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It was established that the process of repeated attachment to a substrate in bivalve mollusks Crenomytilus grayanus (Grays mussel) and Modiolus modiolus (the northern horse mussel) involved several successive stages which took in vitro about one month at a water temperature of 19 ± 2°C. Comparison with Grays mussel revealed that the northern horse mussel had a higher rate of byssal thread production and a greater thread number by the end of the complete formation of the byssus complex. The observed differences are explained by the adaptation of mollusks to habitation in different biotopes.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Selin, Vekhova.  相似文献   

The morphology of the shell and byssus threads was studied in two closely related mussel species Crenomytilus grayanus and Mytilus coruscus. The two species differ significantly from each other in the shell shape and in the degrees of development and deformation of byssus threads. These differences, in turn, determine (either directly or indirectly) the differences in strength of the byssal attachment and are discussed in terms of their functional morphology with respect to the spatial distribution of the mussels in marine coastal zones.  相似文献   

Reattachment of certain species of mytilid bivalves to various substrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reattachment to various substrates (concrete, wood, and iron) was studied in three species of Mytilidae in the laboratory. Each of the investigated species exhibited substrate selectivity. The most successful substrate colonization occurred on concrete, which, owing to its physicochemical properties, proved to be more appropriate for rapid and firm anchorage of the mollusks. Mytilid response to any specific substrate, judged from the reattachment rate and substrate preference, may indirectly indicate the possibile existence of natural communities of organisms associated with a corresponding biotope.  相似文献   

Allozyme variability in 16 polymorphic loci in two size cohorts of large (30.0 ± 6.3 mm) and small (9.8 ± 2.3 mm) spat of the mussel Mytilus trossulus (Gould) coinhabiting the intertidal zone in Brazhnikov Bay (Amursky Bay, Sea of Japan) was studied 1988–1989. It was determined that the size cohorts compared were highly similar genetically; Nei's minimum distances were 0.014 and 0.016 in 1988 and in 1989. However, statistically significant differences in allele frequencies were found at 2 loci, both in 1988 and in 1989. The loci differing by allele frequencies in 1988 did not coincide with those in 1989. Significant differences by heterozygosity between the cohorts were found only at the Idg-1 and Est-3 loci, 1988; and at the Aat-1, 6-Fgd, Est-3 loci, 1989; but the average heterozygosity was not significantly different in the cohorts for both years. A deficiency of heterozygotes (Dg) was observed almost at all loci in both cohorts. The mean Dg values were significantly higher in the cohort of small size individuals. Since the environmental conditions for both cohorts were similar, the allozyme differences between them were not a result of natural selection. A possible cause of the allozyme and size differences among the mussel cohorts is the gap in the settling time of larvae, which entails the formation of two size cohorts of mussels. Such a gap was caused by protraction of spawning period of M. trossulus and by the formation of segregate larval pools from various mussel populations differing in allele frequencies.  相似文献   

Allozyme variability was assessed, using starch gel electrophoresis, at 15 polymorphic loci in two samples of the Pacific mussel Mytilus trossulus collected from local populations in heavily (Golden Horn Bay) and slightly polluted areas (Sukhoputnaya Bay) of Peter the Great Bay. Significant differences between samples were found in the genotypic frequencies at nine loci and in allele frequencies, at six loci. The results are suggestive of the differential survival of individuals having different genotypes and alleles at some of the surveyed loci under conditions of pollution. Our data are not in conflict with the hypothesis of the adaptive significance of allozyme polymorphism.  相似文献   

Gastropods Nucella heyseana were collected from 1999 to 2001 from different habitats in Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan). The spatial distribution, the seasonal and interannual dynamics, and the composition of aggregations of this mollusk were analyzed. In Vostok Bay, N. heyseana inhabits biotopes that are typical of this species and other members of the genus and sometimes forms aggregations with an unusually high density and biomass (up to 1690 spec/m2 and 3680 g/m2), thus exceeding 10–40 times the greatest values reported elsewhere for populations of the southern Kuril Islands and Pos'eta Bay (Sea of Japan). N. heyseana is a typical polyphagous predator, and its diet includes numerous species of the associated fauna of bivalve and gastropod mollusks (more than 30 species). The abundance, composition, and stability of local aggregations of N. heyseana are largely dependent on the abundance dynamics of its prey (primarily the most common species, such as Mytilus trossulus, Ruditapes philippinarum, Protothaca euglypta, and Littorina spp.). The opinion on the low density of N. heyseana in southern Primorye (Golikov, Kussakin, 1978) is probably based on a lack of information about the intertidal fauna of this region compared to the South Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

This paper discusses data on the horizontal and vertical distribution of the spat ofMya arenaria andM. uzenensis on collectors for the cultivation of the scallopMizuhopecten yessoensis in Vostok Bay. The maximum settlement of the mollusks on scallop collectors occurred in the innermost part of the bay. The spat density ofM. arenaria on collectors was 2.6 times that ofM. uzenensis. M. arenaria larvae preferred settling on the upper portions of collectors, while the distribution ofM. uzenensis was random. The time of collector placement in the sea influenced spat numbers.  相似文献   

【背景】假交替单胞菌属是一种广泛分布于海洋环境的革兰氏阴性细菌,存在于海底沉积物中,能分泌大量的胞外产物形成海洋微生物被膜,从而诱导海洋无脊椎动物的附着。【目的】探究海假交替单胞菌鞭毛蛋白fliC基因对生物被膜形成及厚壳贻贝诱导活性的影响。【方法】通过基因敲除构建海假交替单胞菌fliC-02330基因缺失突变菌,研究突变菌和野生菌菌落形态、生物被膜形成能力、胞外物质以及对厚壳贻贝幼虫附着变态的诱导能力等的差异性。【结果】与野生菌相比,突变菌菌落表型出现褶皱,运动能力下降,形成被膜膜厚增加,以及对幼虫附着变态诱导活性下降。共聚焦扫描发现,fliC-02330基因缺失突变菌胞外多糖含量下降,而蛋白含量上升。【结论】海假交替单胞菌鞭毛蛋白fliC-02330基因缺失促进生物被膜形成,但抑制厚壳贻贝幼虫附着变态。本研究为探究细菌鞭毛蛋白基因与厚壳贻贝幼虫的作用机制,以及后续进一步探索微生物参与海洋无脊椎动物附着变态提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Our studies show that seawater from different sites in Nakhodka Bay has a deleterious effect on the development of the sea urchinStrongylocentrotus intermedius. As development proceeded to the pluteus I stage, the percentage of abnormal larvae maintained in water from Nakhodka, Novitskogo, and Vrangelya Bights increased markedly (66.7±2.2, 67.1±2.6, and 54.6±1.8%, respectively). These larvae developed more slowly, were smaller, and differed from those in the control in the intensity of color of their echinochrome granules. In water from Nakhodka and Novitskogo bights, larval survival rates were lower than in the control. This suggests that the water of Nakhodka Bay is heavily polluted, especially in its harbor areas.  相似文献   

The replacement of an ascidian (Styela rustica L.) fouling community by a blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) community was described for the White Sea. The alternation of populations of these two species takes place in fouling communities developing in the upper 3- to 5-m layer of water. The life span of each type of fouling probably depends on interannual climate fluctuations.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, we investigated byssus production in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, as affected by the excretory-secretory products (ESPs) of the mussel itself and some marine invertebrates: the predatory starfish Asterias rubens, and organisms competing with mussels in White Sea fouling communities—a bivalve Hiatella arctica, the solitary ascidians Styela rustica and Molgula citrine, and a sponge Halichondria panicea. The number of attachment disks produced by a mussel per day and the thickness of byssal threads were estimated. Excretory-secretory products of H. arctica and M. citrine had no effect on the number of attachment disks, while ESPs of S. rustica, H. panacea and A. rubens stimulated mussels to produce attachment plaques. The activity of the mussel was slightly increased at low levels of its own ESPs in seawater. The thickness of byssal threads decreased with an increase in the ESPs of mussels in seawater, but it increased in experiments with the ESPs of any other species tested.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) composition of total lipids isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea inhabiting Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan was studied. GC and GC-MS techniques were used in identification of 63 FAs, with the main attention being paid to FAs with 14–22 carbon atoms. 4,8,12-Trimethyl-13:0 FA was for the first time identified as a main saturated FA, along with the branched FAs br-25:1, br-27:1, and br-27:2. The contents of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic, and the major demospongic acids [26:3(5,9,19), 26:3(5,9,17), 27:3(5,9,20), and 28:3(5,9,21)] considerably differed from those previously found for H. panicea, which may be due to seasonal changes in the species composition of organisms consumed by the sponge.  相似文献   

刘艳  赵卫红  苗辉 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2659-2666
在东海赤潮爆发区域运用围隔生态系实验方法,研究了不同营养盐条件下围隔生态系内多胺浓度变化。结果表明:2010年选用东海原甲藻赤潮爆发处海水,东海原甲藻是各围隔生态系内主要优势种,没有种群演替现象发生。两种营养盐添加方式下各围隔内精胺浓度维持较高水平,都呈现先波折下降后波折上升的趋势,与东海原甲藻的生长变化正好相反;各围隔内腐胺浓度水平较高,变化起伏较大,其中有两个实验组腐胺整体变化趋势与东海原甲藻生长趋势类似;所有围隔内亚精胺浓度最低,波动较小。2011年取用中肋骨条藻赤潮爆发处海水,所有围隔生态系内优势种都发生了从中肋骨条藻到东海原甲藻的演替。各围隔生态系内腐胺浓度最高,在中肋骨条藻生长初期腐胺浓度下降,随着中肋骨条藻的生长有所上升,实验后期随着东海原甲藻的生长又整体呈现出下降趋势;各实验组精胺浓度较低,在中肋骨条藻消亡东海原甲藻出现的种群演替期间,都呈现出较大波动;各围隔内亚精胺浓度较低,在整个种群演替过程中没有明显的变化。围隔生态系中补充营养盐,通过对浮游植物生长的影响,间接影响围隔生态系内的多胺变化。  相似文献   

Fairly large Mytilus trossulus beds were found in the subtidal zone at depths to 40 m off the western coast of Kamchatka. The size and age composition of local populations and growth rates of M. trossulus in this region and at Atlasova Island were studied. Significant variability of the shell shape of mollusks was found. In the western Kamchatka subtidal, M. trossulus grew faster than in the northern Kuril Islands and eastern Kamchatka. Mussels attained commercial size (50 mm in shell length) in the fourth year of life in the former case and in the fifth-sixth year in other cases. Mollusks of different ages, from 1 to 8–9 year olds, were present in western Kamchatka populations; i.e., juvenile recruitment takes place regularly, while growth rates vary. Growth and population structure of M. trossulus are discussed in relation to the habitat conditions on the western Kamchatka shelf.  相似文献   

Tolerance to salinity changes and resistance to desiccation, fresh water, and freezing were studied in two hydrobiid species from the White Sea, Hydrobia ulvae(Pennant) and H. ventrosaMontagu. It was shown that H. ventrosahas a greater tolerance to low salinities in the range of 6–10 but is less tolerant to high salinities (35–45). The interspecies differences in low salinity tolerance persisted after the acclimation of snails to 20, 16, and 12. A comparison of survival in fresh water and under desiccation conditions suggests that H. ulvaeis more resistant to these factors. In fresh water, LT50was 30 and 60 days for H. ventrosaand H. ulvae, respectively. Under desiccation conditions, LT50was 6 and 25 days for H. ventrosaand H. ulvae, respectively. At subzero temperatures, H. ventrosawas shown to be a superior survivor. Within the same species of mud snail, the detrimental effect of freezing depended on the salinity: survival decreased with decreasing salinity. These data suggest significant differences in the mechanisms of resistance and tolerance to abiotic environmental factors between the two species. Despite the partial overlapping of their ecological niches, the interspecies differences may play an important role in the distribution and spatial structure dynamics of coexisting populations of these species in the White Sea region.  相似文献   

Five sympatric colour varieties of the hoplonemertean Tetrastemma nigrifrons (var. pallidum, var. bicolor, var. purpureum, var. punctata, var. albino) were found in Vostok Bay (the Sea of Japan). The taxonomic status of the varieties, some of which have been known for almost a century, was uncertain. Starch gel electrophoresis was used to compare allele frequencies of these varieties at 19 isozyme loci. Neither fixed allelic differences nor statistically significant differences in allele frequencies between different colour varieties was revealed. It was concluded therefore that all the colour varieties studied are conspecific. As estimated from the electrophoretic screening of 24 isozyme loci, the species is highly variable at the molecular level. It has high mean values of observed and expected heterozygosity estimates, H o =0.313 ± 0.049 and H e =0.323 ± 0.050, and is one of the most variable species among invertebrates.  相似文献   

为了解珍稀濒危植物中华双扇蕨(Dipteris chinensis)濒危原因,研究了温度和湿度对其孢子萌发的影响.结果表明,中华双扇蕨孢子萌发能力较强,萌发方式为Vittaria型,配子体萌发为Marattia型.中华双扇蕨孢子繁殖不受温度影响,而湿度显著影响孢子繁殖过程,湿润环境中孢子正常萌发,并形成心形配子体,顺利...  相似文献   

The features of the spatial distribution, size and age structure of populations, and growth of the bivalve mollusk Septifer bilocularis (Linnaeus, 1758) were investigated for the first time in the waters of Vietnam. It is shown that in the subtidal area, on reefs well protected from wave effects, S. bilocularis occupies a corallogenous substrate constructed of dead branchy colonies of Acropora and Porites and forms settlements there with a population density and biomass exceeding those in populations located along the open coast and developing on massive coral colonies of the genera Porites, Favia, and Favites. The extensive accumulation of sediments in the inner part of Vanphong Bay (Khanh Hoa Province) correlated with a decrease in the size and age ranges for populations of S. bilocularis. It is found that in places with regularly active hydrodynamics the mollusks grew somewhat more slowly and formed a more convex shell than on reefs protected from surf. The longevity of S. bilocularis estimated both from the greatest observed age and from the growth equation of Bertalanffy was somewhat greater in the former case compared with the latter one, but in general did not exceed 11 years for both cases. The results of the studies are discussed from the position of morphophysiological adaptations of sessile bivalve mollusks to life in contrasting environmental conditions of the upper subtidal zone.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile stages of kurosoi,Sebastes schlegeli, are described and illustrated from wild specimens. Some ecological aspects of larvae and juveniles are also described. Notochord flexion occurred between 5.6–7.5 mm SL. Transformation occurred between 13–20 mm SL. Preflexion and flexion larvae ofS. schlegeli can be distinguished from similar larvae by the pigmentation of the dorsal and ventral midlines of the tail and absence of pigmentation on the ventral portion of the rectum. After notochord flexion, the dorsal and lateral regions in both larvae and pelagic juveniles were heavily pigmented, suggesting adaptation for neustonic life style. Larvae and juveniles were caught at many coastal stations, but did not occur in cooler offshore waters. Larvae smaller than 20 mm SL inhabited surface waters. Until ca. 40 mm SL, juveniles inhabited mainly surface waters (without drifting seaweed), but also used other habitats, such as the drifting seaweed, and near the sea bed. Small larvae (<7 mm SL) fed mainly on copepod nauplii. Larger larvae fed on calanoid copepodites andEvadne nordmanni. Pelagic juveniles fed mainly on fish eggs, with fish larvae also being important food items for some individuals. Most food items taken by juveniles that were associated with drifting seaweed were eggs with attaching filaments (Cololabis saira andHyporhamphus sajori), suggesting that the high density of such food items both attracts and keeps juveniles around drifting seaweed.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the numbers of larvae of common fouling organisms—the barnacle Balanus improvisus and the bivalves Mytilaster lineatus and Mytilus galloprovincialis in Balaklava Bay (Black Sea)—were investigated during 2000 and 2001 within the framework of an ecological research project. Under the conditions of an increased anthropogenic load, seasonal fluctuations of the numbers and the distribution of larvae depend on rhythms of the breeding cycles of fouling invertebrates and on the hydrodynamic features of the region (water setup). The differences in the optimum temperatures, hatching intensity, and time of occurrence of larvae in the plankton, as well as the irregular distribution of larvae, allow the three major fouling organisms to reduce interspecific competition for food and the substrate.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Shalaeva, Lisitskaya.  相似文献   

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