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In an attempt to obtain detailed information on the entire protonephridial system in Gastrotricha, we have studied the protonephridial ultrastructure of two paucitubulatan species, Xenotrichula carolinensis syltensis and Chaetonotus maximus by means of complete sets of ultrathin sections. In spite of some differences in detail, the morphology of protonephridia in both examined species shows a common pattern: Both species have one pair of protonephridia that consist of a bicellular terminal organ, a voluminous, aciliar canal cell and an adjacent, aciliar nephridiopore cell. The terminal organ consists of two monociliar terminal cells each with a distal cytoplasmic lobe. These lobes interdigitate and surround cilia and microvilli of the terminal cells. Where both lobes interdigitate, a meandering cleft is formed that is covered by the filtration barrier. We here term the entire structure composite filter. The elongated, in some regions convoluted protonephridial lumen opens distally to the outside via a permanent nephridiopore. A comparison with the protonephridia of other species of the Gastrotricha allows hypothesising the following autapomorphies of the Paucitubulata: The bicellular terminal organ with a composite filter, the convoluted distal canal cell lumen and the absence of cilia, ciliary basal structures and microvilli within the canal cell. Moreover, this comparative survey could confirm important characteristics of the protonephridial system assumed for the ground pattern of Gastrotricha like, for example, the single terminal cell with one cilium surrounded by eight microvilli.  相似文献   

Kieneke, A. and Hochberg, R. 2012. Ultrastructural observations of the protonephridia of Polymerurus nodicaudus (Gastrotricha: Paucitubulatina). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 115–124. We studied different regions of the protonephridia of the limnic gastrotrich Polymerurus nodicaudus by means of light and electron microscopy to determine how freshwater species might differ from their marine relatives. Microscopic and ultrastructural characters are in accordance with another limnic species of Paucitubulatina, Chaetonotus maximus, whose protonephridial system has been previously reconstructed. Shared protonephridial characters of both species include the presence of highly elongate terminal organ cilia, microvilli, and the canal cell lumen as well as the presence of a conspicuous anterior loop of the protonephridial lumen. These features are not present in representatives of earlier, marine, paucitubulatan lineages (i.e., Xenotrichulidae) and so are assessed as evolutionary novelties that were likely important for the successful colonization of the freshwater environment.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of the important basal gastrotrich Neodasys chaetonotoideus is described and reconstructed on the basis of light microscopy, serial ultrathin sections (ultrastructure) and scanning electron microscopy. Starting frontally, the hermaphroditic reproductive system consists of paired and tube shaped lateral testes that do not possess elongated seminal ducts but most likely open directly via paired ventral pores. The unpaired, medio‐dorsal ovary region contains early oogenic stages that mature caudally towards the uterus region, where the most mature egg is positioned laterally to the midgut. The ovary region is not covered with an epithelial lining whereas the uterus region possesses a distinct epithelial wall. Between ovary and uterus region, we have detected a conspicuous section of the female gonad, the vitellogenic oviduct that consists of a thick epithelial wall which forms cellular protuberances into the developing oocytes passing the oviduct. We interpret this as a special, hitherto undescribed mode of vitellogenesis in Gastrotricha. Further caudally, the uterus continues with the fronto‐caudal organ, a complex of two substructures that are apparently homologous to the frontal organ and the caudal organ of many species of the Gastrotricha Macrodasyida. Neodasys chaetonotoideus obviously engages in spermatophore formation and transfer. In this study we develop a morpho‐functional scenario for the gonads and accessory organs in terms of spermatophore production, exchange and oviposition. We compare our newly obtained data with already published results on the reproductive organs of several species of Gastrotricha by means of a species‐character matrix and provide a computer aided evaluation by a parsimonious character optimization. A reconstruction of the reproductive system of the stem species of Gastrotricha on the basis of three recent phylogenetic analyses is presented. These reconstructions give support for a Neodasys‐like reproductive system in the ground pattern of Gastrotricha with slight morphological differences and direct transfer of spermatozoa rather than spermatophore transfer. The evolution of selected characters is traced thus revealing some incidents of convergent evolution as well as the evolutionary replacement of the ancestral frontal organ by the derived frontal sac in at least two separated lineages.  相似文献   

We present a reconstruction of the nervous system of Neodasys chaetonotoideus Remane, 1927 (Gastrotricha, Chaetonotida) based on different microscopical methods: (1) immunohistochemistry (anti-acetylated α- and β-tubulin-, anti-5-HT- and anti-FMRFamide labelling) and (2) histochemistry (labelling of musculature and nuclei) by the means of confocal laser scanning microscopy (cLSM) and (iii) ultrastructure by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All parts of the nervous system contain structures with an immunoreaction against the used immunohistochemical markers and labelling of histochemical markers. Results of both techniques (cLSM, TEM) reveal that the nervous system of N. chaetonotoideus is composed of a “dumb-bell-shaped” brain and one pair of posterior longitudinal neurite bundles. The brain is made up of a pair of laterally located clusters of neuronal somata, a large dorsal interconnecting dorsal commissure and two tiny ventral commissures in the region of the lateral clusters. From this, it follows that the brain is circumpharyngeal in position. The innervation of the head region is conducted by three pairs of anterior-directed neurite bundles. We describe here the gross anatomy of the nervous system and give additional details of the ultrastructure and the 5-HT and RFamide-like IR components of the nervous system. We compare our newly obtained data with already published data on the nervous system of gastrotrichs to reconstruct the hypothetical ground pattern of the nervous system in Gastrotricha, respectively, in Macrodasyida.  相似文献   

In early developmental stages of Erpobdella octoculata two pairs of transitory nephridia occur which degenerate during the formation of the body segments. Because in the ground pattern of Annelida the first nephridia formed during ontogenesis are protonephridia, it can be assumed that the transitory nephridia of E. octoculata are homologous to the larval protonephridia (head kidneys) of Polychaeta. To test this hypothesis two cryptolarvae of E. octoculata were investigated ultrastructurally. Both pairs of transitory nephridia are serially arranged to either side of the midgut vestigium. Each organ consists of a coiled duct that opens separately to the exterior by an intraepidermal nephridiopore cell. The duct is percellular and formed by seventeen cells. Adluminal adherens and septate junctions connect all duct cells; the most proximal duct cell completely encloses the terminal end of the duct lumen. A filtration structure characteristic for protonephridia is lacking. Additionally, the entire organ lacks an inner ciliation. Morphologically and ultrastructurally the transitory nephridia of E. octoculata show far reaching congruencies with the segmental metanephridia in different species of the Hirudinea. These congruencies support the assumption that formation of transitory nephridia and definitive metanephridia in Hirudinea depends on the same genetic information. The same inherited information is assumed to cause the development of larval head kidneys and subsequently formed nephridia in different species of the Polychaeta. Thus, the presumed identical fate of a segmentally repeated nephridial anlage supports the hypothesis of a homology between the transitory nephridia in Hirudinea species and the protonephridial head kidneys in the ground pattern of the Polychaeta. We, therefore, assume that functional constraints lead to a modification of the protonephridial head kidneys in Hirudinea and explain ultrastructural differences between the transitory nephridia in Hirudinea and the protonephridia in Polychaeta. Accepted: 11 December 2000  相似文献   

Protonephridia and Metanephridia - their relation within the Bilateria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two different kinds of nephridia occur within the Bilateria, protonephridia closed up by a terminal cell and metanephridia opening into the coelomic cavity. Both initially filter and subsequently modify intercellular fluids. Whereas metanephridia are strictly correlated to a coelom, proto-nephria occur in acoelomate as well as in coelomate organisms. Protonephridia of different bilaterian taxa correspond to each other in several structural features. Therefore, it is hypothesized that protonephridia are homologous organs throughout the Bilateria. They must have evolved once as one pair of monociliated organs orinatinng from the ectoderm and consistin of one terminal, one duct and one nephropore cell In the ground pattern of the Bilateria the cilium of the terminal cell has only one rootlet and is surrounded by resumably eight strengthened and elongated microvilli. Cilium and microvilli extend into the hollow cyinder of the terminal cell, which is oriented distally and is attached to the adjacent duct cell by desmosomes. This cylinder is perforated by clefts and represents the supporting structure of the filtration barrier consisting of extracellular matrix. In the Annelida and Phoronida, the metanehridia at the postlarval stages are ontogenetically preceded by protonephridia in the larva, but far reaching structural and developmental differ ences exist between the metanephridia of both. In horonids the rotonephrdial duct of the larva is retained in the postlarva and acquires a coelothelially derived funnel, whereas in annelids the metanephridia are uniform organs orihating from a solid anlage, which is a repetition of the protonehridial anlage of the larva. The differences contradict a homology of the metanephridia in Annegda and Phoronida. We therefore have to conclude that metanephridia must have evolved indeendently, at least two times. The comparative analysis of nephridia in the Bilateria allows the following hyothesis: Pro tonephridia were evolved in a monohasic acoelomate organism in the stem fineage of the Bilateria. During the evolution of biphasic life cycles consisting of an acoelomate larva and a coelomate adult, the information about the differentiation of protonephridia has been preserved in the early acoelomate developmental (larval) stages. During postlarval development and the formation of a coelom the protonephridia have either been retained or modified into meta nephridia. Accordin to the differences between the metanehridia of phoronids and annelids, we emphasize that. tiere is no possibility to trace back all bilaterian taxa with a coelom to a common stem species.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha are the small meiobenthic acoelomate worms whose phylogenetic relationships between themselves and other invertebrates remain unclear, despite all attempts to clarify them on the basis of both morphological and molecular analyses. The complete sequences of the 18S rRNA genes (8 new and 7 known) were analyzed in 15 Gastrotricha species to test different hypotheses on the phylogeny of this taxon and to determine the reasons for the contradictions in earlier results. The data were analyzed using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Based on the results, it was assumed that gastrotrichs form a monophyletic group within the Spiralia clade, which also includes Gnathostomulida, Plathelminthes, Syndermata (Rotifera + Acanthocephala), Nemertea, and Lophotrochozoa. Statistical tests rejected a phylogenetic hypotheses considering Gastrotricha to be closely related to Nematoda and other Ecdysozoa or placing them at the base of the Bilateria tree, close to Acoela or Nemertodermatida. Among gastrotrichs, species belonging to the orders Chaetonotida and Macrodasyida form two well-supported clades. The analysis confirmed monophyly of the families Chaetonotidae and Xenotrichulidae from the order Chaetonida, as well as the families Turbanellidae and Thaumastodermatidae from the order Macrodasyida. Lepidodasyidae is a polyphyletic family, because the genus Mesodasys forms a sister group for Turbanellidae; genus Cephalodasys forms a separate branch at the base of Macrodasyida; and Lepidodasys groups with Neodasys between Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae. To confirm these conclusions and to get an authentic view of the phylogeny of Gastrotricha, it is necessary to study more Gastrotricha species and to analyze some other genes.  相似文献   

Volker Lammert 《Zoomorphology》1985,105(5):308-316
Summary The fine structure of the protonephridia of Haplognathia rosea (Filospermoidea) and Gnathostomula paradoxa (Bursovaginoidea) is described. Each protonephridium consists of three different cells: (1) a monociliated terminal cell which constitutes the filtration area, (2) a nonciliated canal cell showing a special protonephridial outlet system, and (3) an intraepidermal cell — the nephroporus cell — constituting the nephroporus. The protonephridia are arranged serially. There is no canal system connecting the protonephridial units.Protonephridial characters in other Bilateria are considered. The pattern of characters in the protonephridia in the last common gnathostomulid stem species and presumed apomorphies in the protonephridia of the Gnathostomulida investigated are discussed.Abbreviations used in figures ac acessory centriole - AC additional epidermal cell - bb basal body - bl basal lamina - bm bundle of microvilli - c cilium - cc cilium duct cell - cd cilium duct - cr ciliary rootlet - crs structures resembling ciliary rootlets - di diplosome - ds desmosome - dy dictyosome - f filtration area - g granules - m mitochondrium - mv microvillus - n nucleus - NC nephroporus cell - np nephroporus - oc outlet canal - TC terminal cell - tl tubules of lacunar system  相似文献   

The protonephridial system of several Loricifera was studied by transmission electron microscopy. A larval specimen of Rugiloricus cf. cauliculus possesses two protonephridia, which are "capped" frontally by a compact mass of still undifferentiated gonadal cells. Each protonephridium consists of four monociliary terminal cells and four canal cells with a diplosome but no cilia. Because of incomplete series of sections and unsatisfactory fixation, the outleading cell(s) could not be detected. In a male specimen of Armorloricus elegans, each gonad contains two protonephridia that open into the gonadal lumen. Each protonephridium consists of two monociliary terminal cells, each forming a filter, two nonciliated canal cells, and two nephroporus cells. The protonephridial lumina of the latter cells fuse to one common lumen, which unites with the gonadal lumen. Preliminary observations on the protonephridia of a female Nanaloricus mysticus reveal a more complicated arrangement of interdigitating terminal and canal cells. One or two terminal cells form their own individual filter or four cells form a common compound filter. The cilium of the terminal cells of all species investigated are surrounded by a palisade of nine microvilli that support the filter barrier made of an extracellular matrix. An additional filter diaphragm could be traced between the pores in the cell wall of each terminal cell of A. elegans. The urogenital system of the Loricifera differs from that of the Priapulida in that the protonephridia of the former are completely integrated into the gonad, whereas the excretory organs of the latter open into the urogenital duct caudally of the gonads.  相似文献   

The anterior and posterior head sensory organs of Dactylopodola baltica (Macrodasyida, Gastrotricha) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, whole individuals were labeled with phalloidin to mark F-actin and with anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies to mark microtubuli and studied with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the large number of ciliary processes in the anterior head sensory organ contain F-actin; no signal could be detected for alpha-tubulin. Labeling with anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies revealed that the anterior and posterior head sensory organs are innervated by a common stem of nerves from the lateral nerve cords just anterior of the dorsal brain commissure. TEM studies showed that the anterior head sensory organ is composed of one sheath cell and one sensory cell with a single branching cilium that possesses a basal inflated part and regularly arranged ciliary processes. Each ciliary process contains one central microtubule. The posterior head sensory organ consists of at least one pigmented sheath cell and several probably monociliary sensory cells. Each cilium branches into irregularly arranged ciliary processes. These characters are assumed to belong to the ground pattern of the Gastrotricha.  相似文献   

Abstract. The reproductive anatomy of gastrotrichs is well known for several species, especially for the marine taxon Macrodasyida. However, there is little information on the reproductive organs and the modes of mating and sperm transfer in putative basal taxa, which is necessary for accurate reconstruction of the ground pattern of the Gastrotricha. We present the first detailed morphological investigation of the reproductive system of a putative basal gastrotrich, Dactylopodola typhle , using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, histology, and microscopic observations of living specimens. Dactylopodola typhle is a hermaphrodite that possesses paired female and male gonads, an unpaired uterus with an outlet channel that we call the cervix, and an additional accessory reproductive organ, the so-called caudal organ. We hypothesize that the hollow, secretory caudal organ serves for picking up autospermatozoa (self-sperm), for spermatophore formation, and finally for transferring the autospermatophore to a mating partner. The allospermatophore (foreign spermatophore) is stored within the uterus where fertilization occurs. We think that the mature and fertilized egg is released through the cervix and the dorsolateral female gonopore, and not by rupture of the body wall. Based on the morphology, we provide a plausible hypothesis for spermatophore formation and transfer in D. typhle . Preliminary phylogenetic considerations indicate that the stem species of Macrodasyida, perhaps that of all Gastrotricha, had paired ovaries and paired testes, an unpaired uterus, and only one accessory reproductive organ.  相似文献   

The development and microanatomy of the protonephridial system in larvae and postmetamorphic juveniles of Antalis entalis (Dentaliidae) have been examined by means of a semithin serial sectioning and reconstruction technique. One late larval stage has been additionally examined by transmission electron microscopy. The protonephridium appears during larval development and is reduced in the juvenile approximately 13 days after metamorphosis. This is the first unambiguous evidence of a protonephridium in a postlarval mollusc. When fully developed the protonephridium is unique in consisting of two cells only, a terminal cell (=cyrtocyte) and a duct-releasing cell with glandular appearance. The polyciliary terminal cell has several distinct ultrafiltration sites, resembling conditions in bivalve protonephridia. The large duct-releasing cell shows a very large nucleus probably reflecting polyploidy. Its basal infoldings and many mitochondria suggest metabolic activity, the cytoplasm is characterised by many distinct granules. The unique features of the scaphopod protonephridial system are compared with available data on the protonephridia of other molluscan classes. The finding gives additional evidence that protonephridia belong to the ground pattern of the Mollusca. Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of Gastrotricha are described from the psammon of a freshwater body in Brazil: Redudasys fornerise and Arenotus strixinoi. The former is the first undoubted member of the order Macrodasyida recorded from a freshwater environment. It is characterized by the reduction in number of adhesive tubes, the absence of male sexual organs and the presence of a well-developed protonephridial system. The latter belongs to the order Chaetonotida (family Chaetonotidae) and is characterized by the uniform body covering with a thick layer of soft homogeneous cuticle. A possible mode of colonization of fresh waters by marine Macrodasyida, involving colonization of freshwater areas underlying marine beaches, is discussed.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha is a species-rich phylum of microscopical animals that contains two main orders, Chaetonotida and Macrodasyida. Gastrotrichs are important members of the aquatic environment and significant players in the study of animal evolution. In spite of their ecological and evolutionary importance, their internal relationships are not yet well understood. We have produced new sequences for the 18S rDNA gene to improve both the quality and quantity of taxon sampling for the gastrotrichs. Our phylogeny recovers the monophyly of the two main Gastrotricha clades, in contrast to recent studies with similar sampling, but in agreement with morphology based analyses. However, our topology is not able to resolve the first branches of the macrodasyidans or settle the position of the puzzling Neodasys, a controversial genus classified as a chaetonotidan on morphological grounds but placed within macrodasyidans by molecular studies. This analysis is the most exhaustive molecular phylogeny of the phylum to date, and significantly increases our knowledge of gastrotrich evolution.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha and metazoan phylogeny   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The phylogenetic position of the Gastrotricha within Bilateria and relationships among gastrotrich subgroups are reanalysed using morphological, developmental, nonsequence molecular, and ecological characters, together with the conserved regions of small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rDNA). The analysis shows that traditional 'Macrodasyida' is a paraphyletic stemline of Chaetonotida, with Dactylopodolida, Redudasys , and Turbanellida as the basalmost gastrotrich groups. The 'Cycloneuralia hypothesis', which assumes sister group relationships between Gastrotricha and Ecdysozoa is supported. The sensitivity analysis of the combined dataset yields the following scheme of relationships of the main bilaterian clades: (1) Acoelomorpha is a basalmost bilaterian clade; (2) both Deuterostomia and Protostomia (less Acoelomorpha) are monophyletic; (3) the phylogenetic position of Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda + Phoronida, and Cycloneuralia within Protostomia is unstable; (4) Trochozoa (incl. Entoprocta, Nemertea, Lobatocerebrum , and possibly Jennaria ), Platyhelminthes s.s ., and Gnathifera-Myzostomida form a clade ('Spiralia'); (5) Cycliophora and possibly also Chaetognatha may be close to the gnathiferans. Evolution of metazoan ciliation and cycloneuralian cuticle is discussed. It is concluded that cycloneuralian and gastrotrich ancestors were multiciliate and had epidermal cilia covered by cuticular sheaths.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of two species supposed to be basal to Gastrotricha Chaetonotida, Neodasys ciritus and Musellifer delamarei, were studied in order to supply further elements to the understanding of sperm evolution in Chaetonotida, a group in which a fully parthenogenetic reproduction is dominant. Two considerably different sperm patterns were found: the spermatozoon of N. ciritus has a simple, conical acrosome, a short, condensed nucleus, few conventional mitochondria randomly arranged along the sperm head, and a 9×2+2 flagellum perpendicular to the sperm major axis. The spermatozoon of M. delamarei is a filiform cell with a simple acrosome, a partially condensed nucleus, four mitochondria at the nuclear base, and a flagellum with a 9×2+2 axoneme and large accessory fibers. Some sperm features of M. delamarei are comparable to those of Xenotrichulidae, the only other Chaetonotida producing conventional spermatozoa, whereas the sperm of N. ciritus appears different from all the other patterns known among Gastrotricha, thus knowledge of it does not help in solving the problem of the discussed phylogenetic position of the genus.  相似文献   

Currently, the phylum Gastrotricha is divided into the orders Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida, with the structure of the myoepithelial pharynx being an important distinguishing feature. Macrodasyida currently has six recognized families, and Chaetonotida comprises seven families. However, within-group relationships are poorly understood. To arrive at a better understanding of gastrotrich systematics and phylogeny, we performed the first cladistic analysis of nearly all known gastrotrich genera using 71 morphological characters. Results suggest that the Gastrotricha is a monophyletic group (supported by 82% of bootstrap replications) with its most primitive taxa distributed among the families Dactylopodolidae and Neodasyidae. Monophyly of Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida was supported by 90% and 52% bootstrap replications, respectively. Within the Macrodasyida, the families Dactylopodolidae, Turbanellidae, Macrodasyidae, and Thaumastodermatidae all formed monophyletic clades. The families Planodasyidae and Lepidodasyidae were paraphyletic. Among the Chaetonotida, the marine family Xenotrichulidae was monophyletic, supported by 51% of bootstrap replications. A second clade containing all freshwater families was supported by 62% bootstrap values. However, Chaetonotidae were paraphyletic. Using this analysis as a framework, we now can explore possible patterns of evolution within it, and arrive at a consensus of the gastrotrich ground pattern. Moreover, in future molecular studies of metazoan phylogeny, we will be able to select gastrotrich species that are more appropriate representatives of the phylum.  相似文献   

本研究应用透射电子显微镜研究了扩张莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的细胞学特征 ,莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的焰茎球为一个过滤器结构 ,类似于“挡河坝”样构造 ,此构造由端细胞和近管细胞外突形成的肋条 (或称杆 )相互交错排列而成。肋条之间由细胞外物质构成的“膜”结构连接 ,过滤作用通过该“膜”发生。焰细胞与近管细胞交界处有裂缝或孔与细胞外的结缔组织 (实质组织 )相通 ;原肾管的毛细排泄管细胞质索之间没有隔状联结 ;毛细排泄管及排泄管的管腔内有大量珠状微绒毛突起以增加表面积。从扩张莫尼茨绦虫及其它一些无脊椎动物原肾管的研究结果表明 ,原原肾管概念将焰细胞作为封闭的盲端已不再合适 ,需要进行修订 ,建议修订为 :原肾管是一种焰细胞系统 ,通常由焰细胞、管细胞和肾孔细胞组成 ,焰茎球作为过滤装置与周围的结缔组织 (实质组织 )有或没有裂缝 (孔 )相通  相似文献   

A single pair of protonephridia is the typical larval excretory organ of molluscs. Their presence in postlarval developmental stages was discovered only recently. We found that the protonephridia of the polyplacophoran mollusc, Lepidochitona corrugata, achieve their most elaborate differentiation and become largest during the postlarval period. This study describes the protonephridia of L. corrugata using light and electron microscopy and interactive three‐dimensional visualization. We focus on the postlarval developmental period, in which the protonephridia consist of three parts: the terminal part with the ultrafiltration sites at the distal end, the voluminous protonephridial kidney, and the efferent nephroduct leading to the nephropore. The ultrafiltration sites show filtration slits between regularly arranged thin pedicles. The ciliary flame originates from both the terminal cell and the duct cells of the terminal portion. The efferent duct also shows ciliation. The most conspicuous structures, the protonephridial kidneys, are voluminous swellings composed of reabsorptive cells (“nephrocytes”). These cells exhibit strong vacuolization and an infolding system increasing the basal surface. The protonephridial kidneys, previously not reported at such a level of organization in molluscs, strikingly resemble (metanephridial) kidneys of adult molluscan excretory systems. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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