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In order to explore the relationship between learning progress and working memory characteristics, the psychoacoustic testing of 42 persons (20-65 years old) of medical staff taught a novel science (informatics) was carried out. The subjects were divided into three age groups: 20-35, 36-50, and 51-65-year-olds. Acoustical test consisted of a set of 12 target words (professional informatics terms) presented through headphones and subsequent presentation of a random succession of 12 target and 12 masking words (all of them being professional informatics terms). Listeners had to recognize the target words. The stepwise linear regression analysis revealed a link between the progress in acquisition of the new material and characteristics of acoustical working memory, whose role in learning progress increased with age. Because the memory efficiency reduction was found in subjects older than 35 years, it was supposed that age-related changes in characteristics of the acoustical working memory were responsible for the decline in ability to learn novel material.  相似文献   

The investigation has been performed on 337 preparations of human kidneys and on 129 clinical angiograms of kidneys at different age without renal and cardiovascular system pathology. A complex of morphological techniques, mathematical method including, has been used. Peculiarities in architectonics of the intraorganic renal arterial vessels have been described during various age periods of postnatal ontogenesis; essential variations of the renal artery index have been revealed in newborns and adolescents. They reflect functional rearrangement of the vessels during these age periods. Six periods in formation of the renal arterial intraorganic vessels have been determined, when probability of decrease and failure of their compensatory potentialities is especially great.  相似文献   

Age-related sarcopenia could partly result from cumulative repeated episodes of incomplete repair and regeneration. We hypothesized that mitotic and metabolic events associated with satellite cell activation and proliferation could be altered with aging. Muscle-derived cells (mdc) were isolated from gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscles of young (3 wk old), adult (9 mo old), and old (24 mo old) Sprague-Dawley male rats (n = 10/group). The mdc from young growing rats started to proliferate earlier compared with adult and old animals. Cell cycle duration was significantly reduced with aging from 36.5 +/- 3.2 to 28.0 +/- 2.2 h. However, the proportion of noncycling (G0 phase) and cycling (G1 + S + G2 + M phases) cultured mdc was statistically unchanged among the three age groups. Significantly lower increase in c-met and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression were observed in cultured mdc of old rats upon serum stimulation. Major changes in the expression of citrate synthase, lactate dehydrogenase, proteasome, caspase 3, plasminogen activators (PAs), and matrix metalloproteinase 2-9 (MMP2-9) were observed upon serum stimulation, but no age-related difference was noted. However, when measured on crushed muscle extracts, PAs and MMP2-9 enzyme activities were significantly decreased with aging. Our results show that cellular and biochemical events associated with the control of mdc activation and proliferation occur with aging. These alterations may participate in the accumulation of repeated episodes of incomplete repair and regeneration throughout the life span, thus contributing to the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function with aging.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of the purified proteoglycans extracted from normal human articular cartilage with 4M-guanidinium chloride showed that there was an age-related increase in their content of protein and keratan sulphate. 2. The hydrodynamic size of the dissociated proteoglycans also decreased with advancing age, but there was little change in the proportion that could aggregate. 3. Results suggested that some extracts of aged-human cartilage had an increased content of hyaluronic acid compared with specimens from younger patients. 4. Dissociated proteoglycans, from cartilage of all age groups, bind to hyaluronic acid and form aggregates in direct proportion to the hyaluronic acid concentration. 5. Electrophoretic heterogeneity of the dissociated proteoglycans was demonstrated on polyacrylamide/agarose gels. The number of proteoglycan species observed was also dependent on the age of the patient.  相似文献   

Testing of 7- to 8- and 9- to 10-year-old children with the matching familiar figures test revealed groups of children differing in the time and accuracy of the reaction of choice from several alternatives. Classification of simple images and images with additional information congruous with the main discriminative character improved with age in children without evident signs of reflectivity or impulsivity (the main group) and in reflective children. No significant improvement was revealed in impulsive children. Developmental changes in the event-related potentials during image classification differed in character and location in children with different styles of cognitive activity. In the children of the main group and in the reflective children, the developmental changes consisted of an increase in the amplitude of the late positive complex predominantly in the caudal areas of both brain hemispheres. In the impulsive children, in the age period from 7–8 to 9–10 years, the late negative component N350 became more distinct, especially in the left hemisphere, and substantial reorganization of the involvement of the frontal areas in the classification process took place. The opposite electrophysiological changes in children with different cognitive styles testify to different developmental changes in the mechanisms of visual recognition.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 15–23.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Beteleva, Petrenko.  相似文献   

A particular role was demonstrated for functional maturation of the frontothalamic system (FTS) of the brain in forming the cerebral organization of selective voluntary attention in ontogeny. Analysis of the coherence of the rhythmic components of the EEG α range in adults and seven-to eight-and nine-to ten-year-old children showed that, if the functional state of the control structures corresponds to the age, the formation of the neurophysiological mechanisms selectively modulating cortical activity and supporting selective tuning of the cerebral structures to the cognitive task is completed by the age of seven or eight years. Unlike adults, children demonstrated no interhemispheric features of the intercenter integration of cortical zones in the prestimulus period of voluntary attention. Children with a functionally immature FTS lacked selective specific integration of cortical zones in the pretuning period. The deficit of selective modulation of cortical activity in children with a functionally immature FTS is considered as the neurophysiological factor that delays the formation of voluntary attention and voluntary control of activity and, finally, leads to learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Water permeability and cytoplasmic viscosity and streaming were investigated in seedlings of two Hordeum vulgare cultivars differing in salt tolerance. Six-day-old seedlings were grown for 4 additional days in Hoagland solution with and without 100 m M NaCl added.
Observations and measurements were made in subepidermal cells of the coleoptile using plasmolytic and centrifugation methods and recordings of the speed of movement of microsomes.
Water permeability was about the same in controls of both cultivars, and was decreased by NaCl stress, but decreased less in the tolerant cultivar. Cells from control plants of the stress tolerant variety had a higher cytoplasmic viscosity than cells from the moderately sensitive cultivar. Cytoplasmic viscosity in both cultivars decreased due to NaCl stress, and more so in the sensitive one. Cytoplasmic streaming was faster in the controls of the salt sensitive cultivar than in controls of the salt tolerant cultivar; NaCl had no significant effect on cytoplasmic streaming in both cultivars.
The specific responses of the cytoplasm of the sensitive and tolerant cultivars to the salt treatment reflect differences in its structure and composition. These differences in the cytoplasm already exist before exposure to salt stress but some alterations of cytoplasmic parameters (e.g. water permeability) were induced by the saline environment.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (PGs) are a family of molecules that undergo extensive post-translational modifications that include addition of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains as well as N- and O-linked oligosaccharides to the protein core. PG composition and structure have been reported to alter with age. To test whether the post-translational modifications to PGs can serve as in vitro surrogate end point markers for chronological age, the extent of GAG modifications was determined for PGs derived from normal human bone cells of 14 donors (age range, fetal to 60 years). Isolated cells were steady state radiolabeled with (35)SO(4)(2-) and [(3)H]GlcN. For biglycan and decorin, iduronate content was linearly correlated with age (increased 1.5x between fetal and age 60 years). For the syndecan-like heparan sulfate PG, the N-sulfation of post-natal cells increased over 3.5-fold until reaching a plateau during the 4th decade of life. The amount of O-linked oligosaccharides was also found to decrease as a function of increasing normal donor age, whereas the specific activity of the metabolic precursor pool remained constant regardless of donor age. These age-related changes in post-translational modifications were then used to demonstrate that osteoblasts derived from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta did not exhibit facets of a pre-mature aging, but rather were arrested in a fetal-like phenotypic state. A growth matrix rich in thrombospondin altered PG metabolism in osteoblastic cells, resulting in the production and secretion of the fetal-like (rich in O-linked oligosaccharides) forms of decorin and biglycan. This effect was qualitatively different from the effect of transforming growth factor-beta, which predominantly altered GAGs rather than O-linked oligosaccharides. No other Arg-Gly-Asp protein (fibronectin, vitronectin, type I collagen, osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein) showed any detectable effect on PG metabolism in bone cells. These results indicate that a proper matrix stoichiometry is critical for metabolism of PGs.  相似文献   

Acid-soluble collagens isolated from young and old rat tail tendon were fluorescent-labeled with dansyl hydrazine, which is capable of reacting with aldehyde groups in collagen. The dansyl fluorescence of aged collagen exhibited a weak peak at 525 nm, whereas that of young collagen had a stronger broad peak at 500 nm. Fibril formation in vitro was partially inhibited in these dansylated collagens. During the turbidity lag phase, the dansyl fluorescence was found to increase (30–50%), also shifting to 485 nm. These changes reveal the telopeptide conformation changes occurring during this period. A new fluorescence peak at 420 nm also increased during fibril formation. When the dansylated collagen was irradiated in air with uv light (340 nm), a rapid decrease of the dansyl fluorescence with a concurrent shift to 490 nm occurred. Also, the formation of fibrils was further inhibited. With increasing temperature, the dansyl fluorescence of young collagen decreased, whereas that of old collagen substantially increased, particularly at the denaturation temperature around 38°C. After denaturation, both fluorescences became similar in their intensity and position (490 nm). These findings are discussed in connection with both age-related structural changes of collagen and the mechanism of fibril formation.  相似文献   

The effects of daily and weekly academic loads on the psychological and cardio-and hemodynamic characteristics of students were analyzed. The self-estimated state of health, activity, and mood were evaluated with the use of the HAM (Health-Activity-Mood) questionnaire; the introversion and extraversion, neuroticism, and intelligence of the subjects were determined according to Eysenck; and the self-estimate the personal anxiety according to Spielberger, was evaluated. The main hemodynamic parameters (heart rate and arterial blood pressure) were measured and the systolic and minute blood volumes were calculated. The comparison of the dynamics of the parameters studied showed that there were two types of response of the students’ cardio-and hemodynamic parameters to academic load: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The parasympathetic response was found to be more adequate because the sympathetic response entailed the risk of overstrain and adaptation failure.  相似文献   

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