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The cloning of large genomic fragments corresponding to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region provides the necessary framework for a better understanding of its organization and for the localization of new genes involved in MHC-associated disease. Two human genomic libraries constructed in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) have been prepared using complete Not I or Mlu I digestion of source DNA. From these libraries three YAC clones with inserts belonging to the MHC class I region have been isolated. They correspond to exact copies of three genomic fragments of 210, 145, and 50 kilobases (kb), respectively and have been precisely located in the restriction map of the region. Detailed rare-cutter restriction maps of the inserts have been generated. Within these clones we have demonstrated the presence of two class I genes, one of which is HLA-E, and of at least three Hpa II tiny fragment (HTF) islands, corresponding to three putative new transcribed sequences. End clones, which are of particular interest in the extension and refinement of the regional map, have been rescued by systematic subcloning of purified YACs.  相似文献   

A porcine cosmid library was screened with a human MHC class I cDNA. Four positive clones were isolated and mapped with different restriction endonucleases. Altogether nine SLA class I genes were identified and their positions located within restriction maps. Sizes of class I homologous DNA sequences varied between 3600 and 5800bp. The distances between these regions ranged from 11900 to 22200bp.  相似文献   

In this article we present the results of molecular modelling of four complex carbohydrates which have been found in the MHC class I proteins. Though these proteins show diversity in their sequences, the glycosylation sites are highly conserved indicating a possible structural/functional role of the glycan chain. Similar glycan chains have been found linked with other proteins of completely different function, such as IgG, and erythropoeitin. Thus, the molecular modelling of these carbohydrates will not only provide structural/dynamic information of these complex molecules but will also provide conformational information which can be utilised to build the glycoprotein models. The results presented here indicate that although several linkages show less conformational flexibility, terminal linkages can be quite flexible.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of bovine class I MHC cDNA   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Two cDNA cloned from a Hereford cow B cell line (BL-3) have allowed the determination of the complete coding region for two class I molecules encoded by the bovine MHC (BoLA). The predicted protein sequences have all the features expected of expressed class I molecules that present peptide Ag to cytotoxic T cells. Comparison with class I molecules from other species strongly suggests these cDNA are derived from different genes and provides evidence for the existence of a second expressed class I BoLA locus. The BoLA proteins show greater similarity to HLA than to H-2 molecules, correlating with the cross-reactions of W6/32 and other murine anti-HLA-A,B,C mAb with BoLA molecules. The basis for the W6/32 epitope and the preferential association of H-2 class I H chains with bovine beta 2-m is examined.  相似文献   

Summary During a search for novel coding sequences within the human MHC class I region (chromosome 6p21.3), we found an exon (named B30-2) coding for a 166-amino-acid peptide which is very similar to the C-terminal domain of several coding sequences: human 52-kD Sjögren's syndrome nuclear antigen A/Ro (SS-A/Ro) and ret finger protein (RFP), Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (XNF7), and bovine butyrophilin. The first three of these proteins share similarities over the whole length of the molecule whereas butyrophilin is similar in the C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of butyrophilin is similar to rat myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and chicken B blood group system (B-G) protein. These domains are components of a new subfamily of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). Butyrophilin is thus a mosaic protein composed of the MOG/B-G Ig-like domain and the C-terminal domain of 52-kD SS-A/Ro, RFP, and XNF7 (1330-2-like domain). Moreover, in situ hybridization shows that RFP, butyrophilin, and MOG map to the human chromosome 6p2l.3-6p22 region and are thus close to the MHC class I genes. It is therefore possible that the butyrophilin gene is the product of an exon shuffling event which occurred between ancestors of the RFP and MOG genes. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the colocalization of a chimeric gene and its putative progenitors. Finally, regulatory protein T-lymphocyte 1 (Rpt-1) shares similarities with the N-terminal halves of RFP, 52-kD SS-A/Ro, and XNF7, but not with the B30-2-like domain. We show that the ancestral Rpt-l gene evolved by overprinting. Correspondence to: P. Pontarotti  相似文献   

Serological and molecular diversity in the cattle MHC class I region   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Information on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity in cattle is important to aid our understanding of immune responses and may contribute to maintenance of healthy cattle populations. Equally, understanding the mechanisms involved in generating this diversity may shed light on the complex nature of mammalian MHC evolution. The aim of this study was to assess molecular and serological variation within cattle MHC class I molecules and to study the mechanisms generating diversity. To address this aim, sequence variation was examined in 12 serologically assigned alleles from three putative loci and correlated with monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding data. The results demonstrate that both alloantisera and mAbs often fail to distinguish gene products that differ by a significant number of amino acids. Conversely, some mAbs could distinguish alleles differing by only one or two amino acids. Examination of the sequences demonstrates sharing of motifs between alleles, some encoded at distinct loci, supporting the occurrence of interlocus recombination within the cattle MHC class I region. The implications of this for MHC sequence diversity, and functional capability, are discussed.  相似文献   

Tapasin organizes the peptide-loading complex (PLC) by recruiting peptide-receptive MHC class I (MHC-I) and accessory chaperones to the N-terminal regions of the TAP subunits TAP1 and TAP2. Despite numerous studies have shown that the formation of the PLC is essential to facilitate proper MHC-I loading, the molecular architecture of this complex is still highly controversial. We studied the stoichiometry of the PLC by blue native-PAGE in combination with Ab-shift assays and found that TAP/tapasin complexes exist at steady state as a mixture of two distinct oligomers of 350 and 450 kDa. Only the higher m.w. complex contains MHC-I and disulfide-linked tapasin/ER60 conjugates. Moreover, we show for the first time to our knowledge that the fully assembled PLC comprises two tapasin, two ER60, but only one complex of MHC-I and calreticulin. Based hereon we postulate that the TAP subunits alternate in the recruitment and loading of a single MHC-I.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes play a crucial role in the immune defence against intracellular pathogens. An important evolutionary strategy is to generate and maintain a high level of diversity in these genes. Humans express three highly polymorphic classical MHC class I genes (HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C). In contrast, some species, for example rat and rhesus macaque, maintain diversity by generation of haplotypes that vary considerably with regard to the number and combination of transcribed genes. Cattle appear to use both strategies. We show that various combinations of six apparently classical genes, three of which are highly polymorphic, are transcribed on different haplotypes. Although additional sequences were identified in both cDNA and gDNA, it was not possible to assign them to any of these defined genes. Most were highly divergent or were non-classical class I genes. Thus, we found little evidence for frequent duplication and deletion of classical class I genes as reported in some other species. However, the maintenance of class I diversity in cattle may involve limited gene shuffling and deletion, possibly as a result of unequal crossing-over within the class I region.The first two authors made an equal contribution to this work.  相似文献   

MHC class I A region diversity and polymorphism in macaque species   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
The HLA-A locus represents a single copy gene that displays abundant allelic polymorphism in the human population, whereas, in contrast, a nonhuman primate species such as the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) possesses multiple HLA-A-like (Mamu-A) genes, which parade varying degrees of polymorphism. The number and combination of transcribed Mamu-A genes present per chromosome display diversity in a population of Indian animals. At present, it is not clearly understood whether these different A region configurations are evolutionarily stable entities. To shed light on this issue, rhesus macaques from a Chinese population and a panel of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were screened for various A region-linked variations. Comparisons demonstrated that most A region configurations are old entities predating macaque speciation, whereas most allelic variation (>95%) is of more recent origin. The latter situation contrasts the observations of the major histocompatibility complex class II genes in rhesus and cynomolgus macaques, which share a high number of identical alleles (>30%) as defined by exon 2 sequencing.  相似文献   

Within the class 11 region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) the amount of DNA in theDR-DQ interval has been shown to be haplotype dependent, with those carrying the DR4, DR7, and DR9 specificities having been reported to contain 110–160 kilobases (kb) more DNA than haplotypes carrying the DR3 specificity. Certain subtypes of haplotypes carrying particular DR specificities are more closely associated with autoimmune diseases than others. With the prospect of the DNA perhaps containing a disease susceptibility locus, we have mapped eight DR4 and two DR7 homozygous cell lines and a DR7/9 heterozygous cell line together with a control DR3 cell line using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with the enzymesBss H II,Pvu I, andNot I/Nru I. Our results, however, show that the presence and amount of the extra DNA is constant irrespective of the subtype. We have also tried to narrow down the position of insertion of the extra DNA using eight further rare-cutting enzymes but, due to the polymorphic nature of sites and/or differences in methylation in this region, it was not possible to refine it further than between DRA and DQA1/B1. This polymorphic nature of theDR-DQ region is unusual, considering the uniformity of rare cutter sites that has been observed within the rest of the class II, and class III, regions. The presence of this, and other, haplotype dependent variations in the DNA content of theDR subregion may be important with respect to recombination and will be particularly interesting if the additional DNA is found to contain novel genes.  相似文献   

 In order to further our understanding of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I gene organization, we began a comparative analysis of the large scale organization of the class I region in diverse haplotypes. For these studies, the MHC in healthy Japanese donors who have the predominant MHC haplotypes and/or HLA-A or -B alleles was examined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and Southern analysis using probes spanning the class I region. Hybridization with probes from the HLA-A to HLA-G region revealed that individuals expressing HLA-A30, -A31, or -A33 have an approximately 70 kilobase (kb) insertion near the HLA-A gene as compared with haplotypes containing the HLA-A11 or -A26 allele. Conversely, HLA-A24-containing haplotypes appear to have an approximately 50 kb deletion from the same region. Further, it appears that chromosomes carrying closely related alleles are similar to each other in this region, consistent with their presumed evolutionary relationship. While little is known about the gene content between the HLA-A and HLA-G region, it will be interesting to examine the prospect that functional genes do in fact reside within the inserted or deleted portions, thereby raising the possibility that distinct functional differences are conferred by different haplotypes. Overall, the results reported here should contribute to furthering our understanding of the association between diseases and HLA as well as provide new insights into the evolution of the MHC. Received: 11 December 1996  相似文献   

Summary Hereditary haemochromatosis is a recessive disease in which primary hepatocellular carcinoma, complicating cirrhosis, is responsible for about one-third of deaths in affected homozygotes. We describe a unique HLA haplo-identical pedigree showing parent-to-off-spring transmission of hereditary haemochromatosis in whom HLA typing studies, including class I and class II allogenotype analysis, were of no benefit in identifying affected homozygotes. However, affected siblings in the pre-cirrhotic stage of haemochromatosis, with apparent discordance between the haemochromatosis allele and class I loci on chromosome 6, were detected by undertaking a family study, using analysis of serum parameters of iron status in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This pedigree emphasises the critical importance of genetic and non-invasive methods for the identification of asymptomatic homozygotes before cirrhosis develops.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes play a key role in the immune response to both foreign and self peptide antigens, which they recognize in combination with MHC molecules. In the past it has been difficult to analyse objectively the specificity, frequency and intensity of T cell responses. The recent application of fluorescent-labelled MHC class I multimers, however, has provided a powerful experimental approach to the direct visualisation of antigen-specific T cells. As a result, our perspective of how T cells respond to both viruses and other antigens in vivo has been greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes play a key role in the immune response to both foreign and self peptide antigens, which they recognize in combination with MHC molecules. In the past it has been difficult to analyse objectively the specificity, frequency and intensity of T cell responses. The recent application of fluorescent-labelled MHC class I multimers, however, has provided a powerful experimental approach to the direct visualisation of antigen-specific T cells. As a result, our perspective of how T cells respond to both viruses and other antigens in vivo has been greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

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