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Rodent acorn selection in a Mediterranean oak landscape   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Quercus suber, Quercus ilex and Quercus coccifera (Cork, Holm and Kermes oaks, respectively) are common evergreen oak species that coexist in the landscapes of the western part of the Mediterranean basin. Rodents are the main acorn predators and thus one of the main factors for understanding recruitment patterns in oaks. In this paper we analyse to what extent mice prefer acorns from one oak species over another in three oak species studied using acorn removal experiments and video tape recordings. Twenty labelled acorns from each of the three Quercus species (60 acorns) were placed in 40 cm×40 cm quadrats on each plot. Because selection might vary as a result of the vegetation context, we performed the trials in the five main vegetation types within the study area (four replicates in each vegetation type) in order to control for habitat influences on rodent acorn preferences (a total of 20 plots). The removal of 1,200 acorns occurred within 68 days. Mice removed 98.7% of the acorns. Q. ilex acorns were preferred over Q. suber and Q. coccifera in all vegetation types except in pine forest, where no acorn preferences were detected. Acorn removal rates differed with vegetation type, correlating positively with shrub cover. The distance at which acorns were displaced by rodents (mean =4.6 m±5.1 SD) did not differ between acorn species, but varied among vegetation types. Bigger acorns of Q. coccifera were selected only after Q. ilex and Q. suber acorns were depleted, while no size selection was detected for the latter two species. Thus, we conclude that rodents show preference for some oak acorns and that landscape context contributes significantly to rodent activities and decisions.  相似文献   

Two species of wood mouse, Apodemus argenteus and A. speciosus, were observed consuming and hoarding acorns of Quercus serrata and Castanopsis cuspidata. When each species of acorn was supplied individually, both species of mice used each species of acorn for eating and hoarding. When both species of acorn were supplied, A. argenteus consumed or hoarded only C. cuspidata, whereas A. speciosus tended to eat C. cuspidata acorns at the feeding site, and disperse or hoard Q. serrata acorns. Apodemus speciosus is unlikely to disperse C. cuspidata acorns (their utilization was biased towards consumption) when Q. serrata acorns are also available. Apodemus argenteus will make almost no contribution to the dispersal of Q. serrata when the two acorn species coexist.  相似文献   

新疆柽柳林地昆虫群落取食功能团结构及物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孟玲  李保平 《生态学杂志》2006,25(2):189-193
用网捕和手捕法对不同季节新疆北部大小不同的阜康和呼图壁柽柳林地昆虫和螨进行了采集调查,采到标本52 066头,隶属11个目、50科、近100种.根据营养级和取食方式归类出捕食者、寄生者、剥食者、吸食者、食花和种籽者、造瘿者和游历者等取食功能团.连续分布的阜康林地的总物种数多于孤立斑块的呼图壁林地,其中53种为两林地共有种.两林地各取食功能团物种数在群落中的比例基本相同,剥食、吸食和捕食性昆虫等取食功能团各约占群落总物种数的1/5以上.吸食和造瘿昆虫(螨)等个体数量在各时期均高于其他取食功能团,其次是剥食性的昆虫.在任一季节占昆虫群落总个体数量25%以上的物种有柽柳瘤瘿螨、柽柳白盾蚧、毛尾柽瘿蚊等,占5%~10%的物种有斯氏伞锥象、埃及柽麦蛾和柽柳条叶甲等.阜康林地昆虫群落的均匀度(J)和多样性(H')等指数在季节前期和中期均高于呼图壁林地,但在后期则低于呼图壁林地,其优势度指数均低于呼图壁林地.  相似文献   

Much research on the effects of elevated CO2 on forest trees has focused on quantitative changes in photosynthesis, secondary chemistry, and plant biomass. However, plant fitness responses to rising CO2 should also include quantitative measures of reproduction, since most forest systems are recruitment limited. Until now, it has proved very difficult to grow forest trees to sexual maturity in a CO2‐enriched environment. This paper is the first of its kind to address the effects of elevated CO2 on the reproduction of hardwood trees in a natural forest. Beginning in 1996, scrub‐oak vegetation, predominantly three species of scrub‐oaks, Quercus myrtifolia, Q. chapmanii, and Q. geminata, were grown inside eight chambers with elevated CO2 (704 parts per million (ppm)) and eight with ambient CO2 (379 ppm) at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. In elevated CO2, acorn production increased significantly for the dominant species Q. myrtifolia and for Q. chapmanii, but it did not increase for the subdominant, Q. geminata. Acorn weight, germination rate, and predation by weevils were unaffected by CO2. Thus, recruitment of some forest tree species into the Florida scrub‐oak community is likely to be accelerated in an atmosphere of increased CO2. However, because the acceleration of recruitment differs among species, over the long term, Q. myrtifolia and Q. chapmanii will be favored over Q. geminata and this is likely to change patterns of species diversity.  相似文献   

We examined foraging behaviors of four insectivorous bird species (Great Tit Parus major, Varied Tit P. varius, Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica) on the two oak species (Q. serrata and Q. variabilis) in relation to fine-scale foliage structures, abundance, and distribution of folivorous insects and physical and chemical characteristics of leaves. There was no difference in the mean number of insects for each oak species, but there was a significant difference in the mean biomass. The distance from twigs or branches to leaf tips or blade-petiole junctions showed that leaves of Q. variabilis were more dispersed than those of Q. serrata. The different size distribution of insects influenced insect sizes selected and foraging maneuvers used by each bird species. Parus major and P. varius fed on beetles (low energy gain) with perch-gleaning (the most energy-saving maneuver) from the upper side of leaves on Q. variabilis, whereas they fed on large lepidopteran larvae (high energy gain) from the lower side of leaves on Q. serrata using a variety of maneuvers (including energy-consuming ones). Both A. caudatus and Z. japonica fed on insects from the lower side of leaves by hang-gleaning and reach-gleaning, respectively. These species appeared to be morphologically adapted to the energy-consuming but more effective maneuvers used to take preys from the undersides of leaves. We hypothesize that differences in foliage structures between closely related species of trees have evolved as a balance between defense against folivorous insects and attraction of insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

槲栎种子雨进程中昆虫的捕食特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了了解昆虫捕食与槲栎Quercus aliena种子大小和产量的关系以及在栎林更新中的作用,于2008和2009年秋季,分别在暖温带伏牛山系天池山国家森林公园内研究了两个年度槲栎的种子雨过程及昆虫捕食特征。结果表明:(1)种子雨过程从8月中下旬到9月底约经历40 d,存在高峰期且时段较明显,高峰期下落种子量分别占全部种子雨量的78.13%(2008年)和75.91%(2009年);(2)槲栎的种子雨强度年间存在较大差异,2008年明显小于2009年(两年分别为31.75±16.65粒/m2和51.92±29.26粒/m2),但2009年的橡子明显比2008年小(两年分别为1.94±0.61 cm3和2.46±0.57 cm3);(3)种子雨构成比例在两个年份间存在差异,完好种子的量分别为59.05%(2008年)和36.12%(2009年),虫蛀率在大量结实的2009年显著提高;(4)虫蛀橡子(2.29±0.42 cm3)显著大于完整橡子(1.59±0.32 cm3),且虫蛀种子中所含虫卵数与种子大小显著正相关,昆虫有选择大种子产卵寄生的偏好。本研究的结果说明,昆虫对槲栎大种子有寄生选择偏好;大部分槲栎种子遭遇象甲虫蛀而降低生命活力,这可能是影响槲栎林更新的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

Pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) and sessile (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) oaks are the most common oak species in Western Europe. They are known to display different ecological requirements, particularly relative to root hypoxia induced by flooding: In a glasshouse study of seedlings, we quantified the effects of flooding on starch mobilization from cotyledons and starch partitioning. Growth and distribution of lateral roots were also measured. The above-ground growth of Q. robur was less affected by flooding than that of Q. petraea which failed to develop a second flush. Root growth was also severely inhibited, particularly in Q. petraea. In Q. robur, lateral root initiation as well as elongation was restricted to the soil surface layer. Flooding markedly reduced total growth and concentrations of in all components except stems. Starch mobilization from cotyledons was delayed by flooding, especially in Q. robur seedlings. Under flooding, the decrease of cotyledons dry mass and starch content in Q. robur was lower than in Q. petraea, whereas Q. robur displayed larger growth than Q. petraea. The features of carbohydrate management may be crucial in the observed differences in flooding tolerance of these species.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对2种栎树苗期生长和根系生长发育的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
以低浓度(50 mmol/L)和高浓度(150 mmol/L)NaCl处理弗吉尼亚栎(Quercus virginiana)和麻栎(Quercus acutissima)1年生幼苗,研究了2种栎树在盐胁迫下的生长、对盐分的敏感性和耐受性及其根系形态学参数变化以及根系对盐离子的吸收与积累。结果表明,高浓度盐胁迫明显抑制了2种栎树地上部生物量的积累(P0.05),而低浓度盐胁迫对弗吉尼亚栎地上部干重的影响不明显,但显著抑制了麻栎地上部干重(P0.05);2种栎树的根冠比在盐胁迫下呈增加趋势,特别是在高浓度盐胁迫下,2种栎树的根冠比明显增加(P0.05),盐胁迫下增加生物量在根部的分配是植物应对盐胁迫的方式之一。2种栎树根部生物量积累在盐胁迫下变化不明显,但2种栎树根系形态学参数在盐胁迫下的响应不同,弗吉尼亚栎根系总长度、总表面积和总体积在盐胁迫下均有不同程度增加,特别是在低浓度盐胁迫下,根系形态学参数明显增加(P0.05),但麻栎根系形态学参数有下降趋势,但与对照相比变化不明显;通过对不同径级根系总长的分析发现,弗吉尼亚栎根系总长度的增加主要是由于直径小于2 mm的细根总长的增加,细根长度的增加对于植物吸收水分和营养物质具有重要意义;通过对Na+和Cl-在根系的含量分析表明,盐胁迫下2种栎树根系盐离子的积累均有明显增加,但弗吉尼亚栎根系盐离子的含量在低浓度和高浓度盐胁迫下的差异不明显,而麻栎在高浓度盐胁迫下根系盐离子的含量明显高于弗吉尼亚栎。综合2种栎树盐胁迫下的生物量分配策略和根系形态学响应以及盐离子的积累规律,证明2种栎树尽管在生物量分配策略方面具有相同的特点,但根系的响应策略截然不同,弗吉尼亚栎在盐胁迫下能够扩大根系吸收范围,维持较高的K+/Na+比值,而麻栎在盐胁迫下根系由于吸收过多的盐离子,导致根系的生长发育受到抑制,影响了根系在逆境中的分布范围,从而在一定程度上避免了进一步的盐害。  相似文献   

Shigeo Iida 《Plant Ecology》1996,124(1):39-43
Transported distance and mortality of acorns scattered by rodents were investigated with magnets inserted into acorns (40 of Quercus serrata and 20 of Quercus acutissima) and a magnetic locator in a natural forest stand. All the treated acorns were transported, and 60% of them were discovered again with a magnetic locator from autumn to the next spring. Most transported acorns suffered predation within one month after the start of the experiment. Several acorns were rehoarded at least two or three times. Average transported distance of scattered acorns was 22.1±8.9 m (max=38.5 m) and the survival rate was 3.0%. The magnet method is one of the most effective methods for tracking acorns through the winter.  相似文献   

The rumen contents of 14 sika deer (Cervus nippon) collected in November 1996 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the western end of Honshu, Japan, were analyzed by the point-frame method. The contents were composed of high-quality foods like deciduous and evergreen browse and acorns. The composition, which consisted of a significant amount of acorns (27.8 ± 22.5%, mean ± SD), was in contrast to that of northern sika deer populations which exclusively eat graminoid leaves including dwarf bamboos. This is the first record of acorns being a major contributor to diet for wild sika deer. By the point-frame method, acorns were underestimated, and the weight contribution was much greater.  相似文献   

青海云杉是我国沙区通过种子育苗引种成功的物种。通过对不同储藏时间青海云杉和沙地云杉种子生活力测定、种子萌发对温度、光照、水盐胁迫以及幼苗生长对水盐胁迫和沙埋的响应实验,比较两种种子萌发和幼苗生长对环境因子适应性,为沙地云杉在我国沙区广泛引种提供参考。结果表明:1)在2年的储藏过程中,沙地云杉和青海云杉种子生活力分别由79%和72%下降了19%和5%; 2)沙地云杉和青海云杉种子适宜萌发温度分别为15—30℃和10—30℃,最适萌发温度分别为25℃(72%)和25/15℃(69%),除10℃和10/30℃外,两种种子萌发率在各温度下没有显著差异; 3)沙地云杉种子萌发光照条件为14 h光照/8 h黑暗交替(67%),青海云杉为24 h光照(61%)或24 h黑暗(61%); 4)水势在-2.7—0 MPa时,2种云杉的IGR(初始萌发率)、RGR(恢复萌发率)、ISL(初始幼苗长度)和RSL(恢复幼苗长度)均没有显著差异; 5) NaCl浓度在200 mmol/L和250 mmol/L,青海云杉种子IGR显著大于沙地云杉,NaCl浓度在0—450 mmol/L,青海云杉和沙地云杉种子RGR没有显著差异,当NaCl浓度为50 mmol/L和100 mmol/L,青海云杉ISL显著大于沙地云杉; 6)在0.5—2.0 cm沙埋深度时,青海云杉出苗率显著高于沙地云杉,沙地云杉最适沙埋深度0.5 cm,青海云杉为0.5—1.5 cm。因此,青海云杉种子萌发和幼苗生长比沙地云杉有更强的环境适应性,但只要采取合理的播种时间、播种深度和水分管理等措施,沙地云杉会和青海云杉一样在我国沙区大面积引种育苗。  相似文献   

2009和2010年秋季,在黑龙江省伊春市带岭区东方红林场研究了蒙古栎结实量及啮齿动物密度变化对胡桃楸、红松、蒙古栎、毛榛和平榛5种木本植物种子扩散的影响.结果表明:在小兴安岭林区,啮齿动物种群数量具有年际变化,2009年小型啮齿动物的总捕获率(31.0%)显著高于2010年(16.7%);2009年蒙古栎种子雨密度(6.2±2.1粒·m-2)和种子相对丰富度(20.O)均显著低于2010年(26.7±10.2粒·m-2和160.0).2009年,除胡桃楸种子外,其他种子全部被扩散或者被原地取食,其中蒙古栎种子被分散埋藏的比例最高,且种子平均扩散距离最大;2010年,胡桃楸种子被分散埋藏的比例最高,且种子平均扩散距离最大.研究区蒙古栎种子相对丰富度是影响其他木本植物种子扩散的重要因素.  相似文献   

An evergreen oak species, Cyclobalanopsis multinervis, and a deciduous oak species, Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata were grown from acorns under two light levels (full sunlight and shade at about 18 % of full sunlight, simulating the light intensities in forest clearings and gaps, respectively) for one growing season. Three hypotheses were tested: (i) the deciduous species grows faster than the evergreen species in forest gaps and clearings; (ii) the deciduous species responds more strongly in terms of growth and morphology to variation in light climate than the evergreen species; and (iii) seedling size is positively correlated to acorn size. The results showed: (i) at both light levels, the deciduous seedlings gained significantly more growth in biomass and height than the evergreen seedlings; (ii) both species produced significantly more biomass in full sunlight than in shade, without showing any significant difference in height between treatments. Increase in light intensity improved the growth of the deciduous seedlings more strongly; (iii) at a similar age, the deciduous seedlings showed a greater response in leaf morphology and biomass allocation to variation in light levels, but when compared at a similar size, biomass allocation patterns did not differ significantly between species; (iv) bigger acorns tended to produce larger seedlings, larger leaf sizes and more leaf area, between and within species. These differences demonstrate that the deciduous species is gap-dependent and has the advantage over the evergreen species in forest gaps and clearings.  相似文献   

The effects of increased anthropogenic inputs of reactive nitrogen (N) have been studied at the Harvard Forest Chronic N Experiment, where NH4NO3 has been applied experimentally since 1988 to increase atmospheric deposition rates ~6‐ and ~18‐fold above ambient. This paper asks whether conditions favorable to primary production also resulted in plastic increases to flower, fruit, and seedling traits, and focuses primarily on the oaks that dominate the hardwood stands of the Harvard Forest experiment. Litterfall samples collected between 1996 and 2001 revealed that flowers and fruits were significantly more abundant in N‐treated plots, and an analysis of oak tree abundance found significant variation both among and within plots. Acorn samples collected during 2003 and 2004 (a mast and a postmast year) were therefore analyzed using ancova models that included an estimate of oak tree abundance. This tree abundance estimate was the only significant driver of increased acorn production during the mast year, and in both years it was a significant factor on plots receiving the highest levels of N. In the postmast year, acorn production was increased in direct response to N‐related factors other than tree abundance. Our comparisons of control and N‐treated plots for acorn quality traits (e.g. rates of acorn damage, germination percentage, seedling growth) revealed negligible or only transient differences. Shifts in overall acorn abundance – particularly disproportionate N‐mediated increases during nonmast years – could have a wide range of ecological consequences beyond the more frequently examined impacts of N deposition on primary production and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Biomass and production of two stands with Quercus variabilis Bl. as the dominant species (stands 1 and 3) and one with Q. mongolica Fisch. as the dominant species (stand 2) were investigated in southern Korea. Stands 1 and 3 naturally occurred on sites with southerly aspects while stand 2 naturally occurred on northerly aspects; stand ages were similar for the three stands (36–38 years old). Total above- and belowground biomass including understory vegetation (Mg ha–1) was 108.4 for stand 1, 115.6 for stand 2, and 132.0 for stand 3, respectively. Understory vegetation constituted 17.4% of the total biomass in stand 1 but only 3.7–4.5% in stand 2 and stand 3. Roots constituted 20.1–24.6% of the biomass of the overstory vegetation. Although stand 3 showed the highest total biomass, net production was highest in stand 2 at 12.6 (Mg ha–1 year–1); net production levels for stands 1 and 3 were 11.7 and 11.1 (Mg ha–1 year–1), respectively. It appeared that the differences in site conditions related to aspect influenced the distribution of naturally regenerated oak species within a relatively small area and resulted in differences in biomass and production among the stands.  相似文献   

PEG模拟干旱胁迫对栓皮栎种子萌发及生长生理的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了阐明栓皮栎种子萌发期对水分胁迫的耐受性,以当年采集的栓皮栎种子为材料,采用培养皿滤纸萌发的方法研究了不同浓度(0%、5%、10%、20%、30%)PEG-6000溶液对其种子萌发、生长、保护酶活性和有机渗透调节物质的影响,并对种子萌发率、胚根生长速率等与PEG浓度进行了回归分析。结果表明:(1)随着干旱胁迫程度的加剧,栓皮栎种子的发芽率、发芽指数、胚根长度、胚根生长速率和活力指数均呈先升高后下降趋势,说明低浓度(5%、10%)PEG胁迫可以促进栓皮栎种子萌发及生长,而高浓度(20%、30%)则具有抑制作用。(2)建立水分胁迫条件下种子萌发率、胚根生长速率等与PEG浓度的回归方程发现,栓皮栎种子在PEG胁迫下的萌发临界值和极限值分别为32.01%和36.99%,胚根生长速率的临界值和极限值分别为30.1%和33.35%。(3)随着PEG浓度的升高,栓皮栎种子中3种保护酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性和3种有机渗透调节物质(可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸、可溶性糖)含量呈现不同的变化,但均有不同程度升高趋势。由此可见,栓皮栎种子可通过增加保护酶活性和体内渗透调节物质来适应水分胁迫环境,使自身萌发和生长受抑制程度降到最低。  相似文献   

Tissue-water relations were used to characterize the responses of two Mediterranean co-occurring woody species (Quercus ilex L. and Phillyrea latifolia L.) to seasonal and experimental drought conditions. Soil water availability was reduced 15% by partially excluding rain throughfall and lateral flow (water runoff). Seasonal and experimental drought elicited physiological and morphological adaptations other than osmotic adjustment: both species showed large increases in cell-wall elasticity and decreased saturated-to-dry-mass ratio. Increased elasticity (lower elastic modulus) resulted in concurrent decreases in relative water content at turgor loss. In addition, P. latifolia showed significant increases in apoplastic water fraction. Decreased saturated-to-dry-mass ratio and increased apoplastic water fraction were accompanied by an increased range of turgor maintenance, which indicates that leaf sclerophyllous traits might be advantageous in drier scenarios. In contrast, the degree of sclerophylly (as assessed by the leaf mass-to-area ratio) was not related to tissue elasticity. An 15% reduction in soil water availability resulted in significant reductions in diameter growth when compared to control plants in both species. Moreover, although P. latifolia underwent larger changes in tissue water-related traits than Q. ilex in response to decreasing water availability, growth was more sensitive to water stress in P. latifolia than in Q. ilex. Differences in diameter growth between species might be partially linked to the effects of cell-wall elasticity and turgor pressure on growth, since Q. ilex showed higher tissue elasticity and higher intrinsic tolerance to water deficit (as indicated by lower relative water content at turgor loss) than P. latifolia.  相似文献   

Effects of microsite light availability on the growth and survival of transplantedQuercus serrata Thunb. seedlings in aMiscanthus sinensis Anderss. grass canopy were investigated by a “plant's eye view” approach. Diffuse site factors, i.e., the fractional transmissions of diffuse photosynthetic photon flux density, were estimated at 15 cm aboveground in 108 microsites where the seedlings grew. Microsite diffuse site factors were significantly different between surviving and dead seedlings during the experiment period from April to October (F[1,14]=10.9, P<0.01). Relative growth rate of dry weight for individual seedlings positively depended on the diffuse site factors (r2=0.482, P<0.001 in May; r2=0.312, P<0.001 in October). Only 16 seedlings produced their second stem flush within the grass canopy. The ratio of height to dry weight of the second stem flush was significantly higher for the seedlings grew in shady microsites than for those in less shady microsites (r2=0,471, P<0.01 in May). This study suggests that the microsite heterogeneity of light availability is one of the important factors affecting the establishment of tree seedlings in patchy grasslands.  相似文献   

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