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The seasonal changes in agonistic behaviors and effects of familiarity on agonistic behaviors in wild-caught adult rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton) were observed in dyadic encounters in a neutral arena. The aggression of opposite- and same-sex encounters became higher or remained the same during the non-breeding season. This indicates that the hamsters were solitary during both seasons. Familiarity increased the aggression in male–male encounters and decreased the aggression in female–female encounters during both seasons. Familiarity also increased the aggression in female–male encounters during the non-breeding season and had no effect on the aggression in female–male encounters during the breeding season. These results may be related to the hamsters social structure. The more agonistic acts both male and female hamsters had, the more frequently they marked using flank glands during both seasons. This implies that flank gland marking can be used to advertise status and can be assessed by opponents to reduce the agonistic costs.  相似文献   

Ptomascopus morio displays simpler parental care than Nicrophorus species. The effects of carcass size and clutch number on clutch size in P. morio were examined. Clutch size was related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutch and clutch size for most sizes of carcass. Longevity of females was shorter when the carcass size was larger, such that total lifetime fecundity did not differ among carcasses of different sizes. The clutch size of P. morio was larger than that of Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. The clutch size of P. morio declined rapidly with repeated clutch production, but that of N. quadripunctatus was rather constant. This indicates that N. quadripunctatus maintains a more constant clutch size than P. morio over several reproductive attempts, although the former displays more complex parental care.  相似文献   

Intrasexual interactions can determine which individuals within a population have access to limited resources. Despite their potential importance on fitness generally and mating success especially, female–female interactions are not often measured in the same species where male–male interactions are well‐defined. In this study, we characterized female–female interactions in Bolitotherus cornutus, a mycophagous beetle species native to Northeastern North America. We used dyadic, behavioral assays to determine whether females perform directly aggressive or indirectly exclusionary competitive behaviors. Polypore shelf fungus, an important food and egg‐laying resource for B. cornutus females, is patchily distributed and of variable quality, so we tested for competition over fungus as a resource. Behavior of females was assessed in three sets of dyadic trials with randomly paired female partners. Overall, females did not behave aggressively toward their female partner or perform exclusionary behaviors over the fungal resource. None of the behaviors performed by females were individually repeatable. Two scenarios may explain our lack of observed competition: our trial context may not induce competition, or female B. cornutus simply may not behave competitively in the wild. We compare our results to a similar study on male–male interactions in the same species and propose future studies on female–female interactions under different competitive contexts to expand the understanding of female competition.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted on the host defenses of insects against brood parasitism. We investigated whether the silphid beetle Ptomascopus morio, a brood parasite of related silphid species Nicrophorus concolor, can also parasitize another silphid species Nicrophorus quadripunctatus and the manner in which N. quadripunctatus defends itself against parasitism. Successful brood parasitism under natural conditions was not observed at the time of year when P. morio and N. quadripunctatus are both reproductively active. Follow-up experiments revealed that P. morio attempts to oviposit near N. quadripunctatus nests, but is rarely successful if adult hosts are present. When P. morio larvae were experimentally introduced to N. quadripunctatus broods, some P. morio larvae survived when the host and parasite larvae were at the same stage. We concluded that N. quadripunctatus defends itself against brood parasitism in two ways: (1) potential brood parasites are repelled, thus limiting their access to the resource; and (2) the young of the parasitic species are killed.  相似文献   

Males of swarming species of chironomids use their auditory system (Johnston's organs) to recognize a female within swarm and do not respond to male flight tones. However, in some cases the male–male interactions were observed at a high frequency. The role of acoustic behavior in this phenomenon in C. annularius was studied. The results showed that male Johnston's organs were sensitive to male flight tones from a distance of about 1–1.5 cm. The carrier frequencies of these sounds negatively correlated with male body size. Thus we would expect that male–male interactions will occur mainly between large males. Nonetheless, the analysis of caught pairs revealed that in both male–male and female–male interactions small males had an advantage. The ability of males to perceive the male flight tones is discussed with respect to swarming behavior and mating success.  相似文献   

Male testosterone (T) levels are thought to be linked with the mating system, degree of parental care, and male–male aggression in reproductive contexts (The ‘challenge hypothesis’; Wingfield et al., 1990). In many species though, T increases associated with mating behavior cannot be separated from those associated with male–male aggression. We tested the challenge hypothesis on aseasonally breeding ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus), where male–male competition is intense outside of mating contexts. Fecal samples (N = 109) were collected from > 27 subadult and adult males in seven groups during 13-months of research in Ghana in 2004–2005. Fecal T (fT) levels were determined by enzyme immunosorbant assays. Behavioral data was collected using focal-animal and ad libitum sampling. The number of receptive females in each group did not positively correlate with male fT. There was a trend for adult males to have higher fT than subadult males; however there was no effect of rank on fT. The level of male–male aggression experienced was positively correlated with fT and individual males showed higher mean fT during ‘challenge’ than during ‘non-challenge’ periods. The number of male incursions experienced positively correlated with fT whereas the number of between-group encounters did not. Males attempt to gain reproductive opportunities during incursions, thus these results support the ‘challenge hypothesis’ in C. vellerosus. Outside of mating contexts, higher male fT levels are associated with increased aggression. Male parental investment in the form of infant defense was associated with increased fT, rather than the decline expected from other forms of paternal care.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior by infecundable females, and by same-sex and adult-immature dyads, occurs in wild and captive bonobos (Pan paniscus). Proposed functions of these behaviors, in social primates generally, include practice, paternity confusion, exchange, and communication as well as appeasement. We used this framework to interpret and to compare observations of sexual behavior in a captive bonobo group and a wild white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus) group. In both species, (a) sexual behavior was no more frequent in cycling females than in pregnant or lactating females and (b) same-sex and adult-immature dyads engaged in as much mounting or genitogenital contact as adult heterosexual dyads did. The species differed in that (a) bonobos engaged in sexual behavior 65 times as frequently as capuchins, (b) only bonobos engaged in sexual contact other than ventrodorsal mounting during focal observation, and (c) bonobo sexual contact was concentrated most heavily in socially tense situations in adult female–female dyads, whereas capuchin sexual contact was concentrated most heavily in socially tense situations in adult male–male dyads. These data and published literature indicate that (a) practice sex occurs in both species, (b) paternity confusion may be a current function of C. capucinus nonconceptive sex, (c) exchange sex remains undemonstrated in capuchins, and (d) communication sex is more important to members of the transferring sex—female bonobos and male capuchins—than to members of the philopatric sex.  相似文献   

Competition between scavengers and microorganisms for the nutrients within carrion is well documented. As a significant contributor to food web energetics, carrion serves not only as a food source for scavengers, but also as a reproductive resource for many insects. One example are the burying beetles of the Nicrophorus genus (Coleoptera: Silphidae) whose reproduction is dependent on locating and successfully sequestering vertebrate carrion. Throughout the cooperative preparation of carrion and feeding of the larval offspring, parental beetles coat the carrion with oral and anal secretions known to attenuate the growth of molds and bacteria in the laboratory. We test the hypotheses that Nicrophorus secretions attenuate the growth of naturally occurring microorganisms likely to be found colonizing the carrion resource, and that the active antimicrobial components of the secretions are small antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) similar to those produced by other insects.  相似文献   

Four hypotheses that could explain the elaborate species-specific morphology of the clasping organs on the front legs of male Archisepsis diversiformis flies were tested: direct male–male combat, mechanical fit, male–female conflict of interests, and male stimulation of the female. Experimental modification of the shape of the male clasper and of the female wing base where the male clasped the female both strongly reduced the chances that a mount would result in copulation. This reduction was not predicted by the male–male combat hypothesis but was predicted by the others. Males in the field did nave to fight other males to remain mounted on females, as expected by the male–male combat hypothesis. Reduced male copulatory success was not due to inferior male ability to grasp and hold onto the female's wings, as predicted by the mechanical fit and male–female conflict hypotheses but to a reduction in the likelihood that the female would allow intromission, as predicted by the stimulation hypothesis. By a process of elimination, and in combination with data from a previous morphological study, the data support the hypothesis that the species-specific aspects of grasping organs in these flies function to stimulate females. Further behavioral data will be needed to test alternative possibilities.  相似文献   

Based on previous research in captivity, bonobos, Pan paniscus, have been called a female-bonded species. However, genetic and behavioural data indicate that wild females migrate. Bonding between these unrelated females would then be in contradiction with socio-ecological models. It has been argued that female bonding has been overemphasized in captive bonobos. We examine patterns of proximity, grooming and support behaviour in six well established captive groups of bonobos. We find that female bonding was not a typical characteristic of all captive bonobo groups. In only two groups there was a trend for females to prefer proximity with other females over association with males. We found no evidence that following or grooming between females was more frequent than between males and unrelated females or between males. Only in coalitions, females supported each other more than male–female or male–male dyads. We also investigated five mother–son pairs. Grooming was more frequent among mothers and sons than in any other dyad, but sons did not groom their mothers more than males groomed unrelated females. Mothers groomed their sons, or provided more support to them than females groomed or supported unrelated males. Thus, while bonds between females were clearly present, intersexual relations between males and either unrelated females or their mothers are of more, or equal importance.  相似文献   

Three main hypotheses have been put forward to explain size-assortative pairing in gammarid amphipods: microhabitat separation, sexual selection and loading constraint. In order to determine which hypothesis best explains this phenomenon in the estuarine species Gammarus zaddachi, I first measured the body lengths and dry weights of precopula pairs collected from two field sites with substantially different current speeds. Second, I performed three laboratory experiments in order to estimate the importance of the following processes: (1) male choice; (2) male–male competition and (3) male–female acceptability. The loading constraint hypothesis seemed best supported by the data in that field-collected male G. zaddachi size correlated well with female size in precopula pairing in both fast and slow flowing water. In the laboratory, males preferred females of their same size group (large versus small), and ‘won’ them in the male–male competition experiments. Size-assortative pairing is thus likely a consequence of the loading constraints imposed upon these males by virtue of them having to carry and manoeuvre their partners through flowing water, while attempting to maintain station in an optimal microhabitat. Males may therefore forego the largest, most fecund females, in favour of a practicable payload (small male–large female pairings were rare). However, there seems to be a lower limit to this selection, indicated by the high degree of cannibalism on small females by large males.  相似文献   

The mating system of the viviparous rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus was studied using aquarium mating experiments and paternity testing by DNA fingerprinting. Individually specific DNA fingerprints were produced and the paternal relationships determined with the use of the restriction enzyme HinfI and the DNA probe (CAC)5. Two types of mating experiments, multiple-male and single-male, were set up to investigate the effect of male sizes on their mating success, as determined by number of females fertilized. Male size was positively and significantly related to mating success in the multiple-male situation in which male–male interaction was present, but not in the single-male situation in which no male–male interaction was involved. Females produced one to seven batches of larvae, and all batches from individual females had identical paternity. Most females were fertilized by a single male but one case of multiple paternity was detected. The laboratory study suggested the principal mating system of S. marmoratus to be promiscuity, although multiple mating by females was uncommon.  相似文献   

Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus (pulse-type weakly electric fish) is a gregarious species that displays reproductive behavior and agonistic encounters between males only during the breeding season. During social interactions, in addition to its basal electric organ discharge (EOD), fish emit social electric signals (SESs) in the contexts of reproduction and intrasexual aggression. We reproduced natural behavior in laboratory settings: SESs recorded in the field are indistinguishable from those observed in our experimental setup. SESs are nocturnal, change seasonally and exhibit sexual dimorphism. This study provides an exhaustive characterization and classification of SESs produced by males and females during the breeding season. In male–female dyads, males produce accelerations and chirps while females interrupt their EODs. The same SESs are observed in male–male dyads. We present a novel, thorough classification of male chirps into four independent types (A, B, C, and M) based on their duration and internal structure. The type M chirp is only observed in male–male dyads. Chirps and interruptions, both in male–female and male–male dyads, are emitted in bouts, which are also grouped throughout the night. Our data suggest the existence of a sophisticated electric dialog during reproductive and aggressive interaction whose precise timing and behavioral significance are being investigated.  相似文献   

Coenagrion puella males search actively for mates and are not aggressive to other males. To study the role of visual cues in male–female discrimination, four types of models were used: (1) bodies of intact insects, (2) models of painted males, (3) models of male–female chimerae, and (4) models of female body parts. Abdomen coloration pattern and presence of wings were the most important cues for sexual recognition by males. Step-by-step elimination of male coloration pattern leads to an increase in the tandem response rate. A female model painted as a male repelled males like the intact male model. The absence of either the head or the thorax slightly decreased the number of tandem responses, but models without both the head and the thorax were not recognized as a mate. Abdomen thickness larger than that of a normal female decreased the attractiveness of the model. Models of the gynochrome female were significantly more attractive than models of the androchrome one. Female models containing male parts were less attractive than models without any structure at this place. Using principal-components analysis, it is shown that models repelling males usually were those containing an intact male abdomen or a female abdomen painted with blue. The results indicate that C. puella males can distinguish males from females visually by morphological structures and coloration pattern.  相似文献   

Male hermit crabs perform precopulatory mate-guarding behavior during their reproductive season. As females generally cannot reject guarding attempts by males, male guarding prevents females from inspecting and choosing other male mates. However, as guarding males are often replaced by other males through competition for females during the guarding phase, females may be able to select males by delaying their copulation. To examine the possibility of female choice by hermit crabs, we investigated whether female Pagurus filholi that were being guarded in the field were ready to copulate and spawn. We found that about 30% of females guarded in the field were ready to spawn, indicating that guarded females delayed copulation with their current male. Our results suggest that by delaying copulation females may exploit male–male competition to choose dominant males. However, delaying copulation reduced the spawning potential of females. Hence, there is a trade-off between waiting for the opportunity to mate with a dominant male and decreased spawning success if females exploit male–male competition.  相似文献   

Sexually reproducing organisms face a strong selective pressure to find a mate and ensure reproduction. An important criterion during mate‐selection is to avoid closely related individuals and subsequent potential fitness costs of resulting inbred offspring. Inbreeding avoidance can be active through kin recognition during mate choice, or passive through differential male and female‐biased sex ratios, which effectively prevents sib‐mating. In addition, sex allocation, or the resources allotted to male and female offspring, can impact mating and reproductive success. Here, we investigate mate choice, sex ratios, and sex allocation in dispersing reproductives (alates) from colonies of the termite Cubitermes tenuiceps. Termites have a short time to select a mate for life, which should intensify any fitness consequences of inbreeding. However, alates did not actively avoid inbreeding through mate choice via kin recognition based on genetic or environmental cues. Furthermore, the majority of colonies exhibited a female‐biased sex ratio, and none exhibited a male‐bias, indicating that differential bias does not reduce inbreeding. Sex allocation was generally female‐biased, as females also were heavier, but the potential fitness effect of this costly strategy remains unclear. The bacterium Wolbachia, known in other insects to parasitically distort sex allocation toward females, was present within all alates. While Wolbachia is commonly associated with termites, parasitism has yet to be demonstrated, warranting further study of the nature of the symbiosis. Both the apparent lack of inbreeding avoidance and potential maladaptive sex allocation implies possible negative effects on mating and fitness.  相似文献   

Although females’ mating preferences are influenced by male characteristics, there are a number of factors intrinsic to females and unrelated to male phenotype that can modulate female choice. We assessed the effects of age and mating experience on mechanisms of pre- and post-copulatory mate choice in female house crickets, Acheta domesticus L., by randomly assigning males to females, but independently varying the age and number of previous matings of females at the time of experimental matings. Latency to mating, a measure of a female’s pre-copulatory preference, was influenced by female age at the time of mating, with older females mating sooner than younger females. The reduced selectivity of older females appears consistent with life-history theory, which predicts that the reproductive value of females should decline with age. The length of time that females retained the spermatophore after mating, a measure of a female’s post-copulatory mating preference, was not influenced by female age at the time of mating, the number of previous matings, or any interaction between the two main effects. Contrary to previous reports, male mass had no effect on either the latency to mating or female retention of the spermatophore in A. domesticus. We conclude that female age and mating experience can moderate female selectivity, but that their impact varies according to the mechanism by which females favor particular sires.  相似文献   

1. Food resources for rearing young may influence insect populations. This is particularly true for insects that breed obligately on rare, ephemeral resources such as dung, fungi, or carrion. 2. Beetles in the genus Nicrophorus bury small vertebrate carcasses for rearing their young. Studies reviewed by Scott (1998) have found a positive relationship between carcass mass and total brood size. It is likely that access to carcasses suitable for breeding, and not food or mates, limits reproduction in both male and female Nicrophorus. Thus, small mammal densities could determine Nicrophorus population sizes. 3. The work reported here examined the relationship between Nicrophorus investigator (Coleoptera: Silphidae) population size and small mammal abundance at two sites over a 4‐year period. 4. Nicrophorus investigator buried and reared young on all the native small rodent species trapped at two sites in south‐western Colorado, U.S.A. (Peromyscus maniculatus, Microtus montanus, Zapus princeps, Tamias minimus, Thomomys talpoides). They preferred to bury and reproduce on rodent carcasses weighing between 16 and 48 g; rodents of this size represented 82% of captures. 5. Population sizes of N. investigator and small rodents were estimated simultaneously using mark‐recapture censuses over a 4‐year period. Considering only rodents within the size range used by N. investigator, the estimated small mammal biomass per hectare in one year and the beetle population size in the following year were correlated significantly.  相似文献   

Captive female common voles (Microtus arvalis) had a clear social preference for familiar males in a standard preference test. Cohabitation for a short period resulted in preferences for familiar partners, and females spent eight times more time in body contact with a familiar male than with an unfamiliar male. Females also displayed stranger-directed aggression. Our results suggest that the common vole is a species with selective partner preferences and a tendency to form tight social relationships and stable male–female associations.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative importance of olfaction versus vision in the mate-finding behavior of Agrilus planipennis. When coupled in male–female, male–male and female–female pairs, attempts to mate occurred only in the male–female pairs, suggesting that beetles can identify the opposite sex before attempting to mate. In a set of sensory deprivation experiments with male–female pairs, we evaluated whether males could find females when deprived of their sense of olfaction, vision or both. Males whose antennae were blocked with model paint took significantly longer to find females and spent less time in copula compared to untreated males. Males whose eyes were similarly blocked did not differ in their mate finding capacity compared to untreated males. In a third experiment that compared both olfaction and vision, olfactorily impaired beetles never mated whereas the mate finding potential of visually impaired beetles did not differ from that of untreated beetles. Our results indicate that males can identify females before coming into physical contact with them, and that at short range (≤5 cm), volatile cues detected by olfaction are involved in mate finding by A. planipennis.  相似文献   

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