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HIAP2 is a multifunctional protein that is critically involved in the regulation of cell survival and apoptosis. Here, we show that HIAP2 5' untranslated region functions as a strong inhibitor of translation. Sequence analysis of human, mouse and rat sequences revealed that there exists a short open reading frame (ORF) that is located just upstream of the HIAP2 coding sequence. The translation of this uORF severely inhibited translation of the downstream reporter gene in vivo but not in vitro. Point mutation that destroys the CUG initiating codon of uORF markedly enhanced translation of the reporter gene without affecting the mRNA levels. Our results identify a novel translational regulatory mechanism that controls the expression of HIAP2 and point to the importance of tight regulation of antiapoptotic gene expression.  相似文献   

The suppressor of cytokine signalling 1 protein (SOCS-1) belongs to a novel family of cytokine inducible factors which function as inhibitors of the JAK/STAT pathway. While SOCS-1 previously has been described as a single-exon gene, here we present evidence for an additional 5' exon, separated by a 509 bp intron from exon 2. Exon 1 and part of exon 2 contain an open reading frame of 115 nt, ending one nucleotide upstream of the major reading frame. Using SOCS-1-promoter/luciferase constructs, we investigated which sequences are involved in the regulation of SOCS-1 expression. Serial promoter deletion clones indicate the localization and functionality of SP1, interferon-stimulated responsive elements (ISRE), and interferon-gamma-activated sites (GAS) promoter elements in the SOCS-1 5' flanking region. We present evidence that the upstream open reading frame (uORF) represses the translation of the downstream major open reading frame (mORF). Mutating the start codon of the uORF relieves this repression. Our data indicate that expression of the SOCS-1 protein is repressed on translational level by a mechanism, which bears similarities to that postulated for genes like retinoic acid receptor beta2 (RARbeta2), S-adenosylmethionine-decarboxylase (AdoMetDC), Bcl-2, and others.  相似文献   

Race 1 of Cochliobolus carbonum, a fungal plant pathogen, owes its exceptional virulence on certain genotypes of maize to the production of HC-toxin, a cyclic tetrapeptide. Production of HC-toxin is controlled by a single known gene, TOX2. Race 1, but not races that do not make HC-toxin, contains two copies of a 22-kilobase (kb) region of chromosomal DNA that is required for HC-toxin biosynthesis and hence virulence. We have sequenced this 22-kb region and here show that it contains an open reading frame of 15.7 kb that encodes a multifunctional cyclic peptide synthetase of potential M(r)574,620. This gene, called HTS1, apparently contains no introns. The predicted gene product, HC-toxin synthetase (HTS), contains four amino acid-binding (adenylate-forming) domains that are highly similar to those found in other cyclic peptide synthetases and other adenylate-binding enzymes. The DNA sequence encodes tryptic peptides derived from two HC-toxin biosynthetic enzymes, HC-toxin synthetase 1 (HTS-1) and HC-toxin synthetase 2 (HTS-2), indicating that these two enzymes exist in vivo as part of a single polypeptide. Consistent with this, in some enzyme preparations antibodies against the enzyme HTS-2, which was originally purified as a protein with a subunit M(r) of 160,000, recognize a protein with an estimated subunit M(r) greater than 480,000.  相似文献   

TT virus (TTV) is a newly discovered human virus with a single-stranded, circular DNA genome. The TTV DNA sequence includes two major open reading frames (ORFs), ORF1 and ORF2. Recently, spliced TTV mRNAs were detected and revealed two additional coding regions, ORF3 and ORF4. We found sequence similarity between the TTV ORF3 protein and hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein, which is a phosphoprotein and is thought to associate with various cellular proteins. To test whether the TTV ORF3 protein is phosphorylated, the state of phosphorylation was analyzed with a transient protein production system. The TTV ORF3 protein was phosphorylated at the serine residues in its C-terminal portion. Furthermore, the TTV ORF3 gene generated two forms of proteins with a different phosphorylation state, similar to the HCV NS5A region, suggesting that TTV ORF3 protein has function(s) similar to phosphorylated viral proteins such as the HCV NS5A protein.  相似文献   

The open reading frame (ORF) that encodes the 226-amino-acid coat protein (hepatitis B virus surface antigen [HBsAg]) of hepatitis B virus has the potential to encode a 400-amino-acid polypeptide. The entire ORF would direct the synthesis of a polypeptide whose C-terminal amino acids represent HBsAg with an additional 174 amino acids at the N terminus (pre-s). Recently, virus particles have been shown to contain a polypeptide that corresponds to HBsAg with an additional 55 amino acids at the N terminus encoded by the DNA sequence immediately upstream of the HBsAg gene. A novel ORF expression vector containing the TAC promoter, the first eight codons of the gene for beta-galactosidase, and the entire coding sequence for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was used in bacteria to express determinants of the 174 amino acids predicted from the pre-s portion of the ORF. The resulting tribrid protein containing 108 amino acids encoded by pre-s was expressed as one of the major proteins of bacteria harboring the recombinant plasmid. Single-step purification of the tribrid fusion protein was achieved by fractionation on a chloramphenicol affinity resin. Polyclonal antiserum generated to the fusion protein was capable of detecting 42- and 46-kilodalton polypeptides from virus particles; both polypeptides were also shown to contain HBsAg determinants. The ability of the polyclonal antiserum to identify polypeptides with these characteristics from virus particles presents compelling evidence that the DNA sequence of the entire ORF is expressed as a contiguous polypeptide containing HBsAg. The presence of multiple promoters and primary translation products from this single ORF argues that the function and potential interaction of the encoded polypeptides play a crucial role in the life cycle of the virus. Furthermore, the procedure and vector described in this report can be applied to other systems to facilitate the generation of antibodies to defined determinants and should allow the characterization of the epitope specificity of existing antibodies.  相似文献   

Upstream open reading frame (uORF)-mediated translational inhibition is important in controlling key regulatory genes expression. However, understanding the underlying molecular mechanism of such uORF-mediated control system in vivo is challenging in the absence of an animal model. Therefore, we generated a zebrafish transgenic line, termed huORFZ, harboring a construct in which the uORF sequence from human CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein gene (huORF(chop)) is added to the leader of GFP and is driven by a cytomegalovirus promoter. The translation of transgenic huORF(chop)-gfp mRNA was absolutely inhibited by the huORF(chop) cassette in huORFZ embryos during normal conditions, but the downstream GFP was only apparent when the huORFZ embryos were treated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stresses. Interestingly, the number and location of GFP-responsive embryonic cells were dependent on the developmental stage and type of ER stresses encountered. These results indicate that the translation of the huORF(chop)-tag downstream reporter gene is controlled in the huORFZ line. Moreover, using cell sorting and microarray analysis of huORFZ embryos, we identified such putative factors as Nrg/ErbB, PI3K and hsp90, which are involved in huORF(chop)-mediated translational control under heat-shock stress. Therefore, using the huORFZ embryos allows us to study the regulatory network involved in human uORF(chop)-mediated translational inhibition.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle cells are one of the main sites of glucose uptake through glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) in response to insulin. In muscle cells, 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is known as another GLUT4 translocation promoter. Natural compounds that activate AMPK have a possibility to overcome insulin resistance in the diabetic state. Piceatannol is a natural analog and a metabolite of resveratrol, a known AMPK activator. In this study, we investigate the in vitro effect of piceatannol on glucose uptake, AMPK phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation to plasma membrane in L6 myocytes, and its in vivo effect on blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetic model db/db mice. Piceatannol was found to promote glucose uptake, AMPK phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by Western blotting analyses in L6 myotubes under a condition of insulin absence. Promotion by piceatannol of glucose uptake as well as GLUT4 translocation to plasma membrane by immunocytochemistry was also demonstrated in L6 myoblasts transfected with a glut4 cDNA-coding vector. Piceatannol suppressed the rises in blood glucose levels at early stages and improved the impaired glucose tolerance at late stages in db/db mice. These in vitro and in vivo findings suggest that piceatannol may be preventive and remedial for type 2 diabetes and become an antidiabetic phytochemical.  相似文献   

The structural gene for thermostable neutral protease, nprM, has only one stacking region, whose energy is -16.3 kcal/mol (-68.2 kJ/mol). Mutations for increasing (-30.8 kcal/mol [128.9 kJ/mol] and decreasing (-5.0 kcal/mol [-20.9 kJ/mol]) the energy of the stacking region were introduced in nprM on the recombinant plasmid pMK1 by using site-directed mutagenesis without any amino acid substitutions. The resultant plasmids were designated pMK2 and pMK3, respectively. The enzyme productivity of the pMK2 carrier was about 40% lower than that of pMK1, whereas the productivity of the pMK3 carrier was about 5% higher. The higher the stability of the stacking regions, the lower the enzyme productivity that was observed. mRNA concentrations were almost the same in the cells harboring these three plasmids. These results indicate that the secondary structure of mRNA reduces the translation efficiency.  相似文献   

The influence of an upstream small open reading frame (URF) on the translation of two consecutive coding regions on an eukaryotic mRNA was studied. The cis effects of leader length, URF length, the sequences of the URF and neighboring regions, and the trans effects of the Cauliflower mosaic virus transactivator (TAV) were analyzed. Translation efficiency of the immediate downstream open reading frame (ORF) decreased with increasing URF length. Short URFs did not drastically inhibit translation of immediate downstream ORFs but supported far downstream translation in the presence of TAV. In the latter case, the optimal URF length was 30 codons.  相似文献   

Cap-independent translation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA is mediated by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) within the 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR) of the virus RNA. To investigate the effects of alterations to the primary sequence of the 5′UTR on IRES activity, a series of HCV genotype 1b (HCV-1b) variant IRES elements was generated and cloned into a bicistronic reporter construct. Changes from the prototypic HCV-1b 5′UTR sequence were identified at various locations throughout the 5′UTR. The translation efficiencies of these IRES elements were examined by an in vivo transient expression assay in transfected BHK-21 cells and were found to range from 0.4 to 95.8% of the activity of the prototype HCV-1b IRES. Further mutational analysis of the three single-point mutants most severely defective in activity, whose mutations were all located in or near stem-loop IIIc, demonstrated that both the primary sequence and the maintenance of base pairing within this stem structure were critical for HCV IRES function. Complementation studies indicated that defective mutants containing either point mutations or major deletions within the IRES elements could not be complemented in trans by a wild-type IRES.  相似文献   

M E Boursnell  T D Brown 《Gene》1984,29(1-2):87-92
DNA sequencing of genomic cDNA clones of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has been carried out. 770 bases have been determined which include genomic sequences spanning the 5' termini of the two smallest mRNAs of the 3'-coterminal "nested" set: mRNA A and mRNA B. This region contains the complete coding sequences for mRNA B which are additional to those present in mRNA A. Two open reading frames are present, predicting proteins of Mrs 7500 and 9500.  相似文献   

D H Mack  W Bloch  N Nath    J J Sninsky 《Journal of virology》1988,62(12):4786-4790
A segment of the largest open reading frame of hepatitis B virus (HBV) was inserted into an open reading frame vector directing the expression in Escherichia coli of a fusion molecule containing 143 HBV-encoded amino acids. The fusion protein was used to generate antiserum which served in immunoblots to identify a polypeptide with a molecular mass of 65 kilodaltons in HBV particles. Because of the small number of molecules in virus particles, unambiguous detection required the development of a highly sensitive immunoblot procedure.  相似文献   

We are the first to have isolated a protein (186 amino acid residues) encoded by the open reading frame adjacent to the end of the BspD6I nickase (N.BspD6I) gene. Cleavage of both DNA strands near the sequence recognized by nickase (5 -GAGTC/5 -GACTC) occurs when this protein is added to the reaction mixture containing N.BspD6I. The protein encoded by the open reading frame and the nickase are suggested to be subunits of heterodimeric restriction endonuclease R.BspD6I.  相似文献   

The addition of 5',5',5'-trifluoroleucine (fluoroleucine) to leucine auxotrophs of Salmonella typhimurium permitted protein but not ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis to continue after leucine depletion. The uncoupling of the formation of these macromolecules by fluoroleucine was apparent if RNA and protein synthesis was measured either by the uptake of radioactive precursors or by direct chemical determinations. The analogue did not appear to be an inhibitor of RNA formation, since it was as effective as leucine in permitting RNA synthesis in a leucine auxotroph upon the addition of small amounts of chloramphenicol. In contrast to these data, fluoroleucine allowed continued protein and RNA formation in a leucine auxotroph of Escherichia coli strain W. In addition, contrary to the results obtained with S. typhimurium, the analogue replaced leucine for repression of the leucine bio-synthetic enzymes as well as the isoleucine-valine enzymes. We propose that these ambivalent effects of fluoroleucine on repression and RNA and protein synthesis in the two strains are due to differences in the ability of the analogue to attach to the various species of leucine transfer RNA.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify genes encoding triple-helical DNA-binding proteins, we performed South-Western screening of a human keratinocyte cDNA expression library using a purine (Pu)-rich triplex DNA probe. We isolated two independent clones containing part of the loricrin gene. Both were translated with a different reading frame than that of the loricrin protein, the major component of the cell envelope during normal keratinocyte cornification. The affinity of the encoded polypeptide for Pu-triplex DNA was confirmed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays using a bacterially expressed N-terminal loricrin deletion fused with the maltose-binding protein (MBP-LOR3ARF). Interactions between Pu-triplex DNA and MBP-LOR3ARF are characterized by a distribution of four increasingly slower mobility complexes, suggesting that multiple MBP-LOR3ARF molecules can recognize a single triplex. Binding was also observed between MBP-LOR3ARF and a pyrimidine-motif triplex DNA, although at lower affinity than Pu-triplex DNA. No apparent binding was observed between MBP-LOR3ARF and double-stranded DNA, suggesting that MBP-LOR3ARF is a bona fide Pu-triplex binding protein. Finally, purified specific rabbit antibodies against LORARF detected four human proteins with apparent molecular masses of 210, 110, 68, and 66 kDa on Western blot analysis. The 210-, 110-, and 68-kDa proteins also showed specific Pu-triplex DNA binding in a South-Western experiment, suggesting that LORARF shares common domains with other human Pu-triplex DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The antimetabolite 5-iodo 2'-deoxyuridine (IDU) interferes with B virus replication in monolayers of cynomolgous monkey kidney, KB and HEp 2 cells. To determine the effect of this clinically active nucleoside in laboratory antiviral screening systems, several methods were compared. Most of the methods used were capable of detecting the activity of IDU at low levels.  相似文献   

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