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Flower size and number usually evolve under pollinator‐mediated selection. However, hot, dry environments can also modulate display, counteracting pollinator attraction. Increased pollen deposition on larger flower displays may not involve higher female fitness. Consequently, stressful conditions may constrain flower size, favouring smaller‐sized flowers. The large‐flowered, self‐incompatible Mediterranean shrub Cistus ladanifer was used to test that: (1) this species suffers pollen limitation; (2) pollinators are spatially–temporally variable and differentially visit plants with more/larger flowers; (3) increased visits enhance reproduction under pollen limitation; (4) stressful conditions reduce female fitness of larger displays; and (5) phenotypic selection on floral display is not just pollinator‐mediated. We evaluated pollen limitation, related floral display to pollinator visits and fruit and seed production and estimated phenotypic selection. Flower size was 7.2–10.5 cm and varied spatially–temporally. Visitation rates (total visits/50 min) ranged from 0.26 to 0.43 and increased with flower size. Fruit set averaged 80% and seed number averaged 855, but only fruit set varied between populations and years. Selection towards larger flowers was detected under conditions of pollen limitation. Otherwise, we detected stabilizing selection on flower size and negative selection on flower number. Our results suggest that selection on floral display is not only pollinator‐dependent through female fitness in C. ladanifer. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 540–555.  相似文献   

Pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection (PMSS) has been proposed as the driver of the evolutionary shift from radial to bilateral symmetry of flowers. Studies have shown that variation in flower size is lower in bilateral than in radial species, but whether bilateral flowers experience more stabilizing selection pressures by employing fewer, more specialized pollinators than radial flowers remains unclear. To test the PMSS hypothesis, we investigate plant–pollinator interactions from a whole community in an alpine meadow in Hengduan Mountains, China, to examine: (i) variance in flower size and level of ecological generalization (pollinator diversity calculated using functional groups) in 14 bilateral and 13 radial species and (ii) the role pollinator diversity played in explaining the difference of variance in flower size between bilateral and radial species. Our data showed that bilateral species had less variance in flower size and were visited by fewer pollinator groups. Pollinator diversity accounted for up to 40 per cent of the difference in variance in flower size between bilateral and radial species. The mediator effect of pollinator diversity on the relationship between floral symmetry and variance in flower size in the community is consistent with the PMSS hypothesis.  相似文献   

  • Pollinator guilds may change throughout extended flowering periods, affecting plant reproductive output, especially in seasonal climates. We hypothesised a seasonal shift in pollinator guild and an autumn reduction in pollinator abundance, especially in small and sparse populations.
  • We recorded pollinator identity, abundance and behaviour in relation to flower density from plant to population throughout the extended flowering of Ononis tridentata. We evaluated female reproductive output by recording pollination success and pre‐dispersal seed predation in eight populations of contrasting size and density. Offspring quality was also characterised through seed weight and germination.
  • A diverse guild of insects visited O. tridentata in spring, while only Apis mellifera was observed in autumn. Visitation frequency did not vary seasonally, but the number of flowers per foraging bout was lower, and seeds were heavier and had a higher germination rate in autumn. Plant and neighbourhood flowering display were not related to pollinator visitation frequency or behaviour. However, the rate of fertilised ovules, seed set and autumn flowering display size were positively related to population density.
  • The maintenance of pollination in autumn enhances the reproductive performance of O. tridentata due to higher quality of autumn seed, and to a large reduction in seed predator pressure. We also suggest that observed changes in pollinator behaviour could be one of the processes behind seasonal variation in seed performance, since geitonogamous crosses were less likely to occur in autumn.

Quantitative traits show abundant genetic, environmental, and phenotypic variance, yet if they are subject to stabilizing selection for an optimal phenotype, both the genetic and environmental components are expected to decline. The mechanisms that determine the level and maintenance of phenotypic variance are not yet fully understood. While there has been extensive study of mechanisms maintaining genetic variability, it has generally been assumed that environmental variance is not dependent on the genotype and therefore not subject to change. However, accumulating data suggest that the environmental variance is under some degree of genetic control. In this study, it is assumed accordingly that both the genotypic value (i.e., mean phenotypic value) and the variance of phenotypic value given genotypic value depend on the genotype. Two models are investigated as potentially able to explain the protected maintenance of environmental variance of quantitative traits under stabilizing selection. One is varying environment among generations, such that both the optimal phenotype and the strength of the stabilizing selection vary between generations. The other is the cost of homogeneity, which is based on an assumption of an engineering cost of minimizing variability in development. It is shown that a small homogeneity cost is enough to maintain the observed levels of environmental variance, whereas a large amount of temporal variation in the optimal phenotype and the strength of selection would be necessary.  相似文献   

Establishment success of plants derived from large seeds has been proposed to be greater than that of those derived from smaller ones, particularly under unfavourable conditions of moisture. Therefore, the advantages conferred by large seeds in terms of seedling performance may be modulated by abiotic conditions. The effect of seed size on Cryptocarya alba seedling performance (as determined by seedling recruitment and seedling size) was evaluated under two contrasting rainfall regimes (wet and dry year regime), simulated in the laboratory. It was also determined whether the presence of a pericarp, which had been shown to reduce germination, decreases desiccation and if this counterbalances the greater recruitment of seeds without a pericarp, especially under unfavourable conditions of moisture. Large seeds had a greater probability of recruitment and their seedlings attained a greater biomass, independently of the amount of water applied. In the simulated wet year regime, seeds with a pericarp showed a greater probability of recruitment than those lacking a pericarp. However, seedlings derived from both seed types attained a similar biomass. Under the dry year regime, seeds with and without a pericarp showed similar recruitment probabilities and their seedlings had similar biomasses. These results do not support the assumption that under favourable conditions of moisture, individual differences in seed size would not matter in term of seedling performance. A possible explanation in this case, is the presence of recalcitrant seeds in C. alba, which determines a very short time period for germination following dispersal. Therefore, any attribute that increases germination (e.g., large seeds) would be advantageous, independently of the prevailing abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Resources, sex ratio, and seed production by hermaphrodites covary among natural populations of many gynodioecious plant species, such that they are functionally "more dioecious" as resources become more limiting. Strong correlations among these three factors confound our understanding of their relative roles in maintaining polymorphic sexual systems. We manipulated resource availability and sex ratio and measured their effects on relative fertility and phenotypic selection through the maternal fitness of females and hermaphrodites of Fragaria virginiana. Two results were particularly surprising. First, hermaphrodites showed little variability in fecundity across resource treatments and showed strong positive and context-dependent selection for fruit set. This suggests that variation in hermaphrodite seed production along resource gradients in nature may result from adaptation rather than plasticity. Second, although females increased their fecundity with higher resources, their fertility was unaffected by sex ratio, which is predicted to mediate pollen limitation of females in natural populations where they are common. Selection on petal size of females was also weak, indicating a minimal effect of pollinator attraction on variation in the fertility of female plants. Hence, we found no mechanistic explanation for the complete absence of high-resource high female populations in nature. Despite strong selection for increased fruit set of hermaphrodites, both the strength of selection and its contribution to the maintenance of gynodioecy are severely reduced under conditions where females have high relative fecundity (i.e., low resources and high-female sex ratios). High relative fertility plus high female frequency means that the evolution of phenotypic traits in hermaphrodites (i.e., response to selection via seed function) should be manifested through females because most hermaphrodites will have female mothers. Fruit set was never under strong selection in females; hence, selection to increase fruit set hermaphrodites will be less effective in maintaining their fruiting ability in natural populations with low resources and high female frequency. In sum, both sex ratio and resource availability influence trait evolution indirectly-through their effects on relative fertility of the sexes and patterns of selection. Sex ratio did not impose strong pollen limitation on females but did directly moderate the outcome of natural selection by biasing the maternal sex of the next generation. This direct effect of sex ratio on the manifestation of natural selection is expected to have far greater impact on the evolution of traits, such as seed-producing ability in hermaphrodites and the maintenance of sexual polymorphisms in nature, compared to indirect effects of sex ratio on relative fertility of the sexes.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Reproductive costs imply trade-offs in resource distribution at the physiological level, expressed as changes in future growth and/or reproduction. In dioecious species, females generally endure higher reproductive effort, although this is not necessarily expressed through higher somatic costs, as compensatory mechanisms may foster resource uptake during reproduction.


To assess effects of reproductive allocation on vegetative growth and physiological response in terms of costs and compensation mechanisms, a manipulative experiment of inflorescence bud removal was carried out in the sexually dimorphic species Corema album. Over two consecutive growing seasons, vegetative growth patterns, water status and photochemical efficiency were measured to evaluate gender-related differences.

Key Results

Suppression of reproductive allocation resulted in a direct reduction in somatic costs of reproduction, expressed through changes in growth variables and plant physiological status. Inflorescence bud removal was related to an increase in shoot elongation and water potential in male and female plants. The response to inflorescence bud removal showed gender-related differences that were related to the moment of maximum reproductive effort in each sexual form: flowering in males and fruiting in females. Delayed costs of reproduction were found in both water status and growth variables, showing gender-related differences in resource storage and use.


Results are consistent with the existence of a trade-off between reproductive and vegetative biomass, indicating that reproduction and growth depend on the same resource pool. Gender-related morphological and physiological differences arise as a response to different reproductive resource requirements. Delayed somatic costs provide evidence of gender-related differences in resource allocation and storage. Adaptive differences between genders in C. album may arise through the development of mechanisms which compensate for the cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

刘金  夏齐平  王建  李真  邵剑文 《植物研究》2018,38(2):232-237
安徽羽叶报春是我国特有的一种珍稀濒危花卉。论文对自花授粉在其花色选育中的应用进行了初步研究。结果表明:安徽羽叶报春自花授粉亲和性较高,平均结籽数可达36.03粒/果,能达到正配授粉结籽数的71.11%(正配授粉结籽数为50.69粒/果),而且自花授粉种子也基本能正常萌发,萌发率为41.13%,达到正配授粉种子萌发率的57.98%。花色分析显示自花授粉子代花色R值比重均值(即红色成分,为0.382)显著高于其亲本群体及正配授粉子代的均值(均为0.375左右)。因此安徽羽叶报春自花授粉虽存在一定的衰退现象,但它有利于花色的选育和纯合品系的获得,在其花色的选育过程中应加以重视和利用。  相似文献   

To understand the consequences of ever‐changing environment on the dynamics of phenotypic traits, distinguishing between selection processes and individual plasticity is crucial. We examined individual consistency/plasticity in several male secondary sexual traits expressed during the breeding season (white wing and forehead patch size, UV reflectance of white wing patch and dorsal melanin coloration) in a migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) population over an 11‐year period. Furthermore, we studied carry‐over effects of three environmental variables (NAO, a climatic index; NDVI, a vegetation index; and rainfall) at the wintering grounds (during prebreeding moult) on the expression of these breeding plumage traits of pied flycatcher males at individual and population levels. Whereas NAO correlates negatively with moisture in West Africa, NDVI correlates positively with primary production. Forehead patch size and melanin coloration were highly consistent within individuals among years, whereas the consistency of the other two traits was moderate. Wing patch size decreased with higher NAO and increased with higher rainfall and NDVI at the individual level. Interestingly, small‐patched males suffered lower survival during high NAO winters than large‐patched males, and vice versa during low NAO winters. These counteracting processes meant that the individual‐level change was masked at the population level where no relationship was found. Our results provide a good example of how variation in the phenotypic composition of a natural population can be a result of both environment‐dependent individual plasticity and short‐term microevolution. Moreover, when plasticity and viability selection operate simultaneously, their impacts on population composition may not be evident.  相似文献   

The role of male body size in postmating sexual selection wasexplored in a semiaquatic insect, the water strider Gerris lateralis.To separate effects of male size per se from those due to numericsperm competition, male recovery period (shown here to be proportionalto ejaculate size) was manipulated independently of body sizein a factorial experiment where virgin females were mated firstwith sterile males and then with focal males. Both relativemale fertilization success and female reproductive rate were measured.The number of sperm transferred increased with male recoveryperiod, an effect that was mediated by longer copulation duration,but there were no effects of body size on ejaculate size. Neithermale size nor recovery period had any significant direct effectson male fertilization success. However, copulation durationinfluenced relative fertilization success, suggesting that malesable to transfer more sperm also achieved higher fertilizationsuccess. Females exercised cryptic female choice by modulatingtheir reproductive rate in a manner favoring large males andmales that were successful in terms of achieving high relativefertilization success. Thus, successful males gained a twofoldadvantage in postmating sexual selection. This study has important implicationsfor previous estimates of sexual selection in this group of insectsbecause pre- and postmating sexual selection will be antagonisticdue to limitations in male sperm production: males mating frequently(high mating success) will on average transfer fewer sperm ineach mating and will hence tend to fertilize fewer eggs permating (low fertilization success).  相似文献   

Sexual selection may contribute to the evolution of plant sexual dimorphism by favoring architectural traits in males that improve pollen dispersal to mates. In both sexes, larger individuals may be favored by allowing the allocation of more resources to gamete production (a “budget” effect of size). In wind‐pollinated plants, large size may also benefit males by allowing the liberation of pollen from a greater height, fostering its dispersal (a “direct” effect of size). To assess these effects and their implications for trait selection, we measured selection on plant morphology in both males and females of the wind‐pollinated dioecious herb Mercurialis annua in two separate experimental common gardens at contrasting density. In both gardens, selection strongly favored males that disperse their pollen further. Selection for pollen production was observed in the high‐density garden only, and was weak. In addition, male morphologies associated with increased mean pollen dispersal differed between the two gardens, as elongated branches were favored in the high‐density garden, whereas shorter plants with longer inflorescence stalks were favored in the low‐density garden. Larger females were selected in both gardens. Our results point to the importance of both a direct effect of selection on male traits that affect pollen dispersal, and, to a lesser extent, a budget effect of selection on pollen production.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics has become the standard proteomics technique for the large-scale measurement of protein abundances in biological samples. Despite quantitative proteomics has been usually performed using label-based approaches, label-free quantitation offers advantages related to the avoidance of labeling steps, no limitation in the number of samples to be compared, and the gain in protein detection sensitivity. However, since samples are analyzed separately, experimental design becomes critical. The exploration of spectral counting quantitation based on LC-MS presented here gathers experimental evidence of the influence of batch effects on comparative proteomics. The batch effects shown with spiking experiments clearly interfere with the biological signal. In order to minimize the interferences from batch effects, a statistical correction is proposed and implemented. Our results show that batch effects can be attenuated statistically when proper experimental design is used. Furthermore, the batch effect correction implemented leads to a substantial increase in the sensitivity of statistical tests. Finally, the applicability of our batch effects correction is shown on two different biomarker discovery projects involving cancer secretomes. We think that our findings will allow designing and executing better comparative proteomics projects and will help to avoid reaching false conclusions in the field of proteomics biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

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