbers of C. coscoroba (2n = 98) and Cereopsis novaehollandiae (2n = 92) reinforces the phylogenetic position of these two species as sister groups, considering that other species of geese and swans have diploid numbers close to 2n = 80. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 274–279.  相似文献   


Chromosome numbers for three species of Cladophora from Bermuda are presented. C. laetevirens (Dillw.) Kuetz., C. prolifera (Roth) Kuetz., and C. conferta Crouan frat. ex Schramm & Maze were found to have similar karyotypes with 1 N = 2 X = 12 chromosomes belonging to size class III (0.8–2.2 μm). Correlations between each species' karyotype and its morphology and phytogeographic affinity are discussed. Estimates of the basic genome (1 X) for these and other Cladophora species indicate that nuclear DNA content, which shows a threefold variation in the genus, occurs in discontinuous increments. These findings are discussed in relation to reports of large scale, discontinuous DNA variation in vascular plant genera.  相似文献   

The technique of in situ hybridization to both meiotic and mitotic chromosomes of Rumex acetosa is described. Differences in the efficiency of signal detection were observed between the two types of material. The implications of these results for in situ hybridization to other plant species are explored.  相似文献   

Cytological studies were carried out for the first time on five populations of Trigonobalanus doichangensis in China and Thailand. In all populations, the pattern of interphase nuclei was of the simple chromocentre type, the mitotic prophases were of the proximal interstitial type and chromosome numbers were 2 n  = 2 x  = 14. Two B chromosomes were commonly observed at prophase and prophase–metaphase, but rarely at metaphase. Karyotype variation among the populations at the diploid level was limited, but there were some distinguishing cytological characters. Based on the comparison of all the available data on cytology, taxonomy, phytogeography and molecular systematics related to the genus Trigonobalanus , we recommend that the three species of Trigonobalanus comprise the subfamily Trigonobalanoideae and that the genus should not be segregated into three monotypic genera.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 321–330.  相似文献   

Coupling a chromogenic amine to carboxyl groups of the lipids in the capsules of acid-fast bacteria was accomplished by reaction with benzidine, diazotization and using sodium beta naphthylate as the chromogen. By these means, acid-fast bacteria can be differentiated from non-acid-fast, and the intensity of the staining correlates well with the amount of lipid found in their capsules. By comparing the intensity of staining before and after treatment with 5% HCl, it is possible to demonstrate that some acidic capsular components are combined with calcium. Similarly, by comparing the intensity of staining before and after treatment with petroleum ether, the presence of oxyfatty acids (insoluble therein) can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The karyological survey of the Spanish taxa of Lithospermeae is completed with studies of OnosmaL., Cerinthe L. And Alkanna Tausch. The chromosome number of O. Tricerosperma Lag.subsp. tricerosperma is reported for the first time and those of C.gymnandra Gasparr. And A. Tinctoria (L.) Tausch have been counted for the first time in Spanish material.
Con este trabajo se completa el estudio cariologico de los taxones espanoles de Lithospermeae. Se estudian los correspondientes a OnosmaL., CerintheL. y Alkanna Tausch, de ellos, el niimero cromosomico de 0. Tricerosperma Lag.subsp. tricerosperma se indica por primera vez y los de C.gymnandra Gasparr.y A. Tinctoria (L.) Tausch corresponden al primer recuento con material espanol.  相似文献   

The variability of ectexine sculpture in the pollen of Jaborosa runcinata (Solanaceae) was studied with light and scanning electron microscopy. Three main ectexine variants are recognized: incomplete reticulate, a combination of incomplete reticulate and gemmate‐granular, and gemmate‐granular. A range of transient conditions were also noted between the two extremes. Apertures vary from a basically triporate‐aspidate arrangement to pollen grains which appear to have a rudimentary colpus. The sculptural variability of the ectexine, and a tendency towards a colpus, in J. runcinata are interesting as intraspecific variation does not appear to be common within Solanaceae.  相似文献   

LUQUE, T. & VALDÉS, B., 1984. Karyological studies on Spanish Boraginaceae: Lithospenum L. sensu lato . All of the Spanish taxa of Lithospermum L. sensu lato (Lithospermum sensu stricto, Neatostema, Buglossoides and Lithodora ), with the exception of Buglossoides gartonii (Bentham) I. M. Johnston, have been studied karyologically. The karyological characters allow the separation of three groups which do not correspond exactly with the morphological limits of the four genera actually recognized for Spain within Lithospermum sensu lato .
Se estudian cariológicamente los taxones españoles de Lithospermum L. sensu lato (Lithospennum sensu stricto, Neatostema, Buglossoides y Lithodora ), salvo Buglossoides gastonii (Bentham) I. M. Johnston. Por los caracteres cariológicos se pueden separar tres grupos cuyos límites no coinciden exactamente con los de los cuatro géneros actualrnente reconocidos para España dentro de Lithospcnum sensu lato .  相似文献   

Characidium fishes with a sex chromosome system form a monophyletic group. This work presents data of Characidium lanei from the South Atlantic basin (Brazil), including an unknown type of ZW sex chromosome system for the groups including the presence of rDNA sites on sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Nineteen populations of fifteen species ofGentiana sect.Chondrophyllae from China were observed cytologically.Gentiana alsinoides, G. anisostemon, G. asterocalyx, G. exigua, G. heterostemon, G. intricata, G. praticola, G. pseudoaquatica, G. spathulifolia, andG. subintricata all had the same chromosome number of 2n = 20 (or n = 10), whereasG. piasezkii had 2n = 36,G. squarrosa 2n = 38,G. prattii 2n = 18,G. aristata 2n = 14 (n = 7), andG. heleonastes 2n = 12. All these chromosome numbers are documented here for the first time, except forG. squarrosa, where it is a new number report. The basic numbers of x = 6, x = 7 and x = 19 are new for the section. Karyotype analyses of some species revealed that, except for a few cases, the species examined mainly had metacentric chromosomes. 2n = 20 = 2m(SAT) + 18m was found to be the main type of karyotype for the species with 2n = 20. Chromosomal evolution and its mechanism in this section are also discussed.  相似文献   

The suborder Heteroptera constitutes one of the most important insect groups because most species are plants feeders and cause damage on many plants of economic importance. One of the most important cytogenetic characteristics of Heteroptera is the holokinetic nature of the chromosomes. One particular feature of some species of Pentatomidae is the regular presence of an abnormal meiosis in one testicular lobe (harlequin lobe). From the 28 species cytogenetically analysed from Argentine material, 21 present the diploid number 2 n  = 14, four species present a reduced number (2 n  = 12) and another three species possess an increased diploid number (2 n  = 16); among all these only three present an harlequin lobe. In the present work, a bibliographic review of the chromosome number and sex determining system of 294 species and subspecies belonging to 121 genera within the subfamilies Asopinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, Phyllocephalinae and Podopinae is presented. The male diploid numbers range from six to 27 with a mode in 14 chromosomes; this last diploid number is present in 85% of the species. The sex chromosome determining system is XY/XX except in three species: Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803), Rhytidolomia senilis (Say, 1832) and Thyanta calceata (Say, 1832) which present derived sex chromosome systems. Furthermore, the cytogenetic relationships with the other families of Pentatomoidea are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers in 80 populations belonging to 18 species of Potentilla L. subgen. Potentilla from the Iberian Peninsula and two of P. maura, a North African endemic taxon, have been counted. The basic number of chromosomes is always x = 7 and these chromosomes are small (between 1 and 2 μm). For three species, the number of chromosomes is reported for the first time and, for another six, this number has been established in Iberian representatives. Moreover, new ploidy levels have been obtained for P. hispanica and P. crantzii with regard to their entire distribution area, and in P. cinerea and P. neumanniana for the Iberian Peninsula. Some taxonomic, phylogenetic and phytogeographic comments are made for several species or groups of species from the West Mediterranean region. In 13 species only one ploidy level has been found, but six species have several ploidy levels. Seven ploidy levels occur in the investigated taxa. The frequency of each ploidy level represented within Iberian Potentilla is analysed and the data are compared with those available for taxa from the rest of the distribution area of the genus.  相似文献   

Two largely independent studies of chromosomes from natural populations of Anopheles maculatus provide evidence for several genetic species within the taxon. (1) Polytene chromosome variation shows four different rearrangements of arm 2 and three rearrangements of the X chromosome. There is strong evidence for three species. Two allopatric populations represent either dramatic geographic variation for two independent inversion systems within one of the genetic species, or represent two additional species. Their species status remains unresolved by this work. (2) Heterochromatic variation occurs in both X and Y chromosomes as revealed by Giemsa-banding of mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The distribution and association of these various sex chromosomes give further evidence of a species complex. A preliminary correlation of these two kinds of chromosomal variation is given.  相似文献   

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