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A recombination site in the transducing bacteriophage lambda plac5 DNA has been structurally elucidated. Comparison of primary structures of E. coli lac-operon (distal end of lacZ gene, Z-Y spacer, and proximal end of lacY gene) described earlier with corresponding segments of bacteriophages lambda CI857 and lambda plac 5-2 DNAs sequenced in this paper showed that the bacterial DNA insert ends immediately after Z-Y spacer, just before the initiating triplet ATG of lacY gene. It thus follows that in contrast to the earlier conception, the insert does not seem to include any part of lacY gene. The recombination sites in both phage and bacterial DNA contain structurally homological segments about 20 b. p. long (crossover region), with two extra basepairs in the bacterial DNA (AT in the sense-strand). We suppose that the very dinucleotide plays a substantial role in initiation of recombinational event: causing formation of a nonperfect heteroduplex structure, it determines the T-A internucleotide bond to be endonucleolytically cut (crossover point) followed by exonucleolytic elimination of the extra links (AT) and reciprocal strand exchange. The second recombination site in lambda plac5 DNA has been localized by us within lacI gene as being close to the HindII site (nucleotides 854 to 859 of the gene). The structures of the two regions of site-specific recombination may shed light upon mechanisms of the phage abnormal excision leading to formation of transducing phages.  相似文献   

The construction of lambda plac5 transducing phages carrying various lacZ alleles is described. Genetically disabled (N- N- P-) lambda plac transducing the phages were used to study the dependence of specialized transduction on host RecA function and on the location of the lacZ gene in the recipient strain. In the absence of site-specific recombination at att lambda, transduction was completely dependent on host RecA function. Regardless of the configuration of att lambda, lambda plac transducing phages recombined at a 20- to 50-fold higher frequency with F42 lac than with a lac gene located in the cellular chromosome. Deletion mutants of lacZ in the recipient strain were used to show that the probability of lac recombination resulting from lambda plac infection is apparently proportional to the amount of homology between the parental lacZ genes.  相似文献   

The construction in vitro of transducing derivatives of phage lambda   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Summary Methods are described for the construction of plaque-forming, transducing derivatives of phage lambda, using appropriate receptor genomes and fragments of DNA generated by the restriction enzymes endo R.EcoRI and endo R.HindIII. The general properties of the transducing derivatives are described and discussed. Plaque-forming phages carrying the E. coli trp, his, cysB, thyA, supD, supE, supF, hsd, tna and lig genes have been isolated.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of the specialized transducing bacteriophage lambda plac5 formation has been studied. Phage-bacterial DNA junctions in lambda plac5 DNA are localized and primary structure of regions of the abnormal excisional recombination leading to the phage formation is elucidated; the crossover region proved to be comparable with the central part of attP and attB sites (the core and the adjacent tetranucleotide) in length and degree of homology. Bacterial insert in lambda plac5 DNA is shown to end immediately after Z-Y spacer, the DNA not containing lacY gene segments. The data obtained led to the conclusion of site-specific (homologous) character of abnormal excision upon formation of lambda transducing bacteriophages. Possible mechanisms of the excision are discussed.  相似文献   

Nat Sternberg 《Gene》1986,50(1-3):69-85
Generalized tranduction has for about 30 years been a major tool in the genetic manipulation of bacterial chromosomes. However, throughout that time little progress has been made in understanding how generalized transducing particles are produced. The experiments presented in this paper use phage λ to assess some of the factors that affect that process. The results of those experiments indicate: (1) the production of generalized transducing particles by bacteriophage λ is inhibited by the phage λ exonuclease (Exo). Also inhibited by λ Exo is the production of λdocR particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated in bacterial DNA and terminated at the normal phage packaging site, cos. In contrast, the production of λdocL particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated at cos and terminated in bacterial DNA, is unaffected by λ Exo; (2) λ-generalized transducing particles are not detected in induced lysis-defective (S) λ lysogens until about 60–90 min after prophage induction. Since wild-type λ would normally lyse cells by 60 min, the production of λ-generalized transducing particles depends on the phage being lysis-defective; (3) if transducing lysates are prepared by phage infection then the frequency of generalized transduction for different bacterial markers varies over a 10–20-fold range. In contrast, if transducing lysates are prepared by the induction of a λ lysogen containing an excision-defective prophage, then the variation in transduction frequency is much greater, and markers adjacent to, and on both sides of, the prophage are transduced with much higher frequencies than are other markers ; (4) if the prophage is replication-defective then the increased transduction of prophage-proximal markers is eliminated; (5) measurements of total DNA in induced lysogens indicate that part of the increase in transduction frequency following prophage induction can be accounted for by an increase in the amount of prophage-proximal bacterial DNA in the cell. Measurements of DNA in transducing particles indicate that the rest of the increase is probably due to the preferential packaging of the prophage-proximal bacterial DNA.

These results are most easily interpreted in terms of a model for the initiation of bacterial DNA packaging by λ, in which the proteins involved (Ter) do not recognize any particular sequence in bacterial DNA but rather  相似文献   

Plaque assay for lambda transducing phage carrying the E. coli metB gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A halo plaque assay has been developed for the detection of nondefective lambda transducing phage carrying functional alleles of the metB gene of Escherichia coli K12. The assay is based upon the production of phage plaques on lawns of metB- bacterial cells which are supplemented with limiting amounts of methionine and upon the subsequent transduction of methionine-starved cells in the lawn surrounding the plaques. The resulting prototrophic transductants give rise to a halo of bacterial growth surrounding the plaque. A precise genotype can be ascribed to the characteristic morphologies of selected haloes. This technique has general application for all biosynthetic markers.  相似文献   

A lambda phage has been isolated which specifically transduces the Escherichia coli pheS and pheT genes coding for the alpha and beta subunits of the phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PRS). This phage transduces with high frequency (i) several temperature-sensitive PRS mutants to thermoresistance and (ii) a p-fluorophenylalanine resistant PRS mutant to sensitivity against this amino-acid analog. The in vitro PRS activities of such lysogens suggest that the alpha and beta subunits coded by the transducing phage complement the mutant host PRS-subunits in vivo by means of formation of hybrid enzymes.The transducing lambda phages were also used to infect UV light irradiated cells. The SDS-gel electrophoretic analysis of the proteins synthesized in such cells revealed that the phage codes at least for four different E. coli proteins. Two proteins with molecular weights of 94,000 and 38,000 daltons cross-reacted with an anti PRS serum and were thus identified as the beta and alpha subunits of PRS, respectively. A third protein with a molecular weight of 22,000 daltons is identical with the ribosomal initiation factor IF3 (Springer et al., 1977b). The other protein (Mr 78,000) is still unidentified.  相似文献   

Recombination between F42lac and lambda plac5 is typically 20- to 50-fold more efficient than recombination between chromosomal lac and lambda plac5. This enhancement of recombination is recBCD-dependent and requires the expression of genes from the tra regulon of the F factor. Also required is oriT, the origin of F factor conjugational transfer, which must be located in-cis to the cellular copy of lac. In this study we show that enhanced recombination is not supported by an oriT point mutant that reduces oriT function in conjugation. We also present evidence that the activation of oriT for recombination enhancement involves the same strand-specific nick that is required for conjugal DNA transfer. Although it is thought that the role of oriT in recombination enhancement is related to the facilitated entry of RecBCD enzyme into the DNA duplex, we were unable to detect any double-strand breakage at oriT.  相似文献   

H Kondoh  B R Paul    M M Howe 《Journal of virology》1980,35(3):619-628
A general method for constructing lambda specialized transducing phages is described. The method, which is potentially applicable to any gene of Escherichia coli, is based on using Mu DNA homology to direct the integration of a lambda pMu phage near the genes whose transduction is desired. With this method we isolated a lambda transducing phage carrying all 10 genes in the che gene cluster (map location, 41.5 to 42.5 min). The products of the cheA and tar genes were identified by using transducing phages with amber mutations in these genes. It was established that tar codes for methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II (molecular weight, 62,000) and that cheA codes for two polypeptides (molecular weights, 76,000 and 66,000). Possible origins of the two cheA polypeptides are discussed.  相似文献   

The tsr gene of Escherichia coli, located at approximately 99 min on the chromosomal map, encodes a methyl-accepting protein that serves as the chemoreceptor and signal transducer for chemotactic responses to serine and several repellents. To determine whether any other chemotaxis or motility genes were located in the tsr region, we constructed and characterized two lambda tsr transducing phages that each contain about 12 kilobases of chromosomal material adjacent to tsr. lambda tsr70 carries sequences from the promoter-proximal side of tsr; lambda tsr72 carries sequences from the promoter-distal side of tsr. Restriction maps of the bacterial inserts in these phages and Southern hybridization analyses of the bacterial chromosome indicated that the tsr gene is transcribed in the counterclockwise direction on the genetic map. Insert deletions were isolated in lambda tsr70 and transferred into the host chromosome to examine the null phenotype of tsr. All such strains exhibited wild-type swimming patterns and chemotactic responses to a variety of stimuli, but were specifically defective in serine taxis and other Tsr-mediated responses. In addition, UV programming experiments demonstrated that Tsr and several of its presumptive degradation products were the only bacterial proteins encoded by lambda tsr70 and lambda tsr72 that required host FlbB/FlaI function for expression. These findings indicate that there are probably no other chemotaxis-related genes in the tsr region. A series of tsr point mutations were isolated by propagating lambda tsr70 on a mutD host and used to construct a fine-structure map of the tsr locus. These mutations should prove valuable in exploring structure-function relationships in the Tsr transducer.  相似文献   

We found that transducing phages carrying the gal or bio regions of the Escherichia coli genome were formed during in vitro packaging of endogenous lambda DNA. Structural analysis of the transducing phage genomes indicated that they were formed by abnormal excision of lambda prophage. Formation of transducing phages was stimulated by oxolinic acid, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, implying that DNA gyrase participates in the abnormal excision of lambda prophage. When pBR322 DNA was added to the reaction mixture, transducing phages into which pBR322 had been inserted were produced at a high frequency. This reaction was also stimulated by oxolinic acid. Sequence analyses revealed that pBR322 is inserted into the sites of abnormal excision of the prophage. These results show that transducing phages can be formed by DNA gyrase-dependent illegitimate recombination in an in vitro system and that secondary recombination takes place frequently at the site where the first recombination occurs.  相似文献   

G Konopa  W Szybalski  J Kotval  A Campbell 《Gene》1982,19(1):104-108
The center of the pBopA promoter-operator region for the bioABFCD operon is located 1.71 kb clockwise from the att lambda site on the Escherichia coli genome, as determined by the position of the p131 (IS1) insertion. The order of several bio endpoints to the right of p131 is lambda bio267, 122, 169, 74, 1, and 69. The endpoints of the two bio deletions, delta 61 in bioA and delta 3h in bioB, were also determined.  相似文献   

Summary Two sets of plaque-forming transducing phages have been isolated which carry parts of the tryptophan (trp) and lactose (lac) operons. The ptrp-lac set of phages carry the trp and lac operons in the same orientation connected by deletions which enter the lac regulatory region from the i side. These deletions start at various sites in or near the trp operon and end either late in the lac i gene, within the promoter, between the promoter and the operator, within the operator, between the operator and the z gene, or very early in the z gene. Starting with one particular trp-lac fusion strain, a series of transducing phages were isolated which contain varying portions of the trp operon extending from the trp A gene towards the trp operator. The other set of phages, which are designated ptrp/lac, carry trp and lac in opposing orientations. These ptrp/lac phages contain deletions which remove all of the lac structural genes and end between the operator and the z gene.A preliminary report of a portion of this work was presented at the Thirteenth International Congress of Genetics, Berkeley, 1973.  相似文献   

Summary The position of the metJBLF gene cluster in the transducing phage dmet102 was determined by ligation of its leftmost EcoRI fragment (102-1) to the BCDEF (nin5) EcoRI fragment of gtl (BC) and characterization of the resultant recombinant phage. The new transducing phage carries about 6kb of bacterial DNA which contains the entire met gene cluster including the promoter of its rightmost member metF. Reasonable estimates of the coding capacity required for the four genes indicate that most of the bacterial DNA of the recombinant phage is occupied by the met gene cluster.  相似文献   

Recombination between F42lac and lambda plac5 is typically 20- to 50-fold more efficient than recombination between chromosomal lac and lambda plac5. This enhancement of recombination requires trans-acting factors located in the promoter-distal and promoter-proximal regions of the main traY-to-traI (traZ) operon. By testing the ability of deletion mutants of tra to support enhanced recombination, we have identified traY as the only product has been ruled out. We also report that traI is the only gene from the promoter-distal end of the traY to traI operon that is required for recombination enhancement. Of the two proposed domains of traI, we conclude that the oriT-nicking activity is essential, whereas the helicase activity is largely dispensable. The possibility of a third traI activity is also discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the extent of DNA sequence required to form a bacterial attachment site (attB) that functions in bacteriophage lambda integration. A DNA fragment carrying attB of Escherichia coli was trimmed, recloned and tested for recombination proficiency. We found that the common core sequence plus the adjoining 4-bp sequences of both the B and B' arms are required for full activity, while plasmids with an even shorter attB sequence retain some capacity to function as attB in vivo. We also found that the nonspecific DNA that is joined to the required attachment site sequence does not significantly influence the rate of the recombination reaction.  相似文献   

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