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There is a growing interest in understanding the properties of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs); however, the characterization of these states remains an open challenge. IDPs appear to have functional roles that diverge from those of folded proteins and revolve around their ability to act as hubs for protein-protein interactions. To gain a better understanding of the modes of binding of IDPs, we combined statistical mechanics, calorimetry, and NMR spectroscopy to investigate the recognition and binding of a fragment from the disordered protein Gab2 by the growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), a key interaction for normal cell signaling and cancer development. Structural ensemble refinement by NMR chemical shifts, thermodynamics measurements, and analysis of point mutations indicated that the population of preexisting bound conformations in the free-state ensemble of Gab2 is an essential determinant for recognition and binding by Grb2. A key role was found for transient polyproline II (PPII) structures and extended conformations. Our findings are likely to have very general implications for the biological behavior of IDPs in light of the evidence that a large fraction of these proteins possess a specific propensity to form PPII and to adopt conformations that are more extended than the typical random-coil states.  相似文献   

Tau is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) whose primary physiological role is to stabilize microtubules in neuronal axons at all stages of development. In Alzheimer''s and other tauopathies, tau forms intracellular insoluble amyloid aggregates known as neurofibrillary tangles, a process that appears in many cases to be preceded by hyperphosphorylation of tau monomers. Understanding the shift in conformational bias induced by hyperphosphorylation is key to elucidating the structural factors that drive tau pathology, however, as an IDP, tau is not amenable to conventional structural characterization. In this work, we employ a straightforward technique based on Time-Resolved ElectroSpray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TRESI-MS) and Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange (HDX) to provide a detailed picture of residual structure in tau, and the shifts in conformational bias induced by hyperphosphorylation. By comparing the native and hyperphosphorylated ensembles, we are able to define specific conformational biases that can easily be rationalized as enhancing amyloidogenic propensity. Representative structures for the native and hyperphosphorylated tau ensembles were generated by refinement of a broad sample of conformations generated by low-computational complexity modeling, based on agreement with the TRESI-HDX profiles.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) recognize their partners through molecular recognition elements (MoREs). The MoRE of the C-terminal intrinsically disordered domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein (NTAIL) is partly pre-configured as an α-helix in the free form and undergoes α-helical folding upon binding to the X domain (XD) of the viral phosphoprotein. Beyond XD, NTAIL also binds the major inducible heat shock protein 70 (hsp70). So far, no structural information is available for the NTAIL/hsp70 complex. Using mutational studies combined with a protein complementation assay based on green fluorescent protein reconstitution, we have investigated both NTAIL/XD and NTAIL/hsp70 interactions. Although the same NTAIL region binds the two partners, the binding mechanisms are different. Hsp70 binding is much more tolerant of MoRE substitutions than XD, and the majority of substitutions lead to an increased NTAIL/hsp70 interaction strength. Furthermore, while an increased and a decreased α-helicity of the MoRE lead to enhanced and reduced interaction strength with XD, respectively, the impact on hsp70 binding is negligible, suggesting that the MoRE does not adopt an α-helical conformation once bound to hsp70. Here, by showing that the α-helical conformation sampled by the free form of the MoRE does not systematically commit it to adopt an α-helical conformation in the bound form, we provide an example of partner-mediated polymorphism of an IDP and of the relative insensitiveness of the bound structure to the pre-recognition state. The present results therefore contribute to shed light on the molecular mechanisms by which IDPs recognize different partners.  相似文献   

The relationship between helical stability and binding affinity was examined for the intrinsically disordered transactivation domain of the myeloblastosis oncoprotein, c-Myb, and its ordered binding partner, KIX. A series of c-Myb mutants was designed to either increase or decrease helical stability without changing the binding interface with KIX. This included a complimentary series of A, G, P, and V mutants at three non-interacting sites. We were able to use the glycine mutants as a reference state and show a strong correlation between binding affinity and helical stability. The intrinsic helicity of c-Myb is 21%, and helicity values of the mutants ranged from 8% to 28%. The c-Myb helix is divided into two conformationally distinct segments. The N-terminal segment, from K291–L301, has an average helicity greater than 60% and the C-terminal segment, from S304–L315, has an average helicity less than 10%. We observed different effects on binding when these two segments were mutated. Mutants in the N-terminal segment that increased helicity had no effect on the binding affinity to KIX, while helix destabilizing glycine and proline mutants reduced binding affinity by more than 1 kcal/mol. Mutants that either increased or decreased helical stability in the C-terminal segment had almost no effect on binding. However, several of the mutants reveal the presence of multiple conformations accessible in the bound state based on changes in enthalpy and linkage analysis of binding free energies. These results may explain the high level of sequence identity (> 90%), even at non-interacting sites, for c-Myb homologues.  相似文献   

Prostate-associated gene 4 (PAGE4) is an intrinsically disordered cancer/testis antigen that is up-regulated in the fetal and diseased human prostate. Knocking down PAGE4 expression results in cell death, whereas its overexpression leads to a growth advantage of prostate cancer cells (Zeng, Y., He, Y., Yang, F., Mooney, S. M., Getzenberg, R. H., Orban, J., and Kulkarni, P. (2011) The cancer/testis antigen prostate-associated gene 4 (PAGE4) is a highly intrinsically disordered protein. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 13985–13994). Phosphorylation of PAGE4 at Thr-51 is critical for potentiating c-Jun transactivation, an important factor in controlling cell growth, apoptosis, and stress response. Using NMR spectroscopy, we show that the PAGE4 polypeptide chain has local and long-range conformational preferences that are perturbed by site-specific phosphorylation at Thr-51. The population of transient turn-like structures increases upon phosphorylation in an ∼20-residue acidic region centered on Thr-51. This central region therefore becomes more compact and more negatively charged, with increasing intramolecular contacts to basic sequence motifs near the N and C termini. Although flexibility is decreased in the central region of phospho-PAGE4, the polypeptide chain remains highly dynamic overall. PAGE4 utilizes a transient helical structure adjacent to the central acidic region to bind c-Jun with low affinity in vitro. The binding interaction is attenuated by phosphorylation at Thr-51, most likely because of masking the effects of the more compact phosphorylated state. Therefore, phosphorylation of PAGE4 leads to conformational shifts in the dynamic ensemble, with large functional consequences. The changes in the structural ensemble induced by posttranslational modifications are similar conceptually to the conformational switching events seen in some marginally stable (“metamorphic”) folded proteins in response to mutation or environmental triggers.  相似文献   

Tau is an intrinsically disordered protein implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases. The repeat domain fragment of tau, tau-K18, is known to undergo a disorder to order transition in the presence of lipid micelles and vesicles, in which helices form in each of the repeat domains. Here, the mechanism of helical structure formation, induced by a phospholipid mimetic, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at sub-micellar concentrations, has been studied using multiple biophysical probes. A study of the conformational dynamics of the disordered state, using photoinduced electron transfer coupled to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (PET-FCS) has indicated the presence of an intermediate state, I, in equilibrium with the unfolded state, U. The cooperative binding of the ligand (L), SDS, to I has been shown to induce the formation of a compact, helical intermediate (IL5) within the dead time (∼37 µs) of a continuous flow mixer. Quantitative analysis of the PET-FCS data and the ensemble microsecond kinetic data, suggests that the mechanism of induction of helical structure can be described by a U ↔ I ↔ IL5 ↔ FL5 mechanism, in which the final helical state, FL5, forms from IL5 with a time constant of 50–200 µs. Finally, it has been shown that the helical conformation is an aggregation-competent state that can directly form amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein Pup targets substrates for degradation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteasome through its interaction with Mpa, an ATPase that is thought to abut the 20S catalytic subunit. Ubiquitin, which is assembled into a polymer to similarly signal for proteasomal degradation in eukaryotes, adopts a stable and compact structural fold that is adapted into other proteins for diverse biological functions. We used NMR spectroscopy to demonstrate that, unlike ubiquitin, the 64-amino-acid protein Pup is intrinsically disordered with small helical propensity in the C-terminal region. We found that the Pup:Mpa interaction involves an extensive contact surface that spans S21-K61 and that the binding is in the “slow exchange” regime on the NMR time scale, thus demonstrating higher affinity than most ubiquitin:ubiquitin receptor pairs. Interestingly, during the titration experiment, intermediate Pup species were observable, suggesting the formation of one or more transient state(s) upon binding. Moreover, Mpa selected one configuration for a region undergoing chemical exchange in the free protein. These findings provide mechanistic insights into Pup's functional role as a degradation signal.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(12):2952-2965
Intrinsically disordered proteins are proteins whose native functional states represent ensembles of highly diverse conformations. Such ensembles are a challenge for quantitative structure comparisons because their conformational diversity precludes optimal superimposition of the atomic coordinates necessary for deriving common similarity measures such as the root mean-square deviation of these coordinates. Here, we introduce superimposition-free metrics that are based on computing matrices of the Cα-Cα distance distributions within ensembles and comparing these matrices between ensembles. Differences between two matrices yield information on the similarity between specific regions of the polypeptide, whereas the global structural similarity is captured by the root mean-square difference between the medians of the Cα-Cα distance distributions of two ensembles. Together, our metrics enable rigorous investigations of structure-function relationships in conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins derived using experimental restraints or by molecular simulations and for proteins containing both structured and disordered regions.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a δ-proteobacterium that preys upon Salmonella spp., E. coli, and other Gram-negative bacteria. Bdellovibrio can grow axenically (host-independent, HI, rare and mutation-driven) or subsist via a predatory lifecycle (host-dependent, HD, the usual case). Upon contact with prey, B. bacteriovorus enters the host periplasm from where it slowly drains the host cytosol of nutrients for its own replication. At the core of this mechanism is a retractile pilus, whose architecture is regulated by the protein Bd0108 and its interaction with the neighboring gene product Bd0109. Deletion of bd0108 results in negligible pilus formation, whereas an internal deletion (the one that instigates host-independence) causes mis-regulation of pilus length. These mutations, along with a suite of naturally occurring bd0108 mutant strains, act to control the entry to HI growth. To further study the molecular mechanism of predatory regulation, we focused on the apparent lifecycle switch protein Bd0108. Here we characterize the solution structure and dynamics of Bd0108 using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy complemented with additional biophysical methods. We then explore the interaction between Bd0108 and Bd0109 in detail utilizing isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and NMR spectroscopy. Together our results demonstrate that Bd0108 is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) and that the interaction with Bd0109 is of low affinity. Furthermore, we observe that Bd0108 retains an IDP nature while binding Bd0109. From our data we conclude that Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus utilizes an intrinsically disordered protein to regulate its pilus and control predation signaling.  相似文献   

The human proteome contains myriad intrinsically disordered proteins. Within intrinsically disordered proteins, polyproline-II motifs are often located near sites of phosphorylation. We have used an unconventional experimental paradigm to discover that phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) occurs in the intrinsically disordered domain of hepatitis C virus non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) on Thr-2332 near one of its polyproline-II motifs. Phosphorylation shifts the conformational ensemble of the NS5A intrinsically disordered domain to a state that permits detection of the polyproline motif by using 15N-, 13C-based multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. PKA-dependent proline resonances were lost in the presence of the Src homology 3 domain of c-Src, consistent with formation of a complex. Changing Thr-2332 to alanine in hepatitis C virus genotype 1b reduced the steady-state level of RNA by 10-fold; this change was lethal for genotype 2a. The lethal phenotype could be rescued by changing Thr-2332 to glutamic acid, a phosphomimetic substitution. Immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy showed that the inability to produce Thr(P)-2332-NS5A caused loss of integrity of the virus-induced membranous web/replication organelle. An even more extreme phenotype was observed in the presence of small molecule inhibitors of PKA. We conclude that the PKA-phosphorylated form of NS5A exhibits unique structure and function relative to the unphosphorylated protein. We suggest that post-translational modification of viral proteins containing intrinsic disorder may be a general mechanism to expand the viral proteome without a corresponding expansion of the genome.  相似文献   

In this study, a naturally unsecretory intrinsically disordered domain of nucleoskeletal-like protein (Nsp) was attempted to be secreted with different types of secretion signals in Bacillus subtilis. The results showed that Nsp can be secreted efficiently by all selected Sec-type signal peptides. Nsp was successfully exported when fused to Tat-type signal peptides but less efficient than Sec-type. The fusion protein with the non-classical extracellular proteins can be detected in the cell and extracellular milieu. This study further demonstrated that the mature protein plays an important role in protein secretion. Moreover, these results indicated that Nsp could be a useful tool to understand the individual roles of mature proteins and signal peptide in protein secretion, to evaluate the effect of conformation of mature proteins on their export pathway when coupled with Tat-type signal peptide, and to seek the signal of non-classical secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Nodamura Virus (NoV) is a nodavirus originally isolated from insects that can replicate in a wide variety of hosts, including mammals. Because of their simplicity and ability to replicate in many diverse hosts, NoV, and the Nodaviridae in general, provide a unique window into the evolution of viruses and host-virus interactions. Here we show that the C-terminus of the viral polymerase exhibits extreme structural and evolutionary flexibility. Indeed, fewer than 10 positively charged residues from the 110 amino acid-long C-terminal region of protein A are required to support RNA1 replication. Strikingly, this region can be replaced by completely unrelated protein sequences, yet still produce a functional replicase. Structure predictions, as well as evolutionary and mutational analyses, indicate that the C-terminal region is structurally disordered and evolves faster than the rest of the viral proteome. Thus, the function of an intrinsically unstructured protein region can be independent of most of its primary sequence, conferring both functional robustness and sequence plasticity on the protein. Our results provide an experimental explanation for rapid evolution of unstructured regions, which enables an effective exploration of the sequence space, and likely function space, available to the virus.  相似文献   

Proteins and synthetic polymers can undergo phase transitions in response to changes to intensive solution parameters such as temperature, proton chemical potentials (pH), and hydrostatic pressure. For proteins and protein-based polymers, the information required for stimulus-responsive phase transitions is encoded in their amino acid sequence. Here, we review some of the key physical principles that govern the phase transitions of archetypal intrinsically disordered protein polymers (IDPPs). These are disordered proteins with repetitive amino acid sequences. Advances in recombinant technologies have enabled the design and synthesis of protein sequences of a variety of sequence complexities and lengths. We summarize insights that have been gleaned from the design and characterization of IDPPs that undergo thermo-responsive phase transitions and build on these insights to present a general framework for IDPPs with pH and pressure responsive phase behavior. In doing so, we connect the stimulus-responsive phase behavior of IDPPs with repetitive sequences to the coil-to-globule transitions that these sequences undergo at the single-chain level in response to changes in stimuli. The proposed framework and ongoing studies of stimulus-responsive phase behavior of designed IDPPs have direct implications in bioengineering, where designing sequences with bespoke material properties broadens the spectrum of applications, and in biology and medicine for understanding the sequence-specific driving forces for the formation of protein-based membraneless organelles as well as biological matrices that act as scaffolds for cells and mediators of cell-to-cell communication.  相似文献   

Achieving facile specific recognition is essential for intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that are involved in cellular signaling and regulation. Consideration of the physical time scales of protein folding and diffusion-limited protein-protein encounter has suggested that the frequent requirement of protein folding for specific IDP recognition could lead to kinetic bottlenecks. How IDPs overcome such potential kinetic bottlenecks to viably function in signaling and regulation in general is poorly understood. Our recent computational and experimental study of cell-cycle regulator p27 (Ganguly et al., J. Mol. Biol. (2012)) demonstrated that long-range electrostatic forces exerted on enriched charges of IDPs could accelerate protein-protein encounter via “electrostatic steering” and at the same time promote “folding-competent” encounter topologies to enhance the efficiency of IDP folding upon encounter. Here, we further investigated the coupled binding and folding mechanisms and the roles of electrostatic forces in the formation of three IDP complexes with more complex folded topologies. The surface electrostatic potentials of these complexes lack prominent features like those observed for the p27/Cdk2/cyclin A complex to directly suggest the ability of electrostatic forces to facilitate folding upon encounter. Nonetheless, similar electrostatically accelerated encounter and folding mechanisms were consistently predicted for all three complexes using topology-based coarse-grained simulations. Together with our previous analysis of charge distributions in known IDP complexes, our results support a prevalent role of electrostatic interactions in promoting efficient coupled binding and folding for facile specific recognition. These results also suggest that there is likely a co-evolution of IDP folded topology, charge characteristics, and coupled binding and folding mechanisms, driven at least partially by the need to achieve fast association kinetics for cellular signaling and regulation.  相似文献   

Conformational malleability allows intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) to respond agilely to their environments, such as nonspecifically interacting with in vivo bystander macromolecules (or crowders). Previous studies have emphasized conformational compaction of IDPs due to steric repulsion by macromolecular crowders, but effects of soft attraction are largely unexplored. Here we studied the conformational ensembles of the IDP FlgM in both polymer and protein crowders by small-angle neutron scattering. As crowder concentrations increased, the mean radius of gyration of FlgM first decreased but then exhibited an uptick. Ensemble optimization modeling indicated that FlgM conformations under protein crowding segregated into two distinct populations, one compacted and one extended. Coarse-grained simulations showed that compacted conformers fit into an interstitial void and occasionally bind to a surrounding crowder, whereas extended conformers snake through interstitial crevices and bind multiple crowders simultaneously. Crowder-induced conformational segregation may facilitate various cellular functions of IDPs.  相似文献   

In peroxisomes, peroxins (PEXs) 3 and 19 are the principal protein components of the machinery required for early peroxisomal biogenesis. For further insight into the interaction of PEX3 and PEX19, we used hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry to monitor conformational changes during complex formation between PEX3 and PEX19 in vitro. Our data showed that PEX19 remained highly flexible during interaction with PEX3. However, we could detect three changes, one each in the N-and C-terminus along with a small stretch in the middle of PEX19 (F64–L74) which became shielded from hydrogen exchange when interacting with PEX3. PEX3 became more protected from hydrogen exchange in the binding groove for PEX19 with only small changes elsewhere. Most likely the N-terminus of PEX19 initiates the binding to PEX3, and then subtle conformational changes in PEX3 affect the surface of the PEX3 molecule. PEX19 in turn, is stabilized by folding of a short helix and its C-terminal folding core permitting PEX19 to bind to PEX3 with higher affinity than just the N-terminal interaction allows. Thus within the cell, PEX3 is stabilized by PEX19 preventing PEX3 aggregation.  相似文献   

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