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SUMMARY 1. The effects of physical disturbance in terms of wave exposure, shore slope and substrate mobility on the presence, species richness, cover and depth limits of the low‐growing, shallow water macrophyte community (called the low mixed community) were examined at 41 shore sites in Lake Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand. 2. Wave exposure at a site was described by the previous year's maximum depth of sediment motion and maximum vertical extension of waves, determined from a computer wave model. Shore slope at each site was recorded from ?1 to 0 m depth, and sediment stability was assessed as the cover of small gravel. 3. The low mixed community was only present on sites where the previous year's maximum depth of sediment motion was <8 m, maximum wave run‐up was <0.3 m, shore slope <0.12 m m?1, and small gravel cover <78%. 4. Species richness, cover and depth limits of the low mixed community decreased with increasing disturbance on the sites. Sixty‐two percentage of the variation in species richness could be explained by physical disturbance variables when all sites were included (N=41). When only sites with a low mixed community were included (N=22), only 18% of the variation was explained. Species richness within sites supporting a low mixed community is thus poorly explained by physical disturbance, whereas presence or absence is better explained. There was no evidence to support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in this study. 5. Disturbance as a result of waves explained 86% of the variation in cover among sites with a low mixed community and accounted for 68 and 58% of the variation in upper and lower depth limit of the low mixed community, respectively. 6. The models obtained in this study can be used as predictive models for the low mixed community in New Zealand lakes in relation to natural physical disturbance on the shore. By integrating these results with previous studies on the effect of water level fluctuation, we describe a generalised optimum physical habitat for the low mixed community in New Zealand lakes.  相似文献   

1. Several theoretical models predict under what conditions maximum species diversity can be maintained, and they are often used to develop effective ecosystem management plans. 2. Two models that are currently used to predict patterns of species diversity were empirically tested in marine subtidal benthic communities of different successional stages. 3. The two models were: the interactive effects of nutrient availability and disturbance frequency proposed by Kondoh (2001; Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 268, 269-271), and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposed by Connell (1978; Science, 199, 1302-1310). 4. Interactive effects were found to be transient and only occurred in the older communities, while the unimodal pattern suggested by the IDH was not supported in either successional stage. 5. It is concluded that these models are very general and thus lack sufficient explanatory power. Both models require a number of specific prerequisites for maximum diversity to be found, and though applicable in many different ecosystems they need to be refined as tools in order that they can be effectively used in habitat management plans.  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) predicts that species diversity is maximized at moderate disturbance levels. This model is often applied to grassy ecosystems, where disturbance can be important for maintaining vascular plant composition and diversity. However, effects of disturbance type and frequency on cover and diversity of non-vascular plants comprising biological soil crusts are poorly known, despite their potentially important role in ecosystem function. We established replicated disturbance regimes of different type (fire vs. mowing) and frequency (2, 4, 8 yearly and unburnt) in a high-quality, representative Themeda australis–Poa sieberiana derived grassland in south-eastern Australia. Effects on soil crust bryophytes and lichens (hereafter cryptogams) were measured after 12 years. Consistent with expectations under IDH, cryptogam richness and abundance declined under no disturbance, likely due to competitive exclusion by vascular plants as well as high soil turnover by soil invertebrates beneath thick grass. Disturbance type was also significant, with burning enhancing richness and abundance more than mowing. Contrary to expectations, however, cryptogam richness increased most dramatically under our most frequent and recent (2 year) burning regime, even when changes in abundance were accounted for by rarefaction analysis. Thus, from the perspective of cryptogams, 2-year burning was not an adequately severe disturbance regime to reduce diversity, highlighting the difficulty associated with expression of disturbance gradients in the application of IDH. Indeed, significant correlations with grassland structure suggest that cryptogam abundance and diversity in this relatively mesic (600 mm annual rainfall) grassland is maximised by frequent fires that reduce vegetation and litter cover, providing light, open areas and stable soil surfaces for colonisation. This contrasts with detrimental effects of 2-year burning on native perennial grasses, indicating that this proliferation of cryptogams has potentially high functional significance for situations where vegetation cover is depleted, particularly for reducing soil erosion.  相似文献   

红壤坡地杂草群落VA菌根真菌的宿主物种调查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈欣  唐建军 《生物多样性》2001,9(2):122-128
本研究调查了红壤坡地幼龄果园杂草群落的物种多样性以及主要物种被VA菌根真菌的侵染率和侵染强度,分析了VA菌根真菌侵染与根际土壤磷系水平的关系。研究区域幼龄果园杂草群落共有杂草96种,分属27科。对17个科的39个物种的调查发现,所调查的物种均不同程度上被VA真菌所侵染,但科与科之间存在显著差异,同一科的不同种之间也差异明显。相关分析表明,VA菌根真菌对不同毁草种 的侵染率和侵染强度与土壤磷素水平关系不甚密切,VA菌根真菌强度可能主要决定于宿主植物特性和VA菌根真菌的选择。因此,在不影响农业生产的前提下,尽可能保持杂草的多样性将有利于VA菌根真菌的生存。  相似文献   

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and related climate change have stimulated much interest in the potential of soils to sequester carbon. In ‘The Jena Experiment’, a managed grassland experiment on a former agricultural field, we investigated the link between plant diversity and soil carbon storage. The biodiversity gradient ranged from one to 60 species belonging to four functional groups. Stratified soil samples were taken to 30 cm depth from 86 plots in 2002, 2004 and 2006, and organic carbon contents were determined. Soil organic carbon stocks in 0–30 cm decreased from 7.3 kg C m?2 in 2002 to 6.9 kg C m?2 in 2004, but had recovered to 7.8 kg C m?2 by 2006. During the first 2 years, carbon storage was limited to the top 5 cm of soil while below 10 cm depth, carbon was lost probably as short‐term effect of the land use change. After 4 years, carbon stocks significantly increased within the top 20 cm. More importantly, carbon storage significantly increased with sown species richness (log‐transformed) in all depth segments and even carbon losses were significantly smaller with higher species richness. Although increasing species diversity increased root biomass production, statistical analyses revealed that species diversity per se was more important than biomass production for changes in soil carbon. Below 20 cm depth, the presence of one functional group, tall herbs, significantly reduced carbon losses in the beginning of the experiment. Our analysis indicates that plant species richness and certain plant functional traits accelerate the build‐up of new carbon pools within 4 years. Additionally, higher plant diversity mitigated soil carbon losses in deeper horizons. This suggests that higher biodiversity might lead to higher soil carbon sequestration in the long‐term and therefore the conservation of biodiversity might play a role in greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on community structure and diversity along three management zones of the Bia biosphere reserve in Ghana. Sixty sample plots were distributed among the core, buffer and transition zones. We estimated the degree of disturbances from discernible indicators on the field and satellite images. All tree species ≥10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) were identified and enumerated. Inventory data were compared across the zones and related to intensity of disturbances. A total of 1176 individual trees from 108 species and 33 families were encountered. Number of species varied from 27 in the highly disturbed (HD) to 61 in the least disturbed (LD) zone. Mean basal area (BA) varied from 11.71 in the HD to 28.26 in the LD. Both Margalef's species richness and Shannon‐Weiner's α‐diversity were highest in the moderately disturbed (MD) than either the least and most disturbed zones. Our study revealed significant differences in tree abundance, stem density, BA and species diversity, attributable to differences in degree of anthropogenic disturbances among zones. Given the different levels of anthropogenic disturbance and corresponding impacts across the reserve, we recommend an integrated management strategy for the conservation of biodiversity in the Bia biosphere reserve.  相似文献   

  1. Both mutualistic and pathogenic soil microbes are known to play important roles in shaping the fitness of plants, likely affecting plants at different life cycle stages.
  2. In order to investigate the differential effects of native soil mutualists and pathogens on plant fitness, we compared survival and reproduction of two annual tallgrass prairie plant species (Chamaecrista fasciculata and Coreopsis tinctoria) in a field study using 3 soil inocula treatments containing different compositions of microbes. The soil inocula types included fresh native whole soil taken from a remnant prairie containing both native mutualists and pathogens, soil enhanced with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi derived from remnant prairies, and uninoculated controls.
  3. For both species, plants inoculated with native prairie AM fungi performed much better than those in uninoculated soil for all parts of the life cycle. Plants in the native whole prairie soil were either generally similar to plants in the uninoculated soil or had slightly higher survival or reproduction.
  4. Overall, these results suggest that native prairie AM fungi can have important positive effects on the fitness of early successional plants. As inclusion of prairie AM fungi and pathogens decreased plant fitness relative to prairie AM fungi alone, we expect that native pathogens also can have large effects on fitness of these annuals. Our findings support the use of AM fungi to enhance plant establishment in prairie restorations.

Grazing and browsing by sheep and goats has been an important anthropogenic influence on ecosystems in the Mediterranean region for centuries. This influence has changed significantly in recent decades, with a general shift from range grazing to the penning of animals. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposes that perturbation - including anthropogenic disturbance - is the norm for Mediterranean ecosystems, and that higher species diversity is found under conditions of continuous, moderate disturbance. Here we test the IDH as it relates to grazing of scrub and open forest habitats in Cyprus, while also testing for the effects of fire. We carried out surveys of breeding birds and vegetation at 48 study sites in scrub and open woodland across Cyprus. We estimated relative grazing pressure (past and present) and fire history at these sites, and tested for associations between these factors, breeding bird species richness and perennial vegetation diversity. We found moderate current grazing reduces density of lower and middle level scrub, and a higher level of diversity of perennial vegetation at moderately over intensively grazed sites. We found that moderate historical grazing pressure had a positive influence on richness of breeding bird species in lower scrub habitat such as phrygana, but that this effect was weaker the taller and denser the habitat. By contrast, current grazing pressure had a negative effect on species richness in lower scrub, but species richness in grazed habitats was higher in denser, taller scrub habitat such as garrigue and maquis. Our study suggests grazing plays an important role in maintaining habitat heterogeneity but the impact on avian species richness depends on the density and height of the vegetation.  相似文献   

内蒙古中西部草原主要植物的丛枝菌根及其结构类型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
包玉英  闫伟 《生物多样性》2004,12(5):501-508
2002年6-9月,对内蒙古中西部草原建群植物及优势植物的丛枝菌根共生状况进行了调查。在观察的28科125种植物中,被丛枝菌根真菌侵染的植物有104种(占83.2%);在过去认为不能侵染的莎草科植物中发现卯穗苔草(Carex duriuscula)和黄囊苔草( C. korshinskyi)有侵染现象。在所调查的植物中,多年生草本和灌木类植物被丛枝菌根真菌侵染的比例较高,占被调查该类植物总数的90.4%;而一年生和二年生草本植物被侵染的比例仅为47.6%。本地区野生植物的丛枝菌根结构类型多数为Arum类型,占65.38%,尤其在百合科(Liliaceae)、菊科(Compositae)、豆科(Leguminosae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)植物中比例较高;而Paris类型仅有19.23%,多见于禾本科(Gramineae!)、唇形科(Labiatae)、桔梗科(Campanulaceae)和百合科。丛枝菌根的结构类型与植物的根系类型、生活型和菌根侵染率无关,而与植物所属的科属关系比较密切。  相似文献   

The effects of different traveling disturbances on the different layers of the Pinus taiwanensis community in Tianzhu Mountain National Forest Park were studied using the diversity indices of species richness index (S), Simpson index (D), Shannon-Wiener index (H) and Pielou evenness index (J). The results showed that the diversity indices of the arbor layer in low disturbance were the highest. Whereas, the diversity indices of the other layers in intermediate disturbance were the highest. The values of S, D, H, and J in low disturbance were 38, 3.0976, 0.9326, and 0.7515. The values of the indices in intermediate disturbance were 44, 3.2519, 0.9421, and 0.8594, higher than those in low disturbed forest, especially in the shrub and herb layers. In the highly disturbed forest, the diversity indices were 34, 3.0095, 0.9289, and 0.7834, lower than those in the intermediately disturbed forest. By comparing the stability of differently disturbed forests with the community dominance index (C), it was clear that the C of the intermediately disturbed forests was the lowest among the three differently disturbed forests. It is proposed that the intermediately disturbed forests can improve the species diversity, but maybe decrease the community stability.  相似文献   

不同干扰下荒漠啮齿动物群落多样性的多尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尺度问题是生态学的核心问题。本文将荒漠啮齿动物群落主要特征参数Shannon-Wiener多样性指数作为信息,来探究其在人为干扰下对尺度变化的响应,目的是为了揭示不同干扰条件下荒漠区啮齿动物群落多样性随尺度变化的趋势,为动物群落格局—过程研究的尺度推绎提供生态学基础。2003~2008年每年7月,在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠禁牧、轮牧、过牧和开垦4种不同干扰生境中,选择了1.25hm2,2.5hm2,5hm2和10hm2等4个空间尺度,应用铗日法统计样地中的啮齿动物群落种数及各物种的捕获数据,计算Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,将其作为原始信号进行小波分解。研究结果表明:在荒漠区≤10hm2内,除过牧区外,在其他干扰类型中啮齿动物群落多样性随空间尺度增加均呈上升趋势。啮齿动物群落多样性的原始信号中存在规则的周期性干扰,这种干扰可能是由群落的年际波动造成的。在4种尺度下,各干扰区啮齿动物群落多样性除在开垦区未表现出明显周期外,其余干扰区各自均具有相同的周期:轮牧区4年,禁牧区3年,过牧区2年。荒漠区4种干扰类型中随着空间尺度的增加啮齿动物群落多样性变动幅度减小,抗干扰能力逐渐增强。但不同干扰中啮齿动物多样性的变动幅度和抗干扰能力是不同的。禁牧区与开垦区的啮齿动物多样性在≤2.5hm2范围内较易受到扰动;过牧区在≤5hm2的范围内较不稳定;轮牧区在整个10hm2范围内都易受到扰动。  相似文献   

干扰对植物群落物种组成及多样性的影响   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
毛志宏  朱教君 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2695-2701
在介绍了干扰的概念及其性质和干扰对物种多样性影响的有关假说基础上,以森林干扰为主要对象,探讨了干扰对植物群落物种组成的影响,并从干扰类型、干扰强度和干扰频率等几个方面阐述了干扰对植物群落物种多样性的影响;另外,还分析了重要的小尺度干扰——林隙在该方面的影响。分析总结出干扰对植物群落的影响差异主要与干扰特征、植物群落特征及植物的生物学特性和受干扰地点的资源条件有关。最后,总结分析了国内外在该方面研究存在的问题,并对今后研究提出一些建议,为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Fire is one of the main natural disturbances in Tropical Savannas, changing the diversity of species, altering the structure of species interactions, and driving the evolution of adaptations. Here, we investigated the effects of fire disturbance on interactions between ants and plants with extrafloral nectaries in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna). We carried out the study in two different ecosystems of Brazilian Cerrado 700 km apart; Woody Cerrado and Rupestrian Grasslands. We conducted a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) experiment, in which the impact was the disturbance caused by fire. In Woody Cerrado, we found no evidence of fire affecting the diversity and composition of plants or its interactions. Fire also did not affect ant diversity but changed the interaction pattern of its interactions by reorganizing the paired interactions between species (i.e., rewiring). However, this effect did not result in changes on the overall structure of the network. In Rupestrian Grasslands, fire also did not affect the diversity and composition of plant species or its interactions, but it did increase the number of ant species and change its composition, leading to a reorganization of the its paired interactions. However, these fire disturbances in the ant level did not affect the overall structure of the network. Our findings indicate that the structure of ant-plant interaction networks is robust to fire disturbances, more in Woody Cerrado than Rupestrian Grasslands, confirming our hypothesis that ant-plant interactions in Cerrado are adapted to fire disturbances. In sum, our study enhances the understanding of the effects of environmental disturbances and the stability of the ant-plant interactions in fire-adapted ecosystems such as Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

  1. Prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) are considered keystone species and ecosystem engineers for their grazing and burrowing activities (summarized here as disturbances). As climate changes and its variability increases, the mechanisms underlying organisms'' interactions with their habitat will likely shift. Understanding the mediating role of prairie dog disturbance on vegetation structure, and its interaction with environmental conditions through time, will increase knowledge on the risks and vulnerability of grasslands.
  2. Here, we compared how plant taxonomical diversity, functional diversity metrics, and community‐weighted trait means (CWM) respond to prairie dog C. mexicanus disturbance across grassland types and seasons (dry and wet) in a priority conservation semiarid grassland of Northeast Mexico.
  3. Our findings suggest that functional metrics and CWM analyses responded to interactions between prairie dog disturbance, grassland type and season, whilst species diversity and cover measures were less sensitive to the role of prairie dog disturbance. We found weak evidence that prairie dog disturbance has a negative effect on vegetation structure, except for minimal effects on C4 and graminoid cover, but which depended mainly on season. Grassland type and season explained most of the effects on plant functional and taxonomic diversity as well as CWM traits. Furthermore, we found that leaf area as well as forb and annual cover increased during the wet season, independent of prairie dog disturbance.
  4. Our results provide evidence that grassland type and season have a stronger effect than prairie dog disturbance on the vegetation of this short‐grass, water‐restricted grassland ecosystem. We argue that focusing solely on disturbance and grazing effects is misleading, and attention is needed on the relationships between vegetation and environmental conditions which will be critical to understand semiarid grassland dynamics under future climate change conditions in the region.

Aim Water and nutrient availability are major limits to productivity in semi‐arid ecosystems; hence, ecological restoration often focuses on conserving or concentrating soil resources. By contrast, nutrient enrichment can promote invasion by exotic annuals, leading to restoration approaches that target reduction of soil nutrients. We aimed to explore potential biodiversity trade‐offs between these approaches by investigating relationships among soil nutrients, exotic annuals and native plant diversity and composition. In particular, we investigated the hypothesis that native plant diversity in semi‐arid to temperate woodlands reflects the productivity–diversity hypothesis, leading to hump‐backed relationships with soil nutrients such that (1) native plant diversity declines with increasing nutrient enrichment and (2) native diversity is limited at the lowest levels of soil fertility. Location Fragmented, long‐ungrazed Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba (York gum)–Acacia acuminata (jam) woodlands in the wheatbelt of South‐Western Australia. Methods We conducted stratified surveys of floristic composition and topsoil nutrient concentrations in 112 woodland patches. We used generalized linear models, structural equation models and ordinations to characterize relationships among soil nutrients, rainfall, exotic annuals and patch‐scale (100 m2) native plant composition and diversity. Results Patch‐scale native plant diversity declined strongly with increasing exotic abundance. This was partly related to elevated soil nutrient concentrations, particularly total nitrogen and available phosphorus. By contrast, there was little evidence for positive correlations between soil nutrients and native diversity, even at very low soil nutrient concentrations. Main conclusions Minimizing weed invasions is crucial for maximizing native plant diversity in E. loxophleba woodlands and could include nutrient‐depleting treatments without substantially compromising the functional capacity of soils to maintain native plant richness and composition. More broadly we emphasize that understanding relationships among ecosystem productivity, plant diversity and exotic invasions in the context of associated theoretical frameworks is fundamental for informing ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Aims and Methods Diversity-disturbance research has focused on community diversity, but disturbance frequency could impact diversity within species as well, with important consequences for community diversity and ecosystem function. We examined patterns of genetic diversity of a dominant grass species, Andropogon gerardii, in native North American tallgrass prairie sites located in eastern Kansas that have been subjected to a gradient of fire frequency treatments (burned every 1, 2, 4 or 20 years) since the 1970s. In addition, we were able to assess the relationships between genetic diversity of A. gerardii, species diversity and productivity across this range of fire frequencies.Important findings We found no significant relationships between genetic diversity of A. gerardii at the local scale (1 m 2 plot level) and disturbance frequency (burned 2 to 32 times over a 38-year period). However, at the site level (i.e. across all plots sampled within a site, ~100 m 2) there were differences in genotype richness and composition, as well as genomic dissimilarity among individuals of A. gerardii. Genotype richness was greatest for the site burned at an intermediate (4-year) frequency and lowest for the infrequently (20-year) burned site. In addition, genotypes found in the frequently burned sites were more similar from each other than expected by random chance than those found in the infrequently burned sites. Genotype composition of A. gerardii was not significantly different between the frequently burned sites (annual vs. 2 year) but did differ between frequently burned and infrequently burned sites (1 and 2 year vs. 4 and 20 year, etc.). Together, these results suggest site-level ecological sorting of genotypes in intact prairie across a broad gradient of disturbance frequencies, likely driven by alterations in environmental conditions. Frequent fire promotes the abundance of dominant grass species, reduces plant community diversity and impacts ecosystem processes such as productivity. Our study suggests that genetic diversity within dominant grass species also may be affected by disturbance frequency, which could have important implications for how species are able to respond to disturbance.  相似文献   

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