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Recently,the effect of ligand receptor interaction on the membrane structure of liposomes has been studied extensively,However,little is known about how it exists on biological membranes,In this paper,the effect of Concanavalin A(ConA) receptorinteratcion on the structure of cell membranes was studied by Circular DIchrosim(CD) and 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR).CD results of both the purified macrophage membranes and human erythrocyte hgosts(EG) showed that the conformation of membrane proteins changed after ConA binding.For further research,31P-NMR was used to detect the orgainzation of phosp[holipid molecules on macrophage membranes.After ConA binding,the tendercy to form non bilayer structure increased with the amount of ConA.The changes of 31P-NMR spectra of living macrophages might be partly due to the above stated reason too.In addition,ConA-receptor interaction also induced similar results of 31P-NMR spectra in EG.In contrast,wheat germ agglutinin (WGA),another kind of lectin,rarely showed the same influence.  相似文献   

An automated procedure for NOE assignment and three-dimensional structure refinement is presented. The input to the procedure consists of (1) an ensemble of preliminary protein NMR structures, (2) partial sequence-specific assignments for the protein and (3) the positions and volumes of unassigned NOESY cross peaks. Chemical shifts for unassigned side chain protons are predicted from the preliminary structures. The chemical shifts and unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input to an automated procedure for NOE assignment and structure calculation (ARIA) [Nilges et al. (1997) J. Mol. Biol., 269, 408–422]. ARIA is optimized for the task of structure refinement of larger proteins. Errors are filtered to ensure that sequence-specific assignments are reliable. The procedure is applied to the 27.8 kDa single-chain T cell receptor (scTCR). Preliminary NMR structures, nearly complete backbone assignments, partial assignments of side chain protons and more than 1300 unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input. Using the procedure, the resonant frequencies of more than 40 additional side chain protons are assigned. Over 400 new NOE cross peaks are assigned unambiguously. Distances derived from the automatically assigned NOEs improve the precision and quality of calculated scTCR structures. In the refined structures, a hydrophobic cluster of side chains on the scTCR surface that binds major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/antigen is revealed. It is composed of the side chains of residues from three loops and stabilizes the conformation of residues that interact with MHC.  相似文献   

Bitter taste, in humans, is sensed by 25 G protein-coupled receptors, referred to as bitter taste receptors (T2Rs). The diverse roles of T2Rs in various extraoral tissues have implicated them as a potential target for therapeutic intervention. Structure–function studies have provided insights into the role of transmembrane and loop regions in the activation mechanism of T2Rs. However, studies aimed at deciphering the role of their carboxyl-terminus (C-terminus) are limited. In this study, we identified a KLK/R motif in the C-terminus that is conserved in 19 of the 25 T2Rs. Using site-directed mutagenesis we studied the role of 16 residues in the C-terminus of T2R4. The C-terminus of T2R4 is polybasic with 6 of the 16 residues consisting of lysines, constituting two separate KK motifs. We analyzed the effect of the C-terminus mutations on plasma membrane trafficking, and characterized their function in response to the T2R4 agonist quinine. The majority of the mutants showed defective receptor trafficking with ≤ 50% expression on the cell surface. Interestingly, mutation of the distal Lys296 of the KLK motif in T2R4 resulted in constitutive activity. The K296A mutant displayed five-fold basal activity over wild type T2R4, while the conservative substitution K296R showed wild type characteristics. The Lys294, Leu295 and Lys296 of the KLK motif in T2R4 were found to perform crucial roles, both, in receptor trafficking and function. Results from this study provide unique mechanistic insights into the structure–function role of the C-terminus in T2R signaling.  相似文献   

The Cyanidiophyceae members (PreRhodophyta) may serve as a transitional algal group bridging the cyanobacteria and the unicellular Rhodophyta. This thermoacidic algal group is composed of three genera containing several species. We suggested placing these algae in progressively evolutionary steps: (Cyanidioschyzon Cyanidium Galdieria). This evolutional ladder is based upon various areas of research like biochemistry, amount of nuclear genome and shape of chloroplast nucleoid, ultrastructure and ecological aspects. The first alga —Cyanidioschyzon — is the cornerstone of this succession; it shows mixed features between cyanobacterium and archaebacteria(Thermoplasma-like cell). It demonstrates simple eukaryotic cellular features and has the smallest amount of nuclear and chloroplast DNA. The intermediate alga in this line,Cyanidium, is also a simple cell, but shows more progressive characterizations than theCyanidioschyzon. The third taxon,Galdieria, is already very close to the unicellular rhodophytes (red algae) and indicates typical advanced eukaryotic characterization. We propose thatCyanidioschyzon (considered to be the simplest eukaryote) may have evolved from an association betweenThermoplasma-like archaebacterium and a thermophilic cyanobacterium. Autogenous (non-symbiotic) compartmental steps may have taken place fromCyanidioschyzon toCyanidium and then toGaldieria, and from this alga (group) towards the other unicellular red algae.Dedicated toDr. Jerome F. Fredrick, an enthusiast of our favorite algaCyanidium, on his retirement from directorship of Dodge Chemical Laboratories in Bronx, NYC.  相似文献   

Tisagenlecleucel, a CD19-specific autologous chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)–T cell therapy, is efficacious for the treatment of relapsed/refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The tisagenlecleucel manufacturing process was initially developed in an academic setting and subsequently transferred to industry for qualification, validation and scaling up for global clinical trials and commercial distribution. Use of fresh leukapheresis material was recognized early on in the transfer process as a challenge with regard to establishing a global supply chain. To maximize manufacturing success rates and to overcome logistical challenges, cryopreservation was adapted into the Novartis manufacturing process from the beginning of clinical trials. Tisagenlecleucel manufactured in centralized facilities with cryopreserved leukapheresis material has been used successfully in global clinical trials at more than 50 clinical centers in 12 countries. Cryopreservation provides flexibility in scheduling leukapheresis when the patient's health is optimal to provide T cells; it also provides protection from external factors, such as shipping delays, and removes manufacturing time constraints. Several studies were performed to establish comparability of fresh versus cryopreserved leukapheresis material, to evaluate and optimize the cryopreservation process, to determine the optimal temperature and maximum hold time prior to cryopreservation and to determine the optimal temperature range for shipment and storage. Using the current validated industry manufacturing process, high success rates were achieved with regard to manufacturing tisagenlecleucel batches that met specifications and were released to patients. Consistent product quality and positive clinical outcomes support the use of cryopreserved non-mobilized peripheral mononuclear blood cells collected using leukapheresis for CAR-T cell manufacturing.  相似文献   

Summary Recent evidence suggests that integrin is abundant in endomembranes of plant cells, and the endomembranes are clad by a sheath of cytoskeleton including F-actin. A role for endomembrane integrin and the endomembrane sheath is proposed: this system might orchestrate metabolic regulation by providing and modulating loci for channelling, and might accelerate channeling as needed by dragging the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and organelles through the cytoplasm. To accomplish this streaming, F-actin might lever against the rest of the endomembrane sheath and the ER might also lever against adhesion sites (i.e., plasmodesmata and plasmalemmal control centers). As an important agent in the control of cellular activities, according to this model, the endomembrane sheath would play a major part in responses to diverse signals and stresses, and under extreme stress cell survival would depend on the ability of the system to maintain enough integrity to direct critical syntheses and degradations.Abbreviations EMSy endomembrane system - EMSh endomembrane sheath - PCC plasmalemmal control center  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that mammalian and plant cells respond equally to any event which changes their cell membrane structure. Proliferation, wounding or aging induces generation of lipidhydroperoxides from cell wall phospholipids. These are transformed to signalling compounds, some of these induce apoptosis. If the exerted impact exceeds a certain level, the original enzymic reaction switches to a non-enzymic one which produces peroxylradicals. The latter are not liberated enzymically. Peroxylradicals generate a second set of signalling compounds, but cause also severe damage: they epoxidize double bonds, and oxidize proteins, sugars and nucleic acids. Such reactions occur in all inflammatory diseases. Lipidhydoperoxides and their degradation products are incorporated in fat. Apparently, these compounds are transferred partly to LDL. Such LDL is still recognized by the cell LDL receptor. Toxic lipid peroxidation products are therefore introduced into cells and might be able to damage cells from inside long before the typical signs of atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases become visible.  相似文献   

Studies here describe expression and sequence of several new bovine T cell receptor gamma (TRG) genes to yield a total of 11 TRG variable (TRGV) genes (in eight subgroups) and six TRG constant (TRGC) genes. Publicly available genomic sequences were annotated to show their placement. Homologous TRG genes in cattle and sheep were assigned, using four accepted criteria. New genes described here include the bovine TRGC6, TRGV2, and TRGV4, homologues of ovine TRGC4, TRGV2, and TRGV4, respectively. The bovine Vγ7 and BTGV1 clones (previously TRGV4 and TRGV2, respectively) were reassigned to new subgroups TRGV7 and TRGV8, respectively, with approval by the IMGT Nomenclature Committee. Three TRGV subgroups (TRGV5, TRGV6, and TRGV8) were further designated as TRGV5-1 and TRGV5-2, TRGV6-1 and TRGV6-2, and TRGV8-1 and TRGV8-2 because each subgroup is comprised of two mapped genes. The complete sequence of bovine TRGC5 is also reported, for which a limited number of nucleotides was previously available, and shown to be most closely related to ovine TRGC5. Analysis of circulating γδ T cells revealed that rearrangement of TRGV genes with TRGC genes is largely dictated by their proximity within one of the six genomic V-J-C cassettes, with all TRG genes expressed by bovine peripheral blood γδ T cells. Cattle are useful models for γδ T cell biology because they have γδ T cells that respond to isopentenylpyrophosphate (IPP) antigens, while mice do not, and some bovine TRGV genes cluster closely with human genes.Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database under the accession numbers DQ179591, DQ179592, DQ179593, and DQ179594.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific expression of Qa-2k antigen coded by the Q5k gene on various mouse tumor cells and immunological response of the host mice to the antigen have been demonstrated [Seo et al. (1992) J Exp Med 175: 547; Tanino et al. (1992) Cancer Immunol Immunother 35: 230]. The possibility was examined that Qa-2 antigen is one of the recognition target molecules of immunopotentiator-induced, H-2-nonrestricted tumoricidal lymphocytes of Qa-2 mice. Lymphocytes stimulated in vivo withP. acnes or culture-induced anomalous killers of B6.K1 mice did not exhibit significant in vitro cytotoxicity against B6.K1 lymphoblasts but lysed their Qa-2,3-congenic counterpart B6 lymphoblasts. To demonstrate the Qa-2 specificity of such cytotoxic cells more precisely, an L cell transformant clone (LQ7b/Kb), which expressed the 1 and 2 domains of the Qa-2 antigen (Q7b gene product), was generated by transfecting a cloned plasmid DNA containing a hybrid gene constructed from the 5 half of the Q7b gene and the 3 half of the H-2Kb gene (pQ7b/Kb). Using LQ7b/Kb cells as the target cells and the nylon-wool-nonadherent fraction of lymphocytes fromP. acnes-stimulated (C3H/He × B6.K1)F1 mice (H-2k, Qa-2) as the effector cells of the in vitro cytotoxicity reaction, the presence of cytotoxic cells that recognize the 1/2 region of the Q7b gene product was demonstrated. The cytotoxic activity was dependent on T cells bearing T cell receptors of the / type (TCR/). The (C3H/He × B6.K1)F1 effector cells, as well as the B6.K1 effector cells also lysed BW5147 lymphoma cells (Qa-2k+) derived from AKR mice (Qa-2, H-2k). By target-competition experiments it was shown that some of the effector cells lytic to BW5147 were identical to those that lysed LQ7b/Kb. Therefore some of the tumoricidal cells induced by the immunopotentiator interact with the target tumor cells through recognition of the 1/2 region of the Qa-2k tumor antigen by TCR/.  相似文献   

Superantigens (SAgs) are powerful T-cell stimulatory proteins. Because an atopic dermatitis (AD) model NC/Nga mice had two endogenous SAgs, namely minor lymphocyte-stimulating locus-1a (Mls-1a) and mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)(SHN), SAg-responsive T-cells bearing Vβ5.1, Vβ6, Vβ8.1, Vβ8.2, Vβ8.3, Vβ9, and Vβ11 should be endogenously deleted. Here, we discuss that the endogenous SAgs-expression may be involved in AD-sensitivity in NC/Nga mice.  相似文献   

Recruitment of neural stem cells (NSCs) represents an elegant strategy for replacing adult central nervous system (CNS) cells lost to injury or disease. However, except in the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb, the adult CNS harbors a relatively non permissive environment for motility of neural stem cells. This opens the possibility of therapeutic enhancement of NSC motility towards sites of CNS injury or disease. The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is involved in the activation of a number of downstream pathways that regulate the phenotype of progenitor cells. Activated EGFR tyrosine kinase activity enhances NSC migration, proliferation, and survival. However, EGFR signaling is also known to play a role in the most malignant and highly invasive of human tumors, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Recent evidence supports the theory that GBM derives from a 'cancer stem cell' and that EGFR signals are commonly altered in these precursor cells. This article will review the role of EGFR signaling as it relates to neural stem cell motility and invasion. The duality of altered EGFR signaling in neural progenitor cells is discussed and opportunities for enhancing the recruitment of adult progenitors, and consequences of altering EGFR signaling in progenitor cells will be highlighted.  相似文献   



End stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with defective T-cell mediated immunity. A diverse T-cell receptor (TCR) Vβ repertoire is central to effective T-cell mediated immune responses to foreign antigens. In this study, the effect of ESRD on TCR Vβ repertoire was assessed.


A higher proportion of ESRD patients (68.9 %) had a skewed TCR Vβ repertoire compared to age and cytomegalovirus (CMV) – IgG serostatus matched healthy individuals (31.4 %, P?<?0.001). Age, CMV serostatus and ESRD were independently associated with an increase in shifting of the TCR Vβ repertoire. More differentiated CD8+ T cells were observed in young ESRD patients with a shifted TCR Vβ repertoire. CD31-expressing naive T cells and relative telomere length of T cells were not significantly related to TCR Vβ skewing.


ESRD significantly skewed the TCR Vβ repertoire particularly in the elderly population, which may contribute to the uremia-associated defect in T-cell mediated immunity.

T cells play an indispensable role in immune defense against infectious agents, but can also be pathogenic. These T cells develop in the thymus, are exported into the periphery as naïve cells and participate in immune responses. Upon recognition of antigen, they are activated and differentiate into effector and memory T cells. While effector T cells carry out the function of the immune response, memory T cells can last up to the life time of the individual, and are activated by subsequent antigenic exposure. Throughout this life cycle, the T cell uses the same receptor for antigen, the T cell Receptor, a complex multi-subunit receptor. Recognition of antigen presented by peptide/MHC complexes on antigen presenting cells unleashes signaling pathways that control T cell activation at each stage. In this review, we discuss the signals regulated by the T cell receptor in naïve and effector/memory T cells.  相似文献   

Ou Y  Tong C  Zhang Y  Cai P  Gu J  Liu Y  Liu H  Wang H  Chu B  Zhu P 《Molecular biology reports》2009,36(1):145-152
Analysis of T cell receptor β variable region (TCRBV) gene rearrangement is useful for clonal assessment of abnormal T cell proliferations in various diseases. However, most primer panels previously used can only amplify the third complementarity-determining region. Following IMGT database we established a panel of primers, which can amplify entire sequences of all functional TCRBV families. To confirm the usefulness of this panel of primers, we detected different TCRBV repertoires. In 15 healthy donors, most of the BV families were expressed and appeared as a Gaussian distribution. 13 acute myeloid leukemia patients showed monoclonal or oligoclonal changes of BV15 family, and some of them also had monoclonal or oligoclonal expansion of BV2, BV4, BV6 or BV13 families. In one patient after allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, monoclonal proliferation of BV10 family occurred during graft-versus-host disease. In conclusion, this panel of primers improves our abilities to analyze TCRBV repertoire changes in related diseases.  相似文献   

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