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1. The mechanism of proteolysis of ornithine transaminase apoenzyme II by group-specific protease and the relation between the confirmations of ornithine transaminase and its susceptibility to group-specific protease were studied to elucidate the mode of action of the protease. 2. Differences in the conformations of ornithine transaminase apoenzyme II, molecular weight 67000, and ornithine transaminase holoenzyme, molecular weight 140000, were shown by studies on difference spectra produced by various concentrations of ethylene glycol. Increase of the titratable sulfhydryl groups on resolution of the coenzyme from ornithine transaminase also supports this finding. These results are consistent with the facts that the apoenzyme was sensitive to group-specific protease, while the holoenzyme was not. 3. Kinetics studies showed that ornithine transaminase apoenzyme II was degraded by limited proteolysis. Reaction of the native enzyme with group-specific protease resulted in a nick in the enzyme molecule with formation of one homogeneous large product and small peptides. The large product was not degraded further. The large product was indistinguishable from native ornithine transaminase apoenzyme II in various properties including its elution volume on gel filtration, its mobility on disc electrophoresis, its antigenicity, its estimated number of exposed tryptophan residues, and its titratable number of sulfhydryl groups. But unlike the apoenzyme the product did not show tetramerization with coenzyme or catalytic activity, although it retained the ability to bind with coenzyme and had the same number of bound pyridoxal phosphate as the native ornithine transaminase molecule. Thus, native ornithine transaminase apoenzyme II was degraded by limited proteolysis. Unfolded enzyme, denatured by 8 M urea, was degraded extensively. 4. The initial step of intracellular proteins degradation is discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

1. Specific proteases which inactivate the apo-proteins of many pyridoxal enzymes were found in skeletal muscle, liver and small intestine of rats. The protease from these three organs were purified and their properties were compared. 2. The purified proteases from liver and skeletal muscle appeared homogeneous on acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two different proteases were separated from small intestine. A homogeneous, crystalline enzyme was obtained from the muscle layer while enzyme from the mucosa was partially purified. 3. They showed substrate specificity for pyridoxal enzymes. Their pH optima were in an alkaline region. They showed activity with the substrate of chymotrypsin, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester, but not with that of trypsin, p-toluenesulfonyl-L-arginine ethyl ester. They were inhibited by pyridoxal phosphate or pyridoxamine phosphate and seryl residues were involved in their active center. 4. The four enzymes differed in the following characters: (a) molecular weights; (b) patterns of elution from a CM-Sephadex column; (c) rates of inactivation of substrate enzymes; (d) rates of cleavage of N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester; (e) reactivities with antiserum against the enzyme from the muscle layer of small intestine; (f) specific activities. 5. The amino acid composition and effect of chemical modifications of the crystalline enzyme from the muscle layer of small intestine were examined to elucidate its active sites and mode of action. Serine and histidine residues were found to be essential for protease activity. A tyrosine residue was also necessary for activity. Modifications of its sulfhydryl group, amino residues and carboxyl group had no effect on its activity.  相似文献   

Homogenates of the muscle layer of rat small intestine irreversibly inactivated endogenous ornithine aminotransferase at 37 degrees C. Addition to the homogenate of coenzymes and the various keto-acids which act as substrate inhibited conversion of the holoenzyme to the apoenzyme and its subsequent degradation. Addition of protease inhibitors including soybean trypsin inhibitor, chymostatin and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride almost completely prevented inactivation of he enzyme. Immunological activity decreased during inactivation of the enzyme, but its rate of decrease was much slower than that of loss of enzyme activity. Antigen-antibody precipitates from homogenates containing inactivated enzyme, were separated by electrophoresis on sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gels. In this way breakdown products of the enzyme were found, indicating that the enzyme in homogenates was inactivated by limited proteolysis. These results obtained in vitro support our previous suggestion (1975) of a stepwise mechanism for degradation of pyridoxal enzymes.  相似文献   

Intracellular water of frog skeletal muscle fibers has been studied under various physiological conditions by use of the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. 1H-NMR spectra of muscle fibers had single peaks derived from the intracellular water. The spectra changed in a characteristic fashion when the fiber axis was aligned at various angles relative to the magnetic field of the NMR magnet. Further, the relaxation rates of the 1H-NMR spectra changed depending on the water content of muscle fibers, and in association with contraction and rigor formation of muscle fibers. The obtained results indicate that the intracellular water of muscle fibers is structured and aligned along the myofilaments, and further that the state of the intracellular water changes with physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The total protein and glycoprotein in electrophoretic patterns of rat liver endoplasmic reticulum we studied in peculiar physiological conditions as perinatal development, pregnancy and liver rigeneration. Previous work in these experimental systems showed a changed microsome lipid composition and modified activities of some ER membrane bound enzymes. The microsomes obtained from foetal and neonatal liver show a modified electrophoretic pattern of both total protein and glycoprotein of low weight with respect to the adult animal. As to the microsomes of 8h and 12h regenerating liver modifications are observed only in the pattern of glycoprotein in the molecular weight range.  相似文献   

The chemical stability of repository compounds is affected by various environmental conditions during long-term storage. Studies were carried out to evaluate the effects of the following potential causes of instability of compounds in DMSO at a 10-mM concentration: water, oxygen, freeze/thaw cycles, and storage container material. A set of compounds was selected for the study based on structural diversity and functional group representation. Compound concentration was determined with liquid chromatography/ultraviolet spectroscopy/mass spectrometry (LC/UV/MS) analysis relative to an internal standard added to each sample. An accelerated study was conducted, and results demonstrate that most compounds are stable for 15 weeks at 40 degrees C. Water is more important in causing compound loss than oxygen. The freeze/thaw cycle study was done with freezing at -15 degrees C and thawing under nitrogen atmosphere at 25 degrees C. Two methods were used to redissolve compounds after thawing: agitation and repeated aspiration/dispense. The results indicate no significant compound loss after 11 freeze/thaw cycles. Compound recovery was also measured from glass and polypropylene containers for 5 months at room temperature, and no significant difference was found for these 2 types of containers.  相似文献   

Sonicated lysates of 5 N. meningitidis strains, serogroup B, obtained from two solid serum-free culture media (a medium with casamino acids and a medium with Hottinger's hydrolysate) were studied with the aim of comparing the capacity of different group B meningococcal strains for the accumulation of group-specific polysaccharide. In the lysates obtained after 7-hour growth no sialic acid was found. After 20-hour cultivation, group-specific polysaccharide was detected in the lysates obtained from 4 out of 5 strains. All sonicated lysates obtained in these experiments were serologically active. The lysates obtained from the medium containing casamino acid had a higher content of group-specific polysaccharide. N. meningitidis strain 125, obtained at the Mechnikov Central Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera (Moscow) by selection, showed the highest content of capsular polysaccharide in microbial cells and the stable yield of biomass.  相似文献   

Rat liver peroxisomal polyamine oxidase activity was determined under various physiological conditions by using the peroxidase method with phenol and 4-aminoantipyrine. N1-Acetylpolyamines such as N1-acetylspermine and N1-acetylspermidine were better substrates than the free polyamines. The polyamine oxidase activity in rat peroxisomes increased significantly when cell proliferation was high. The activity began to appear in fetal liver at the 16th approximately 18th day of pregnancy and peaked in neonatal liver on the first day (approx. 1.7-times higher than in adult liver). In regenerating rat liver, only polyamine oxidase activity among the peroxisomal enzymes tested was increased considerably 12 h after partial hepatectomy (approx. 2.8-fold over the control liver). Finally, the enzyme activity was significantly increased by administration of clofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator, which also causes hepatomegaly. In all cases, the increase in polyamine oxidase activity was not more than 3-fold. Since the level of polyamine oxidase activity in the normal liver is more than adequate in relation to the level of the substrates, the slight but significant increase under conditions of cell proliferation may have a role in modulating levels of polyamines in the proliferating liver tissue.  相似文献   

In this study, we found that islet cells treated with polyphenol could be preserved for over 2 months under physiological conditions retaining their original function and maintaining their spherical shapes without any insulin secretion. When islets were treated at higher concentration than 250 microg ml(-1), these islets could retain their compact spherical shape over 65 days whereas non-treated islets were scattered ease to break within 2 weeks. The secretional capacity from treated islets in the initial stage is also lower than untreated islets. However, in the case of untreated islets, insulin release rapidly lowered with the progress in the culture time and secretion completely disappeared after 9 days. On the contrary, islets treated with polyphenol (250 microg ml(-1)) in RPMI culture medium showed significant enhancement of insulin secretion on 40th day. The secretional capacity of islets was greatly dependent on the treating concentration. Polyphenol treatment may be a useful method for preservation of mammalian islet cells. By changing the concentration of polyphenol, it is possible to control the preservation duration and insulin secretion of islets.  相似文献   

The peptide guanylin, first isolated from rat small intestine, is involved in the regulation of water–electrolyte transport between the intracellular and extracellular compartments of the epithelia. The main sites of guanylin expression are the intestinal, airway, or exocrine gland ductal epithelia where guanylin acts in a paracrine/luminocrine fashion. Because guanylin also circulates in the blood, sources of this peptide were sought in endocrine glands. Our group has already demonstrated the presence of guanylin-immunoreactive cells in the pars tuberalis of male rat adenohypophysis. In this study, we investigated whether guanylin-immunoreactive cells exist also in the adenohypophysial pars distalis and whether their appearance or distribution correlates with various physiological conditions in female rats or alters after gonadectomy in both sexes. These studies revealed that the rat pars distalis contains two guanylin-immunoreactive cell types, gonadotrophic cells, whose number varied notably during the estrous cycle, reached a peak in the proestrous phase, and increased consistently during pregnancy, in lactating animals, and after gonadectomy, and folliculo-stellate cells, a discrete number of which were found only in female rats at the estrous phase. These findings suggest that guanylin is involved in regulating gonadotrophic cell function. They also add important information on the controversially discussed functions of folliculo-stellate cells.  相似文献   

Kinetics of intracellular ice formation (IIF) for isolated rat hepatocytes was studied using a cryomicroscopy system. The effect of the cooling rate on IIF was investigated between 20 and 400 degrees C/min in isotonic solution. At 50 degrees C/min and below, none of the hepatocytes underwent IIF; whereas at 150 degrees C/min and above, IIF was observed throughout the entire hepatocyte population. The temperature at which 50% of hepatocytes showed IIF (50TIIF) was almost constant with an average value of -7.7 degrees C. Different behavior was seen in isothermal subzero holding temperatures in the presence of extracellular ice. 50TIIF from isothermal temperature experiments was approximately -5 degrees C as opposed to -7.7 degrees C for constant cooling rate experiments. These experiments clearly demonstrated both the time and temperature dependence of IIF. On the other hand, in cooling experiments in the absence of extracellular ice, IIF was not observed until approximately -20 degrees C (at which temperature the whole suspension was frozen spontaneously) suggesting the involvement of the external ice in the initiation of IIF. The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) on IIF was also quantified. 50TIIF decreased from -7.7 degrees C in the absence of Me2SO to -16.8 degrees C in 2.0 M Me2SO for a cooling rate of 400 degrees C/min. However, the cooling rate (between 75 and 400 degrees C/min) did not significantly affect 50TIIF (-8.7 degrees C) in 0.5 M Me2SO. These results suggest that multistep protocols will be required for the cryopreservation of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (CP) biosynthesis in various organs of the rat was studied. It was found that the translation products of postmitochondrial extracts of various organs of the rat contain immunoreactive polypeptides of CP. In respect of proteolytic fragments formed during the digestion with staphylococcal protease V8, these polypeptides do not differ from one another. At the same time, in Golgi vesicles of the kidney, brain and liver the mature molecular forms of CP differ not only by their molecular properties, but also by the number of CP isoforms. For example, the organs which do not secrete CP, contain only one isoform of CP. The secreted form of CP was found to be tissue-nonspecific. The third molecular form of CP found in the liver has no counterparts in the other organs. Immunochemical analysis of mature forms of CP isolated from liver Golgi vesicles provided additional evidence in favour of molecular heterogeneity of CP secreted by the liver. The mechanism of production of multiple molecular forms of CP and their roles in copper metabolism are postulated.  相似文献   

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