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Gap junctions are specialized cell-cell contacts that provide direct intercellular communication between eukaryotic cells. The tyrosine-sorting signal (YXX?), present at amino acids 286-289 of Cx43 (connexin43), has been implicated in the internalization of the protein. In recent years, ubiquitination of Cx43 has also been proposed to regulate gap junction intercellular communication; however, the underlying mechanism and molecular players involved remain elusive. In the present study, we demonstrate that ubiquitinated Cx43 is internalized through a mechanism that is independent of the YXX? signal. Indeed, expression of a Cx43-Ub (ubiquitin) chimaera was shown to drive the internalization of a mutant Cx43 in which the YXX? motif was eliminated. Immunofluorescence, cycloheximide-chase and cell-surface-protein biotinylation experiments demonstrate that oligomerization of Cx43-Ub into hemichannels containing wild-type Cx43 or mutant Cx43Y286A is sufficient to drive the internalization of the protein. Furthermore, the internalization of Cx43 induced by Cx43-Ub was shown to depend on its interaction with epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15.  相似文献   

Polyglycylation is a polymeric post-translational modification of tubulin that is ubiquitous and widely present in cilia and flagella. It consists of the addition of highly variable numbers of glycyl residues as side chains onto the gamma carboxyl group of specific glutamyl residues at the C-termini of alpha- and beta-tubulin. The function of polyglycylation is poorly understood, however, studies in Tetrahymena have shown that the mutation of polyglycylation sites in beta-tubulin resulted in axonemal abnormality or lethality. This suggests that polyglycylation is functionally essential in protists. We hypothesize that polyglycylation is also essential in mammalian cilia and that the extent of polyglycylation has functional significance. In this study, we examined polyglycylation states in ciliated tissues and in mouse tracheal epithelial cell cultures. We utilized two antibodies, TAP 952 and AXO 49, which recognize glutamyl sites possessing monomeric glycylation sites and glutamyl sites possessing polymeric glycylation sites, respectively. Monomeric glycylation sites were observed in cilia of all the ciliated tissues examined but were invariably excluded from the distal tips. In contrast, polymeric glycylation sites were rare, but when observed, they were localized at the bases of cilia. During ciliogenesis, in epithelial cell cultures, monomeric glycylation sites were observed, but the extent of polymeric glycylation sites were variable and were only observed during the early stages of the cultures. Our observations suggest that while monomeric glycylation sites are universal and likely essential in mammalian cilia, polymeric glycylation sites are not required for ciliary beating. Rather, our observations suggest that the number of added glycyl residues increases progressively from the tips of cilia toward their bases.  相似文献   

Distribution of ascorbate into tissues is an essential process in ascorbate antioxidant defense. Hibernating animals are studied as a model of tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion because of their tolerance to fluctuations in blood flow associated with prolonged torpor and periodic arousal episodes. Throughout hibernation, plasma ascorbate concentration ([Asc](p)) repetitively increases during torpor, then falls during periodic arousal bouts. We previously proposed that high [Asc](p) provides a ready source of antioxidant protection for distribution to the central nervous system and peripheral tissues during arousal. Here we tested whether deliberate oxidation of plasma ascorbate by intravenous administration of ascorbate oxidase (AO), prior to arousal, compromised tissue levels of ascorbate or the other water-soluble antioxidants, glutathione (GSH) and urate. Although AO decreased [Asc](p) to below the level of detection during torpor and after arousal, ascorbate oxidation did not decrease post-arousal tissue levels of reduced ascorbate, glutathione, or urate in any tissue examined, except liver. The data imply that ascorbate is taken up equally well into brain and other tissues as either ascorbate or its oxidized product dehydroascorbate, with subsequent intracellular reduction of dehydroascorbate. Lack of effect of ascorbate oxidation on tissue levels of GSH or urate indicates that dehydroascorbate uptake and reduction do not compromise tissue concentrations of these other water-soluble antioxidants. Thus, we show equal availability of reduced and oxidized plasma ascorbate during metabolically demanding thermogenesis and reperfusion associated with arousal from hibernation.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a common modulation of protein function in eukaryotes and is biologically important. However, in bacteria protein glycosylation is rare, and relatively few bacterial glycoproteins are known. In Escherichia coli only two glycoproteins have been described to date. Here we introduce a novel member to this exclusive group, namely, antigen 43 (Ag43), a self-recognizing autotransporter protein. By mass spectrometry Ag43 was demonstrated to be glycosylated by addition of heptose residues at several positions in the passenger domain. Glycosylation of Ag43 by the action of the Aah and TibC glycosyltransferases was observed in laboratory strains. Importantly, Ag43 was also found to be glycosylated in a wild-type strain, suggesting that Ag43-glycosylation may be a widespread phenomenon. Glycosylation of Ag43 does not seem to interfere with its self-associating properties. However, the glycosylated form of Ag43 enhances bacterial binding to human cell lines, whereas the nonglycosylated version of Ag43 does not to confer this property.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of the redox state of the Rieske protein on ligand binding to the quinol oxidation site of the bc(1) complex, we measured the binding rate constants (k(1)) for stigmatellin and myxothiazol, at different concentrations of decylbenzoquinone or decylbenzoquinol, in the bovine bc(1) complex with the Rieske protein in the oxidized or reduced state. Stigmatellin and myxothiazol bound tightly and competitively with respect to quinone or quinol, independently of the redox state of the Rieske protein. In the oxidized bc(1) complex, the k(1) values for stigmatellin ( approximately 2.6 x 10(6) m(-1)s(-1)) and myxothiazol ( approximately 8 x 10(5) m(-1)s(-1)), and the dissociation constant (K(d)) for quinone, were similar between pH 6.5 and 9, indicating that ligand binding is independent of the protonation state of histidine 161 of the Rieske protein (pK(a) approximately 7.6). Reduction of the Rieske protein increased the k(1) value for stigmatellin and decreased the K(d) value for quinone by 50%, without modifying the k(1) for myxothiazol. These results indicate that reduction of the Rieske protein and protonation of histidine 161 do not induce a strong stabilization of ligand binding to the quinol oxidation site, as assumed in models that propose the existence of a highly stabilized semiquinone as a reaction intermediate during quinol oxidation.  相似文献   

Very little manganese is imported into Escherichia coli under routine growth conditions: the import system is weakly expressed, the manganese content is low, and a manganese-dependent enzyme is not correctly metallated. Mutants that lack MntH, the importer, grow at wild-type rates, indicating that manganese plays no critical role. However, MntH supports the growth of iron-deficient cells, suggesting that manganese can substitute for iron in activating at least some metalloenzymes. MntH is also strongly induced when cells are stressed by hydrogen peroxide. This adaptation is essential, as E. coli cannot tolerate peroxide stress if mntH is deleted. Other workers have observed that manganese improves the ability of a variety of microbes to tolerate oxidative stress, and the prevailing hypothesis is that manganese does so by chemically scavenging hydrogen peroxide and/or superoxide. We found that manganese does not protect peroxide-stressed cells by scavenging peroxide. Instead, the beneficial effects of manganese correlate with its ability to metallate mononuclear enzymes. Because iron-loaded enzymes are vulnerable to the Fenton reaction, the substitution of manganese may prevent protein damage. Accordingly, during H2O2 stress, mutants that cannot import manganese and/or are unable to sequester iron suffer high rates of protein oxidation.  相似文献   

OxyR regulates the expression of the majority of H(2)O(2) responses in Gram-negative organisms. In a previous study we reported the OxyR-dependent derepression of catalase expression in the human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In the present study we used microarray expression profiling of N. gonorrhoeae wild-type strain 1291 and an oxyR mutant strain to define the OxyR regulon. In addition to katA (encoding catalase), only one other locus displayed a greater than two-fold difference in expression in the wild type : oxyR comparison. This locus encodes an operon of two genes, a putative peroxiredoxin/glutaredoxin (Prx) and a putative glutathione oxidoreductase (Gor). Mutant strains were constructed in which each of these genes was inactivated. A previous biochemical study in Neisseria meningitidis had confirmed function of the glutaredoxin/peroxiredoxin. Assay of the wild-type 1291 cell free extract confirmed Gor activity, which was lost in the gor mutant strain. Phenotypic analysis of the prx mutant strain in H(2)O(2) killing assays revealed increased resistance, presumably due to upregulation of alternative defence mechanisms. The oxyR, prx and gor mutant strains were deficient in biofilm formation, and the oxyR and prx strains had decreased survival in cervical epithelial cells, indicating a key role for the OxyR regulon in these processes.  相似文献   

beta 2-Adrenergic receptors expressed in Sf9 cells activate endogenous Gs and adenylyl cyclase [Mouillac B., Caron M., Bonin H., Dennis M. and Bouvier M. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 21733-21737]. However, high affinity agonist binding is not detectable under these conditions suggesting an improper stoichiometry between the receptor and the G protein and possibly the effector molecule as well. In this study we demonstrate that when beta 2-adrenergic receptors were co-expressed with various mammalian G protein subunits in Sf9 cells using recombinant baculoviruses signalling properties found in native receptor systems were reconstituted. For example, when beta 2AR was co-expressed with the Gs alpha subunit, maximal receptor-mediated adenylyl cyclase stimulation was greatly enhanced (60 +/- 9.0 versus 150 +/- 52 pmol cAMP/min/mg protein) and high affinity, GppNHp-sensitive, agonist binding was detected. When G beta gamma subunits were co-expressed with Gs alpha and the beta 2AR, receptor-stimulated GTPase activity was also demonstrated, in contrast to when the receptor was expressed alone, and this activity was higher than when beta 2AR was co-expressed with Gs alpha alone. Other properties of the receptor, including receptor desensitization and response to inverse agonists were unaltered. Using antisera against an epitope-tagged beta 2AR, both Gs alpha and beta gamma subunits could be co-immunoprecipitated with the beta 2AR under conditions where subunit dissociation would be expected given current models of G protein function. A desensitization-defective beta 2AR (S261, 262, 345, 346A) and a mutant which is constitutively desensitized (C341G) could also co-immunoprecipitate G protein subunits. These results will be discussed in terms of a revised view of G protein-mediated signalling which may help address issues of specificity in receptor/G protein coupling.  相似文献   

This editorial gives an overview of the current status of the research on the phytosterol oxidation products. The most relevant studies on their in vivo origin, biological effects and analysis in foodstuffs and biological samples are critically reviewed, in order to give concluding remarks on and to establish the future research needs in this field.  相似文献   

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