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The KCNE3 β-subunit interacts with and regulates the voltage-dependent gating, kinetics, and pharmacology of a variety of Kv channels in neurons. Because a single neuron may express multiple KCNE3 partners, it is impossible to predict the overall functional relevance of the single transmembrane domain peptide on the pore-forming K+ channel subunits with which it associates. In the inner ear, the role of KCNE3 is undefined, despite its association with Meniere disease and tinnitus. To gain insights on the functional significance of KCNE3 in auditory neurons, we examined the properties of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) in Kcne3 null mutant neurons relative to their age-matched controls. We demonstrate that null deletion of Kcne3 abolishes characteristic wide variations in the resting membrane potentials of SGNs and yields age-dependent alterations in action potential and firing properties of neurons along the contour of the cochlear axis, in comparison with age-matched wild-type neurons. The properties of basal SGNs were markedly altered in Kcne3−/− mice compared with the wild-type controls; these include reduced action potential latency, amplitude, and increased firing frequency. Analyses of the underlying conductance demonstrate that null mutation of Kcne3 results in enhanced outward K+ currents, which is sufficient to explain the ensuing membrane potential changes. Additionally, we have demonstrated that KCNE3 may regulate the activity of Kv4.2 channels in SGNs. Finally, there were developmentally mediated compensatory changes that occurred such that, by 8 weeks after birth, the electrical properties of the null mutant neurons were virtually indistinguishable from the wild-type neurons, suggesting that ion channel remodeling in auditory neurons progresses beyond hearing onset.  相似文献   

(Na+ + K+)-ATPase from dog kidney lost its activity when heated at 55°C in the presence of 0.3 M 2-mercaptoethanol. Either heat treatment alone or addition of reducing agent at around 25°C caused little inactivation. One disulfide bond per protomer (mol. wt. 146000) was reduced in the inactivated sample but in active samples no reduction occurred. Neither K+-dependent phosphatase activity nor phosphoenzyme formation in the presence of Na+ was detected in the inactivated sample, suggesting that the disulfide bond was essential for the catalytic cycle of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. This essential disulfide bond belonged to the β-subunit, the glycoprotein component of the enzyme, indicating that the β-subunit may be an integral component of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase system.  相似文献   

Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase by insulin: Why and how?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sodium-potassium ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase or Na+/K+-pump) is an enzyme present at the surface of all eukaryotic cells, which actively extrudes Na+ from cells in exchange for K+ at a ratio of 3:2, respectively. Its activity also provides the driving force for secondary active transport of solutes such as amino acids, phosphate, vitamins and, in epithelial cells, glucose. The enzyme consists of two subunits ( and ) each expressed in several isoforms. Many hormones regulate Na+/K+ -ATPase activity and in this review we will focus on the effects of insulin. The possible mechanisms whereby insulin controls Na+/K+-ATPase activity are discussed. These are tissue- and isoform-specific, and include reversible covalent modification of catalytic subunits, activation by a rise in intracellular Na+ concentration, altered Na+ sensitivity and changes in subunit gene or protein expression. Given the recent escalation in knowledge of insulin-stimulated signal transduction systems, it is pertinent to ask which intracellular signalling pathways are utilized by insulin in controlling Na+/K+-ATPase activity. Evidence for and against a role for the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and mitogen activated protein kinase arms of the insulin-stimulated intracellular signalling networks is suggested. Finally, the clinical relevance of Na+/K+-ATPase control by insulin in diabetes and related disorders is addressed.  相似文献   

Capsazepine (CPZ) inhibits Na+,K+-ATPase-mediated K+-dependent ATP hydrolysis with no effect on Na+-ATPase activity. In this study we have investigated the functional effects of CPZ on Na+,K+-ATPase in intact cells. We have also used well established biochemical and biophysical techniques to understand how CPZ modifies the catalytic subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase. In isolated rat cardiomyocytes, CPZ abolished Na+,K+-ATPase current in the presence of extracellular K+. In contrast, CPZ stimulated pump current in the absence of extracellular K+. Similar conclusions were attained using HEK293 cells loaded with the Na+ sensitive dye Asante NaTRIUM green. Proteolytic cleavage of pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase indicated that CPZ stabilizes ion interaction with the K+ sites. The distal part of membrane span 10 (M10) of the α-subunit was exposed to trypsin cleavage in the presence of guanidinum ions, which function as Na+ congener at the Na+ specific site. This effect of guanidinium was amplified by treatment with CPZ. Fluorescence of the membrane potential sensitive dye, oxonol VI, was measured following addition of substrates to reconstituted inside-out Na+,K+-ATPase. CPZ increased oxonol VI fluorescence in the absence of K+, reflecting increased Na+ efflux through the pump. Surprisingly, CPZ induced an ATP-independent increase in fluorescence in the presence of high extravesicular K+, likely indicating opening of an intracellular pathway selective for K+. As revealed by the recent crystal structure of the E1.AlF4 -.ADP.3Na+ form of the pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase, movements of M5 of the α-subunit, which regulate ion selectivity, are controlled by the C-terminal tail that extends from M10. We propose that movements of M10 and its cytoplasmic extension is affected by CPZ, thereby regulating ion selectivity and transport through the K+ sites in Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Renal sodium reabsorption depends on the activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase α/β heterodimer. Four α (α1–4) and 3 β (β1–3) subunit isoforms have been described. It is accepted that renal tubule cells express α11 dimers. Aldosterone stimulates Na+,K+-ATPase activity and may modulate α11 expression. However, some studies suggest the presence of β3 in the kidney. We hypothesized that the β3 isoform of the Na+,K+-ATPase is expressed in tubular cells of the distal nephron, and modulated by mineralocorticoids. We found that β3 is highly expressed in collecting duct of rodents, and that mineralocorticoids decreased the expression of β3. Thus, we describe a novel molecular mechanism of sodium pump modulation that may contribute to the effects of mineralocorticoids on sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

The swamp eel, Monopterus albus, can survive in high concentrations of ammonia (>75 mmol l−1) and accumulate ammonia to high concentrations in its brain (∼4.5 µmol g−1). Na+/K+-ATPase (Nka) is an essential transporter in brain cells, and since NH4 + can substitute for K+ to activate Nka, we hypothesized that the brain of M. albus expressed multiple forms of Nka α-subunits, some of which might have high K+ specificity. Thus, this study aimed to clone and sequence the nka α-subunits from the brain of M. albus, and to determine the effects of ammonia exposure on their mRNA expression and overall protein abundance. The effectiveness of NH4 + to activate brain Nka from M. albus and Mus musculus was also examined by comparing their Na+/K+-ATPase and Na+/NH4 +-ATPase activities over a range of K+/NH4 + concentrations. The full length cDNA coding sequences of three nkaα (nkaα1, nkaα3a and nkaα3b) were identified in the brain of M. albus, but nkaα2 expression was undetectable. Exposure to 50 mmol l−1 NH4Cl for 1 day or 6 days resulted in significant decreases in the mRNA expression of nkaα1, nkaα3a and nkaα3b. The overall Nka protein abundance also decreased significantly after 6 days of ammonia exposure. For M. albus, brain Na+/NH4 +-ATPase activities were significantly lower than the Na+/K+-ATPase activities assayed at various NH4 +/K+ concentrations. Furthermore, the effectiveness of NH4 + to activate Nka from the brain of M. albus was significantly lower than that from the brain of M. musculus, which is ammonia-sensitive. Hence, the (1) lack of nkaα2 expression, (2) high K+ specificity of K+ binding sites of Nkaα1, Nkaα3a and Nkaα3b, and (3) down-regulation of mRNA expression of all three nkaα isoforms and the overall Nka protein abundance in response to ammonia exposure might be some of the contributing factors to the high brain ammonia tolerance in M. albus.  相似文献   

Astacus leptodactylus is a decapod crustacean fully adapted to freshwater where it spends its entire life cycle after hatching under huge osmoconcentration differences between the hemolymph and surrounding freshwater. We investigated the expression of mRNA encoding one ion transport-related protein, Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit, and one putative housekeeping gene, β-actin, during crayfish ontogenesis using quantitative real-time PCR. A 216-amino acid part of the open reading frame region of the cDNA coding for the Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit was sequenced from total embryo, juvenile and adult gill tissues. The predicted amino acid sequence showed a high percentage similarity to those of other invertebrates (up to 95%) and vertebrates (up to 69%). β-actin expression exhibited modest changes through embryonic development and early post-embryonic stage. The Na+/K+-ATPase α-subunit gene was expressed in all studied stages from metanauplius to juvenile. Two peaks of expression were observed: one in young embryos at 25% of embryonic development (EI = 100 μm), and one in embryos just before hatching (at EI = 420 μm), continuing in the freshly hatched juveniles. The Na+/K+-ATPase expression profile during embryonic development is time-correlated with the occurrence of other features, including ontogenesis of excretory antennal glands and differentiation of gill ionocytes linked to hyperosmoregulation processes and therefore involved in freshwater adaptation.  相似文献   

(Na(+)+K(+))-ATPase (NKA) comprises two basic α and β subunits: The larger α subunit catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP for active transport of Na(+) and K(+) ions across the plasma membrane; the smaller β subunit does not take part in the catalytic process of the enzyme. Little is known about allosteric regulation of the NKA β subunit. Here, we report a surprising finding that extracellular stimuli on the native β(1) subunit can generate a significant impact on the catalytic function of NKA. By using a β(1) subunit-specific monoclonal antibody JY2948, we found that the JY2948-β(1) subunit interaction markedly enhances the catalytic activity of the enzyme and increases the apparent affinity of Na(+) and K(+) ions for both ouabain-resistant rat NKA and ouabain-sensitive dog NKA. This study provides the first evidence to identify an allosteric binding site residing on the NKA β(1) subunit and uncovers the latent allosteric property of the β(1) subunit, which remotely controls the NKA catalytic function.  相似文献   

(Na++K+)-ATPase (NKA) comprises two basic α and β subunits: The larger α subunit catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP for active transport of Na+ and K+ ions across the plasma membrane; the smaller β subunit does not take part in the catalytic process of the enzyme. Little is known about allosteric regulation of the NKA β subunit. Here, we report a surprising finding that extracellular stimuli on the native β1 subunit can generate a significant impact on the catalytic function of NKA. By using a β1 subunit-specific monoclonal antibody JY2948, we found that the JY2948–β1 subunit interaction markedly enhances the catalytic activity of the enzyme and increases the apparent affinity of Na+ and K+ ions for both ouabain-resistant rat NKA and ouabain-sensitive dog NKA. This study provides the first evidence to identify an allosteric binding site residing on the NKA β1 subunit and uncovers the latent allosteric property of the β1 subunit, which remotely controls the NKA catalytic function.  相似文献   

目的:研究周期性张应力对Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性及其表达的影响,明确Na+/K+-ATPase在功能矫形中面颌肌肉适应性改建的生物和分子机制.方法:构建面颌肌细胞体外培养-力学刺激模型;应用多通道细胞牵张应力加载系统,对面颌肌细胞施加不同时段的张应力刺激,测定Na+/K+-ATPase的功能活性;运用实时荧光定量PCR研究周期性张应力刺激对Na+/K+-ATPase功能亚基α亚单位mRNA的影响.结果:Na+/K+-ATPaseα1,α2亚单位随着加力时间延长,表达增强,同对照组比较,呈一致性上调(P<0.001);细胞加力1小时,α1的mRNA表达不受影响;加力2小时后,α1和α2的mRNA表达呈现逐渐增强趋势,48 h时达到最大值.张应力刺激对α2亚单位的mRNA表达似乎更为敏感,加力lh时α2亚单位的mRNA表达水平即增加,增加量约为对照组的37.74%,具有显著的统计学意义.结论:周期性的机械牵张作用于培养的骨骼肌细胞,可诱导α1和α2亚单位mRNA的表达量增加;α1和α2亚单位对周期性张应力刺激的作用时间反应不同,α2亚单位的反应可能更为敏感.周期性张力刺激的增加所产生的压力可能是转录调节的主要因素;周期性张应力对骨骼肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase水解亚的调节作用不同,可能在面颌肌肉对功能矫形力的适应性改建中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

The Mr ≈ 100 000 α subunit was prepared from highly purified lamb kidney (Na++ K+)-ATPase. Its N-terminal sequence is Gly-Arg-Asx-Lys-Tyr-Glu. The α subunit was S-carboxymethylated, succinylated, and cleaved at its 40 arginine residues with trypsin. Four major, well-differentiated peptide fractions (A to D) were obtained by chromatography of the digest on a Sephadex G-50 column. Fraction A eluted at the void volume of the column and contained aggregated, very hydrophobic peptides, possibly from regions of α that are buried within the membrane lipid bilayer in the native enzyme. Fractions B to D, which together accounted for about 75% of the total protein, contained water-soluble peptides. To test the feasibility of using antibodies to identify and purify specific peptides of α subunit, studies were carried out using antibodies to native (Na++ K+)-ATPase. Carboxymethylation and succinylation did not significantly decrease total antibody binding to α subunit, although the affinity of the anti-(Na+ + K+)-ATPase antibodies for α subunit was reduced by about 50%. The tryptic peptides of a subunit also retain significant immunochemical reactivity. Fractions A, B and C (but not D) of the digest all bind antibodies. To characterize further the tryptic digest, 16 peptides from fraction D were isolated and sequence studies on these were carried out.  相似文献   

The Na+/K+-ATPase mediates electrogenic transport by exporting three Na+ ions in exchange for two K+ ions across the cell membrane per adenosine triphosphate molecule. The location of two Rb+ ions in the crystal structures of the Na+/K+-ATPase has defined two “common” cation binding sites, I and II, which accommodate Na+ or K+ ions during transport. The configuration of site III is still unknown, but the crystal structure has suggested a critical role of the carboxy-terminal KETYY motif for the formation of this “unique” Na+ binding site. Our two-electrode voltage clamp experiments on Xenopus oocytes show that deletion of two tyrosines at the carboxy terminus of the human Na+/K+-ATPase α2 subunit decreases the affinity for extracellular and intracellular Na+, in agreement with previous biochemical studies. Apparently, the ΔYY deletion changes Na+ affinity at site III but leaves the common sites unaffected, whereas the more extensive ΔKETYY deletion affects the unique site and the common sites as well. In the absence of extracellular K+, the ΔYY construct mediated ouabain-sensitive, hyperpolarization-activated inward currents, which were Na+ dependent and increased with acidification. Furthermore, the voltage dependence of rate constants from transient currents under Na+/Na+ exchange conditions was reversed, and the amounts of charge transported upon voltage pulses from a certain holding potential to hyperpolarizing potentials and back were unequal. These findings are incompatible with a reversible and exclusively extracellular Na+ release/binding mechanism. In analogy to the mechanism proposed for the H+ leak currents of the wild-type Na+/K+-ATPase, we suggest that the ΔYY deletion lowers the energy barrier for the intracellular Na+ occlusion reaction, thus destabilizing the Na+-occluded state and enabling inward leak currents. The leakage currents are prevented by aromatic amino acids at the carboxy terminus. Thus, the carboxy terminus of the Na+/K+-ATPase α subunit represents a structural and functional relay between Na+ binding site III and the intracellular cation occlusion gate.  相似文献   

目的:本研究在成功构建面颌肌细胞体外培养一力学刺激模型的基础上,探讨机械张应力对细胞内Na+水平和面颌肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性的影响.方法:本实验采用Blua法,对SD大鼠乳鼠面颌肌细胞进行体外原代培养、鉴定并绘制生长曲线;取第3代细胞接种于细胞加力板上,采用Forcel四点弯曲加力装置,对细胞分别施加1h、2h、4h、8h、12h、16h、24 h和48 h的张应力刺激,后测定细胞内Na+水平变化和Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性改变.结果:(1)Na+水平变化:与对照(不加力)组相比,加力1h细胞内Na+显著增加(P<0.05),并随加力时间延长逐渐降低,加力至12h时降到正常水平,再延长加力时间Na+无明显变化.(2) Na+/K+-ATPase功能活性变化:分别施加不同时间的周期性张应力后,Na泵的活性在加力8小时后才开始增加(0.5725mmolPi/mgPr.hr),随加力时间延长进一步增加,48小时后达到最大值(0.8963mmolPi/mgPr.h).结论:周期性张应力刺激会引起细胞内Na+的改变,并可以增加骨骼肌细胞Na+/K+-ATPase的活性.  相似文献   


Cardiotonic steroids (CTS) are steroidal drugs, processed from the seeds and dried leaves of the genus Digitalis as well as from the skin and parotid gland of amphibians. The most commonly known CTS are ouabain, digoxin, digoxigenin and bufalin. CTS can be used for safer medication of congestive heart failure and other related conditions due to promising pharmacological and medicinal properties. Ouabain isolated from plants is widely utilized in in vitro studies to specifically block the sodium potassium (Na+/K+-ATPase) pump. For checking, whether ouabain derivatives are robust inhibitors of Na+/K+-ATPase pump, molecular docking simulation was performed between ouabain and its derivatives using YASARA software. The docking energy falls within the range of 8.470?kcal/mol to 7.234?kcal/mol, in which digoxigenin was found to be the potential ligand with the best docking energy of 8.470?kcal/mol. Furthermore, pharmacophore modeling was applied to decipher the electronic features of CTS. Molecular dynamics simulation was also employed to determine the conformational properties of Na+/K+-ATPase-ouabain and Na+/K+-ATPase-digoxigenin complexes with the plausible structural integrity through conformational ensembles for 100?ns which promoted digoxigenin as the most promising CTS for treating conditions of congestive heart failure patients.  相似文献   

The orientation of amino groups in the membrane in the α- and β-subunits of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was examined by labeling with Boldon-Hunter reagent, N-succinimidyl 3-(4-hydroxy,5-[125I]iodophenyl)propionate), in right-side-out vesicles or in open membrane fragments from the thick ascending limbs of the Henles loop of pig kidney. Sealed right-side-out vesicles of basolateral membranes were separated from open membrane fragments by centrifugation in a linear metrizamide density gradient. After labeling, (Na+ + K+)-ATPase was purified using a micro-scale version of the ATP-SDS procedure. Distribution of label was analyzed after SDS-gel electrophoresis of α-subunit, β-subunit and proteolytic fragments of α-subunit. Both the α- and the β-subunit of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase are uniformly labeled, but the distribution of labeled residues on the two membrane surfaces differs markedly. All the labeled residues in the β-subunit are located on the extracellular surface. In the α-subunit, 65–80% of modified groups are localized to the cytoplasmic surface and 20–35% to the extracellular membrane surface. Proteolytic cleavage provides evidence for the random distribution of 125I-labeling within the α-subunit. The preservation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity and the observation of distinct proteolytic cleavage patterns of the E1- and E2-forms of the α-subunit show that the native enzyme structure is unaffected by labeling with Bolton-Hunter reagent. Bolton-Hunter reagent was shown not to permeate into sheep erythrocytes under the conditions of the labeling experiment. The data therefore allow the conclusion that the mass distribution is asymmetric, with all the labeled amino groups in the β-subunit being on the extracellular surface, while the α-subunit exposes 2.6-fold more amino groups on the cytoplasmic than on the extracellular surface.  相似文献   

It was found that ouabain and marinobufagenin, specific inhibitors of Na+,K+-ATPase, increased the contraction of the isolated rat diaphragm by ~15% (positive inotropic effect) at EC50 = 1.2 ± 0.3 nM and 0.3 ± 0.1 nM, respectively, which was indicative of the participation of the ouabain-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase α2 isoform. Analysis of the dose-response curves for the effect of ouabain on the resting membrane potential of muscle fibers in the absence and in the presence of 100 nM acetylcholine (hyperpolarizing the membrane) showed the presence of two pools of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 that differed in affinity for ouabain. Only the high-affinity pool (IC50 ~ 9 nM) mediates the hyperpolarizing effect of nanomolar concentrations of acetylcholine. Most likely, it is this pool of that is involved in the positive inotropic effect of ouabain, which can be a mechanism of regulation of the muscle function by circulating endogenous inhibitors of Na+,K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

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