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Heat stress (HS) adversely influences productivity and welfare of dairy cattle. We hypothesized that the thermoregulatory mechanisms vary depending on the exposure time to HS, with a cumulative effect on the adaptive responses and thermal strain of the cow. To identify the effect of HS on adaptive thermoregulatory mechanisms and predictors of caloric balance, Holstein cows were housed in climate chambers and randomly distributed into thermoneutral (TN; n=12) or HS (n=12) treatments for 16 days. Vaginal temperature (VT), rectal temperature (Tre), respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), and dry matter intake (DMI) were measured. The temperature and humidity under TN were 25.9±0.2 °C and 73.0±0.8%, respectively, and under HS were 36.3±0.3 °C and 60.9±0.9%, respectively. The RR of the HS cows increased immediately after exposure to heat and was higher (76.02±1.70bpm, p<0.001) than in the TN (39.70±0.71bpm). An increase in Tre (39.87±0.07 °C in the HS vs. 38.56±0.03 °C in the TN, p<0.001) and in VT (39.82±0.10 °C in the HS vs. 38.26±0.03 °C in the TN, p<0.001) followed the increase in RR. A decrease (p<0.05) in HR occurred in the HS (62.13±0.99bpm) compared with the TN (66.23±0.79bpm); however, the magnitude of the differences was not the same over time. The DMI was lower in HS cows from the third day (8.27±0.33 kg d−1 in the HS vs. 14.03±0.29 kg d−1 in the TN, p<0.001), and the reduction of DMI was strongly affected (r=−0.65) by changes in the temperature humidity index. The effect of environmental variables from the previous day on physiological parameters and DMI was more important than the immediate effect, and ambient temperature represented the most determinant factor for heat exchange. The difference in the responses to acute and chronic exposure to HS suggests an adaptive response. Thus, intense thermal stress strongly influence thermoregulatory mechanisms and the acclimation process depend critically on heat exposure time.  相似文献   

In order to develop statistical models to predict respiratory heat loss in dairy cattle using simple physiological and environmental measurements, 15 Holstein cows were observed under field conditions in a tropical environment, in which the air temperature reached up to 40°C. The measurements of latent and sensible heat loss from the respiratory tract of the animals were made by using a respiratory mask. The results showed that under air temperatures between 10 and 35°C sensible heat loss by convection decreased from 8.24 to 1.09 W m–2, while the latent heat loss by evaporation increased from 1.03 to 56.51 W m–2. The evaporation increased together with the air temperature in almost a linear fashion until 20°C, but it became increasingly high as the air temperature rose above 25°C. Convection was a mechanism of minor importance for respiratory heat transfer. In contrast, respiratory evaporation was an effective means of thermoregulation for Holsteins in a hot environment. Mathematical models were developed to predict both the sensible and latent heat loss from the respiratory tract in Holstein cows under field conditions, based on measurements of the ambient temperature, and other models were developed to predict respiration rate, tidal volume, mass flow rate and expired air temperature as functions of the ambient temperature and other variables.This paper forms part of A. S. Campos Maias doctoral thesis.  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein cows were utilized over two replicate periods (July and September, 1990) to examine the effect of summer heat stress on follicular growth and steroidogenesis. On day of synchronized ovulations, cows were assigned to shade (n=11) or no shade (n=12) management systems. Follicular development was monitored daily by ultrasonography until ovariectomy on Day 8 post estrus. At time of ovariectomy, dominant and second largest follicles were dissected from the ovary. Aromatase activity and steroid concentrations in dominant and subordinate follicles were measured. Acute heat stress had no effects on patterns of growth of first wave dominant and subordinate follicles between Days 1 and 7 of the cycle. Compared with shaded cows, the heat stressed cows did not have suppression of medium size (6 to 9 mm) follicles between Days 5 and 7. A treatment x follicle interaction was detected (P<0.01) for follicular diameter and fluid volume at Day 8. Dominant follicles in shade were bigger (16.4>14.5 mm) and contained more fluid (1.9>1.1 ml) than dominant follicles in no shade. Conversely, subordinate follicles in no shade were bigger (10.1>7.9 mm) and contained more fluid (0.4>0.2 ml) than subordinate follicles in shade. Concentrations of estradiol in plasma and follicular fluid were higher (P<0.01) in July than in September. Heat stress appears to alter the efficiency of follicular selection and dominance, and to have adverse effects on the quality of ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken during spring and summer months in a territory representative of the Mediterranean climate to assess the effects of season on some immunological parameters of dairy cows. Twenty Holstein cows were used. Eleven of those cows gave birth during spring; the remaining nine cows gave birth in summer. The two groups of cows were homogeneous for parity. Values of air temperatures and relative humidity were recorded both during spring and summer, and were utilized to calculate the temperature humidity index (THI). One week before the expected calving, rectal temperatures and respiratory rates of the cows were recorded (1500 hours), and cell-mediated immunity was assessed by measuring the proliferation of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Within 3 h of calving, one colostrum sample was taken from each cow and analysed to determine content of immunoglobulin (Ig) G1, IgG2, IgM and IgA. At 48 h after birth, passive immunization of the calves was assessed by measuring total serum IgG. During summer, daytime (0900-2000 hours) THI values were above the upper critical value of 72 [75.2, (SD 2.6)] indicating conditions that could represent moderate heat stress. That THI values were able to predict heat stress was confirmed by the values of rectal temperatures and respiratory rates, which were higher (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001 respectively) during summer. Proliferation of PBMC, the colostral concentration of Ig fractions and serum levels of IgG in their respective off-spring did not differ between spring and summer cows. Results indicated that moderate heat stress due to the hot Mediterranean summer does not modify cell-mediated immunity, the protective value of colostrum and passive immunization of the offspring in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Poor utilization of amino acids contributes to losses of milk protein yield in dairy cows exposed to heat stress (HS). Our objective was to test the effect of essential amino acids on milk production in lactating dairy cows exposed to short-term HS conditions. To achieve this objective, 12 multiparous, lactating Holstein cows were assigned to two environments (thermoneutral (THN) or HS) from days 1 to 14 in a split-plot type cross-over design. All cows received 0 g/day of essential amino acids from days 1 to 7 (negative control (NC)) followed by an intravenous infusion of l-methionine (12 g/day), l-lysine (21 g/day), l-leucine (35 g/day), l-isoleucine (15 g/day) and l-valine (15 g/day, methionine, lysine and branched-chain amino acids (ML+BCAA)) from days 8 to 14. The basal diet was composed of ryegrass silage and hay, and a concentrate mix. This diet supplied 44 g of methionine, 125 g of lysine, 167 g of leucine, 98 g of isoleucine and 109 g of valine per day to the small intestine of THN cows. Temperature–humidity index was maintained below 66 for the THN environment, whereas the index was maintained above 68, peaking at 76, for 14 continuous h/day for the HS environment. Heat stress conditioning increased the udder temperature from 37.0°C to 39.6°C. Cows that received the ML+BCAA treatment had greater p.m. rectal and vaginal temperatures (0.50°C and 0.40°C, respectively), and respiration rate (8 breaths/min) compared with those on the NC treatment and exposed to a HS environment. However, neither NC nor ML+BCAA affected rectal or vaginal temperatures and respiration rates in the THN environment. Compared with THN, the HS environment reduced dry matter intake (1.48 kg/day), milk yield (2.82 kg/day) and milk protein yield (0.11 kg/day). However, compared with NC, the ML+BCAA treatment increased milk protein percent by 0.07 points. For the THN environment, the ML+BCAA treatment increased concentrations of milk urea nitrogen. For the HS environment, the ML+BCAA treatment decreased plasma concentrations of arginine, ornithine and citrulline; however, differences were not observed for the THN environment. In summary, HS elicited expected changes in production; however, infusions of ML+BCAA failed to increase milk protein yield. Lower dry matter intake and greater heat load in response to ML+BCAA contributed to the lack of response in milk production in HS cows. The ML+BCAA treatment may have reduced the breakdown of muscle protein in heat-stressed cows.  相似文献   

Heat stress has negative effects on pregnancy rates of lactating dairy cattle. There are genetic differences in tolerance to heat stress; Bos taurus indicus (B. t. indicus) cattle and embryos are more thermotolerant than Bos taurus taurus (B. t. taurus). In the present study, the effects of sire and sire breed on conception and embryonic/fetal loss rates of lactating Holstein cows during the Brazilian summer were determined. In Experiment 1, cows (n=302) were AI after estrus detection or at a fixed-time with semen from one Gyr (B. t. indicus) or one Holstein sire (B. t. taurus). Pregnancy was diagnosed 80 days after AI. In Experiment 2, cows (n=811) were AI with semen from three Gyr and two Holstein sires. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 30-40 and at 60-80 days after AI. Cows diagnosed pregnant at the first examination but non-pregnant at the second were considered as having lost their embryo or fetus. Data were analyzed by logistic regression. The model considered the effect of sire within breed, sire breed, days postpartum, period of lactation, and AI type (AI after estrus versus fixed-time). There was no effect of the AI type, days postpartum or milk production on conception or embryonic loss rates. The use of Gyr bulls increased pregnancy rate when compared to Holstein bulls [9.1% (60/657) versus 5.0% (23/456), respectively, P=0.008; data from Experiments 1 and 2 combined]. Additionally, in Experiment 2, cows inseminated using semen from sire #4 (Gyr) had lower embryonic loss (10%) when compared with other B. t. indicus (35.3% and 40%) or B. t. taurus sires (18.2% and 38.5%, P=0.03). In conclusion, the use of B. t. indicus sires may result in higher conception rates in lactating Holstein cows during summer heat stress. Moreover, sire can affect embryonic loss and selection of bulls according to this criterion may result in higher parturition rates in lactating Holstein cows.  相似文献   

The general principles of the mechanisms of heat transfer are well known, but knowledge of the transition between evaporative and non-evaporative heat loss by Holstein cows in field conditions must be improved, especially for low-latitude environments. With this aim 15 Holstein cows managed in open pasture were observed in a tropical region. The latent heat loss from the body surface of the animals was measured by means of a ventilated capsule, while convective heat transfer was estimated by the theory of convection from a horizontal cylinder and by the long-wave radiation exchange based on the Stefan–Boltzmann law. When the air temperature was between 10 and 36°C the sensible heat transfer varied from 160 to –30 W m–2, while the latent heat loss by cutaneous evaporation increased from 30 to 350 W m–2. Heat loss by cutaneous evaporation accounted for 20–30% of the total heat loss when air temperatures ranged from 10 to 20°C. At air temperatures >30°C cutaneous evaporation becomes the main avenue of heat loss, accounting for approximately 85% of the total heat loss, while the rest is lost by respiratory evaporation.Part of first authors doctoral thesis  相似文献   

Since many dairy cows calve during late summer, the objective was to determine if heat stress immediately post-partum would (1) alter metabolism, thus, increasing susceptibility to metabolic disorders, (2) affect lactation and/or (3) affect reproduction. Forty four cows, calving during late summer, were paired with one member of each pair stressed (HS) for the first 10 post-partum days in a hot barn. Controls (CC) were kept in a cooled section of the barn. Plasma drawn weekly for 7 weeks was analyzed in an autoanalyzer for calcium, inor. phosphorus, protein, glucose and cholesterol and by radioimmunoassay for cortisol and progesterone. Ovaries and uteri were palpated weekly. Rectal temperatures were significant higher for HS during the first 10 post-partum days. No significant effects on plasma constituents were observed during the 10-day treatment period. For the 7-week period, glucose and cholesterol were lower in HS, as were cyclic peaks of progesterone and cortisol. Both calcium and inorganic phosphorus remained clinically low for the 7 weeks, but no treatment effects were seen. Uteri of HS involuted more rapidly than the CC. Treatment did not affect reproductive efficiency. Lactation milk yields did not differ, but milk fat percent was lower in HS. Heat stress immediately post-partum altered lipid metabolism, but the animal's compensatory mechanisms prevented reduction in milk production or reproductive efficiency.Journal Paper No. 4227 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

miR-181a has been presumed to target the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTR) of IL1a based on software predictions. miR-181a and IL1a have opposite expression levels in monocytes and macrophages in the inflammatory state. This led us to suspect that mir-181a has an important function in regulating inflammatory response by targeting IL1a. Fluorescence reporter assays showed that miR-181a effectively binds to the 3′-UTR of IL1a. The anti-inflammatory functions of miR-181a were investigated in lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced Raw264.7 and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)/LPS-induced THP-1 cells. We found that miR-181a mimics significantly lowered IL1a expression levels in these cells and, interestingly, miR-181a inhibitors reversed this decrease. In addition, miR-181a mimics significantly inhibited increase in the levels of inflammatory factors (IL1b, IL6, and TNFa) in these cells. Furthermore, miR-181a mimics and inhibitors decreased and increased, respectively, production of reactive oxygen species in PMA/LPS-induced THP-1 cells. These results indicate that miR-181a regulates inflammatory responses by directly targeting the 3′-UTR of IL1a and down-regulating IL1a levels. Interestingly, we found that miR-181a inhibited production of inflammatory factors even in IL1a-induced THP-1 cells, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory effects of miR-181a possibly involves other targets in addition to IL1a. Thus, we provide the first evidence for anti-inflammatory effects of miR-181a mediated at least in part by down-regulating IL1a.  相似文献   

miRNA-181是一个进化中极其保守的明星分子.在人类基因组中,miR-181家族成员包括miR-181a-1、miR-181a-2、miR-181b-2、miR-181b-2、miR-181c和miR-181d.miR-181最早是在小鼠B淋巴细胞中发现其特异高表达,且能调控早期造血系统的形成,从而引起了人们的关注.miR-181在小鼠胸腺、脑、肺等器官中高表达,骨髓和脾脏中也可检测到它的存在,而在造血前体细胞中低表达.其中,miR-181a被认为参与B细胞的分化成熟过程.其后,大量研究证实miR-181是一个重要的基因表达调控因子,功能涉及生物体免疫、炎症,细胞周期调控、细胞凋亡及分化等病理生理过程.另一方面miR-181在多种肿瘤中表达异常,包括白血病、神经母细胞瘤、神经胶质瘤等,但其功能及调控机制不太清楚.本文就miR-181分子的基因结构、基因表达与调控、生物学功能以及与疾病发生的相关性作一综述.  相似文献   

A dairy herd experienced an increased incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis during late spring and summer of 1977 and 1978. The incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis was 24.05% during the period of May through September compared to 12.24% the rest of the year. The gestation period of cows having retained placenta and postpartum metritis was an average of 5.25 days shorter than that of cows not exhibiting these symptoms. The gestation period of cows calving during the warm season was an average of 2.82 days shorter than that of the cows calving during the cool season. Heat stress resulting in early parturition was the probable cause of this increased incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis. The number of days open was influenced both by abnormal postpartum period and season of calving. Cows having retained placenta and metritis were open an average of 31.69 days longer than cows with normal postpartum periods. Cows that calved during the warm season were open an average of 24.42 days longer than those calving during the cool season.  相似文献   

Heat stress negatively impacts the reproductive performance of dairy cows. The main objective of this study was to dissect the genetic basis underlying dairy cow fertility under heat stress conditions. Our first goal was to estimate genetic components of cow conception across lactations considering heat stress. Our second goal was to reveal individual genes and functional gene-sets that explain a cow’s ability to conceive under thermal stress. Data consisted of 74 221 insemination records on 13 704 Holstein cows. Multitrait linear repeatability test-day models with random regressions on a function of temperature–humidity index values were used for the analyses. Heritability estimates for cow conception under heat stress were around 2–3%, whereas genetic correlations between general and thermotolerance additive genetic effects were negative and ranged between −0.35 and −0.82, indicating an unfavorable relationship between cows’ ability to conceive under thermo-neutral vs. thermo-stress conditions. Whole-genome scans identified at least six genomic regions on BTA1, BTA10, BTA11, BTA17, BTA21 and BTA23 associated with conception under thermal stress. These regions harbor candidate genes such as BRWD1, EXD2, ADAM20, EPAS1, TAOK3, and NOS1, which are directly implicated in reproductive functions and cellular response to heat stress. The gene-set enrichment analysis revealed functional terms related to fertilization, developmental biology, heat shock proteins and oxidative stress, among others. Overall, our findings contribute to a better understanding of the genetics underlying the reproductive performance of dairy cattle under heat stress conditions and point out novel genomic strategies for improving thermotolerance and fertility via marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum in high-producing dairy cows in commercial dairy farms under subtropical conditions. The cows were kept in a free-stall or tie-stall barn. Milk samples were collected from cows twice weekly, and progesterone in the skim milk was assayed by double-antibody ELISA. Cows were examined rectally and vaginoscopically at 2-week intervals after calving. Body condition score (BCS) and body weights were taken before and after calving. A cow was considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. Thirty seven percent (n=20/54) of the cows had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity (resumption within 45 days after calving), and 63% (n=34/54) had delayed resumption (resumption did not occur until >45 days after calving). Delayed resumption Type I (one or more ovarian cycles with luteal phase >20 days, i.e. prolonged luteal phase; 31.5%) and delayed resumption Type II (first ovulation did not occur until > or =45 days after calving, i.e. delayed first ovulation; 24.1%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. Almost half (46.3%) of the cows did not resume their ovarian cyclicity until >65 days postpartum. Cows with delayed resumption Type I had a higher incidence of abnormal cervico-vaginal discharge (64.7%) and incomplete uterine involution (94.1%) compared to cows with normal resumption (P<0.01). The BCS of cows with delayed resumption Type II were lower than those of normal resumption cows at 5 weeks and later in the postpartum period (P<0.05). Approximately two-thirds of high-producing cows had delayed resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum. Prolonged luteal phase and delayed first ovulation were two important ovarian dysfunctions that delayed postpartum resumption of cyclicity in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

The dairy industry in regions with moderate climates, such as Central Europe, will be increasingly challenged in the future by climate change. The problem of heat stress will especially affect dairy husbandry in naturally ventilated barns (NVB). The approach of the study was to determine a heat stress threshold of the average daily temperature-humidity index (THI) that results in changes in the daily rumination time (RT) of lactating, high-yielding cows. The data set was composed of a high sample size of 183 cows and long-duration measurements of 21240 daily observations over two years from June 2015 to May 2017, which were collected in an NVB in Groβ Kreutz, Germany. The THI was calculated in 5-min intervals by data from several sensors in different positions inside the barn. Additionally, every cow from the herd of an average of 53 cows in the experimental procedure was wearing a neck collar with a Lely Qwes HR system that provided the RT 24 h a day (12 2-h recordings were summarized). The study showed that heat stress also negatively influenced RT in moderate climates. The heat stress threshold of 52 THI was determined by broken-stick regression and indicated changes of RT of lactating dairy cows in Germany. During the experimental period, the heat stress threshold for RT was reached from April to September for up to 720 h per month. The changes in RT to the heat stress threshold will be affected by cows' characteristics. Therefore, we considered several cow-related factors, such as milk yield (MY), lactation number (LN), lactation stage (days in milk, or DIM) and pregnancy stage (P) to better understand cows’ individual reactions to heat stress. Multiparous, high-yielding cows in later lactation stages are potentially more strongly affected than other cows.  相似文献   

已有研究证明,抑癌子PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homolog)缺失或表达下调可引起子宫内膜癌变;在喉鳞状细胞癌中miR-1297可下调PTEN的表达。然而,miR-1297下调PTEN的机制,以及是否miR-1297靶向抑制PTEN参与子宫内膜癌变尚未见报道。本研究证明,miR-1297靶向抑制PTEN基因的表达参与子宫内膜癌变。收集临床病理检查确诊为子宫内膜腺癌的癌组织及癌旁组织18例。实时定量PCR(RT-qPCR)及Western印迹结果显示,与癌旁子宫内膜比较,子宫内膜癌组织miR-1297高表达,而PTEN则呈低表达或缺失。内膜癌和癌旁内膜组织中,miR-1297与PTEN表达水平的散点图分析揭示,miR-1297的表达水平与PTEN的表达水平呈明显的负相关(内膜癌:miR-1297与PTEN的相关系数r=-0.6928,P=0.0438;癌旁组织:相关系数r=-0.4085,P < 0.0001)。报告酶活性测定显示,与对照比较,pGL3-PTEN-3′-UTR-1/2/3加miR-1297模拟物共转染后,荧光素酶活性在转染的Ishikawa和ECC-1细胞中分别降低了约21%(P=0.0196)和17%(P=0.0306);相反,转染miR-1297抑制物后,两种细胞的荧光素酶活性分别升高约59%(Ishikawa:P=0.0014)和50%(ECC-1: P=0.0025)。结果提示,miR-1297可通过特异识别PTEN mRNA的3′-UTR,抑制PTEN的表达。基因转染结合Western印迹结果证明,在原代子宫内膜细胞中,过表达miR-1297模拟物导致PTEN蛋白表达下调,而其下游底物分子--磷酸化的AKT(p-AKT)表达上调;而过表达miR-1297抑制物后,PTEN表达上调,p-AKT表达下调。Connexin V/PI双染结合流式分析证明,与对照细胞(3%细胞凋亡)比较,在子宫内膜癌细胞系Ishikawa中,敲减miR-1297表达后细胞调亡明显增加(至10%),这可能与抑制miR-1297后PTEN的表达上调有关。上述结果提示,miR-1297在子宫内膜癌高表达,而PTEN低表达。上述结果还提示,miR-1297作为一个促癌子可通过特异识别PTEN mRNA的3′-UTR,抑制PTEN的表达,促进AKT磷酸化/激活,从而促进内膜癌的发生,这可能是子宫内膜癌变的发生原因之一。  相似文献   

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