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Nitrate reduction and denitrification were measured in swamp forest streams draining lowland rain forest on Costa Rica's Atlantic slope foothills using the C2H2-block assay and sediment-water nutrient fluxes. Denitrification assays using the C2H2-block technique indicated that the full suite of denitrifying enzymes were present in the sediment but that only a small fraction of the functional activity could be expressed without adding NO3 . Under optimal conditions, denitrification enzyme activity averaged 15 nmoles cm–3 sediment h–1. Areal NO3 reduction rates measured from NO3 loss in the overlying water of sediment-water flux chambers ranged from 65 to 470 umoles m–2 h–1. Oxygen loss rates accompanying NO3 depletion averaged 750 umoles m–2 h–1. Corrected for denitrification of NO3 oxidized from NH4 + in the sediment, gross NO3 reduction rates increase by 130 umoles m–2 h–1, indicating nitrification may be the predominant source of NO3 for NO3 reduction in swamp forest stream sediments. Under field conditions approximately 80% of the increase in inorganic N mass along a 1250-m reach of the Salto River was in the form of NO3 with the balance NH4 + . Scrutiny of potential inorganic N sources suggested that mineralized N released from the streambed was a major source of the inorganic N increase. Despite significant NO3 reduction potential, swamp forest stream sediments appear to be a source of inorganic N to downstream communities.  相似文献   

Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) transport/retention was determined at four sites in three rainforest streams draining La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. La Selva is located at the base of the last remaining intact rainforest transect from 30 m above sea level to 3000 m along the entire Caribbean slope of Central America. Steam SRP levels can be naturally high there due to regional, geothermal groundwater discharged at ambient temperature. Monitoring since 1988 has revealed distinctive long-term differences in background SRP and total P (TP) for three streams in close proximity, and identified the impact of ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) events on SRP-enriched reaches. Mean interannual SRP concentrations (± standard deviation) were 89 ± 53μg/l in the Salto (1988–1996), 21 ± 39μg/l in the Pantano (1988–1998), and 26 ± 35μg/l in the Sabalo (1988–1996). After January, 1997 the separate upland-lowland contributions to discharge and SRP load were determined monthly in the Salto. SRP in Upper Salto was low (19 ± 8μg/l, 1997–2002) until enriched at␣the upland-lowland transition by regional groundwater. Mean SRP concentration in Lower␣Salto (108 ± 104μg/l) was typically highest February–April, the driest months, and lowest July–September, the wettest. SRP concentration was positively correlated to the inverse of discharge in Lower Salto when ENSO data were omitted (1992 and 1998–1999), but not in the Upper Salto, Pantano, or Sabalo. TP was positively correlated to the inverse of discharge in all three streams when ENSO data were omitted. High SRP springs and seeps along the Lower Salto contributed 36% of discharge but 85% of SRP export 1997–2001. Annual SRP flux from the total Salto watershed (1997–2001) averaged 2.9 kg/ha year, but only 0.6 kg/ha year from the Upper Salto. A dye tracer injection showed that pore water environments were distinctly different between Upper and Lower Salto. Upper Salto had high surface water–pore water exchange, high dissolved oxygen, low SRP, and low conductivity similar to surface water, and Lower Salto had low surface water–pore water exchange, low dissolved oxygen, high SRP, and high conductivity reflecting geothermal groundwater influence. SRP export from the Salto was controlled by regional groundwater transfer, which in similar volcanic settings could be a significant P source. However, ENSO events modified the SRP concentration in the Salto suggesting that long-term monitoring is required to understand underlying SRP dynamics and P flux to downstream communities.  相似文献   

Our understanding of why tropical forest species differ in their ability to inhabit agroecosystems is limited, despite the link between this ability and the likelihood of population decline for species inhabiting regions undergoing widespread conversion of forest to agriculture. We used logistic regression and data from southern Costa Rica to develop a model based on natural history characteristics to distinguish between forest species that did or did not use agricultural land covers. We sampled birds along 15 3.0-km routes, seven in forest and eight in agriculture, five times over three years. Each species was classified as an F-species, detected only in forest, a G-species, detected in both forest and agriculture, or an A-species, detected only in agriculture. Thirty percent of species were F-species, 42% were G-species, and 28% were A-species. Based on the logistic regression model, the likelihood of being a G-species, as opposed to an F-species, was low for species that were dependent on forest interior, had a stenophagous diet, and a small elevational range. Weight, resident versus migrant status, and whether or not a species was insectivorous, were not significant predictors of being a G-species. For all F–G species pairs, the model correctly predicted the G-species 70% of the time. The model provides a first step in identifying those characteristics that predispose forest species to use agricultural land. In addition, our results indicate that the structurally simple agricultural systems of the study region are of limited value for a large proportion of the regional species pool.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric [CO2] could theoretically lead to increased forest productivity (‘CO2 fertilization’). This mechanism was hypothesized as a possible explanation for biomass increases reported from tropical forests in the last 30+ years. We used unique long‐term records of annually measured stands (eighteen 0.5 ha plots, 10 years) and focal tree species (six species, 24 years) to assess the effects of rainfall, temperature, and atmospheric [CO2] on annual wood production in a neotropical rain forest. Our study area was a meso‐scale section (600 ha) of old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in NE Costa Rica. Using the repeated remeasurements we directly assessed the relative effects of interannual climatic variation and increasing atmospheric [CO2] on wood production. A remarkably simple two‐factor model explained 91% of the interannual variance in stand‐level tree growth; the statistically independent factors were total dry season rainfall (positive effect, r2=0.85) and night‐time temperature (negative effect, r2=0.42). Stand‐level tree mortality increased significantly with night‐time temperature. After accounting for dry season rainfall and night‐time temperature, there was no effect of annual [CO2] on tree growth in either the stand or focal species data. Tree growth in this Tropical Wet Forest was surprisingly sensitive to the current range of dry season conditions and to variations in mean annual night‐time temperature of 1–2°. Our results suggest that wood production in the lowland rainforests of NE Costa Rica (and by extension in other tropical regions) may be severely reduced in future climates that are only slightly drier and/or warmer.  相似文献   

Inventories of soil C pools are still lacking from tropical sites. Our objective was to assess total C and N concentrations in the different mineral soil fractions down to 50 cm depth in relation to selected physical and chemical properties of 5 ecosystems at La Flor Sustainable Center in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The ecosystems studied were a derived savanna with scattered trees, a gallery forest, an abandoned Mango indigofera L. plantation, a Citrus sp. plantation, and a Saccharum officinarum L. (sugarcane) plantation. Significant differences were found for the main fixed factor ecosystem for all variables analyzed (ANOVA). The TSC concentration was significantly higher in the sugarcane plantation compared to the rest of land use systems. The TSC concentration decreased significantly with increase in depth in all ecosystems and ranged from 20.3–38.3 to 4.3–20.9 g kg−1 in the 0–10 and 40–50 cm depth, respectively. In all cases, the clay + silt fraction (<50 μm) contained the highest C concentration. N concentration (0–10 cm depth) at La Flor ranged from 0.32 to 0.19%, and decreased in the order sugarcane > Curatella savanna > Mango and Citrus plantations > gallery forest. A principal component analysis (PCA) performed with all variables studied showed that the ordination of land uses (ecosystems) in the factorial plane defined by the first two axes was significant (Monte Carlo permutation test, P < 0.0001). The highest TSC pool down to 50 cm depth was obtained in the sugarcane plantation (160 Mg C ha−1) while less C was found in the rest of ecosystems, i.e. from 66 (gallery forest) to 80 Mg C ha−1 (Curatella savanna). The TSC concentration obtained in the sugarcane plot is likely the result of the incorporation of surface residues into the soil that would have otherwise been lost through burning, which is the current practice in the region. Further studies on C stabilization in the clay fraction are thus needed to test the hypothesis of soil C enrichment due to residue management. Finally, trade-offs are to be considered for both preservation of the fragile dTf and the productivity of derived land uses that increases soil C at the same time.  相似文献   

Secondary forests constitute a substantial proportion of tropical forestlands. These forests occur on both public and private lands and different underlying environmental variables and management regimes may affect post‐abandonment successional processes and resultant forest structure and biodiversity. We examined whether differences in ownership led to differences in forest structure, tree diversity, and tree species composition across a gradient of soil fertility and forest age. We collected soil samples and surveyed all trees in 82 public and 66 private 0.1‐ha forest plots arrayed across forest age and soil gradients in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We found that soil fertility appeared to drive the spatial structure of public vs. private ownership; public conservation lands appeared to be non‐randomly located on areas of lower soil fertility. On private lands, areas of crops/pasture appeared to be non‐randomly located on higher soil fertility areas while forests occupied areas of lower soil fertility. We found that forest structure and tree species diversity did not differ significantly between public and private ownership. However, public and private forests differed in tree species composition: 11 percent were more prevalent in public forest and 7 percent were more prevalent in private forest. Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata, and Astronium graveolens were more prevalent in public forests likely because public forests provide stronger protection for these highly prized timber species. Guazuma ulmifolia was the most abundant tree in private forests likely because this species is widely consumed and dispersed by cattle. Furthermore, some compositional differences appear to result from soil fertility differences due to non‐random placement of public and private land holdings with respect to soil fertility. Land ownership creates a distinctive species composition signature that is likely the result of differences in soil fertility and management between the ownership types. Both biophysical and social variables should be considered to advance understanding of tropical secondary forest structure and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Summary Clusters of 2–4 bare, deciduous hardwood trees and woody vines in a dry upland forest in Costa Rica were surrounded by scaffolding and rehydration was induced during the dry season by irrigation of 9–50 m2 plots with 200 mm water. The resulting changes in water status preceding bud break were monitored. Following irrigation, stem water potentials increased from < –4 MPa to about –1.5 MPa within 24 h and to > –0.3 MPa within 48 h. Rehydration of stem tissues by lateral transport, measured as an increase in electric conductivity, continued for 4–8 days. Terminal flower buds in Tabebuia ochracea began to expand 48 h after irrigation and trees were in full bloom 4 days later. In all experimental species, lateral vegetative buds began to expand 5–7 days after irrigation and leaves were fully expanded 2 weeks later. After the first rains of the rainy season (100 mm in 48 hr) all trees in the dry forest rehydrated and leaves emerged in synchrony slightly faster than after irrigation. In response to rain or irrigation drought-stressed tropical hardwood trees thus rehydrated at rates similar to those of desert succulents and their development resumed much faster than that of deciduous cold-temperate trees in spring.  相似文献   

Abstract. To document the relationship between a plant's position in the canopy and its leaf nutrient content, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for 30 species growing in mature evergreen lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Species that grow either in the understory, midstory, or the canopy were selected. Species were further separated into three life forms: self-supporting monocots, self-supporting dicots, and climbers. Mass-based nutrient concentrations were expected to decrease with stature, as has been reported in studies of other forests. In fact, mass-based nitrogen and phosphorus did not vary significantly among the three adult-stature classes, although area-based values differed greatly: canopy plants averaged 60 % more nitrogen and 90 % more phosphorus per unit leaf area than understory plants. Differences in leaf characteristics were evident among the three life forms. Most notably, area-based phosphorus and leaf specific mass were lowest in climbers, intermediate in self-supporting dicots, and highest in self-supporting monocots. These results support the characterization of climbers as investing in inexpensive structures, perhaps in order to gain competitive advantage in light capture by allocating resources to maximize elongation rates.  相似文献   

The relationship between forest succession and microfungal diversity has been poorly studied. Fungi provide important ecosystem services that may deteriorate in deforested or highly disturbed forests. To determine the possible effects of deforestation and forest succession on microfungi, species diversity of hypocrealean fungi (Ascomycota) was compared in forest stands in Eastern Costa Rica representing three stages of succession: 1–2, 25–27 yr old, and an old growth forest. Species diversity in a second‐growth forest fragment surrounded by timber plantations and second‐growth forest was also compared to that of a stand surrounded by old growth forest. The results show that the overall diversity of hypocrealean fungi was inversely proportional to the age of the forest stand, and each family showed different successional trends. Clavicipitaceae was more diverse in the old‐growth forest and was positively related to the age of the forest stand. Nectriaceae was highly diverse in the 1‐ to 2‐yr‐old stand and less diverse in the old‐growth stand. Saprobic and plant pathogenic fungal species were more diverse in the 1‐ to 2‐yr‐old stand and their diversity was inversely proportional to the age of the forest stand. The diversity of insect pathogens was positively related to the age of the forest stand. The 20‐ to 22‐yr‐old forest fragment had the lowest number of species overall. Based on the data gathered in this study, hypocrealean fungal species diversity is related to the successional stage and fragmentation of tropical forest.  相似文献   

An ecological functional assessment (EFA) was used on 10 southwest Costa Rica sites representing a chronosequence of formerly pastured lands to undisturbed tropical wet forest. Ecological functional assessment is a tool designed to assess wetland functions in the United States that was adapted to upland forests. Models to indicate characteristic soil hydrologic features and soil structure and aboveground spatial structure of habitat were used to examine the degree to which selected sites within the chronosequence approach the undisturbed condition of the natural forest. An index of the functional model for the maintenance of characteristic soil hydrologic features (such as infiltration, bulk density, etc.) showed that the 20‐year‐old secondary forest was at approximately 60% of the condition of the undisturbed sites, whereas active pasture was evaluated at approximately 20% of the reference undisturbed forest; 4‐ and 10‐year‐old sites were intermediate. The spatial structure of habitat model showed that 20‐year‐old secondary forest was approximately 50% of reference forest, whereas active pasture was approximately 10% of the condition of undisturbed forest; 4‐year‐old sites were evaluated at approximately 20% and 10‐year‐old sites at approximately 60% of the reference state. Overall the functional assessment process indicated that degraded tropical wet forest sites have recovered almost 60% of their functional qualities 10 years following pasture abandonment. These results indicate that EFA can be a useful technique for monitoring restoration programs in the tropics.  相似文献   

Sparganocosma docsturnerorum Brown, new genus and new species, is described and illustrated from Área de Conservación (ACG) in northwestern Costa Rica. The new genus shares a long, crescent- or ribbon-shaped signum in the corpus bursae of the female genitalia with Aesiocopa Zeller, 1877, Amorbia Clemens, 1860, Amorbimorpha Kruse, 2011, Coelostathma Clemens, 1860, Lambertiodes Diakonoff, 1959, Paramorbia Powell & Lambert, 1986, Rhynchophyllus Meyrick, 1932, Sparganopseustis Powell & Lambert, 1986, Sparganothina Powell, 1986, and Sparganothoides Lambert & Powell, 1986. Putative autapomorphies for Sparganocosma include the extremely short uncus; the smooth (unspined) transtilla; and the upturned, free, distal rod of the sacculus. Adults of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum have been reared numerous times (>50) from larvae collected feeding on rain forest Asplundia utilis (Oerst.) Harling and Asplundia microphylla (Oerst.) Harling (Cyclanthaceae) at intermediate elevations (375–500 m) in ACG. Whereas most Sparganothini are generalists, typically feeding on two or more plant families, Sparganocosma docsturnerorum appears to be a specialist on Asplundia, at least in ACG. The solitary parasitoid wasp Sphelodon wardae Godoy & Gauld (Ichneumonidae; Banchinae) has been reared only from the larvae of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Population trends of Hypsipyla grandella and their relationship with abiotic (humidity, precipitation and temperature) and biotic factors (availability of mahogany shoots and natural mortality agents), as well as damage patterns, were studied for 16 months in Turrialba, Costa Rica. 2 Hypsipyla grandella was active in the field all year round, and its population density was influenced by temperature, availability of new shoots and natural mortality agents. 3 It was possible to predict four population peaks, which appeared approximately every 1881 degree‐days. 4 Even though H. grandella larvae mainly attack shoots, they also fed on the bark of the bole, especially when green shoots were scarce. 5 Four parasitoid species were recorded (Bracon c. chontalensis, Brachymeria c. conica, Apanteles sp. and Dolichogenidea sp.) but their impact on H. grandella abundance was negligible.  相似文献   

Field studies of elusive mammals such as Agouti paca are difficult, and results are often biased and incomplete because the animals are nocturnal and avoid traps. By studying an A. paca population in a Pacific lowland forest of Costa Rica, we developed indirect observational methods to estimate population density and food resource utilization. To estimate population density, we divided the number of A. paca burrows found in a 12-ha census area by the average number of burrows utilized per individual from radiotelemetry data. We compared this estimate to independent population estimates obtained using two transect methods. Agouti paca density was estimated at 93 individuals/km2 based on burrow number, and between 67 to 70 individuals/km2 using transect methods. This discrepancy corroborates previous studies suggesting that transect methods underestimate population density. To identify food resources consumed by the species, we collected fruits and seeds with unambiguous A. paca teeth marks. The only animal in Central America with an incisor width similar to A. paca. is Dasyprocta variegata; in a comparison of both species, however, we found that A. paca had a significantly larger incisor width and that teeth marks of 4 mm or wider unambiguously indicated handling by this species. By applying this technique, food resources utilized by A. paca can be identified more easily than by direct observation. At our study site, we identified 33 plant species consumed by A. paca; 61 percent are new records for this animal. Our results suggest that A. paca plays a major, although not fully understood, ecological role in seed predation and dispersal.  相似文献   

Results from 24 transects showed that tapirs were less abundant in areas with higher human presence. They also preferred less steep areas, especially as browsing sites. An analysis of feces showed that fibers were the largest component (40–55%) followed by leaves (10–30%) and twigs (15%). Bamboo (Chusquea spp.) was found in all samples and probably accounts for the high proportion of fibers. Twenty‐seven plant species were identified to be eaten by tapirs.  相似文献   

We studied the diversity of dung beetles in three different habitats in the Lacandona Forest, Chiapas, Mexico. We found a total of 49 species. Of these, 44 were in well-preserved forests (SC) within the limits of the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, 42 in fragmented forests (SF), and 13 in cattle pastures (PZ). These two latter habitats were part of a fragmented landscape. Even though the species richness between the two forest habitats is similar, there is a change in guild composition and structure. About 12% of the species were exclusively found in SC, while 4.1% and 2% were exclusive of SF and PZ respectively. β diversity was the most important element for overall diversity (γ), above that of the local richness (α). Within well-preserved forests, species composition changes substantially, even among neighboring sites. Species diversity within the landscape seems to depend on canopy coverage, soil temperature and geographic distance between sites. Functional groups vary with the habitat. Large-bodied, nocturnal species with specific requirements of soil temperature and compaction are more sensitive to anthropogenic changes. In cattle pastures there is a larger number of heliophilic species, with a higher percentage of small-bodied and roller beetles.  相似文献   

The foliage of 80 species common in the Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, has been analysed for content of total phenolics, condensed tannins, acid detergent fibre and water. Wherever possible analyses were performed at three stages in the life cycle of the leaf: young but fully expanded (coinciding with the beginning of the rainy season); middle-aged (two months later); and old (six months later). A comparison of the three age classes showed no significant change in the levels of phenolics or fibre as leaves aged but water content decreased significantly. A comparison of deciduous and evergreen species in the sample showed that the latter group had leaves with a significantly higher fibre content at all three sampling times, most particularly at the beginning of the rainy season, but other measures were not significantly different. Alkaloids were much more common in the foliage of deciduous species and it was observed that their distribution differed significantly from that of total phenolics and condensed tannins. It is suggested that the interaction that occurs between many tannins and alkaloids would be liable to reduce the defence capability of both classes of compounds if they occurred together.
High levels of defoliation occur in the early rainy season (third to tenth weeks) due to larvae of moths of the Sphingidae and Saturniidae. A comparison of investigated tree species that host larvae of these two taxa shows a striking dichotomy. Species that are selected by Sphingidae tend to be relatively deficient in levels of phenolics but are more likely to contain alkaloids, and probably other small toxic molecules. Saturniidae, on the other hand, appear to prefer host-species rich in phenolics but poor in alkaloids.  相似文献   

Comparison of the diversity and community structure of Coleoptera (Passalidae) collected in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, in primary and secondary tropical forest has been carried out. The saproxylophagous beetles studied can be differentiated according to their presence in three distinct microhabitats of rotting logs: underbark, sapwood—heartwood and microhabitat generalists. Over the 2-year study period, 12 passalid species were recorded (six Passalini and six Proculini) represented by a total of 2971 individuals, collected from 234 rotting logs. The rarefaction method, the lognormal species—abundance relationship, and the nonparametric jackknife method were used to compare species richness between the habitats. The data were also fitted to log series, truncated lognormal, geometric, and broken-stick species abundance models to detect changes in community structure. The community composition of Passalidae in Los Tuxtlas did not differ ostensibly between the primary and secondary forests. Neither the mean number of individuals nor the biomass per log differed significantly. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the two habitats in terms of the number of underbark, sapwood/heartwood, and microhabitat generalist species. Different richness estimators indicated that the primary forest community is only slightly richer. The slight decrease in richness of the secondary forest is related to a decrease in dominance by certain species, as well as to a more balanced abundance distribution, which is adequately described by the broken-stick model. Complementary explanations for this pattern may be: (1) that logging reduces the abundance of dominant species, thus preventing competitive exclusion in the secondary forest; and (2) that passalid diversity is not regulated by the diversity of tree species.  相似文献   

1 In 1997, we ran two Malaise insect traps in each of four stands of wet forest in Costa Rica (two old‐growth and two 20‐year‐old stands) and four stands of moist forest in Panama (old‐growth, 20, 40 and 120‐year‐old stands). 2 Wet forest traps caught 2.32 times as many ichneumonoids as moist forest traps. The average catch per old‐growth trap was 1.89 times greater than the average catch per second‐growth trap. 3 Parasitoids of lepidopteran larvae were caught in higher proportions in the wet forest, while pupal parasitoids were relatively more active in the moist forest. 4 We hypothesize that moisture availability is of key importance in determining parasitoid activity, community composition and trophic interactions.  相似文献   

以海南岛吊罗山热带山地雨林101个物种的幼苗幼树为试验材料,测定其光合、叶片氮、磷含量及比叶面积;检验其相关关系,并按乔木,乔灌木(小乔木至大灌木)和灌木3个生活型组进行分组检验。研究结果表明,单位叶面积(Aarea)和单位叶重量的光合速率(Amass)均表现出灌木>乔木>乔灌木,方差分析表明,灌木和乔灌木之间Aarea差异显著;灌木和乔木以及灌木和乔灌木之间Amass差异显著(p<0.05)。Aarea与叶氮含量之间的相关性在不同生态型组和所有物种之间均达到极显著水平(p<0.0001);与叶磷之间的相关关系在灌木(p=0.0038),乔灌木(p=0.0002)以及所有物种(p<0.0001)之间达到极显著水平,但是在乔木中未达到显著水平(p>0.05);与SLA之间在灌木(p=0.0006)、乔木(p<0.0001)和所有物种(p<0.0001)之间达到极显著水平,但是在乔灌木中未达到显著水平(p>0.05)。Amass与叶片氮含量、SLA的相关关系在不同生活型组和所有物种中都达到极显著水平(p<0.0001);与叶磷含量之间的相关性在灌木(p=0.0004),乔灌木(p=0.0018)及所有物种(p<0.0001)中极显著,在乔木生活型组中也达显著水平(p=0.0377)。逐步回归表明,与Aarea相比,Amass估计结果更接近于实际测值。由此可见,海南岛热带山地雨林林下幼苗幼树的光合和叶氮、磷含量及SLA之间相关关系与基于成树的研究非常相似,并且A比A更能稳定体现这种相关性。  相似文献   

The frugivory and ranging habits of howling monkeys living in the rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, were studied for 5 consecutive years with the aim of investigating the role of seed dispersal agents played by the howling monkeys. The howling monkeys' consumption of fruit occupied half of their feeding time, and 80% of this time was spent feeding on mature fruit. Observations confirmed use of 19 tree species and a preference for a few species of Moraceae and Lauraceae. Fruit exploitation was very seasonal; only two species provided fruit year-round. Home range size was about 60 ha, and animals in the troop (N = 16) showed a day range of 10–893 m. Monthly collection of fecal samples during 2 years indicated that 90% of the seeds (N = 7,928) in the samples belonged to eight tree species and to one liana; the rest belonged to 15 unidentified species of vines. Germination success for the seeds in the feces was about 60% and for control seeds was 35%. Howling monkeys created diverse seed shadows in the vicinity of their leaf and fruit sources, and while they dispersed the seeds of some plant species, they also produced a great deal of fruit and seed waste for others.  相似文献   

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