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Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) recorded from leech Retzius cells in response to stimulation of interganglionic connective could not be reversed by soma depolarization or abolished by 40 mM Mg ion, nor could input resistance changes be detected during them. Alteration of external Cl and K over a tenfold range provided no clear evidence that the PSPs involved a conductance change to either ion. The method of extrapolation yielded an apparent PSP equilibrium potential of about -20 mV. The steep portion of the relationship between Retzius cell action potential amplitude and membrane potential extrapolated to an apparent reversal potential of -13 mV. It is likely that the connective-to-Retzius cell PSPs were principally electrical events. Their apparent reversal potentials could have been in the range associated with chemical synapses because they traversed an electrical synapse with a variable coupling resistance, or because the polarizing currents, passing "backwards" across electrical synapses, changed the amplitude of the presynaptic action potentials.  相似文献   

Linear frequency domain analysis of subthreshold current flow and cell to cell action potential timing studies have been used to examine the dynamic electrical behaviour of the electrotonic junction between Retzius cells in the leech. Both types of electrical transmission may be completely explained if the junction is modelled by a single resistive element. The possible role of axonal cable properties in the apparent junctional characteristics were considered, but the form of the predicted frequency response functions for such cables make it unlikely that they are involved in the observed electrical behaviour.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Intracellular recordings were made from the Retzius cells in the segmental ganglia of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. L-Glutamate has a direct excitatory action on the neurons.
  • 2.2. L-Glutamate causes an increase in the membrane conductance.
  • 3.3. L-Glutamate causes conductance increase at the Retzius cell to both sodium and potassium ions but not to chloride ions.

Current-clamp studies of cultured leech Retzius cells revealed inward rectification in the form of slow voltage sags in response to membrane hyperpolarization. Sag responses were eliminated in Na+-free saline and blocked by Cs+, but not Ba2+. Voltage clamp experiments revealed a Cs+-sensitive inward current activated by hyperpolarization negative to −70 mV. Cs+ decreased the frequency of spontaneous impulses in Retzius cells of intact ganglia. Plateau potentials were evoked in Retzius cells following block of Ca2+ influx with Ni2+ and suppression of K+ currents with internal tetraethylammonium. Plateau potentials continued to be expressed with Li+ as the charge carrier, but were eliminated when Na+ was replaced with N-methyl-d-glucamine. A persistent Na+ current with similar pharmacology that activated positive to −40 mV and reached its peak amplitude near −5 mV was identified in voltage-clamp experiments. Inactivation of the persistent Na+ current was slow and incomplete. The current was revealed by slow voltage ramps and persisted for the duration of 5-s voltage steps. Persistent Na+ current may underlie Na+-dependent bursting recorded in neurons of intact ganglia exposed to Ca2+-channel blockers. Accepted: 22 September 1998  相似文献   

The development of many neurons, including the Retzius (Rz) neurons of the medicinal leech, is shaped in part by interactions with other cells in the environment. To explore the nature of the interaction between growing Rz processes and potential target tissues, adult Rz neurons were cultured directly in contact with some of the tissues that normally serve as their targets in vivo. The morphology of the regenerated processes of these neurons varied depending upon the identity of the target tissues, but other cellular properties remained unchanged. In particular, although during normal development contact with peripheral targets determines the sign of Rz neurons' response to acetylcholine (ACh) applied to the soma, these cultured neurons maintained their original response to ACh even after as long as 2 weeks in culture on novel targets. Hence, some features of cultured adult Rz neurons varied depending upon the conditions, whereas other features remained fixed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 55–68, 1998  相似文献   

Simultaneously, the effect of sodium-free medium and tetrodotoxin (3 X 10(-8) M/ml) were investigated on some passive electrophysiological properties of leech Retzius nerve cells. Complete replacement of Na+ with Tris or addition of tetrodotoxin to the leech Ringer was followed by an increase of input resistance in contrast to the cell-to-cell interaction which was not affected by such a procedure. At the same time tetrodotoxin was not able to block repetitive spike activity. The data imply the existence of two types of Na+ channel in leech Retzius nerve cells.  相似文献   

The presence of RC's axon running in the dorsal root of the leech Hirudo medicinalis was studied by means of electrophysiological and neuroanatomical techniques. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal root gave invariably the antidromic invasion of the Retzius cell. This effect disappears after crushing the dorsal root between the stimulating electrode and the ganglion, and hence is not due to stimulus spread to the nearby posterior root. Anatomical evidence for an axon collateral running in the dorsal root was provided by catecholamine histofluorescence of the axonal branches of the RCs and by Lucifer Yellow intracellular injection into the RCs.  相似文献   

1. Changes in the activity pattern of leech Retzius (R) cells were investigated using intracellular recording. 2. The presence of an after-hyperpolarisation (AHP) is closely related to activity pattern; regular firing being associated with an AHP, bursting with its absence. 3. Increasing external calcium (Cao), cyclic AMP levels or activity of kinase A enhanced the AHP. 4. Bursting was induced by low Cao, EGTA, barium, cobalt or injection of phorbol ester. 5. Reduction of Cao to zero caused long paroxysmal depolarising shifts of potential which could be reversed to bursting by cobalt, IBMX or injection of kinase A catalytic subunit. 6. The possible roles of a calcium-activated potassium channel and protein phosphorylation in regulating the activity of the cell are discussed.  相似文献   

Responses to the ionotropic glutamate receptor agonist kainate were measured in Retzius cells (RCs) of intact segmental ganglia (in situ), acutely isolated RCs, and cultured RCs (in vitro) of the leech Hirudo medicinalis. RCs in intact ganglia responded to kainate (5–20 μM) with depolarizations up to 30 mV or with an inward current under voltage-clamp that reversed near -10 mV. The membrane conductance increased by a factor of 2.5 at a holding potential of -70 mV in the presence of 20 μM kainate. In RCs in situ the membrane responses to 5 μM kainate increased when applied repeatedly 3-5 times. After this potentiation, the amplitude and time course of the membrane responses to 5 μM kainate were similar to the membrane response to 20 μM kainate. In current-clamp experiments kainate evoked an increase in intracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]¡) only when the membrane depolarized beyond -40 mV. In voltage-clamped RCs at a holding potential of -70 mV, kainate caused no significant rise in [Ca2+]¡, indicating that the Ca2+ permeability of these kainate-gated ion channels appears to be negligible. The potentiation of the kainate-induced responses in RCs in situ was also present in voltage-clamped cells, where no or only small changes in [Ca2+]¡ occurred, suggesting that the underlying mechanism seemed to be independent of intracellular Ca2+ changes. In addition, the potentiation of the kainate-induced membrane responses was unaffected by cyclothiazide (100 μM), concanavalin A (0.5 mg/mL), and in the presence of extracellular low-Ca2+ and high-Mg2+ concentrations to suppress synaptic transmission in the ganglion. During whole-cell patch-clamp recordings (up to 50 min) potentiation remained the same indicating that small intracellular messenger molecules, which would be expected to dissipate, were not likely to be involved in mediating this potentiation. In acutely isolated RCs kainate induced no or only very small voltage responses. A potentiation of the kainate response was never observed in acutely isolated RCs. In cultured RCs (2–7 days in vitro) kainate evoked membrane responses with no apparent potentiation. Cultured RCs also responded with Ca2+ transients only when depolarized beyond -40 mV. The results show that RCs respond differently to kainate when kept isolated in culture compared to RCs in intact ganglia. The mechanism underlying the potentiation of the kainate response of RCs in situ, however, could not yet be identified. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the segmental roots of each ganglion of Hirudo medicinalis, elicits in both Retzius' cells inhibitory and excitatory effects. The IPSP and EPSP are chemical in nature, being dependent on the membrane potential, and suppressed by high Mg++. Selective inactivation of one RC shows that the responses of the contralateral RC are not due to electrotonic coupling between the two cells, but to synaptic actions impinging upon the membrane of both RCs. The two synaptic potentials appear to be mediated by two set of fibres with a different threshold to electrical stimulation. Their actions on the RCs appear to be polysynaptic on the basis of central latency. Simultaneous stimulation of two roots shows evidence for occlusion for IPSP and summation for EPSP, confirming the polysynaptic nature of the effects. The possible functional significance of the inhibitory and excitatory pathways, is discussed.  相似文献   

Water-wave and photic stimulation of the sensilla elicits synaptic potentials identical to those elicited by electrical stimulation of the segmental roots. Mechanical stimulation elicits a localized IPSP and a generalized EPSP in the RCs and an IPSP in the AE motoneurons. Photic stimulation gives rise to a generalized EPSP in the RCs alone. The impulse discharges elicited in the afferent fibers by the two kinds of stimuli is transmitted along the cord both anteriorly and posteriorly to the stimulated segment. This implies that the afferent impulses excite a pool of intersegmental neurons in each ganglion, which distribute their discharges to the adjacent ganglia. The evidence for occlusion between cordal and photically elicited volleys indicates that it shares with the sensillar input a common pool of interneurons. The possible functional significance of the inhibitory and excitatory inputs is discussed.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a ubiquitous neurotransmitter and neuromodulator that affects neural circuits and behaviours in vertebrates and invertebrates. In the present study, we have investigated 5-HT-induced Ca(2+) transients in subcellular compartments of Retzius neurons in the leech central nervous system using confocal laser scanning microscopy, and studied the effect of 5-HT on the electrical coupling between the Retzius neurons. Bath application of 5-HT (50mM) induced a Ca(2+) transient in axon, dendrites and cell body of the Retzius neuron. This Ca(2+) transient was significantly faster and larger in dendrites than in axon and cell body, and was half-maximal at a 5-HT concentration of 5-12mM. The Ca(2+) transient was suppressed in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) and by methysergide (100mM), a non-specific antagonist of metabotropic 5-HT receptors, and was strongly reduced by bath application of the Ca(2+) channel blocker Co(2+) (2mM). Injection of the non-hydrolysable GTP analogue GTPgammaS increased and prolonged the dendritic 5-HT-induced Ca(2+) transient. The non-selective protein kinase inhibitor H7 (100mM) and the adenylate cyclase inhibitor SQ22536 (500 mM) did not affect the Ca(2+) transient, and the membrane-permeable cAMP analogue dibutyryl-cAMP (500 mM) did not mimic the effect of 5-HT application. 5-HT reduced the apparent electrical coupling between the two Retzius neurons, whereas suppression of the Ca(2+) influx by removal of external Ca(2+) improved the transmission of action potentials at the electrical synapses which are located between the dendrites of the adjacent Retzius neurons. The results indicate that 5-HT induces a Ca(2+) influx through calcium channels located primarily in the dendrites, and presumably activated by a G protein-coupled 5-HT receptor. The dendritic Ca(2+) increase appears to modulate the excitability of, and the synchronization between, the two Retzius neurons.  相似文献   

Physostigmine (PHY; eserine) prolongs the action potentials in the Retzius cells within leech ganglia to about 800 ms. The effect was reversible and occurred at concentrations of 1-10 mM which are several orders of magnitude greater than those required to inhibit cholinesterase. The prolonged action potentials showed an early, spike-like depolarization followed by a plateau. The initial depolarization exhibited a strong dependence on external Na+ while the amplitude of the plateau had somewhat less Na+ dependence: 52 and 24 mV/decade, respectively. The duration of the plateau was increased by elevating Na+ and decreased by elevating Ca2+. Increasing the action potential frequency, by intracellular stimulation, decreased both the duration and amplitude of the plateau. Neostigmine, di-isopropylphosphofluoridate, and acetylcholine did not prolong RZ action potentials. Thus, the membrane effects of physostigmine appear to be independent of any inhibition of cholinesterase or accumulation of acetylcholine.  相似文献   

The activity of motoneurons during motor patterns depends on their intrinsic properties and on synaptic inputs. This study analyzed the properties of two leech motoneurons: the excitors of dorsal longitudinal muscles (DE-3) and of dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles (MN-L) in basal conditions (normal and high Mg2+ saline) and during crawling. The voltage–current relationships in DE-3 and MN-L were similar. The curves exhibited the largest slope around resting potential, showed marked inward and outward rectification, and were not affected by high Mg2+. In response to 5-s pulses, DE-3 exhibited a fast initial adaptation, a slow recovery and a very slow late adaptation. High Mg2+ abolished the initial high frequency. The frequency–voltage relationship for the rest of the response was highly similar in normal and in high Mg2+ saline. MN-L exhibited a minor initial adaptation and then fired steadily. High Mg2+ diminished the frequency–voltage relationship. During crawling DE-3 and MN-L fired in phase and their frequency–voltage curves overlapped with the lower end of the curves obtained in basal conditions. The results suggest that the activity of these motoneurons during crawling was regulated, to a large extent, by synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

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