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与全球范围内气候变暖对植物物候影响研究相比,其他气候因素(如光合有效辐射PAR等)对物候影响报道较少,果树花期物候对光合有效辐射变化响应的研究更是未见报道。本研究以1963—2008年间北京板栗始花物候资料及相应的日光合有效辐射数据为基础,利用偏最小二乘回归法确定了PAR影响板栗始花物候的两个关键阶段,进而分析了两阶段内PAR、温度及相对湿度变化对板栗花期的具体影响。结果表明,北京过去50年两相关阶段内PAR呈显著下降趋势,其中9月24日至次年2月5日问PAR下降对板栗花期提前具有促进作用,可解释12%的花期提前趋势;2月6日至次年5月31日间PAR下降促使花期延迟,但未达显著水平(P〉0.1)。板栗花期提前主要与2月6日至次年5月31日间温度升高有关,其间温度变化可解释41%的花期提前趋势;其次是相对湿度,PAR变化对花期影响较小。鉴于PAR、温度及相对湿度间的互作效应,PAR和相对湿度对花期物候的影响可由温度效应加以解释。  相似文献   

Summary In an uneven-aged, multi-species oak-hornbeam forest at Báb, SW Slovakia (former IBP Forest Research Site), a series of micrometeorological and ecophysiological measurements started in 1985. The aims of the work are to improve understanding of physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration) of adult trees and stand microclimate, to collect data for simulation of the canopy (stand) photosynthesis and for ecological synthesis of the functioning of the forest ecosystem. In this paper, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), and CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in and above the forest are characterized for the fully leaved season, using diurnal courses, vertical profiles and isodiagrams (isopleths). Approximately 50% of incident PAR was absorbed by the upper 4–5 m layer of leaves and only approximately 5% or less penetrated to the forest floor. Vertical gradients of AT and RH were generally low, but large differences in diurnal ranges of AT and RH were observed between vertical levels. The upper leaf canopy greatly reduced WS, and at a height of about 14 m above the ground it was close to zero. The highest diurnal [CO2] maximum and variations occurred at 1 m above the ground, and the lowest above the forest. In good light conditions in the forest, the entire leaf canopy (overstorey and understorey canopy) is a large sink of CO2. At night the forest stand is a source of CO2, the largest internal source being the soil and forest floor.  相似文献   

应用普适全国的计算太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量模型,系统地研究了粤西的高要、封开和临近地区梧州的太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年总量、月总量以及相应的年平均日总量和日平均日总量。结果表明,太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年变化有相似的规律;而地区变化有以下特点:梧州和封开明显类似,而高要与上两地差异稍大。  相似文献   

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