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Adaptive immune responses are initiated by triggering of the T cell receptor. Single-molecule imaging based on total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy at coverslip/basal cell interfaces is commonly used to study this process. These experiments have suggested, unexpectedly, that the diffusional behavior and organization of signaling proteins and receptors may be constrained before activation. However, it is unclear to what extent the molecular behavior and cell state is affected by the imaging conditions, i.e., by the presence of a supporting surface. In this study, we implemented single-molecule light-sheet microscopy, which enables single receptors to be directly visualized at any plane in a cell to study protein dynamics and organization in live, resting T cells. The light sheet enabled the acquisition of high-quality single-molecule fluorescence images that were comparable to those of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. By comparing the apical and basal surfaces of surface-contacting T cells using single-molecule light-sheet microscopy, we found that most coated-glass surfaces and supported lipid bilayers profoundly affected the diffusion of membrane proteins (T cell receptor and CD45) and that all the surfaces induced calcium influx to various degrees. Our results suggest that, when studying resting T cells, surfaces are best avoided, which we achieve here by suspending cells in agarose.  相似文献   

Tetraspanins regulate cell migration, sperm–egg fusion, and viral infection. Through interactions with one another and other cell surface proteins, tetraspanins form a network of molecular interactions called the tetraspanin web. In this study, we use single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to dissect dynamics and partitioning of the tetraspanin CD9. We show that lateral mobility of CD9 in the plasma membrane is regulated by at least two modes of interaction that each exhibit specific dynamics. The majority of CD9 molecules display Brownian behavior but can be transiently confined to an interaction platform that is in permanent exchange with the rest of the membrane. These platforms, which are enriched in CD9 and its binding partners, are constant in shape and localization. Two CD9 molecules undergoing Brownian trajectories can also codiffuse, revealing extra platform interactions. CD9 mobility and partitioning are both dependent on its palmitoylation and plasma membrane cholesterol. Our data show the high dynamic of interactions in the tetraspanin web and further indicate that the tetraspanin web is distinct from raft microdomains.  相似文献   

Transmembrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), an interconnected network of flattened sacs or tubes. Up to now, this organelle has eluded a detailed analysis of the dynamics of its constituents, mainly due to the complex three-dimensional morphology within the cellular cytosol, which precluded high-resolution, single-molecule microscopy approaches. Recent evidences, however, pointed out that there are multiple interaction sites between ER and the plasma membrane, rendering total internal reflection microscopy of plasma membrane proximal ER regions feasible. Here we used single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to study the diffusion of the human serotonin transporter at the ER and the plasma membrane. We exploited the single-molecule trajectories to map out the structure of the ER close to the plasma membrane at subdiffractive resolution. Furthermore, our study provides a comparative picture of the diffusional behavior in both environments. Under unperturbed conditions, the majority of proteins showed similar mobility in the two compartments; at the ER, however, we found an additional 15% fraction of molecules moving with 25-fold faster mobility. Upon degradation of the actin skeleton, the diffusional behavior in the plasma membrane was strongly influenced, whereas it remained unchanged in the ER.Live-cell microscopy and three-dimensional electron tomography has boosted our understanding of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dynamics and morphology. Proteins have been identified which regulate the formation of cisternae versus tubelike membranes, and the contacts between ER and the various cellular organelles have been studied in detail (1). Little information, however, is available when it comes to protein dynamics and organization within the ER membrane. Its complex three-dimensional topology hampers standard diffraction-limited fluorescence microscopy approaches: in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, for example, the obtained diffusion coefficients can be several-folds off, if the ER morphology is not correctly taken into account (2). A method is therefore needed which allows for resolving molecular movements on length scales below the typical dimensions of the ER structures.In principle, single-molecule tracking would provide the required spatial resolution due to the high precision in localizing the moving point emitters: localization errors of <40 nm can be easily achieved (3). This technique has given rise to multiple studies, in which the paths of the diffusing objects were used to make conclusions on the properties of the environment; particularly, the plasma membrane has become a favorite target for such investigations, yielding precise determinations of the diffusion coefficients of a variety of membrane proteins or lipids (4).Here, we report what is, to our knowledge, the first application of single-molecule tracking for a comparative study of the diffusion dynamics of a membrane protein at the ER versus the plasma membrane. As the protein of interest, we chose the human serotonin transporter (SERT): it is a polytopic membrane protein containing 12 transmembrane domains, with both C- and N-termini residing in the cytoplasm. Stable SERT oligomers of various degrees were observed to coexist in the plasma membrane (5). Functionally, SERT (6) is a pivotal element in shaping serotonergic neurotransmission: SERT-mediated high-affinity uptake of released serotonin clears the synaptic cleft and supports refilling of vesicular stores (7). Wild-type SERT (SERT-wt) is efficiently targeted to the presynaptic plasma membrane, whereas the truncation of its C-terminus (SERT-ΔC30) retains the mutant protein in the ER (8). The N-terminal mGFP- and eYFP-fusion constructs of the two versions of SERT thus allowed us to specifically address SERT located at the ER (eYFP-SERT-ΔC30) or at the plasma membrane (mGFP-SERT-wt (7)).Our experiments were performed at 37°C on proteins heterologously expressed in CHO cells. Total internal reflection (TIR) illumination afforded a reduction in background fluorescence and allowed for selective imaging of single mGFP-SERT-wt molecules at the cells’ plasma membrane or single eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 molecules at plasma membrane-proximal ER (Fig. 1 and see the Supporting Material). TIR was particularly crucial for single-molecule imaging of the ER-retained mutant, where out-of-focus background would surpass the weak single-molecule signals in epi-illumination.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Schematics of the plasma membrane (PM) and a part of the ER containing mGFP-SERT-wt or the ER-retained eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 mutant, respectively. Both can be excited by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) excitation. Experiments were carried out either on cells expressing mGFP-SERT-wt or eYFP-SERT-ΔC30.For both mutants, the majority of molecules were mobile: in fluorescence-recovery-after-photobleaching experiments we observed a mobile fraction of 82 ± 8% for mGFP-SERT-wt and 91 ± 4% for eYFP-SERT-ΔC30. For single-molecule tracking, the high surface density of signals was reduced by completely photobleaching a rectangular part of the cell in epi-illumination; after a brief recovery period, a few single-molecule signals had entered the bleached area and could be monitored and tracked at high signal/noise using TIR excitation. Samples were illuminated stroboscopically for till = 2 ms, and movies of 500 frames were recorded with a delay of tdel = 6 ms; the short delay times ensured that even rapidly diffusing molecules hardly reached the borders of the ER tubes between two consecutive frames. This illumination protocol was run for 20 times per cell, yielding ∼2500 trajectories per cell.The single-molecule localizations were first used to map those areas that are accessible to the diffusing proteins. eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 showed distinct hotspots, representing plasma membrane-proximal ER, excitable by the evanescent field (Fig. 2 A). These hotspots hardly moved within the timescale of an experiment (tens of minutes, see Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material); indeed, remarkable ER stability was previously observed using superresolution microscopy (9). In contrast, a rather homogeneous distribution was observed for mGFP-SERT-wt in the plasma membrane (Fig. 2 B).Open in a separate windowFigure 2Superresolution and tracking data at the ER and the plasma membrane. Superresolution images are shown for the ER-retained SERT mutant eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 (A) and for mGFP-SERT-wt in the plasma membrane (B). (C and D) Diffusion coefficients of eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 (C) and mGFP-SERT-wt (D) are shown as normalized histograms before (blue) and after (red) Cytochalasin D treatment. Data were fitted by Gaussian mobility distributions (see Table S1 in the Supporting Material for the fit results).Next, we compared the mobility of the observed proteins. Single-molecule localizations were linked to trajectories as described in Gao and Kilfoil (10), and the apparent diffusion coefficient, D, of each molecule was estimated from the first two points of the mean-square displacement membrane. The distribution of log10 D showed a pronounced single peak (Fig. 2 D). It could be well fitted by a linear combination of two Gaussian functions, with the major fraction (85%) characterized by Dwt = 0.30 μm2/s; a broad shoulder to the left indicates the presence of proteins that are immobilized during the observation period. In contrast, the mobility of the ER-retained mutant showed a substantially different distribution, containing two clearly visible peaks (Fig. 2 C). We fitted the data with a three-component Gaussian model: the main fraction (82%) behaved similar to SERT at the plasma membrane, with DΔC30 = 0.32 μm2/s. In addition, a large fraction (15%) with high mobility of DΔC30 = 7.8 μm2/s and a minor fraction (3%) with low mobility was observed. The proteins responded as expected to degradation of the actin membrane skeleton (red bars in Fig. 2, C and D): at the plasma membrane, the mobility of mGFP-SERT-wt increased 4.6-fold (mean values), whereas at the ER membrane there was only a minor change for eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 mobility (1.06-fold increase; note that the ER is not connected to actin filaments (11)).The observation of a high mobility subfraction at the ER membrane is surprising. In general, the presence of obstacles—irrespective of whether randomly distributed or clustered, mobile or immobile—reduces the diffusivity of mobile tracers in a membrane (12). It is generally assumed that the high protein density in cell membranes is responsible for the rather low fluidity when compared to synthetic membranes (compare, e.g., Saxton and Jacobson (13) with Weiss et al. (14)). Interestingly, the observed diffusion constant of 7.8 μm2/s is of similar order as the mobility determined for various proteins in synthetic lipid membranes (14). It is thus tempting to hypothesize the presence of extended protein-depleted regions of higher fluidity within the ER membrane; such membrane domains were indeed observed already at the plasma membrane (15). We were also concerned, however, that protein degradation fragments could have contributed to our data: the three-dimensional mobility of an 85-kDa protein is ∼10 μm2/s (16), similar to the high mobility diffusion constant of eYFP-SERT-ΔC30.We tested the two explanations by analyzing the spatial distribution of fast (DΔC30 > 1 μm2/s) versus slow trajectories (DΔC30 < 1 μm2/s) of eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 (Fig. 3). Both types of trajectories clustered in the same regions, and no segregation into ER subdomains was observable at the resolved length scales. This finding—on the one hand—disfavors freely diffusing protein fragments as the origin of the high mobility fraction. On the other hand, it calls for further experiments to identify the origin of the fast and the slow mobility subfraction. Interestingly, when analyzing all eYFP-SERT-ΔC30 trajectories we found that 80% of the molecules showed diffusion confined to domains of 230-nm radius (see Fig. S2). This size is clearly smaller than the lateral extensions of the visible ER regions observed in Fig. 3. The finding indicates domain formation at the ER membrane; domains are averaged out in Fig. 3 due to the long recording times. Note that free diffusion was observed for mGFP-SERT-wt at the plasma membrane (5).Open in a separate windowFigure 3Ripley’s K function analysis of the different mobility fractions in the ER. For the cell presented in Fig. 2, the first position of every slow (D < 1 μm2/s; red) and fast (D > 1 μm2/s; blue) trajectory was plotted in panel A. Contour lines indicate regions of ER attachment to the plasma membrane. In panel B, the point-correlation function L(r)−r is plotted for the slow (red) and fast (blue) fraction. Furthermore, the correlation between fast versus slow is plotted (green). All three curves show a peak at ∼450 nm, which agrees with the extensions of the ER attachment zones.In conclusion, we have shown that single-molecule tracking is feasible for constituents of the ER membrane. We found a surprising diffusion behavior of SERT resulting in the following:
  • 1.A slow fraction showing mobility reminiscent of protein diffusion in the plasma membrane, likely reflecting SERT diffusing in protein-crowded regions of the ER membrane; and
  • 2.A fast fraction showing 25-fold faster diffusion kinetics.
This likely represents diffusion in altered ER membrane environments, possibly of different lipid or protein composition. Given the fact that synthesis of virtually all membrane proteins and most lipids proceeds at the ER membrane, ER heterogeneity at the nanoscale due to the continuous synthesis activity and selection for correct folding appears highly plausible.  相似文献   

Tannert A  Voigt P  Burgold S  Tannert S  Schaefer M 《Biochemistry》2008,47(43):11239-11250
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3Kgamma) is activated by Gbetagamma release after stimulation of Galpha i -coupled receptors, involving a recruitment of the enzyme to the plasma membrane via interaction of the regulatory subunit p101 or p87 with Gbetagamma. The receptor-mediated release of Gbetagamma was, however, insufficient to elicit a translocation of p101 observable by classical fluorescence microscopy approaches. Since the mobilities of plasma membrane-associated and cytosolic proteins differ strongly, small changes in the amount of plasma membrane association should be detectable by an altered diffusional behavior. Here, changes in mobility were monitored by fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP) which was repetitively applied before and after stimulation of cells. To combine the advantages of total internal reflection (TIR) illumination, which preferentially excites fluorophors located at or near the plasma membrane, with that provided by the mobility information, we developed a combined TIR/FRAP setup which enabled us to point bleach parts of an image that was observed under TIR illumination. For FRAP data analysis, we introduce a convolution-based method and a global two component model. Using this TIR/FRAP approach, an increased plasma membrane association of the fluorescent Gbetagamma-binding domain of p101 after Gbetagamma release by G protein-coupled receptor stimulation could be detected and quantified. By comparing the translocation efficiency of this domain with that of YFP-GRP1(PH), a biosensor for the PI3Kgamma product PI(3,4,5)P3, we evaluate the signal amplification between Gbetagamma release and PI(3,4,5)P3 formation after activation of Galpha i -coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Class 1 myosins are monomeric motor proteins that fulfill diverse functions at the membrane/cytoskeletal interface. All myosins-1 contain a motor domain, which binds actin, hydrolyzes ATP, and generates forces, and a TH1 domain, which interacts directly with membrane lipids. In most cases, TH1 is needed for proper subcellular localization and presumably function, although little is known about how this domain regulates the behavior of class 1 myosins in live cells. To address this, we used single molecule total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to examine the dynamics of the well-characterized myosin-1a isoform during interactions with the cortex of living cells. Our studies revealed that full-length myosin-1a exhibits restricted mobility relative to TH1 alone. Motor domain mutations that disrupt actin binding increased the mobility of full-length myosin-1a, whereas mutations to the TH1 domain that are known to reduce steady-state targeting to the plasma membrane unexpectedly reduced mobility. Deletion of the calmodulin-binding lever arm in Myo1a mimicked the impact of actin-binding mutations. Finally, myosin-1b, which demonstrates exquisite sensitivity to mechanical load, exhibited dynamic behavior nearly identical to myosin-1a. These studies are the first, to our knowledge, to explore class 1 myosin dynamics at the single-molecule level in living cells; our results suggest a model where the motor domain restricts dynamics via a mechanism that requires the lever arm, whereas the TH1 domain allows persistent diffusion in close proximity to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In vitro membrane model systems are used to dissect complex biological phenomena under controlled unadulterated conditions. In this context, lipid monolayers are a powerful tool to particularly study the influence of lipid packing on the behavior of membrane proteins. Here, monolayers deposited in miniaturized fixed area-chambers, which require only minute amounts of protein, were used and shown to faithfully reproduce the characteristics of Langmuir monolayers. This assay is ideally suited to be combined with single-molecule sensitive fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to characterize diffusion dynamics. Our results confirm the influence of lipid packing on lipid mobility and validate the use of FCS as an alternative to conventional surface pressure measurements for characterizing the monolayer. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effect of lipid density on the diffusional behavior of membrane-bound components. We exploit the sensitivity of FCS to characterize protein interactions with the lipid monolayer in a regime in which the monolayer physical properties are not altered. To demonstrate the potential of our approach, we analyzed the diffusion behavior of objects of different nature, ranging from a small peptide to a large DNA-based nanostructure. Moreover, in this work we quantify the surface viscosity of lipid monolayers. We present a detailed strategy for the conduction of point FCS experiments on lipid monolayers, which is the first step toward extensive studies of protein-monolayer interactions.  相似文献   

It has been possible for several years to study the dynamics of fluorescently labeled proteins by single-molecule microscopy, but until now this technology has been applied only to individual cells in culture. In this study, it was extended to stem cells and living vertebrate organisms. As a molecule of interest we used yellow fluorescent protein fused to the human H-Ras membrane anchor, which has been shown to serve as a model for proteins anchored in the plasma membrane. We used a wide-field fluorescence microscopy setup to visualize individual molecules in a zebrafish cell line (ZF4) and in primary embryonic stem cells. A total-internal-reflection microscopy setup was used for imaging in living organisms, in particular in epidermal cells in the skin of 2-day-old zebrafish embryos. Our results demonstrate the occurrence of membrane microdomains in which the diffusion of membrane proteins in a living organism is confined. This membrane organization differed significantly from that observed in cultured cells, illustrating the relevance of performing single-molecule microscopy in living organisms.  相似文献   

Douglass AD  Vale RD 《Cell》2005,121(6):937-950
Membrane subdomains have been implicated in T cell signaling, although their properties and mechanisms of formation remain controversial. Here, we have used single-molecule and scanning confocal imaging to characterize the behavior of GFP-tagged signaling proteins in Jurkat T cells. We show that the coreceptor CD2, the adaptor protein LAT, and tyrosine kinase Lck cocluster in discrete microdomains in the plasma membrane of signaling T cells. These microdomains require protein-protein interactions mediated through phosphorylation of LAT and are not maintained by interactions with actin or lipid rafts. Using a two color imaging approach that allows tracking of single molecules relative to the CD2/LAT/Lck clusters, we demonstrate that these microdomains exclude and limit the free diffusion of molecules in the membrane but also can trap and immobilize specific proteins. Our data suggest that diffusional trapping through protein-protein interactions creates microdomains that concentrate or exclude cell surface proteins to facilitate T cell signaling.  相似文献   

Mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR) cause cystic fibrosis. The most common disease-causing mutation, DeltaF508, is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is unable to function as a plasma membrane chloride channel. To investigate whether the ER retention of DeltaF508-CFTR is caused by immobilization and/or aggregation, we have measured the diffusional mobility of green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras of wild type (wt)-CFTR and DeltaF508-CFTR by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. GFP-labeled DeltaF508-CFTR was localized in the ER and wt-CFTR in the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes in transfected COS7 and Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells. Both chimeras localized to the ER after brefeldin A treatment. Spot photobleaching showed that CFTR diffusion (diffusion coefficient approximately 10(-9) cm(2)/s) was not significantly slowed by the DeltaF508 mutation and that nearly all wt-CFTR and DeltaF508-CFTR diffused throughout the ER without restriction. Stabilization of molecular chaperone interactions by ATP depletion produced remarkable DeltaF508-CFTR immobilization ( approximately 50%) and slowed diffusion (6.5 x 10(-10) cm(2)/s) but had little effect on wt-CFTR. Fluorescence depletion experiments revealed that the immobilized DeltaF508-CFTR in ATP-depleted cells remained in an ER pattern. The mobility of wt-CFTR and DeltaF508-CFTR was reduced by maneuvers that alter CFTR processing or interactions with molecular chaperones, including tunicamycin, geldanamycin, and lactacystin. Photobleaching of the fluorescent ER lipid diOC(4)(3) showed that neither ER restructuring nor fragmentation during these maneuvers was responsible for the slowing and immobilization of CFTR. These results suggest that (a) the ER retention of DeltaF508-CFTR is not due to restricted ER mobility, (b) the majority of DeltaF508-CFTR is not aggregated or bound to slowly moving membrane proteins, and (c) DeltaF508-CFTR may interact to a greater extent with molecular chaperones than does wt-CFTR.  相似文献   

Ehlers MD  Heine M  Groc L  Lee MC  Choquet D 《Neuron》2007,54(3):447-460
Synaptic activity regulates the postsynaptic accumulation of AMPA receptors over timescales ranging from minutes to days. Indeed, the regulated trafficking and mobility of GluR1 AMPA receptors underlies many forms of synaptic potentiation at glutamatergic synapses throughout the brain. However, the basis for synapse-specific accumulation of GluR1 is unknown. Here we report that synaptic activity locally immobilizes GluR1 AMPA receptors at individual synapses. Using single-molecule tracking together with the silencing of individual presynaptic boutons, we demonstrate that local synaptic activity reduces diffusional exchange of GluR1 between synaptic and extraynaptic domains, resulting in postsynaptic accumulation of GluR1. At neighboring inactive synapses, GluR1 is highly mobile with individual receptors frequently escaping the synapse. Within the synapse, spontaneous activity confines the diffusional movement of GluR1 to restricted subregions of the postsynaptic membrane. Thus, local activity restricts GluR1 mobility on a submicron scale, defining an input-specific mechanism for regulating AMPA receptor composition and abundance.  相似文献   

Single-molecule tracking has become a widely used technique for studying protein dynamics and their organization in the complex environment of the cell. In particular, the spatiotemporal distribution of membrane receptors is an active field of study due to its putative role in the regulation of signal transduction. The SNAP-tag is an intrinsically monovalent and highly specific genetic tag for attaching a fluorescent label to a protein of interest. Little information is currently available on the choice of optimal fluorescent dyes for single-molecule microscopy utilizing the SNAP-tag labeling system. We surveyed 6 green and 16 red excitable dyes for their suitability in single-molecule microscopy of SNAP-tag fusion proteins in live cells. We determined the nonspecific binding levels and photostability of these dye conjugates when bound to a SNAP-tag fused membrane protein in live cells. We found that only a limited subset of the dyes tested is suitable for single-molecule tracking microscopy. The results show that a careful choice of the dye to conjugate to the SNAP-substrate to label SNAP-tag fusion proteins is very important, as many dyes suffer from either rapid photobleaching or high nonspecific staining. These characteristics appear to be unpredictable, which motivated the need to perform the systematic survey presented here. We have developed a protocol for evaluating the best dyes, and for the conditions that we evaluated, we find that Dy 549 and CF 640 are the best choices tested for single-molecule tracking. Using an optimal dye pair, we also demonstrate the possibility of dual-color single-molecule imaging of SNAP-tag fusion proteins. This survey provides an overview of the photophysical and imaging properties of a range of SNAP-tag fluorescent substrates, enabling the selection of optimal dyes and conditions for single-molecule imaging of SNAP-tagged fusion proteins in eukaryotic cell lines.  相似文献   

We investigate the challenges and limitations that are encountered when studying membrane protein dynamics in vivo by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Based on theoretical arguments and computer simulations, we show that, in general, the fluctuating fluorescence has a fractal dimension D(0) >or= 1.5, which is determined by the anomality alpha of the diffusional motion of the labeled particles, i.e., by the growth of their mean square displacement as (Deltax)(2) approximately t(alpha). The fractality enforces an initial power-law behavior of the autocorrelation function and related quantities for small times. Using this information, we show by FCS that Golgi resident membrane proteins move subdiffusively in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus in vivo. Based on Monte Carlo simulations for FCS on curved surfaces, we can rule out that the observed anomalous diffusion is a result of the complex topology of the membrane. The apparent mobility of particles as determined by FCS, however, is shown to depend crucially on the shape of the membrane and its motion in time. Due to this fact, the hydrodynamic radius of the tracked particles can be easily overestimated by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Single-molecule tracking has become a widely used technique for studying protein dynamics and their organization in the complex environment of the cell. In particular, the spatiotemporal distribution of membrane receptors is an active field of study due to its putative role in the regulation of signal transduction. The SNAP-tag is an intrinsically monovalent and highly specific genetic tag for attaching a fluorescent label to a protein of interest. Little information is currently available on the choice of optimal fluorescent dyes for single-molecule microscopy utilizing the SNAP-tag labeling system. We surveyed 6 green and 16 red excitable dyes for their suitability in single-molecule microscopy of SNAP-tag fusion proteins in live cells. We determined the nonspecific binding levels and photostability of these dye conjugates when bound to a SNAP-tag fused membrane protein in live cells. We found that only a limited subset of the dyes tested is suitable for single-molecule tracking microscopy. The results show that a careful choice of the dye to conjugate to the SNAP-substrate to label SNAP-tag fusion proteins is very important, as many dyes suffer from either rapid photobleaching or high nonspecific staining. These characteristics appear to be unpredictable, which motivated the need to perform the systematic survey presented here. We have developed a protocol for evaluating the best dyes, and for the conditions that we evaluated, we find that Dy 549 and CF 640 are the best choices tested for single-molecule tracking. Using an optimal dye pair, we also demonstrate the possibility of dual-color single-molecule imaging of SNAP-tag fusion proteins. This survey provides an overview of the photophysical and imaging properties of a range of SNAP-tag fluorescent substrates, enabling the selection of optimal dyes and conditions for single-molecule imaging of SNAP-tagged fusion proteins in eukaryotic cell lines.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins of the nuclear envelope (NE) are synthesized on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and following free diffusion in the continuous ER/NE membrane system are targeted to their proper destinations due to interactions of specific domains with other components of the NE. By studying the intracellular distribution and dynamics of a deletion mutant of an integral membrane protein of the nuclear pores, POM121, which lacks the pore-targeting domain, we investigated if ER retention plays a role in sorting of integral membrane proteins to the nuclear envelope. A nascent membrane protein lacking sorting determinants is believed to diffuse laterally in the continuous ER/NE lipid bilayer and expected to follow vesicular traffic to the plasma membrane. The GFP-tagged deletion mutant, POM121(1-129)-GFP, specifically distributed within the ER membrane, but was completely absent from the Golgi compartment and the plasma membrane. Experiments using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) demonstrated that despite having very high mobility within the whole ER network (D = 0.41 +/- 0.11 micro m(2)/s) POM121(1-129)-GFP was unable to exit the ER. It was also not detected in post-ER compartments of cells incubated at 15 degrees C. Taken together, these experiments show that amino acids 1-129 of POM121 are able to retain GFP in the ER membrane and suggest that this retention occurs by a direct mechanism rather than by a retrieval mechanism. Our data suggest that ER retention might be important for sorting of POM121 to the nuclear pores.  相似文献   

Ras proteins must be localized to the inner surface of the plasma membrane to be biologically active. The motifs that effect Ras plasma membrane targeting consist of a C-terminal CAAX motif plus a second signal comprising palmitoylation of adjacent cysteine residues or the presence of a polybasic domain. In this study, we examined how Ras proteins access the cell surface after processing of the CAAX motif is completed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We show that palmitoylated CAAX proteins, in addition to being localized at the plasma membrane, are found throughout the exocytic pathway and accumulate in the Golgi region when cells are incubated at 15 degrees C. In contrast, polybasic CAAX proteins are found only at the cell surface and not in the exocytic pathway. CAAX proteins which lack a second signal for plasma membrane targeting accumulate in the ER and Golgi. Brefeldin A (BFA) significantly inhibits the plasma membrane accumulation of newly synthesized, palmitoylated CAAX proteins without inhibiting their palmitoylation. BFA has no effect on the trafficking of polybasic CAAX proteins. We conclude that H-ras and K-ras traffic to the cell surface through different routes and that the polybasic domain is a sorting signal diverting K-Ras out of the classical exocytic pathway proximal to the Golgi. Farnesylated Ras proteins that lack a polybasic domain reach the Golgi but require palmitoylation in order to traffic further to the cell surface. These data also indicate that a Ras palmitoyltransferase is present in an early compartment of the exocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Polarized cells frequently use diffusion barriers to separate plasma membrane domains. It is unknown whether diffusion barriers also compartmentalize intracellular organelles. We used photobleaching techniques to characterize protein diffusion in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Although a soluble protein diffused rapidly throughout the ER lumen, diffusion of ER membrane proteins was restricted at the bud neck. Ultrastructural studies and fluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of a ring of smooth ER at the bud neck. This ER domain and the restriction of diffusion for ER membrane proteins through the bud neck depended on septin function. The membrane-associated protein Bud6 localized to the bud neck in a septin-dependent manner and was required to restrict the diffusion of ER membrane proteins. Our results indicate that Bud6 acts downstream of septins to assemble a fence in the ER membrane at the bud neck. Thus, in polarized yeast cells, diffusion barriers compartmentalize the ER and the plasma membrane along parallel lines.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) is an integral membrane protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) which functions as a ligand-gated Ca2+ release channel. InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release modulates the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), providing a ubiquitous intracellular signal with high temporal and spatial specificity. Precise localization of the InsP3R is believed to be important for providing local [Ca2+] regulation and for ensuring efficient functional coupling between Ca2+ release sites by enabling graded recruitment of channels with increasing stimulus strength in the face of the intrinsically unstable regenerative process of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Highly localized Ca2+ release has been attributed to the ability of the InsP3R channels to cluster and to be localized to discrete areas, suggesting that mechanisms may exist to restrict their movement. Here, we examined the lateral mobility of the type 3 isoform of the InsP3R (InsP3R3) in the ER membrane by performing confocal fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of an InsP3R3 with green fluorescent protein fused to its N terminus. In Chinese hamster ovary and COS-7 cells, the diffusion coefficient D was approximately 4 x 10(-10) cm2/s at room temperature, a value similar to that determined for other ER-localized integral membrane proteins, with a high fraction (approximately 75%) of channels mobile. D was modestly increased at 37 degrees C, and it as well as the mobile fraction were reversibly reduced by ATP depletion. Although disruption of the actin cytoskeleton (latrunculin) was without effect, disruption of microtubules (nocodazole) reduced D by half without affecting the mobile fraction. We conclude that the entire ER is continuous in these cells, with the large majority of InsP3R3 channels free to diffuse throughout it, at rates that are comparable with those measured for other polytopic ER integral membrane proteins. The observed InsP3R3 mobility may be higher than its intrinsic diffusional mobility because of additional ATP- and microtubule-facilitated motility of the channel.  相似文献   

Although oestrogen [17 beta-estradiol (E2)]-related neuroprotection has been demonstrated in different models, the involvement of non-classical oestrogen receptors (ERs) remains unexplored. Using the SN56 cholinergic cell line, we present evidence indicating that an ER associated with the plasma membrane participates in oestrogen-dependent inhibition of cell death induced by amyloid-beta peptide (A beta) toxicity. Similarly to E2 alone, a 15-min exposure to estradiol-horseradish peroxidase (E-HRP) significantly reduced A beta-induced cell death. This effect was decreased by the ER antagonist ICI 182,780 as well as by MC-20 antibody directed to a region neighbouring the ligand-binding domain of ER alpha. Using confocal microscopy on unpermeabilized SN56 cells exposed to MC-20 antibody, we identified a protein at the plasma membrane level. Western blot analysis of purified SN56 cell membrane fractions using MC-20 antibody revealed the presence of one band with the same electrophoretic mobility as intracellular ER alpha. Using conjugated forms of the steroid, E-HRP and E2 conjugated to bovine serum albumin-FITC, we demonstrated by confocal microscopy that SN56 cells contain surface binding sites for E2. Binding of both conjugates was blocked by pre-incubation with E2 and decreased by either ICI 182,780 or MC-20 antibody in a concentration-dependent manner. Thus, a membrane-related ER that shares some structural homologies with ER alpha may participate in oestrogen-mediated neuroprotection.  相似文献   

Although cholesterol is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), compared with other cellular membranes, ER membrane has low cholesterol (3-6%). Most of the molecular machinery that regulates cellular cholesterol homeostasis also resides in the ER. Little is known about how cholesterol itself affects the ER membrane. Here, we demonstrate that acute cholesterol depletion in ER membranes impairs ER-to-Golgi transport of secretory membrane proteins. Cholesterol depletion is achieved by a brief inhibition of cholesterol synthesis with statins in cells grown in cholesterol-depleted medium. We provide evidence that secretory membrane proteins vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein and scavenger receptor A failed to be efficiently transported from the ER upon cholesterol depletion. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery experiments indicated that cholesterol depletion by statins leads to a severe loss of lateral mobility on the ER membrane of these transmembrane proteins, but not loss of mobility of proteins in the ER lumen. This impaired lateral mobility is correlated with impaired ER-to-Golgi transport. These results provide evidence for the first time that cholesterol is required in the ER membrane to maintain mobility of membrane proteins and thus protein secretion.  相似文献   

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