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外生菌根真菌吸收汞的动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
液体培养外生菌根真菌彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius XC1和Pisolithus tinctorius 270)和土生空团菌(Cenocuccum geophinum SIV)三周,菌丝体的阳离子交换量差异显著,但与二价汞(Hg++)的吸收和吸附关系不大。进入菌丝体的Hg++大部分被细胞吸收,少部分吸附于胞外。三种外生菌根真菌吸收Hg++的Cmin很低,变化于0.28~0.45mmol/ L,说明外界溶液中只要存在低浓度的Hg++,外生菌根真菌就能吸收。外生菌根真菌吸收Hg++的Imax和Km值Cg SIV > Pt XC1 Pt 270,由于Hg++在外生菌根真菌的菌丝中不易传递,推测Cg SIV形成外生菌根之后,寄主植物能适应高Hg++环境,Cg SIV形成的菌根化林木种苗可用于汞污染矿墟和土壤上的植树造林,修复汞污染的生态环境。  相似文献   

四种外生菌根真菌产生植物激素的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在纯培养条件下,利用HPLC法,分别测定了四种外生菌根培养液和菌丝体中的五种植物激素含量。检测结果,除没有脱落酸(ABA)外,玉米素(Z)、玉米素核苷(ZR)、赤霉素(GA3)、吲哚乙酸(IAA),均有一定含量。培养液中激素含量远高于菌丝体中的含量,GA3在各种激素中含量最高。从培养液中的激素总量看,Suillus属的两个种SuillusgrevilleiSuillusbovinus高于另外两个种RhizopngonluteolusPiso  相似文献   

几种松树外生菌根真菌的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
早在1956年前我们曾对松树和柞树的外生菌根真菌进行了分离。当时获得3株菌根真菌的纯培养,经初步鉴定属牛肝菌属(Boletus)、乳菇属(Lactarius)和滑菇属(Hebeloma)。对油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)幼苗回接试验取得了成功。在樟子松(Pimus sylvestris)幼苗的接种试验中,也获得了较好的结果;菌根化促进了樟子松幼苗的成活(张宪武等,1964)。 1978年以来,我们对外生菌根真菌又进行了研究。从不同林分下采集到能形成菌根的真菌子实体,在无菌条件下用切割组织法以分离菌根真菌,获得了纯培养菌株,根据子实体的特征进行了鉴定(邓叔群,1963)。同时对培养基选择及幼苗接种效果也进行了试验。本文是我们研究的初步结果。  相似文献   

几种外生菌根真菌培养特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对 4种外生菌根真菌的培养特性进行了研究。结果表明 ,PDMA和PD培养基是培养外生菌根真菌的较适合的培养基 ;木屑、麸皮、米糠、玉米粉、蛭石是培养菌根菌菌剂的较适宜的基质 ;用MMN营养液拌料以及适宜的水分供给都有利于外生菌根真菌的生长。  相似文献   

本文报道了大致位于东喜马拉雅山脉和横断山脉的部分高山针叶林带的外生菌根菌和针叶林有关树种的菌根组合。并例举了有关菌的分布与树种的依赖关系以及菌根的外部和内部形态。  相似文献   

真菌发酵生产鱼油特征脂肪酸   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DHA和EPA是鱼油的特征脂肪酸,具有调整血脂、改善大脑功能和维持正常视力等重要作用.一直以来,其来源主要是海产鱼油.近年研究发现许多微生物的脂质中也含有DHA和EPA,特别是一些低等真菌含量甚为丰富,利用其发酵生产DHA和EPA替代鱼油资源具有广阔的前景.阐述了能产生EPA,DHA的真菌及其合成途径和发酵影响因素.  相似文献   

两种外生菌根真菌在辽东栎幼苗上的混合接种效应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
 辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)是中国暖温带落叶阔叶林的主要优势树种之一。铆钉菇(Gomphidius viscidus)和臭红菇(Russula foetens)是在自然环境中与其共生形成外生菌根的真菌。在前期工作证明铆钉菇和臭红菇接种对辽东栎幼苗生长有明显促进作用并以两菌种混合接种效果较好的基础上,探讨了不同的接种量和两个菌种不同比例的混合接种对辽东栎幼苗生长和氮、磷养分的影响。对应于试验的12、18、24 g·pot-1 3个接种量处理,随着接种量的增加,辽东栎幼苗的菌根侵染率增加,铆钉菇菌根的比例增加,而臭红菇菌根的比例减少。辽东栎幼苗的生物量、株高、净光合速率和全株的全氮、全磷含量,均以18 g·pot-1接种量的最高。当接种物中铆钉菇∶臭红菇的比例分别为2∶1、1∶1、1∶2时,辽东栎幼苗的菌根侵染率分别为96.54%、91.02%、92.13%,但彼此间差异不显著。随着接种物中铆钉菇比例的减少,铆钉菇菌根所占比例由42.49%降为23.33%,而臭红菇菌根的比例由57.51%增加为76.67%。辽东栎幼苗的生物量和净光合速率均是以接种比例为1∶1的最高。接种比例为1∶1的辽东栎幼苗的全氮含量也是最高的,并且与另两种接种比例处理的差异显著,而对于全株的全磷含量,则是随着接种物中臭红菇的比例增加而增加。  相似文献   

云南松外生菌根真菌分离培养研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
就滇中一带云南松林进行了多次调查,共采集、鉴定标本130余号;从中选取13科, 19属, 33种真菌进行了菌种分离、培养的研究。选用并修改4种培养基进行了外生菌根真菌分离、培养的比较,结果共有11科, 17属, 25种真菌分离获得成功,成功率高达75.8%, 4种培养基的分离成功率依次为36.4%、63.6%、33.3%和57.6%。其中,修改PDA培养基和松针、玉米培养基较适宜于云南松外生菌根真菌的分离、纯化和培养。  相似文献   

该实验选取处于生长期的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)幼苗,研究土壤Cu、Cd胁迫条件下,美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)单独接种、红绒盖牛肝菌(Xerocomus chrysenteron)与美味牛肝菌混合接种处理,对油松幼苗的生长和重金属积累分布状况的影响,探讨不同接种对油松抗性的影响。研究发现,菌根接种不仅促进寄主油松的生长发育和生物量积累,而且显著降低油松体内的重金属积累浓度,减少重金属由根部向植物茎叶部分的转运。与单一接种相比,混合接种可以更加有效地缓解重金属对寄主的生物毒性,减少土壤中重金属元素向油松体内的转运。这种优势在高浓度的重金属胁迫环境下尤为明显。该实验中,在3 mg·kg-1 Cd胁迫下,混合菌根油松的茎叶和根部Cd浓度仅为未接种对照的59.1%和70.7%,比单一菌根降低了11.3%和18.1%,而混合菌根植物的茎叶和根部生物量干重则分别为未接种对照的1.14和1.20倍,单一菌根为未接种对照的1.18和1.17倍。在400 mg·kg-1Cu胁迫下,混合菌根植物茎叶和根部的干重分别是未接种植株的1.01和1.09倍,而混合菌根植物茎叶和根部的Cu浓度仅为未接种植株的61.8%和79.6%,比Boletus edulis菌根植物的Cu积累浓度下降了0.7%和3.8%。  相似文献   

层孔菌产漆酶的摇瓶最适培养条件研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
筛选到一株高产漆酶的层孔菌W-1,对其兴体产漆酶的培养条件进行了优化,确定了最适的碳源、氮源,并用正交试验确定了培养基中碳源和氮源的浓度。在最优化的培养条件下,培养7d后,W-1产生的漆酶活力可以达到7.1U/mL。采用补料的方法,可以得到大量的漆酶粗酶液。  相似文献   

 为探讨菌根共生体中菌根菌液泡结构及其活力变化对宿主生长的影响, 对3种外生菌根菌黄色须腹菌(Rhizopogen luteous, 简称Rl)、彩色豆马勃(Pisolithus tinctorius, 简称 Pt2)、美味牛肝菌 (Boletus edulis, 简称Be)离体菌丝及与黑松(Pinus thunbergii)形成菌根共生体的冰冻切片进行6-羧基二乙酸荧光素(6-CFDA)染色, 观察了真菌液泡形态构架及其活力的变化。结果表明, 在Pt2与Rl离体菌丝中既可见单个分散的大液泡, 又可见相邻液泡间由细管状连接而成的管状液泡系统, Be离体菌丝的液泡则呈细小颗粒状, 密集分布于菌丝体的各个部分; Be离体菌丝的活性强于Pt2和Rl。上述3种菌根菌与黑松形成菌根共生体后, Pt2与Rl对黑松的促生效果好于Be, 菌根共生体中菌套和哈氏网菌丝的活性明显强于Be, 且仍可见数个液泡连接成管状系统; 而在Be菌根中菌丝液泡系统不形成管状, 活性较低。结果暗示, 菌根共生体中真菌的管状液泡系统及其活力与对黑松的促生作用似存在一定的相关性。该研究对于进一步了解菌根的促生作用机理及菌根真菌与宿主植物的协同进化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

In vitro bioassays on seven species of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) were tested under allelopathic action of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). Radial growth inhibitions were observed when fungi were confronted with increasing concentrations (0%–0.1%–0.5%–2.5%) of foliar leachates made from May, July, and September material (1986). For the 2.5% treatment, species Paxillus involutus, Laccaria proximo, Laccaria bicolor, Thelephora terrestris, and Cortinarius pseudonapus grew only 6, 8, 32, 42, and 46% of their control, whereas Hebeloma cylindrosporum and Cenococcum geophilum were stimulated. Tree seedlings from raspberry invaded plantation showed mycorrhizal infection rate over 75%, with fine roots mainly colonized by C. geophilum. In combination with efforts of tree improvement and based on the results of this study, it seems important to select a well-adapted my-corrhizae, when interference by raspberry is involved.  相似文献   

1. This review is concerned with the obligate parasitism of the downy mildew, powdery mildew and rust fungi. 2. Mechanisms which determine resistance and susceptibility are incompletely understood. The three possibilities so far advanced, namely, hypersensitivity, phyto-alexins and nutrition are all inadequate to explain specificity. It is postulated that compounds carrying specificity are released by the invading pathogens and the interaction of the compounds with specific sites in the host cell determines whether a successful relationship is established. This hypothesis is based on the observation that host and pathogen protoplasts do not come in direct contact with each other and cells removed from the invading pathogen are affected. It should be possible to investigate this question now that some rust fungi have been cultured axenically. 3. Invasion of host tissue by these pathogens leads to alteration in host metabolism. Respiration rates and the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway are enhanced. Possible mechanisms for the reoxidation of NADPH by molecular oxygen are discussed. In the later stages of infection, photosynthetic activity is decreased and this decrease is coupled to the enhanced activity of the pentose phosphate pathway through NADPH availability. It is still not clear whether photosynthetic activity is increased or decreased during the early stages of infection. Nutrients from other parts of the plant accumulate at sites of infection, resulting in retarded growth of the host. Possible roles of hormones in nutrient mobilization and ‘green island’ formation are discussed. Changes in intermediary metabolism can be correlated with changes in amounts of nucleic acids in infected host cells. Chloroplast polysomes and ribosomes decrease during the early stages of infection but cytoplasmic ribosomes increase during patho-genesis. This increase more than compensates for the decrease in chloroplast ribosomes resulting in an overall increase in cellular RNA. 4. Some members of the Pucciniaceae and one member of the family Melamp-soraceae have now been cultured axenically. Nutritional studies indicate that these fungi are relatively non-specific with respect to their carbohydrate and amino-acid nitrogen sources but do have a specific requirement for either cysteine, methionine or homocysteine. Essential metabolites such as cysteine and cysteine-containing peptides move from hyphae into the medium and these may be important in amino-acid transport. Two stages in the development of axenic rust cultures are still imperfectly understood - the transition from germ tube to saprophytic mycelium and the fate of the colonies once formed. Further knowledge of the factors which control these stages may well suggest approaches to the axenic culture of other groups of obligately parasitic fungi.  相似文献   

Effects of kinetin and other purine and pyrimidine derivativeson lamina inclination in excised rice leaves have been examinedin this work. Kinetin inhibited the lamina inclination both in the presenceand in the absence of added IAA, and was effective even at 10–7M. The decreasing order of inhibitory activities of kinetinand its analogs was as follows; 6-benzylaminopurine, kinetin,2-amino-6-furfurylaminopurine (2-aminokinetin), 2-amino-6-benzylaminopurine,kinetin-9-glucoside, 6-benzylaminopurine-9-glucoside. Otherpurine derivatives, 8-azaadenine, 2, 6-diaminopurine and 8-azaguanine,and colchicine also inhibited the lamina inclination. The inhibitiveaction of kinetin was not reversed by the addition of adenine,hypoxanthine, uracil and thymine. (Received May 20, 1965; )  相似文献   

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