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The past several years have witnessed a rapidly increasing number of reports on utilizing plasmid DNA as a vector for the introduction of genes into mammalian cells for use in both gene therapy and vaccine applications. “Naked DNA vaccines” allow the foreign genes to be transiently expressed in transfected cells, mimicking intracellular pathogenic infection and triggering both the humoral and cellular immune responses. While considerable attention has been paid to the potential of such vaccines to mitigate a number of infections, substantially less consideration has been given to the practical challenges of producing large amounts of plasmid DNA for therapeutic use in humans, for both clinical studies and, ultimately, full-scale manufacturing. Doses of naked DNA vaccines are on the order of milligrams, while typical small-scale Escherichia coli fermentations may routinely yield only a few mg/l of plasmid DNA. There have been many investigations towards optimizing production of heterologous proteins over the past three decades, but in these cases, the plasmid DNA was not the final product of interest. This review addresses the current state-of-the-art means for the production of plasmid DNA at large scale in compliance with existing regulatory guidelines. The impact of the nature of the plasmid vector on the choice of fermentation protocols is presented, along with the effect of varying cultivation conditions on final plasmid content. Practical considerations for the large-scale purification of plasmid DNA are also discussed.  相似文献   

基因治疗已成为21世纪一些重大疾病的有效治疗策略,目前携带治疗基因的重组质粒已作为基因药物进入临床研究。对用于基因治疗的生物制品的生产与质量控制都有相当严格的要求。虽然已建立大规模符合药学规格的质粒DNA生产工艺,能满足临床需求,但在这些生产工艺中还存在一些难以克服的瓶颈,如:载体构建、细胞裂解、细菌染色体DNA去除、细菌内毒素去除、生产过程中质量控制等。就近年来大规模生产临床用质粒DNA遇到的相关问题及解决方案作一综述。  相似文献   

We propose a new method for the separation of nucleic acids using multi-layered carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as an adsorbent. According to agarose gel electrophoresis, oxidized water-stable CNTs adsorb certain forms of nucleic acids, such as high molecular weight RNA, chromosomal DNA, linear and denatured forms of plasmid DNA. However, CNTs do not adsorb supercoiled form of plasmid DNA. Nucleic acids bound to CNTs can be readily removed by centrifugation whereas supercoiled plasmid DNA remains in solution. Upon the addition of divalent metal ions supercoiled plasmid DNA forms relatively stable complexes with CNTs due to chelation. Thus, new details about association of nucleic acids with CNTs were revealed and stoichiometry of the complexes was estimated. Our results can be used for fine purification of supercoiled plasmid DNA for gene therapy applications as well as manipulation of nucleic acids for biosensor design.  相似文献   

The demand for plasmid DNA (pDNA) is anticipated to increase significantly as DNA vaccines and non-viral gene therapies enter phase 3 clinical trials and are approved for use. This increased demand, along with renewed interest in pDNA as a therapeutic vector, has motivated research targeting the design of high-yield, cost-effective manufacturing processes. An important aspect of this research is engineering bacterial strains and plasmids that are specifically suited to the production of plasmid biopharmaceuticals. This review will survey recent innovations in strain and vector engineering that aim to improve plasmid stability, enhance product safety, increase yield, and facilitate downstream purification. While these innovations all seek to enhance pDNA production, they can vary in complexity from subtle alterations of the host genome or vector backbone to the investigation of non-traditional host strains for higher pDNA yields.  相似文献   

In spite of the important roles of dendritic cells in DNA-based therapies, the cellular uptake mechanism of plasmid DNA (pDNA) in dendritic cells is poorly understood. The present study was undertaken to investigate the binding and uptake of pDNA in vitro using a murine dendritic cell line, DC2.4 cells. A significant and time-dependent cellular association of [32P]pDNA with DC2.4 cells was observed at 37 degrees C and this fell markedly at 4 degrees C. The binding and uptake of [32P]pDNA were significantly inhibited by cold pDNA, polyinosinic acid (poly[I]), dextran sulfate, or heparin, but not by polycytidylic acid (poly[C]), dextran, or EDTA, suggesting that a specific mechanism mediated by a receptor like the macrophage scavenger receptor may be involved. The TCA precipitation experiments showed that DC2.4 cells rapidly endocytosed and degraded a significant amount of [32P]pDNA at 37 degrees C and released the degradation products into the medium. The pDNA degradation was also significantly inhibited by poly[I], but not poly[C]. The rate of pDNA degradation by DC2.4 cells was significantly higher than that by macrophages. A confocal microscopic study using fluorescein-labeled pDNA confirmed the rapid internalization and degradation of pDNA by the dendritic cells. Taken together, these results indicate that pDNA is efficiently taken up and rapidly digested by the dendritic cells via a specific mechanism. These findings may suggest the important role of the dendritic cells in the innate immune system for host defense.  相似文献   

The separation of structurally related impurities from pharmaceutical plasmid DNA by highly scalable purification techniques is a challenge for biochemical engineering. Next to RNA, proteins, and lipopolysaccharides, the chromosomal DNA of the plasmid replicating host has to be removed. Here, we describe the application of reverse micellar extraction for the separation of chromosomal from plasmid DNA. By applying different procedures for alkaline lysis, bacterial lysates with different amounts of chromosomal DNA were generated. A reverse micellar extraction step enabled us to deplete the concentration of this impurity below the required level of 50 mg g−1 of plasmid DNA with almost complete plasmid recovery.  相似文献   

The present study has undertaken the liver- and lobe-selective gene transfections following the instillation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) to the liver surface in mice. The luciferase levels produced in the applied (left) liver lobe at 6 h after liver surface instillation of pDNA were significantly higher than those produced in the other tissues assayed, and ranged from 8.5-fold higher in other liver lobes to 320-fold higher in other tissues. After small intestine surface instillation of pDNA, the gene expression was a little detected in the tissues assayed. Following liver surface instillation of pDNA at a time from 2 to 48 h or at a volume from 15 to 120 microl, the gene expressions of the applied liver lobe were always significantly higher than those of other liver lobes and other tissues. We demonstrated the novel liver- and lobe-selective gene transfection utilizing the instillation to the liver surface.  相似文献   

The demand for highly purified plasmids in gene therapy and plasmid-based vaccines requires large-scale production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid. Plasmid DNA was selectively precipitated from a clarified alkaline lysate using the polycation poly(N,N'-dimethyldiallylammonium) chloride which formed insoluble polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) with the plasmid DNA. Soluble PECs of DNA with polycations have earlier been used for cell transformation, but now the focus has been on insoluble PECs. Both DNA and RNA form stable PECs with synthetic polycations. However, it was possible to find a range of salt concentration where plasmid DNA was quantitatively precipitated whereas RNA remained in solution. The precipitated plasmid DNA was resolubilised at high salt concentration and the polycation was removed by gel-filtration.  相似文献   

Robust cGMP manufacturing is required to produce high-quality plasmid DNA (pDNA). Three established techniques, isopropanol and ammonium sulfate (AS) precipitation (PP), tangential flow filtration (TFF) and aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) with PEG600/AS, were tested as alternatives to recover pDNA from alkaline lysates. Yield and purity data were used to evaluate the economic and environmental impact of each option. Although pDNA yields =90% were always obtained, ATPS delivered the highest HPLC purity (59%), followed by PP (48%) and TFF (18%). However, the ability of ATPS to concentrate pDNA was very poor when compared with PP or TFF. Processes were also implemented by coupling TFF with ATPS or AS-PP. Process simulations indicate that all options require large amounts of water (100–200 tons/kg pDNA) and that the ATPS process uses large amounts of mass separating agents (65 tons/kg pDNA). Estimates indicate that operating costs of the ATPS process are 2.5-fold larger when compared with the PP and TFF processes. The most significant contributions to the costs in the PP, TFF and ATPS processes came from operators (59%), consumables (75%) and raw materials (84%), respectively. The ATPS process presented the highest environmental impact, whereas the impact of the TFF process was negligible.  相似文献   

Addition of animal-derived ribonuclease A to degrade RNA impurities is not recommended in the manufacture of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA. Tangential flow filtration (TFF) takes advantage of the significant size difference between RNA and plasmid DNA to remove RNA in the permeate while plasmid remains in the retentate, in an RNase-free plasmid purification process. Operating conditions including transmembrane pressure, membrane pore size, conductivity of the diafiltration buffer, and plasmid load on the membrane were investigated to maximize RNA clearance. Although direct TFF of clarified lysate removed substantial amounts of RNA, the RNA levels left in the retentate were still significant. Calcium chloride is a potent precipitant of high-molecular-weight RNA. The addition of calcium chloride to the clarified lysate combined with the clearance of low-molecular-weight RNA by TFF resulted in complete RNA removal and high plasmid recovery.  相似文献   

Affinity purification of plasmid DNA by temperature-triggered precipitation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This report describes a new plasmid DNA purification method, which takes advantage of the DNA-binding affinity and specificity of the bacterial metalloregulatory protein MerR, and of the temperature responsiveness of elastin-like proteins (ELPs). Upon increasing the temperature, ELP undergoes a reversible phase transition from water-soluble forms into aggregates, and this property was exploited for the precipitation of plasmid DNA containing the MerR recognition sequence by a simple temperature trigger. In one purification step, plasmid DNA was purified from E. coli cell lysates to a better purity than that prepared by a standard alkaline purification method, with no contaminating chromosomal DNA and cellular proteins. This protein-based approach, in combination with the reversible phase transition feature of ELP, makes the outlined method a promising candidate for large-scale purification of plasmid DNA for sensitive applications such as nonviral gene therapy or DNA vaccines.  相似文献   

Intracellular delivery of a functional gene or a nucleic acid sequence to specifically knockdown a harmful gene is a potential approach to precisely treat a critical human disease. The intensive efforts in the last few decades led to the development of a number of viral and non-viral synthetic vectors. However, an ideal delivery tool in terms of the safety and efficacy has yet to be established. Recently, we have developed pH-sensing inorganic nanocrystals of carbonate apatite for efficient and cell-targeted delivery of gene and gene-silencing RNA. Here we show that addition of very low level of fluoride to the particle-forming medium facilitates a robust increase in transgene expression following post-incubation of the particles with HeLa cells. Confocal microscopic observation and Southern blotting prove the cytoplasmic existence of plasmid DNA delivered by likely formed fluoridated carbonate apatite particles while degradation of plasmid DNA presumably by cytoplasmic nucleases was noticed following delivery with apatite particles alone. The beneficial role of fluoride in enhancing carbonate apatite-mediated gene expression might be due to the buffering potential of generated fluoridated apatite in endosomal acidic environment, thereby increasing the half-life of delivered plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Summary We provide evidence that a mutation which derepresses an autoregulated system that is located in the vicinity of the basic replicon of R1, stabilizes the ParA- and ParB- miniplasmid of R1 pKN1562, without increasing its copy number. The system, which we have called ParD, maps inside the 1.45-kb PstI-EcoRI fragment that is adjacent to the origin of replication of the plasmid. Two protiens whose expression is coordinated are components of the system. The sequence of the PstI-EcoRI fragment was obtained. The wild-type ParD system determines in cis a basal but detectable stability.  相似文献   

A 66164-bp cryptic plasmid, pEIB1, was isolated from strain Vibrio anguillarum MVM425 and sequenced. A plasmid carrying a 1089-bp fragment, containing the minimal replication region of pEIB1, a kanamycin-resistance marker and an l-arabinose promoter, designated pEC, was maintained as a high copy plasmid in E. coli and stably inherited in the absence of antibiotic selection. Significantly, pEC was compatible with the widely used ColE1, pSC101 and p15A replicons making it a useful tool for a dual-plasmid expression system.  相似文献   

The presence of antibiotic resistance genes in the delivered plasmids is one of the drawbacks of modern gene therapy and DNA vaccine applications. Here, we describe a strategy that allows for plasmid selection in bacterial hosts, without the requirement of any selection marker. Several bacterial strains were modified, so that the plasmid's replicational inhibitor RNA I could suppress the translation of a growth essential gene by RNA-RNA antisense reaction. An essential gene (murA) was modified such that a repressor protein (tetR) would hamper its expression. Only in the presence of plasmid and, hence, RNA I, was tetR turned down and murA expressed. Different commercially available plasmids could be selected by various modified Escherichia coli strains. We further designed a minimalistic plasmid devoid of any selection marker. All of the clones (n=6) examined, when the modified strain JM109-murselect was used for selection, contained plasmids. Thus, we have designed bacterial host strains that for the first time serve to select and maintain plasmids without the use of any selection marker or other additional sequence on the plasmid. Consequently, such plasmids may not only be safer, but due to their decreased size, advantages for the manufacturer and higher transfection efficiencies are anticipated.  相似文献   

Abstract The discrepancy between previously reported copy numbers for the plasmid pUB110 in Bacillus subtilis and the copy number determined by nucleic acid sandwich hybridization of a pUB110-derivative, pKTH10, was studied. The bulk of plasmid DNA was found to be enriched in the cell membranes in a non-covalently closed circular (ccc) form. The binding was strong enough to resist standard solubilization procedures. The conventional methods for copy number determination fail to detect plasmid DNA in this form, which explains the discrepancy we encountered. The copy number of the parental plasmid, pUB110, was also determined by the sandwich hybridization method and found to be of the same order of magnitude as that of pKTH10.  相似文献   

Summary The stability determined by the systems ParD of plasmid R1 and Ccd of plasmid F is due to the concerted action of two proteins, a cytotoxin and an antagonist of this function. In this paper we report that CcdA and Kis proteins, the antagonists of the Ccd and ParD systems respectively, share significant sequence homologies at both ends. In Kis, these regions seem to correspond to two different domains. Despite the structural similarities, Kis and CcdA are not interchangeable. In addition we have shown that the cytotoxins of these systems, the Kid and CcdB proteins, do not share structural homologies. In contrast to CcdB, the Kid protein of the ParD system induces RecA-dependent cleavage of the cl repressor of bacteriophage very inefficiently or not at all. The functional implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein based on the Lac repressor protein can isolate pre-purified DNA efficiently from simple buffer solution but our attempts to purify plasmids directly from crude starting materials were disappointing with impractically low DNA yields. We have optimized the procedure and present a simple affinity methodology whereby plasmid DNA is purified directly by mixing two crude cell lysates, one cell lysate containing the plasmid and the other the protein affinity ligand, without the need for treatment by RNaseA. After IMAC chromatography, high purity supercoiled DNA is recovered in good yields of 100-150 microg plasmid per 200 mL shake flask culture. Moreover, the resulting DNA is free from linear or open-circular plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, and protein, to the limits of our detection. Furthermore, we show that lyophilized affinity ligand can be stored at room temperature and re-hydrated for use when required.  相似文献   

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