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Bo Li  Sean?X. Sun 《Biophysical journal》2014,107(7):1532-1541
Cell migration plays a pivotal role in many physiologically important processes such as embryogenesis, wound-healing, immune defense, and cancer metastasis. Although much effort has been directed toward motility of individual cells, the mechanisms underpinning collective cell migration remain poorly understood. Here we develop a collective motility model that incorporates cell mechanics and persistent random motions of individual cells to study coherent migratory motions in epithelial-like monolayers. This model, in absence of any external chemical signals, is able to explain coordinate rotational motion seen in systems ranging from two adherent cells to multicellular assemblies. We show that the competition between the active persistent force and random polarization fluctuation is responsible for the robust rotation. Passive mechanical coupling between cells is necessary but active chemical signaling between cells is not. The predicted angular motions also depend on the geometrical shape of the underlying substrate: cells exhibit collective rotation on circular substrates, but display linear back-and-forth motion on long and narrow substrates.  相似文献   

Coherent angular rotation of epithelial cells is thought to contribute to many vital physiological processes including tissue morphogenesis and glandular formation. However, factors regulating this motion, and the implications of this motion if perturbed, remain incompletely understood. In the current study, we address these questions using a cell-center based model in which cells are polarized, motile, and interact with the neighboring cells via harmonic forces. We demonstrate that, a simple evolution rule in which the polarization of any cell tends to orient with its velocity vector can induce coherent motion in geometrically confined environments. In addition to recapitulating coherent rotational motion observed in experiments, our results also show the presence of radial movements and tissue behavior that can vary between solid-like and fluid-like. We show that the pattern of coherent motion is dictated by the combination of different physical parameters including number density, cell motility, system size, bulk cell stiffness and stiffness of cell-cell adhesions. We further observe that perturbations in the form of cell division can induce a reversal in the direction of motion when cell division occurs synchronously. Moreover, when the confinement is removed, we see that the existing coherent motion leads to cell scattering, with bulk cell stiffness and stiffness of cell-cell contacts dictating the invasion pattern. In summary, our study provides an in-depth understanding of the origin of coherent rotation in confined tissues, and extracts useful insights into the influence of various physical parameters on the pattern of such movements.  相似文献   

Cell sheet engineering is attracting attention from investigators in various fields, from basic research scientists to clinicians focused on regenerative medicine. However, hepatocytes have a limited proliferation potential in vitro, and it generally takes a several days to form a sheet morphology and multi-layered sheets. We herein report our rapid and efficient technique for generating multi-layered human hepatic cell (HepaRG® cell) sheets using pre-cultured fibroblast monolayers derived from human skin (TIG-118 cells) as a feeder layer on a temperature-responsive culture dish. Multi-layered TIG-118/HepaRG cell sheets with a thick morphology were harvested on day 4 of culturing HepaRG cells by forceful contraction of the TIG-118 cells, and the resulting sheet could be easily handled. In addition, the human albumin and alpha 1-antitrypsin synthesis activities of TIG-118/HepaRG cells were approximately 1.2 and 1.3 times higher than those of HepaRG cells, respectively. Therefore, this technique is considered to be a promising modality for rapidly fabricating multi-layered human hepatocyte sheets from cells with limited proliferation potential, and the engineered cell sheet could be used for cell transplantation with highly specific functions.  相似文献   

Mechanical forces influence the development and behavior of biological tissues. In many situations, these forces are exerted or resisted by elastic compliant structures such as the own-tissue cellular matrix or other surrounding tissues. This kind of tissue-elastic body interactions are also at the core of many state-of-the-art in situ force measurement techniques employed in biophysics. This creates the need to model tissue interaction with the surrounding elastic bodies that exert these forces, raising the question of which are the minimal ingredients needed to describe such interactions. We conduct experiments in which migrating cell monolayers push on carbon fibers as a model problem. Although the migrating tissue is able to bend the fiber for some time, it eventually recoils before coming to a stop. This stop occurs when cells have performed a fixed mechanical work on the fiber, regardless of its stiffness. Based on these observations, we develop a minimal active-fluid model that reproduces the experiments and predicts quantitatively relevant features of the system. This minimal model points out the essential ingredients needed to describe tissue-elastic solid interactions: an effective inertia and viscous stresses.  相似文献   

A simple radiometric procedure for study of acid-insoluble products synthesized in monolayer cell cultures is described. Cell cultures were produced directly on the bottom surface of scintillation vials or on glass cover slips (8 X 30 mm). The cells were labeled and extracted; the radioactivity was determined while the cells remained affixed to the glass surface upon which they were grown. This procedure enabled rapid investigations of certain biosynthetic processes to be carried out by using many individual cell cultures. The method was applied to an investigation of (3)H-thymidine incorporation induced by vaccinia virus in a 5-bromodeoxyuridine-resistant cell line. (14)C-labeling was evaluated as an alternate procedure for cell quantitation.  相似文献   

The ability of epithelia to migrate and cover wounds is essential to maintaining their functions as physical barriers. Wounding induces many cues that may affect the transition to motility, including the immediate mechanical perturbation, release of material from broken cells, new interactions with adjacent extracellular matrix, and breakdown of physical separation of ligands from their receptors. Depending on the exact nature of wounds, some cues may be present only transiently or insignificantly. In many epithelia, activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a central event in induction of motility, and we find that its continuous activation is required for progression of healing of wounds in sheets of corneal epithelial cells. Here, we examine the hypothesis that edges, which are universally and continuously present in wounds, are a cue. Using a novel culture model we find that their presence is sufficient to cause activation of the EGFR and increased motility of cells in the absence of other cues. Edges that are bordered by agarose do not induce activation of the EGFR, indicating that activation is not due to loss of any specific type of cell–cell interaction but rather due to loss of physical constraints.  相似文献   

Cultured epidermal cell sheets (CECS) are used in regenerative medicine in patients with burns, and have potential to treat limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), as demonstrated in animal models. Despite widespread use, short-term storage options for CECS are limited. Advantages of storage include: flexibility in scheduling surgery, reserve sheets for repeat operations, more opportunity for quality control, and improved transportation to allow wider distribution. Studies on storage of CECS have thus far focused on cryopreservation, whereas refrigeration is a convenient method commonly used for whole skin graft storage in burns clinics. It has been shown that preservation of viable cells using these methods is variable. This study evaluated the effect of different temperatures spanning 4°C to 37°C, on the cell viability, morphology, proliferation and metabolic status of CECS stored over a two week period in a xenobiotic–free system. Compared to non-stored control, best cell viability was obtained at 24°C (95.2±9.9%); reduced cell viability, at approximately 60%, was demonstrated at several of the temperatures (12°C, 28°C, 32°C and 37°C). Metabolic activity was significantly higher between 24°C and 37°C, where glucose, lactate, lactate/glucose ratios, and oxygen tension indicated increased activation of the glycolytic pathway under aerobic conditions. Preservation of morphology as shown by phase contrast and scanning electron micrographs was best at 12°C and 16°C. PCNA immunocytochemistry indicated that only 12°C and 20°C allowed maintenance of proliferative function at a similar level to non-stored control. In conclusion, results indicate that 12°C and 24°C merit further investigation as the prospective optimum temperature for short-term storage of cultured epidermal cell sheets.  相似文献   

A culture of Puccinia coronata on an epidermal cell monolayer dissected from the Avena sativa caleoptile is described. To induce fungal development, infection structure formation had to be induced with a heat treatment. The host cells were fed with 1 % sucrose (or glucose or manitol) to sustain fungal growth. Under these conditions, normal development of hyphae, haustoria with haustorial mother cells and uredospores occurred. Uredospores had normal infectivity.  相似文献   

大鼠胚胎神经干细胞单克隆化及单层化培养和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用原代培养SD胎鼠神经干细胞,在形成神经球之后,传代至0.1%明胶包被的培养皿,显微镜下挑取一个神经球贴壁后的细胞团,吹打后贴壁培养.同样方法挑细胞团并传代培养5~6次,得到纯化的由一个神经干细胞扩增的克隆,对得到的神经干细胞进行鉴定以及分化能力的评估,证明得到的细胞就是神经干细胞.结果表明,成功分离了SD胎鼠的神经干细胞,进行单克隆化单层培养,神经干细胞和分化后的细胞标志基因都可以检测到.上述工作为疾病模型大鼠治疗及相关基础研究提供细胞来源及形态标准.  相似文献   

Plastic containers are widely used for monolayer cell culture. In situ embedding, the obvious method of choice for subsequent ultrastructural study, has been achieved by Brinkley et al. (1967) using Epon as a final embedding medium and water soluble acrylates as intermediates. Although the results are satisfactory, the method has two drawbacks: firstly, the water soluble acrylates are difficult to get, and secondly, removal of the plastic container is possible only with blocks already cut off for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Understanding the basic mechanism of the spatio-temporal self-control of genome-wide gene expression engaged with the complex epigenetic molecular assembly is one of major challenges in current biological science. In this study, the genome-wide dynamical profile of gene expression was analyzed for MCF-7 breast cancer cells induced by two distinct ErbB receptor ligands: epidermal growth factor (EGF) and heregulin (HRG), which drive cell proliferation and differentiation, respectively. We focused our attention to elucidate how global genetic responses emerge and to decipher what is an underlying principle for dynamic self-control of genome-wide gene expression. The whole mRNA expression was classified into about a hundred groups according to the root mean square fluctuation (rmsf). These expression groups showed characteristic time-dependent correlations, indicating the existence of collective behaviors on the ensemble of genes with respect to mRNA expression and also to temporal changes in expression. All-or-none responses were observed for HRG and EGF (biphasic statistics) at around 10–20 min. The emergence of time-dependent collective behaviors of expression occurred through bifurcation of a coherent expression state (CES). In the ensemble of mRNA expression, the self-organized CESs reveals distinct characteristic expression domains for biphasic statistics, which exhibits notably the presence of criticality in the expression profile as a route for genomic transition. In time-dependent changes in the expression domains, the dynamics of CES reveals that the temporal development of the characteristic domains is characterized as autonomous bistable switch, which exhibits dynamic criticality (the temporal development of criticality) in the genome-wide coherent expression dynamics. It is expected that elucidation of the biophysical origin for such critical behavior sheds light on the underlying mechanism of the control of whole genome.  相似文献   

The swimming motions of cells within Bacillus subtilis colonies, as well as the associated fluid flows, were analyzed from video films produced during colony growth and expansion on wet agar surfaces. Individual cells in very wet dense populations moved at rates between 76 and 116 μm/s. Swimming cells were organized into patterns of whirls, each approximately 1,000 μm2, and jets of about 95 by 12 μm. Whirls and jets were short-lived, lasting only about 0.25 s. Patterns within given areas constantly repeated with a periodicity of approximately 1 s. Whirls of a given direction became disorganized and then re-formed, usually into whirls moving in the opposite direction. Pattern elements were also organized with respect to one another in the colony. Neighboring whirls usually turned in opposite directions. This correlation decreased as a function of distance between whirls. Fluid flows associated with whirls and jets were measured by observing the movement of marker latex spheres added to colonies. The average velocity of markers traveling in whirls was 19 μm/s, whereas those traveling in jets moved at 27 μm/s. The paths followed by markers were aligned with the direction of cell motion, suggesting that cells create flows moving with them into whirls and along jets. When colonies became dry, swimming motions ceased except in regions close to the periphery and in isolated islands where cells traveled in slow whirls at about 4 μm/s. The addition of water resulted in immediate though transient rapid swimming (> 80 μm/s) in characteristic whirl and jet patterns. The rate of swimming decreased to 13 μm/s within 2 min, however, as the water diffused into the agar. Organized swimming patterns were nevertheless preserved throughout this period. These findings show that cell swimming in colonies is highly organized.  相似文献   

目的:观察脉冲Nd:YAG激光照射体外单层培养KB细胞后的形态改变及损伤后HSP70,c-Fos的表达情况,初步探讨较强脉冲激光对细胞的损伤效应及损伤修复机制。方法:建立单层培养细胞的脉冲Nd:YAG激光损伤模型,每个脉冲能量密度为160J/cm^2~186J/cm^2或220J/cm^2~257J/cm^2,分别于照后即刻、2h和6h,用台盼蓝染色、TUNEL检测分析该激光对KB细胞的损伤特点,免疫组化法检测HSP70,c-Fos的表达水平。结果:当照射剂量为220J/ecm^2~257J/cm^2时,照后即刻,光斑中央细胞形态严重破坏,直接坏死;周围细胞形态未发生明显改变。2h后周围细胞TUNEL。着色也增强,呈强阳性。照后6h光斑中央及周围细胞着色均减弱。TUNEL着色区直径随时间先扩大后缩小。当照射剂量为160J/cm^2~186J/cm^2时,细胞内HSP70、c-Fos表达随时问先显著增强,而后减弱至正常。结论:脉冲Nd:YAG激光在所选剂量下,可以引起单层KB细胞的损伤,包括即刻坏死、延迟性死亡及可逆性损伤。HSP70、c-Fos的高表达说明它们在保护受损细胞、修复激光所致损伤中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

A synthetic neuraminidase substrate [2-(3'-methoxyphenyl)-N-acetyl-alpha-neuraminic acid] was used to detect myxo- and paramyxovirus replication in tissue culture. This method allowed estimation of viral growth even in the absence of cytopathogenic effects.  相似文献   

We have determined the complex sequence of events from the point of injury until reepithelialization in axolotl skin explant model and shown that cell layers move coherently driven by cell swelling after injury. We quantified three-dimensional cell migration using correlation spectroscopy and resolved complex dynamics such as the formation of dislocation points and concerted cell motion. We quantified relative behavior such as velocities and swelling of cells as a function of cell layer during healing. We propose that increased cell volume (∼37% at the basal layer) is the driving impetus for the start of cell migration after injury where the enlarged cells produce a point of dislocation that foreshadows and dictates the initial direction of the migrating cells. Globally, the cells follow a concerted vortex motion that is maintained after wound closure. Our results suggest that cell volume changes the migration of the cells after injury.  相似文献   

The structural investigation of noncrystalline, soft biological matter using x-rays is of rapidly increasing interest. Large-scale x-ray sources, such as synchrotrons and x-ray free electron lasers, are becoming ever brighter and make the study of such weakly scattering materials more feasible. Variants of coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) are particularly attractive, as the absence of an objective lens between sample and detector ensures that no x-ray photons scattered by a sample are lost in a limited-efficiency imaging system. Furthermore, the reconstructed complex image contains quantitative density information, most directly accessible through its phase, which is proportional to the projected electron density of the sample. If applied in three dimensions, CDI can thus recover the sample''s electron density distribution. As the extension to three dimensions is accompanied by a considerable dose applied to the sample, cryogenic cooling is necessary to optimize the structural preservation of a unique sample in the beam. This, however, imposes considerable technical challenges on the experimental realization. Here, we show a route toward the solution of these challenges using ptychographic CDI (PCDI), a scanning variant of coherent imaging. We present an experimental demonstration of the combination of three-dimensional structure determination through PCDI with a cryogenically cooled biological sample—a budding yeast cell (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)—using hard (7.9 keV) synchrotron x-rays. This proof-of-principle demonstration in particular illustrates the potential of PCDI for highly sensitive, quantitative three-dimensional density determination of cryogenically cooled, hydrated, and unstained biological matter and paves the way to future studies of unique, nonreproducible biological cells at higher resolution.  相似文献   

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