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Tapasin organizes the peptide-loading complex (PLC) by recruiting peptide-receptive MHC class I (MHC-I) and accessory chaperones to the N-terminal regions of the TAP subunits TAP1 and TAP2. Despite numerous studies have shown that the formation of the PLC is essential to facilitate proper MHC-I loading, the molecular architecture of this complex is still highly controversial. We studied the stoichiometry of the PLC by blue native-PAGE in combination with Ab-shift assays and found that TAP/tapasin complexes exist at steady state as a mixture of two distinct oligomers of 350 and 450 kDa. Only the higher m.w. complex contains MHC-I and disulfide-linked tapasin/ER60 conjugates. Moreover, we show for the first time to our knowledge that the fully assembled PLC comprises two tapasin, two ER60, but only one complex of MHC-I and calreticulin. Based hereon we postulate that the TAP subunits alternate in the recruitment and loading of a single MHC-I.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident proteins TAP, tapasin and ERp57 are the core components of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptide-loading complex and play an important role in peptide loading by MHC class I-beta(2)microglobulin dimers. ERp57 and tapasin form a stable disulfide-linked heterodimer within the peptide-loading complex. We demonstrate that ERp57-deficient loading complexes, obtained by expression in a tapasin-negative cell line of a tapasin mutant (C95A) that is not able to form a disulfide bond with ERp57, are prone to aggregation. We studied the assembly, stability and aggregation of the core loading complex using cell lines stably expressing fluorescently tagged tapasin (wild type or C95A mutant) and TAP1. Part of the loading complexes containing the tagged C95A tapasin and TAP1 were sequestered in the ER, without change of their ER transmembrane topology, and were surrounded by a mesh of filaments at the cytosolic side, resulting in formation of protein aggregates with characteristic morphology. Protein aggregates were associated with changes in ER protein turnover but did not affect the cell viability and did not induce the unfolded protein response. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of the aggregate-free ER fraction revealed that lack of ERp57 did not affect the stoichiometry or stability of tapasin-TAP1 interactions in the assembled 'soluble' core loading complexes. We conclude that the presence of ERp57 is important for the stability of core loading complexes, and that in its absence, the core loading complexes may form stable aggregates within the ER.  相似文献   

Proteins bearing an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) leader are inserted into the ER followed by cleavage of the signal peptide. Major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted T-cell epitopes can be generated from these proteins by the proteasome after retrotranslocation into the cytosol. Here, we show that an HLA-A(*)0201-restricted epitope from prostate stem cell antigen contains the cleavage site of the ER signal peptidase. The resulting cleavage products fail to bind to HLA-A(*)0201 and are not recognized by T lymphocytes. As processing of prostate stem cell antigen by signal peptidase occurs immediately after co-translational insertion, the epitope must be processed from polypeptides that have never reached the ER. The processing of this epitope depends on the proteasome and the transporter associated with antigen processing and shows a novel pathway of class I processing that relies on the failure of ER-targeted proteins to reach their target compartment.  相似文献   

We previously showed that the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I chaperone tapasin can be detected as a mixed disulfide with the thiol-oxidoreductase ERp57. Here we show that tapasin is a unique and preferred substrate, a substantial majority of which is disulfide-linked to ERp57 within the cell. Tapasin upregulation by interferon-gamma induces sequestration of the vast majority of ERp57 into the MHC class I peptide-loading complex. The rate of tapasin-ERp57 conjugate formation is unaffected by the absence of beta2-microglubulin (beta2m), and is independent of calnexin or calreticulin interactions with monoglucosylated N-linked glycans. The heterodimer forms spontaneously in vitro upon mixing recombinant ERp57 and tapasin. Noncovalent interactions between the native proteins inhibit the reductase activity of the thioredoxin CXXC motif within the N-terminal a domain of ERp57 to maintain its interaction with tapasin. Disruption of these interactions by denaturation allows reduction to proceed. Thus, tapasin association specifically inhibits the escape pathway required for disulfide-bond isomerization within conventional protein substrates, suggesting a specific structural role for ERp57 within the MHC class I peptide-loading complex.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of peptide-MHC is highly specific and is sensitive to very low levels of agonist peptide; however, it is unclear how this effect is achieved or regulated. In this study we show that clustering class I MHC molecules on the cell surface of B lymphoblasts enhances their recognition by mouse and human T cells. We increased clustering of MHC I molecules by two methods, cholesterol depletion and direct cross-linking of a dimerizable MHC construct. Imaging showed that both treatments increased the size and intensity of MHC clusters on the cell surface. Enlarged clusters correlated with enhanced lysis and T cell effector function. Enhancements were peptide-specific and greatest at low concentrations of peptide. Clustering MHC class I enhanced recognition of both strong and weak agonists but not null peptide. Our results indicate that the lateral organization of MHC class I on the cell surface can modulate the sensitivity of T cell recognition of agonist peptide.  相似文献   

CD1a and MHC class I follow a similar endocytic recycling pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CD1 proteins are a family of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like antigen-presenting molecules that present lipids to T cells. The cytoplasmic tails (CTs) of all human CD1 isoforms, with the exception of CD1a, contain tyrosine-based sorting motifs, responsible for the internalization of proteins by the clathrin-mediated pathway. The role of the CD1a CT, which does not possess any sorting motifs, as well as its mode of internalization are not known. We investigated the internalization and recycling pathways followed by CD1a and the role of its CT. We found that CD1a can be internalized by a clathrin- and dynamin-independent pathway and that it follows a Rab22a- and ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)6-dependent recycling pathway, similar to other cargo internalized independent of clathrin. We also found that the CD1a CT is S-acylated. However, this posttranslational modification does not determine the rate of internalization or recycling of the protein or its localization to detergent-resistant membrane microdomains (DRMs) where we found CD1a to be enriched. We also show that plasma membrane DRMs are essential for efficient CD1a-mediated antigen presentation. These findings place CD1a closer to MHC class I in its trafficking and potential antigen-loading compartments among CD1 isoforms. Furthermore, we identify CD1a as a new marker for the clathrin- and dynamin-independent and DRM-dependent pathway of internalization as well as the Rab22a- and ARF6-dependent recycling pathway.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules present peptides derived from the ectodomains of endogenous transmembrane proteins; however, the processing of these Ags is incompletely understood. As model transmembrane Ags we investigated the processing of MHC-I-derived fusion proteins containing the N-terminally extended K(b)-restricted OVA epitope SIINFEKL in the extracytoplasmic domain. In TAP-deficient, nonprofessional APCs, the epitope was cleaved out of various sequence contexts and presented to T cells. Ag presentation was inhibited by acidophilic amines and inhibitors of the vacuolar proton pump, indicating processing in endosomes. Endosomal aspartic-type cathepsins, and to some extent also the trans-Golgi network protease furin, were involved in processing. Clathrin-dependent and independent internalization from the cell surface targeted MHC-I fusion proteins to early and late endosomes, where SIINFEKL/K(b) complexes were detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Targeting of MHC-I fusion proteins to processing compartments was independent of sequence motifs in the cytoplasmic tail. Not only TAP-deficient cells, but also TAP-competent APCs used the vacuolar pathway for processing of MHC-I fusion proteins. Thus, endosomal processing of internalized endogenous transmembrane proteins represents a novel alternate pathway for the generation of MHC-I-binding peptides.  相似文献   

Reliable predictions of immunogenic peptides are essential in rational vaccine design and can minimize the experimental effort needed to identify epitopes. In this work, we describe a pan-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I epitope predictor, NetCTLpan. The method integrates predictions of proteasomal cleavage, transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) transport efficiency, and MHC class I binding affinity into a MHC class I pathway likelihood score and is an improved and extended version of NetCTL. The NetCTLpan method performs predictions for all MHC class I molecules with known protein sequence and allows predictions for 8-, 9-, 10-, and 11-mer peptides. In order to meet the need for a low false positive rate, the method is optimized to achieve high specificity. The method was trained and validated on large datasets of experimentally identified MHC class I ligands and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. It has been reported that MHC molecules are differentially dependent on TAP transport and proteasomal cleavage. Here, we did not find any consistent signs of such MHC dependencies, and the NetCTLpan method is implemented with fixed weights for proteasomal cleavage and TAP transport for all MHC molecules. The predictive performance of the NetCTLpan method was shown to outperform other state-of-the-art CTL epitope prediction methods. Our results further confirm the importance of using full-type human leukocyte antigen restriction information when identifying MHC class I epitopes. Using the NetCTLpan method, the experimental effort to identify 90% of new epitopes can be reduced by 15% and 40%, respectively, when compared to the NetMHCpan and NetCTL methods. The method and benchmark datasets are available at .  相似文献   

The assembly of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules is one of the more widely studied examples of protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is also one of the most unusual cases of glycoprotein quality control involving the thiol oxidoreductase ERp57 and the lectin-like chaperones calnexin and calreticulin. The multistep assembly of MHC class I heavy chain with beta(2)-microglobulin and peptide is facilitated by these ER-resident proteins and further tailored by the involvement of a peptide transporter, aminopeptidases, and the chaperone-like molecule tapasin. Here we summarize recent progress in understanding the roles of these general and class I-specific ER proteins in facilitating the optimal assembly of MHC class I molecules with high affinity peptides for antigen presentation.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that MHC class I Ag-processing machinery (APM) component expression in dendritic cells (DC) might be down-regulated by tumor cells. However, the tumor-derived factors responsible for inhibition of the APM component expression in DC generated in the tumor microenvironment as well as potential protective mechanism have not yet been investigated. In this article, we demonstrate that expression of several MHC class I APM components, including MB1 (beta5), LMP2, LMP7, LMP10, and ERp57, is significantly down-regulated in human DC generated in the presence of primary oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines or coincubated with purified gangliosides. Suppression of MHC class I APM component expression in DC generated in the presence of tumor cells was significantly attenuated by the inhibition of glucosyl transferase in tumor cells, suggesting that tumor-induced MHC class I APM component down-regulation in DC was mediated in part by oral squamous cell carcinoma-derived gangliosides. Furthermore, rIL-15 restored both tumor cell-induced and ganglioside-induced MHC class I APM component expression in DC, as well as their ability to present Ags to autologous Ag-specific T cells. These results demonstrate that IL-15 restores MHC class I APM component expression in DC down-regulated by tumor-derived gangliosides.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells play an important role in the host response to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Mtb resides in an arrested phagosome that is phenotypically similar to an early endosome. The mechanisms by which Mtb-derived Ags gain access to the HLA-I-processing pathway are incompletely characterized. Studies with CD8+ T cell lines have suggested that Mtb Ags gain access to the HLA-I pathway in an alternate vacuolar pathway that is both brefeldin A (BFA) and TAP independent. To define the requirements of entry of Ag into the HLA-I pathway, we have used human CD8+ T cell clones specific for the secreted Mtb Ag CFP10. Human monocyte-derived dendritic cells were pulsed with CFP10 expressed in a recombinant adenovirus, surface adsorbed to microspheres, or in its native form by Mtb. When delivered by adenovirus, processing and presentation of CFP10 were blocked by both BFA and the proteasomal blocker lactacystin. In contrast, processing of CFP10 adsorbed to the surface of microspheres was not affected by either of these Ag-processing inhibitors. BFA, lactacystin, and TAP inhibition blocked the recognition of Mtb-infected dendritic cells, suggesting that processing was via a cytosolic pathway for this secreted protein Ag. We conclude that secreted proteins from Mtb can be processed in a BFA- and proteasome-dependent manner, consistent with egress of Ag into the cytosol and subsequent loading of proteasomally derived peptides.  相似文献   

Class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex play a vital role in cellular immunity, reporting on the presence of viral or tumor-associated antigens by binding peptide fragments of these proteins and presenting them to cytotoxic T cells at the cell surface. The folding and assembly of class I molecules is assisted by molecular chaperones and folding catalysts that comprise the general ER quality control system which also monitors the integrity of the process, disposing of misfolded class I molecules through ER associated degradation (ERAD). Interwoven with general ER quality control are class I-specific components such as the peptide transporter TAP and the tapasin-ERp57 chaperone complex that supply peptides and monitor their loading onto class I molecules. This ensures that at the cell surface class I molecules will possess mainly optimal peptides with a long half-life. In this review we discuss these processes as well as a number of strategies that viruses have evolved to subvert normal class I assembly within the ER and thereby evade immune recognition by cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

We studied the intracellular traffic and subcellular distribution of MHC class I and class II antigens in comparison with a recycling surface glycoprotein, the transferrin receptor (Tfr), in the human lymphoblastoid cell line JY. No internalization was detectable for class I molecules. Class II molecules were internalized but did not recycle. In contrast, Tfr was found to internalize and recycle. The biosynthetic pathway of class II molecules differ from that of class I molecules in that it shows a delay (1-3 hr) in transport from trans-Golgi to cell surface: here it intersects the endocytic route. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-MHC antibodies revealed the existence of vesicular structures that were intensely labeled for class II molecules. It is proposed that at this site combination of class II molecules with processed antigen could occur.  相似文献   

Rational design of epitope-driven vaccines is a key goal of immunoinformatics. Typically, candidate selection relies on the prediction of MHC-peptide binding only, as this is known to be the most selective step in the MHC class I antigen processing pathway. However, proteasomal cleavage and transport by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) are essential steps in antigen processing as well. While prediction methods exist for the individual steps, no method has yet offered an integrated prediction of all three major processing events. Here we present WAPP, a method combining prediction of proteasomal cleavage, TAP transport, and MHC binding into a single prediction system. The proteasomal cleavage site prediction employs a new matrix-based method that is based on experimentally verified proteasomal cleavage sites. Support vector regression is used for predicting peptides transported by TAP. MHC binding is the last step in the antigen processing pathway and was predicted using a support vector machine method, SVMHC. The individual methods are combined in a filtering approach mimicking the natural processing pathway. WAPP thus predicts peptides that are cleaved by the proteasome at the C terminus, transported by TAP, and show significant affinity to MHC class I molecules. This results in a decrease in false positive rates compared to MHC binding prediction alone. Compared to prediction of MHC binding only, we report an increased overall accuracy and a lower rate of false positive predictions for the HLA-A*0201, HLA-B*2705, HLA-A*01, and HLA-A*03 alleles using WAPP. The method is available online through our prediction server at http://www-bs.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/WAPP  相似文献   

Association with β2-microglobulin and binding a ligand are necessary conditions for cell surface expression of the antigen presenting molecules. MHC class I-related protein, MR1, is suggested to have an antigen presentation function, nevertheless the physiological ligand(s) is (are) still to be determined. In the present study, by characterising the subcellular deportment of human MR1 transfectants, we have shown its differential mobilisation. Our results demonstrated a preferential association of MR1 with β2-microglobulin in MHC class I-deficient B cell lines. Furthermore, we have evidenced diminished expression of classical MHC class I molecules in human MR1-transfected 293T cells, showing a possible interaction between MR1 and classical MHC class I molecules.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the signals influencing the generation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) and have found that the development of these CTL is actively regulated in primary in vitro cultures by Lyt-2+ T cells triggered in response to MHC class I alloantigens. Class II allospecific CTL can be readily stimulated in primary cultures, but the presence of a simultaneous class I MHC stimulus in these cultures causes a marked reduction of class II-specific CTL activation. This reduction can be prevented by adding to culture a dose of monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibody (in the absence of complement) that does not block the generation of class I-specific CTL. The role of MHC class I alloantigens in the regulation of class II allospecific responses illustrates that T cells recognizing class I and class II MHC antigens in mixed leukocyte cultures interact in a complex and nonreciprocal manner to influence the final effector T cell repertoire elicited by this complex immunogenic challenge.  相似文献   

In vivo studies suggest that vascular endothelial cells (ECs) can acquire and cross-present exogenous Ag on MHC-I but the cellular mechanisms underlying this observation remain unknown. We tested whether primary female mouse aortic ECs could cross-present exogenous male Ag to the T cell hybridoma, MHH, specific for HYUty plus D(b). MHC-I-deficient male spleen cells provided a source of male Ag that could not directly stimulate the MHH cells. Addition of male but not female MHC-I-deficient spleen cells to wild-type syngeneic female EC induced MHH stimulation, demonstrating EC cross-presentation. Lactacystin treatment of the donor male MHC-I-deficient spleen cells, to inhibit proteasome function, markedly enhanced EC cross-presentation showing that the process is most efficient for intact proteins rather than degraded peptide fragments. Additional experiments revealed that this EC Ag-processing pathway is both proteasome and TAP1 dependent. These studies demonstrate that cultured murine aortic ECs can process and present MHC-I-restricted Ag derived from a separate, live cell, and they offer insight into the molecular requirements involved in this EC Ag presentation process. Through this pathway, ECs expressing cross-presented peptides can participate in the effector phase of T cell-mediated inflammatory responses such as autoimmunity, anti-tumor immunity, and transplant rejection.  相似文献   

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