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Introductions of invasive nonindigenous species, and the ensuing negative ecological and economic consequences, have increased with expanding global trade. Quantifying the influx of nonindigenous plant pest species through foreign trade is required for national and international risk assessments, monitoring and conservation efforts, and evaluation of ecological factors that affect invasion success. Here we use statistically robust data collected at US ports of entry and border crossings to estimate arrival rates of nonindigenous insect species via four cargo pathways and to evaluate the effectiveness of current efforts to monitor arrival of nonindigenous insect species. Interception rates were highest in refrigerated maritime cargo where a new insect species was intercepted on average every 54 inspections. Projected estimates of insect species richness stabilized only for non-refrigerated maritime cargo and US–Mexico border cargo, where inspectors likely detected 19–2% and 30–50% of the species being transported through these respective pathways. Conservative estimates of establishment suggest that 42 insect species may have become established through these four pathways between 1997 and 2001.  相似文献   

【目的】云南是外来入侵生物的重灾区,了解外来有害生物入侵现状、加强防控尤为紧迫。【方法】从入侵云南外来有害生物类别、入侵途径、造成的损失等方面对云南省外来有害生物的入侵现状进行了阐述,对云南口岸疫情进行统计分析。【结果】按进境检疫物上截获有害生物批次及疫情货物批次统计的国家主要为缅甸、老挝、泰国、越南、荷兰5个国家;按检疫方式分类统计,货检截获批次最多,旅检次之,二者之和占总截获批次的99%;按有害生物类别分类统计,昆虫截获最多,占总截获批次的70.0%至73.9%,杂草、真菌居次,细菌、线虫、病毒、螨类、其他又次之;按货物类别统计,截获有害生物批次最多为粮豆类,占总截获批次的46%。【结论】提出了相应的检疫监管对策与建议,以期为口岸检疫提供参考,降低外来有害生物的入侵风险。  相似文献   

【目的】芒果象属昆虫是我国禁止进境的植物检疫性有害生物,广泛分布于非洲、北美洲和东南亚,寄主为芒果。其生活隐蔽,羽化孔未出现时看不出危害状,危害率可达30%~80%,严重影响芒果的产量和质量。近年来,我国口岸截获的芒果象甲的数量日益增多,表明该类检疫性有害生物传入我国的风险越来越大。【方法】运用Microsoft Excel工作表对2003—2015年全国口岸截获芒果象属有害生物的疫情进行统计分析。【结果】2003—2015年全国口岸共截获芒果象4156批次,22个直属局有截获记录。其中,截获芒果果核象甲3028批次,数量最多,占截获芒果象总批次的72.86%;芒果果实象甲和芒果果肉象甲相对较少,分别为837和291批次。截获芒果象的来源国主要为非洲和东南亚芒果象疫情分布国家和地区,且主要自进境旅客随身携带物中检出。【结论】我国口岸应加大对芒果象的检疫力度,保护我国农林业生产安全。  相似文献   

【目的】中国是水果生产大国和进口大国。水果是最容易携带虫害的产品之一,粉蚧是口岸水果检疫过程中常发现的害虫类群,中国口岸每年从进境水果截获大量粉蚧。通过分析中国进境水果携带粉蚧疫情,可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导,为相关部门开展产地检疫和口岸监测提供依据,以防止危险性粉蚧的传入,保障中国水果生产安全,促进国际水果贸易健康发展。【方法】通过FAO网站、动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台、中国知网等收集中国进境水果贸易数据及其携带粉蚧疫情,统计分析了中国水果进口贸易情况、粉蚧截获情况以及截获粉蚧的种类、来源地、截获口岸和寄主。【结果】2013—2016年,中国口岸从进境水果上截获的昆虫中粉蚧科昆虫截获量最大,占47.31%;其中截获量前十的粉蚧种类为杰克贝尔氏粉蚧、木槿曼粉蚧、双条拂粉蚧、大洋臀纹粉蚧、南洋臀纹粉蚧、柑橘棘粉蚧、甘蔗簇粉蚧、康氏粉蚧、菠萝灰粉蚧和李比利氏灰粉蚧;而这些有害生物的主要来源地为越南和泰国;粉蚧的主要截获口岸为广西、深圳和云南;而火龙果、榴莲、龙眼和山竹是截获粉蚧最多的进境水果。【结论】中国进境水果粉蚧疫情与水果的贸易量和贸易方式、输出国有害生物发生和检疫除害处理措施、口岸关注度和能力建设等情况相关。  相似文献   

【目的】口岸截获有害生物的数据分析可为进境农林产品检疫监管提供依据。【方法】对澳大利亚自2010至2015年输华农林产品及其入境口岸有害生物截获情况做综合分析。【结果】2010—2015年从澳大利亚输华农林产品货物中截获各类检疫性有害生物115种。其中,粮谷中以截获的杂草种类和截获频次最多,分别达到59种和31801批次;木材及木制品中以截获的蠹虫最多,达43种,共2456批次;从水果和种苗中截获病原菌6种,共79批次。另外,从入境旅客携带物中共截获检疫性有害生物9种,共66批次。【结论】澳大利亚输华农林产品可携带的检疫性有害生物自口岸传入的风险较高,相关部门应加强口岸检疫工作。  相似文献   

[目的] 小条实蝇属害虫原产非洲,在我国无分布且具有一定的入侵风险。分析该虫在我国口岸的截获情况,能更好地利用已知实蝇截获数据防范实蝇人为传播。[方法] 经动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,统计小条实蝇属的有害生物类别、截获途径及截获地区等。[结果] 全国口岸共截获8种共计524批次的小条实蝇属害虫;地中海实蝇的截获批次数最多,为415批次,为小条实蝇属截获率的79.2%;截获的种类最多的国家来自尼日利亚,5种;截获批次最多的国家为南非,71批次;截获方式最多的为旅客携带物,占总批次的68.3%;在我国口岸中,广东口岸截获批次最多,占总数的57.4%。[结论] 从今后防控的重点种类、加大查验力度、推广新技术在鉴定上的应用、应急预案等几个方面,加强针对该类有害生物的检验检疫措施。  相似文献   

Numerous bark- and wood-infesting insects have been introduced to new countries by international trade where some have caused severe environmental and economic damage. Wood packaging material (WPM), such as pallets, is one of the high risk pathways for the introduction of wood pests. International recognition of this risk resulted in adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM15) in 2002, which provides treatment standards for WPM used in international trade. ISPM15 was originally developed by members of the International Plant Protection Convention to “practically eliminate” the risk of international transport of most bark and wood pests via WPM. The United States (US) implemented ISPM15 in three phases during 2005–2006. We compared pest interception rates of WPM inspected at US ports before and after US implementation of ISPM15 using the US Department of Agriculture AQIM (Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Monitoring) database. Analyses of records from 2003–2009 indicated that WPM infestation rates declined 36–52% following ISPM15 implementation, with results varying in statistical significance depending on the selected starting parameters. Power analyses of the AQIM data indicated there was at least a 95% chance of detecting a statistically significant reduction in infestation rates if they dropped by 90% post-ISPM15, but the probability fell as the impact of ISPM15 lessened. We discuss several factors that could have reduced the apparent impact of ISPM15 on lowering WPM infestation levels, and suggest ways that ISPM15 could be improved. The paucity of international interception data impeded our ability to conduct more thorough analyses of the impact of ISPM15, and demonstrates the need for well-planned sampling programs before and after implementation of major phytosanitary policies so that their effectiveness can be assessed. We also present summary data for bark- and wood-boring insects intercepted on WPM at US ports during 1984–2008.  相似文献   

The potential for transported soil to harbour and spread nonindigenous species (NIS) is widely recognised and many National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) restrict or prohibit its movement. However, surprisingly few studies have surveyed soil while it is in transit to provide direct support for its role in accidental introductions of NIS. Moreover, there are few border interception records for soil organisms because they are neither easily detected nor routinely isolated and identified. Better data would improve evaluations of risks from soil transported via different pathways, enable targeting of management resources at the riskiest pathways, and support development of new risk management methods. We surveyed organisms present in soil that had been removed from footwear being carried in the baggage of international aircraft passengers arriving in New Zealand and recorded high incidences, counts and diversities of viable bacteria, fungi, nematodes and seeds, as well as several live arthropods. These included taxa that have not been recorded in New Zealand and were therefore almost certainly nonindigenous to this country. In each gram of soil, there was an estimated 52–84% incidence of genera that contain species regulated by New Zealand’s NPPO, which suggests many were potentially harmful. Variation in the incidences and counts of soil organisms with sample weight, footwear type and season at the port of departure indicated it may be possible to develop methods for targeting management resources at the riskiest footwear. Comparisons with previously published data supported the hypothesis that survival of soil organisms is greater when they are transported in protected (e.g. in luggage) rather than unprotected environments (e.g. external surfaces of sea containers); this offers opportunities to develop methods for targeting management resources at the most hazardous soil pathways.  相似文献   

本文对广东口岸自2005年至2007年截获的红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren进行了分析,表明广东口岸近年来红火蚁截获批次逐年增加,其传带货物来源的国家和地区多、种类复杂,检疫查验形势严峻。提出了以加强来自疫区高风险货物的检疫质量、扩大口岸进境货物的检疫范围、建立口岸监测体系以及提高检疫除害处理的检疫监管措施。  相似文献   

【目的】国际航行船舶可携带多种植物疫情,造成有害生物入侵。分析进境近海小型国际航行船舶携带有害生物疫情,能够为对该类船舶开展针对性检疫查验提供依据。【方法】对台州口岸进境小型国际航行船舶的概况、食品舱卫生状况和携带有害生物种类、来源进行调查和数据分析。【结果】2015—2016年调查了3193艘次船舶,共截获有害生物686种次,其中87.5%是昆虫类,截获比例最高时期为6—8月,55.9%的有害生物在干货类食品中截获,食品舱卫生差的船舶中有害生物检出比率为36.1%。【结论】进境近海小型国际航行携带有害生物情况严重,有害生物的发生具明显的季节性,食品舱卫生状况与有害生物携带风险密切相关,应采取有效的检疫措施。  相似文献   

Information relevant to invasion processes and invasive alien insect species management in Central Europe was extracted from two databases: a compilation of two inventories of alien insects in Austria and Switzerland, and a list of interceptions of non-indigenous plant pests in Europe gathered by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) for the period 1995-2004. For one-third of the insects established in Switzerland and Austria, the region of origin is unclear. Others come mainly from North America, Asia and the Mediterranean region. Among the intercepted insects, 40% were associated with commodities from Asia, 32% from Europe and only 2% from North America. Sternorrhyncha, Coleoptera and Psocoptera were particularly well represented in the alien fauna compared to the native fauna. In the interception database, Sternorrhyncha were also well represented but Diptera accounted for the highest number of records. Sap feeders and detritivores were the dominant feeding niches in the alien insect fauna. In contrast, external defoliators, stem borers, gall makers, root feeders, predators and parasitoids were underrepresented. Nearly 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria live only indoors. Another 15% live outdoors but exclusively or predominantly on exotic plants. Less than 20% are found mainly in 'natural' environments. The majority of introductions of alien insects in Europe are associated with the international trade in ornamental plants. An economic impact was found for 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria, whereas none is known to have an ecological impact. The implications of these observations for further studies and the management of alien species in Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-phytoseiid mites of potential importance in the biocontrol of plant pests include a dozen families. The host plant constitutes the universe in which pests and predators interact; thus plant growth pattern, leaf structure and various available nutrients may affect the control potential of the mites. The role of infochemicals in prey finding by non-phytoseiids probably differs among the various families. Prey size may be important in control success when predaceous mites feed on insect pests. Interactions between phytoseiids and members of other families may hinder or complement pest control. Little is known of the effects of plant-protection chemicals on non-phytoseiid predators, but they appear to be quite variable. Current research onHemisarcoptes, a parasite of armored scale insects, is reviewed, including a successful introduction into New Zealand. Active mite slicing into host shields and deutonymph interactions with its vector-beetle are important aspects of the predator's effectiveness. Further research should include: collecting (with emphasis on the tropics and subtropics), describing and testing additional mite species against more pests; assaying pesticide effects; studying interactions between predators of different families, especially on uncultivated plants; and trying more predaceous mites against nematodes, plant diseases and weeds.  相似文献   

Predation of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), by Sancassania sp. (Acari: Acaridae) isolated from field-collected scarab larvae was examined under laboratory conditions. Adult female mites consumed more than 80% of the infective juvenile (IJ) stage of S. feltiae within 24 h. When S. feltiae IJs were exposed to the mites for 24 h and then exposed to Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae, the number of nematodes penetrating into the larvae was significantly lower compared to S. feltiae IJs that were not exposed to mites (control). Soil type significantly affected the predation rate of IJs by the mites. Mites preyed more on nematodes in sandy soil than in loamy soil. We also observed that the mites consumed more S. feltiae IJs than Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae). No phoretic relationship was observed between mites and nematodes and the nematodes did not infect the mites.  相似文献   

The endosymbiont Wolbachia has been detected in a range of filarial nematodes and parasitic mites and is known to affect host reproductive compatibility and potentially evolutionary processes. PCR of Wolbachia surface protein (wsp), ftsZ and 16SrRNA genes from individual Sarcoptes scabiei mites obtained from a series of individual hosts, and database searches of an S. scabiei var. hominis EST library failed to detect Wolbachia genes. Therefore, Wolbachia appears not to be involved in the genetic subdivision observed between varieties of host-associated S. scabiei or, involved in the inflammatory disease pathogenesis of scabies unlike its activity in filarial infection.  相似文献   

The number of exotic ant species being dispersed to new regions by human transportation and the trade pathways responsible for this are poorly understood. In this study, the taxonomic diversity, trade pathways, and origin of exotic ants intercepted at the New Zealand border were examined for the period 1955–2005. Overall, there were a total 4355 interception records, with 115 species from 52 genera. The 10 most frequently intercepted genera, and the 20 most frequently intercepted species contributed > 90% of all records. Many of the species frequently intercepted are regarded as invasive species, and several are established in New Zealand. The most intercepted species was Pheidole megacephala . Despite a relatively low trade relationship, a high proportion (> 64%) of the exotic ants which were intercepted originated from the Pacific region. However, the majority of species intercepted from the Pacific was exotic to the region (71%), or to a lesser extent, wide-ranging Pacific native species. No endemic species from the Pacific were intercepted. The effectiveness of detecting exotic ant species at the New Zealand border ranged from 48–78% for different trade pathways, indicating a number of species remain undetected. Trade routes associated with specific geographical regions represent a major filter for the arrival of exotic ant species. Despite the importance of the Pacific as a frequent pathway, we suggest that the future establishment of exotic ant species in New Zealand is likely to be mitigated by a renewed focus on trade routes with cool temperate regions, particularly Australia.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992, toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1, serotype Inaba, biotype El Tor, was recovered from nonpotable (ballast, bilge, and sewage) water from five cargo ships docked in ports of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Four of these ships had taken on ballast water in cholera-infected countries; the fifth took on ballast in a noninfected country. Isolates examined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis were indistinguishable from the Latin American epidemic strain, C6707; however, they differed significantly from the endemic Gulf Coast strain (VRL 1984), the sixth-pandemic strain (569-B), and a V. cholerae non-O1 strain isolated from a ship arriving from a foreign port. On the basis of our findings, the Food and Drug Administration recommended that the U.S. Coast Guard issue an advisory to shipping agents and captains requesting that ballast waters be exchanged on the high seas before entry of ships into U.S. ports.  相似文献   

Although several generalist species of Pergalumna are known to be nematode predators, the potential of oribatid mites as natural enemies of phytonematodes has been underestimated. The objective of this work was to estimate the consumption rate of a Pergalumna sp. when feeding on two major pest nematodes, Meloidogyne javanica and Pratylenchus coffeae, under laboratory conditions. A new method was used, in which live nematodes are offered to mites and subsequently consumption is quantified based on the sclerotized, well preserved structures in the mite's fecal pellets. The assay was evaluated during 5 days, at 25 degrees C and 96% relative humidity, with three replicates for each nematode species. Every replicate consisted of a group of four mites isolated in an arena, to which 400 nematodes were transferred daily. The daily produced fecal pellets were mounted in Hoyer's medium for examination under a microscope. The nematode buccal stylets and cephalic frameworks were counted to estimate the number of nematodes consumed. It was estimated that a single mite daily ingested 18.3 +/- 0.8 (mean +/- SE) M. javanica (J(2) juveniles) or 41.6 +/- 7.2 P. coffeae (juveniles + adults), the maximal daily consumption being 34 M. javanica and 73 P. coffeae. The method showed to be practical, precise and suitable for laboratory studies in which nematophagous mites classified as engulfers are included.  相似文献   

【背景】近年来,种苗等植物通过邮寄包裹进入我国的数量越来越多,有害生物随之入侵的风险与日俱增。深圳口岸曾多次从入境包裹中截获孢囊线虫、根结线虫等。【方法】2015年10月12日,深圳口岸在对日本邮寄来的仙人掌进行检疫时,从其根部发现了一种孢囊线虫。对该线虫进行分离,结合形态学和28S r DNA序列扩增并测序的方法,对截获的线虫进行鉴定。【结果】分离到了一种孢囊线虫,其形态特征与仙人掌孢囊线虫基本吻合,28S r DNA序列与Gen Bank数据库中登录号为DQ328702的德国群体的同源性高达99%。因此,判定截获的线虫为仙人掌孢囊线虫。【结论与意义】入境包裹检疫需要引起口岸检疫部门的高度重视。采用形态学和分子生物学相结合的方法对植物寄生线虫进行鉴定,可以得到更加准确的结果。  相似文献   

警惕外来害虫暗梗天牛入侵为害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建庆  姚志刚  梅增霞 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):426-428,F0004
暗梗天牛Arhopalus tristis(F.)是一种重要的林业害虫,我国目前尚无分布,但已被我国口岸截获多次,必须对该虫的入侵保持警惕。该虫在新西兰危害严重,主要寄主是辐射松等松树,喜入侵火灾危害后的树木;还传播真菌病害,致使木材变色,降低木材质量。对暗梗天牛的形态特征、分布、寄主、危害特点、生物学特性及预防对策等作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Stationary predators such as spiders can face competition from conspecifics simply by virtue of the spatial positioning of their webs. Shadow competition, wherein a predator 'upstream' restricts access to prey for another individual further 'downstream', can affect the foraging success of stationary predators. However, in spiders that build orb-webs in proximity to each other, insect prey often 'ricochet' off the outer web and land on the inner web. In this study, I asked whether the negative effect of shadow competition could be compensated for by the ricochet effect. I experimentally show that despite a strong spatial advantage to a spider on the outer side in terms of prey interceptions, the likelihood of prey intercepting the inner web is increased through the ricochet effect. I also show that the degree of overlap between the webs significantly influences both the number of prey intercepted as well as the number of ricochets. This study shows experimentally that a spider that builds its web close to a conspecific's web suffers very little cost in terms of lost prey interception.  相似文献   

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